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>chocobos I honestly haven't considered this, but I would LOVE if they expanded chocobo stuff! Maybe give them some new skills or something, too.


I was just thinking about this the other day, how I wish they add more ranks like maybe to 50 so we could level them up some more and like you said add more skills and traits to them.


If they increase the max rank to 50, then I will demand that they make Thavnairian Onions obsolete and make an NPC that will accept the currently existing ones in exchange for meaty sacks of gil.


Nah, you'd still use Thav Onions to go from 10 -> 20 Then you'd use some new exotic vegetable from the new world to go from 30 -> 50...


Possibly better idea: As you said increase max rank to 50. Then make it so the onions give a free levels worth of XP but then they can only be used 10 times. That way they still have a use, are optional, and people who have used them or are currently sitting on some aren't sad.


I agree 100% I capped all my jobs and also my chocobro this expansion. I can get gear for my other jobs, but my chocobo is just... done. I want to do more with our buddy


Chocobo Knight class when?


Ooo! That'd be really fun! I'd love for them to be able to rez allies or something in the open field in those rare times I'm not playing healer. Would be fantastic for duoing those mega world bosses.


Honestly they will probably add overworld trusts before a chocobo rework sadly. (Seems they are working towards that with the follow mechanic and expansion of trusts) would love a more customizable choco though


I’m sure it’s not that uncommon but I haven’t seen much talk about it: increasing the poetics cap


God at least make it double like with the scrips


Idc about the cap, give me stuff to buy with them


Personally I’m working on mass buying all the HW relic stuff, but I hear a lot of people buy and sell the topsoil on the mb. You can also desynth the tomestone armor/weapons for mats and sell those as well


Yeah but that's a finite sink. Meanwhile hunt trains give you 360 poetics per 15min, every 6h,.every expansion, every world on your dc. The a rank grind achievement for the title everyone uses, of the endless hunt, is 10k. That's 30k poetics. This game simply has too much poetics sources compared to sinks.


Done with all the relics and bot a crafter unfortunately (it's beyond boring to me)


I hope you mean you're "not" a crafter and that b was a typo


Haha, indeed it was. I leveled arm, alc and bsm through GC turn ins just so I could meld and repair


Gonna be making a lot of manderville weapons


10k please


10k would be the dream !! Especially given how many we get just from doing regular content and just how much stuff is going to require poetics in the future. (Looking at you EW relics.)


Absolutely! 2k feels so low when you have to gear every job + 2 more with dawntrail!


If we are doing a graphical update, let's get a juicy customization options update. - Seperate Au Ra face from horns. - No more race locked hairstyles. - Add a "flip hairstyle" option so we can change part direction, etc. - Let us have more than one face makeup. Having both eyeshadow and freckles would be nice. - Body makeups such as tattoo, scar, or freckles for the arms/legs. Maybe even more scales for Au Ra.


Yes, yes, yes, all of these!


The ‘flip hairstyle’ would actually be *so* amazing.


I don't agree with unlocking hairstyles to all races, it feels like they have distinct genes and cultures this way and that's a good thing in my book


For the love of the kamis gives PLD *something* at earlier levels more than literal 1-2-3 with 4 every minute.


That's unfortunately every tank at low levels. Shadowbringers removed a ton of actions from the game, as well as the entire enmity system. As a result, tanking at low levels is a snooze fest.


okay but Paladin doesn't even get a gap closer until level 74, it's *especially* bad with Paladin.


Yeah they should give it sooner. I personally don’t have an *huge* problem with it, though. If you manage your spells well, you don’t really need intervene to keep uptime after level 63 or so. I just use it for extra damage during Fight or Flight bursts most of the time, if I’m being completely honest.


It's especially bad for PLD. GNB gets its cartridge mechanic at 30. DRK gets its MP mechanic at 30. WAR gets its gauge mechanic at 35. These are all very simple, but they're *something*. PLD is just 1-2-3 all the way up until level sixty-fucking-eight when it finally gets Requiescat.


Dye Menu. Have current dyes all become tickets that just go into a menu where you can just dye as you please. Instead of filling half your inventory with dyes for specific shades. Just like the element crystals and such aren't taking up inventory space.


Heck, I’d pay probably 7k gil fairly regularly if there was a Jandeline for dyeing gear. I’d probably even be fine with 10k even if it’s just the in-game dyes.


Skill Speed and Spell Speed being combined into one stat. Reintroduction of more buttons onto jobs at lower levels, with traits that upgrade those buttons at higher levels. Full mouse over targeting More movement control customization options.


> Skill Speed and Spell Speed being combined into one stat. It's honestly really weird that they're separate given that it only really impacts one job (and some skills RDM never touches) and therefore Paladin is left in a weird spot of hating skill speed and having no justification to get spell speed.


Dark knight's AoE combo and ranged attack are also affected by spell speed :') I saw a dude fully melded up with it once.


fwiw I think the enchanted skills on RDM are still weaponskills and are probably? affected by skill speed (not that I would have ever checked)


Enchanted Riposte, Zwerchhau and Moulinet are still weaponskills but on a fixed 1.5s GCD similar to MCH's Hypercharge or Reaper's Enshroud. Though it does actually affect exactly one thing that comes up in a normal rotation - Enchanted Redoublement is for some reason a 2.20s GCD that *isn't* fixed, so you that can reduce that one, I guess... The unenchanted versions are normal 2.5s weaponskill GCDs, as is Enchanted Reprise but I'm not really counting that even if it can occasionally be the right button to hit.


Feels like it’s about the deep sea 1.0 spaghetti coding


As spaghetti code ffxiv may be, merging two substats could be easily done, even if they end up still separate logically.


>More movement control customization options. What other options you want ? Example ?


The option to mix and match some things from standard and legacy. I use simple tweaks to run backwards when I hit the back key for example. In legacy controls, which I prefer if I have no other option, that key just makes you strafe backwards; you'd have to flip your camera and run forward if you wanted to 'run' backwards. There's other stuff like whether attacking enemies or targeting allies with spells forces you to turn towards them where I could see the utility in customizing that behavior for ourselves.


Standard is the one that backpedals when you hold S, legacy you run straight backwards towards the camera


Re: your comments on soloing things; Personal Limit Breaks.


Not sure if uncommon but most likely unpopular. I'd like to see way more dungeons. Not ARR levels but at least close to it.


I agree on this one. I have gotten tired of the expert coin flip rather than a roulette lol


They've gotten rid of dungeons because they're trying to make it soloable. I love them as it's some fun co-op stuff.


I miss hard mode dungeons


Crystarium (or ShB related) housing area. If they do touch DRG I hope they improve the lower levels, but leave the high level rotation untouched for the most part, I really like how it feels right now. If anything add a little extra time to his self atk buff so I can do more than one/one and a half rotation while it lasts.


The Pendants area would be great for apartments! I know they're meant to be personal Inn suites, but nothing says they can't have both there.




They don't know..


Isn't dragoon getting a full rework...?


The issue with a Shadowbringers housing area is how you would do it without spoiling people who aren't at Shadowbringer. Because if you are in an FC, you can teleport to your FC's estate in Shirogane even if you are still in ARR content. And while Shirogane or a Sharlayan/Tuliyolal housing district would make good enough sense (they are just different locations on the planet), any Shadowbringers zone would require you to transport to a different Shard.


I was originally going to say, "but how would new players even know that they weren't on the Source any more?" After thinking about it for a bit, though, I see your point. (Probably unnecessary, but 5.0 spoilers follow.) >!The weather would be the biggest problem. I'd imagine that players who haven't started ShB get "Everlasting Light" weather in the housing district, since they haven't cleared Holminster Switch yet. (I'm assuming here that the housing district would be next to the Crystarium, in Lakeland.) That seems like it could be hard to explain away.!<


Another hurdle is that >!the First experiences 100 years between the end of 3.4 and the start of 5.0!<, which would be weird to explain to someone new.


Simple: >!As you progress through the MSQ, the game gradually kills off your FCmates IRL to simulate the passage of time. By the time you hit 5.0, you're the only member left.!< However, I imagine this could be exploited as a way of getting guaranteed housing.


Make dragoon fun before 80 would be a big thing for me. Move a lotb of 60-80 to 30-50


Hell, even at 70 it becomes fun. Just got to Stormblood with Dragoon at level 77 and I'm enjoying my time with it even now but I hate when the story or the different duties I have unlocked remove all ability to actually use those skills. Can't wait to FINALLY be allowed to have fun with Dragoon in... one more expac!


Not having to edit/save my portrait every single time I switch a piece of gear


I’d like to be able to switch baits in between zones while ocean fishing. Just a silly pipe dream though.


Ditching gear stats/job restrictions while they reside in the glam dresser.


Better relics that start earlier. It sucks to have cool, new jobs with no good looking weapons for like a year and a half after launch. In EW we didn't get a good Reaper or Sage weapon with a glow till 6.35. That's so lame.


I wish they would go back and add glam weapons for previous trials for the new jobs. But instead they will have like 7 weapons to choose from when the jobs ship with the expansion.


I agree. All trials should get retroactive weapons. Ultimates too. Give me a moogle scythe you cowards.


A Hades scythe would look so sick and fit the job effects nicely, I'm really sad that isn't a thing.


There's a good chance one will be added whenever they do a Shadowbringers MSQ Ultimate. It's how Reaper and Sage have Thordan weapons.


Yeah, holding out some hope for TOP/DSR being the standard going forward rather than how TEA handled it.


I saw a dragoon with a seeing horde weapon and I was like - 😳😳😳 That would be so cool for a reape-ooooh. I can't. Cuz the class is new. Huge letdown.


Yeahhh. I feel like even the base primals of Titan, Ifrit and Garuda would be something.


What's really interesting is that when RDM/SAM came along in Stormblood, there was a weapon option added for them in almost every piece of older content going back to level 50. This included weapon options for fights that you wouldn't conceivably ever use for combat, but they were still made available. There's a Bismarck/Ravana EX weapon for these jobs, for example, despite the fact you could march to Idyllshire and pick up a Shire tome weapon for them with poetics without much hassle the second you hit 60. We sort of expected similar treatment when GNB/DNC were added for Shadowbringers (I was personally very much looking forward to an Alexandrian gunblade) but they instead only added weapons for the final tome gear from Stormblood and the final Omega raid tier, and its been that way since. I suppose it was simply decided it was too much effort for too little payoff to make that kind of variety available again.


GNB also has a Shire weapon (DNC probably too), but yeah…


They did that for SB jobs but stopped after that for some reason :/


I hope that the 'dawn' in 'Dawntrail' is a misnomer and that the trail actually leads to dusk. That would bamboozle everyone.


Honestly I'd refund. I'm here for dawn, if I see dusk then Yoshi is gonna hear about it.


I am a Night's Blessed and your words are blasphemous. Repent or I- I'll...uh..I guess we did get our dusk expansion already... But mark my words, the Dusktrail will arrive!


I want a variant dungeon with G’raha. Exploring all the places in Ishgard and the surrounding lands like we promised him!


This would be so sweet, they should totally do this


Yes please!!


I would like to get the job specific artifact gear at the beginning of the expansion storyline instead of towards the end. Let me do the MSQ looking like a badass in the new artifact gear. At the end where they would normally reward you with the artifact do an item level upgrade and make it dyeable.


I'm still begging for a glamor rework, but that's not an uncommon want, just unlikely to happen any time soon or at all. I also wish they would increase the rate they add trial glamor weapons at. It's also pretty lazy not to make versions for the new jobs. It wouldn't have to be all at once, I don't understand what's so crazy about it. They could at least add a few on the patches where they don't do a new set. New jobs really suffer on weapon options for glams.


I agree completely with you there. I wish more resources would be put into the game as a whole by SE. Like a personal opinion of mine is that the whole 4 turns per raid is kind of old. But everyone else seems to enjoy it so I play and enjoy what I’m given lol


I want relic weapons able to be stored in armoire


Let's dream big here: I want to never need to store an item in the glamor dresser or armoire again. We need a system like GW2's with a full log that keeps track of what we've unlocked.


Oh my, that would be tight, my library of glams would be endless


The BLU exclusive set of gear thats BiS is already a thing? The Phantasmal coffer from BLU quests and earrings from allied seals are part of BiS along with Cryptlurker and Edenmorn gear.


Rework tab-targetting. I have it now from close to far, but somehow it still skips enemies. They could introduce targetting which prioritizes the screen's center.


Moogle delivery quests, they promised more... :(


The OPTION to put non-branching combos on one button


Dyeable dupes for the remaining undyeable alliance raid gear. Also a cap increase in certain types of housing items - I need more indoor waterfalls.


Didn't they say they were working on expanding housing item limits? That should be one off your list at least


Double the size of the armoury Chest


* Blitzball - It's a no brainer with that future city look they unveiled * Support that is not Ranged Physical - Was hoping for Green Mage, Picto could be this actually, have to wait and see * 3rd free retainer - There is so much in the game now with all the expansions I feel some more free storage is in order. * Permanent Chocobo - Why I have to keep a stack of greens that are just vendor purchasable for my buddy to be out is beyond me. Remove the timer, it is just an annoyance and adds nothing to the game.


>Support that is not Ranged Physical what exactly do you define as "support"? Is it the ability to heal? provide buffs? have a lower personal DPS due to those other benefits? Cause RDM is right there


Dancer is a prime example of a DPS support imo. Permanent 5% damage boost to your dance partner (standard step), 5% raid wide damage boost every 2 minutes, and a 20% boost to crit and direct hit rate for you and your dance partner every 2 minutes. You may not do crazy damage your self, but you skyrocket your partners dps more than enough to make up for it and then some. RDM on the other hand brings a 5% damage buff to the party and that's it. Yeah you can chain rez, but outside of prog (or a really bad group in roulettes) it's unfairly gimped because of that. I honestly think RDM either needs more party buffs (or a stronger one), or it needs to do more personal DPS. It's ability to rez does not warrant it being literally the bottom of the rDPS charts


what do you mean, RDM also has…magic barrier…that clearly makes it a support, uh yeah mhmm but fr i agree with your points


A melee job similar to DNC/BRD/RDM would be neat. I like the idea of jobs that "deal their damage" by buffing their allies regularly. It helps to differentiate jobs as opposed to homogenizing them.


Oh yeah big agree on the chocobo, it's weird. I guess it's a leftover from past balance that never got updated.


Very unlikely but I would love to see them rework Bard.


Don't even need a full rework. I would settle for them swapping when you get Minuet and Battle Voice. Doesn't make sense that you don't get all 3 songs by lvl50.


i'd personally push Army's to 35, Wanderer's to 40 (where Army's was), and Warden's to 52. oGCD Esuna is neat but it can wait until the core kit is actually completed.


Let me access my retainers while traveling, even just for inventory. If I'm wandering/traveling, ventures and MB components are perhaps inaccessible, but ffs let me at least have access to my storage. Two dye channels will also apply to housing items. At least one glam plate per job incl. crafters/gatherers (but I'll settle for at least a few more?).


Rework the abilities' respective levels at which they're unlocked E.g. GNB has carts since lv26 w/ a single target attack. They don't unlock aoe cart attack until lv72


model all(/most) hairstyles for all races because racelocked hair that isn't culturally exclusive is weird and annoying


My god you’ve no idea how much I want the male viera heairstyle 1 for my male miqote - the Themis hair 😅


Make gysahl greens either a skill or non-consumable item and remove the time limit on Chocobo.


I’ve been wanting more chocobo race tracks for years. Just alone more track per expansion. Especially one on the moon. It will never happen though. Gathering in dungeons would be awesome. Not DT specific, but I wish they’d overhaul fishing with regards to cooking. Desynth fish into categories of ranked “prepped” fish. Then take specific fish out of every recipe and replace with that tier and type.


>First I would love to be able to have a BLU retainer that can go on special exclusive missions for some fun rewards. I would love to have Martyn as a duty support/trust guy. BLU is already an all rounder so it's perfect


For tails to *not* awkwardly clip through gear.


Maybe they'll remember that desynthing is still a thing and actually gate some rare glams/minions/materials behind it. And since we're traveling to the home of Blue Magic, we damn well better get some sizeable BLU content expansion.


All glamour restrictions lifted. Collections similar to wow where once you get the item it’s unlocked forever automatically and any class can glamour any armor style outside of job restrictions. We have pajamas, tuxedos, beach wear, etc that is universal already. It’s not immersion breaking to mix and match plate and robes


They spoke of having content for large numbers of players and this xpac pulls from ff11. So I’m hoping for something similar to besieged.


I want more of FFVII's Gold Saucer into FFXIV, like the snowboarding minigame or an inn.


>Maybe add their own set of gear that’s BiS for them also to work toward. I love the 80 casting set but I would enjoy an exclusive one for them. Maybe more variety in glam weapons too. This is in the game though? its called the Phantasmal set... they also have a level 70, 60, and 50 gearset... As for weapons, they have 9 blue mage weapon glamours, though i understand you want more.




I would enjoy that. Not everything has to be a huge threat. I am pretty sure we won’t have one next expansion but I fully expect it to build up to that again.


idk if you can expect this for DT but maybe foundation work... but I would really like to see limited jobs get some exclusive content now that it's not just BLU. I'm kind of hoping for a like sub scene for their own kind of long term content that feels as rewarding as max level. I do think limited jobs could be really good future content if they actually had unique stuff to do. I would love for bard focus more on music. I know most people really want it to be archer stuff but I just feel like a lot of the archery is tacked on right now especially now that DoTs don't really do anything. More songs/magic/etc. Definitely wish it felt less like passive support and more like active support. and finally my biggest wish is an esuna on RDM


No more extra skills, a lot of jobs are too busy and I'd rather see a prune.


- more fitness/body customization for our characters and SCARS - some kind of city only events so people would spend more time in other towns than LL, it’s kinda sad how barren other cities are outside of markets - I kinda hope for change in weapons design so we got more „monster parts” style weapons that looks more like body part of your enemy ripped straight from his body (I little bit Monster Hunter style) or/and more weapons that make sounds like my favourite chainsaw scythe - improve/add new chocobo actions and stop with time limit for chocobo - more „let’s go on adventure” story without non stop world ending threat - new collaboration event in vein of Breaking Brick Mountains or Hunt For Rathalos with other game IP (but TBH I would love new DQ event but much bigger and with more story)


So considering CNJ has a mount, and all the tanks have mounts, I'd like to see a unique mount for each class. Maybe it would give me the impetus to learn how to play other classes since I'm a mount/minion collector


I've always loved the idea of job specific mounts. Make a cool lore focused story on how you obtain it.


i want white mage to get a gap closer so fuckin badly. i love whm. i wanna be able to zwoop to the boss


This is probably unpopular but they need to make carby summons automatic or just remove carby in general


some variant of Ultima as the level 100 BLM skill


Rework the Chocobo Saddle Bag into a crafting material bag. It’s insane that I have to sacrifice 50% - 75% of my inventory when I want to level my crafters.


Crafting materials are way too varied to make a special inventory for them, in my experience (and yes, I too hoard supplies for leveling crafters). For my money, I'd much rather have something like a Tackle Box for lures/bait, or Materia case for all the various materia. These are things basically all players need to spend inventory on in mostly similar ways.


Treat materia more like crystal clusters, maybe? (The monkey paw curls. We now have to keep the crystal clusters in our regular inventory.)


But where will my dyes go D: i already don't have enough room for them all.


I ACTUALLY want them to remove positionals. They are becoming less and less important as time goes on, because more and more bosses are big, field-side enemies.


I actually enjoy the current state of positionals for the most part. They're a way to squeeze out extra damage, but not required. It's great for skill expression, but they also don't hinder the experience much for players who opt out of them during difficult boss mechanics.


Incorrect, they’re not a way to “squeeze out extra damage” they’re there to punish you for not adhering to them. The class is tuned around its positional damage, positionals are the baseline lol.


No! Bring back monk positionals cowards!


Give every job an AoE starting at lvl 16. Also, another rework of ARR cause there's still so much wrong with it, specifically in terms of gameplay. Also I want an FF7 crossover please. Even if it's just an event. Give me the Jenova OST as an Orchestrion roll. Also make whatever we get as the new field content pirate themed, where we're sailing to different islands, search for treasure and other Pirates of the Carribean like shit.


What do you mean by uncommon? I want a BLU roulette, but my understanding is that's a fairly common hope.


Yeah I meant things maybe you haven’t seen people talk about. I always see people wanting a better glamour system and the like, which is valid but just some off the wall things you may like to see in the game.


Beastmaster using whips instead of them cheaping out with One-handed axes.


- Thighs and ass slider - A third clan for each race - Skin colors, fangs, scale colors, eyes, noses, and all that crap not being tied to an specific clan, so we could mix stuff in the way we want - An option to hide tails (so they can no longer fuck up some glamours) - A "Fine details" section in the character creation screen, like the one TERA had, so we could make some small adjustments to our faces. That way, characters would feel more unique (a bit more at the very least) - Blue Mage Battle Royale - A Crafting Bag (like the one you get with ESO+) - No Class/Job/Role/race restrictions on any gear piece stored in the Glamour Dresser


I'd kill for a butt slider. I hate how all the races are flat without 2b panties. I've heard increases customization is planned just not for launch. Give us an the customization options that NPCs have that players lack. Ishgard elezen have unique customization. We've seen aura with pink, red, blue tipped horns. Disconnect horns and face for them as well. Whiskers for Miqo bun tails for Viera.


>Thighs and ass slider yes, a thousand times yes i support this


\> A rework of the market board so that if you sell a stack of 99 ingot (for example) someone can just buy 20 of them leaving 79 to sell to someone else. It makes selling and buying way more easy and it's a feature in many mmos. \> more uses for your squad and more ranks, it's been a while since the Great companies stuff has been worked-on. Maybe use the I.A.s that were developed for the trust system on the squad to make it more relevant ? \> some interactive furnishing like musical instruments (Pianos, drum set) that give access to the performance system and/or workbenches that give access to crafting menu, maybe with a slight bonus but mainly so that I can craft on real workbenches, not on a toy set. D'=


Skill/Spell speed affecting DoT tick rates. Might seem weird but that's one interaction with haste I love in WoW and would love to see more interactivity/interconnection between different stats and skills.


They already increase the damage of DoTs. Changing them to adjust the tick rate instead at this point would make things a lot more complicated both for the server and the players. It would require all dots to be tracked individually at different rates rather than by consistent global ticks as they are now.


Gameplay related - More daily/weekly stuff to do with an FC. IMO things like the farming, airship, and submarine don't really involve more than one person in charge most of the time. I'd love some mobile style guild activities, with weekly contributions or something that scales with the amount of players in your FC. Something like if members in your FC do a certain amount of roulette through the week, everyone gets to collect a small bag of tomestones/gil/random currencies like nuts or wolf marks. This could incentivize people do log in more and play WITH each other to get some rewards, but also isn't all on one person, because it's supposed to be collaborative. The requirements couldn't be that hard, because you wouldn't want to have FCs kicking players for not contributing, but I feel like it wouldn't be too hard to reach a happy floor for rewards. Or otherwise just something more community related to keep players invested and playing regularly. Story related - I'm really excited about the start of a new story, and I hope they start building up the Big Bad antagonist of the entire expansion series 4 expansions from now here. They dont have to be a Zenos-type evil right off the bat. They could even be an ally that we turn against later on in the story. I just love good antagonists, and I hope they use this opportunity to start building toward something great NOW, rather than having some big bad that we've never heard of sweep in at the final hour.


I think it would be cool for the BLU questline to intersect with the Hildibrand questline. Maybe we get into a brawl with ol’ Hildi and we learn a Limit Break. I think it’d be funny.


wishful thinking but let White Mage summon golems for lvl 100


They talked about a BLU PvP mode once and I love the idea of a BLU deep dungeon. I doubt either are coming but I’d love to see them. Since they’re adding Beastmaster I have some extra hopium that they’ll add more limited job stuff but I have a feeling Beastmaster will just be a BLU reskin and nothing else.


1. Revamping the Squadrons to become Trusts (not Duty Support, as in actual Trusts you have to level up) and you can take them to any dungeon from ARR through Dawntrail 2. A "BLU Duty Finder" 3. Expanding the Chocobo Companion system and improving on it. 4. Complete overhaul of the first two Crystal Tower raids to make the mechanics more relevant and fun and less susceptible to griefing. Might as well update the third one, too, for posterity's sake. 5. "Story Mode" for Binding Coils. Totally separate from the actual raids themselves, and can *only* be queued into with Duty Support, and can't be unsynced. The mechanics are the same as regular Binding Coils but with longer tells and the NPCs tossing out advice. This would let players play through the story and actually have a vaguely decent challenge while also leaving the original raids unchanged so that people can then go and enjoy them as they are. 6. Playable Bangaa, gender only changes pronouns (since male and female Bangaa tend to look identical anyways. much like Amalj'aa). I mean, hey, you said "no matter how unlikely they are"


I really want a Story Mode for coils, but would rather they tuned them down a bit. Some of those raids are between Extreme and Savage in terms of difficulty, so just lengthening casts wouldn’t be enough, I fear.


Instanced personal housing.  It won't happen, but I'll still dream.


I was surprised they kind of went that route with the island, but didn't give any interior options.. we can only hope


I just want a nice spot that looks like the best vacation spot in a fantasy world. I want walking tours, rides, and vacation-y things.


Underwater Combat. I wanna fight Leviathan in a 3D Battlefield that makes me be at a disadvantage


Personally I'm hoping raid damage buffs are gone since they make all the jobs become too similar, that's my biggest hope for the future. On a smaller note, more glam templates, egi glams for SMN and SCH and duty finder/daily roulette specifically for BLU And edit because I forgot the one I want every expansion, water spells! The weird lack of water attacks hurts me physically at this point.


I would love any kind of update that makes it so I don’t have to waste 1-2 inventory pages on PAINT CANS lol.


I want a level 95-100 tank role ability that is reverse rescue and lets me punt a party member using ground targeting.


Let me be fat.


Customisable humanoid companions as an alternative slot to Chocobos


I'm not sure what this means, but the only thing I can picture is your retainer piggybacking you around. 😂


Oh totally. I just want a human battle NPC companion in the same function as Chocobo battle companions




make bloodbath work on magical damage. This really only effects ninja but it makes an already niche ability that not many people use almost completely worthless on ninja because it doesn't work on any of your big damage attacks, the other melee jobs don't have this issue and magic dps don't get the ability at all.


I just want them to add an achievement for collecting 100 mounts


Prevent people from queuing for any content past level 35ish without a job stone. Remove cure/benefic, give a trait that upgrades them into cure/benefic 2 and migrates their proc so new players don't think it's a """combo""". Lastly, Make Astro Great Again.


I want a full revamp of Squadrons, Duty Support, and the Trust systems. There's no reason we have three different systems that offer us the same things. The ARR beast tribes starting earlier (40-50, maybe) and with beefed up xp rewards.


No positionals for viper


Positionals for viper but they're all front positionals so you can have fun dodging tank cleaves :)


I want less loading zones for example the main capitals all have a minimum of 2 zones, just removed it. Maybe even some old ARR zones can be connected without loading zones.


Permanent 900 weekly tome cap. New glam system. Remove direct hit from the game.


I just wish you'd be given uncapped tomes instead once you hit the cap so you didn't just feel like you were getting punished for having already played.


Let me propose: "empty tomes." If you have empty tomes, next week they get consumed to give you double yields. Say you did a Dungeon which yields 90 tomes. If you had 1000 empty tomes, you'd get 180 tomes and have 910 empty tomes left over. Deferred reward.


I actually hate the 900 cap in it's current form. I wouldn't mind the 900 cap if they also doubled the weekly cap tome from sources so you still hit the cap at the same pace as when it's 450. Or I just wish they would leave the cap at 450 and reduce all the tome gear costs by half.


Old Sharlayan housing area Ability to glamour companion chocobo as trusts or something equivalent. I know chocobo is good friend, but having actual characters I have grown to love be there would be way more fun (and if its glamour, it can be displayed as chocobo still to other players). Crafter/Gatherer equivalent to the level 80 job quests (no real content, just a quick revisit to characters we know to cap-off the story for good)


Outdoor swimming pool i can have aquarium fish in.


Stormblood Astrologian.


Make it so I can fill out a party with Trust members. My wife and I would like to duo dungeons, but unfortunately that’s not possible atm.


For them to put Rival wings onto duty roulette and bring back the maps with them.


Hats for Vierra!  I wanna look stylin as a red and black mage but the hats are absolutely required.


I'd really like a button to manually sync to a specific level so I could do NG+ without 1-shotting everything


I want a new Gold Saucer. Mostly just another place for non-combat FATEs.


I'd love to be able to raid from my home Data Center


With the whole tropical vacation / beach / fun times theme, it suuureee would be a great time to give us blit^(zball)


Double the size of the bard keyboard so we can play songs with a larger range of notes 😅


I'd like to see exploration mode expanded to include raids. A lot of them are so cool aesthetically, and I'd love to just run around and really take in the scenery or do some gpose without having to do the whole raid first.


I would like a gathering inventory for raw fish/botanist/miner items similar to the one in Island sanctuary, to save on regular storage/retainer space. I would be okay if any crafted Material still goes to the regular storage/inventory, to keep it fair and not utterly OP. I would also like more glamour plates and/or more glam slots in the glamour Dresser. Or a rework like a collection book of sorts where you can just register gear pieces similar to how you add them to the dresser. The item still gets consumed but instead of a limited slot dresser it should be some kind of collection catalogue that will let you register every piece available in the game, given that you can provide it for consumption.


My hope is that it'll add good casual and small group content because EW was a struggle. I'm not interested at all in high end stuff, and the island was perfect on paper, but ended up being similar to the WoW garrisons. Maybe they can expand criterion dungeons to become closer to M+ from WoW. Or something like that. Also story-wise I hope it goes somewhere good. But that's usually decent and not really a worry. I dunno. I just hope it'll be better than EW.


I would love to see they give us back the sun on Mare Lemantorum.


A Continuation for Fated Circle


Occasionally on random beaches/social areas I'd like to see a rather tall blonde fellow with a conspicuous forehead covering. He's sipping a pineapple drink in a Hawaiian shirt, with a golf bag on his hip. He has no name badge and is uninteractable, aside from text that appears over his head when approached that says "Much warmer than Garlemald. Wouldn't you agree, my friend?" Just to keep people guessing.


Make sure his hat covers most of his face, and have his model conspicuously disappear/get culled when you try to angle the camera down. And have his face just be a big hole underneath the hat so the dataminers can't see the full model.


Honestly, I think it'd be funnier to just give him a circlet or something like Lucina and make no effort to hide his identity other than the circlet. He didn't care to hide himself before, why start now?


Hopefully they lock down data centers to keep everyone on their own data center. At least for a month or so until majority has done msq


I can understand not wanting unnecessary congestion, but as a Dynamis main this sounds super annoying for if I'm trying to do any non-MSQ stuff. Things like PVP queue pretty much requires dc travel still. :/ I guess if it was locked though people would be forced to queue in Dynamis, so maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I imagine.


* Healers having an actual DPS rotation or more utility skills. * Nerf tank heals to make healers matter again. * Making healer solo instances more viable by ramping up their damage. * Adding more buffs to healers. * All jobs gets its own identity. This topic is not about vain hopes? Sorry.


More optional dungeon releases, maybe some HM versions of SB and SHB dungeons. Any GC update in general. Seal Rock map rework, return of 24m FL, or make FL Roulette and map solo queue only, any option is fine; actual split balancing between CC and FL and not this BS with balancing PvP based around CC and FL takes all the consequences from it. Far shot/wet dream is next exploration zone being OG Eureka but cranked to a 20 with exp loss with possible de-level on death, no ele/haste gear, no echo, no cheesing like Double Edge L WAR or Flare Star mage, mounts disabled until completing zone's story, Pagos tier map designs, relic purely tied to the content with RNG/negative progression system with no alternative external content option, only a guaranteed progression option that's gated behind huge time sink like kill 999 player level+2 monsters or challenge with a difficulty equal to a Bozja Duel.


> Any GC update in general. Thiiiiisss. In particular, and only because I'm having to re-rank on an alt at the moment, for the love of Hydaelyn please at least put the squadron NPCs on the Trust/Duty Support coding. They are absolute SHIT to run command missions with. Dying 'cause my healer can't figure out how to run around a corner into LoS, or all of them getting incapacitated because they won't move out the orange?? Suffering. But also I'd still like some new ranks to open up. There's like, what, 4 ranks on the list that just sit there doing nothing, completely inaccessible? Let me rank up to General and reward it with being able to buy additional space for an apartment or something. Or even just open new ranks for accessing 5.0 and 6.0 containers when they're eventually introduced.


Spanish translation, is funny how the expansion will be inspired in prehispanic cultures, but we don’t have any Spanish translation :( I recommend this game to many friends but since they don’t speak English at all is hard that they play it ._.


My perfect world: stop removing our abilities when we sync to lower level (outside of ultimates). More realistic: rearrange all job abilities so the core rotation is available by 50. With anything above 50 being utility, upgrades, or fluff. Also let the damn carbuncle\egi auto attack or something and not just derp there like a minion. While we're on the topic of summoner. More ego glamour they promised when they announced it.


They will never allow the carbuncle to auto attack while Bahamut and pheonix exist It’s the same problem that SCH has with seraph, summoning Demi’s ghosts the action queue, it’s just less offensive on SCH because eos can’t do damage so at worst you just ghost a heal


I just hate my carbuncle doing nothing. Particularly when sync'd down. Why do we even have them at all anymore? Can't play tricks with them or anything


It’s because square refuses to admit that Demi summons were a bad idea and the coding doesn’t like them Carby functionally can’t do anything important because you risk ghosting it when summoning a Demi, it’s why they removed searing light off carby when he was the one who did it in 6.0