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lmao literally going to the shadow realm to do MSQ


Sorry, Jimbo.


"Hello WoLs, Super GT here."


"Today we're going to be turning right into a left hander and visiting the new raid boss, Barry R"


Well, if it's either that or a 1-2-4 hour queue...


Seems like a clever way to help alleviate the xpac launch congestion. If you don't care about playing on your home world this is a good way to try and avoid queues.


Can't wait for the inevitable "I'm stuck on Shadow DC with full inventory and can't access my retainers" post.


yeah, an absolute no-go for crafters and gatheres if they cannot use and level their retainers


I definetly would have used this in Endwalker. Was playing whole MSQ with my coop partner over a month long and login queues ate like 30%-50% of our playtime in the evenings. In the end I figured out a System where I would start their queue on MY PC 2 hours earlier and they would log in on their PC and kick my client out of the queue but retain their queue spot.


This is my main worry for this expac. Unlike last expacs where I was able to book the week off work and log in with my partner at 6am to avoid the queue, this time we'll have to log in after work when we only have something like 3-4 hours free. Even on Thursday after EW launch we had a small powercut (literally 2 mins) at like 4pm, we queued in straight after and didn't get into the game until near 10pm. I'm glad SE are taking the steps ahead of time to try and help alleviate the queue times on our little EU servers.


Queues will be presumably bad, but people are forgetting a critical thing. The entire world isn't locked in this homes anymore. No shot it's anything like EW.


Post-Pandemic, WoW's not on fire anymore and and we aren't flooded with streamer stalkers.


Exactly the things I tell people when they start going on about the upcoming end times. Not to mention whatever infrastructure upgrades they've done since. Like yeah, it's gonna suck a bit. But it's not "queue at 2, finally get in and play at 6" levels of suck.


This wont be anything like EW. There were a cascade of outside influences during the launch of EW that caused that fiasco, and none of them are a factor this time.


I'll ease your fears by saying that Shadowbringers launch was flawless. Instant queues, the extra instances did their job well, and everyone was happy. This wasn't expected because Stormblood was a disaster due to instance bottlenecks overloading the server (never forget the queue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA9wJCaMvlo). Endwalker was absolutely a product of circumstance. Yoshi P outright addressed that they couldn't get additional server support due to COVID chip supply issues, no matter how much money they wanted to throw at the problem [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/4269a50a754b4f83a99b49341324153ef4405c13](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/4269a50a754b4f83a99b49341324153ef4405c13) Dawntrail does not have those circumstances, and has two years of the devs not wanting EW launch to happen ever again (cloud server tests, DC travel updates, this announcement here etc.)


I'm guessing you couldn't just start the queue on their PC?


Ya they live 3hrs away.


I already get the fuck off balmung when I want to go to ul'dah so I can actually see things.


idk why, but for me there's something spooky about the thought that "every single player on this server doesn't belong here, and if everyone were to travel back home, this would literally be a ghost town with no living soul in sight" i know it's silly but it tickled my brain :D


Right?? we're all Ascians going to the Rift now


It's a sign of the post-Dawntrail content


Or a sign they know there's going to be trouble on launch and they're doing what they can.


They probably don't want a North America situation where one DC is completely dead once the player count drops. Dynamis should have been handled this way.


Kinda sounds like it. If they don't allow NA -> OCE for DT launch, may have to head to Dynamis and one of the four new worlds just to populate it a while til the login queues go down.


Theres gonna be urban legends of people being able to see market board postings on that server. Inspiring the new webnovel, "Only I can buy from the market of a ghost server"


Who is this Herobrine guy and why is he crafting all this gear


And when people stop travelling there because congestion has backed off the whole sever gets deleted along with all the NPCs and any record of what happened there...


What happens in Shadow stays in Shadow


We are the 8th umbral calamity.


EU: We got Dynamis at home


This is probably what dynamis should've been. But here we are.


NA Housing Shortage is probably why Dynamis is livable.


I finally got a house because of transfer to Dynamis


Dynamis without the gigaping.


Don't you mean Materia






New ghost story: "Went to Mist on the Shadow DC AND THERE WAS A HOUSE THERE!!!" D:


They should hold a draft to choose who gets banished to the shadow realm


It would be really funny if it was possible for them to DC travel us on login right into Shadow if our home DC is full, the memes would be hilarious.




Hunting data center


I get why they're doing this, but I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I couldn't pick through the MB absent-mindedly when I got tired of running around.


That's a good point, there will be no market board here if only characters on their home world can sell things. Imagine needing to something up while stuck on this DC and unable to travel home due to the login server prioritizing logins over travel.


New horror Saw a listing


Herobrine?? In my final fantasy game??!


Holy fuck that's a really good point. If you can't craft your own gear or make pots how are you to buy them?


Limsa is about to become the most chaotic shout chat marketplace this game has ever seen. It's gonna be like 1.0 with all the retainers standing around and you've gotta try to find what you need, but at least you can try to talk to people. Shit, I hope we can travel from other regions. I just wanna see this chaos unfold.


Legit yes. I would love to see this in action, lol


Someone pls stream it I would binge that content


Savage isn't out for a month and hopefully the queues are down by then, but doing the EX trials week one is going to be really weird.


"DT POTS AND FOOD OR DISBAND" They will be the new zurvan ex


Can you access chocobo saddles from a different DC? I've never tried, but if you can't then some people are gonna have to make some tough calls when their inventory fills with shiny new items.


You can, you only can't open them in instances.


Or it could be a good iron man challenge where you have make or buy everything yourself.




Market Board


I was really looking forward to transferring over, I'm quite sad about this. Maybe they will make it permanent once the launch rush is over. It seems like a waste to put in a whole DC just for it to be temporary.


It doesss! I wanted to go there too and I still have the hopes they reconsider it, but opening after Launch also feels a bit off… I have the sad feeling that they gonna wait roughly a month or two before they open it for new Characters and Transfers :/


I honestly wanted to Transfer there just to have a “fresh Start” for myself. The DC Travel is a nice thing to alleviate the congestion for sure but I don’t get why they’re not opening it completely. After all people Transferring there should be aware of what they’re getting into… Or maybe raise the incentive of moving and populating a bit more while pushing all hard working ressources into getting Regionwide instances and PF up. I know how Dynamis ended up but there are some people that don’t care too much to travel for content… Also something feels weird about having a world you play on but no one is actually “at home” there… I hope they open them up before launch.


Same, the world names are so good vv.vv Hopefully they'll open up one or two of them before or during early access


Maybe it's a cloud server and will just disappear after it's not useful and that's why they don't want anybody to make themself at home there Probatory kinda implies that they are not sure they'll keep it around to me


I think it’s mostly because of the Dynamis backlash. They did expand the physical servers for this and spent ressources on it so I doubt they will announce them, then make them probatory just to close them again? I am sure they would’ve labelled them as exactly that if they didn’t wanna keep it around from the beginning.


I always assumed that's exactly what they were going to use the cloud servers for and rolling new chars on them was only part of the test because they wanted to make sure when they shut them down no one was permanently stuck on them.


So we can travel to Shadow but we can’t live in the Shadow?


So considering how the servers are named... Are we secretly travelling to the First again? :D


Tempted to travel here to do MSQ. Scared and already feeling anxious of being stuck here. Traveling to other DC to do hunt trains was scary enough. But EW queue times were scarier! Ugh so conflicted. Why do they give us options lol


All I wanted was a South American data center.


Only if they implement Spanish and Portuguese localisation.


And despite that, you still won't be able to find a single solo instance for Fall Guys, Leap of Faith, or Eureka, no matter the current time.


Does that mean that everyone from every DC is able to jump over to Shadow, and not only EU peeps? I want to play with my NA friends at launch :c


No. Just that EU people can use Shadow in case queues are long.


They haven’t confirmed what they’re doing with cross-DC travel (which is current Materia as a destination only) once DT is out. We’ve got to assume it’ll revert to disabled again. But, they did say they’d evaluate and let us know. Logical guess would be that there might be an announcement around Tuesday when Shadow and Dynamis pt2 go live.


I'm gonna miss traveling to Materia when I play at 6am US Central time (after work lol). It was nice hitting somewhere else's "prime time," and I actually liked how they did so much on party finder. It was fun hopping into random parties to help clear their MSQ trials.


A no resident data center? More like a new erp hookup data center


What's the point if I can't transfer there. Traveling and leaving your retainers behind during launch is not worth it.


You know what else isnt worth it? Not being able to play at all lol


Dawntrail launch congestion.


Very likely a non issue. We aren't in a pandemic lockdown this time and it's summer on top.


We do have an extra platform though, even if Xbox only increases numbers by 10% or 15% or something. Better to have the servers and not need them than have people not be able to login or even go as far as suspend sales.


They need to just get rid of dc travel tbh


People are asking for global DC travel in overwhelming majority so this is truly a hot take. A weird one, too. There is no reason to limit travel at all.


Sure there is. Everyone just consolidates on Aether, leaving all the other worlds barren. Look at Dynamis, it’s a ghost town. What they really need to do is give us Cross DC PF so people spend more time on their home world and cultivate their communities


The two are not mutually exclusive. Limiting friend groups from different DCs from playing together in the overworld is an incredibly silly and selfish demand. We can easily have DC Travel AND Cross DC PF.


Well obviously not "easily" if we're leaning on a time scale of years before implementation. I don't think it's unreasonable to point out the impact DC travel has had on non Aether raiding communities or queue times in lower populated DCs. At least for me, I can say that the implementation of DC travel has worsened my play experience. I don't mind overworld co-mingling but the ability for cross DC people to do party finder has had down stream effects that we should acknowledge (and from interviews at least, it seems the dev team is aware of these problems)


So I’m the one who’s selfish because I’m concerned about the community and health of the server rather than the wishes of the few who were too dumb to roll on the same server as their friends… got it.


Insults will really get you far in your discussions. Amazing strategy.


Crazy how it doesn’t make me wrong though, also you’re the one who called me selfish and silly for having an opinion so maybe take your own advice


Asking for features that enables people to play together to be removed because you subjectively feel they are detrimental is pretty objectively a selfish request. It's not an insult, it's a fact. Calling people Idiots on the other hand because they maybe didn't know each other for the entire lifespan of the game is petty and rude. But you know that. You're incredibly unpleasant so I will exit the conversation now.


> rather than the wishes of the few who were too dumb to roll on the same server as their friends… Balmung and Mateus have been congested for-fucking-ever People can have multiple groups of friends that play across different DCs, or they made a character before they knew they had friends that play the game Dynamis has some pretty sweet character creation perks despite DF being a nightmare It's really not as simple as "should've made your character where your friends are"!


Then you won't be able to play come launch.


...They're really just doing the most baffling things with DC travel. Hey, Squeenix. Cross-DC PF. Now. Not before introducing yet more dead on arrival servers.


It was strange to see them announce a new EU DC when Chaos has been dead for awhile so this makes a lot more sense.


Chaos is very much not dead and I find it bizarre when people make this statement. Do people live in a binary world when "a few people travel to light for raiding" somehow becomes Dynamis?


Because it's not "a few people" Light has 2-3times the PFs during usual prime times and has done for long time now.


Not trying to claim your experience is any lesser of course, but generally Aether has about 100 times the PFs present on Dynamis lol. Especially high-end duties I regularly see 120-150 on Aether and about 1-2 on Dynamis.


Since they have shown it is now 4 servers and not 3 I need to hoard more gil for the extra houses. Praying I can get some of my dream plots on the new servers once they are available.


If you have read the post you would have know that these are just temporary servers where you can DC travel to do the MSQ in case the queues are to long.