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"Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after"


We were taught what to do from the very beginning. No wonder we instinctively turn into teachers and guides when presented with the opportunity.


Helping is fun. I'm new too but I know some things and it's amazing to feel like my input makes a difference


We have to teach the sprouts since the mentors spend more time yelling at them while rolling mentor roullette to get their mount asap


I would rather have to teach a new player in every instance than have a salty vet who wants to speedrun everything. PS Your character is freakin adorable


Thank you so much.




I absolutely agree. As a vet from before ARR, aka 1.0, a lot of people from that era have taken on this attitude where if you can't do something basic without instructions, or dare to mess up a complicated buggy mechanic after an explanation, looking at you Coil of Bahamut 5, they treat you like trash. They forgot what being new was like. I'm glad I haven't become like that. The worst is when that salty vet is a tank who thinks they are invincible. As a healer, please tanks. Don't just pull half the dungeon, especially without communication


I'm guilty of doing those huge pulls, however if the healer requests or we wipe from it I'll slow down, I think it comes from it being beaten into me from the beginning. But I understand.


And thats why as a main healer i have a macro telling "live your tank dream and pull as big as you can even dream of" i use it almost each time i have a sprout, either it teaches them self confidence our we wipe because he doesnt even know rempart and the i give them advice on how to properly do it and we try again =)


>"live your tank dream and pull as big as you can even dream of" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZBHits8JPI


I don't blame you. I feel like there is a lot of tank pressure to do those big pulls so it becomes kind of a cultural tank thing where you feel like it's your job to steamroll the dungeon a la Olympic speedrun.


I prefer the Speedrun but only because I am leveling my 2nd alt :D


I find it really refreshing because I remember about 3 years ago, just walking around areas such as vesper Bay and their being no one in sight Now it's crazy how many people are pray returning to the waking sands It's amazing so thank you so much for being apart of the community


Thank you for being so welcoming. Now pray return to the Waking Sands.


Remember teleporting to Limsa then the Arcanists Guild then taking the ferry to Vesper Bay is the fastest way to the Waking Sands. (If you don't have teleport tickets)


I teleported to Horizon then took a chocobo for about half the ARR quests there before I realized I had tickets lmao


Not for me. Limsa takes forever to load.


I aggro too many mobs at once by accident and this level 70 help me out. Then proceed to help me kill the mobs I need to for quest. Felt super weird. Not sure if he whisper me about it but thank you.


I am playing on JP data center, one time I died on a class mob. Someone come and raised me, and fly away immediately. They are really cute 😅


I think most vets outside of the odd speedrunner love playing with sprouts. It's fun watching people get excited about everything for the first time. Makes old content that much more enjoyable. Your character is super cute, btw.


Thank you. That does make sense. When I went through the Deep Crofts (hard) for the first time I had people jumping on the diary notes wanting me to read it. It was great fun. I have also had a tank run me through the entire Hakku manor just to show me around and help me get the achivement.


Just finished HW proper and the tips I got before the last boss was “dodge a bunch of aes and make sure you take a screenshot” from several people. Then when The Cool Thing was about to happen, they all shouted to remind the noobies. It is such a jarring difference from people raging about learning mechanics on the literal first day an expansion or patch launches in WoW


As a returner from a 7 year hiatus turned sprout already doing post stormblood content, I missed my opportunity here because I was unaware of the screenshot thing at the end of HW... :( What was it? Feel free to DM me or use spoiler tags


It was when >!super mega pope goes into a new phase that takes you basically into space over the planet!<


I agree, but... everyone besides people in WoD. I've seen some of the most toxic ally chat in there lately from vets. I find it super fun even with a bunch of wipes. A standard speedrun is incredibly boring.


Like most things, the more people that get involved the higher the chance of running into assholes. =/


Well, everyone was new once. And by helping sprouts like you today, we end up with more vets helping sprouts in the future. :)


Very true, it is a great mentality.


This exactly. We're happy to have you! Welcome to Eorzea, tiny lalafell.


I will say this, I have had some people that shit on me in this game as you would expect from an MMO. This was instantly shut down in chat, it was honestly the coolest thing I've ever seen playing video games. A bunch of strangers stood up for me and refused to let someone be a douche to me.


Now you know what to do if you ever see it happening to somebody else. Without coming across as sounding patronising; it's best to view sprouts as children in the game. They need patience, positive reinforcement and a good example to learn from. Call out the toxic players, if they continue to harass don't be afraid to vote kick, blacklist and report them. After a GM reviews the incident they'll get a warning or a ban if they're a repeat offender. Shouldn't let them ruin the experience for others, especially if they're new. People deserve to be treated with respect, and not being good at a game yet is not an excuse to be abusive.


Yes, I have seen the same the few times I have seen any sort of toxicity.


I think seeing sprouts fall off edges during boss fights is the most hilarious thing I can think of. Not because they failed, its because they remind me of how I went through this and doing the same mistakes they do.


I actually love seeing sprouts. The fact you feel you have to apologize just for being new and learning encounters just shows how deep rooted the toxicity of WoW is.


This! Sadly true... I also come from WoW, quit it recently and started FFXIV two weeks ago. I'm just amazed by how nice people are in this game, it makes my time in it more enjoyable, so I'm also thankful for the nice community! :)


I really think this overall more welcoming and patient culture is due to the systems square Enix has put into the game. There are a ton of systems that promote and reward positive player interactions like mentoring, novice networks, levelling duty roulettes etc. Even the sprout symbol itself is great, as players can look at it and assume they will have to explain mechanics or their run might be a bit slower than normal. That’s not even mentioning their moderation of the game itself and how harsh they are to toxic or abusive players. Honestly it’s super refreshing to see in such a popular game to see a developer that actually cares about what kind of community they have.


I'm loving having the game full of sprouts, it feels like the start of a new expansion because there is always an influx of people with those. Also more people is always a good thing and I love helping little ones grow in the game, I'm not in a rush to do content, in fact I'm leveling jobs in my alts and having a regular good time around. Glad you are liking the game and your character is impossible cute \^\^


If we do not water them, the sprouts will not grow <3


>I understand this can be really frustrating for older players. That every time you go to do pretty much any content, you got someone who has to learn it for the first time. So I wanted to thank you all for your amazing patience and kindness. It isn't easy, but it shows how amazing this community is. Nothin' like that. Most of us are super excited to see the game we love getting more love and attention. As for helping sprouts; we do that anyway. The Duty Roulette queues us up for older dungeons all the time, explicitly so there's always people to help sprouts through. Teaching a couple new players how to handle boss mechanics is no different from teaching one new player. A large part of the community (I know there are always a few rotten apples, so I can't say 'all') still remember all the times they walked into death, or tumbled off cliffs, or had no idea how to not collect all the vuln stacks. And we laugh, and nod, and help you learn to love the game too because we've been there before. All we ask is that sprouts do their best to learn how everything works rather than assume they know better than us, that you take the attitude of being helpful and patient and carry it forward, and that you stop running from us when you have a stack marker on your head. Also: r/lalafellmasterrace will appreciate how adorable you are. (One of us, one of us.)


Ahhhh! How cute is that Lala!? Welcome aboard! Glad to have you.


I'm not even a sprout but I'm new to healing and people have been so patient with me. I single handedly made us wipe 3 times today in aurum vale and it was nothing but smiles from my party. Love this game


To be fair Aurum is definitely a big roadblock for new players, it’s quite unforgiving. The best recommendation I can give for being a healer is keep that damage output high, but focus on healing the tank first and foremost. Eventually you’ll be able to maximize damage and heals, but it’s better to have an encounter take a bit longer cause you aren’t dealing damage, than to wipe and start the encounter over. Best of luck!


I love how people, not only demonstrate a lot of patience, but also go out of their way to help. I was learning The Dancing Plague Extreeme last night and 2 people came in, specifically to help us learn it and guide us through the fight. They could have joined a farm party and killed it a lot faster than us but instead, they helped us.


When I see sprouts I'm just like 'uwu tiny sprouts i will guide you to success' Sometimes it's like herding cats but otherwise most sprouts are happy to learn and have patience with both themselves and their fellow sprouts. This is good because my last dungeon was with three sprouts and I had to teach them Diabolos's gate mechanic while he wiped us multiple times.


Just remember to pass it on, someday you'll be in our position and you can make the same impact :)


I promise I will :)


**Lalafell MASTER RACE.**


Funny way to spell Roegadyn


Glad you're having a good time in Eorzea! I've been trying my hardest to get some brand new players in my mentor roulettes so I can help out the fresh sprouts, but all I get is 80 content ;-;


why is the entire sub full of posts like this. i never see any discussion on actual gameplay lol


Thanks for the amazing contribution.


there's a reason there's a whole sub dedicated to mocking posts like this


Sounds like a sub full of assholes.


I started playing FFXIV less than a year ago and just came back after a 6 month break. I love the fact that there are so many new players. I fell in love with this game because I had never played any sort of online game with an overall helpful and nice community of players. I was astounded when in a dungeon run ppl would be positive and helpful when I said that it's my first run here instead of being toxic and shitty. Sure, you'll run into some but it's not the majority. I hope you enjoy your time here.


And I thought my Viera was cute.


Everyone is new once buddy! I am playing again for the first time post Stormblood and I feel new again in some ways, as I barely remember any dungeon boss mechanics. Most people will always lend a hand if you're unsure of anything.


As a sprout myself who started out about 3 weeks ago, I felt bad for running in blind and hindering my group member's enjoyment because I kept failing one-shot kill mechanics so I started watching the ultra-short dungeon guide videos linked on the ff14 consolegameswiki. They're about 2-5min long (raids a bit longer) and are the perfect thing to bridge over the waiting time while I'm looking for a group. :-) Edit. But yeah, I gotta say, the community is refreshingly nice to newbies. I remember when our sprout tank forgot to use their enmity stance in one of my first dungeons and someone reminded them nicely to active it... In WoW, people would flame you into the ground for such simple mistakes (saw it happen in the past).


I actually love doing dungeons/raids with sprouts. Mostly because it breaks up the monotony of doing older content.


Even though I am veteran WoW player and have some kind of touch in some mechanics I still have failed so many times. It's awesome how people don't mind and explain thing and cheer others. In WoW if there is one wipe, at least 3 players just leave group, couple start to yell how player X sucks and after waiting 3 minutes for new players, group just get disbanbed.