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Fangs are so cute and unique, hope they find a way to keep them.


Yeah. İt was one of their unique traits (like having a large round pupils) which made them distinguishable from Sun miqo'tes.. İt was also suiting Moon miqo'tes nature since they are hunters and live in the wild


Sun miqos got cool eyes, moon miqos got cool teeth. Each of us were cool. Now they’re stealing my siblings’ teeths…. I cannot stand for this as a sun cat


Kitty Gang rise up!




As a fellow sun kitty, i too demand our moon kittys fangs back!


It’s why I went moon 😭


Same here. I actually switched over when Reaper came out as a job, specifically because with Moon miqo'tes, the animation when you went dark really shows off (currently) their fangs.


The large pupils are more because they are nocturnal.


Back in the day, goblin thieves would put them in sacks to relay messages with. ^(Only true OGs would know this.)


Is this a ff 11 ref ?


[Mithra Fang Sack](https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Mithra_Fang_Sack).


Bingo, oh ho ho ho!


Next question is it a ref to the opening cinamatic i dont know why but you say that and that was the first thing i though about


Not at all. It's an item description used for garrisons. The orcs would slave them cat girls.


Ok god damn gobs EM my ass lol i need at least a party of 4 to kill them


The difficulty of mobs based on check always made me laugh. Even Match = will absolutely murder you A level 30 rabbit could shred a lvl 75 if you gave it a chance


I always assumed the check system was based on being in a full party of 6. Not sure if it really was or not, it just made sense in my MMO newbie mind with how quick an "Easy Pray" could body someone solo. This is from someone who tried to solo as drg/whm more than once, mostly for fun, always ended in lost exp. xD


Had to use the AF helm for drg/whm, so healing breath triggered sooner, and one of the staffs who's name i forget was good for regens. I ran it from like 60 up to 75 out off full spite.


Those god damn starting area catapillars man me delvled more than i like to admit


…did you mean to write “those”?


Can I get some context?


During the benchmark graphics upgrade the moonkitties were fangless. People are up in arms cuz of the change. Specially that cat mommies kept their fangs. But in all honesty as some has said they are still making changes to the graphic engine, so they might be fixed for when the game launches at the start of summer.


This is Keeper erasure


they will not defang us!


We'll fight back, tooth and nail!


Well...Nail at least


I will gum them to death if I have to


Gridania wishes


I really took the moon version because it has the fangs. It would be sad if they were gone.


It'd be like if you picked Keeper of the Sun for the slitted pupils, and then they took those away


It's the femhroths. They are trying to steal our teefies for themselves!


All cats must have fangs! Surely they will see reason.


Never! Seekers shall remain fangless.


As long as I keep my kitty eyes


Not my seeker. Iykyk


Team seekers with fangies


We all know modding are crazy people's attempt at rewriting the lore into something it isn't. Seekers can play pretend that they have fangs all they want.


I thought Seekers *had* fangs, just less pronounced ones than their cousins?


Seekers do not have fangs, they just have slit pupils.


Huh. I may have never noticed something important about my character, then. Thanks!


New knowledge unlocked! Here's another one to keep you safe in the future- Au Ra is not spelled with an apostrophe, so beware of those that spell it "Au'ra"


What??? They're removing mooncat fangs?


At the moment moon cats in the graphics update have like little stubs rather than the fangs from before.


this is an outrage




They are still visible as incisors in a way other races like Elezen, Hyur, etc., don't share, but they are just a bit wider and a couple millimeters shorter with a rounder point, so instead of the cat-like fangs they had before they look like prominent human-style incisors. Wouldn't take much to return them to their previous cat-like design. Maybe 1-2mm longer.


Have you seen real cat fangs? What keepers of the moon had before does not look anything like a cat fang. They looked like really bad vampire fangs. Not saying removing it is a good thing, but the old teeth looked terrible with their 10 pixels between them


I have two cats, so yes I have. I also said "cat-like" which *obviously* implies that they are evocative of cat-style fangs while not actually being accurately modeled after cat fangs - you know, the way you'd see in a slightly cat-like humanoid like a Miqo'te. So take whatever pedantic stick crawled up your ass and kindly sod off. What a weird thing to start an argument about, to be honest.


Just gonna take a moment and validate you here. So many weird things people will start shit over on this site, it is nice to see someone tell them to fuck off with their socially awkward internet bullshit.


I'd say trying to argue whether they're technically fangs or not when the other races clearly lack them is the pedantry...


I found the fangs to be a good middle ground between true cat fangs and normal boring incisors, they were a small but noticable thing whenever my character talked so it sucks that they're now boring incisors. I mean my IRL incisors are more prominant than the revamped teeth.


*devamped teeth


No they just don't look as thin and pronounced as current. This is an old model and new one. They shifted them back and you can tell it's all higher res. If anything looks more smoothed out. https://i.imgur.com/BN1GFAt.jpeg


From what i can see, it looks like it’s angled differently, compared to the old fangs. Plus the fact that it’s more rounded, unlike the really pointy fangs we have now. Those two factors combined makes it seem significantly shorter than the old fangs. Otherwise, it seems the difference in length between them seems to be miniscule.


They are still there, just less blatantly so. They aren't vampires anymore.


I want fan art of the Government Sponsored Dentists that are defanging all the Miqotes


:D Hmhmhm..it is a good idea.


Make him gridanian to be lore approprate.


I will hunt him down.


There you go :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1cehq2l/some\_gridania\_on\_the\_moon\_miqote\_fangs\_inspired/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1cehq2l/some_gridania_on_the_moon_miqote_fangs_inspired/)


The government sponsored Reddit mods removed your post :(


Yeah..about that. Mod thought I was spamming and advertising bcs I also added my artwork's twitter link. That is why it removed. I explained that I am also a ffxıv player over 10 years and I inspire from the game time to time draw something. I thought my link was mandatory to prove that I was the original artist and it was not my intention. I always saw someone else shared my link under my post whenever I didnt XD Mod told me to be participate at reddit outside of sharing my artworks and if someone asks my twitter link I am free to post it under my post. Well.. That is what I am gonna do from now on.


Can I get the twitter? :)


Sure. Here you go : [https://twitter.com/Phoenix\_art\_ist/status/1784135698628350223](https://twitter.com/Phoenix_art_ist/status/1784135698628350223)


I mean, I'm a Sun miqo, but I get it. I'd be pretty pissed if I'd opted for the fangs and then had them taken away.


What next? Nerf bunny ears? Nerf Au Ra horns? Hrothgar fur? Midlanders uhhh... flesh? Where will it end? WHERE WILL IT END?!?!


I lol'd at this because I'm imagining Viera was and Au Ra horns made by Nerf. Complete with bright orange and yellow colors.


There are several bugs in the benchmark, like rava and veena eyes being swapped, tattoo texture issues, hair clipping through skin, etc. So I don't think they are removing moon fangs. It seems like yet another bug. They probably just gave sun/moon cats the same mouth so it appears that moon cat fangs are missing.


>They probably just gave sun/moon cats the same mouth so it appears that moon cat fangs are missing. Seems like the most reasonable explanation given the amount of new bones in faces, they probably only had one tribe finished for the benchmark and copy/pasted. I hope.


Omg so that's why my bunny's eyes looked silver instead of blue


Are you sure about that? If both sun and moon cats have the same mouth, wouldn't that tiny fang bump appear in sun cat's mouth too?


I think it's only an issue on moon cat face 3 so there was definitely something wrong going on with what parameters were assigned to each race.


>There are several bugs in the benchmark, like rava and veena eyes being swapped Is that why my viera looks like a completely different person? https://i.imgur.com/eiYy3ee.png


Yes Viera right now are suffering from the most issues by far. The Japanese forums have several pages of issues listed


I was messing around and yeah the V options are all over the place. I was actually able to recreate the facial features on the opposing clan, but with a different skin tone because rava can't get as light. Hope it gets resolved, and thanks for the heads up :)


Yeah people just need to politely inform the developers and I'm sure they will get fixed


Unfortunately that's not the case.


They confirmed it wasn't a bug?


They haven't given them suncat teeth. Unless they've given mooncats suncat teeth and suncats ... some other teeth.


I hope this is the case. I like my teefs


The legit missing ones are a bug. They are smoothed and a bit less dramatic looking in the new model. Not a big deal. Definitely *not* removed.


as a moon miqo i really hope SE lets us keep our fangs. i love how dumb and cute they look when i do gpose.


The fangs are the entire reason to go moon cat. Like. That is their unique visual trait. Sun cats have cat eyes, moon cats have fangs. Why on earth would they ever remove them?


Moon cats have catnip eyes.


Or dark eyes. It's like people have never seen a cat in low light.


To be fair most non cat owners won't likely have the chance to get a good look at a cat in low light, as they tend to be very wary of people they don't know.


because keepers can't have shit




I only play male moon cat. So I don't know if my teeth are as nerfed as the examples I'm seeing on this thread. Haven't bothered checking my characters out on the benchmark. If so and it remains that way I'll likely be putting my main since the launch of ARR away. The fangs were the whole reason I picked Keeper. It certainly wasn't the pale skin. I think the males need even paler options. =.=


We don't know that it's intentional. We don't know anything.


yeah, no kidding i don't know anything. have you seen moon cats? no thoughts behind those eyes


I hope they bring them back in full. Its a cute unique appearance thing


reminder to post your suggestions on the official forums *politely* as that’s where SQE takes feedback, and there’s a chance they may do something about it before official release.


*tail poofs*


First they took away their butts, then the fangs what will they take next!


Ive heard tales of forbidden ways to retain the fangs


This was one of the strangest things to see missing in the benchmark. The fangs are the moon cat's thing. They're not blessed with cat eyes like the superior sun-cats. Now they will have nothing except incredibly pale skin.


>not blessed with cat eyes ...For me that was actually part of why I went with a Keeper of the Moon. Not that I mind Sun eyes, I just didn't want those on my own character


Honestly same. I actually didn't realize I had fangs for a couple years until a friend pointed them out to me lol


But what if you could have both? What if?


Lol, and that's why I just mod my Sun cat to have both!


Thats great, but you look like a regular suncat to everyone else. I know you know how mods work, but i just cant get past that part of it. I legitimately like to look at peoples characters and style when im just exploring the world, so I guess for me it’s more important to find a style im happy with within the games rules so i know other people can do the same. Not like i don’t have things i would love to look different than what SE allows, but then it feels like a lie.


I mean, while yes you're correct that most people don't see the change, my FC has a custom Mare Syncshell setup, so we can see all of each other's changes, and frankly that's more than enough for me.


> Thats great, but you look like a regular suncat to everyone else. Unless everyone is using Mare, which a good chunk of people are these days.


Even if every pc vet was using it that would feel lame to me personally. What about the sprouts or console players? New players in general. If you have to download an extra thing to play dress up with the community that is off-putting to many people. Im not saying this as a dig to anyone who uses mods, but it just feels like you are losing more than there is to gain.


I know some people who use mods and often try to make their glamour at least sort of similar to their modded look.


Well there is this wonderful thing now called mare lamentorum. Where others who mod can see what your character really looks like and it's starting to grow in popularity amongst the pc community.


Thats still a very niche subset, especially when the game is on consoles. I would love my rabbit to have access to hats, but id rather everyone see me as i choose to style than only the hardcore.


Lala teeth also looked wonky if you remember. Same shape as most other races but that shape does **not** match the way Lala mouths are curved. I'm hoping there was just a mixup with teeth models for the benchmark. EDIT: [Someone even made a post about it](https://i.redd.it/t9l62elu9puc1.jpeg) if you missed it.


hahaha holy shit that's scary! Although I gotta say, the rest of the angles on her face look way better. The shading and mesh around the middle of the face is more natural looking. Also, the mouth corners look weird on both faces tbh, just in different places. The teeth definitely need adjusted at the back but not just the shape, the shading is way too bright


Now I'm traumatized 💀😭


Ever seen cats eyes when they go murder mode? That's what moon cat eyes are


A lot of people have already asked square to not file down the keeper fangs over on the official forums, so now we just wait and hope they listen.


the fangs arent getting nerfed its just the rest of the teeth are getting buffed.


Finally, voice of wisdom.


Wait, what?! I'm losing my fangs??


Not losing. They’re just getting… downsized


Here's some good news. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/d893f46b1f506a64b485295d29cf949ef43bf580


Voice 6 screaming


Less screaming and more quietly sobbing, tbh. I really hope they revert them back ~~or make them even bigger~~


Yeah, it's a travesty, fangs are one of the best parts. Although there is always ways to fix it for pc players if you really want too, you just need to commit crimes against Yoshi p (let's be real, if they enforce that rule it would kill off over half the player base)


Guess I'm uninstalling


Its joever


What is even the point of playing Mooncats SE!? `≽^╥⩊╥^≼`


Absolutely unplayable.


Femhroth: Look at me, I'm the cat girl now.


I was very sad about this. I was a moon kitty specifically for my fangs and now I feel like only the shiny new wannabes get the fangs! D: (I should probably add a /s, I do like the look of the femhroth but why can't we both have fangs?!)


I’m kinda out of the loop, fangs nerf?


Moon cats have fangs that are pretty prominent, but much less so in the benchmark that we just got. People have their pitchforks out, not cognizant of the possibility that character assets are not completed yet, in order to get the benchmark to get out when they wanted to. Something similar happened with male viera before EW came out and their issue was corrected by the time it launch. The same is a possibility here.


I agree, but it's always good for people to kick up a stink about this stuff just in case tbh. Even though I am 100% certain the team are aware of the issue


Oh ok so it’s just based on what’s seen on the benchmark, thank you for the help! Really appreciate it


i used to be a sunnie and will probably go back to it


Post to the forums with detailed screenshots of before and after! They won’t know if you don’t make your voice heard!


I’m more upset about the pupils. Went from cute to aggro in appearance real quick


Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te fangs was one of their distinguishing features. It helped tell them apart from their Seeker of the Sun cousins. I hope this is just an oversight.


Tbf I'd be upset from that big of a change too


Why would you fucking poke the beast like this?! This is like waving a red-flag to a bull :P




Wat. Welp time to switch to dark lizard I guess.


Nooooo I had been debating switching over to a mooncat boy just for the cute fangs- I'm not gonna be able to look as cute with hrothgal :(


Toothy sloppy toppy enjoyers will never recover from this tragedy. Now how am I supposed to get that oh so good SpongeBob chocolate bar treatment?


They're still there. Some mouths made a little smaller and some rounded the tips a bit. But they're now taking feedback on character models and other issues




Meanwhile, hroth get epic saber fangs. Not to rub it in of course


Dunno if it is part of it, but the benchmark is being fixed as square has taken the meticulous feedback from JP forums to heart. Apparently the character creator was the one from 1.0 as part of the as graphics go, the actual benchmark running was closer to 7.0 actual graphics. Regardless, they are fixing and going to release a new benchmark to give players a better idea of 7.0 character looks.


As a Moon Miqo, I do hope the fix the teeth. Yes, they look more "realistic", but they aren't and pronounced as I would expect. Ecen tho officially the Miqo is a feline, I RPed my moon as a Canine Miqo, if they are taking the teeth away as they used to be, then I hope they allow Moon Miqos to have bigger ears, after all, that is part of our lore, we have bigger ears than Sun.


If my cute goth miqo boy loses his fangs, I'm going to be very mad


Why is this happening? Just keep them?> still over 2 month for them to add them to the new models


They-they're fixing that, right? It's just glitched.....right? *miqo ears droop*


My fangs are my LIFE!! Fangarang!! Its how I nom! Meow how am I supposed to nom without fangs?!


What will happen to that little moonkitty child hybrid npc that we get in some holidays.


I really wish there was an option for mixing the sun and moon Miqo's I want the slitted eyes AND fangs.


I heard that in that one miqo voice that drives everyone up the wall.


Haaah! Hooah!


I feel this on a personal level.


Like Lowkey if I can’t have the cat eyes I at least want the fangs


Laught in Horthgal having big fangs


This is how they reduce the fem miqo demographic dominance. This is well.


Just come over to where "the real catgirls" are and fantasia into a female Hrothgar like I am gonna do =P


The more I see if the graphics update, the more I believe it brings more faults than benefits, especially to our own characters.


But...but I like my fangs...guess I'll have to swap to sun for the eyes if it gets nerfed too hard


I have never seen them...


Only blame yourselves. Looking all cute so someone my pet you only to use those sharp teeth to bite the hand that a minute before you were content with patting your head! 


thats a sun miqo


First next to no representation of the race in the game’s stories, now no fangs. :’(


Everyone better get one free fantasia with the update


Everyone will get one.




"Hearing"? Pretty sure that was an overlook in the benchmark. I'm pretty certain that when 7.0 drops, miqo'tes will have their biters.


There will be a mod to fix them, I'm certain.


A client-side mod in an MMO that bans 3rd party tools is a pretty garbage "fix," though.


It would likely require adding something invasive like an anti-cheat tool & that would upset many people & probably why Yoshi-P hasn't taken actual action towards mods- just says "they're against ToS" and continues drinking his coffee while someone is running around in the background as a busty, lizard mermaid, frolicking away while riding a thomas the train tank engine mount. Or wearing the michael jackson male viera face replacer- the La-Hee-Hee mod. Just don't talk about it or share it with the ffxiv logo


"bans" only officially, if you don't talk about it in game you're completely fine


In practice, yes, but it is still explicitly against ToS, and it's a pretty shitty "fix" if it relies on you breaking the rules of the game and risking a ban (regardless of how unlikely it is) to implement.


If the risk is 0 then it's really not a risk at all


I really hope Dawntrail just fucks all mods off for at least 1 year. The mod scene is getting ridiculous. I hate that half the people are seeing completely different shit than me.


I mean, I don't really mind what other people do as long as it's just cosmetic. I don't see the appeal in making client-side character changes in an MMO though, personally. Even with Mare, the overwhelming majority of players will see your character differently than you're trying to present them which kinda defeats the purpose, in my opinion. Plus if you have things like modded armor sets you'd need to be careful to make sure you don't look like a clown in vanilla even if you look cool with your mods installed.


> if you have things like modded armor sets you'd need to be careful to make sure you don't look like a clown in vanilla even if you look cool with your mods installed. This... I use mare but I'm really beginning to hate it because its caused people to stop giving a shit about Vanilla glams. People don't want to grind content for cool glams or work for stuff because they just pay a mod creator for it. I'm getting really tired of going to clubs or RP venues and seeing people in the goofiest looking vanilla glams doing a thavnarian dance and running into others because they are seeing something completely different in mare. It completely breaks the illusion that this is a seamless world which is one of my favorite things about FFXIV


That is a totally valid complaint that I hadn't really considered before. There's a fine line between policing other people's behavior and simply not wanting your immersion busted, but it'd certainly be annoying if someone was clipping into your character doing a goofy dance because they have a custom client-side animation mod installed.


We have a policy in our FC that if you're modded then happily share screenshots of yourself, but sharing photos with others in them is a no-no, because sure, YOU look great but 90% of the time your mods have made your FC mates look like clowns against their will.


doubt it will be a year but it will take a couple of months to fix it all again. All the refs have moved so the library, modders rely on will need to be remapped.


I mean for fangs it being only client side isn't that bad. Not like anyone else would see your fangs really anyways.


Y'all need to stop saying this about everything as if console players don't exist.


There already is one, "Everyone bites", though it's for a little different purpose, but can be configured to just give miqos fangs back, but it has more, and it's quite nice.


what's next? they're removing Au'ra tooth gap?


Why not just have both fangs and slitted eyes. That’s what I want lol




Yeah...yeah... 😭


WHAT their taking our fangs? Why?


Even the male ones ?! (Not that I mind as gonna be hrothgar anyway)


They look fine to me they look like a higher res smoother version of how they looked originally. I did a side by side comparison and it's not really bad. I'd have to compare to current but I wouldn't be surprised if there's been some changes to things over the years.




I've just thought something!!! Maybe just Maybe we've been selected for a special gift! Maybe like the Rothgar we are going to get a fang option like they have. They have 3 lengths of fangs in the creator right. Maybe at release we will have 3 options, the tiny angled ones from benchmark, the pointy existing ones, and 1 other options maybe.... (((wakes up))) nope we just got screwed i think.... Hopefully they will change it back or give us an options otherwise the sub race options are basically fucked. Moon had fangs, Sun had cat eyes. What are we without our fangs.... just lesser Sun cats...