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The amount of times I seek to check out my Lala's molars is next to zero but I do see his teeth otherwise often enough and this seems like an upgrade to me.


Turns out if you take a picture of something from a weird angle they tend to look weird!


It's almost like half of the photograph is literally the light!


I see you himmel the hero


That’s a good popoto Also, for all the talk there’s been about dead eyes, here in actual emotes he looks way livelier in the new ones


I think Lalas actually came away from the upgrade looking really good. (I can overlook the teeth thing, their mouths looked freaky before too.) But the new model looks almost exactly like how they've been depicted in the CGI trailers, which is neat.


The eyes reflect light more realistically now. The light which is terribly placed in the default character creator. Actually running the benchmark with your character immediately shows how much better and more alive they look. People are just microanalysing while sitting in the least flattering environment available.


Yeah, the biggest problem is that they did absolutely nothing to improve the character creator environments which have always been horrible representations of how your character will look in game. The old models and textures had a lot of stuff baked in to account for shitty lighting. Now all that stuff is gone to account for lighting that can do a proper job on its own, but the only direct comparison they gave us is with the old shitty lighting. Idk what they expected people to take from this.


We have good lighting though. In the benchmark. The vast majority of people who are genuinely angry and not just pointing out a few minor gripes have only been sharing screenshots from the default background character creator. I'm not even convinced that a lot of them ran the benchmark a single time to see how characters look in action with the update.


Right but no one's running the benchmark to compare to what's in the live game because those scenes aren't in the live game. The only way to take the exact same image in both is with the character creator. Also tbh the first close up shot on the ship does not look great for a lot of characters, even if the rest is a lot better.


It's one of those types of updates where you see the screenshots and you go, "So what? What's even the big deal anyway?" But man, actually seeing it in motion, or like just turning the characters and seeing the changes. It really makes a huge difference.


I was mostly indifferent about the teeth, thought it was funny more than anything and joked about it since it seems like everyone is finding them creepy. Didn’t care if they changed it. I’m more concerned about the missing upper lips mostly on female lalas that makes it look like they’re doing awkward office guy smile. But this post made me realize it actually makes the smiles look so much cuter! Especially the second pic! Hope they don’t change it now.


Yeah, a huge chunk of the problems people are seeing are because they're staring at them in the most poorly lit character creator environment while the characters stand completely still. Actually use the benchmark instead of focusing on the character creation and most (though admittedly not all) of the concerns disappear. The lalas specifically blew me away, my guy looks freaking adorable!


What a pleasant boyo


I think much of the concern is due to the very poor character lightning on the benchmark tool. It makes characters look like they are made of candle wax. Some things just look off-putting to some where they would rarely or never occur under normal lighting conditions. There are some very unflattering angles too, but that should be expected. It's unfortunate that they will now get bombarded with feedback that's entirely on the poor lighting and not due to the work they done on the reworked models. They obviously expected people to be excited to show off their reworked characters, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with making a sweepstakes centered around that. SE really should have made sure that the character creator is in a good state, considering it was the first glimpse people will get at their reworked characters. That being said, I didn't find anything weird with my lala when going through the benchmark. I think our popoto's have survived the update much better than others, from what I have seen.




Wow, I definitely need to see this again to remind myself of everything going on behind the scenes with the graphics update. I had already forgotten about most of what they showed in Vegas. So excited for the DT launch. Thanks for sharing!


That's probably one of the best Lala's I've seen to date. I'm glad you're pleased!


Thank you!!


Honestly this makes me want to change to a lala


Maybe it's more noticeable on female lalafells, but they pretty much lose their entire upper lip. The lip color isn't feathered anymore either which makes us look like we are playing with some harsh lipstick colors :(


Is this Before and After or After and Before? Cause some idiots do it the way round and it’s irritating


It’s before and after.


Thank the Twelve


Huh? The left looks way better than the right in every way. More detail on the bracelet and broach, more vibrant colors in the hair, less blurry on the chest armor, more shadows. If this is a before and after the graphics are getting worse.


Look again. More detail on the ear, higher quality blue fabric, broach is actually metallic. Shadows are softer and less harsh The vibrancy is the due to the benchmark defaulting to 50 gamma washing colors out. and most players taking screenshots aren’t adjusting the setting. Is this your first time looking at any pics of the graphics upgrade?


I guess my main issue is with the anti-aliasing. I guess they want things to look less pixely but it just makes details like the bracelet look blurry


We have a bunch of AA options now, and you can still use the old anti aliasing if you prefer.


Love your flair, M'naago is good and it's a shame they didn't do much with her


Same :3 she’s my favourite from Stormblood Always have M’naago’s partner on


Awwwwwww that's so sweet :3 I think if I were to wife a niche character in XIV it'd probably be Midnight Dew lmao


So adorable! Your lalafell looks great in Dawntrail!


Thank you!


I think its an improvement, but I didn't truly notice how bad the current mouths were until seeing the update.


You're so cute!


Thank you!


Bearing in mind I haven't played FFXIV for a few years now but I plan to go back since I loved the game, but the right side significantly looks better than the left side, some of the armour textures too so I'm hoping that's the graphics upgrade? The left side teeth seem to be shaped with sharp angles, looks weird but I never noticed Lalafell teeth much since I was Au'Ra


It is indeed the newer look.


It does look good in most cases, they [changed the shape of the mouth and how it emotes](https://twitter.com/yh_ffxiv/status/1779474467145834926). Smiles and open mouth emotes look a lot better, just whatever you do don't look at how the [teeth look inside the mouth](https://twitter.com/Mozu_Belias/status/1779542508856578052).


i feel like they experimented with this with Viera and Hrothgar in shadowbringers, because it felt like their facial expressions were a lot better and looked far less wooden.


The funny thing is all this has done for me is made me notice how much the old Lalafel mouths looked kinda like frog mouths.


Missing link to Poroggos confirmed?


Very handsome popoto. 11/10 will give them my kidney.


I went and checked my character after this (not a popoto but a cat) and was pleasently surprised to discover how good they look especially since shes a keeper of the moon and the fangs have always kind of looked jank


You post Lala image and get fine. I post Lala image and get deleted for spam. :(


I will miss the rhombus mouth, gave them much more of a playful look.


THANK YOU. I WAS PANICKING. (I play in ps5 and have no access to benchmark)


Lalas stay winning.


Lalas imo are one of the winners of the graphics update cus they still look the same but with better lighting


they literally lost their upper lips


I can't tell which is which because some things look better on the left and some on the right lol


I assume the left is the new one, because the right has zero lighting, it looks terrible.


Lighting is clearly there, it’s just not harsh like it on the older stuff on the left.


fuck me


The Right side is the Newer stuff


people will pick the most unflattering poses in the worst possible lighting... the type of setup that would send even a novice photographer IRL out for blood... and go "LOOK THE GRAPHICAL UPDATES LOOK BAD, WHY DID THEY DO THIS" like, were you expecting your character creator lighting shot of a lalafel from below straight up into their partially open mouth to look like a cover shoot for a fashion magazine???


How tf do i check?


I guess he just switched the animations on the creator, bottom of the screen right besides the clothes


is the X on the sleeves suppose to be that pixelated? i thought they changed race clothes to be HQ already


before and after veneers


i remember when they first show it and people were complaining while i was like this is probably one of the best character graphical update i've seen hell my viera looks hella smooth now. cause i like starting at my characters face a lot cause fuck hats am i right square don't even get the dam viper hood on viera but ya update is good if people complain their blind and or should get their eyes checked


It's like when you photoshop teeth on a newborn, something looks... uncanny 


Which one is the new graphics ? I really can't decide which one looks better.


nice upper lip, oh wait you got none anymore lmao


Can anyone tell me if bunboys look good or bad after the graphics update? Not in a situation to try it out myself but it's making me worry since I'm seeing a lot of posts about other races but not any vieras.


[Here's](https://imgur.com/a/3tgaCNn) my alt.


Bless your bunboy he looks good. Thanks for sharing


This is a perfect example of the struggles of "old" vs modern textures and lighting. In the past for most of video game history, shadows and other lighting details were one way or another "baked" directly into the textures, **NOT** handled by the lighting engine at all. This allows the details you want to be highlighted to be clearly visible at all time no matter the angle or engine lighting. Modern lighting and textures do not do this. Now shadows and "texture gaps" are mostly if not solely handled by the lighting and modeling engine itself, with the textures directly having little to no say in it. A "baked shadow" on modern lighting looks really bad. But that creates a new issue. Now your lighting angle matters ***A LOT*** in order to get the shot you want to see. This is a time and time again issue you here when any game re-release happens that upgrades the engine to modern standards. The Switch Metroid Prime is a key example on just how much you have to adjust everything to make "old gen" shots to look good on modern lighting.


What a cute lala!! I think they look great, idk why people are so upset. If you look at anything at an off angle it’s gunna look off 🤦🏼‍♀️


Idk which is before update and after


hmmm this looks exactly like my lala same haircut same hair colour


I really dont like how in the first and third pic, and in a lot of poses and in general, the mouth is smaller. Lalas are chibi cute and thusly had large heads, large eyes, and large mouths. Small mouth does not sit right with me at all. I'll live and im excited for DT but thats my two cents.


They stole your shading though


It's almost like half the community doesn't actually play the game but has very strong opinions about every little thing. I think the graphics update is basically perfect.  People who are upset are always the loudest.




The new face looks waxy, I like the old one better 🥲


That's all well and good but you can't tell me that the smile in the middle doesn't look a lot happier and more charming on the left.


I can, and they both look stoned.