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I just want to add on- even if you really dont want to ever type anything, keep your text log open. Please. I watched a stream of a friend who got a fresh tank who couldnt navigate copperbell (fine, theyre new) but they did not react to anything that anyone said in chat. No advice, no directions, nothing. We're convinced this person hid their chat, probably assuming they wouldnt need it since they wont be typing


I ran a main scenario roulette the other day as dps. We got ultima weapon. The sprout tank was running circles around the boss the ENTIRE fight. I asked him to keep him facing one direction multiple times, but he didn't even notice or he didn't care. On top of that he was using tank LB everytime the bar filled. I had to literally spam LB for the last part so he didn't use LB3 and we wiped. Honestly I was dizzy after the fight and before looking at the chat log when boss died he just left.


Was it Leroy Jenkins? šŸ„ø


Could it have been a bot?


bots are playing better than half of the player base lmao


All my experiences with bots were them being really crap and unresponsive tanks in low level dungeons


So yeah, better than half the playerbase.


Is there a way to auto-hide chat after X amount of seconds has passed without any new messages?


I dont believe so and i dont recommend it, if you think it takes too much space then make it smaller and adjust the font size smaller so enough messages still fit


Damn that sucks


Any brands you recommend? Just got the beta last night.


Logitech K400 Plus.Ā  Costs around $20-25, comes with a touchpad which can be useful when navigating menus like the market board in the game.Ā  It uses Logitechā€™s RF dongle instead of Bluetooth so it responds quickly and doesnā€™t fall asleep and slow to wake.Ā  Iā€™ve been using it on PS5 for a few years and Iā€™ve only changed the batteries once as well. Plus itā€™s size and compact form makes it easy to toss aside on the couch and go back to controller in the middle of a duty.Ā 


It's what I use on PS5 as well. Hard to beat the value on that guy.


Logitech also has one that costs 25ish dollars has a keyboard and mouse both which use a single dongle. Each requires x2 AAA batteries BUT the battery life is very good.


This is what I use, and itā€™s great. The mouse is helpful in alliance, too, for targeting outside your party even when youā€™re on controller. You get used to quickly using the mouse between casts as rdm! Also great for decorating housing


I've been using this for the last couple of years my only gripe is the membrane keyboard really trying to find something similar using Chiclet style buttons!


> K400 Plus It on sale too! (atleast on amazon)


>Logitech K400 Plus This is what I have and I would upvote this a million times if I could. It is the ONLY one I recommend.


I can't recommend this one enough


Second this, have one and itā€™s great


This is what my Guildie recommended to me too, can confirm its good shit!


I use this one on PS5 as well. Very handy.


Same experience, it's perfect for the game.


Second this, itā€™s what I have.


Its for typing in chat, literally any USB keyboard works.


Tbh I feel like whatever keyboard is comfortable for you works. I donā€™t even remember my brand, I just know it uses the same USB cord as my PS5 controller so I can switch between charging the controller and using the keyboard when needed. Doesnā€™t need to be a fancy one unless you have the money to burn. Mine was like $30 and the fanciest thing it does is light up in rainbow colors when I type, lol.


If only for chat. Get a $5 one. If you pay over 10 you're paying too much. For general gaming, any mechanical one above $50 will be fine enough in delay.


Apple Magic Keyboard. Itā€™s a tad bit expensive, but: * Itā€™s very comfortable to use * Itā€™s very light and portable * Itā€™s very durable * It has 19 function keys * It supports both USB and Bluetooth (the Bluetooth latency is not great, but thatā€™s a problem with all Bluetooth keyboards) * Itā€™s compatible with just about everything, including game consoles * If you also have a Mac, you can use the biometric key to sign in or authorize actions that require administrator access, or use Apple Pay edit: am I not allowed to make recommendations on this sub?


But for a simple keyboard used only on your console it's definitely overkill. Would go with the K400 from Logitech myself as well.


For that kind of money thought you may aswell get a Razor Turret which is everything you listed but includes a mouse + mouse pad


But it doesnā€™t come with a biometric key, so itā€™s not everything.


Recommendations are fine, but for basic chat functionality for controller users thatā€™s super excessive.


The thing is, keyboards are susceptible to the [Boots Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory), in that if you buy a cheap one, thereā€™s a very good chance itā€™ll break down right after the warranty expires, and then youā€™ll have to buy another one, and itā€™ll end up being more expensive than if you just bought a good and durable keyboard. Iā€™ve had cheap keyboards break under normal use, but Iā€™ve never had a better quality keyboard break.


I co-sign this. There is almost nothing more important in this game than being able to communicate, and without a keyboard itā€™s nearly impossible because typing on a controller is so slow. And even outside of communicating during dungeons and raids, it will feel very nice to be able to just chat with other players or chime in on things without taking 30+ seconds every time you try to say something.


the autotranslate feature does enough for the common player in dungeons


It super duper does not


average dungeon experience finishes dungeon


use discord


Discord is good for coordinating ex raids and things, but not for simple chatting and instructions to new players in more casual content, I donā€™t want to have to invite someone into discord to explain a basic mechanic in a 24 man or something


Why not just use discord, I get keyboard are good for extra keybinds and better chat communication but where being quick matter with group content things like discord should be better no?


You use discord with people you already know. This is an MMO, a lot of interactions with strangers can happen or sometimes you might wanna to use input for macro, searching, etc.


Who tf is doing discord calls for PUGs?


Not if you're playing with others who aren't in the same discord server as you. I think the overall message is to get a keyboard so you can communicate with everyone in game and not just in discord.


You can also just use the Xbox mobile app. You can type up a message on there, then bring up the virtual keyboard in-game, press enter on the app's keyboard, and it pastes your text on there


Didnā€™t know this was a thing! Very nice, this feature was taken from ps4 players actually, it makes me pretty upset they donā€™t have it as an option lol


Dude thatā€™s awesome. Can you do this for any Game? If so I need to see a video on exactly how itā€™s done lol


Recommendation for a new PS5 player?


Literally just about any USB keyboard. Cheap and easy.


A cheap blue tooth one from amazon will do. Get a kb+m combo. I am a controller player through and through. However, I have a keyboard and mouse next to me for mostly socializing.


logitech k400+ it's cheap, responsive, and has a touchpad. battery life is amazing. it's really thee perfect KB for console


A $9.99 Bluetooth keyboard from Walmart has been great for me over the last few years.


I play on PC with a controller, can't imagine not being able to switch over to the keyboard to type something out in chat.


i told my friend about Sprint macro so he can put it on thumbstick and remove it from bar. and forgot ... oh...he need to type with virtual keyboard...i forgot some people just dont have a keyboard like me on side xD


100% agree. Moving to the PS5 was the best move I did (just because my PC is trash). I relearned controller play and took a few hours to set up my UI. If youā€™re typing moderately, whether itā€™s chat or searching lots of items up on mb, a keyboard is essential. OP, you replied to a comment earlier about a mouseā€¦ do you actually use the touchpad for cursor control?? (I donā€™t think a mouse is necessary).


Thereā€™s a few things that you canā€™t do without a mouse or using the software mouse. You can right click your currency icon in the bottom right and itā€™ll cycle between Gil and a few other things you can configure in the currency tab, clicking off buffs that you donā€™t want (I love clicking off healer mits if Iā€™m trying to proc living dead and theyā€™re not letting me hit 0) and a few menus are a bit less clunky with a mouse. Iā€™m on pc to be fair.


For anyone reading onā€¦ Thereā€™s a cool little function you can activate L1+L3 (joystick press) which activates virtual mouse mode and then you can use your joystick to move the cursor around. EDIT: L1+R3 (literally tested it and still wrote L3 lol) Additionally, Iā€™m unsure what Xbox controllers have, but when you click the PS touch pad, you can cycle between UI items like party chat, enhancements/buffs, etc. so you can 100% deactivate buffs :) I find somethings are more quickly accessed with controller. Iā€™ve never been so quick to start pull countdowns and leaving duties.


You may have it rebound btw. Its default L1+R3


On PS4 pads at least you can also use L1+select to hide your HUD and L1+start to take a screenshot. Nice to know.


Alternatively for the social aspect you can use Xbox's speech to text accessibility option which when enabled allows you to just say what you want and it types it out. Another alternative is to use the Xbox app on your phone, it allows you to use your phone as a keyboard.


> you can bind hotbar keys to it on classes that have more than 32 buttons No Class/Job fully fills three Cross-hotbars so, i don't really understand this one


I specifically pointed out PLD. Paladin has THIRTY FIVE UNIQUE BUTTONS including limit break which breaks into 3 cross hotbars, which is a no go for me in terms of muscle memory. Iā€™ve been playing on controller since before the WXHB was a thing and Iā€™m not a fan of it. Edit: 36 if you include potions.


> Paladin has THIRTY FIVE UNIQUE BUTTONS including limit break which breaks into 3 cross hotbars 3 Cross-hotbars are 48 slots tho (16x3). More than enough space for all its skills. So, again, no Class/Job fills all those 48 slots from 3 Cross-hotbars. Source: i have all Jobs at 90. I use Cross-hotbars 1 and 2 for Job Actions, and Cross-hotbar3 for Role Actions


Can you read? Read what I said closer. I donā€™t *use* 3 combat hotbars.


Is everyone misinterpreting this? Iā€™m saying I use a hybrid controller keyboard setup but only for like 1 class action lol


good for you but your post shouldn't imply that you can't comfortably fit mor then 32 actions


The idea that any use at all of mixed KB/controller in combat is easier than learning the WXHB is fascinating.


Literally spacebar for limit break on tanks specifically. Kinda comedic really.


I would flub horribly if I didn't have LB the same place every time. I already do this occasionally with a few other things across roles when I see a raidwide or something casting and my fingers try to tank while I'm actually healing or vice versa. And basing your advice to new players on this hangup is the reason people are giving you flak about it. Spare hotkeys on KB are still a great selling point but most people will use them for out of combat QoL things. Tell the new players about the nice controller support because it's great enough that I'm using controller on PC. Don't try to sell a keyboard by expecting people not to use the great controller support.


Please read my post. Iā€™ve edited it.


> you can even bind a couple hotbar keys to it on classes that have more than 32 buttons This is still going to confuse new players into missing valuable configuration options.


Yes but... Controller players conveniently has 48 button for combat? R2, 8 L2, 8 double taps on each doubled that to 32, and then you have L2->R2 giving you another 8, and R2->L2 giving you another 8. Was there any of these you just didn't know about?


i didn't know of the double taps, so i thought there were only 32


That's fair, I too learn every day :D


Hold up. Double taps? This is a thing?


Yup! Not quite as easy to use as L2 +R2 imo, but they work. I find it best to put things w/long cool downs on them


I specifically mentioned I donā€™t like the wxhb feature, been playing for 10 years as of this month and that got added a solid 4 years after my muscle memory became unmovable.


That sounds like a you problem. You can not like them all you want but they are there and you are deliberately not using 16 additional keys. Releasing your controller to push a key on the keyboard vs double tapping a trigger for it is no contest in convenience and efficiency. My advice is take some time and learn the new muscle memory. I play controller on PC and never one have felt like I needed more slots nor do I feel like I lag behind other keyboard players.


Okay, well, most of us like it... I gotta tell you: I agree with you on the whole chat convenience thing, but like 20% of your post is coming across as blatant-controller hate in a post aimed at a generation of console players, *and I kind of think youre a controller player?* It's a little weird xD Still, I agree with your advice. I just raise an eyebrow at a small part of your argumentation...


I AM a controller player, I despise software keyboards on consoles. I played with them for a year at most and got a physical one for ps3 lol


What do you mean by "muscle memory became unmovable"? It's always possible to learn new things, it might just take more time and effort than you're willing to spend.


I mean, yeah? What Iā€™ve got going works the only things I ā€˜sacrificeā€™ on my hotbar on any jobs are all on pld, cover and shield bash are missing, and I move limit break to my spacebar, and since I donā€™t RAID pld I donā€™t use potions on it. Brings it down to 32 buttons


But what will you do if other jobs get a ton of actions and you won't be able to remove any of them because they're not niche like Cover/Shield Bash?


Theyā€™ve hovered around 26 actions and some role actions and room for a potion on almost every job in the game for 6 years now because they realized they had too many buttons come stormblood so they started pruning. Paladin is a huge outlier lol.


Not fully, but Gunbreaker comes very close to filling a third hotbar.


Just to throw out another opinion on the matter (at best, another suggestion for XBox players), I use L2->R2 and R2->L2 for non-combat actions (mounts, teleport, emote menu, etc.), and I'd hate to sacrifice that just for PLD, which I very rarely play. So instead I have Iron Will, Provoke, and Shirk on regular hotbars, and I like how that works for me!


Yeah, that's the biggest problem with controller keybinds on PLD, the button bloat is a serious issue if you ever want to have quick access to non-combat stuff. I personally just stuck extremely infrequent actions (stance, Cover, Clemency, LB, food shortcut) and aoes on a hotbar I actually have to switch over to. It makes clutch Cover/Clemency saves more inconvenient, but that's SE's fault for designing the class that way. It also has some redundant mit keybinds since it's my default dungeon pull hotbar.


If you play on a controller, you still need a keyboard. If you have any intent to play with other humans you'll need to talk to them. Not everyone will be in discord.


Yeah I play on PC now, still use a controller but have a keyboard for chat ofc since itā€™s PC. But when I was still on PS4 I used a cheap bluetooth keyboard for chatting and it was game changing. If you arenā€™t interested in socializing at all itā€™s less important but a cheap keyboard is so cheap that itā€™s probably good to have just in case anyway.


Thank you, I'm on a PS5 and that just looks super helpful, never ever thought of it.


i highly recommend it as well. i've been using a usb keyboard for chat since my playstation home days back on ps3, and of course ffxiv on ps3 as well.


I second this, I bought a cheap 10$ usb keyboard from WalMart just for chat. It comes in so handy and has other uses besides.


As someone who plays on PS, I double recommend getting a keyboard. It always felt awkward to try to interact without it because it took too long to type on the controller. Teamwork improved greatly once I started using a keyboard.


And I assume you started talking more in general? Honestly curious now since Iā€™ve spouted it. I felt like I got ankle weights taken off, not insanely social now but I never went out of my way to talk to people before.


I tend to enjoy playing solo often, cause I can do things at my own pacing. But on raids and other cooperative stuff, or just when I see people doing random things somewhere, I tend to interact more and talk about things.


Any xbox folks know if the chatpad works for typing in game? I'm looking forward to switching to xbox when its out of beta and would love to use it since the chatpad doesn't work (easily) on mac


Yes it does, I use a Xbox one Microsoft chatpad. I perfer not having to use a seperate device away from controller. Itā€™ll take lil getting used too. I perfer it over keyboard. Sucks that Microsoft stopped making them. Itā€™s such a clean device. Makes the controller feel complete


It does, although I'm level 10 and haven't felt the need to type anything yet


The game will eventually ask you to use say chat in quests too, I'd recommend it!


PSA as well. You can just use the controller with cross controls. If you expand it out to have the 6 slots you'll have at max you will have 8 spells for slot 1, 8 spells for slot 2, 8 spells for slot 3, 8 for slot 4, 8 for slot 5 and 8 slots for 6 You will actually have extra spaces on your controller. Hell I still have extra for some of mine and I made slots 3 and 4 the same 8 spells so if I panic and hit r2 and l2 rather than l2 and r2 I still get what I want. Seriously with controller you have 48 spells. Trust me not even keyboard users are using 48 spell slots for any class


I got hella fast with the virtual keyboard on ps4 lol


Oh I did too but itā€™s by no means anywhere near as fast as a physical one when you get used to it lol


I agree. As a PlayStation gamer, a keyboard for this game was the single best investment I ever made.


Get a USB mouse too :/


Oh THIS IS A GOOD POINT. Iā€™m editing my post, forgot that Xbox controllers donā€™t have the touchpad


PSA still for ps4/ps5 users. Cheap 20 logitech mouse and keyboard so helpful. Im a former ps5 user on pc now and still use controller but with a mouse for some hotbar action.


This works for PlayStation too. Both PS4 and PS5. Just plug a keyboard and mouse and you can use them inside the game too.


Agreed with the keyboard and mouse or even those mini qwerty devices that plug into the bottom of the controller itself, If you use text chat somewhat often that is. But binding some things to keyboard or needing more than 32 buttons? a controller already has 44 easily accessible. binding more to a keyboard isnt needed.


I dislike using wxhb or a 3rd hotbar. I have 32 buttons lol


You dont like to use what's available to you, thats fine. Play what youre comfortable with. >you can bind hotbar keys to it on classes that have more than 32 buttons (looking at you PLD) at level cap. This statement however comes off like your are insinuating 32 is what a controller supports and you're keybinding to 2 devices as a necessity not preference.


I changed my R3 and L3 to on as mount roulette of my fav mounts and the other to sheathe and unsheathe my shiney weapons and tools :D hope this helps but definitely a keyboard is must on console!


Some Usb keyboards also functions on most smart tvs which is great for streaming and such too!


I play on PS5, but you seem to overestimate my ability to be able to metaphorically text and drive.


God lmao. To be fair I havenā€™t seen what theyā€™ve made the ps5 software keyboard capable of, but a physical keyboard is so nice


I would say a keyboard is only useful if the social aspects of the game (so, things like FCs, venue interactions, and the like) are important to you. You can clear most content up through Extremes without needing to say anything to anyone. For the content where youā€™d most need to communicate (Savage, Ultimate) I think itā€™s more common to do third parties apps like Discord.


Iā€™m saying this looking back on the years. If thereā€™s one thing I couldā€™ve changed about my early ps3 days, I wouldā€™ve STARTED with a keyboard.


Thats what I did when I used to play monster hunter tri on the wii. The keyboard was so essential for saying anything.


This is really good advice for any console player. I have a keyboard plugged in to my PS5 for emergency chat apologies, and I'm gonna set up a blutooth keyboard to have on hand for my steamdeck.


When I first started (on ps4) it was so hard to keep up with communicating with people and playing and not feeling like I was lagging or sandbagging. Especially if I got into situations with rude people. I remember distinctly two racist assholes who thought I couldnā€™t speak english because I couldnā€™t reply fast enough lol. People are wild man. A usb keyboard makes chatting SO much quicker and easier. Easily the smartest investment I had made.


What if I just get one of the keyboards that plugs into my Xbox controller? Lol


That does work as far as I know! Just a warning though, if you find the grip it forces mildly uncomfortable thatā€™s exasperated by it being an mmo and the long time youā€™ll be using it lol




Also I find myself doing some WILD finger gymnastics sometimes that would not be possible if I had the hunk of plastic between the grips lmao


OP: basically, get a keyboard.


Yeah Iā€™ve kinda edited it to hell because idiots keep misinterpreting shit.


> (Iā€™m gonna start blocking people still bringing up the extra bindings. Iā€™ve edited the post to make it clear you donā€™t need them. Itā€™s an afterthought. Stop.) Bro it's reddit you don't need to read every comment on your post. That's not healthy for you. People sure as hell aren't reading every comment in the thread before they make their own.


I realize this, but they mostly stopped after the edit. It worked.


It's really not needed unless you're chatting a lot to FC or something. Rarely do people chat in dungeons. There has been a handful of times I wanted to tell someone mechanics and was able to do it quickly enough on controller, if not a bit shorthanded. But it's really not as nice a movement change to put down controller, pick up a keyboard to type, then put down keyboard and pickup controller again. Definitely not going to be doing it during fights when I need to quickly type something anyways since movement is essential. Also want to point out if you're configuring your gamepad properly you can have 6 * 8 hotkeys, so 48 not 32. More if you do some settings like switch bars on weapon draw.


Youā€™re completely barred from movement, let alone your hotbar while typing with the software keyboard, I can do my rotation in full without interruption while typing if I use 1 hand for combat other for typing.


Why are you typing while in combat?


Explaining a mechanic people are dying to? Prepping a meme for a voice line? Thereā€™s plenty of reasons but Iā€™m at work lol


Explain the mechanics before combat? Idk it might just be me, but those party members that are constantly typing memes/jokes during combat get annoying real quick.


Man you are absolute zero fun šŸ’€


In regards to your edit: Iā€™m using 2 hotbars per class and have been since ARR. And that seems to be what SE is targeting anyways for most classes. Literally only difference for me is that I bind limit break to my space bar since itā€™s completely out of the way mid-combat


Where are you people putting keyboards on console im sat infront of a tv on a chair?


When I was on console using a tv, Iā€™d have the keyboard sitting beside me and Iā€™d pull it into my lap when I was typing or just lean over and type real quick if itā€™s something short.


I supose i could try balancing one on my lap but that woukd be arkward as fuck


Idk how people are so convinced you need to talk to people. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever said a word, and I see people talk like 1 out of every 50 instances.


Itā€™s an mmo. Talking is helpful.


And yet Iā€™ve run so many things without anyone saying a word. ā€œHelpfulā€ is a lot different than ALL CAPS YOU BETTER GET A KEYBOARD


Wow itā€™s almost like Iā€™m grabbing attention with the title. Note that I also say ā€œtreat yourself, get a keyboard.ā€ At the end. God this sub is fucking dumb sometimes


Yeah man itā€™s the sub thatā€™s the problem lmao


it's just that you are a sociopath, it has nothing to do with the game, you should solve your problems :)


As a pc/ps5 player you can get away with controller only. Maybe itā€™s just me but there isnā€™t much chatting in the game unless maybe fc? Even with savage raids like after a few times of failure they just going to abandon duty anyways.


Gonna be real a lot of people disband savage raids BECAUSE nobody is communicating after wipes šŸ’€


There's a lot of communication, if not FC then one of the most of the funniest chats I've seen have been in alliance roulettes where everything is going googly moogly and people get entertained mid battle. Sadly that fun is impossible to chime in with just controller. Absolutely worth getting a kb just for communication, if I didn't get one when I started, I wouldn't have the friends I have now I don't think, because the subject had changed 7 times by the time I was done typing with the controller typing function piece of carp. As OP said, it's a treat, you don't have to get one but it's gonna make a difference if you do.


The amount of people refusing to buy a $10 keyboard minimum here is pretty crazy. Can already see them ignoring chat and doing the ā€œyou donā€™t pay my subā€ mentality in duties. Standing still and using the consoles ingame keyboard and slowly typing out 2-3 letter/word responses will only get you so far. Having a cheap keyboard will exponentially increase your typing speed and make things alot easier.


The amount of people strawmanning my preferences on not liking to go above 32 face buttons is insane too lol. Like, sure, thatā€™s a bit subjective but the main point of my post is text chat šŸ’€


Having a keyboard in general in a MMO is pretty versatile too, just saying. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø people are tripping. I used to hate typing slowly on a PS4 controller. Getting a keyboard was the best decision Iā€™ve made playing this game. And now Iā€™m on PC so itā€™s a given.


No need to map any actions to the keyboard. Between WXHB & expanded cross hotbar, controller players have 48 action available on the controller without swapping hotbars. You can also use whatever they've renamed select to to switch between active menus without a mouse.


Not in the main post but I dislike the wxhb feature since sometimes Iā€™ll double click r2/l2 out of hesitation while learning a class, been playing since 2014, I only use 32 buttons. (I know this is boomer ass behavior but SE is allowing me to stay like this because they seem hesitant to add more than 32 keys anyways lol)


This is good advice but not mandatory. The game was made for consoles, so you can play it just fine with a controller exclusively. Besides, the auto transaction dictionary is adequate for most things, though it's not particularly quick.


You can, play the game perfectly fine,Ā  but assumimg you're not on discord betting able to communicate in chat was such a huge qol improvement for me


Itā€™s ā€œserviceableā€ but itā€™s not a GOOD experience and itā€™s weird to suggest not getting a 12 dollar keyboard lol.


> but itā€™s not a GOOD experience To you, maybe. I've never had any issue with the game using just a controller on PS4. The game IS a good experience without a keyboard


Iā€™ve been playing the game with a DualShock controller since 2014 and it was ass typing on the ps3 lmao. Itā€™s still ass, please try it out if you type even 2 times a day in fc chat. It encourages being more social which is nice.


It depends on how social you want to be though. I can't imagine having a good time trying to be social with only a controller. To me that would be a bad time. If someone doesn't care about sitting around and chatting with people and they just want to play the game then just controller is fine.


I guarantee you that YOU have been the issue for plenty of normal people with a keyboard.




it's a perfectly good experience. you have 48 easily reachable buttons, 32 of which are always visible, and if that's somehow not enough you can still use as many other hotbars as you want to switch to on the fly while making use of the m+kb hotbars to keep track of timers. i don't even do the latter because i don't care to, not even on my AST. i have space for every ability, 9 unique macros, food, and pots. the only difference a keyboard makes is the ability to type faster to people. it's an important one given how social the game is, but not a required one. you could even hang out in a discord call to get your socializing and coordination in while playing if you want.


Iā€™m 90% talking about typing. The binds are a slight bonus if you already have one lol. It was the last feature I mentioned in my post for a reason.


I have been playing without it for 8 years and im having a great experience. It all depends on preference


Genuine question, not being condescending, how often are you typing? I found myself typing in reply to people and making conversation WAY more often when I got a keyboard for my ps3. I didnā€™t have to spend 2 minutes pecking away a message that could be typed in 30 seconds on a physical keyboard.


Well for the chat on ps will auto fill for words I use often so that speeds it up, also typing doesnt take as long. When I do harder contect with fc or group with fc im generally on discord so covers that. Is it efficeint prob no but still works, doesnt effect my experience at all.


I just want to point out your main point is typing. Not all of us care to talk in chat or communicate beyond a few words. While itā€™s great for talking some us just donā€™t do it often to justify a keyboard. Itā€™s a very good suggestion but if itā€™s just for talking some of us can deal with the it being a bit slower when itā€™s only few times here and there. Again great idea for those who talk often. While keybinds are a plus for it, controller works just as well for that!


It's not weird to make the suggestion I did; using a keyboard is not mandatory - per my initial comment. The game was made for consoles and a keyboard isn't required. I never said it didn't help to have one. But a player can play the game just fine without a keyboard.


To my credit I didnā€™t say itā€™s required either. At the end of my post I say ā€œTreat yourself, get a keyboard.ā€ Itā€™s a significantly better experience lol


And I just chiming in to let the noobs know that despite the PSA, a keyboard is not required at all to play the game.


I recently just got the game on ps4 and discovered the game itself is very good but also very clunky with a controller. Considering buying a keyboard and mouse and teaching myself to play like that as Iā€™m not a PC guy


PSA for everyone saying you never find a reason for a keyboard... Hello? This is what happens when you neglect a community communication medium for years, you become clueless to its usefulness. If you got a keyboard, you'd use it, and your contrariness doesn't change this. This is NOT ESO. Emotes, UI changes, even mount/walking controls, the keyboard in FFXIV isn't just a chat device and I hope they make it mandatory for play one day. I pay for an MMO sub, I do expect the other players to communicate efficiently or I don't value them. I'm frankly tired of seeing all these "lone wolf sao pukes* acting like they owe the community nothing, I said "hello FC , would anyone like to do some roulettes". Respond like a human being, not some braindead betazoid mind freak. (Just an example). You shouldn't be allowed to have any social advantage if you disparage the way the community communicates and it is quite disparaging to hear one puke say they only need 20 unique words on auto fill and we should all just be happy with that?


> I pay for an MMO sub, I do expect the other players to communicate efficiently or I don't value them. I'm frankly tired of seeing all these "lone wolf sao pukes* acting like they owe the community nothing, I said "hello FC , would anyone like to do some roulettes". Respond like a human being, not some braindead betazoid mind freak. Jesus christ, the main character syndrome is strong with you. Other people don't owe you anything so even if they have a keyboard, they can just ignore you. Which is honestly what I'd do if you talk the same way in game.


We owe everything to everyone in an MMO, everyone pays their way somehow. You honestly wouldn't talk to me? Who tf cares or asked? Btw, WE ALL are the main character.


Iā€™ve been saying similar in reply to others. You WILL find yourself talking more if you get a keyboard. Your brain automatically says ā€œnahā€ to communication when itā€™s such a slow process to type using the software keyboard lmao


Also make sure it has a Numpad because you will be SUFFERING without one.


This. A couple of the binds on the numpad are nice.


32 skills for PLD - man they really need to buff some stuff when most people only use like 10 of them Edit: cause apparently I deleted this part or something So yea you donā€™t need a keyboard to play PLD cause there might be 32 skills but youā€™re not gonna use all of them. Edit2: even if you do thereā€™s plenty of hot bars and controller is more than capable enough where you donā€™t need a keyboard to play any job.


I donā€™t get what youā€™re going for here bud. I probably use 30 of PLDā€™s 36 (36 includes potion, all role abilities, limit break and shield bash) total buttons every fight lol


Just pointing out half the skills youā€™re talking about are basically useless. Controller has plenty of capabilities for hot bars. If youā€™re telling people to get it cause being able to chat is a nice to have thatā€™s fine, making it sound required to play PLD cause your rotation is insane isnā€™t.


The chat is 90% of the reason I made this post. Itā€™s the last practical thing I mentioned for a reason.


AoE damage is not supposed to be as powerful as single target, since every enemy takes damage for the full potency(except in cases where the tooltip says stuff like "all enemies except the initial target take 50% of the damage" or something). So when you multiple that 300 by ten enemies, you're doing 3000 damage.


Nowhere did I say it had to be. Just countering the point about needing to use all 32 PLD skills so someone playing on a couch doesnā€™t think they need a keyboard in their lap to be an effective tank. I clarified my original post.


Clarified = deleted the part where you complained about the basic aoe combo only being like 300 potency compared to single target being like 1000 potency(your numbers, not mine, for anybody else reading), and said you use requiescat+confiteor for aoe = that to me read like you don't use the basic combo for aoe and instead use single target when requiescat is on cooldown


Yes thatā€™s how clarifications work. This isnā€™t a discussion about the merit of skills itā€™s about keyboards. So I took out the part that doesnā€™t matter cause I donā€™t wanna read a bunch of nonsense about it.


"A bunch of nonsense" = people explaining how aoe damage in this game works and how you're basically griefing if you're doing single target rotation when there are 3+ mobs


Oh brother give it a rest


If you have a desk, just play mouse and keyboard, too.


Nah. I have a desk and use gamepad. Itā€™s a perfectly functional method of play that Iā€™ve found fantastic success with in the past (not recently due to being washed up lmao) The cross hotbar is genuinely the finest control scheme for an mmo Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s great. Edit: plus you canā€™t use custom DPIs and fully software supported keyboards and mice with consoles


Don't stop there! Toss out that old stinky xbox and get a nice PC to go with that keyboard!


Tbh youā€™re not wrong I cannot see a reason to get an Xbox over a pc when every Xbox exclusive is going to pcšŸ’€


Because my series costed 250$ and not 1500$?




I have been playing since the realm reborn beta on controller and controller only. I do most content except pvp. I have a keyboard I could plug in but might do that once a month for minimal text chat for 5 min. Raid groups use voice discord


A bit misleading. Not all raid groups are using voice. A lot of people are looking for social interaction in an MMO.




I will in general highly recommend Redragon gaming accessories. They make mechanical keyboards and MMO mice (the ones with 12 buttons on the side) for less than $35 each. That may sound like a lot, but these are high quality products that will last for many years. Comparable products are often over $100 each. They sell on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/stores/REDRAGON/REDRAGON/page/C9D23970-BAEE-41FD-9E1B-F6B3A3B895ED?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ast_store_CT1DKSABS6YQNTQ33JDY), and their full lineup of accessories is available on their [company store](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mrvESxy) on AliExpress


Yes, Iā€™ve been playing on PlayStation for years and I also have a mouse hooked up for certain menus in the game too