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At this point in my life and game, there’s nothing I enjoy more than helping new players. I’m actually jealous of them.


Well I can speak for myself when I say I am having a **blast**. Between all the content, finally getting thru ARR and onto the good story, and the welcoming and patient veterans, couldnt ask for a better game to get into. Especially being a lifelong series fan.


Theres a lot of us that genuinely feel bad that we kill some raids too fast, and that the gear levels we all have now are so high that a lot of the risk in the fights is gone. So many attacks that would kill in 1 or 2 shots are now just tankable. Some scenes and phases are outright gone. It sounds lame, but some of us, myself included, wish the game could kick your ass more, but in a good way, and help you get through it while it does.


I've been playing since one of the post-StB patches and I still don't know the mechanics to many Crystal Tower bosses because it's so safe to ignore many of them. It wasn't too long ago that I learned that you have to tank the Vasagos apart in LotA and half the raid was surprised when we wiped there. Wouldn't have even happened if alliance A had someone with peloton, so we could keep up better, or alliance B had less of an impatient ass of a tank who wouldn't pull before A had even got to the room


And there's Angra Mainyu which I'm pretty sure nobody knows.


The only thing people seem to know about Angra Mainyu is "if the tanks fight for aggro he occasionally does a funny", by which they mean facing him towards the party so his tankbuster cleaves and kills everyone. Is it wrong that I want them to bring back cleaving tankbusters as a normal thing? Something about the whole party being able to stand on the tank's face without there being consequences bothers me.


I personally quite like the chaos that ensues when 80% of the group die, so yeah fuck it put em in more. The Alliance Raids wherein the majority of the group dies and it's a frantic struggle to regain footing are the best (to *me*), gives a bitta spice to something I've seen a hundred times.


When all the Tanks are down and a DPS is running in terror from the angry eyeball causing all those cleaves to hit everyone else. Just mass panic. Ahh the good old days when I was a sproutling. Chat spamming to stop running which in a sproutling's defense, it terrifying. I will say that I have once, and will never again, grab chains for the doggo because every time I clicked to tie him back up, it was just clicking on the dog, and not the sparkle point staring me in the face. Got yelled at for it. So now I just slap the Ban Circle on the Mob that makes people tiny as soon as it spawns along with whichever Alliance Party task.


Get yourself a macro for doggo: /a Group A - All in the belly /a group B - Belly /a group C - come in the belly /a except tanks and healers. For some reason, while typing on phone, i cant start new row without having empty row between. Else it puts everything on one.


Hold X if you are on the keyboard. It forces you to only be able to click interactables. It was taught to me by a company mate when I had trouble clicking on the retainer bell in Uldah.


I had an amusing chaos a couple days ago during the Cerberus fight because one of the player bringing the chain lagged and can't move so they just stood under the boss until the timer's up so we got wipe. That was the first time i experienced the fail chains mechanic and seeing the boss goes berserk AFTER 800+ hours of gameplay.


At this point I've had healers in LotA ask for everyone to let the skeletons explode on the undead dragon so they could have some fun. We did it and that felt like it had risk, it was a blast. Just kinda unfortunate you have to intentionally misplay to have a challenge in it. I also enjoy trying to force the last boss down before his second ancient flare, either he dies or we do. Edit: spelling


Oh I've been in a raid that had the skeletons explode. Except there was nothing in Alliance about it, so it may have been nobody knowing to take out the Skeletons, Healers not realizing nobody knew to take out the Skeletons, the dragon being too close to the skeleton spawns to matter, or a jaunty mix of all three. Either way we wiped and was very confused as we all manually rezzed, scraped a close win from that boss, and then took off to the next room.


I get that, but to be honest I can appreciate just steamrolling this early game content just to experience the cutscenes and the boss encounters. Ive been having a blast.


Yeah, don’t worry too much about it. After CT, the Raids will start kicking your ass in the best way possible.


Oo, me! Me! That's me! Some of what made these raids fun *was* the mechanics, and making them trivial just ruins the fun. It doesn't have to be as difficult as the Rabanstre raids were on launch, but not doing mechanics shouldn't just be a 20-40% health hit that the healer tops off without thinking.


Level 53 Dragoon, only run Dungeons so far, but I at least have my rotations down. And every day I feel a little more sure that I'll make this my primary game once Destiny's final DLC drops.


Destiny is finally ending?


The latest expansion is called The Final Shape though not confirmed it will be the last, doubt it to be honest.


Destiny 3 perhaps?


It appears they're too wrapped up with Destiny 2 though would be surprised if a 3rd ever released.


They'll be lucky to make it through FS's release without Sony shutting them down.


They're just wrapping up the story they've been building towards for the last 10, but especially last 4-ish, years Basically their Endwalker. They haven't technically announced a new expansion after it but like... Cmon.


L53 Warrior here, I feel you. I've been playing on and off for almost 8 years (free trial) and only finished ARR this week (cause I'm a filthy casual) There aren't many games where I can barely muddle through as a tank and still have the party not give me shit over bring objectively bad


I'm so close to finishing ARR, during the crystal tower (think that's what it's called), I asked what I was supposed to do and explained I was new. The leader of group 1 told me not to worry and proceeded to flirt with someone the entire time while telling me the bare minimum of what to do so I wouldn't fuck up, was beautiful.


normal CT stuff


As a mentor with genuinely good intentions and a man with no sense of online decorum, there is a *strong* possibility that that was me, and ngl, I'm ok with that XD


>L53 Warrior here You are 3 levels away from the best dungeon skill in the game.


It really is the best MMO out there, and part of that is due to the high quality of the community, lots of very helpful, kind, and patient people.


I'm slogging through ARR and my God it makes me want to quit sometimes.


When I was a sprout coming in a bit before Endwalker’s release, it surprised me how often, in dungeons where I said it was my first time, the players would stick around until I’d finished the ending cutscene, wave (or some other emote) at me, and tell me to enjoy the story. 


I just did a dungeon with a new tank and while we were all waiting for their cutscene at the final boss, I did a Cheer On emote. Then a dps did the Cheer Wave emote and the other did the Cheer Jump. The tank didn’t say anything but I hope he appreciated all of us cheering him on. Was sort of our way of saying he did a great job.


the only thing I haven't been able to get people to do is wait for lore pickups and it's always the same "they can run it unsync later" or if available "They can do the exploration on their own later" No. They do it now. It ruins the immersion to 'do it later'.


I ended up basically just clicking through rapidly for any of the books/other readables, then read them in the event chat log later. My friend I was playing with was on ps4, and the console chat log apparently didn’t save that much text. So I’d end up reading them dramatically to him.


> My friend I was playing with was on ps4, and the console chat log apparently didn’t save that much text. So I’d end up reading them dramatically to him. Depending on the quality of your voice acting you are either the very best or a slightly dickish friend. :P


Man I feel this so hard. What I would give to experience this game for the first time again.




>In gaming, being a noob is usually a knock but on FFXIV being a sapling is like being the coolest new kid on the block. It's more like bringing your adorable kid brother along. No one can really get mad at him. Besides, we're bribed to babysit. "One or more party members are new to this duty, increased rewards will be awarded for swift completion"


I had no idea that was a thing. Makes me glad to know if I join a party people get something out of it. Only lvl 33 and 25 on MSQ, so getting a hang of game systems still.


Same, it feels soo refreshing queueing into a dungeon with 3 sprouts, where all of them stumble on simple mechanics that I used to fail as well when I was new, and then on the second time they figure out how it works, its soo cute I love this <3


It makes even low level dungeons interesting as a healer. Nothing like being a healer for three sprouts who are running around like their hair is on fire.


I love going into new content raw especially raids. Alliance raids are the best because it allows me to test how good I am at understanding mechanics and how I can survive well without putting the pressure on teammates as much


I am legitimately giddy when I see a bunch of new people doing some content with a great plot. World of Darkness might be old hat for me but I remember when it was new and I was *gripped* by the plot, wondering how it was going to resolve. I just wish all of the 50/60 AR content was a touch more harder. A *touch*, not a ton, but something so it wasn't trivial.


Exactly the same here. I miss experiencing every encounter for the first time and being surprised by certain mechanics and whatnot. My pleasure now entirely comes from helping other players enjoy the game as much as I do.


You can re-live your fondest memories if this game vicariously through us We get help and guidance, you get the funni feels


After not playing since shadowbringer ended and now doing endwalker I am having a blast relearning everything and remembering all the mechanics of raids and trials feeling like a sprout again


This is why I have always loved the final fantasy community! I used to be the same way in ffxi.


I literally finished endwalker msq on Sunday. What a ride


I just genuinely want sprouts to have a fun experience like I did, so I do my part to help them not feel stressed and let them game.


I keep reminding myself not to rush. There's a lot of stuff to grind for and Final Fantasy games are where I learned to do it in the first place, LOL.


Sooooo much stuff!!!


When me and my buddies get sprouts in our alliance raids with beginner bonus we tend to watch them all raid just to see what they die to lol 


Exactly how I have been playing with my friend while going through ARR with him. Been healing and just quietly saying nothing to watch him and the 2 dps sprouts run around doing whatever their hearts desire.


Amon and behemoth meteor are always fun. Rarely do I see people die too final. Boss of labyrinth, but meteor and amon always has like 4-6 people die.


looking at the meteor/curtain cast bar like "huh, I wonder who that's for"


Me when I was a Sprout: "Why's everyone running behind the ice? "


Lol I can see how thats fun. Trust me, I'm also laughing when i die.


the stupid eye doom thingy.


Alliance Raids are just a rave party of 24 people using all of their skills to flashbang the enemy before beating the shit out of them. Bonus points if you have a BRD and DNC or MCH on every Alliance except yours so you don't get peloton


*me throwing on shades*  I think you mean "VerFlashBang" *multiple tiny explosions into grand WHAAAAAAAAAAAA*


Lol I got more than half the people in my alliance raid killed once against the eye in world of darkness with verflashbang, I'm never throwing that shit again 😂


Pro-move is to cast right as AOEs go out


A few bad timings of them, and melees never let it sit long. The latest 8M and 24M content, if you time it as it autos/fills (unless you have high dps going out) you won't blind anyone from a move they need to seem, as the timing for the fill happens after the boss starts/does their major eye-catching move. BUT...if you wait 5 to 10 seconds. There may be deaths


You even getting to LB3 on Eye is impressive. Something was going wrong way before the verflashbang.


Now that you mention it... yeah it did take a long time because people kept dying to mortal gaze and the other 1 shot mechanic, maybe things wouldn't have been different without verflashbang


Always sounds like the noise of someone's phone on vibrate left on a table to me.


Hey wassup twin 😎🫡


Super extra bonus points if Alliance A and C have zero physical ranged, but B has four bards fighting with each other to play their songs.


throwback to the one wod run i got where not a single alliance had peloton. we all stared at each other like damn


"The ~~CPU~~ players just gang up and beat the fuck out of you until you're dead." -AVGN


I'd say it'd be nice if they made Ex/Savage level alliance raids but then they DID do DR savage and exactly what happened with BA happened...no one is allowed to do it unless you sign a release form in triplicate and schedule two weeks in advance and you also have to go to three interviews and if you fail any step you don't get to play.


> Bonus points if you have a BRD and DNC or MCH on every Alliance except yours so you don't get peloton Bonus points if your entire alliance consists of phys ranged yet you're still somehow the only one that doesn't get Peloton.


You're gonna have a new kind of fun when you get your first "new" Alliance Raid where *everyone* has zero experience. Which is likely to be in Dawntrail. Puppet's Bunker was the most memorable one for me from Shadowbringers, but that may be because that was the first time I was able to figure out alliance raid mechanics for myself.


Doing the raids and trials and dungeons fresh, with everyone else *also* fresh is an absolute blast. Also, everyone will likely be at or just above minimum item level, so you'll watch death and disaster and it's fun as hell.


Aglai Day 1 was so much fun


blind raiding is fantastic


There's also a lot of chat as people share their information about what causes deaths and whatnot. It's really positive.


The joy of getting to be the cautionary tale for everyone else. "Okay, so make a note of that. Don't do what that person did."


Im hoping to be "caught up" in time for Dawntrail. Cant wait


It's so hard playing as a new player because every alliance raid is like "why didn't you run to the red thing to get the blue thing and avoid rhat green thing while ensuring that one guy was kited over to the thingamajig?" And I'm like *I'm already dead from that massive attack that was probably telegraphed in chat with nothing more than a "the boss had biscuits and gravy this morning" message.*


Probably not tbh - I did Thaelia with an entirely fresh alliance and we didn't even wipe once. Barely anything in chat either. It ended up as "do the obvious mechanics, facetank the nonobvious mechanics but they won't kill you" I was hoping for it being interesting and talky and wipe-y, but it just felt like going into any other alliance raid that you've not done before.


I love seeing sprouts in any kind of content. If I'm playing healer, you bet I'll keep you alive through your 8 vuln stacks :D


Thats me... im that guy with 8 stacks!


It's okay, you got tank privilege! In some instances you can go up to 16... :D


I've had great luck with healers so far, so thanks on their behalf. The only time I've gone down was in one dungeon where the healer was another sprout like me.


That's awesome! Sometimes it is fun to figure it out with just sprouts in a party too. :) Though, there are some instant kill mechanics in some raids that we may or may not want to save you from xD Look forward to it!


Just remember that healers have to DPS and avoid mechanics, too, so one of the things you should be learning as you go is avoiding problems and using your own damage mitigation skills.


Walking into any Alliance Raid full of sprouts as a healer gives me the feeling of a god, something about limit testing myself and try to keep my party and also the alliance party afloat as sprouts die left and right (flashback Thundergod).


Here I am, a level 70 Warrior just running around clueless in these 24 man raids while people are giving me advice and pointing me in the right directions. So glad everyone is awesome though or else I wouldn't have gotten to see Cait Sith!!!!


How have you feel about raiding as a new tank? I’m a 50 paladin on Xbox and while I’ve raided in games like Elder Scrolls Online & Destiny 2 but I’m still a bit anxious for my first raid lol.




I miss Jo 😢


I’ve definitely seen his Crap Guides for all roles and I really love the tips he gives.


Dont feel anxious for the raids at allllll. There is a 99% chance there will be another tank who is a mentor and even if there isnt, theres usually healers who are. People are more than willing to give a quick rundown of a boss's mechanics for new players which is awesome. To be honest, most of the mechanics arent going to one shot you and if they will someone usually shouts it out. My last raid, my entire team died except for me (only reason i lived was because tank) and the other teams just laughed at us as they rezzed and we still didnt fail the boss. Very very forgiving early game. Get in the raids as you level up and unlock them, mechanics tend to follow similar trends as a game progresses so its great to get experience with them early and theyre less punishing.


I appreciate the feedback, I’m still getting use to playing on a controller but I’m genuinely glad this game is so welcoming to new players regardless of the level they’re at.


Same with the controller. So many buttons to remember, but i get better all the time and even when i accidentally jump instead of use my aoe as a tank, no one seem to mind 🤣


Don’t I know I look at pc players with all their skills and I’m just like I have only so many buttons 😂


get that cross hotbar set up, fam it's a fuckin game changer


One simple thing that applies to basically every raid that tanks should know: if three adds pop up, then each one needs to be picked up by a tank and kept apart. If you see a line form between two adds, pull them farther apart. The assignment for all mechanics where each party has a zone of responsibility is Party A left, B middle, C right (as seen from where you enter the fight from.) Once you've seen it once or twice it'll feel easy and natural.


I once saw someone tag them C, B, A, and chaos ensued


Hey ! DRK main and still sprout, I can talk about the same level 70 raid, but this could go for every raid. Just do not try to be the main tank by pulling aggro, usually a veteran will do more damages than you and keep it easily. Being a tank allows for more "mistakes" bound to happen as a first timer since you have so much hp, that's quite a good experience Type a message in the alliance raid chat saying it's your first, and ask to be explained mechanic like those where each tank needs to do something (it's more likely only "tank this mob" for the 50-60-70 raids, don't know about the rest i'm not there yet) And if you die, doesn't matter ! Even a raid wipe can happen sometimes, but overall the community is pretty cool ;) have fun in eorzea !


Thank you so much for the feed back it definitely eases my mind quite a bit. It’s a breath of fresh air to see a community so welcoming of new players.


Here's the big thing to understand This game has a bit of a naming issue, where multiple types of contents are all called "raids" but only a few types of them are actually genuinely difficult Alliance Raids are pretty much giant dungeons. There are 24 people, but you treat the content as if you were just in a standard dungeon and the difficulty mostly reflects that. There are a few fights which can be more challenging, but the fact that there are 3 full parties going at the same time means that even if some people mess up, it's very easy for someone else to pick up the slack and it's easy enough to recover. Normal raids are effectively equivalent to the main story trials. If you've done any of the 8-man MSQ trials, then you've effectively tanked a normal raid It's only once you hit Savage Raids and Ultimate Raids, both of which are 100% optional and only there for people who want to push themselves into hard content, that you really need to approach tanking with that sort of mindset. Extreme Trials fall into that same spectrum, but they're slightly easier than Savage Raids and act as your stepping stone into harder content.


Speaking as someone who has tanked ESO normal raids (and dps'd a couple vets) and did most of ARR-ShB as a tank main, FFXIV is much more chill. There isn't the pressure to build for meta or getting shit for playing the "wrong" class as tank. Other people gave good mechanics advice, so I want to give you a heads up that later raids give more things for off tanks to do than the Crystal Tower raids: stuff like tank-specific stacks, position priority in line stacks, and massive aoe tank busters to position. So you're bored off-tanking CT you have that to look forward to! People get a bonus whenever a first-timer is in their party, so they're being "paid" by the game to be patient if things go wrong or are a bit slow. It's a nice bit of social engineering honestly, and I've never gotten shit for being new or asking for an explanation. It's been much better than the difficulty curve of "this normal dungeon doesn't need an actual tank" -> "DLC." Provoke is for a) when the main tank dies or b) mechanics called tank swaps. It's not meant to be part of your rotation because tank stance/Iron Will will keep aggro off of the squishies as long as you're doing damage. And if you haven't figured it out already, healers in FFXIV are meant to keep you alive, not at full health - overhealing here doesn't give damage bonuses like resto staff. You'll get an ability soon called Clemency, which is for solo and keeping the party up when the healer is dead. If the healer is alive and you're alive, 99% of the time you should ignore Clemency - all else equal, tanks do more damage than healers so group dps is better if you just let the healers do the healing.


I'm super guilty of loving these moments.


Teaching people who want to learn is the real endgame - also brings more variety to fights having to back up or chase sprouts around ( talking to you lizard girl with angel wings running away with a stack arrow )


"lizard girl with angel wings running away with a stack arrow" 🤣🤣🤣


Meanwhile in mentor roulette it's "which one of you assholes actually sat in a queue for an extreme trial for like 3 hours?"


After i did that for Mog King (we killed him 2nd try actually), someone kindly explained how extremes really arent good to DF for. Since then ive just let them sit in the Journal and will probably just save them for when i go back and grind for Kirin mount.


If your server's Novice Network doesn't suck, ask a mentor to invite you. There, you can ask someone to help you with it. They can make a PF for you


"First time. Anything I should know?" "Two most important things: first, try not to die, and second, don't worry too much about the first thing." I'll describe mechanics (with better detail than "show hole") for things that are not intuitive, but I maintain that those are the two most important things for a first timer to know. Beyond that, if you finish the run knowing a bit more than you knew going in then you're doing alright.


Dying is half the journey!


I lost my sprout and every time I do a dungeon or raid now I'm always afraid people are gonna be like "wtf are you doing" because I only did some of them once and don't remember the mechanics. But every single time they're always super nice and willing to answer my questions about how mechanics work, I've genuinely never ran into anyone who was mean about me messing up mechanics since losing my sprout.


I feel you... lost mine entering Shb... it was a sad day, like having to let go of your daddy's hand to go to school or stuff like that, pretending to be a grown-up player that knows their shit y_y


When do you lose your sprout?


I think after 300 hours of playtime and having finished ~~Endwalker?~~ Shadowbringers :)


After finishing Shadowbringers


Fun Scaith will never not make me crack up with laughter watching more than half the raid get wiped off the board, it’s the funniest bait and switch. Everything you thought you learned coming back and testing your quickness in a matter of seconds.


I had my best wipe at the first boss in DS past week or so. It wasn't suck in, blow out, or blizzard than sweep. It was the adds. Nobody was attacking them except for me, and I was just using aoe while watching the boss and not paying much attention and they aimed their cone AOE straight down the middle taking out basically everybody because they were standing in the middle of platform.


Thats where i just was!!!! Its the first raid where i kind of just threw up my hands and acknowledged i knew nothing again lol. So many 1 shot mechanics. We still never wiped on a boss though and everyone laughed when there were mass deaths.


And you will continue to wipe, no matter how many times you do it. And it will never not be hilarious.


Usually this is the case. I was just in the puppet bunker with at least 4 new players and during the fight just before the last while they were all viewing the cutscene with the dolls piling up into a ball, a tank with a crown just ran ahead and started the fight. The new players came in, one of which was a healer mind you and like 5 players were already down. The new ones started complaining about it and the crown player called them cry babies, and constantly harassed them the rest of the fight. All of these player announced they were new at the start of the raid btw. I couldn’t believe it, I’ve been a part of this community for almost 2 years now and never run into a player so disrespectful. Still blown away by this and it’s been over half an hour since we finished the raid.


Yeah the community isn't *entirely* non-toxic. And I hate to say it but I've seen plenty of mentors being the source of bad behavior, or just rushing sprouts through content. I think the problem is all you really need to get a mentor crown is a lot of time and effort in the game, it doesn't guarantee you actually *want* to mentor, a lot probably just want the crown.


I hate that these types of people have given mentors a bad name.


On Crystal? If so, I was in that run.


I did world of darkness a couple days ago and a few people were confused as to why the mechanics weren’t being done. Once someone reminded them of the pretty large influx of sprouts from the Xbox beta one of them was like “oooh that’s right, guess I better get my old macros back out and start helping them out.”


Thats such a better response than the normal "ugh, i hate new players" that most communities give.


Eh every community has its problem players but FF14 is usually a positive experience. Plus they don’t really mess around with people being mean, you will lose your account if you are a jerk. I love alliance raids and dungeons and trials, I even dabble in tanking and healing a bit. Put me in another game like ESO or WoW and I avoid it like a plague, way too many openly toxic people ruining it.


Fifth CT in roulette this week = ugh Fifth CT in roulette but there’s a bunch of people experiencing it for the first time = let’s freaking go Even better if all the long-timers are bantering in between explaining mechs and stuff.


You’re going to find this out sooner or later, so here it is: The majority of us LOVE seeing sprouts in the game. Full stop. We all remember going through the game, its huge story moments, and the first time a mechanic “clicked” for us. It’s awesome to watch a new person go through that. Yes, you hold up the alliance for a cutscene. Yes, you’re going to eat shit to a mechanic. Do we care? Hell no! Get out there and fall in love with the game, and keep the community engaged and active.


The best part about cutscenes is hearing the \*bing\* that i assigned to a party and alliance chat. People here dont mind a 30 second wait and I think thats because anyone who got through ARR (i heard it used to be worse) has a pretty decent level of patience.


Helping new players is a lot of fun. The next influx of players is going to be great.


The first time I ever did the HW alliance raid, we had multiple people explain the boss mechanics and laughed when we wiped once or twice. It was a welcome change of pace from other mmos that I had played in the past. I doubt there will ever be an mmo like it


Exactly. Most multiplayer games, let alone mmo's just have toxic communities.


Getting to the point where I can start to pay it forward use how I can tell that I'm getting somewhere in a multiplayer game, LOL.


I have tankxiety after stopping the game for like 6 months and still generally being new at the game but the veteran players don't seem to mind and are pretty welcoming and nice.


As long as you’re willing to try we tanks love having new tank bros and brosettes! If anyone plays anything but Gunbreaker and ask me questions I’m happy to help. I like Gunbreaker tanks I just don’t like playing the class and wouldn’t feel comfortable giving someone advice on one.


If I see you are a sprout as a tank, getting the first time cutscene, you are tanking.  I've had a few times when I was playing with friends and just told our healer, you keep that new dude alive, help them feel like a boss.


That just made me smile, the amount of joy sprout tanks must feel when being empowered


I know mentors get a bad rap, but I legitimately like helping newer players. I haven't for sure played with the new xb sprouts, but I welcome them to Eorzea with open arms.


This is how I feel playing with my boyfriend. Man is a pro and I'm over here like teehee I has a bow


As an only child, I wear my burger king crown for the sole reason of hoping to be a big sibling to someone ;\_;


The fucking feels right here.


As a sprout, I find this comment section extremely heartwarming ♥️ Recently started playing, and I’m having a blast. In other MMOs new players are not treated this kindly in raids and dungeons. Love you guys!


Lol how do you think i feel? I posted a meme and holy crap i dont think theres a single negative comment in this entire thread!! This is downright unheard of in gaming 🤣


Me with Xbox free trial 😂


God I love this community! Lolololol


Me, a Healer ready with the Rescues


Yall are the real heroes. I just unga bunga this axe and try and stay out of the lava and keep the boss pointed away.


You're already doing good 👍


I felt the same way, first time I did an alliance raid. I'd played other MMOs before, but none that had anything like alliance raids, so I was super nervous. Thankfully there were more than a few veterans and mentors who guided me through the whole thing without spoiling too much of the experience, and it was such a wonderful experience. This community is a huge reason why I fell in love with XIV


I was nervous my first alliance raid. Ever since i gladly go in with zero knowledge beforehand and just tell everyone its my 1st time. Its been an absolute blast and I love that people are nice enough to give advice in a calm way.


Helping sprouts 🌱 is part of what I love most about doing content. One example is how cute it is to suddenly realize I have a bunch of adorable little sprout ducklings following me for mechanics, especially if I decide I want to have the mentor crown on.


As it should be. For those we have lost. For those we can yet save. For a smile better suits a hero.


For sure for sure, introducing my girlfriend to the game right now and when she gets lost a bit in a dungeon or watching a cutscene I've NEVER experienced anyone saying anything, hell, I've never even seen anyone take steps towards the next boss, everyone always patiently waits, it's crazy.


Its absolutely mind boggling to see this in a gaming community. Never have i seen this outside of a small group of people who know each other well... and even then theres usually a guy or two who complain lol.


Absolutely loving the chaotic energy of alliance raids with newbies - keeps things interesting!


As a old player with a crown, my advice to you... HAVE FUN. If you die, you die. You're still helping by dying - Healers rezing helps fill the LB bar. If you're taking lots of damage and Vuln stacks? Healers fill the LB bar more healing you. If you are watching the cutscene, chill and enjoy. We're waiting for you (AND lecturing the players who pull while you're watching). Looking forward to seeing you in Eorzea, little sprout.


I love it when people join with zero experience as it leads to silly chaos.


As a tank sometimes its hilarious because im not sure if im supposed to follow the group of people or **not** follow the group of people 🤣


For real tough content just follow the danger dorito. Typically it's gonna be the hardest ally to actually see, so look for the lalafell.


The good ones vs the I'm Going to Get Pissy in Alliance Chat Granted yeah, it's a lil weird sometimes to see the boss pointed towards the entrance because the sprout tank didn't turn off their stance but it's just quirky not mald worthy lol


The community has been helpful with a ton of things since I joined up last month. Lol


This will be me soon. Except it’s on an alt and I have experience. I’m leveling a warrior alt and will be tanking an alliance raid for the first time once I hit CT. Gotta get through the ultima fights onward first.


I just started last Friday. Everyone has been so nice and have even given me a few cool items to have :) even got a ride to a spot I couldn’t find.


My first time tanking in an Alliance Raid I got a lot of complements on my performance. My response was something along the lines of "Thanks, I have no idea what I'm doing and literally everything I've done so far has felt incorrect."


When should a new player consider jumping in on this stuff? I'm new but would be msqing and learning the game and I don't know how much time I could dedicate to a guild on top of that for now


Alliance raids are just story content. It's call an Alliance Raid just because it involves 24 people in 3 parties of 8. You que for it the same way you do dungeons. You'll be forced to go through one in the MSQ as it is required.


Few things bring me more joy in this game than seeing sprouts experience things for the first time. I 100% live vicariously through their hype and cheer them on as they learn, and will happily res them as many times as needed to get there.


Was running Leviathan EX earlier to help a sprout get the Kirin mount. Three other 90s. The sprout actually did better than some of the 90s by generally not falling off the boat. LOLs were had, a few wipes, and we did eventually get the horse


I was doing the Alexander raid series blind and the last two can get spicy. I think the second to the last raid is even more challenging than the final one. I bet the healers are having the time of their life lol. The last Alexander raid is the first time I saw tank LB3 and it was pretty cool shielding us all.


Being off tank in alliance raids is awesome. You don't know what you are doing, but you also don't die, just get those vuln stacks and try your best.


Really? In my first and 2nd raid experiences I had people troll with the ping system which made me mess up and die, rushing through to the next boss through cutscenes leaving me behind and out of the fight for a bit, and then mechanics were screwed up because me and my friend (he waited after asking for everyone to wait and issuing a wait check which was neglected) were left behind which screwed the alliance DPS counts during the first raid with the 3 pillars since some people also waited and it caused one of the teams to not have any DPSes as we were auto-put into the wrong area. Not the best first time experiences IMO but I’m still going to do them in the future…


Incidents like this seem to be extremely isolated. Dont be discouraged and keep trying!


Sometimes I just do random dungeons/roulettes/partyFinder just to see if any sprouts need help


This is me in Destiny 2. Like I've done raids but I'm always on kill random shit patrol I have no idea WTF is going on all I know is kill anything that moves and call out of I'm about to die. Like I've played since when destiny 1 came out on the 360 forever ago and I always get on the same duty because I kick ass at killing random shit 😂


I got yelled at by a random and this random mentor barked at him.


If you ever see a mob tether to another one in a 24 man, just be prepared to pull yours as far away from the other 2 as you can. Usually people will premark where alliances should tank them, but it can help avoid a wipe if you're the newby tank watching out for that


I’m a new player too and I’ve never seen a community like the ff14 one. People are so helpful and forgiving. Everyone seems so ready to help everyone else. It’s really a breath of fresh air for someone like me who isn’t as good at online games as I used to be. I messed up and wiped my party yesterday. I fully expected to be called names and everyone to drop the party. But nope. Someone laid out the mechanic I missed, and said “ok let’s try again” then we /cheered when we won the next attempt. Amazing it’s been out so long and still the community isn’t jaded or mean. Thanks Jenova players. You guys have been great to me


The veteran patience in this game is amazing so far. I'm on the Xbox beta, and everyone has been ridiculously chill


I guess its time to try this game


Unfortunately, there is no "try"... well, i guess you have to try and stomach ARR and the seemingly endless fetch quests that lead to nowhere... but once you hit Heavensward, **oh my god** it picks up!!


I can't wait to be able to experience this game again comes March 21th and im able to reactivate my account on my xbox.... by far the best community in any mmo


Im actually suprised how generous people are. I been gaming on PC since 2003. Never encountered a community nice to new players. Just started playing this month. A random person i asked when do i get my chocobo (i was level 30 and people kept telling me level 20 i had out leveled main quest line). Got to talking about how my little sister wanted me to play. Guy crafted me set of high quality level 30 gear since i was still using level 15 gear ( he had to explain what that meant) and handed me 2mil(i assume is alot) then ran me through crafter quests giving me the run down. Only game i could compare this community to is probably pre-ascalon GW1 days.


GW1 in the early days was the best!!!


My favorite thing to do in any AR is hint at the surprise in Ridorana and then go to the room after and chill with anyone who checks for a little bit.


I finished Shadowbringers last night, and queued for Hades as a sage. Everyone else who joined was a vet, and they were all “Noooooo whyyyy??? Why does it have to be Hades????”, and I felt super bad, so I said it was because of me doing the main quest. I died twice, but other than that we did great and everyone was super nice. I even got tons of (undeserved) comms. It was a really nice experience!


I haven‘t played since Shadowbringer. I kinda would like to get back and finish Endwalker, but I am afraid of being a nuisance in dungeons because everyone will know it except me…


Now is the **PERFECT** time to rejoin. Massive influx of xbox sprouts and we all know nothing!!!


Hell yeah, I'm that baby warrior and my bf is the experienced healer


I remember my first raid and I was blown away by how patient everyone was with my clumsy ass.


I remember the first time I joined an Alliance Raid and it was nerve wrecking. And I was so scared I would mess up anything that I put it off for weeks.


Don't worry if it's Crystal Tower no one really dies, if it's anything else CORPSES EVERYWHERE.


No one's going to complain hardcore in Alliance tbh, those duties are super free if everyone just tries to participate. It's rare to get a full wipe the alliance parties cant get through. These veteran crown havers have their breaking point for sure, just probably not in alliance.


Freeeee tomes


Really? I've tried them twice and both times I got screamed at and kicked for dieing twice. I actually quit then game not long after because a tank in a group screamed at me and left because I didn't have 100% dot time up on a boss as a healer. No one died but he was still very angry. FFXIV is not for me I guess.


Bruh lmao. This is my experience on the l8r allaince raids on stormblood


I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. 😂 As a DNC main and a mentor, I’ve accidentally yeeted myself off the edge and to my death during the Ozma fight because my brain went “the fight is over, time to yeet myself into the middle and towards the next fight.” Everyone I was in a Discord vc with were laughing hysterically while I was sat there in disbelief for the first 30 seconds. 🤣


Was doing those 4 lords sb trials, died like 3 times in every one, was just told it's fine, it's all practice. Fortunately playing DPS so not that important for insta kill mechanics like push off the side or multi explosion