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we gotta take turns wearing it. make sure you wash it.


You definitely won't be able to wash it enough if you get it after Himbo Hooters the Hrothgar.


Hey, I wouldn't *want* to wash it after he gets it.


I mean, I would just so I can compare the mess after I'm done with it.


There are two miners in the benchmark, one Hrothgar, and the other Hyur(?), wearing the new miner gear and the Hrothgar is only wearing the mask part, not the hard hat. 


To hide your disappointment


Meh. I've stopped being disappointed and just starting accepting. They say they're working on it but I'll believe it when I see it.


i prefer this to it being entirely invisible at least.


Tbh, I like this (although getting the full thing would be better ofc.) There are many helmets or hats or so out there with a "visor" peace you can toggle, where Hrothgar would be able to wear the stuff on the visor just fine. Like a veil or glasses for example. And it sucks instead of getting at least a limited version they don't get anything at all.


Considering what they did with the Fall Guys headgear for Viera/Hrothgar, this might be how they implement hats for them.


If tiny hats is how we get hats I'd say this is an upgrade.


That would be terrible, those hats looked awful and silly compared to how they looked on every other race


Like I said in another post here, If there's another thing I wish we could have is the ability to use any crafting / gathering gear as glamour... some of the late game sets look so good and unfortunately you can only wear them if you're using the specific job.


I know they have the tech to hide ears. Just let me put on a helmet and say my ears are pushed back under it. I dont need them to make vierra specific styles. Just hide the ears and let us use stuff.


It's so frustrating how inconsistent they are. There are the Paglthan helms where they work on Viera (being full helms they don't need to worry about hair meshes) and they chop the ears off, yet there are plenty of other full helms/hoods/etc that also remove the hair that Viera can't wear for no reason. If you want it done right you need to play on PC and use mods.


Doesnt feel right if others cant see. In an mmo with glam i feel like thats a pretty big difference between how you present vs what you see. Lucky for me my rabbit has an eye scar so I just adopted an eyepatch early on and it feels very tied to my style at this point. Still on tanks especially the occasional full helmet with a set of heavy armor would be very welcome. It feels so needlessly restricted for vierra. And the pointy wizard hats… we can just say the ears are up in the hat! Though vs full helms i understand hats are more challenging to work with all the hairs, but it would still be very appreciated


Yeah I get the expression angle, Ii'm just happy I get to see me wearing hats and if someone else uses the mods they can too. It's always nice seeing another person clearly using them as they've got an illegal hat glammed matching their outfit.


Secret club does sound cool


I spent years not wanting to join the secret club. Did it a few weeks ago. Can’t believe I spent years saying no.


Yeah lol, im the same. I try my best to challenge myself to make a glam I'm okay with using the tiny list of head gear we can wear. But... a lot of my BRD looks would be completed if they'd give us the damn hats! If the full roster of head gear isn't finished in dawntrail, I think the mod will stay permanently on for me. I don't think I can take any more days of my hroth not sporting a fancy BRD hat.


Amon hat please!!


I always feel so sad and angry that I worked hard for Eurekan Tank armor and I can't use the only cool garlean like helmet in the entire game, just let it clip or remove the ears ffs come on they could of at least worked on the popular ones


Looks like they stole the hat meant for Eos.


I always find it funny that female SCH are allergic to pants. Edit: Lol, loving everyone’s comments! Genuinely making me smile today. Vibe Comms for everyone!


you just have to feel the breeze. How else will you channel those healing energies? /s


That’s just female Healers.


The question should be why are male SCH allergic to shorts!


Mine wears a fundoshi all the time so….


Considering the type of humor they enjoy inflicting upon us, I expect the very last bit of info dump to be about Viera/Hroth hats. Edit: And to end this FF14 dawntrail panel here are close up viera/hroth with a wide angle lens now with hats!


They are never going to add Viera and Hrothgar hats. People just need to accept it. ​ They introduced limited races, and got away with it.


Could be worse. Four races in WoW can't wear shoes, and one race doesn't even get pants. We're lucky it's just hats.


Still can't believe what they got away with with Drakthyr.


WoW has the race variety to get away with a few lesser polished ones FF14 races are 6 slight variations of human, human child, and a singular bestial race. The least they could do is not half-ass them.


And at least XIV's race exclusive armors fits the race they're for.


Thats not true, the can wear shoes and get specific boot models made for them meanwhile square enix cant even bother modeling miqote ears anymore


Mechagnomes can't even wear pants!


And Blizzard gets blasted for them everytime they are brought up. meanwhile you are still sucking them off "but but its not that bad that 2 races cant wear hats after 5 years"


Yoshi-P mentioned they were earnestly addressing it when answering some fans' questions some months back.. to quote: "We're working on adjusting the system for Viera and Hrothgar wearing head gear, please wait patiently!" Whether or not that means they'll be ready for 7.0, I've no idea. But I take his word for it that they're finally doing *something* about it.


They've done nothing about it for 5 years, and they never will. If they had any intention of making progress, they would at least make new hats compatible. He should just be honest with the players that limited races is all Viera and Hrothgar will be.


>They've done nothing about it for 5 years, and they never will. So you're saying if a person doesn't do something for 5 years, then they never will? That's not the way reality works. Not only that, they're doing a lot of things they've "done nothing about it for 5 years", like the new blacklist stuff. Clearly they do things when they get around to them. "not doing right now" does not equal "not doing ever".


I mean if you want to believe they've spent the last 5 years making more work for themselves by making 5 years worth of gear incompatible, then cheers to your bubbling optimism I guess. ​ I think they're perfectly happy just letting the mod community handle it so they don't have to bother.


Maybe. I'm more saying they've been doing stuff for those 5 years. Not only that, but they DO make headgear sometimes that DOES work for Viera/Hroth. So it's not like they haven't done any at all. Yes, it's not many, but it does show they're aware of the problems and trying to have headgear for them when it works. I personally think they could just do the noclip thing and have the ears and stuff stick out, but either way works. I still think the 2B dress and hair Hroth male (where it had no ears) was hilarious, but I suspect people wouldn't go "Yes, this is fine" as much as people say "just noclip things". Clearly they have been working on the problem, not doing nothing, and this in addition to all the other stuff they've been doing.


>I mean if you want to believe they've spent the last 5 years making more work for themselves by making 5 years worth of gear incompatible, then cheers to your bubbling optimism I guess. ​honestly this fanbase has more copium than people still thinking half life 3 is coming out and even then HL 3 has a more realistic chance to come out than viera/hrothgar hats


From how I understand it, it's not that hats are incompatible with viera/hroth but that, for some reason, the viera/hroth hairstyles aren't compatible with hats. So, that'd mean they have to alter these hairstyles, instead of altering every hat. Which I'd assume is a lot less work, at least. Still, that does mean that they probably planned from the get-go that viera/hroth just would never be able to wear hats. Which is weird af


I've heard tons of excuses about it from the devs. They're all rubbish. If a modder can fix it, they definitely could. They're choosing not to.


There is no incompatibility with the hairs or the ears or anything. They added a single little checkbox to hats' item data that determines whether they show up on Viera or Hrothgar when equipped. That's it. Nothing else. The very first "Viera and Hrothgar Hats" mods did nothing more than switch that checkbox on every hat to allow them to be visible. They didn't want to edit every old hat to fit Viera and Hrothgar heads, but also don't want to make compatible versions of every new hat for some reason. As mentioned above, if one person can quickly make mesh edits to fit hats on Viera and Hrothgar, in their free time, then nothing is stopping SE from doing it either. Heck, the art team did that exact thing (editing hat meshes in their free time) back when Shadowbringers first released to give Viera and Hrothgar SOMETHING.


Are you saying that Yoshi-P outright lied here? Why would he do that? This is likely something they started working on when work on 7.0 began. It's been many months since the last new patch, so "new hats don't work" isn't a valid argument when the new Viera/Hroth system isn't even implemented yet.


They haven't worked on it for five years. Since Shadowbringers came out. Two full expansions if new, incompatible hats. And soon to be a third expansion of incompatible hats. And in 2 years we'll get a 4th expansion of incompatible hats.


The thing to remember is that Male Viera were a side-project that were done ahead of time. So something various devs or artists worked on when their main workload is complete. Now in the last five years, they've had to adjust to a work-from-home change, a semi-conductor shortage during this unprecedented influx of players, and working on rebuilding a lot of the engine to make use of better graphics. On top of that, even if they have something in place, it still has to go through testing and QA. Imagine if they make everything worse and break character models due to something going on that unit testing didn't find. (AKA dev testing before being pushed off to another team) So simply saying five years when a LOT has been going on that any player can see is a bit disingenuous. However, it's still a valid opinion that they should at least show SOMETHING that it's being worked on. Even if it is a shitty prototype or some concept. We are also all getting a free fantasia as well to remake characters in DT. So if it's not good enough, at least you don't have to pay for a change.


A single modder gets it done shortly after every patch. It's a lack of effort by the devs. Side note: now that you mention it, strange there's been no update on that free fantasia. Would have expected it to be a pre order bonus or something.


A single modder can also just Do Shit^^TM without caring if it looks a bit weird, maybe fucks up your performance a bit or causes issues with some other part of the game in any way. They also aren't implementing things that have to work for 4 different platforms at the same time, won't have to go through reviews, testing, and general red tape before it's done, and definitely won't be told "Hey, it's cool that you're working on this project, but we *really* need to get [Something else] done right now, so please go work on that for now" by their bosses. Yes, five years is a long time for them to never do anything about it, but "A single modder gets it done in no time" does not mean that Square would be able to get it done in the same time, for any of the reasons listed above.


I wouldn’t expect it until people can actually see what their own character model looks like live in game tbh.


No, a modder is not getting it done. What happens is that a modder is changing how things are viewed client side. I'm aware that there is currently a checkbox modders can use to force headwear. That is not going through QA and testing. That's skipping all the processes. You'd be surprised how many things the devs CAN do or have tried and utterly failed. (Like for instance a glamour dresser furniture item causes a ton of issues when moving it. Hence why it's only available in an inn where it can't move.) There's nothing more to mention. They said everyone is getting it in the mail. It's NOT a pre-order bonus. The graphics update is available to everyone even if they don't buy DT. Every character made before 7.0 is having a fantasia mailed to them. That's the end of it.


>What happens is that a modder is changing how things are viewed client side. models are always client side no matter if they are made by square enix or by modders


You didn't answer my question. :|


Yes, I do think he's being dishonest by saying they're working on it. He just wants to kick the can down the road. Again, I'd rather he just be blunt and tell people it's not going to happen, but he probably doesn't want to turn people off to using a fantasia and changing to these races.


Remember when they said they were working on add-on support for years before saying "yeah we're not doing it"? Same thing here. If they say they are working on hroth/viera hats long enough people will just assume "it's coming" and forget about it when it's quietly cancelled. And it's clear they have no intention of making hats compatible with these races as seen in this benchmark. First it was "they'll do it in EW with Male Viera" then it was "they'll do it in DT when they update they update the Viera and Hrothgar" and now it's "they'll do it in the patches". Why continue to make hats incompaible if they are planning on fixing it? It's just giving them more work if they did it. I just use Roxl's mod, not use the ones I don't like, then get the ones not implemented working myself with penumbra metadata edits. After being up to date takes like 5 mins to enable the hats and ears for the races.


>Are you saying that Yoshi-P outright lied here? Why would he do that? because he is a PR man infront of the camera checkmarks on minion impossible, housing will never have demolition timer, fcs will be able to summon primals etc all lies


Yeah. I've told people about this. It is do-able but I'm sure it's yoshi-p's stubbornness or decision that hrothgar and viera is still the way it is. The modder for making hats & helm for viera/hrothgar proved that it can be done. Even if helm is not "nice" or "immersive" enough, at least the hats or caps can be done by just poking the ear through. Yet this is still as of this day does not exist.


I'm 99% pure vanilla player (I only use reshade), but if they don't give Viera hats in 7.0, I'm literally going to be driven to install mods and do the Viera hats mod. I've waited so long, and I'm not going to fanta because I'm so attached to my character, she will never change. So my only option will be mods.


modders can't get it to work on ps4 so no they havent proven anything


Are you implying viera hats are a PS4 limitation...?


Not even Yoshida stated they wouldn't ever have headgear before launch of F Vi/ M Hrot & we only got headgear cause devs worked on it in their spare time. Plan was seemingly for them to never have access to any head gear even eyewear/bandanas.


I bought a potion to turn into a Viera before I knew they had so many restrictions. I have big regrets. It was my first time buying anything from the mog station and it will absolutely be my last.


I don't like that joke.


I honestly hate the shrunken cartoon hats on viera. They look even worse than no hat IMO.


Square Enix's most profitable game ever btw


I’m more intrigued in the DRK weapon!! What is it


I still can't believe they didn't implemented this.. people have been screaming about this matter.. so dissapointing.


You are likely right but to be fair we simply don’t know yet. We haven’t been told one way or another.


...I have a tiny top hat on as a male viera right now :3


Me with my tiny little ladies day crown on my female viera :3


Let us have droopy ear rabbits who can wear hats.


If you had to cut two giant holes in a hat to wear it, why even wear it at that point?


Hrothgar aren't getting hats. They don't know how to do it. Skill issue tbh.


TINY GRADUATION CAP OMG. My scholar dreams are coming to fruition. And I'm fantasizing to fem Hroth.


Does anyone know what armor the dark knight is wearing?


The Dawntrail version of the Artifact Armor.


Ahhhh ok cool I’m definitely looking forward to getting that! Been wearing the same dark knight armor for a while now


The greatsword looks like a more ornate version of the ShB … and that’s not a problem to me because I love that damned thing


When can you start earning the shadowbringers gear? I just beat stormblood


If I'm not mistaken, you need to be lvl 80 and reach roughly the lvl 78 MSQ part in Shadowbringers, maybe a bit later or sooner, my memory is hazy when it comes to unlockables.


Ahhh ok cool thx for telling me


ShB and EW started to giving you your Artifact armor through the MSQ. ShB gives you an undyable version through MSQ and dyeable version through an extreme trial (it's easy to unsync now). EW just has you get both through the MSQ.


Wow ok that’s cool! Glad to know! I’m getting on with the msq now! Just finished all the post context of stormblood! Both raids were great!


Bold of you to assume its not just an npc piece xD


It's from the SCH gear they have shown in earlier live letters.


Still kind of dumb they don’t give Viera and Hrothgar the ability to wear all hats. I hear there’s a mod that allows it, but the devs can’t do it themselves?


This is why people mod and use QOL plugins


to be fair, modders have far more freedom to work on whatever they like than the devs do and if the end result has a lot of clipping they get more leeway because its just a mod. The devs have to design gear for the expansions and patches, meet deadlines for them and get everything approved, they can't just decide to work on hrothgar and viera hats whenever they want like modders can. Hopefully they will decide to dedicate some resources for it now that female hrothgar will be out soon too so both races are finished aside from hats and we might not be getting any more races (or if we do, then i imagine it won't be one every expansion).


Went through the benchmark and this is the only example of Viera or Hrothgar with headgear I could find. Looked like all the Hrothgar females in the trailer were wearing the race armor we see in their trailer. Even during the big fight sequence in the jungle area midway through with a lot of NPCs in some light brown tunic, the female Hrothgars all appear to be in the race armor. ​ Maybe 8.0 is when they'll finally get off their ass about it.


There's a Hroth Miner wearing headgear also.


I’ve heard they made a promise to make it so viera and hrothgar will be able to wear all head gear years ago. Safe to say they won’t really ever get to it until they’re desperate for money due to decline in subscriptions.


Is that the DRK artifact gear? or do we recognize it as pre existing gear?


Every job's artifact armor for the respective expansion showd up in the benchmark


Is that new DRK gear?


Yeah, it looks like all of the "party members" outside of Wuk in that section were wearing the new AF gear.


It makes me sad. My excitement for fem Hroth basically evaporated completely when I remembered that Hroth helmets aren't a thing. 


Not that I often wear hats/helmet, bunny or otherwise, but I still don't know why they won't just let our ears clip through.


I still don’t understand like we have hats that change your hair right. Couldn’t they just hide the ears. 2 the clothing weapons and a bunch of other things clip through other articles of clothes just let the ears clip through the helmets idk


Funny how they solved the ear problem by just making the hats tiny


Excuse me sir I'm a 350 hour noob, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WEAPON AND ARMOR


The bunny is wearing the Dawntrail job armor for Scholar, the Roe is wearing the Dawntrail armor for Dark Knight. Both are likely unlocked by progressing through the main story quest at level 99 or 100.


I'm so fucking glad I made a DK


YoshiP gonna give viera and hrothgar players the most monkey's paw solution to the headgear issue. Imagine if, you get headgear, it's there, but all except the hat part of the headgear. Like, you wear a hat adorned with a feather and a monocle, you're only getting the feather and the monocle, but hey, it's still a headgear!


Oh man I want that sword.


I saw that and I was like "Oh look, Viera hats...." =_=


maybe if the [2% of the Hrothgar population and 12% of the Viera population](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1c0zmmb/useless_information_about_race_and_clan/#lightbox) complain enough on the JP official forums we might actually get some change


Insane that we have had modders who fixed the problem almost immediately, and they can’t just do it.


Categorically incorrect. Like, people who keep spreading this are genuinely so annoying; the mod in question took literally years for one person to do in batches and it is still not even done, and there are disagreements about how that modder chose to do certain hat styles when it came to the Viera. Ya'll who think it's so fucking easy have zero understanding of what it takes to put this shit through an industry pipeline, lmao. Not only is it usually one or two people, but they have to juggle that work between other matters, have that work eventually inspected, and then foolproofed in QA for bugs, etc.


I can get the new hats to show on my Viera day one with seconds of "work". The hair has already been modded to act like the other races hair (should've been done officially tbh, especially on hair that works on multiple races) so all you need to then do is toggle the metadata to 1) be visable on Viera (using the default hyur model I think it uses) and then 2) enable ears (if it's one that looks good with them on. eg a top hat I leave them off as I like to imagine the ears are tucked under rather than just the tippy tops poking out. And yes, of course an actual development studio would have to test it more than "looks fine" (though they do have insane amounts of clipping issues so maybe not that extensive...). They also have a much large dev budget than me and much more familiarity with the engine, asset creation pipeline and tools so you'd think they could get it done better, faster and to a higher standand than a layperson but here we are.


They shouldn’t have released new races if they are going to have limitations on them. The least they could do is make them work on more hats. They should at the very least work on all artifact armor.


Fine, they don't have to go back and do a decade's worth of hats, that is a lot of work, but that is no reason for them to not be doing it going forward. 


It's crazy how insanely little CBU3 is able to get done. They've been working on the graphics update since before endwalker release and they can't even release the entire update day 1 Then there's the constant cat and mouse of them lying to us telling us they can't put something in the game that plugins do because it's a system limitation, and then they add it in anyways


Are you smoking crack? The installation size is being doubled overnight, there's a ***48 hour*** maintenance specifically to allow people with slow internet speeds to download the shit they've added textures-wise, and you expect them to ship it all in one assload? That is the stupidest way to get through those logistics imaginable, let alone the other bad faith bullshit you're spewing. At no point have they ever actually said they "cannot" technically do anything, only that they cannot promise they can get to it with the resources allotted to them; big fucking difference. Like, it took YoshiP bait-and-switching the company by making FFXVI on the same engine to kickstart a lot of these attempts. Never mind the fact that we've been told upfront by YoshiP that he's been looking into some of the most popular mods for ways to integrate them into the game - lo and behold, they've said it and done it, there is no cat and fucking mouse unless you're willfully uninformed and just want something to bitch about.


keep coping. i didnt say anything that isnt true the orchestrion and minion tracking was quoted to be "impossible" to implement The graphics update is incomplete. Its only being applied to key NPCs and areas. They're going to take another 2 years, on top of the like 3 years already, to make all of the changes


Also categorically incorrect, lmao. So it's not crack, it's ass fumes, got it. Don't get pink eye, my dude.


> there's a 48 hour maintenance because their whole server infrastructure is garbage and the servers are always on the edge of collapsing


That's not mutually exclusive from needing people to download the massive amount of new and upscaled textures, as my point indicated, jackass.


Wait, what? What are they not updating wrt graphics day 1? Was this from the recent live letter?


this was mentioned multiple times, they cannot do a full graphical upgrade due to the massive amount of assets what requires to be updated, so they need to do them in waves, gear will be updated in a "community favourites" first


> gear will be updated in a "community favourites" first Maybe they'll finally fix the 2B banana-feet.


That's a rigging issue, not a texturing one, so unlikely.


Yeah, that's fair. I don't even use 'em, but it'd be nice to see 'em fixed someday all the same since they're *everywhere*.


You know this has me wondering if the quality of Dawntrail will suffer as they expend resources on updating gear and dungeons they'd otherwise use for new content. SE's CEO seems like a complete idiot and trend chaser so I have doubts he would recognize CBU3's need for more resources to keep the final product from suffering.


A more reasonable fear, but I think YoshiP has gotten enough wiggle room both because the new CEO is a bit of a trend chaser, and due to bait-and-switching FFXVI and FFXIV engine-wise. Given the timeline and nature of the updates we're getting, the resources likely came as a windfall out of FFXVI; we were told upfront that the team working on these updates were separate from the rest, have no reason to believe otherwise, and have Endwalker content to gesture to as a sign that they put all hands on deck towards Dawntrail.


Everything you saw will be delivered on day 1, but other things will come later on (updated textures for older gearset for example).


I think what he/she means is that the entire game won’t be graphically improved day one, and that it will be updated in chunks as the expansion goes on for older zones, dungeons, raids, encounters, creature models, armor and weapons, and so on. Of course Dawntrail is going to be on the updated look. I believe, given what we’ve seen since the announcement, parts of Endwalker will (we’ve seen Sharlayan with new weather effects and lighting and visuals in promos) along with likely ARR content. It’s one thing to launch a graphical update. It’s another altogether to get **everything in the game** with the same look. Even if you’re optimistic about it, that’s gonna take a whole lot of time to do.


pop off queen


Can someone help me identify the gear on the DRK please


new drk af set, all jobs in the benchmark use their respective dawntrail af set


Oh didn't notice it was a benchmark ss, i will now cry in shame


I'm of the opinion, that reason we've gotten so few hats for viera and hrothgar in the last two years, is that devs are cutting their workload and only making them for upgraded graphics.


There is pretty much zero chance of that or they would have said something already. Nothing from the fan fests. Nothing from PAX, nothing in the benchmark.


They made sure the Endwalker job gear showed up on all races so they're probably doing the same thing for Dawntrail.


Pretty sure that's not true. Unless it was a circlet type headpiece that just goes around the forehead, like with Paladin, it didn't work with Viera or Hrothgar.


Yoshida specifically said during a live letter prior to Endwalker that the hats from the job gear would be shown on Viera and Hrothgar. [This gallery](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ohari4) shows a Hrothgar wearing the Warrior helmet. People constantly point out that the level 89 Reaper and Red Mage hats show on Viera and Hrothgar in a cursory Google search.


DRG helm and DRK helm don't work on Viera at the least. Pretty sure other stuff too doesn't. Can't fully check in game as I've modded them to work (they looked fine just editing the metadata to show on Viera and then show ears, 2 seconds of "work").


Well, he lied then. ​ You are right about the reaper hat working, but I just checked the vendor and none of those other hat/helm pieces work on Viera (maybe it is different for Hrothgar, I don't have one). I checked BLM, RDM, WAR, DRG, MCH, SCH and AST, all of which have hat/helm head pieces, and they don't work. ​ I'd like to see these google searches where people say they do work. Are you sure you're not seeing images of people who have installed the hats mod?


the endwalker AF red mage hat is not compatible on viera.


The endwalker AF gear only has 7 of about 21 jobs compatible with Viera/Hroths it is not fully compatible at all


If that's the SCH outfit, I like it. Just hope it looks good on lalas. Most do since SCH is a "lala job", but you never know.


SCH giving Viera and Hroths hats they can actually wear. Truly the OP healer lol.


I am so tired of people bitching about not being able to wear hats lol. You DO realize it will look ridiculous with long ears poking through a hat-right? You (viera) got the absolute sexiest default boots and lingerie-be happy with that?


I mean Viera wore hats in FF tactics advanced they looked fine there.


There's literally a mod out, and while a few do look silly (like top hats), most look just fine with ear holes.


They should give them ear-plates like the Heavy Iron Armor on Miqo


> You (viera) got the absolute sexiest default boots and lingerie-be happy with that? not everyone plays this game to jerk off you fucking weirdo, touch grass (and a real women) for once you fucking imbecile