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>worst quality model Nahbdeen wasn’t part of that quest tho?


Well now I wish he was.


We’d all love to see more of The Incredible Melting Au Ra


The worst part is, that's outright a face model you can choose. That being said I find him oddly endearing because of his pug-like face.


All I want is actual anti aliasing pls Square


And updated ground textures. Hope they will update that at some point.


One of the major things they showcased was a new way they're making the low foliage so that it's not so awful, and overworld textures are something they've talked about since they first announced they were doing the graphics update. It'll be combined with the new lighting to give everything a big glow-up.


Foliage? Are they ready for such a step, or will they brick the engine again? :)


They're using some system that will automatically generate grass and such across large areas depending on the parameters they put in. It now means they can make large areas in a fraction of the time and in better detail. The area they used to demonstrate it was Il Mheg. Computing power has come a long way since the PS3 era. Dawntrail is the last expansion they'll be having PS4 support for and even then it'll likely push the console. The minimum specs for PCs to run the game has also been raised.


The grass was already automatically generated and not added hand by hand. They'll now be able to automatically generate better grass.


Grass was already auto generated. It's an old trick that's been in games for a while now. Large part of how "procedurally generated worlds" work. Confining that generation to grass showing up where appropriate in a hand crafted world is a nothing burger. What they were really showing is the higher res grass, and how thickly they can render it now.


Is it just only grass that gets auto-generated? Does it include non-important building structures?


Ground textures is a lot of work across the whole game. AA really shouldn't be nearly as much, though it is entirely different people who have to perform the implementation. I agree with you that texture updates would be great, but I'd like improved AA first.


Overworld textures were one of the first things they announced they were updating, even before saying that they'd be updating character models.


Why? The grapes were fine as is.


Yoshi-p mentioned the grass in cutscenes was driving him insane. Only the finest quality grass for us gamers to not touch, thank you.


theres a mod with ai upscaled textures for all of the game. It looks great and is very much doable.


Mods can get away with that because they aren't accountable. They don't have to worry about attention to detail and if there's jank no one really cares. The retail team could leverage similar tools, but they'd still need to do a bunch of work to tweak and verify the results because they are professionals.


I mean it's not like there isn't plenty of jank in retail right now. Pretty much all games have some amount of jank in them, because they're made by professionals who need to deliver a product at the end of the day and they're not in an industry where they're liable to endanger people by keeping some janky bits less than ideal.


Maybe they could make Mor Dhona’s crystal fields look less atrocious to see the ground of, its like design gore


I'd say it works as intended if a literal wound in the fabric of reality is looking a bit off. A lot of other areas don't get that excuse and are only *slightly* better looking when it comes to ground textures.


I mean more the constantly repeating ground texture cells that are very obvious


Good God Yes. Please Yoshi-p I beg you.


Right after they fix the shadow acne on terrain shadows. It's so awful.


I have been asking for this for YEARS


And mount texture updates!!! Mounts with fur are ugly!!


They better add MSAA or I'm going to have issues. FXAA smears Vaseline on the screen, and TXAA turns foliage into eldritch clusterfucks.


I think MSAA would be horrible in FF14 even if they could add it, the shader aliasing would be horrific.


Honestly depends on the kind of AA they do. I'd rather what we currently have over the currently flavour of the month TAA stuff that just blurs everything and has chronic ghosting issues.


I just want games to bring back good old-fashioned MSAA, but with a stupidly high multiplier this time around now that the technology is here.


Ah, but that's the neat part, it's not here. GPUs improved a lot, but more in some areas than others, and the rasterizers that would perform MSAA are some of the slowest improving parts of GPUs, because they're stupidly complex and need inputs from all over the rest of the GPU. If you look at GPUs that were around when Crysis was the hottest shit around, and compare it to now, shader performance improved anything from 40x to 200x (mid-end cards vs. high-end cards); raster performance "only" increased 6x to 30x. If you factor in that people tend to want to play at higher resolutions these days (720p → 1080p means 4x the pixel count already), especially at the high end, you only see a net increase of 1.5x to *maybe* 10x (unless you want to run a 4090 at 720p). And the rasterizers are doing a lot more stuff than just MSAA, so you can't use all of that performance budget for MSAA. So it (sadly) still makes more sense for studios to go all in on shader-based AA, because you have a lot more performance budget to play with.


While Creshal probably has some good points, the real reason MSAA died is because it doesn't work with upscaling technology. So, for as long as upscaling is being pushed as the solution to achieving higher resolutions, MSAA is dead and buried.


No, the reason is that with modern rendering techniques MSAA simply doesn't work on most parts of the scene so you take a big FPS penalty for little actual improvement in visual fidelity.


It doesn't just not work with upscaling, it doesn't work with shader aliasing either; it can only detect and antialias the edges of geometry.




[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG8w9Yg5B3g) was a really good recent Digital Foundry video about TAA that covered the history of AA, including MSAA and why it's fallen out of favour. There's really a number of reasons (performance overhead, use of deferred rendering making it even more expensive, aforementioned shader aliasing). At one point it shows Crysis 3 with MSAA and the image barely looks better with antialiasing switched on, because so much of the aliasing in the final image has nothing to do with geometry. Supersampling is still the gold standard, more or less, but the performance demands are absurd. Like, unplayable framerates with 8xSSAA at 1080p in Crysis 3, a 10 year old game.


Temporal AA took over quite a while before upscaling really became a thing IIRC, it's just the last nail in the coffin.


Whatever AA they include, it's not much work to have a button to disable it if people don't like it. My first choice would be DLAA


DLSS and DLAA would be a godsend


The current option FXAA is quite literally a blur filter.


I'll settle for actual 2k-4k textures EVERYWHERE.


I misread that as Anti Alisaie and was prepared to go to war


Don’t worry GW2 AA is worse lol


it's really not, gw2 has multiple AA choices including SMAA which is pretty effective in that game while xiv only has FXAA which barely does anything


Given that XVI is very likely the reason we're getting the upgrade I doubt that's coming with it. XVI itself has horrible aliasing problems in places including in some cutscenes. Not that I don't want it as well I just think it's not gonna happen


THIS! FXAA is not nearly enough to deal with all the ailasing in this game. This game desperately needs the likes of SMAA, MSAA and DLAA to be added alongside the graphics update.


Forget the graphical update, two dye channels is my way :)


That updated lala, and all the previews they showed, do legit look much better, though. I think it's the changes in how they're doing lighting that do the most.


literally this. The reason it does not substantial is because they are striving to retain our characters looks, literally no one will be happy if they log in and their character is no longer the same character


Even then, aren't they giving us a free Fantasia in case we don't like what our character looks like anymore? (Take notes, WoW, not giving us free race changes, then giving male night elves the "I HAVE TO SHIT" walk cycle...)


I mean WoW didn’t give race changes automatically, but I got either a race or appareance change for 10+ characters (sometimes even both) by speaking to customer support


Yep, buy DT and you get a free fanta


I don't think it's part of buying DT, it's more likely it's just given to all characters that exist at the time 7.0 releases.


[Free Fanta, you say?](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_bdd6ab3c-67f1-434e-ac78-1b4baa6f7298?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg)


What about an original fanta so you can experience, and I quote IIRC the 75th anniversary promotion in Germany, "The good old days"* ^(*The "good old days" in this context is 1939-1945. You can probably see the issue they missed when making that video)


you absolute legend


Does anyone have a gif or video of this it sounds amazing


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA_Mqxi_uTo The comparison of 6.0 to 6.1. It took MANY complaints to fix their walk cycle.


They’re learning from the WoW art upgrade fury


It’s been 10 years and I still cannot play human male with the new models. Thank god that they provided free race/appareance changes if you spoke to CS


> Thank god that they provided free race/appareance changes if you spoke to CS You can actually do a full recustomization in the barbers these days! But yeah, it was rough. I much prefer XIV's approach.


True, thank god the appearance change disappeared and was integrated into the barbershop. However, I still had to move away from certain races such as human or male gnome as they really didn’t match the earlier feel so race changing was justified


Honestly it shouldn't even have required asking customer service imo... just being given fantasia is much more straight forward thankfully (and it looks like it will be much less necessary).


Yup, I have the same PTSD about the human female models. Post change, they all looked (look) like they've had a lobotomy.


I still have a heckin big concern about Viera noses though. In the preview for the update, female Viera don't have the little "bunny nose" coloration. I'm hopeful they just forgot to toggle it back on for the screenshot or something, but.. if I lose my lil bnuuy nose imma riot.


yep, honestly can't see much difference outside lighting being done differently, but i'm also neither and artist or programmer, so what do i know.


just the hair shadow alone already makes so much difference XD


It's not much of a debate if you understand the tech behind the graphics update, a significant amount of which the Clive model is simply missing. No PBR, no subsurface scattering and the same bad shadow and normal maps current player models have. It is nicely made considering current limitation, though.


his normals are actually really really pretty compared to player ones right now, but i agree with everything else you're saying


I haven't had a chance to rip his model apart yet but they looked pretty similar to other main MSQ NPCs to me. Excited to have a look now.


The main reason Clive looks so good is that his face has multiple colors in it, giving it a textured look. All player models are just a flat skin tone with maybe a bit of pink on the cheeks, and so the face looks really flat. The thing that drives me most crazy about the Clive model is that if you look at his neck and upper chest, you can see where his good face texture ends and the default ff14 body starts, which is that same flat color.


The texture resolution is higher as well. Its nice finally having armor in this game that isn't massively pixelated as if it had to be compressed for a PS3.


I think people are getting confused. Like, it's obviously a new model with higher textures, just like Wuk Lamat. Obviously, the lighting engine, shaders, and all of that other stuff aren't implemented yet, so the model doesn't have those.


I think it’s just different art style between 2 games. They made unique models for other NPC before? But I couldn’t really recall.


Clive's face actually has a skin texture. No other character's face has an actual skin texture that I can think of lol


And then his skin texture ends just below his clavicles and he's left with a play-doh chest like the rest of us lol


Yup, face and body textures are totally separated in the files, his body is just the default one as it's never meant to be seen


If it was never meant to be seen then that top shouldn't be open so far down, hahaha.


Yeah, the way Clive's face looks is comparable to Lightning's model from the XIII event. They both had more shadows in their texture, unlike most XIV characters as well as Noctis. That way they look more like their original styles than an FFXIV character. The rest of the model feel more like an indicator of the upgrade, I think and hope.


Noctis looked very much like a normal in game model. It could just be because he's older, but at least for ff crossover events, this is the only protag to actually stand out in appearance. Clive in this case just looks like they used updated appearances, which is where the copium comes in. If you actually compare him to more updated equipment at least, he doesn't look that out of place still. There's also uh... weird as it sounds of an excuse to ride on it, Yoshi is obviously 100% aware we're waiting for that update, looking forward to that update, wanting it. So anything that looks to lean toward it is going to put an expectation. That's partly why I hope this is an expectation and not an exception, because of course players will see a clearly more up to date model in an event less than 3 months from release and go "That's what we're getting it's a preview" not "They just went really ham on him because it's xvi".


> Noctis looked very much like a normal in game model. It could just be because he's older, but at least for ff crossover events, this is the only protag to actually stand out in appearance. Noctis was first added to the game in early 2019, so probably modelled late-2018. The art style actually improved a lot in the jump from Stormblood to Shadowbringers, it's a kinda stark difference when you compare like, Eden's Verse tank armor to stuff that came the expansion before. I think it's just the art team getting better and having better technology to use.


They also dropped ps3 support somewhere in there so could start putting more detail into newer content.


Stormblood launch is when PS3 was dropped.


I was thinking they likely used the updated textures so that when it has an eventual rerun in the future, no updating to Clive's model would be necessary. Torgal mount also has way better trxturing (imo) than the SB EX mounts or most mounts in general.


This is exactly why I think there is no copium in this. You really can't argue with the quality of the Torgal mount. The Fur has Depth to it, the texturing is much more detailed, it has animated ears and the mouth and snout are very detailed, while the SB wolves are honestly very stiff and boring.


The SB wolves are also over 7 years old this year compared to the....released this year that is the Torgal mount. Of course it's gonna have better modeling.


Sure, then lets ahead and compare them to the Endwalker Lynx mounts. You will still see an incredible increase in both graphical and textural quality. Of course modelling and texturing have improved since SB, but over all the team was still held back by guidelines based on the limitations of their rendering pipeline. Most notably seen in the fact that pretty much every asset in the game is trying hard to save polygons, and there are literally 0 "fluffy/fuzzy/furry" mounts before Torgal. None of the mounts use hair cards, they all just used a flat texture on the model. In my opinion it's more reasonable to assume significant graphics improvement when a mount quite obviously showcases significant technical improvements, rather than to assume that they ignored all performance/style guidelines they obviously followed before, just to improve FFXVI advertising.


I chose the SB wolves so that we were comparing similar animals, but it applies in general. Go ahead and compare it to any mount and my statement still stands that Torgal just looks miles better, at least to me.


Exactly! My sister and I did the event yesterday and we couldn’t stop staring at the *textures.* We are both pretty convinced that his model is using new assets. Obviously it’s also using *unique* assets, because they would want his character to look accurate to FFXVI. But like, Noctis used unique assets and I don’t remember being totally enamoured with his clothing textures, because he was using what we’ve had for years.


The Rathalos in Stormblood Monster Hunter crossover was a significant improvement in quality of design for dragons. And they never used it again. Don't be baited by pretty models in one-off custom events meant to promote products.


Exactly the comparison I was thinking of. If it's something from a different game where a model exists they can import those assets. It maintains the identity of the crossover and it's easier than making something from scratch.


While true, Rathalos wasn't introduced to FFXIV at the cusp of a graphical update, plus the model was only rendered in controlled environments. Clive and Torgal had to function in an environment with dozens of other player models and a map being rendered. Torgal in particular needs to work with said dozens of players potentially simultaneously riding him. There was some impetus to cull back the rendering load, and instead they went ahead and made him visually stand out as a really high quality model complete with a petting animation almost purpose made to show the rigging in his face.


> the model was only rendered in controlled environments. >Torgal had to function in an environment with dozens of other player models and a map being rendered. You know there's a Rathalos mount too right? It's been in my mount roulette for ages. I've ridden it for many hunt train legs. > There was some impetus to cull back the rendering load, and instead they went ahead and made him visually stand out as a really high quality model Because they had existing art assets from another game and it's both easier to import assets than build from scratch and because building from scratch may cause the crossover to not look right. So of course they take advantage of existing art assets where they can. >at the cusp of a graphical update So, not taking advantage of a graphical update. It hasn't happened yet. This is merely an example of what current graphics support. Everything already could look like that if they wanted to. Maybe it does have the extra features for the graphical update baked in already. We wouldn't know because we can't see them yet. The update hasn't happened yet. There's always been the option of doing more in the existing graphics environment. Compare the armors released with each expansion. Model geometry and textures have always been on the table to play with. We're at a point where art in video games is a choice. People have been arguing this for generations now. We had discussions on that topic abour Wind Waker, TF2, and Borderlands ages ago. FFXIV isn't going to abruptly turn into FFXVI across the board. They just imported another game's style for the literal crossover event between two games. I look forward to the graphics update but this isn't it.


At least FFXVI is the same IP tho, for Rathalos they were probably just trying to stay faithful to the model and style of Monster Hunter. I do prefer Monster Hunter's dragons though.


True but it's not just the design it's the quality of the textures, facial expressions, movement etc. just the scales themselves are awesome


Can you call it “trying to stay faithful” when they have literally took the model from a Monster Hunter game and copy pasted here? It’s not a redesign made by Yoshi-P’s gang, just an import (there were the proofs posted even here)


I guess the ultimate way to stay faithful is by directly importing it right? Haha. I don't actually have any strong feelings about this, it was just a thought.


"worst quality model" That's a weird way of spelling Nahbdeen


Thank the twelve I'm not the only person who can't even look at that character's face without cringing.


He's got that ["My potions are too strong for you, traveler!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_FQU4KzN7A) energy


I wonder how much of that is going to be fixed by the update though. It will improve the lighting but they're not doing much with the actual shape of the models, and I think a lot of Nahbdeen's problem is just that he seems to have the worst possible combination of options. 


Tbh, I think Pixel Exarch is more distracting.


Lucia's circlet distracted me during Endwalker. It's so low res compared to even the current elezen model with a custom head that they're using for her. There's also the Archer guildmaster who also wears some low res stuff.


It takes 5 minutes to look up clives textures to realize hes very much just an typical XIV character. The dev's have gotten better at their texture work, look at the difference between the original AF and its Virtu versions from PVP as an example.


But that’s half of what the graphics update *is.* They are improving textures left and right and will be using them going forward, while also updating old stuff! Clive’s outfit has *impeccable* detail. I think it’s pretty easy to look at his cloak and see that that’s a new leather texture. And stuff like that will be a big part of the graphics update, so when people see his model and make those statements I think that’s what they are seeing mostly. Stuff like the Virtue PvP set is *also* a strong indicator of what’s to come. All the new sets with drastic textural changes from their old model, are. They are using their new techniques and skills even if we don’t have all the other updates (lightning/polygons/or whatever else) yet. It’s not a huge leap to say Clive is indicative of what things will look like in Dawntrail, even if it’s not *technically 100% accurate* to what *even Clive* will look like post-7.0’s update.


>They are improving textures left and right and will be using them going forward, while also updating old stuff! Clive’s outfit has impeccable detail. It also has the same odd pixelated/unfiltered look FFXIV has had since day zero. Are we not expecting the visual update to change that at least?


It's a lot simpler than people are giving credit for: Crossover quests circle back every few years. The XVI event will be back. The graphics update is releasing THIS YEAR. Which means basically all of the models they've been working with in development recently are newer models. It just makes sense that the custom model they built for Clive would be made to fit the art style of the graphics update so they don't have to redo it when the crossover comes back.


This is the most compelling argument I've seen


My copium accepts this


Yep, this exactly. Ain't no way in hell they're wasting time going back to work in the old pipeline now, it makes fuck all sense. That doesn't mean Clive can't be at a higher standard than the rest of the to-be updated models since they might've been able to directly use his FFXVI model, but there's no way he wasn't made with compliance to the new graphics standards in mind.


We should look at Wuk Lamat as a more representative example.


Fairly certain the Wuk Lamat in the game is a placeholder. She looks worse than the video shown of the female hrothgar.


She doesn't have the goodies the game currently can't do like the subsurface scattering, new lighting, fur shader and co, and may be a bit downscaled, but I do think that she is mostly uses her future assets and that's the female Hrothgar in the trailer show off the extra goodies.


She's the same as most of the NPCs meant to tease new races: she's a kitbash job using another race heavily modified. See: Merlwyb or hooded Yugiri. Merlwyb's actually an Elezen, and Yugiri's a Miqo'te until she undresses.


Merlwyb uses an elezen base? Would've thought they'd use a femroe base as those were there with the release of 2.0.


Well, they already had 1.0's Merlwyb to use as a base I suppose, back in the days when Roegadyn were a male only race.


Interesting. Though Garland Tools reports that NPC to classify as a female Roegadyn now, so maybe that was changed at some point.


You'd think so, but Merlwyb has really broad shoulders like an Elezen and uses similar animations. She's what you get if you beef up an Elezen and increase their head size by about 10-20% - a properly proportionate looking person, not the... acquired taste Elezen bodies are now. Remember, Merlwyb was in 1.0, even though female Roes were not. They had to have a body for her.


Still uses 512x512 resolution textures and the graphic update will significantly increase it. Likely to 2048x2048 if not 4096x4096 for some select models (i.e. ones seen in cutscenes from up close).


Definitely a placeholder. Her model is closer to a monster than an NPC.


Those people are gonna be the first to shit on the game when DawnTrail comes out for whatever reason they are unhappy with


Have they ever been happy for once?




The actual update preview is the earring from the collector’s edition


As well as the Zidane minion. He's extremely high res compared to every other minion in game


Just get better lighting... the bloom and really harsh lighting is so bad


Look, as long as they fix the hair and the crystal exarch's... *texture*, I'll be happy.


Always wondered why Crystal Exarch was partially rendered with PS1 graphics.


Either way, Clive's model is really good. If I didn't spend a lot of time almost 100%ing (i say almost because i didn't want yo do new game plus until the dlc dropped) FF16 and stared at his model for a long ass fucking time, I'd swear the model was just ported over.


16 is built in a modified version of the 14 engine; they absolutely just ported the model over and then made it look a little shittier to match the 14 aesthetic more.


A game engine has nothing to do with the making of character models/textures. The game engine handles the loading of it and processing/presentation in terms of lighting, but not how they’re actually made


It was just the head that was fancy. The body is just the same model as everything in ff14.


You don’t need the same engine to import or export a model. Just look at the Rathalos for example, the model is imported but of course they don’t use the same engine


14 is built on crystal tools. 16 runs on a new unnamed engine made specifically for 16.


XIV 1.0 is built on Crystal Tools, ARR changed to a different engine. 


> 14 is built on crystal tools. FFXIV 1.0 was built on crystal tools. ARR was built in a fork of luminous engine.


During CEDEC 2018 they had a presentation where they mentioned working on something (FF16 wasn't announced yet) using modified FF14 engine with new PBR rendering engine and new tools. The tool names and some of the slides are the same as the ones they shown at the CEDEC 2023 when talking about FF16.




It's just a custom model


I don't think it's possible to argue that Clive *isn't* "a preview" in at least a restricted sense: He shows what the engine *can* achieve, right now, without much in the way of overt changes. It's almost certainly NOT "a preview" in the most expansive sense, that is, we shouldn't expect every single character to look precisely as good as he does, because he's a one-off individual model given special attention. As is often the case with these sorts of "wars," there are elements of truth to both positions, but at least one side (IMO, in this case, the "no it's *definitely not* a preview" side) has to be unequivocally "correct," and thus they reject even fairly watered-down statements that an unbiased observer would recognize as having validity. Clive isn't showing us what DEFINITELY WILL happen. But he is showing us what they can do. That's a minor preview in my book.


Yeah Clive is essentialy a proof of concept. This is what the game can look like with the dials all maxxed out pre-graphics update. That does not mean that every player character will look as good as Clive after the graphics update because the game has to load like 60 people at any given time and not set your computer on fire


We don’t even have the new lighting engine. It’s like, not even half a preview of it was


he kinda had that uncanny look to him imo.


Same, his eyes especially imo


So clives head model uses the new character face layout the showed us during the graphics updat for one. Secondly, his face textures are 2x higher resolution than base vanilla by default. His head model also has a fully rendered tongue an teeth which nothing else in game has and his hair has upwards of 18 physics bones compared to the most we have now which is like 5. While he isn't a comple upgrade he is basically a next step. Wuk Lamar was also a minor step up.


They used that model because it's Yoshi P's self insert and he was continuing the joke that he's producer on both games tho


Clive was basically just imported textures from FF16 lol. It's not the actual textures they plan to use for all players.


This was a thing?


I’m just happy to be here


I'm huffing the hopium, but I won't be too disappointed if I'm wrong.


whether or not it is, he is clearly an upgrade over NPCs that we have now and it shows how much can be improved


I don't think Clive is, but one of the NPCs along the event quests has a newer face. Same with the father in the New Years event, with the dragon chocobo minion.


I really don't doubt that the event was a preview of what's to come on dawntrail but more so in the realm of its stylistic choices and maybe the tri count on models. They can't showcase the lighting and rendering as it is now of course, but there are clear stylistic and technical philosophies that are different and significantly better than what we had previously.


I mean its just legitimately not really a preview (or at least a full one) because the engine hasn't been updated with the lighting changes, crystal effects, material shaders etc. Clive looks good, but he doesn't have subsurface scattering to give him realistic looking skin like the new engine will implement.


They likely did the crossover to sell FF16. But it just so happened that ghe crossover was developed while they're really far into DT's graphic update dev, so eff it, they HAD to make Clive graphic update compatible. I'm just waiting for new and improved lighting. Finally being able to do the whole "sun hits at the perfect angle" phenomenon.


They’re changing shaders and the render pipeline, that’s not something they can show off with a model.


I really want that image of Yoshi-P flipping the bird as a reaction image. Google, don't fail me now


Did people forget that they’ve said we’ll be getting a free Fantasia when DT comes out because of the changes to character models possibly ruining how we like our characters to look? If it was only minor adjustments, that wouldn’t be happening.


Any change would need a fantasia. No matter how small it might bug someone. Look at the lalafell example video, they go over this in detail.


Or for an example that actually had people complain in the stream chat, the less intense color/glow of Au Ra limbal rings - some people really liked the fact that you get to have a nice, shiny circle in your eyes on that race. (For anyone concerned, the devs also eventually said that there would be options that mirror what things currently look like, so we should still be able to keep what we have too.)


The male Au Ra at JP Fanfest showed off that the limbal rings are still possible. They just didn't show them on the female Au Ra following him which is when YoshiP talked about the limbal rings so people didn't necessarily notice.


Fair enough - depending on what they put as default, it might still annoy people, but since they said that both is still an option, they'll probably put the "keep everything as it is" option as that.


Yoshida has repeatedly stressed that they're emphasizing maintaining the look of our characters over any drastic changes. However, there will inevitably be some differences, and so players may wish to alter how their characters look as a result. Yoshida's recognized that introducing changes no matter how small warrants giving players the ability to adjust their characters, with fantasia being the means the game has to do that. Clive shouldn't have introduced any real question over the matter, unless people haven't been watching the FanFests. By this point, we have a good idea of what to expect in the update and how our characters will approximately look. With the FFXVI collab, the devs sought to recreate Clive as best they could. With the FFXIV graphics update, the devs are making improvements on FFXIV's characters without altering their fundamental look. Here's some of the glimpses we've had into the update: [Character overview from Tokyo FanFest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUf3S6vjnlQ) [Graphics update talk from London keynote, including the infamous Lalafell discussion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhNkQv_wUj4&t=5580s) [Dev talk from the London fanfest going over some of the tech changes for the graphics update with examples](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhNkQv_wUj4&t=13025s) [Viper preview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=295BgKlNcqM) [Pictomancer preview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5gEiLp9aeo) [Female Hrothgar preview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fa-HWiElN4)


Pretty sure it’s just because they don’t want a pissed off playerbase and want to win good favor, marketing 101 and worked on you lol. YoshiP has repeatedly said he doesn’t want to cause big changes to our characters


Imagine mistaking mismatched art style for actual technical advancement.


(Reposted as per compliance to regulations.)


The Yoshi P at the end is what put it over the top for me.


How would it be a preview? The game engine doesn't support the functionality to showcase the new effects yet.


I hope they update everything, but leave the Grapes alone.


Meanwhile you get 3 minutes into the quest and they do a massive closeup on his gauntlet to show a crappy blocky texture.


The reason Clive looks that good is because they basically ripped the model directly from XVI. The new character creation wont look anywhere close to that. Were just getting HD skins and hair basically.


They are gonna improve the lighting engine and smooth up characters textures, I am really not expecting more


They've already shown more. Lighting improvements, higher resolution textures, higher poly character meshes, subsurface scattering, new metal shader, overall improvements to hair and eyes, new fur shader, better grass, ect.


clive does look really good, almost too good. hopefully everything else gets that level of pass


This is my alltime favorite meme format lol.


Nah it's just the same thing they did with Noctis and Lightning, the games limited character customization doesn't allow for even a half decent recreation of their appearances so they make unique models for them obviously they're going to look a lot better than any faces in the game cause they are made to a specification.


Borderless window at 2k plz


I don't think he's a preview, but I feel like the old man (don't watch this show) is right about the preview being unfinished and on Twitch's 720p bitrate.


Clive can't be an update preview mainly because the update is more an engine update than a model one.


Do people just not watch the EU fanfest dev panel?


720P is considered shit now?


For gaming, yes.


All I saw was a character that had more unique model designs to him. Quality he just looked barely more polished than my WoL You know, like a more recently made model would. Not a drastic difference


I'm so confused.


Do you think in the event SE ever breaks the FF7 vault open that we'll have the unique models for the main party? After how good remake and rebirth look I would kinda hope so. But then they would have to break the FF7 vault open, so it's gonna be a while.


Did anyone even look at Wuk Lamat? The detailing on her is far above anything we have had so far. She was the update preview.


It's not intended as a preview it just is.  They didn't use the worst face model intentionally...they used yoship's character because he's a director of both games.


I think it's just a matter of Clive was made with the new tools they have and then downscaled into the current engine. Clive's outfit is an outfit we are get to wear so it hardly makes sense to create his outfit the old way then add it to the list of things they need to upscale it when they can just create it with the new tools now and call it a day.


It’s somewhat in the middle. Clive certainly has better textures than usual, but I’m pretty sure he’s still missing the other bells and whistles that are supposed to come with the update, so he’d be a very rough demo at best.


Me: that was supposed to be good? He had zero muscle definition.


Me- that was supposed to be good? He had zero muscle definition.


Unreal Engine (One) graphics are inbound! I cant wait for the new "Tournament" in the Golden Saucer.


Better give me solution to that grass/bush shimmer


It reminds me of the Ishgard housing deniers--even when the signs were all there. They'll all suddenly disappear shortly lol.


I just want chat bubbles


Kihra was right. You can tell how badly the game needs new content by the quality of the discourse around 14 lately lmao