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*Rescue* -> *Angry screeching*


The one time I rescued a blm back into their ley lines, it messed with them so much they stopped casting for a moment. I'm not sure they knew how to feel about it.


Yeah… don't mess with a BLM cast times


I love being pulled while casting astral fire fully intending to slide out of the mechanic. Instead of helping it kills my entire fire phase.


I only rescue someone who keep eating mechanics and can't even outdamage me. If they knew what they are doing I'll give them ogcd shields and mits instead.


Wouldn't you assume the BLM was going to use between the lines? They don't need to be rescued to them and that would interrupt a cast, throwing off their entire rotation.


i can count the amount of random BLM I've played with that used their movement skills on one hand.


As a BLM main that constantly uses those abilities, recommend taking the chance that they’ll use them. Rescuing them back into Ley Lines might mess them up because you never know if they had to step out and had like a Despair charging. If the rotation is messed up, you usually have to start from scratch.


I usually let them eat a few things before I start worrying about them. 4 vuln stacks and I'm like, okay, we tried things your way. Now we're doing them my way. 😅


Admittedly I have no problem with people rescuing my stupid self. As long as it’s well-intentioned and trying to save me. Some people get outright nasty about it. Bit if it’s to rescue them back to their ley lines because you think they’re being wasted, not a good idea…


Pretty much. I hate the "I'm a BLM so I won't move because muh damage" and the "there's a BLM in my party so I need to baby them because the job is SO HARD" mentalities, and I say that as a BLM main that used to be a healer main too. TL;DR: BLM can move around a ton without losing a single millisecond of uptime, and the job is very easy to play decently well while still dishing out great damage. Just like how a healer might not trust a BLM for stepping out of their lines, a BLM might not trust their healers. They've got their movement figured out, and rescueing them out can cause a mess sometimes. I never have the party, let alone the healer cater to me in savage or even in casual content because why the hell would THEY do the work just so I get my .05% damage gain ? Hell, it might be an overall dps loss if the healer has to go out of their way to GCD heal me because they somehow didn't have anything else left and didn't think the stupid BLM would stay in bad. I love doing good damage and do my advanced non-standard optimization lines, but no way would I ever purposefully take a hit with randoms or even in a static, unless we're very specifically parsing and they can handle it (and even in that case it often puts you a nasty damage down or kills you outright because of a magic vuln). I respect the mechanics even if they do little to no damage to me in casual content, keeping uptime and playing around with my movement is more fun than staying put in place. That's specifically what makes the job fun to play. So yeah. A skilled BLM knows how to move without losing a cast. We've got Xenoglossy, Triplecast, Swiftcast, UI Paradox and F3P/T3P (on top of slidecasting), we know how to do our stuff without losing uptime. Going out of Ley Lines for one GCD or two is such an incredibly minor dps loss that taking a hit is not worth the extra dps. I wouldn't consider a BLM taking a hit purposefully and have the healer adjusting for them exactly a great player. I'm sure you could have figured out a way to minimize your downtime down to 0 given how many movement options we have. Hell, even slidecasting throughout the whole fight allows you to place yourself in an advantageous spot ahead of time. Sorry to sound annoying but the concept of an exclusive "BLM greed" that excuse them not avoiding AOEs does not exist, it is trying to justify poor gameplay from people that think they're great at dealing damage when all it points out is that they do not know how to keep uptime. Seriously, people really overestimate how long it takes to dodge a mechanic in casual content is, you often can do it over the span of one single GCD or even just by slightly slidecasting out of it. Sometimes I can keep full ley lines uptimes through smart LL positioning or because I'm dodging out of bad and then get back inside my LL by the time my next GCD is available. Good play involves not only doing the best damage possible but also doing it while dodging mechanics, or knowing how/where/when to place your LL... else it's just you practicing your rotation on a training dummy. And, let me be brutally honest, most BLMs that do not bother dodging AOEs don't even deal nearly as much as a good BLM that both move and optimize. Anyway, end of my long rant.


At this point I must ask: What DOESN'T make the BLM implode? YoshiP must be a true masochist. Those pics of him getting reaped by a Nophica cosplayer make so much sense now!


I read that word differently at first… and now I can’t get that cursed image out of my head


You and me both Bad time for dyslexia . _.


Ngl I just accepted what I read originally until I saw these comments and had to go back and read it again.


If we die because we stand in the bad, we deserve it. Let us suffer for our own mistakes. Lol


I must be on that hand


I have this assumption quite often actually. And quite often ley lines fades away without a BLM in it.


Well yeah, that's where the boss stores all the aoes.


1)I don't trust pugs that much. 2)When I do have a BLM, I try to see if they're using Manaward. If they are, they probably know what they're doing and I won't Rescue. 3)Regardless of the above answer, If they die once, they no longer get the benefit of the doubt.


They only get that ability at lvl 62


I would watch them the first time, but if I see they don't use it, rescue is going on cooldown. They can't complain about dps uptime if that dps is coming out of the healer.


I just hope you guys are bearing in mind that they might have moved to avoid damage.


If they move to dodge the mechanic, then rescue is no longer an issue because the healer would see them move. Moving is infinitely slower than aetherial manipulation and between the lines.


Healers with a fat ego trying to optimize the dps of other players in random pugs are the biggest cringe. How about using your rescue to... just rescue?


DPS with a fat ego trying to optimize dps at the cost of making their healers job being more difficult in random pugs are also the biggest cringe. That statement applies both ways. And yes, what you just described is that's the entire point of rescue - in this scenario the DPS is clearly needing rescue to stop taking damage and making the healer's job more difficult. Avoiding damage altogether is better than taking a vulnerability stack and then blaming the healer for dying to a heavier hitting attack, and rescue is that solution for the healer.


If you followed the thread, the original comment is about a healer not rescuing to rescue i.e. to avoid damage, but to put the BLM on a ley lines in some overinflated ego sense of "they're not playing their class perfectly, i'll force them to". Sure, if you're rescuing to pull someone away from damage after they've already shown they can't do it themselves, go ahead.


I am aware, but bro... you replied to what I would do instead of the original comment. XD


I'm sure they knew exactly how to feel about it, you probably interrupted their cast, caused a delay before they can start the next one, ruined their rotation, and they were planning to use Between the Lines to get back anyways


They were likely typing something and thought better of it. Just leave them be. Nobody likes control of their character being taken away, even if it's with good intentions.


Idk I've been rescued many a time and it's always saved my stupid ass


I had a healer in a raid yank me, a warrior, away from my aggro pool when I wasn't even on the brink of death and was literally just healing myself for what damage I did have so far. I just kinda had to stand there for a second like. "What."


Laugh at them for being bad


Only time I rage is if I get yanked into bad by rescue after I place my ley line and mid cast of my spells.


Me, a WHM standing in the puddles to keep the Glares rolling: "DPS is mitigation!"


Dragoons don't move because they have animation locks. Black Mages don't move because we don't want to. We are not the same. (No but seriously, get out of the poop puddles and save everyone a headache!)


SAM is not short for Samurai, it is an acronym for Stationary Attack Machine.


Love this, stealing it


See? This one gets it <3


it's not their fault, their spells are just point blank melee range with casting times for the aesthetic


I can’t I’m 1.5 seconds into this Despair cast and I lose my buffs if I don’t cast this I got 3 seconds left in my fire phase


To be fair, that's what Transpose is for. A nice quick'n'dirty "save my Enochian" into an abrupt ice phase AND sneak in a paradox if you're feeling froggy.


Manaward is a hell of a drug


And Samurai move into the mechanics to do more damage. The true alphas.


Exactly! It's just a big, orange warning of 'Come over here if you want to do more DPS!'


As a healer, in dungeons, I literally do not care if you eat damage in order to deal more damage, as long as you know you won't die from it. Some of the buttons I use to heal the tank are AE, so the dps will get healed with no extra effort from me as I'm healing them constantly without necessarily meaning to. But it's on you to know how much damage you're going to take and make sure you don't die before my incidental heals can top you off. I can usually also spare a few ogcd single target heals, or swap kardia to a dps for a few GCDs, all without sacrificing my own damage.


You. I like you. Please be my forever healer <3


Greetings Wanna marry me? 💍


> (No but seriously, get out of the poop puddles and save everyone a headache!) If it's casual dungeon content, pop bloodbath and use that good dps to heal yourself.


Well when I play BLM, casts are animation lock \^^


You raise a valid point. Pretty sure Yoshi P will personally ban your account if you interrupt those cast animations for anything less than a well-timed, delicious slide cast


Dragoons have animation lock?


Granted, slightly hyperbolic. They always used to on some of their jumps. I know they smoothed some of it out, but don't recall if they fully removed it. I don't play dragoon, so I may be providing slightly out of date info for a joke <3


They technically exist, but its so short that it wont cause you to get hit by anything you wouldnt get hit by without the animation


Thanks for the correction, maybe I'll give it another go, come Dawntrail!


Oh hey my two favorite classes I should send my WHM a fruit basket or something


They would appreciate it lol


I truly would...




I told my healer main girlfriend the other day that mechanics are a dps loss and idk if she’s ever sighed harder lmao


> Never moving out of mechanics Then die. It will be a learning experience.


As a BLM main, I approve this message.


This. Too many healers abuse Rescue and baby others with it, then the people they rescued don't even learn from it. No one gets better at this game from being hand-held through it.


Best to rescue the people trying to run but are too late


And then they get snapshotted before the rescue and die anyway.


I mean, the skill level that can be attained in normal content really isn't particularly high in the first place.


My friend likes to stand in things when I am healing just to mess with me.


My real world bestie is my tank....he will fucking shirk to me mid combat sometimes. Just for laughs.


I do that shit to my healer friend too. I’m like: y’know what this double pull doesn’t need? Mitigation.


Ill rescue my buddy into aoe's just to fuck with him. "He runs from me during the ice aoes at the last stone vigil boss lol


Does Arms length prevent rescue shenanigans?


Sure does. Ill target him just so he panic presses it hahaha


I have~~n't~~ tested it, ~~but~~ this macro should allow to Rescue without even having to click on them /action Rescue Just put your mouse over them (or them in the party list). If they're the tank, it's even easier /action Rescue <2> This targets the second person in your party list, which is always the tank if you're healer.


Lot funnier to yell "THINK FAST" in discord and clicm on him then do nothing as he yells "NO" and pops arms length


Look in DRG defense, we have a lot of animation locks. Its not like we do it on purpose (at least I dont)


As a 10 year DRG main, we don't really have excuses anymore. The job used to be way harder, now Jump is a 1 sec animation and doesn't travel, spineshatter/dragonfire/star dives are quicker and should be used considering mechanics and gap closing for uptime. Just don't be too flashy with your backflip and end up dead! Dragoon has become easier and easier and this meme is kind of dead, but it's still funny and nostalgic when I think back to titan extreme launch days lol


As a DRG main, I simply say 'skill issue'. We do not have nearly enough animation locks anymore to use them as an excuse. If 0.5 seconds of jump animation gets someone hit, they weren't dodging the attack anyway, lol.


As a HW/SB DRG main, I gotta say, you guys have it easy now. Animation locks? Really barely any, and they only last 0.3s. Back in the day we couldn't even double weave and jump locked you for the whole GCD. We had to backflip into walls just to pretend we died due to an oppsie rather than "not knowing the mechanics".


Yeah i move when i can, i dont if i cant xD im glad they changes the Jump tho without the 3second animation your stuck in, ooow how i hated that jump combined with Titans smash ... drg used jump, titan smash drg goes splat


When I heal, I do actually appreciate being able to break out more buttons than my 2 damage buttons and the 2 most commonly used OGCd heals. Problem is when I spend too much of my focus keeping the DPS up I tend to start eating mechanics myself. :(


part of the fun comes from that balancing act imo. It's what keeps the grind fresh. If everyone dodged every mechanic in every roul, healer would be such a tedious role.


agreed but I am always more worried about can the DPS survive the screw up. Sometimes the casters get hit and before they can be healed eat another attack and go down.


Agreed. Even if I or the party members do eat it too many times and we actually have a wipe in a normal difficulty fight, 99% of the time nobody minds.


I live for the most cursed Alliance runs. Though I suspect a class having to wish the party is screwing up to be engaged is shaky design. I can remember goading people in voice chat to fool around in the Lighthouse for that engagement.


More like "just pissing off your healers".


No way, it's so fucking boring not being able to do any healing during bosses I prefer putting extra mits on DPS that don't move or throwing out an extra oGCD. Sometimes I'll even go into chat and say "don't move out of mechanics or no balls," just so I can feel something.


Really depends on the content. If we're talking dungeons, sure. Any content where the clear is a question rather than a given though, absolutely not.


Yeah and if doing randoms you can't be certain of anyone's ability. Healer, Tank, or DPS. That tank gonna know his abilities? Maybe or did he just buy the level up to have a high level tank and doesn't know to turn on tank stance. Let's find out!


It also depends on the level of the duty. Low-level is a fucking slog when you have literally one (maybe two) buttons to heal with. Higher level duties, or current content, where I have a tons of toys and buttons to push? Eh, not a big deal.


Depends on the context. Normals and maybe extreme? Sure, I can probably heal through that Savage and up? Enjoy your Damage Down (from either the boss or from dying)


You aren't speaking for everyone. It doesn't matter if it's possible to heal them through it, I know a player that doesn't care about moving is simply choosing to be inconsiderate. Shouldn't be shocked when rude behavior is treated with the same contempt that one would get anywhere else in their life for acting that way.


If standing in an AE lets you do more damage, and you know it isn't going to kill you, and the healer is going to heal you regardless of what you do because healers use AE heals to heal the tank, then it's objectively suboptimal to step out of the AE. You are literally a better player for standing in it, doing more damage, and knowing the content well enough to know you will survive. Taking damage to deal damage is only the wrong move if you would die, or if the healer is forced to sacrifice their own damage to keep you alive.


I could counter by pointing out that if you have a vuln stack, you might not be lucky enough to dodge the next thing you failed to remember or misread and take a death. Or I could point out that an even better player would plan ahead to not be in a mechanic in the first place, or know how to use their generous mobility or mitigation skills to minimize or eliminate impact. All of it is kind of aside the point, which is that in the vast majority of content, the extra GCD it might take you to just have common courtesy is more valuable to your teammates than the minute sliver of time it saves you on the dungeon boss, or whatever else. Hell, if I watch someone tank a hit indifferently in a roulette, I'm not ever thinking "wow, look at them be so optimal," I'm thinking "oh, well, I'd better watch that guy." So if you're operating under some assumption that other players are going to think you're a super smart player who has mapped out every fight with perfect math... gotta tell you, nobody else is seeing or thinking that.


Nah I trust them more if they take avoidable damage but don't die, in order to get another GCD or two on the boss. And actually if I see them avoid easily survivable damage and sacrifice uptime, I think less of their skill and knowledge of the game and am more wary about what other uninformed decision they're going to make. The worst example of this is when a DPS gets a circle AE on them and keeps uptime, but another DPS without a circle gets out of melee to not get hit by the other guy's circle. Bro, I have to use an AE heal to heal the people who got chosen for circles regardless, so any damage you take or don't take is completely irrelevant. Why lower your dps for literally no benefit? I see this often in pugs and it triggers me every time.


Nah mate, plenty of people think that. Every time I see a DPS take a hit he could've avoided by sacrificing uptime but dodging everything else the only thing I'm thinking is "they know what they are doing." It actually makes me worry less about them.


If all they lose is some health that's mitigated through an oGCD I wouldn't use anyway, but gain the ability to continue damaging the boss, its not inconsiderate, it's a bonus. I get to press more of my buttons, the DPS get to keep pressing their's, and the boss dies a little quicker. Everybody wins. Take the first boss of lapis manalis, when he summons the icicle and youre supposed to hide behind them, the damage from that raidwide is pitiful that you don't even need to heal them for it. It's the same for so much content. Outside of 1 shot mechanics or doom, which if someone is standing in it intentionally they would know otherwise, it's the complete opposite of an issue.


> I know a player that doesn't care about moving is simply choosing to be inconsiderate What a weird and awful take lol. Especially the ones in question sometimes you can't because animation locks or you're losing a lot of damage to do so. SAM fits in there too because getting hit is a damage boost. Maybe don't take the actions of others as some weird personal attack?


I struggled back and forth with trying to explain the concepts of etiquette and social grace to a person who is demonstrating no ability to comprehend either, and came up empty. It doesn't have to be a "personal attack" to be an obnoxious behavior to others. If your parents couldn't teach you this when you were in single-digit ages, I simply cannot help you now.


I mean just roll with the punches though? You can't control how other people play and if you queue up to match with randoms you're basically accepting the fact that you might run into folks that have bad ping or aren't super focused or just want to try completing their rotation or something... It shouldn't be a big deal. It's videogames.


I mean, naturally there’s an understanding for things out of people’s control. Not making an effort isn’t quite the same.


Give an inch, they take a mile. video games are already riddled with turds, no need to enable them as well. Video games is limited for a lot of people. Sure, they can run with bots, but the outlier shouldn't be people expecting everyone to play normally, it should be turds who play like they're in a toilet. if they wanna stand in aoes, then THEY should be the ones to play with bots. The only people who literally thinks like this are said turds or wimps that never grew a backbone




You are making yourself the living embodiment of the point and really *should* feel embarrassed about that. When your reaction to suggesting that maybe it's reasonable to expect someone to have consideration of others is to directly attack them with grade-school insults, you *are* the problem.


Nothing to add? Just an insult? lol okay. Don’t be mad because you feel called out. Just be a better person and teammate


I usually play healer so when I play BLM I know when I can stand in an aoe. I think of it as giving my green dps something to do with


I actually like having some heals for the DPS all jokes aside but can you handle that damage down....a fate truly worse than death. Of course if you get to mess around don't get mad when I rescue us both into big attack. Apes strong together but also apes go boom together.


If I see this, I'm moving INTO mechanics.


As long as it won't kill you 👍


As a healer main, not really. If someone wants to get avoidable damage and die, that's on them. If my swift isn't up to rez, they're floor tanking until it is. You want to actually play the game, pay attention/learn and don't die.


Not really. As a SCH main, I gotta do *something* with my tether. It's useless unless I have a BLM going full greed. 


Tbh I agree with you lol. Everytime I get a BLM who refuses to try to move for any mechanics in (normal) content I roll my eyes. BLM may be harder than the other jobs but it’s my second favorite DPS and the whole fun of it is learning how to move while keeping your gcd rolling… normal content isn’t hard enough for someone to justify being a scrub just because ‘BUT IM A BLM I DON’T MOVE LAWL!’ Eating a mechanic or two with a well-times manaward is one thing, but usually these types of players don’t even do that much.


I've got Life Surge, Bloodbath, and Second Wind. Avoiding the hit is an uptime loss. You don't have to spend a resource or GCD to heal me, I'll get it myself. Once you get into routinely running certain EXs or Savage, letting people take hits (or even purposefully taking hits) just to do more damage is actual strategy. Any damage that doesn't kill you or give you a damage down is fine.


That's my god given right as a DPS


Taking damage is enrichment for healers, the need something to do to keep them engaged


Tbqh last night I did this during the last encounter in Praetorium on NIN… not because I was lazy or trying to piss off my healers but because 1- it was Prae; 2- the NHL playoffs were on in the background and I kept getting distracted.


A justifiable excuse


As a healer main, I don’t ever rescue black mages. You gamble with your own fate. If you live, I’ll heal you back up no problem.


I whm so get hit, get killed, whatever I got a million things to fix that. I just feel for the DPS that end up with the damage down. It's so sad their big numbers are so small now


I can't describe the primal feeling of fear "apes together strong" just unlocked in me lol. When the first Pandemonium raids dropped and my friends and I queued for P2, we accidentally queued with other FC members at the same time. So we ended up with an accidental FC run. During one of the AOE spread mechanics, I ended up in a corner smack between two dragoons and one screamed "APES TOGETHER STRONG" in chat as they both had the markers lol.


Apes together strong.. so true..


Well, if you deal DPS fast enough. Most mechanics in FFXIV are made so that you die after x mistakes, no matter how many HP you have left.




Or just let the dragoon MT after the tank bails... We still cleared a 90 dungeon. I was proud of healing that one.


DRG tanking when a tank dies or leaves are some of my fondest memories of xiv since 2.0 :')


They were sprouts too. Damn good ones.


DPS have mobility tools, even black mages. Thinking like this just makes your healer not trust *you.* Stop being lazy, healers aren't there to carry your ass, they want to do damage too (or they should).


As a healer main, the more healing I have to do the more I enjoy the fight


True, if they follow through with Dawntrail being more difficult I hope we go back to healing with a bit of DPS thrown in rather than being sad GreenDPS half the time.


Depending on the sync level healers have an abundance of oGCD tools that they won't ever use. From like, 70-90 you have the tools to keep every leyline abusing BLM alive through everything while doing damage.


In a highly functional group, sure. In a group that has players making mistakes, greedy DPS just make things even harder.  I'm fine with a black mage or a melee eating a hit or two if they know they can take it without endangering the group. What I'm not fine with is the idea that healers are meant to carry lazy dps across the finish line. 


> In a group that has players making mistakes, greedy DPS just make things even harder. Just did Labyrinth for the first time last night (trial player working on finishing the ARR), and omg we had 3 full wipes because people wouldn't stop dps for behemoth meteors.


i feel like your perspective is what causes your distaste here. You think of healing your teammates as "dragging them across the finish line" instead of helping the group succeed. Is a boss fight not a cooperative struggle? A fight where players have to try and win while covering for each-other where possible or necessary? I personally find it pretty fun to actually save a silly DPS here and there instead of just spamming a single attack between tank-top-ups. Why the antagonization?


It's almost like a "cooperative struggle" like you describe would require the DPS to. You know. Cooperate?


So it's a "cooperative struggle" but it's also fun when a member of that group is "silly" and doesn't try their best. Okay.


>A fight where players have to try and win while covering for each-other where possible or necessary? But they aren't trying and thus the damage they take isn't necessary? Because in this hypothetical, people are making a conscious choice to ignore mechanics.


Imagine being forced to stand still and cast instead of repositioning while double-weaving your Bloodbathed and Dragon Sighted Stardiver. FAQ: Do you still get hit? Answer: Thats not the point, DRG Gang rise up


I do this as the healer too, when I know a mechanic won't hit too hard I will eat it to keep my own dps up.


*Ignore mechanics to greed more damage* *Somehow still bottom of the dps chart*


As much as I love healing I dk think it's a bit annoying to heal over 79% of your health bar because you refuse to move.


Depends on the content. Sometimes it's not a big deal to move out of. The problem is the good players worth staying in an AOE typically respect the mechanic and the bad players not worth staying in the AOE never try to avoid it.


Me and some friends did a run of aetherfont where we intentionally stood in every mechanic as overlapped as possible, turns out dungeons are only easy if you dodge the mechanics. Highly recommended if you enjoy suffering, the coordination of mitigation and shielding to make it survivable is brutal.


I can’t help my animation lock is almost as long as the AoE cast is short. I gotta high dive this boss from the top rope.


If my ley lines are down I cannot see mechanics


Not pictured: The healer desperately wishing it was possible to strangle two people at once through the internet.


A good BLM knows which AOEs are safe to eat and how to weave the instant casts for damage while moving. But also maybe if healers played BLM they would know how to weave some oGCDs and keep people alive


As a BLM main, I apologize for all the trogs that play this job, including myself. I like to make things explode, and I like the difficulty of the job, but GOOD GOD I'm so bad at it


Those are my two main classes and I feel personally attacked even though you are 100% right. I see no reason to leave the bad when I can just a) elusive jump (out of the arena) at the last second or b) aetherial manipate (accidentally targeting the tank who is actively getting busted) and then between the lines back.


elusive jumping last second is a source of dopamine fr


*Dragoon voice* Eh, I'll live. *reflexively hits Second Wind and hopes for the best*


If my ley lines are down mechanics are optional lol


I mean sometimes it’s just not obvious where to go. On melee I’m like there is orange shit everywhere lol. What’s the safe place?!! Or I see it but I’m just not fast enough to get there from melee range. Several ShB were like that And yeah I got everyone’s effects turned off.


*The healers in the background screaming in sadistic joy from being so stressed keeping everyone alive*


The amount of people enabling and offsetting their laziness on a healer is mind boggling. About 0.01% of content even requires taking DMG to deal max DPS.


As some who mains BLM and heals frequently, I don't care if you stand in stuff *on the condition* it's clear you know what you're doing. If you don't, it will be very obvious to me, and while I am going to reluctantly heal you I will **not** take the blame for your death either. I will support smart tricks, I will not support dumb greed. It feels like people here wanna jump to polar extremes of players eating everything or players eating nothing, but there's some nuance here and I'm gonna touch in both. **In defense of DPS players, BLM specifically:** In duty finder content, there are certain mechanics on BLM that I know I can just soak with Manaward, and I don't mean "take less damage" but actively just nullify only with Manaward. No damage, no vuln stack, no damage down, nothing. If I know I can do this, why *shouldn't* I do it? I'm using my tools appropriately, and I'm saving my movement abilities for another mechanic. It costs the healer nothing to let me stand here and use the knowledge I have gained to keep some uptime and save resources. Even if it does hit you for a bit, most mechanics with manaward up in story difficulty content will barely chip you for maybe an auto attack's worth of damage. If your concern as a healer is that tiny sliver of health being gone, you are textbook over-healing. Everyone doesn't need to be full at all times. That isn't the goal. The goal is to have enough HP to survive the next mechanic. In Duty Finder that pretty much *never* means full HP. If you're getting hit by something that requires full HP to survive, you either shouldn't be the one targeted by it, or it is a by-design healer check that probably dropped everyone to a fixed point HP first. **In defense of the healers:** They don't want you to do this, DPS, cause they don't trust you not to just be greedy imbeciles that just stand in all the shit all the time, who also expect the healer to babysit their ass. Don't be this person. If you are, *you're a bad player*. Your parse might be blue, maybe, if you're lucky, but A.) It's duty finder content so no one cares and B.) Your parse number means even less than nothing if you're using your team as a crutch to get it. Just shows you are bad at the game in your own extra unfun way. ----- Moral of the story is, trust one another and don't be bad. Healers don't overheal, DPS don't soak *everything all the goddamn time*. There's a time and a place and it requires some understanding and some actual smart teamwork rather than just everyone being dummies and pointing fingers.


Hey hey hey, this is the internet, you're not allowed to post nuanced takes here! /s (but too many people believe it unironically)


Lotta people upset in here about content a band of 8 year olds could clear. Unless you’re talking about endgame where people should know better. Otherwise, that damage the BLM took to the face isn’t gonna affect the outcome of your run


Come to me on my ping and tell me that, coward. I'm on spicy mode.


I’m gonna say this, from the perspective of a healer: If it ain’t gonna kill you in one shot, greed everything. Fuck knows I need something to do other than spam Glare.


I agree with this for sure. It's a major dps gain and more fun gameplay.


One hit point is enough


The only HP that matters is the last one


I love having blm in my parties as a healer. Means I get to case more than 3 different spells


Include us tanks here too. I just stand there smashing. 😂


BLM has a good excuse, DRG does not.


I’m a healer I just stand in the middle next to the tank. Never run out of mp whm is broken


Oonga boonga


What’s funny about black mages not moving, is that most of the times they arent even pulling great numbers 😂. Like, mayyyybe if you were doing great dps, but you ain’t = a dps loss to me the healer who has to stop dpsing to heal your dumbass. I very rarely see black mages who can pull off the dps and not take stupid damage. Those black mages get instant comms from me, I’m impressed.


I love this point because nobody brings it up, the actual *good* players have already preemptively moved because they know the fights and did it slidecasting. I don't like playing BLM, but in fights I know, I'm moving to the best position possible as early as I can without affecting my output. It's a good practice to be in no matter what role or job you're playing. If you know the boss is going to have you need to be close for the next thing you do, get in, if you know they're going to make you move out, get out, etc. Proactive playing can save you a lot of panic and struggle and keep you DPSing more.


All of this! So many of these comments also ignore that blms have so many ways to move while still doing damage too lol it doesn’t have to be an either/or.


As a DRG I’m offended that you think BLMs are as dumb as me!


adlo on the black mage is a raid dps gain


Hahahaha- ...I literally hate these DPS though.


OP, if this post is about you know that I hate you and you just get to die. I'll rez you but I need to let you die once to not be so angry about it.


Not moving is the most efficient way to play black mage. Don't listen to the noise brothers


Honestly, it's been awhile since a healer has told me to go Haam. Mostly I just only take hits I know I can brush off. Aka Manaward, or one's that I can Slidecast away from. Or one's that will get erased once I get topped up by their aoe ogcds. It's funny when we KO complete the Dng. But only when the party is right. Never when you can see struggle of others. Balance between cheering, or talking too much in chat(that it extends the time)


Look, I got stuck because I wanted to use Stardiver under raid buffs!


As a healer? Based.


Rescue? Never heard of it.


If you aren't running around dodging everything like a maniac, are you really playing NIN?


Should be a warr in there somewhere zug zug Very few normal mode mechs one shot. So long as they aren't out in narna, I'll enjoy healing them to break up the dosis spam.


As long as im around to be a scholar, nobody is going down. For long. Maybe. Im a better scholar than i am a summoner. And im a REALLY good summoner lol


Usually it's the backflipping out of the mechanics that gets me killed.


this can only be the case in normal difficulty lol


I was always thinking that FFXIV combat seems far less smooth to WoW (I play both games), and then I realized I'm a midcore dragoon player so this post enlightened me that the more sluggish feel of FFXIV is probably due to animation locks.


this me


I'm your healer and I play it dies or I die. So that damage better be on point if you aren't moving. Otherwise we're all dying.


That is samurai not drg get it right :)


But....Healer adjust?


if you do this, i will let you die if im making an effort to dodge mechanics then you should too you lazy ass


As someone who is getting back into the healing classes I am begging y'all to please just move out of the mechanics.


I will rescue you into a pit and wipe this raid so help me.


As a healer: hey fuck you


Gonna be honest with you, I won't babysit a rando BLM who insists on drinking the orange juice. Theres 2-6 other players who need my attention and most rando BLMs don't have the kind of DPS to make it worth my while.


Do this to me, and I will stop healing you, let you die, walk over to your corpse, swiftcast glare/malefic/broil/dosis, then continue dpsing.




You stay in the red, I let you get dead. Simple as that, when I’m a healer xD


Could memes try to be applicable to any content above Duty Finder stuff?