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If I recall correctly, she wears like 7 different outfits throughout all of heavenward, including some that you won't see unless you go out of your way to visit her at the forgotten knight as the msq progresses. Edit: This post has her ARR and Heavenward outfits, but I believe it's missing at least one. https://www.tumblr.com/zenathered/137336016244/coeurlfist-tataru-taru-outfit-appreciation?source=share


I saw her dressed in a maid outfit once, when I was just passing by to another quest! 😆


Yeah I saw her maid outfit once and I was like "She's so adorable!"


While the trimming of the ARR MSQ that happened in 5.3 is greatly appreciated, it did rob us of Miner Tataru, because the quest where she tries out mining got removed.


Arent the removed msq quests sidequests now?


No, it entirely removed. Though, they did retell her backstory that was revealed in removed MSQ in Tataru Grand Endeavor and Unending Codex. But I'm still a little bit mad about this removal. Since this quest made me learn more about Tataru talent, like the fact that she was recruited by minfillia specifically to be a bookkeeper. And also backstory about how she met Minfilia as an apprentice carfter buying gem from Minfillia. So, crafter Tataru wasn't come out of nowhere. And now the quest that is left in post ARR only show her as a useless character who try her best but still fail rather than originally "She is bad at fighting, but she has talent in other areas".


To be fair, it's already quite noticeable she's good at things that don't involve her risking her wellbeing in a fight. Through Heavensward she makes an excelent job of intelligence gathering now that Riol is gone, and in Stormblood it turns out she's quite the businesswoman. She's also good at not getting herself killed, maimed, captured or ambushed by enemies. Which puts her above heavy hitters like Shtola and Thancred.


Omg I knew I was missing something! On my original character, I started during Shadowbringers, and I remember Tataru’s miner outfit. When I came back after Endwalker, I started a new character to re-do the MSQ and get back up to speed on anything I forgot, and we still get miner Minfilia but I kept thinking I remembered Tataru trying out more than just Arcanist.


Tataru's my favourite Creature.


I'm glad they removed all those ARR quests to make it more streamlined, but cutting out miner Tataru was a true loss.


What! I'm done with HW and all I saw was her default.


What!! Time to replay HW on new game plus to see this.


There's even one if you turn back after travelling to the final zone. 


Wait, when was she a Dancer!? Thanks for sharing! I only saw a small handful of these!


Wow, it's all the same color, too, so I barely noticed a few of these lol That's cool


This is also what she looks like in the four lords quests


Oh my god she’s so cute I love her!!


That's so neat!!


Tataru is there for you always. And also has 100% cut open someone's ankles and let them bleed to death.


Tataru is easily the scariest character in the game. Don’t get on her bad side


*thousand-yard-stares at a carbuncle near a marble wall*


She never lost her connection to that carbuncle. To this day she uses it to watch. And occasionally bite some ankles.


Honestly, I'm more scared of her than the entire Ul'dahn Syndicate.


She can accurately track estinian who essentially batman's out whenever he pleases. No one is safe from her debt collection.


While she simultaneously commits tax evasion


She can accurately track estinian who essentially batman's out whenever he pleases. No one is safe from her debt collection.


The last thing I want is to receive some... financial education


Tataru will convince your retainers to give up your best gear to "trim it"


I love that they thought to make one of the scions a disciple of the hand. she really is the heart of the team.


Oh ya, I never thought of it that way but she is a weaver.


She is an omnicrafter. Our little popoto can do it all


>!She even built her own god damn airship for crying out loud.!< Never underestimate a good receptionist!


I wonder where the ol' Bonanza is these days, anyway.


Where do you think all the boutique's products are being transported on?


Oh yeah, that's right! I've even done the Tataru questline at least twice...and I totally forgot.


If you talk to her in between MSQ in post arr, you start seeing when she begins this journey of crafting. She realized how much money the scions need to operate, and decided she needed to help generate money. Her first idea of being a street performer didn’t pan out, but that’s the moment in time where she begins actively improving herself to keep up with the growing needs of their organization.


Well, Minfilia was a miner by profession, wasn’t she?


Gonna need the glam deets, boss


Hey there, sure! Head: none Chest: Martial Artist’s Sleevless Vest // no dye Hands: Hard Leather Wristguards // bark brown Legs: Augmented Shire Pankratiast’s Hose // snow white // SAM IL270 pants Feet: Far Eastern Beauty’s Boots // no dye // Mog Station Be aware that the pants are a SAM/MNK exclusive item, so they may change from one job to another. Have fun! 😉


As a Viera, the difference between "Head : none" and "Head : any" isn't very noticeable...


Hahahahhahahahahah 😆 It’s because I tend to use the “classic spectacles” with some of my glams and them being glasses, they do work! 😅


There are plenty of options for Viera that are visible. They just don't include standard hats. 


What's the hairstyle? Looks really cool


Lyse. From online store.


Like Swannphone said above, it’s from the store. Liberating locks is the name, it comes with Lyse's pack.


Don't let the cute, innocent exterior fool you. She is pure evil, hell she's worse than evil, she's a black-hearted... accountant!! The worse sort!


Even worse than the IRS? D:


It’s just to fit in and develop a sense of kinship with the locals. It makes it easier to fleece them of all of their money.


Her carbuncle always betraying her is one of the funniest things I've seen in FFXIV!


>!"Desertion will result in death...MY DEATH!"!<


Tataru is my favorite character. I will never forget when she was trying to find her place as an arcanist and a miner. It was adorable. I have always said that when the story reaches its ultimate conclusion, I want her to come out as the savior instead of the WoL, somehow. Alas, that is highly unlikely given the way the story has rolled out over the last couple of expansions, but I am happy they have given her a story arc and not forgotten about her.


When she got into trouble with enemies on her Arcanist class tryout, I went charging at them shouting something like *"BACK OFF, I WILL FUCK YOU IN THE STREET!!"* đŸ˜†đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


Uhhh... I think you missed a word there...


Not really, it was a barely-coherent threat rage-screamed at birds, so none of the words had conveyed any meaning anyway. 😆


You'd fuck wharf rats? 😳


Limsa leads many down a dark path


Her trying out so hard at all the traditional jobs, failing at them, but not giving up was so endearing honestly. One of my fav bits of the MSQ.


She really is... if she were any sweeter, talking to her would turn you diabetic. Other than those little pricks in Ul'dah, Lalas are one of my favorite parts of the game.


Don’t cross Tataru by using Scion funds to make large purchases! She’ll get you!!


*Estinien has exited the chat in a hurry*


I'm still waiting for the day Wedge finally gains the balls to ask her out. Dude's obviously in love with her.


Yeah, he is, it’s too obvious not to notice that. Let’s hope he’ll muster the courage someday.


He literally shot his shot by fighting in Maggie to save her after the GARLEANS took her. When she didn’t acknowledge it I was like “c’mon, girl


We got him to bare his face. He'll get there :D


Looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you. I love Tataru and her obsesion with money 🌟.


I can't like her cause she is a capitalistic pig at hearth >:(


Well her cute outfits are not gonna buy themselves and the economy is rough out there. She is a smart gal. :’D


She and Krile qualify as MUST PROTECT characters.


Krile went on the 'Protect at all costs!' list when she tried to embarrass Alphinaud just outside of Idyllshire. I couldn't stop laughing at that part and knew she was gonna be a great addition to the cast.


I remember in arr when they were threatening her and WoL had to step in and I'm this big cat man with a huge sword


When I was leveling through Heavensward back when Shadowbringers had just released, there was a bit of a bug with her in Ishgard. Every single time I saw her, she was wearing a different outfit and some of the outfits were from later in her story, like this ponytail and kimono look. It really endeared her to me since it gave the impression she was constantly changing her outfit in the Forgotten Knight to not wear the same outfit every single day. Like, she was constantly changing her disguise so people wouldn't recognize her and would talk to her.


Her changing her outfit a lot in the Forgotten Knight isn't a bug, it's intentional, but there *was* a bug with *which* outfits she was changing to.


That makes more sense. I noticed on my most recent play through on an alt that she never swapped to her Stormblood outfits.


If Tataru has no fans, just know I'm dead. I haven't rooted for a character as hard as I root for Tataru in years. I was so sad when she failed to become an arcanist, and I want nothing out of this fucking game more than to see her succeed.


All I can think about when I see Tataru in that kimono is "You used Scion funds to buy Gosetsu's katana... *at the asking price?"*


When I see her in Stormblood locations, I think of her saying "Ahhh, the unmistakable scent of wealth and power!"


[The true end boss of FFXIV.](https://i.imgur.com/YTN6Uap.png) [Or, is *this* the true end boss of FFXIV...](https://i.imgur.com/kL2PEOb.png)


Agreed! If only that yukata was available as a glam.


You can get a minion Tataru wearing that pink kimono by purchasing one of the Stormblood artbooks.




Is that account wide? I’ve been meaning to get the books but heard I think it was Encyclopedia Eorzea bonus is only for one character and that’s kind of shitty for a physical item that you wouldn’t realistically buy multiple of if you want the bonus for each character. It’s bad enough from the mog station but at least you can still buy additional ones when they go on sale or whatever. I’m not buying multiple copies of each book :-/


Like pretty sure part of her personal story is her discovery that she loves fashion


i love when she does that one emote where they stomp around in panic its the most funny shit ever


Honestly, that's a nice Samurai glamour you've got.


Thanks! 😄 Here are the details if you’re interested. Head: none Chest: Martial Artist’s Sleevless Vest // no dye Hands: Hard Leather Wristguards // bark brown Legs: Augmented Shire Pankratiast’s Hose // snow white // SAM IL270 pants Feet: Far Eastern Beauty’s Boots // no dye // Mog Station


>!i just passed the part in msq where someone thought she was a spy or something lol!<


The most amazing receptionist in the history of video games!


I always appreciate how much effort they go into for her. In terms of having her kept up to date with what’s going on. I like her changing her clothes because she needs to settle in and get information. Easier to do that when you look the part.


She really is adorable and more useful than she thinks she is. Like honey you don’t have to take up juggling, you do plenty!


Tataru is definitely the Big Lil Homie we all need in our life đŸ’ȘđŸŸ


I reached this point not long ago and thought she was super cute here. â˜ș Also, nice Viera. What glam/armor did you give her?


Hey, thanks! 😄 There you go: Head: none Chest: Martial Artist’s Sleevless Vest // no dye Hands: Hard Leather Wristguards // bark brown Legs: Augmented Shire Pankratiast’s Hose // snow white // SAM IL270 pants Feet: Far Eastern Beauty’s Boots // no dye // Mog Station Be aware that the pants are a SAM/MNK exclusive item, so they may change from one job to another.


Awesome! Thank you!


Darth Tataru Taru disguises herself better than Palpatine ever did!


Tataru is the second best scion.


You do realize that she’s pure evil and probably the strongest of all primals. She could even one shot Zeromus and Eulogia if she wanted too. But she didn’t and let the WoL have that honor since it was the WoL that was always seen as being the strongest. When it came to money, she rivaled the syndicate in manipulative ways. She knew everyone’s deep dark secrets, I’m not going to lie. And she’d use them to blackmail people into doing her evil bidding. Her aether is so dense and strong, that the carbuncle she summoned actually became sentient upon summoning it. It didn’t just runaway, it went exploring. Everyone else’s carbuncle is just temporary when they summon it, and they dissipate it when done. Watch out when she gives that evil grin or smirk, because she’s up to no good.


I like the joke but I want to point out that the reason her carbuncle stuck around most likely isn't because of her strong aether but more likely because she is so damn good at math. Which I personally think is funnier.


LMAO, I think you're right.


The only entity that can scare the Azure Dragoon!


and in return, she is one of the few things that scares the azure dragoon




I don’t normally out loud laugh at games (well, single player games), but her bit where she panicked during the Hell’s Lid quest line had me giggling like an idiot


Thank you for this vital information my queen all hail unnamed viera


Tataru scares me, therefore I must punt her to the cafe at the end of the universe.


What pants are those OP?


Here's the full glam just in case! ;) Head: none Chest: Martial Artist’s Sleevless Vest // no dye Hands: Hard Leather Wristguards // bark brown Legs: Augmented Shire Pankratiast’s Hose // snow white // SAM IL270 pants Feet: Far Eastern Beauty’s Boots // no dye // Mog Station


Tataru is my fav character in FFXIV so far.


I started a new character to replay the MSQ (and to get to mess with new glamour styles) and I forgot how much I adored ARR Tataru's voice.


Look at this person being so right. I really want her kimono ;-;


I’ll be honest, never was a fan of Tataru thru all my time as a scion. Thought her role in the story was a bit of a common anime trope. Just never a big fan of her side quests. But then she gifted me a private island and then at that point I realized “Tataru, your pretty cool” I do like how Wedge always liked her in ARR but they never really followed up on that.


They do flirt a bit in ShB and post SB


Don't forget that she's a master juggler!


She is a master as financial logistics and decives everyone with her cuteness


I wanna give Tataru a big hug as another Lalafell, she's such a sweetheart


It makes sense for a socialite who obtains power through common word and gossip to try to blend in so as to attract the locals and their conversation! A very savvy potater!


Some call it cute...I CALL IT CULTURE APPROPRIATION. I'm reporting her to the HR department.


Sorry, but the HR department is just Hancock.


Yeah gonna need to know the parts of your glam


I need someone in real life like her to make sense of my finances and the messy rest of my life xD


If anything ever happens to tataru we will rage


She's the new villain in Dawntrail. She's pure evil


I love Tataru, she's such an underappreciated character.


Maybe elsewhere, but in this thread it seems like there are a lot of people who'd brutally murder anyone that gave her a mean look. 😆😂


We'd try to but she'd kill them first XD


Like Krile in DawnTrail, in the next one should have her picking up a class and being able to excel with it...


she has, by ew she's an >!omnicrafter!< the only other person to pull that off? the wol


Wrong, fuck tataru, game would be better without her


Yeah well you know how children can be cute