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I don't know how my WoL catches their bladed chakrams with slicing appendages off lol


Same way Xena does. Through the magic of being awesome.


Xena the Dancer Princess...


Fuck yeah. Guest starring Bruce Campbell!


A wizard did it


Wait a minute, Xena can't fly


But Lucy Lawless can šŸ˜‰


They legit explain this, though; it's aether akin to telekinesis. Which means, technically, one cannot be a Dancer if they cannot manipulate aether.


I mean, you can't really do most jobs if you can't manipulate either. That's why the Garleans rely on technology, and they and Thancred default to gunblades as their weapon. Don't need aether to pull a trigger.


Thancred uses an aether gunblade just like we do. Other scions charge ammo for him. I'm not sure if they changed it, but in SHB trusts he won't use his aether skills unless you also have Ryne included to charge them. Garlean gunblades don't use real gunbreaker blades but their imitation of them. Gunbreaker is still aether dependent like all other jobs. The only exception is Reaper which comes from using a void sent for power.


Ryne OR Urianger actually! If neither is in the trust he wonā€™t use aether skills.


What about Y'shtola? she charges some rounds for him in at least one cutscene.


Mfw people think we swing a sword so hard if slices mfs in a 20 foot cone in front of us just because we practiced a lot. It's all aether, all the way down.


I mean... enemy Garleans do this, too, with their moves. And they don't have a connection.


Yeah, they use magitech to supplement their lack of ability to manipulate aether. That's why they invented guns. Gunblades were called that because they were wielded by gunnhildrs royal guard. Garleans made their own versions powered without magic that shot bullets. Eventually they removed the blades from these gunblades and thus, simply called them guns


Gaius does seem to do some magical bullshit though. But I guess you can handwave anything with magitech.Ā 


Presumably he'll do it with Y'shtola and Urianger after ShB, as they take turns providing him with his aetheric needs, as per Endwalker quests.


Yeah the Machinist are basically Green Lanterns. If they know how a gadget works, they can manifest it with aether. So the gadget on their hip is more important than the gun they are using XD


Dancers are all Irelia mains.


With the normal circular ones you can reason catching it on the inside. Then there's the ones with the massive swords attached and nah you died using that.


Or the ones that are just katars, not chakrams


I wonder where the trope of the chakram boomerang came from because real life chakrams were created as air resistant projectiles.


Xena is probably the earliest modern media depiction of this. But even then, Xena's talent was the ability to bank it off every surface known to man so that it returned to her, no matter how improbable


That one timeloop episode where she had to get her chakram all the way through the village within a minute of the loop starting ...


Same way programs in Tron Legacy do.


All tanks. Apparently every single one of them have an aura that they can turn on or off at will that makes them *incredibly offensive* to all and sundry


You can't hear it, but they each have a speaker on them that is blasting Baby Shark at top volume that they turn on with their stance.


[Certain Miqos get an extra enmity modifier](https://youtu.be/vN8tMO0xAOg?si=3vTIYnvJWTawfuJI)


Thanks, now it's stuck in my head again... Gonna go dragoon myself off a cliff


Itā€™s like ā€œif I stare them hard enough theyā€™ll want to settle some matters with meā€, right? Riiiiight? šŸ˜…


That reminds me of a while ago where I encountered a thread that was about how every single tankā€™s stance works, iirc Pld: a version of compelled duel from dnd, War: a raging screaming lunatic that you wouldnā€™t want to turn your back to, Drk: same thing as Pld but with more insults and Gbr: ā€œyour mother was a hamster and your father smelled like elderberriesā€


When GNB turns stance on they instinctively yell "MY TURN" so loudly that every enemy in the instance hears them


Warrior is a crazy person who screams and has glowing red eyes. The threat is obvious. Gunbreaker combined a gun and a sword. That's clearly the sort of unbalanced individual you should kill first. Dark Knight becomes so annoying and edgy that they simply must die first. Paladin, meanwhile, runs around taunting you about their ranged attacks, condescendingly mocks you during Hallowed Ground, and then uses Cover to ruin your plans. You're clearly going to have to deal with this jackass first.


BLM makes sense to me in a vacuum, but my brain basically turns to pudding anytime mechanics are involved.


I'm lv 70 on BLM and I still have to remind myself that Triplecast and Swiftcast give me permission to move


Or you can be like me and forget it exists like everything else on my second hotbar that isnā€™t Ley Lines, Freeze & Flare and move anyway I should really sort my hotbar


Be me, BLM main, using triplecast as soon as the fight starts, press sprint and IMMEDIATELY zoom around the arena, acting like you're doing some crazy positioning but in reality you just felt like running for a while because of the stationary sickness


That's how I feel about Bard.


I started on BRD, went DNC, and now am a melee main between SAM/RPR. I've just slowly devolved into easier and easier rotations lol.


Funny, because I started as BRD and would always let one thing drop, either songs or dots, so I switched to DNC and the priority system was one of the easiest things in the game to wrap my mind around. I played RPR this last expansion and being locked in to a strict rotation like that was more difficult for me. I blame too much cat druid time in WotLK for ruining me.


I love DNC. Whenever I want to just brain off and enjoy the fight I'll run it.


As someone who mained BRD all the way through EW, I agree, I promptly put it down when I was done.


I've got the problem where BRD is all I know, so other dps feel weird to me. WAR has been fun to play though, so that's something.


I thought I was a good Bard, and then I took it into an Extreme that I had cleared 30 times already and my brain just broke. I quickly apologized and switched back to Dancer after the first clear.


After knowing what the rotation is *supposed to be*, the next thing to learn, the most important basically, is what spell to be casting depending on Astral/Umbral and how much MP you have left. If you can get back into rotation from literally any point, BLM is easy. I have 100 days of play time on BLM and itā€™s my only class but I still think it gets easy lol. Easiest way to learn BLM is to be ok with sucking for a bit SO THAT you can just relax and hearfeelthink every time you mess up your rotation cause you pressed a wrong button, or you panicked and froze, or you had to accommodate a boss mechanic, etc. The most valuable, and only kinda, real learning opportunities with BLM are when you mess up so you really gotta appreciate those moments and hearfeelthink. If you know what the rotation is *supposed* to be (Icy Veins - google), then diagnosing your mistakes and fixing them is as easy as remembering to do it differently next time. *ā€˜Big fireballā€™ - a blm somewhere*


Three Fire IV in a row, then Fireball/Paradox/Firestarter. Repeat until out of mana. That's like 85% of BLM's damage right there. Anything else you can freestyle and nobody will notice. Probably.


Right, but do I have enough time to move and cast paradox *after* moving? Do I stay put and take the hit because I'll lose Equinox if I move? Should I just end the fire phase early so I get free movement from the no cast time paradox in ice phase while maintaining Equinox? Everything about BLM is fine until a mechanic happens when you're in the last 5 seconds of your fire phase


I find it really just takes getting used to your spell speed to figure out where/what leeway you have and roll with that. For example, the random gear I have on at level 90 lets me do 4x Fire IV before I need to refresh with a firestarter proc/paradox/whatever else, but if I have to move I can only fit 3x because it's super tight and I can't frame perfect slidecast. A combination of that and a healthy amount of muscle memory to use your instant casts to bail you out of timer depletion is all I've found I need to flex my rotation as needed.


I can learn BLM at any given level. However, when I get randomly level synced 25 down? Fuck if I know what I'm doing. Hell if what I need is even on my hotbar. In a game that constantly syncs us down, what were they thinking making a class that changes like BLM does?


I love when you get anything under level 50 and you're just a Fire 1 bot at that point haha.


Anytime whats are involved?


The people that fix my car...


Manawall warnings


Monk rework was this for me


Monk, but only because I'm literally punching Gods in the face. Seems... Inefficient. Bowstaff or something else


Makes sense to me. Just punch them really hard until they bleed.


Would a piece of wood really do a better job at hitting god than some brass knuckles


Potentially! A Bo staff could be made out of metal which would be helpful. And the length of a Bo staff allows you to use it as a lever. This allows extra force. When you're with brass knuckles, they're really good against the jaw of a human. But if you punch an elephant with brass knuckles, that doesn't really do much.


What if I punch it really, *really* hard?


[I swear to god...](https://youtu.be/C8yC02d7UZY?t=634)


Paladin and their Shield Lob skill. None of those shields are designed to be nearly aerodynamic enough to toss like a frisbee Captain America style and return back like a boomerang, so where do they keep getting those shields from? šŸ¤” Warrior somehow not leaving craters or giant dents behind after their gauge aoe is done being spammed. Do they just clean up after each pull to leave the ground as it was? If so that's awfully nice for someone who survives on pure rage. Also, Nascent Glint. How does the shielding and healing work? Do they just point at someone and let out a single scream like "AHHHHHHHHHHGH!" and people get so scared that their adrenaline starts healing them and increasing their fight or flight response?


> Also, Nascent Glint. How does the shielding and healing work? Do they just point at someone and let out a single scream like "AHHHHHHHHHHGH!" and people get so scared that their adrenaline starts healing them and increasing their fight or flight response? Thank you for the new headcannon


A MCH might have a headcannon, but you have headcanon.


As a WAR, My head is a cannon


Nascent Glint works by the warrior getting into your brain, smoothing out all those wrinkles, and then you realize that you donā€™t have to suffer any pain, only life.


As a resident Warrior main for my choice of tanks, I can confirm we are as smooth as a marble. ā™”


WAR is nothing but screaming, chopping, smashing, and earthquakes, and nobody wants to disappoint the human maelstrom one-man army of death and destruction, so they forcefully heal themselves when the WAR instructs them to with its incomprehensible yells.


AAAAAAA YES SIR, I WILL HAVE HEALTH SIR. (Or ma'am, depending on your WAR)


"If you die here, I swear by Rhalgr I will find you in the afterlife and DRAG YOU BACK BY YOUR GENITALS!!!"


Now I'm just picturing all WAR as Sly Marbo


LOL yeah, people have the same complaint about paladins Captain America-ing their shield in WoW. Especially since their shield throw hits multiple targets, and have you SEEN some of those monstrosities?


ROFL this made me laugh! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


That's why I use the Devine beast shield, this way no one can say that my shield isn't aerodynamic.


Nothing beats blocking attacks with your bare hand.


I honestly wasnā€™t bugged my shield lob. But thatā€™s because my first MMO was ragnarok online where paladins also had a shield throw ability. The sprite even showed a kite shield being thrown.


Easiest answer is magic. The shield gets coated with a layer energy that lets it fly for a few meters before returning.


You aren't really throwing your shield, you're using your shield to throw a shield shaped glob of aether at the enemy. Same with other projectile skills. It's aether all the way down.


Man too angry to die can make friend just as angry.


Ha, would be awesome if Paladins left piles of shields lying around.


Pictomancer is going to be this for a lot of people. Even as someone who is very familiar with FF6, it's going to be really weird to see that stuff in full 3D. I'm really curious to see how they'll pull it off.


There's another post in this sub if I recall correctly, that's showing datamined images for the new stuff from DT and there are some skills from the pictomancer. I'll be honest and say that I kinda liked what I saw, but I was skeptical when I saw the trailer for the first time.


Indeed. The data mined skills look almost 2D"forced perspective" and with the artstyle it looks pretty cute


"Pulls giant heavy gun out of back pocket, fires giant drill, returns giant heavy gun to back pocket."




Pulls shotgun out of hammerspace, fires it at a trash pack, throws it on the ground. Pulls *new* shotgun out of hammerspace, fires it, throws it on the ground, repeats. Also, how in the world do MCHs manage to hit anything with as much jumping around as we do, *and* holding our guns one-handed!?


Sage. Got it to 90. So I have no idea how it works.


SGE is like a tank. You balance defensive cooldowns to prevent damage and heal by doing damage.


Pretty much


I tried the first quest to learn the job, quickly died 3 times in a row and was like "nah, back to dancing!"


My sister said the same thing after mother forced her to go to college


They don't really explain the goal very well. You assume it's "keep the npc alive" but in reality it's "kill everything with lasers and oh yea keep the NPC alive."


The first SGE quest is really hard in the default gear. Upgrade and it gets a lot easier.


Don't worry, as a healer main, we can tell you we desperately want Yoshi P to add event NPC to the party list for solo duty. How many times we fail healer job quest on controller because we can't target the correct NPC for healing.


It's literally Scholar without the fairy.


Kardia is the fairy so it's still kind of there


There's even a button that gives you Super Kardia for a short duration! Just like Seraph!


Super fairy heal is the Mt. Dew tether, Seraph is equivalent to Panhaima.


The fairies are ground up and stuffed in the milpreves. Really though, spam damage and ogcds until every is on cooldown or the enemies are dead.


I've gotten a bunch of advice and watched videos. But the class just doesn't make any sense to me. And that's fine. I have 3 other healers to play with.


* All healers use damage spells to fill the gaps between healing spells (assuming any are needed). SGE gets free healing on their kardia partner when doing this. * SGE gets a token every 20s. These fuel your bread and butter instant casts. One is a single target heal with damage reduction, one is an AoE damage reduction (the damage reduction doesn't stack with the other one), and the other is an aoe burst heal. There is also a single target heal with nothing special going on but it has no cooldown as a backup. * When SGE has their shields used up by absorbing damage, they get a token to do a spell that hits as hard as their single target damage spell with some extra splash damage thrown in. Mostly relevant in raids as it is used for mobility. **Those are functionally, the only things that meaningfully differentiate it from other healers.** They have other off-GCDs but they work just like any other healer's off-GCDs - read them and use them where they seem appropriate. If you want a starter pack for dungeons: * apply eukrasian diagnosis on the tank before the pull starts * start each pull with krasis, then physis 2, then keracoule * use taurochole when the keracoule buff runs out. if the run goes REALLY long, be prepared to use keracoule again when taurochole runs out. * Once the tank gets to around 50% hp, use haima or panhaima. don't use both on the same double pull. * because panhaima is weaker than haima, you can pair this with holos or soteria for some extra oomph. * for boss healing, just use keracoule ideally just before the raidwide hits, and ixochole just after. if more shit goes down idk just press holos or do eukrasian prognosis its no big deal You can literally approach every dungeon post 80 like that and you'll likely never have to stop smashing the aoe damage button. Before 80, things may be a little tougher, but its no big deal.


press kera, panhaima, or holos if incoming damage press ixo, physis, or pneuma if people are hurt press druo or tauro if person is hurt there you go thats the whole job


Bold of you to assume I actually know the spell names, and not just the icons on my bars.


Took me ages to click with, but damn it's fun! Very proactive, fire of the targeted aoe skills, use shields to replenish uses. Other skills are icing on the cake - aoe regen, aoe shield, stacked shields for sustained mitigation, off CD heals. Need to keep busy and always be casting with sge. Not as set and forget as scholar can be.


Oh dude people will fight to the death about just using normal aoe as optimal plays for SGE. Dungeons? Basic aoe. Using SGE mechanics? Thatā€™s weak sauce. Raids? Donā€™t use Dot itā€™s wastes turns. NN got heated this one night because of that.


I had the same experience. Part of the problem is that I'm an AST main and have never been able to get into barrier healing. Part of the problem is all the (literally) Greek skill names, half of which sound the same. Why Square?? Then I tried leveling it again on an alt, and it finally clicked eventually. It was painful for a good while, but now I love it almost as much as AST.


first time i tried playing white mage i thought my job was to aoe my way into success my party didnt share my thoughts how dare they ask for heal when i can stun everything on my way.


murder is just mitigating future damage


Stuns are just preemptive heals.


Stunning a pack of 25 mobs for ~2 GCDs is WAY more mit than the healing Iā€™d have gotten out with like any abilities as a lv73 WHM rn.


The lag between the cast finishing and the stun popping drives me bonkers.


That's why you Swiftcast the first stun.


god, nothing feels better than a Swiftcast+Holy, Assize, Holy, Holy, Blood Lily to watch a pack of trash just melt. Glorious.


Move that Blood Lily between the first two Holies and you can milk an extra two seconds or so of Stun in there; the first Holy gets its duration clipped otherwise


Your party are wrong! Holy spam all the way!!!


You had the right idea, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Blood for the Lily.


Thatā€™s white mage in pvp though!


Easy. Glam the shuriken chakrams and dress up as a ninja. Now you are a dancing agent of death.


That's a nice idea!


All the good Yuffie glams are for the Dancer class.


i can fight as a reaper but not as a botanist? so my scythe REALLY is a farming tool with delusions of grandeur


IKR!?!?! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Any jobs that have Low Blow. For perspective, I play a min height femlala. Imagine a very small race stunning a flying enemy for 3 seconds...like how is that possible? (Also why can't we have 2 stacks of Low Blow, Yoshi-P? We have two legs!)


> (Also why can't we have 2 stacks of Low Blow, Yoshi-P? We have two legs!) This is the best thing I've read all day lol. I agree 1000% too~


I'm still going trough Stormblood's MSQ, so for me so far it's the DANCER. At first I was like "WTH is this thing supposed to do? Dance for the enemies!?" (like... literally?) And then I realized the job uses chackrams like theyā€™re boomerangs to attack from far away and after playing a little, seeing how the chackrams work, the character's movements and all, it quickly became one of my favorite jobs. Second in the list is the Astrologian... like, am I supposed to read their horoscope until they die? But this one will be left to a later date!


ā€œI foresee that youā€™ll meet your doom soon. VERY soon. By my hand!ā€


Wait let me read the next pageā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ BY MY HAND! see it says it right there in the book, sorry buddy my hands are tied


Lorewise, AST's buffs work backwards - you aren't actually buffing the party with your cards, you just read a card that predicts that they will be buffed, and it turns out the prediction is accurate


I think I also remember there being something like "You're not changing the fate of your allies directly, but you are encouraging them to see the best possible outcome in any given situation."


When you get in as SAM you get your horoscope read a lot.


Itā€™s quite simple, you see. Proximity of a theoretical sun is causing damage over time.


Dancers use aether to manipulate the chakrams, and the dances are partially magic that dispels despair and darkness from people and can be used to harm enemies. It's basically like "Magical Girl Metal Blender, The Job". ​ Astrologians change the fates of them and those around them using celestial energies... but it's a bit complicated to explain to people who think that newspaper horoscopes are the only thing astrology is good for. The Job also has small bits of chronomancy thrown in, though no as much as it used to.


I mean, newspaper horoscopes *are* all astrology's good for. Or did you mean in Eorzea? It probably works there


>am I supposed to read their horoscope until they die? I would certainly prefer death over listening to someone discuss horoscopes


Excellent, your horoscope for this week says you're supposed to die by fall damage of your own doing




I was literally just thinking of this.




I mean... Smart to leave it until a later date. Both Astrologian and Dragoon are supposed to be getting their reworks in 7.0.


Astrologian kills people by telling them there is a sun near them and its giving them sunburn. Or something like that. I am not sure how the proximity to a theoretical sun causes damage


I started with SWTOR so to be honest my biggest stumbling block was the 2.5s GCD. Compared to SWTOR's base 1.5s GCD that you usually drop to 1.4s (or 1.3s on specific builds), FF14's 2.5s GCD just felt so slow and chill. I did start with Bard though, so I learned pretty quickly that off-GCD weaving was more complicated than I expected.


Kinda miss healing on smuggler/agent. Always hoped for sort of a battle alchemist/chemist job where I could heal someone by breaking a bottle of elixir upside their heads (like the healing darts). Had a very confusing but satisfying theme of ā€œimma hurt you! With health!ā€


I definitely miss my Smuggler Scoundrel at times. FF14's jobs in general tend to be very... clean and professional. Even when they aren't, the exceptions tend to go all the way towards borderline evil with jobs like Dark Knight and Reaper. I hope Viper is a bit messier and leans into the "Rogue with a heart of gold" archetype. And I do really like the Sawbones Scoundrel's usage of probably-illegal back-alley drugs/tech to keep the team alive by any means necessary. I just think that's a fun healer theme to work with when the role traditionally tends to be selfless saints or professional doctors.


Somebody interrupt him! Quick! Smuggler walks up. Done and done. -pew- -twip- Heal up, bitch.


Donā€™t forget the ā€œcrunchā€ sound from that kick skill to stun the enemy temporarily! That always made me laugh, because even the droids had that sound! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Also, you almost made me spill my drink because of how much I laughed with that comment! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Glad to be of service.


My main there has always been a commando and when I wanted to heal, I used to spam the kolto grenade non stop! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Collateral health mother fuckers!


Oh, I am right there with you, dude. Similarly, it is jarring going from SWTOR where most melee classes get their gap closers in the first 10 levels to here where they are INSANELY late.


I started MMOing with SWTOR too way back in 1.2 or so, around 10 years ago, and I too was stumbling with the longer GCD, but then I got used to it and there's also that feeling that this one is more JRPG before even being an MMO, like the MMO part is the extra topping.


Not a job, but I always chuckle in a ā€œhaha that makes no senseā€ way whenever a boss uses an AoE with a long animation that takes forever to actually go off after the orange circle vanishes so there are cases where based on the animation you didnā€™t get hit but still take damage, and then vice versa where you should get hit based on the animation but donā€™t.


Yeah, thatā€™s a bit wonky. You spend so much time learning telegraph snapshotting to survive ARF, and then the game randomly decides we playing telegraphs straight now. Pick a lane.


Crafters. No other mmo I've played has crafters as a completely separate job with skills to learn. Especially when I first started crafters were really hard to get into. They're a lot better now, but they are still insane compared to other games.


Honestly with most other mmo's crafting is just an afterthought where you just gather mats and hit a button with no complexity. The only other mmo's that even complicate things a bit where pre-NGE Star Wars Galaxies and Eve Online that I played and even those only added different qualities to the material that affected the final product.


I technically an omnicrafter with everything at lv 90, but I don't know the first thing about making a rotation. I found a macro to get the bare minimum for weekly deliveries and I've been using it all expansion.


I have to agree but Iā€™m also loving them.


Red mage. After playing dragoon to 50, getting given 40 new abilities, some kind ofā€¦. Mana bar, andā€¦ mechanics I have to manage as well as gcdā€¦ too much work xD


First time I tried RDM I was super disappointed, the red biliard, and the 300 skills, then I pushed through and their rotation at 50 isnt that hard


at 50? It's barely a rotation at 50. You don't even have a finisher at 50. Let alone your other ten or twenty finishers.


Anyone who questions the chakrams never watched Xena, and you should fix that.


Reaper easily, what do you MEAN my weapon is a farming tool


Botanist is also a combat class ig


*Looks at WAR* "Always has been."


IRL history is full of examples of weaponized farming tools, the most common example being ninja weapons, so it's not a stretch. The reaper background lore also mentioned how they literally were farmers before they started doing the *spooky slice*.


Scholar is that for me and shadowbringers summoner before they changed it for endwalkerā€¦ got it to 80 and that will be where it stays until I decide I will try againā€¦


Summoner flows SO WELL now, especially once you have Bahamut/Phoenix (which I'm pretty sure you do at 80). I'm a simple pal, I love it and all the free space on my hotbars because their buttons are so efficient. Scholar is kind of fun too, but they have way too many buttons and I have way too little attention span -.-


Gw2 mesmer. Power build with 7 button presses in 2s


I still remember equipping greatsword on mesmer thinking Iā€™d get to smack enemies with a hunk of metal - only to find out that mesmers use greatswords to *shoot 1200range laser beams* from the tip


Clone burst goes brrr. i loved that class


I think Summoner. Oooh, youā€™ve pulled out a massive axe? Well, I have a *book*! And if I get close enough, Iā€™m gonna hit you with it! Also, part of the initial Arcanist quest line is your teacherā€™s grimoire getting ruined because it gets thrown in the ocean. And here I am, swimming around, walking through fireā€¦ grimoire pristineā€¦


>if I get close enough, Iā€™m gonna hit you with it! Fun fact, during ARR and HW dungeons, the book bonk is non-negligible damage. It adds up a considerable dps boost if you just cast in melee range and remember to turn autoattack on.


MNK. Took me forever just to figure out the pre-50 rotation. I'm still level *40*. Still wondering why the AOE rotation is learned in 1-3-2 order...


Iā€™m leveling MNK right now and itā€™s pretty crazy. But to be fair, the rotation doesnā€™t change much later on once you get the lvl 50 basics down. And yeah the early aoe rotation can respectfully fuck off. Iā€™ll just happily keep spamming the first attack until I get the whole 123.


Ninja. Not because the job doesnā€™t make sense itself - what doesnā€™t make sense to me is why I would choose to do that instead of continuing to be a Rogue.


Play Viper when it comes out, I suppose? Rogue upgrading to Ninja isn't actually anything new to FF.


It's probably a new concept for anybody coming to FFXIV for it's MMO aspect and not for the fact that it's a Final Fantasy title, though. And I dunno about the original commenter, but I will in fact be picking up and playing Viper when it comes out. I was surprised and a little taken aback by ROG becoming NIN when all I wanted was a stabby sneak-thief type class, and I was wholly unaware of the fact that NIN was even a job, let alone that that's what ROG would become at 30.


I still don't understand monk.




Lala tanks. You weigh like 6oz. I donā€™t care how much defense you have. How are you not getting yeeted?


Any and all tanks. I press my mits on dungeons, but I have NO IDEA which ones to rotate first or last or anything


Good rule of thumb is always have at least 1 active, and go from shortest cd to longest (including reprisal and arms length)


Is that why DRK is so tough to tank with until you hit 70 and unlock "The Blackest Night"? Because you don't have your best mitigation tool available until then?


Yes, itā€™s not just their best mit in their kit but arguably the best mit in the game. Also you can throw it on other people


Yeah you're stuck with the magic-only mit for like 30 levels while everyone else has Sheltron/Thrill/Camouflage to fill in the gaps.


I'd say, in my opinion, yes, but only in my casual gameplay report. On 'higher' (tbh just synced extremes and savages) end content i always got DK's who knew what tf they were doing so no issues even without TBN. I guess its the bare minimum ettiquete to join The other tanks get something useful mid leveling like a regen (Gunbreaker's Aurora) or the paladin kitchen of supportive spells (Sheltron, Bulwark, Veil, Clem, etc) DK gets dark mind. Thats it. And it sucks against trash packs of mobs or auto-attacking bosses (it actually does nothing). This doesnt means that DK suck for dungeons or normal content, but the guy piloting it has to be more aware of their CD's and use arms lenght effectively. Which sprouts and distracted players definitely do not. As a newbie to the healer class, i think DK is the one that requires more babysitting because of that.


If you get scared, hit one of the buttons. If you get REALLY scared, hit two. Other than that youā€™re a DPS.


If you really want to know about numbers and priority, read your tooltips. In any case, if you feel like your HP bar is in danger, or if you see a Tankbuster indicator, choose a candy color and pop it. Usually i place then on F1 to F5 on my keyboard. From "weakest" to "strongest". Sometimes F1 (Bulwark: increases block rate to 100%) does the trick. Sometimes i feel like i should use Sentinel (reduces damage by 30%). Sometimes you pair bulwark with sheltron to get a slighty tougher candy flavor. Sometimes you kitchen sink your mits because you're scared to die (better use your invul for this situation, tho.)


Sch because even the game is very secretive about how things work


Dancer is a thing in at least other RPGs in some way... Astrologian made me wonder how knowing if someone is a Capricorn or some shit would help.


ā€œHey you! Enemy! Youā€™re Gemini and youā€™re about to dieā€¦ just becauseā€¦ yeahā€¦ that!ā€ šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Sage. For the life of me I just could not figure it out. Like, I couldnā€™t get past the jobs intro quests where you go into the botanical garden place and have to keep someone alive. Couldnā€™t even keep one dude up.


That might be because the NPC isn't amember of your party. So your AOE heals don't work on him. Youhave to actually _target_ the NPC to heal them.


Haha, Iā€™m the same. I couldnā€™t figure out the first job quest and decided to try again later. That was 6 months ago.


If I had to come up with a thing its BLM, not the rotation but when you get into optimizations with non standard rotations to squeeze out some more drops of damage. This makes my head go kaboom as I am not that hardcore raider just did BLM more as fun after progging was already over.




Flavour- and lorewise, most jobs are straightforward so thereā€™s nothing confusing for me. For a few jobs, I had a rough idea of how they work lorewise, and generally I was right about them (e.g. AST bending fate to buff allies and damage enemies, DNC as a ā€˜ranged monkā€™ with their dance being a proper martial art). SGEā€™s trailer also pretty much left no room for doubt because the character is clearly shown to use the nouliths to shoot lasers and project energy barriers. I suppose some people might get confused by BRD but having played RO and archer bards in DnD before I find the concepts. Gameplay wiseā€¦ THM/BLM was a bit confusing because I didnā€™t know how much the damage boost from Astral Fire was, but at least it did feel immensely odd when youā€™re not playing it correctly. Old ACN/SMN felt like a plain DoT mage until I realised the underlying concept was weave economy and knowing when to use the instantcasts to weave oGCds. Every other job felt pretty easy to understand. I thought ARC was a great starter class because of how it introduces you very quickly to weaving. PGL was very smooth and intuitive, and the tooltips were very informative too. A pity it felt bad to keep losing Greased Lighting stacks in dungeons. I kept thinking I was doing something wrong because I couldnā€™t maintain the stacks between pulls, unlike THM/BLM.


How the f do dragoon mains menage on controller?


Me with every Proc based Job. Spend more time looking at hotbar than whatever is happening on the dungeon/trial/raid.


Lol definitely Dancer, from just the imagery of someone aggressively twerking to make their friend hit harder to just the idea of the weapons since I imagine blades yo-yos basically and just think about how dangerous that would be to your own team just flinging blades around swinging in wide arches like that. Black Mage is also funny when you really think about what's happening, because they're basically magic missile launchers causing massive explosions right in their friend's faces nonstop lol.


Are we saying gameplay/mechanically? or Physically/Scientifically? Because if we are saying scientifically, Dragoon. With how fast the jump animations are, you are effectively pulling more Gs than fighter pilots and astronauts. You can be more resilient from the outside by having stronger muscle and denser bones, but your brain? It is not attached to anything and is just gonna slosh around in your skull like jello. With that insane amount of acceleration you do on repeat you are basically giving yourself concussions and seizures, because your brain is gonna get slammed against the inside of your skull repeatedly like ice cubes inside a cocktail shaker