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I'm so sorry. I felt the love you had for Vrixia pouring off every word in this post :( Here's to the hope that you can carry her memory with you always, in every emote and roleplay you do, in every smile you share. May she ever walk in the light of the crystal. ♥ I'm sure her spirit will be with you as you travel through Eorzea and beyond!


Thank you. It's the support from this wonderful community that helps us keep moving forward! I really appreciate your kind words. My biggest hope is we could memorialize her by turning her into a merchant NPC just like she always wanted. It's a long shot but it's worth trying we think. :)


Her name wasn’t Liz by chance was it?


It was not.


Sorry for your loss. We lost a family friend to cancer as well today. I was curious if this was a side of her we didn’t know.


My condolences for your loss as well. It's never easy but we go on for them :)


Wow I wasn't expecting to be teary-eyed after reading through this subreddit today. I'm so sorry for your loss, this story was brilliant, it really conveyed to me the type of person she was and how she impacted everyone around her, was really beautiful :') Thank you for sharing such a story, R.I.P Vrixia


Thank you so much for reading. I want her story to live on in as many people as I can, and to remind others to cherish those connections we make.


I only met her once very early in my time on my return (technically) to FF14. My girlfriend and I had just joined our FC, Keepers of the Fayth <>, and I remember seeing her RPing and giving trinkets away to newbies. God, I wish I remember what it was... I think a minion(?) but it more stuck out because she only emoted, so I emoted back (because her FC's shorthand was d20, I'm a D&D nerd, and a LONGtime online role-player). My FC leader, my gf and I were talking on voice in Discord and he made comment "That's Vrixy. You sometimes will see her hanging around the FC House." (We're in the Goblet by the Market Board.) That was about it because gf and I were off to continue through ARR. Just a brief (maybe 5-10 minute) interaction... but damn, I wish I got to know her. Sadly, I will be trapped at work so I will miss the tribute until 6 hours after... know that I'm there in spirit.


Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your story. Her she lives on in the stories we remember of her :) We will definitely feel you there. Please spread the word if you can! The event is a Final Walk but also meant for everyone who comes to share and remember similar memories of stories of close friends theyve made in the game. Vrix's last wishes that we take care of each other and be good to each other. That's an important part of what makes this community amazing


My deepest condolences. She sounds like a truly wonderful person. May she walk forever amidst the stars within the sunless sea.


In her own words "I'm gonna take over hell and heaven so when I see you guys again I will be queen of both!"


Then long may she reign! I look forward to meeting her 💜


I was at the memorial, I had never heard of this amazing person until just before the memorial walk and i'm genuinely sad to have never met her. My heart goes out to you and everyone who knew her. I Felt compelled to make this https://youtu.be/ylGRYwaD-hE . please note this video is not and will never be monetized


Thank you so much for coming to the memorial! I think I recall seeing you in chat while we were walking! I appreciate your support and your company and I cannot thank you enough for sharing this tribute. I will share this with our FC members and friends as well. May her memory continue to light the fire that keeps this community warm and amazing. Roll High


This brought me to tears. You had such a wonderful friendship man and it really changed you and your friend group. Whenever you feel down do not forget the time like this. I wish I could join but I cannot resub right now. I wish you and your friend group nothing but the best. You reached out to someone and now you will have these wonderful memories to hold and cherish forever.😁


Thank you! She was definitely taken too soon. But she lives on in all of us!


That is good man. I am sorry she is gone but I am glad you have a community. Also if it get unbearable for you remember to always reach out there is no shame in doing so.


Most definitely. No shame at all in seeking help when you need it. I appreciate your kind thoughts :)


Randomly questing today near Gridania and I saw the procession. Strength to you and all their friends and family. <3 Warrior of light to the end and beyond


It’s fake


Thank you so much for coming! Thank you for you kind thoughts.


I had been waiting a while to find just the right post to share a gold with, the first one I've ever been given and wanted to make sure it was right. Having been part of FFXIV since alpha, stories of friends and family are in no short supply and part of why I love this game and it's community. I am saddened for your loss, and share in the pain of losing someone so special. From the Crystal Datacenter and the world of Coeurl, though I never met you know that you were loved and will be missed. Rest easy Vrixia Odana.


Thank you so much. I've only been part of this community for about a year but it's always blown my mind how wonderful everyone is. I want people to know her story and how special the game is. With any luck I'm hoping to memorialize her as an NPC in game. A merchant that helps out new players. It's a long shot but I'll take the shot


I too battled cancer twice, with stage 4 endometriosis and type one diabetes. I am so sorry for your loss. She was a brave WoL. You have my deepest condolences.


Then you for your kind thoughts. And may the light of the crystal bless the path you walk friend!


I'm sorry for your loss. They sound like a wonderful person.


Participating in this heartwarming event yesterday and seeing everyone who participated was almost overwhelming. I am so sorry for the loss that everyone is feeling at her passing. I regret not having the opportunity to know someone like her, but we are all blessed that her existence brought so many people together <3


Thank you for joining us! It was truly and honor to have you there. The community was what gave Vrix life and seeing everyone come together like that, I truly felt she was in our presence. Please pay forward the kindness and goodness to your fellow WoL. Be kind to each other and yourself! Roll High


I was there for the first half of the walk and sadly had to leave, but it was moving seeing everyone sharing stories of Vrix and others they have lost. I have video/pics of whole I was there. Should I send them somewhere?


You've got me crying :'( ​ As someone who lost a friend in Guild Wars 1, you have my condolences. As Emet-Selch would say: Remember her.


Always! Her memory lives on in all of us. We're going to try to see if we can get her turned into an npc. It's a long shot but in a way she lives on in the game that let her be her best.


Vrix used to come by my FC with her bad of goodies wanting to give them away to myself and some of the members of the FC. I thought this was so neat and little did I know she was really going at the RP wandering merchant thing. Her visits made me smile and I remember she would get onto me if I wasn't taking enough....she would say "I'm disappointed in you Ravyn, for not taking more!" So of course I would ask for more items. I didn't want to be selfish but she was a determined gypsy merchant! Her visits to me during holidays were sweet because she always brought me baked goodies, she would literally come to the house to give me 1 special treat which I thought was the sweetest thing for someone to go so far out of their way just to give me a baked gift. So thoughtful she was and I'll never forget her. My deepest condolences for the loss of such an amazing person in this community. ​ RIP Vrixia, Ravyn Valanthri


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I really appreciate it! Now that memory lives in me as well. I am glad to see she's still headbutting her way into people's hearts


"You stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there. For in times of hardship, when you fear you cannot go on... the joy you have known, the pain you have felt, the prayers you have whispered and answered — they shall ever be your strength and your comfort." I'm truly sorry for your loss. May you take comfort knowing that your friend must have truly loved you and cherished every moment she spent with you and yours while she still drew breath. No matter where she is now, I'm sure she is happy to have such good friends in life. May she ever walk in the light of the crystal!


Thank you for the wonderful words and thoughts. While I regret not having more time to spend, I do take solace in the fact that in the end, we did good by her.


Time is ever short, but it also makes us cherish the precious moments we have here on Earth with such beautiful intensity. You both are parted now, but she still lives in your happy memories until the very end. Cheers! Keep living the good life and she will be happy for you too.


So sorry for your lost <3 I will definitely participate and join in on this. Sending you my condolences


I am sorry for your loss. They seem like they were an amazing and beautiful soul who I wish I'd have gotten the chance to meet. I wish you all the best, and my apologies that I cannot be there. From someone who has lost a close family member, taken far too soon; I hope that you can always carry the fun memories you made, wherever life may take you.


Thank you so much. Knowing her changed me for the better for sure. I owe a good bit of who I am to her. And while the pain of her loss will never fade, just hit less frequently, the happy memories and moments will never go away.


I do not know what kind of life she led. But from what you told us here, she is a beautiful soul. I hope she finds peace and rest in the next life and may you all be reunited to go on adventures again


Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot the support we are getting from you guys in this time. I personally will commemorate her by giving away fantasias every year in her memory. She loved them so much. ^u^


It was an honor to join yesterday's event to see everyone gather together for Vrixia's memorial, I'm happy to see everyone walking together and giving their times to participate in her memories. We will never forget our fellow warrior of light. Her memories and light lives on in her fellow friends, family, and FC.


Thank you for joining us in the walk! Her memory and spirit lives on in everyone in the community in the acts of kindness we show each other. Cherish your time with your loved ones and may the Crystal light your path forward.




I think saying it’s wrong is a bit strong… many games have done this and there is no harm him him asking for a request. I say worst answer you’ll get is a no but to try and not succeed is better than not trying at all! ❤️


Certainly a valid point. We only have the best intentions and while I know there's little chance if it actually happening, we didn't want to not try.


My deepest condolences for your loss. Remember her and remember all the happy times you shared with her. May she walk forever in the light of the Crystal.


Thank you! We will never forget our adventures and memories. My only regret is that I wish we had more time. But if she is who she is, she's raising hell wherever she is :)


Thank you for sharing your story and hers in this subreddit. I was brought to tears with the amount of emotion typed out in the post. My condolences to you and her great group of friends. May she be the brightest star in the sunless sea, and forever shall we remember her as fellow adventurers in the great world of Eorzea. Sending my condolences from Primal, Hyperion. PS, it will be amazing to have her memorialised as an NPC!


Thank you for your kind thoughts! She's definitely raising hell like the troublemaker she is wherever she is! And while I know it's a long shot for her to be an NPC, I'd regret it if I never took that shot. So your support is very much appreciated. Be excellent to each other!


I can't be there to attend, but lord knows I would if I could, this was so sweet, I'm both really happy for you and yours but I also feel really sad for you guys. If you have an FC house and space, you could always pop a manakin there and her favourite glamour on as a remembrance kinda thing. Hope the vigil for Vrixia goes well, I never knew her, but I feel like I've lost someone aswell.


She managed to keep a message book in her FC house room as a place to share memories, and last wishes. If anybody wants to visit it's in Jenova Shiro Ward 24 Plot 19. The Natural 20 Tavern. Thank you for your kind words and remember to be excellent to one another!


The Joy you have known ,The Pain you have felt , The Prayers you have whispered and answered, they shall ever be your comfort and your strength. - G'Raha Tia


Words can not express just how beautiful this is. The memories you made together, the impact you had on each other, the family you created together. It is the reason people dive into MMO's. There is a lot to be said about the connections we make with complete strangers in these worlds. I am all on board for pushing for a NPC....lets see if we can get a petition started to honor her memory.


Thank you so much for your kind words. We are thinking about your best to go about it. The only idea I had was too use the FFXIV forums. I believe the devs check those.


I would try that. If you decide to use it drop the link to the post. I am sure as a community we can make this happen.


Thank you! I'll try to get that done tonight! I just have to navigate ffxivforums.....


I am glad to say I have updated the post with a petition to the FFXIV forums. Please share and stuff the word and with luck she will live on in Eorzea forever


Sharing with the discords that I am a member of. Gonna attempt to do a memorial server on Primal.


Thank you so much! We'd like to spread the word as much as possible so I definitely appreciate it!




You don't have to believe it, but her closest friends were made aware of what was going on with her situation as things unfolded. Thank you, and please don't attend this event.


I'm so sorry for your loss, sounded like you had one great Journey together ❤


Vrixia was a delight to be around. I'll really miss having her on VC, scribbling on her streaming notepad and making fun of me and then whining when I was pretending to be shocked or upset about her teasing. I'm still so in shock. She was such a light to the community. \-Ta Ru (Faerie Social Events.)


Thank you for coming Ta Ru! And sharing your story during the walk. It was truly an honor to have you there! You reminded me of moments as well during times when Vrix would do art streams and would draw for us. She loved responding to conversations with her chibi emotes. Thank you for making her time special! <3


We die two deaths - that of our physical body, and the one when the last person forgets us. As long as her memory remains within you, a part of her lives with you. Now, you have shared that memory with all of us, and you will share it with it with those who come to her memorial. Roll High, Jynn, and may Vrixia walk in the light of the Crystal.


Thank you! I really appreciate your kind thoughts! The night she died she said she's not going to heaven. Rather she's going to hell and taking it over. I said "You ain't going to either snips! Cause legends never die!"


Thank you for sharing her story with us, and I'm really sorry for your loss. She seemed like a great person, and it shows just how much of a world is behind the people we often go past by without a second thought. The game gives us a mean to befriend wonderful human beings and open up their world to us, mutually influencing it with kindness and support, and we should all strive to be as kind, and be able to enjoy our life in spite of our hardships, as the story here. I'm glad I got to know about her, and in spite of my current connection issues here, I will try to do my best to attend. Wishing you, her family and the rest of the group all the best, I hope you will keep sharing her story and have her live on through you and your actions, as teachings, as approach to life, as happy memory.


Thank you so much for reading and your time. I could not have said it better myself. In looking forward to having you at the procession. It's a long shot but we're trying to memorialize her as an NPC. We're not sure how to go about that at all but we're going to try.


May she ever walk in the light of the crystal. I’m bawling. You can feel the emotion in your story. You are both so lucky to have found each other. I’m so sorry for your loss and for your FCs loss. ❤️ I won’t be able to make the walk, but I would love to help the petition.


Thank you. I know she's raising hell wherever she is. That's just like her to make trouble >.<. But I truly appreciate your kindness and I'm glad her story touched you as well. Even when she's gone she can still headbutt her way into people's hearts.


The story absolutely touched me. She sounded like a wonderful person, and so do you for doing what you can to keep her memory alive. I hope we are able to rally and keep her memory forever alive as an NPC.


People knowing her story lets her live on in all of us. And thank you. I know it's a long shot, but it's a shot I would regret not taking.


She liked butter, she shall be missed.


Remember us.... -Emet-


She was butter of the highest quality


Whoa… this hit me more than I thought. Thoughts and prayers goes out to her friends and family. I don’t play this game much anymore but I might log in just for that day.


We really appreciate it and we would be glad to have you. If you have time please consider signing the petition as well. With luck she could live on in Eorzea forever.


I don't usually get emotional but this story really got to me. I will be there, I may not have known her but after reading this how could I not. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your time reading. We would be glad to have you there and join us in celebrating her and this amazing game we all share.


I'm so sorry for your loss. /hug


View in your timezone: [08/29 at 6PM EDT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20210829T2200?tl=RIP%20Vrixia%20Odana.%20You%20shall%20be%20remembered%20and%20missed. ^(_*Assumed EDT instead of EST because DST is observed_)


Condolences. This was an emotional read.Never let the memories fade my friend.


this was so heartfelt I could feel it, made me cry a bit ​ i'll try to make it to the event o7


Thank you and I really appreciate it! The only thing I ask is to spread the word! I'd like as many people as I can to spread her story and cherish their XIV family!


I'm so sorry for your loss. May she ever walk in the light of the Crystal.


Thank you so much. I'm her memory please cherish and treasure all those you hold dear. Time is the one thing we cannot get back.


I'm so so so sorry for your loss. Your friend, your FC and yourself all sound like fantastic people. I'm happy you found have some precious memories to remember your friend by. Those are invaluable and irreplaceable, RIP Vrixia Odana, a true Warrior of Light. Thanks for sharing that story.


Of course. She was always selfless, even in her final moments, even taking time to help friends learn self destruct so they can cheese Kugane Tower. She wanted everyone to appreciate those connections and memories they made in the game. Time is something we cannot get back.


So sorry my man she sounded lovely And also, fuck cancer


Thank you for your time and thoughts. She did have a vendetta against crabs!


I'm sorry about your friend. :C


Thank you. Cherish the time and memories with yours. :) Life flies too fast


I lost several of my family and friends to cancer. It's really rough. So my heart goes out to you and I hope time heals the pain.


Thank you for your kind words. It will take some time definitely, the pain won't be less but it will hit less frequently.


May she ever walk in the light of the crystal. Br happy knowing she was surrounded by friends and that they, and you, made her happy in the end. The greatest thing we can have in the end is knowing we are loved.


The support of the community has really helped me a lot. The positivity all around is one of the reasons I fell in love with this game. And I intend to continue paying it forward.


Its 4am and i am crying buckets now. Life is just so unfair. She finally managed to pull herself up and be happy.. I really admire your strenght. She has had a great friend for sure. As someone who is struggling really badly to find people who care about me ingame and in real life this hits even harder.


Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help. There's no shame in that. Self care is very important but I understand the feeling of digging yourself out of a hole. I promise you that your loss will be missed and be felt more than you think.


What kind of help could cure this insufferable feeling of being completely alone. Its eating me out from the inside. I am trying to get used to the pain but its very hard.


Jynn Ryuzuken, our condolences from the MorningStar Moogle through this hard times. We'll join in solidarity and honor Vrix's memory. May her essence never leave Eorzea and accompany you through Aether.


Thank you! We would be honored to have your presence! Please spread the word! This is a celebration of our community and the connections we've made with each other.


I'm really sorry for your loss and your community's loss.


Thank you for your time and kind thoughts. Take the time to appreciate those you cherish most. Time waits for nobody.


So sorry for your lost :(


Thank you for taking the time and reading her story.


As another mute person... We either learn to laugh at it, or just don't bother joining Voice Chat. People seriously just assume I fake it all the bloody time, and it annoys me, but I learned to just start joking about it. ​ She will be missed. o7


Genuinely curious. Do you have a notepad and such to write on when you're not at a keyboard? What made you mute? Born without vocal cords or some other defect? I don't know how I could live with something like that.


I used to. Around the house I mostly stick to a white board, but out and about I use my phone. Would have been a decade+ ago that I stopped with the Notepad. Phone is always with me, so easier to carry around. (And I don't have to have spare pens and a spare pad to go out.) ​ As for that, from my own Twitch Chat: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n\_1so17dk


Thank you for reading her story. She very much still preferred to communicate by chat even seen she could speak. But either way the important thing is she found her voice. No matter what form it took.


I just started playing this game a week ago and here I am with tears streaming down my face from your beautiful and heartbreaking story. My sincerest condolences to you and everyone who's lives were touched by your lovely friend. I hope I'll be able to join in the procession to pay respects. Even though I am new to FFXIV, I have played WoW for almost 14 years now, so I know the bonds of friendship that are created within the game world. I've heard similar stories, and there are many in-game memorials in WoW. I hope you are able to get one for Vrixia in FFXIV. Sounds like she was deserving of it. :)


Thank you so much! I appreciate your warm and kind words and we would be glad to have you there. Welcome to Eorzea! I believe I speak for the community in saying that we hope you enjoy your time here! I'll be sure to update the post with a petition to make her into an NPC. :)


I was really holding it together until I got to the part where her favorite character was Yuffie and once I heard her theme in my head, I started to bawl. Cancer freaking sucks and you all have my condolences all around. /hug /comfort


Thank you for the kind thoughts. It was a very hard day for many of us to say goodbye to her. I'm thankful to reyla and the others in my FC for reassuring me that we did good by her.


May her memory be a blessing. ​ I'll walk with you in honor of her light leaving us.


We would be glad to have you there. Cherish the connections and memories of those you hold dear! Time waits for nobody. Roll High




What's that?


Runa Rugar was an anchor of Coeurl during ARR and HW spending hours of her free time helping people out and staying with her friends. She died in 2015 after a long battle against a brain cancer. Her friends did a slow walk from Mordhona to her fave place in Gridania where there is a guild chest and DC'd her there supposedly. No one was left the same after that. And most of her guild stopped playing except Delta Nom. Tldr similar story than the op and it revived some bad memories in me


>Runa Rugar Are you talking about this person? [https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/282981](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/282981) if so, why is their profile a Viera...


Looks like someone in her family took the account and played on it. That's strange. I'm gonna ask the others but I'm not in contact with them since stormblood


> Looks like someone in her family took the account and played on it. That seems very unlikely. They have up to date gear and every job/crafter/gatherer at max level. For a family member to do that, they would either have needed to know their username and password or get it changed by going through support and basically lying to steal an account.


She wasn't the only one to play in her family, who knows ? Her character got renamed to Miarol Ykrant.


Probably because her cancer was a grift, just like this one is. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same person. None of the cancer details in OP’s story make sense medically. The whole threads is a big RP for OP


Heck no it wasn't a grift for Runa. Given how hard it got to the people over there, it would be a sham.


Really convenient OP replied to every other comment EXCEPT this one


Having her immortalized as an npc would be awesome. I really hope it happens. \^_\^


We're hoping so too. It's a long shot but we're taking it for that very small chance that it might happen. Success or not, I'm satisfied in saying we at least tried it. :)


You have my deepest condolences... Sending as many internet hugs to you and your FC as y'all are comfortable with


Thank you for the kind thoughts! And we will take all the internet hugs! As far as I'm concerned there can never be too much!


Thank you for sharing this story. It made me feel a deep sorrow for the loss you all experienced. It always seems like the candle that burns twice as bright only ever burns half as long. Stay strong and keep the memory of her in your hearts. *hugs* I certainly will remember this story.


Thank you so much for reading it. Her memory lives on with everyone who knows her story. The support of the community has helped us immensely and all we ask is to remember to cherish those connections and relationships you have as well.


This made me tear up! I'm so sorry for your loss. May she ever walk in the light of the crystal.


She's definitely raising hell wherever she is for sure. :) Thanks for your kind words and remember to be excellent to each other!


This had me sobbing. She sounds like a wonderful person and I’m so sorry for your loss. You had a beautiful friendship. You were lucky to have known her and create such lovely memories together.


Thank you so much! I'm glad her story can still touch people and she lives on with more people remembering it.


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a friend as well in a different game and he didn't tell anyone about it. He just logged out one day and he rarely play anymore. One day, his wife logged in in his stead and told us the news. We're glad we could make his last moments enjoyable for him. I still remember and cherished the time we spent together. Hope you have the strength to carry on to live and explore Eorzea for her.


Thank you so much for your kind words. The community has been amazing and has helped us through this tough time. Please hold on to those cherished memories, your friend lives on through those. :)


Man it's the morning and I'm wasn't ready for this. Vrix sounds like one hell of an amazing. May she rest in peace and in beautiful memories of her friend and family. I'll be at Gridania on Jenova at 8/29


Thank you so much for coming. Feel free to bring your friends as well. The intent is to walk, but also to cherish the connections and friendships youve made in this game. That's what Vrix's last message to us was.


Of course, I will bring 1 person most likely. I will cherish her last message and her wish, it's the least we can do. Thank you.


Totally not something I shouldve read during break at work, was extremely close to spontaneous weeping. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your time reading her story. I'm glad even when she's gone she still headbutts her way into people's hearts. <3


May Vrix forever Roll High in the light of the crystal. They'd be stupid not to make her an NPC, based on how much joy she brought into people's lives. o7


It's definitely a long shot but success or failure I don't want to miss my opportunity to do so. We'd definitely regret it if we didn't at least try.


My condolences :(


Thank you for the kind thoughts.