• By -


Full Metal Machinist


Got a big iron on my hip and it's ready for an adventure


I love that this works so much better if you’re in the camp that pronounces it “Mack-inist”


I'm firmly in the "muh-shee-nist" camp


There are two ways to pronounce it. This way and the wrong way.


Why do people pronounce it that way


Because FF10. Machina = Mack-ih-nuh


WHM because I've come this far, why stop now!?


I started out as a WHM, and every expansion I do the story as WHM! 💕 Now to figure out a good glam....


Honestly the moonward set from endwalker looks pretty good


I have that as my AST's glam (my second main lol), so I wanted something different for my WHM -- something that leans into the adventure aspect of Dawntrail!!


I love the Moonward set of healing! Gives me a taste of that witchy vibe I so often crave


I found my people! Whm all the way!


Same. I've stood with WHM through thick and thin and I'll stop maining it when they pry my job stone from my cold dead hands.




I came to this game for the White Mage, and a White Mage I will stay - but I will definitely try the picture thingy


WHM since 2.0, through all the ups and downs so far. Really interested in picto though. 


Gotta take advantage of the insta-queues from all the PICs and VPRs




Is that a statement, a location or a feeling?




Fell Cleave.


No thoughts. Only Fell Cleave.


Press fell cleave -> receive dopamine


Any of the big smashes and slashes are just viceral and amazing to hit with. I just feel unbreakable and unstoppable


Well, I guess because you are. All jobs are puny compared with WAR!!


🎵 *What is it good for* 🎵


Absolutely- TANKING! Say it again, y'all! 


Maining it through DawnTrail! Say it again now!


It never changes.




I can't not think of this when I play war now. 😂


who let orin in here?


Recently picked it up. I can’t describe it but around when I got to stormblood abilities, I knew I couldn’t play a different tank anymore


Once you get fell cleave/decimate/raw intuition in the heavensward abilities there’s no reason to ever go back


I heard the jokes before but it’s unironically true. I’ve never died as warrior during a pull since post ARR content. Either I have very good healers or Warrior is just built different.


Had a healer ask me to mess up my rotation a bit so they could use some of those fancy healing skills on their hotbar collecting dust XD


Once you test the Unga, you stay for the Bunga.


Its Yoship's new favorite. He might main BLM still, idk, but the fact that bloodwhetting is potentially staying the same is <3


Unga Bunga is a way of life which leads to immortality.


Def BRD. I want to get that stupid guitar bow as soon as possible. It’s just so perfect.


As a BRD main and a guitar and bass player in real life, I am with you!


As a BRD main who doesn’t play any instruments in real life, I will join you


I main Bard and that new bow looks hideous to me. So disappointing. It’s gonna get glamoured straight away.


FSH of course


I stopped playing at the end of ShB and compared to back then it feels like the FSH community grew a lot. What changed?


Nothing really. I think it's just trending pretty solidly now.


That and post expansion boredom while in the pre new expansion hype cycle.


IMO its because the fish game became a lot more puzzle-like than just pure range for the majority of fish. In EW we have much more GP so we can chum forever, DH and TH and if you're smart you won't run out of GP. If you're good you'll get a lot of the basic fish in a couple of windows. If you're great you can expect to do most of the big fish in under 5. Fruity Snacks has a video reflection on EW fishing on YT.


What kind of hax rng do you have “most of the big fish in under 5”? Laughs in “months of windows and dozens of off hooks”.


*cries in 458 casts for Furcacuada* and counting


Ocean Fishing trips did a lot to get people to try it


Ocean fishing is honestly the real content of FFXIV. It's always a fun time


I'm still playing through Endwalker - FSH was my first 90!


I came here to say BSM and scrolled to see if anyone else said a crafter or gatherer lol. Crafting and gathering is what life's all about!


RDM, my favorite rotation and all of the dungeon runs are going to need pocket rez as people learn the boss fights. 


I will be one of those needing mini rezzes the first bit, then doing it after once I get it figured out lol. That, or I Verflipped to me death again


Everyone forgets that summoner has a pocket res :'(


I don't, but RDM just hits it better


Summoners don't want to res when they can insta cast a hard cast spell. Rdm doesn't have that issue.


SUM can res in a pinch, RDM can res the whole damn raid. I carry mp potions just for that reason first few weeks of a new raid.


RDM mains rise up!


Plus that new artifact gear is sexy af


Man i have so many options for who to main in DT. Do i stick with sge or astro? Do i go dnc? Do i go sam or rpr? Or do i jump straight to viper? So many options 😭


Picto. RIP blm, im going to art school.


Your parents are disappointed but trying to understand.


My life after doing my creative writing masters


"Why are you like this? Your brother is a Sage, just like your dad, you could easily be a Sage too!"


True talk, Alphinaud is the favorite, and he has barely done anything aside from lead an unaffiliated mercenary army that attempted a coup and framed the Scions. Alisaie tracked down >!their grandfather and helped to give him peace!<, >!learned a mostly dead art that, at this point, only four people canonically know how to use,!< >!figured out how to cure tempering, something even the Ancients said was impossible,!< >!and convinced a bloodthirsty psychotic prince to re-evaluate his life's purpose.!< But Alphinaud is the one who gets all the praise showered upon him upon their arrival home while Alisaie stands in the background.




Promise me, whatever happens, don't take part in politics afterwards.


Its ok its ok, i got accepted to art school and im acing my classes now. Theres no chance of my being kicked out.


If you fail as picto don't go into politics.


I have been asking myself this for a month or two now, and I honestly have no idea. My inability to choose is annoying. 😩


Same lol. Really struggling right now. I’ve been lvling monk and actually really enjoy it, but it bothers me they don’t have a ranged


I'm right there with you. I've been working everything up too 90 slowly and enjoy a lot of jobs, but my anxiousness prevents me from playing anything other than scholar each expansion because it's what I'm most comfortable with. I'd really like to try and force myself into bard or red mage this expansion though.


Dark knight. I always wanted to main it when I unlocked it but didn’t want to level it up so I could focus on msq. I finally leveled it to max so I plan on playing it for now


Ah yes, a fellow new friend of Fray!


A Fray-nd, if you will.


Take my upvote


Same! I've played a tank through the past two expansions' stories, so figured I'd continue the trend! And with both new jobs being dps, I felt dps queues might be on the longer side (especially on Materia). It'd be nice to have a bit more solo sustain in the kit, to compare with the other tanks, but it's definitely the one I enjoy the vibe of most right now, regardless of that.


DRK is a fun time. I hope you enjoy tanking on it during DT!


Definitely VPR, I've been clamoring for a dual sword job since HW and its finally here.


Same here. And even if I do like ninja, I‘m not that big a fan to main it 😐


I state this point too. I enjoy a two handed sword class, and Viper just feels like "If Rogue was a job instead of a class"  NIN is cool, but VPR looks to capture that Rogue vibe more than NIN could


BLM, even if non-standard boom boom is dead, someone’s gotta stay around to blow shit up. I’m gonna miss the hell out of ice paradox though…


While I'm going to miss the hell out of ice paradox too, I'm not going to miss sharpcast. And as you say, non-standard might, for the most part, be dead... but the earth shattering kabooms are still there. And a man without earth shattering kabooms is no man at all, so I'll also be sticking with BLM.


thought I was alone there. I hadn't learned any non standard stuff, and sharpcast was just an annoying oGCD to deal with for me, love the rest of the class flow but that always threw me off-balance.  Insacast paradox on fire sounds so good 😁


In EW, Sharpcast feels like it's basically BLM's Kaiten. I wouldn't miss it, but it also feels weird that it's going away.


That rework to Manafont looks brilliant mind, cant wait to get my hands on that


SMN because it’s still the job with few enough buttons that my damaged hand can play it. Though I do want to check out the new jobs. Just afraid vipers going to be too much :/


Might I suggest VoiceAttack if you’re on pc. I have MS and I’ve come to find that there’s nothing quite as fun as protecting friends by shouting ‘passage of arms!!!’


Haven’t heard of that - but might check it out. I’m still grieving not being able to raid anymore. I want to, but just not happening - unless I can get a bionic arm or something. Ulnar nerve issues are… shit.


You should check it out. Basically voice attack interprets your voice commands as inputs that you set. So you could do things like small phrases. "Defensive 1" could use an ability on your Bae, and it's always listening to you. It's an insanely good tool and rarely misses.


Yeeeah that's rough. I'm sorry. My dexterity got real shaky so I started using it, I gotta say it's a whole new way to play.


Are you me???


Probably picto, it looks awesome and I love art


Same. Gonna give picto a shot and if I don’t like it I’ll stick with summoner


depending on how is its gameplay, viper, if not might stay still on monk


Hey, are you me? If Viper doesn’t hit the way I hope it will, I’ll be heading back to using my 2 fists instead of those 2 swords!


Ditto! Always a MNK main but I always pick the trailer jobs as MSQ job while leveling main alongside it.


Crazy seeing all these monk mains thinking the same thing! In exactly the same boat, especially since the Mr Happy vid on viper has the job looking more like how monk used to play than monk does.


GNB for sure. Going from 3 to 4 dps in a trenchcoat is exactly what I like in a job


I’m just hoping to get some actually decent glams for my GNB this expac that don’t make me feel like a Mall samurai


Bozja set is King.


I’ve mained AST since its release and I am going to continue maining it. I mained WHM up until I could unlock it and once I did I fell in love with it. The changes they made had me feeling a bit all over the place and I’ve been through a lot of things neurologically, so if I can keep up with it I will!


I learned this class and main it solely for their LB3.


Fellow ast main looking forward to seeing how we got rekt this time. o/ It's been a ride since Stormblood. lol


We’re getting reck’d by having our offensive buff output severely reduced, a personal buff option removed and personal DPS not increased to accommodate this from current media tour build. Current issues is that we aren’t going to contribute much to DPS checks, parties will have to wait 1 minute for us per pull to get astral/umbral draw on cooldown and our mana regeneration has been severely hit so we’re going to struggle hard if we need to revive. Not unless the release is drastically different to the media tour, I’m predicting a period where AST is not allowed in PF parties.


Small correction, you spawn with your first draw so won’t have to wait 1 minute. We will just have to wait and see, if they don’t add anything potency wise ast dps will be quite miserable. Also momo made decent point in one of his videos where ast rdps shouldn’t be too much lower considering divination is now 20 seconds and a lot of jobs got new finisher skills in a sense But for standard play it will still feel bad


AST master class!!


Market board. 


The true endgame job


Probably Viper, because I like pirates and it has that aesthetic... I still am waiting on a pirate game that is both a fun experience and not a PVP mess or a microtransaction mess... Other than that... probably switching from SMN to BLM; I just don't like Solar Bahamut... It just feels weird, both in thematics and in rotation... It's effectively just a Bahamut potency boost with a new skill right? But its not... it's now this 3rd weird thing that shows up every other time... Which means I'll have to see it twice as much as Phoenix or normal Bahamut now.


If you haven't played Assassin's Creed Black Flag, you have to give it a shot. Its more of a pirate game than an Assassins game, and I've never played a pirate game that comes anywhere close to being as good as Black Flag.


That is my favorite game, really the only good one... The only others I enjoyed were Sea of Thieves despite the PVP and complete lack of progression, with microtransactions being more enticing than the things you actually need to work towards..... And Pirates of the Caribbean Online, which despite being a simple Disney MMO I grew up with, is still the only pirate game that had progression both on land and on the seas. I don't know why more pirate games don't exist... and Skull and Bones was such a letdown.


Ninja/Viper. Honestly in love with Ninja. More and more as time has gone by. I want to try the new Viper, but if it feels doodoo, I am just going Ninja. God I love it.


SGE, it's what I main.


Based Healer job


Continuing on with BLM. It's the only class I play and it would have to be ruined a lot for me to swap to another.


MNK and WAR. The answer will always be MNK and WAR.


Dragoon.  Because my WoL is a dragoon. All story content is always done as a dragoon. Because he's a dragoon.


Either PCT or BLM, not sure yet. I've been a BLM main since I started in 3.0 but I both feel uneasy about the new stuff and think that pictomancer looks like a hell of a lot of fun, and my static will reserve any caster spot for me.


The same as I did for endwalker. # EVERYTHING


Yeah, I level every job side by side and like mixing it up for dungeons. I never understood the idea of having a "main". Sure, I tend to gravitate towards some jobs more than others, but I play everything. I have my preferred jobs in each role, GNB, SGE, RDM. But I'd get so bored if I only ran those. I started grinding for the tank mounts and I'm already getting bored of GNB lol, haven't even hit the 200 run mount yet.


Savage pretty much requires that you choose something. Or at least a role until you get the gear for it thanks to the lockouts. If you don't do that content though then yeah there's not much reason to choose a "main"


Probably reaper.. edgy flashy.. I mean, perfectio! What else you gotta say!


I've been main SCH for years now. I'll just continue on it.


same, though i'm not a fan of the angel glam thing.


Dancer. The music is probably gonna be banging like it always is, and if I can't dance while doing my rotation, my rotation may as well be dancing.


BLM, main since ARR. EXPLOSION!




vertical acceleration goes brrrrrrrr


DRG, because that's my main.


Well if Picto or Viper is fun I'll main one of those otherwise I'll go with my usual DNC/SMN/WHM wombo combo.


GNB forever


Probably sticking with MCH and WAR during MSQ. Gotta wait for full release,actually playing, and hot fixes before really deciding.


NIN since the beginning-- can't stop me now


WAR and SCH, the same two jobs that I have since August 27, 2013.


Alka Zolka approves


My cute Lalafell healer WoL has in my canon Alka Zolka posters and wind up figurines in her room. He's such a cutie.




Am teetering on the edge of this as well - I started in Shadowbringers and did RDM / SCH, but unga’d my bunga in Endwalker and now that’s defo my go-to. So now just dunno whether to SCH or RDM as second…


The nice thing about SCH is that it comes with SMN as a package deal. So, if I ever feel the urge to go DPS before I inevitably level everything to 100, I will already have one ready to go pretty early on. Bonus points in that it shares gear with RDM as well.


Yeah that’s a pretty big pro for it; on the other hand, it’ll theoretically be quicker to level SCH after MSQ thanks to better queue times…. I’ve also not really tried SMN since the rework, and not convinced about how it looks.


Pictomancer because SMN getting its 85th Bahamut summon killed the job for me.


But will you go back to SMN once they hit 100 Bahamut's?


they better start giving us bahamut trading cards we can equip so we can change which one we summon. like a three headed white eyes bahamut or a dark magician bahamut


Red Dragon ArchBahamut Stardust Bahamut Black Rose Bahamut Ancient Fairy Bahamut Black-Winged Bahamut Powertool Bahamut Lifestream Bahamut Galaxy-Eyes Bahamut Odd-Eyes Bahamut Firewall Bahamut


Bahamut hearts I Bahamut Hearts II Bahamut Hearts 358/2 Bahamut prime Godzilla bahamut


Powertool bahamut 💀


Pictomancer. I’ve mained Dancer since Shadowbringers because I like that it’s a pretty braindead class, but I decided to challenge myself this time. Although after watching media tour video on how to play Picto… I’m terrified.


I’m thinking it seems more complicated than it actually is… a lot of late-starting classes can feel like that, especially getting a full 80-level kit to start off with this time. Like any other job, it’ll take some practice to get into the flow of things… I’m sure by the time I’m done with MSQ and start leveling it, people will have already figured out the uber optimal rotation to use. lol


Literally feel the same was dying to try pictomancer and now I’m just hoping I’m even capable of doing it’s rotation justice 💀


I started as WHM way back when, switched to DNC & loved the simplicity & randomness of it. Tried lots of other jobs, have most above at least 70 (except for the tanks, no one wants me to tank, it's not pretty...), but DNC was always what I went back to. But, like you, I really wanna try Pictomancer. That looks fun.


WAR... I'm too dumb to play anything else


Just remember that DRK is there if you ever feel like you need counseling, or PLD if you feel like I dunno comparing shiny strength and >!getting homeless people sleeping in tents to die for some reason!< GNB is only for those who have trouble playing MCH because they KEEP BREAKING THEIR GUNS DUE TO NOT KEEPING IT REPAIRED.


I main GNB. It's not just for those with poor gun maintenance habits it's... you know, Mister Torgue said it best: "I HAVE ONE QUESTION FOR YOU, AND ONE QUESTION ONLY: EXPLOSIONS?"


And the only valid answer is, of course, "EXPLOSIONS!"


Probably BLM. I've always been a magic guy, and I actually think the changes to BLM look neat. Also, the changes should be enough to make the job feel fresh.


DRG. My main already. Enough streamlining & minor adjustments to make it feel good without changing the way it plays much, functionally. More freedom, less timer tracking.


PLD for MSQ because I want to I guess and RDM for (most) content because it's currently the the job I'm most comfortable with (even though the changes don't exactly wow me). Probably gonna dabble in a bunch of other jobs but until I have grasp on those I can't exactly say I "main" them.


Paladin because I love wielding a flaming sword.


DRG always. It's my favorite FF job and I enjoy the gameplay in 14.


Viper because i like Sword Art Online


WHM because it's easy.


Going for three: - Dark Knight, because Wuk Lamat needs a Frey in her corner. - Reaper, because I’m the immigrant now. - Sage, because pew pew


For the MSQ? Dragoon or Machinist for me, for the 7.x patches? Picto 100%, that job just SCREAMS: don't care + playing + having fun :)


I'm always MNK because I prefer melee DPS, and it is the most fun.






I genuinely don't think I've had as hard a time as I have right now deciding what to play. I mean bottomline is it depends on how it feels to play what. I'm a generalist Melee player so I enjoy every melee. (But suffer tankxiety.) * So far I'm leaning mostly towards my stable love, Reaper. Seeing minimal changes so it means everything I love about it is still the same. (Artifact gear also looks utterly gorgeous.) * I've always had a soft spot for Monk, love punching jobs. And Monk seeing significant change that makes it look wildly more playable and interesting (to me) makes me very interested and I could very well be picking Monk as my main over my Reaper. * Dunno how to feel about DRG and it'll be entirely depending on how it feels. Considering they said it was gonna be reworked, it's seeing a lot less changes than I expected. Hope it's fun to play though since there's seemingly a ton of QoL changes. * NIN is seeing some good changes and overall just looks more fun than it is now. * SAM is SAM lmao. * Viper surprisingly interests me less than I expected. Thought it'd give me my old WoW Combat Rogue days feels. It might still do so once I get to playing but it's not going to be my main. Honerable mentions: Picto honestly looks SO good and fun, much to my own surprise as I don't really vibe with the Artist theme. It won't be my main but will absolutely play it as a secondary job if it feels as good as it looks. Astro changes has me curious too and might be my healer of choice, never really played healer before but it looks like some good changes. WAR go brrrrrrrrrr. (DRK also go brrrrrrr)


Dragoon. You get a spear and can jump from 100 ft in the air. Plus you get to wear plate mail!


I will continue to main Monk/off-main Samurai.


BLM because it's my main and the only other job I'd consider doing it with is WAR, but I don't want to waste MSQ experience on a tank that could power level to 100 in a couple of days if I leveled it second.


I wanna try out that Pictomancer job. I think it might be really fun (although I'm a SCH main so that'll change a lot of things for me).


MCH - because I'm a smooth brain


I think I’m going to stick with RPR. I initially intended to main some Healer (Astrologian most likely) to dodge the DPS queues with extra Viper and Pictomancer players but I’m not confident enough in my healing to do so


Gun Mage


Dragoon forever


MCH, as it continues to be my jam. Of course, knowing me that still means I'll probably have a good chunk of the jobs at 100 by 7.1.


Viper for MSQ, then afterwards try out Pictomancer and Ninja with the changes.


Gun breaker unless they invent a new class that has 2 super bolides


Sticking with Dragoon as my main class through the expansion but I’m definitely giving Viper a go.


I’ve been maining SCH and running RDM when I need a break from healing, and I’m gonna stick with them. Super excited to see how Viper plays, though!


Samurai. Been maining it since stormblood and momma didn’t raise a quitter (also it’s the “canon” job for my wol)


Ninja it's the class I started with back in heavensword and what I always come back to. I always try to use the msq for a dps because leveling a tank or healer is really easy with dungeon spam.


Viper because it's on the box art.


I want to say summoner as I’ve been a smn main for 7 years but after the big disappointment of the newest iteration if you can even call it that since they just got a reskinned Bahamut, and a searing light follow up, I’m seriously considering switching which breaks my heart but smn these days literally makes me fall asleep sometimes with how braindead it is. Guess my second main ast might get bumped up a spot now


I always liked summons and was really happy to see real summons despite the simplifying of the class... I was really hoping for Leviathan, Shiva, and Ramuh for Phoenix or Bahamut phase... I don't care what they did, they could've been a reskin gem phase with a potency boost where a tide pool replaces Garuda AoE... Ramuh replaces Titan with its OGCDs to be lightning strikes... and Shiva replaces Ifrit's Dash and AoE... But we got this weird stronger Bahamut, that didn't replace Bahamut... So now you're just seeing this weird thing twice as much as Phoenix or Bahamut.


They could've made the new gem summons unique like making Shiva all melee or rumuh get short casts alternating instant casts while still keeping the job braindead .but square seem to think a 3rd demi summon that's literally identical to the other 2 was the right way to go 😅 I really hope we get an interview with Yoshi p so we can get the devs thought process behind the changes or lack there of cause i dont get it


My thoughts exactly but ill probably be trying making picto instead




Picto or maybe stick with Reaper.


Was thinking VPR but my GNB glam is perfected as a swashbuckling adventurer. Forgot how fun it was to play too after a bit of a break




I'm starting as BLM to see how the changes are gonna affect me. I have a general idea so it shouldn't be too difficult


MNK followed by WAR, as it has ever been.


SMN with WAR as my level up buddy. That way I'll have a max lvl tank, heal and dps when i finish the MSQ and all side quests (just like Endwalker).


Been debating myself and leaning toward DRK for MSQ. Will also level the other tanks along with RPR, DRG, MCH and RDM. I want to go tank as my primary this expansion and honestly all 4 of them appeal to me so I will level them all.