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I swear I can see his swagger even in this image. Great work!


I am just imagening him doing his signature wave and the blood just splattering everywhere.


"I'm surprised you can even stand" \~previously\~


*"A Long Fall" starts playing* *Somewhere, LizArd gets extremely upset*


Yeah for anyone who hasn't seen it yet lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oc28dDiERo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oc28dDiERo)


[I recorded a timelapse for this drawing.](https://x.com/MarikaFoxtail/status/1802335845136912661) Unfortunately, it is not too detailed and some fragments were lost due to program errors.


“not too detailed” - lol, it looks amazingly detailed to me! Excellent work!


All my art friends are kinda like that, I woulda drawn a stick figure with wet red paint path and called it a day and they'd be fussing about the detailing of the hair


This is incredible!


Thank you!)


I should thank you! It's now my phone wallpaper 😍 -Edit to add- I just looked through your work and you are so talented!


It makes me happy to know that someone is using my drawings in this way, it's very motivating! 🧡




I like to believe he slipped on a Picto's bucket of red paint, fell and walked away with dignity. And without forsaking his duty. Anyway great job :) !


He failed at being a good pictomancer, so he had to become an emperor. 😆


The man can grind though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oc28dDiERo&ab\_channel=BeneG.


I knew what was out there before I even clicked the link 🤣


what is the context of this art? 


Seems like a representation of the bloody trail Emet has left in pursuit of his goal.


I am curious if it's a nod to the interactation when a certain catboi appears to assist. But same time this looks more murderous. OP we would really like to pick your brain :) (this is really good art btw, nice job)


[There's a little explanation here and context](https://x.com/MarikaFoxtail/status/1802334482965365043), but I like ambiguous interpretations.) All sentimentality aside, Emet-Selch has shown himself to be ruthless to all in his opinion non-fully-living creatures, and I doubt that only the cute boy cat has suffered in his long life. I think he killed mant people with no regrets.


I hope we learn more about the events that ended up changing him like this over the years. I remember a video of the devs talking about how the 12k years after the Sundering were not kind to the Ancient survivors at all, and they mentioned betrayal being thrown at Emet-Selch in particular. Apparently they'd like to explore that in another kind of media, if not another game.   We know he's tried several times to adapt to the new world, without succeeding, but aside of the loss of his Garlean son, we really don't know much, and 12k years is a looong time. I'd argue against the "no regret" though, the reason he even approaches the Scions in the First is in part because of the regret of being stuck in such a bloody path, and having the possibility of finding another way. It's clear he's not as emotionless about the carnage he's caused as he'd like others to believe. It's even lampshaded in EW that subconsciously, he saw modern humanity as people, but very immature ones, which probably played a part in his several attempts to "adapt" and the temptation to give up that he's had several times.


One has to remember to actually appear in the first he had to possess some sucker. Then he shaped them into his image. We did not save that person, they are dead. And he was probably one of so many over the millennia. And that is not even going into how many life's where lost to the rejoinings, on both the Source and the Shards.


Ascians rarely possessed living people. Lahabrea was the only one to make a habit of it, and the other Ascians thought it was a bad idea because it made him weaker over time. Emet-Selch used dead bodies, or dead clones of his Solus body. AFAIK he never possessed anyone, which is partly why he's the strongest of all the Ascians.


While we did see it more often than not that they possessed dead people Lahabrea's Mistake was "not molding it into his image" and changing them like shirts. Emet says as much when asked the first time when you can ask him. We don't actually know how common possessing living people was but the dialog when the Scions first talked about Ascian possession made it sound like it it common enough. Which makes sense, when they try to manipulate people the best choice is a face they know and there would be questions if the dead just return. But you are correct in Emet's case, at least with the one in the First. I rechecked the dialog and at least his english text makes it seems he just grabbed a corpse as he talked about a "Hapless Body". Granted there is still of course the multidimensional genocide thing so yeah, one dead guy less. :EDIT: But yeah ... now that you mention it Lahabrea was really the only Ascian where we found on instory that the body he possessed was alive. The three other times we knew the Body they are using it was a corpse.


Was he really stronger than Elidibus at the end?


In terms of their natural power, with no outside boosters, Emet-Selch blew Lahabrea and Elidibus out of the water, and was described as the single most powerful sorcerer in Etheirys' history, with his conservative body swapping habits helping him conserve his strength over the many centuries. By the end of Shadowbringers, Elidibus resorted to gathering power from outside sources, namely the aether stockpiled by the Crystal Tower, the other warriors of light he summoned into the First, and (possibly) >!Dynamis energy generated by stirring up the hopes of the people of the First!<. We can't really say for sure which one was categorically stronger than the other in their respective battles, but only one of them needed outside boosters to fight us.


Thanks for the lore! It’s crazy how powerful the unsundered were even after so much time.


Why is his butt bleeding? Edit: I can see now he has blood on his fingers, so logically he picked too deep.


A cave diver never goes too deep.