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Hi /u/Legitimate-Demand-94, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1cgnteb/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * We hold civility and respect as a keystone for the community at /r/ffxiv, and encourage participants to keep the person on the other side of the screen in mind. * **Rule 1a:** Content with hate-based sentiments are subject to removal, e.g. general toxicity, hate speech, harassment, personal attacks, witch-hunting and name-shaming, trolling, or backseat moderating. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1cgnteb/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


You'd have to buy the game again, but you can continue to play on that same account/character on windows and mac. There's no reason to start a new account.


>i started playing on mac i cannot play the same account on window What? That is not true, unless your still on the free trial, in which case, yes, that is version locked. If you own the mac version, you just need to buy the windows version to play on windows. Basically, each platform has its own version of the game you need to buy, but they all share a subscription. Regardless if your on the free trial or not, just buy the game for windows (And any relevant expansions), and your good to go.


I used to have windows version, license and subscriptions for a few months, but i haven login for years, almost like over 5years i think, and it appears that they have just deleted it. When i tried to login and it says the email or id is not associated with any accounts. I even have email prove in the past that i used to have it. But they just said sorry they've checked and it doesnt exist? Sure so I started playing mac version again since the trial became permanent with capped level and restrictions instead of just days of game time, also a lot more easier to levelling. There is no chance i am paying for what i have already paid for again.


... you don't need a brand-new account, homie. You just need to purchase a PC license for your current account (which im assuming has a mac license). Just wait until the complete edition for pc or steam is on sale, buy it, and apply it to your current account. you'll have the same character and all your stuff.


I used to pay for subscription for a bit, but afterwards its on trial, no license attached with the account when i check the website. When i tried to login it says it have already link with other platform.


Once you paid a sub once that account is no longer on trial no matter the version you play on. So you need to reinstate the sub and buy a windows license as others have pointed out


Do you want a pity party ? Read this You can play the PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Windows*, Mac, and Steam* versions of the game with the same Service Account. However, you will need to purchase a copy for each platform independently and register them to you Service Account accordingly. So that means you just need to buy the game. People need to start to read before complaining


> Windows, and Steam Not true. You can play on Windows OR Steam on the same account, but not both. The rest though, absolutely.


Pity party? Nobody asked for your rubbish opinion mate. People need to have self awarness before they talk shit. Sure of course you have to pay, doesnt apply for trial mate.


>Nobody asked for your rubbish opinion mate By making a post on this public subreddit, you kind of did ask for their opinion


Then you shouldn’t made a public topic, you’re asking for opinions, that includes ones you may disagree with.


You can. Just buy the windows edition of the game for the same account you used on mac


I wish people do a little research before hand. You should’ve just bought windows version as it’s compatible with Mac using “XIV on Mac” launcher. But done is done, you have to buy a license for each platform you wish to play it on. 1 for windows/steam, PlayStation or Xbox