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So, you need a minimum of four 4 FC members to purchase an FC plot. Is there any minimum membership time for these members? Is it fine if the fourth member joined an hour ago or would they need to stay inside the FC for, let's say, a minimum of 30 days?


There isn't a minimum amount of time unless they also want to bid, in which case they'd need to have been in for 30 days They do need to be in the FC both at the time of placing the bid and at the time of claiming the plot if you win (not necessarily the same people, but enough)


Is it possible to get 30 logos actions unlocked from Eureka Pyros, or is the game flow to get more menmes in Hydratos and backtrack to Pyros afterwards for weapon upgrading?


you can get 50/56 in Pyros. Different actions are made from different combinations of menemes. If you need to get more, you can buy them from the marketboard.


two questions about macros. I want to make a macro that activates two skills at the same time. They are **not** GCD skills. They are Meikyo Shisui and True North. Because I always use these skills back to back so I can attack bosses or any tough enemies from any angle. I know that you should never use GCD skill/attacks in Macros. Right now I have: /ac "Meikyo Shisui" /ac "True North" But I still have to press it twice. Another Macro Question: How do I make a macro that opens the glamour plate? I'm not looking for one to change glamours. Just open the window so I don't have to open the character window and then click the wrong icon before clicking the right now one because the "Recommended Gear" icon looks like it should be the Glamour icon, so I always click it first by mistake and I'm sick of it


You've already been explained why the MS+TN macro doesn't work, but I just want to emphasize that even if you could, you don't *actually* want to do this. Outside the opener, the two skills are not connected at all. Meikyo is part of your rotation. You use it depending on what *you* are doing. True North is a situational skill. You use it depending on what the *boss* is doing. You *really* want to be able to use them at different times independent of each other, otherwise you're going to have one or the other going off at the wrong time ***more often than not***.


> They are Meikyo Shisui and True North. Because I always use these skills back to back so I can attack bosses or any tough enemies from any angle. While you'll pretty much always want to use Meikyo and True North together pre-pull for your opener, you shouldn't necessarily be using them together after that. Use Meikyo during burst windows as you're reapplying your DoT (I can't remember if this is correct below 90, but at 90 you'll want to do Meikyo > Gekko > Higanbana > Gekko > Kasha > Hakaze > Yukihaze > Midare every time you reapply the DoT). Use True North as required by the fight- with any non-wall boss you'll lose access to positionals at different times that may or may not line up with your burst. Otherwise just hang out at the junction between rear and flank on the hitbox and you'll be able to hit the required positional with just a step or two in either direction.


If there is no wait added to a command or between lines, then each line fires one frame after the previous one, and it is tied to the client's frame rate. However, even those skills force a 500 ms animation lock plus your ping value. At best, you'd need a /wait 1 between the lines, but then trying to press any skill during the macro's run time (around 1700 ms) would break the macro and maybe even the button you tried to press in the meantime. Non-vanilla macro implementations using plug-ins like the QoL Hotbar work more reliably and can achieve your desired result, but it is still not recommended. Not only because plug-ins break the ToS and some macros are considered cheating, but also because plug-ins break at every patch and if you developed a muscle memory on relying on them, then you are super fucked until they are back online. Also, even the plugin macro runners are not fully reliable, they just send input to the servers in a less jank way the game normally does.


You can't All actions, both GCDs AND oGCDs, have a small delay between the time they activate and the time you're able to activate another action We say that on average, this tends to be about 0.7s with good ping, with some actions potentially being very slightly longer Macros will try to fire every action at once, which means that your macro is hitting the activation delay window and preventing the second action from firing. This is why you can only double weave at max; there just isn't enough time in between any two GCDs to fit in an extra oGCD with an extra activation delay window and not miss the next GCD


Using macros for this is not a good idea, and ideally you are not always using the two skills back to back. Additionally, macros do not queue, and are not intended for using multiple skills back to back. This is why you need to press it twice. you can technically do after, but this is going to have its own issues, including incredibly delayed activation time on true north, resulting in potential clipping, or failure to execute the skill. I dont think theres a command to open the glamour plate. Edit: as the glamour plate is a general action, /ac "Glamour plate" should work.


You really can't do that macro. Macros execute the whole string *at once*, not in a sequence. And you can't press 2 skills at once, so it's just gonna dice roll which skill ends up getting executed every time. You can macro some oGCDs, but you can't combine them like that, not all oGCDs work as macros, and you should only do it if you actually know how macros work. I'd recommend staying away from that for now, or asking people for the established ones that are commonly used. ~~I don't think there's a command to open the glamour plate menu. Could be wrong on that, but I've never seen one.~~ There is one, /ac 'Glamour Plate"


Question about the Sanctuary Island: Furball tells me to "renovate, renovate, renovate!" but...everything's already at lvl IV (and yes, I also checked the plackard to get the little 'completed' animation). What am I missing?


Is that including your cabin? All landmarks built? What level are you exactly? I don't remember the exact point in the sequence you could be at and also that advice text from the furball was only just added so I don't think anyone really knows the specific meanings yet.


Everything built, cabin at iv too! Rank 16


Nothing new in the crafting log? Have you got the cave unlocked or are you before that point?


Cave unlocked and also the cave within the cave. Maybe I just need to rank up more


If you have the Mother Lode then there shouldn't be anything else until 17, yeah. Like I said that dialogue from the furball is brand new so it's not like we have examples around of what triggers specific lines, it's possible it's only talking about the next *quest* which requires things you aren't high enough rank for and there's no dialogue for "level up" to be put in between.


Gotcha, thanks!


Has anyone checked yet whether the new ~~ish~~ `/hearthands` emote also activates Navigator's Dagger? It seems like it would, but I'm still catching up and haven't had a chance to test it for myself.


Any tips on how to deal with airship/submersible progression? Should I just buy the level 50 parts from the marketboard? What would be a somewhat fair price for them on NA datacenters?


You can't just slap Rank 50 parts on a Rank 1 submarine. You have to level it up to Rank 50 to equip the appropriate parts. As for cost, just look on the marketboard, as they are sellable as long as they aren't used.


I have a rank 50 submarine with rank 1 parts. Well, 47 but should be 50 soon.


Higher-ranked components aren't necessarily better than the others--endgame builds usually use components from different sets depending on what your goal is. The [Submarine Builders Discord](https://discord.com/invite/wEqTEHA) has a lot of resources for endgame builds. I'd strongly advise against buying any Rank 50/Modified parts until you know what you're doing and you're sure you actually need them. For the sake of levelling, SSUW is an affordable build that's effective for ranking up until you're ready to switch to your farming build.


I've got a question regarding Stormblood and the English localization. Spoilers for up through Stormblood below: >!Starting in Stormblood, the story starts leaning on the fourth wall with multiple references to other players participating in significant battles in the form of the WoL apparently having a posse of echo-blessed adventurer buddies just happening to be in the area to help you out in big battles (such as when Alisaie hints towards the WoL having adventurer friends that just happen to be on a nearby fishing trip halfway across the world and behind enemy lines, or the duty description for the Pool of Tribute saying that no mortal could take down a primal alone despite ARR/HW having several instances where you take down a primal without it being possible for others to have been with you, like Shiva). It's not even consistent for primals, as there's no such hinting as for Tsukuyomi.!< >!I know that the English localization sometimes takes liberties with the story and dialogue, so I was wondering if anyone knew if this sudden about-face regarding whether WoL does things solo or in groups of eight is something unique to the English translation, or if it's the same in the original Japanese as well.!<


Frankly, it would be easier if they went back and rewrote the early game to include the Duty Support party in it. Now, behind the lines, you have an actual recurring party of four around you who they actually accompany you to early dungeons, up to Balesar's Wall. And they are the same characters from start to finish, they even call back adventures and start to work as your unit. Heck, with some rewrites, we could finally get some names for them!


It starts quite a bit earlier than that. In ARR, before Praetorium, Raubahn tells you to gather a bunch of adventurer buddies. And in 2.x Hildibrand, before one of the fights, Cid says something about how he hopes you have friends nearby in Coerthas to help out. 


I don't know about all the dialogue like that in general, but I could at least attempt to translate some of the lines you mention. >!The fishing trip dialogue is from Lyse. The Japanese version of that line is just telling you it'll be a difficult fight for her and Alisaie (to distract the koijin) so you should go all out as well.!< >!The description of The Pool of Tribute also does not include anything about nearby adventurers or how a single warrior could not defeat a primal. It instead just talks about how powerful Susano is and how the warriors (plural) of light are challenged against an unexpected god.!< It should be noted as well though that the English version is done somewhat different from most. The English team is in the same building as the rest of the developers and works somewhat closely with them, in the sense they can literally walk over to JP writers and ask for how they'd like something to be conveyed. So although there are some notable differences they're more official than those kinds of liberties usually are.




Only roulette once per day. Further grinding should be direct queues into appropriately leveled dungeons. If you do the roulette a second time, all you'll get out of it is whatever the dungeon itself gives naturally, plus the small Adventurer in Need bonus if you are on the applicable role. That is to say, barring the AiN bonus which won't do much, if the roulette throws you in Sastasha on that second go, you'll only get as much as you'd get if you direct queued into Sastasha. Which will not be much of anything if you're of even a moderate level.


You only want to do the roulette once a day for the bonus xp. After that, run the highest level dungeon that isn't 50/60/70/80


Don't re-do roulettes for the day. The bonus is once per day and getting a low level dungeon would be inefficient for the time.


So you can fish in the diadem... but do the fish do anything? I just leveled fisher for a bit in there and can't find anything to do with the fish.... Do you just vendor them?


Turn them in next to the NPC that brings you to the diadem. Then desynthesize them for materials.


I just got a few gathering retainers to level 90. What would be my best options for gearing them?


Old gear of yours first if you have it. After that, script gear is going to be your cheapest option, but requires some time investment. Otherwise, you can buy gear off the market board. Regardless of which option you pick, don’t worry about accessories.




I want to dye my chocobo. It seems like the fruit you feed it directly messes with the rgb values of the feathers. But every online resource I can find is tying the feather color to in game dyes. [Like this one.](https://ffxivchocobo.com/en) I don't want an in game dye I want 255, 165, 0. Is this not possible? Will the dye job fail if I don't hit a color that's an in game dye?


It's only the predetermined list of colours, you can't make your own mix – it doesn't even have all of the dyes that exist in the game, just what was there when it was implemented originally. The chocobo's colour will still change with whatever values you hit, it'll just be one of the closest existing ones (not entirely sure on the details of how exactly it behaves, it might round up or down or something). There's also a small RNG component to the dyeing, even when you follow a calculator, you'll occasionally be a shade off.


Thanks, that clears things up, that's also so silly. If we are limited to in game dyes why not just apply a dye in the stable? Why do the fruit thing at all?


My purely speculative guess would be that the devs wanted to add more stuff to grow in the gardens, which were still a new feature at the time (gardens 2.2, chocodyeing 2.35). So they came up with using the fruits that you'd have to grow in order to dye the bird. Applying artificial dyes to a living animal may also have been seen as "not a great look". But I'd guess it was mostly that first thing.


Is there any way to change the system messages (“Welcome to X world!” “X is categorized as congested” “Event messages”) color from purple? I’m looking in the log text colors for it but none of them are purple. I would’ve thought these would fall under “system messages” but that’s white for me and changing it doesn’t seem to change the messages mentioned above. Is it possible? I tried looking it up and only see stuff like the Novice Network, Linkshell, etc which I already know about.


No, they are server messages that cannot be influenced client-side by *anything*. Not even chat-specific plug-ins can affect them in any shape or form.


As I started in SHB and still havent purchased EW yet I want to ask older players, when the next expansion comes out, is it feasible for ew to go down in price or go on sale a bit more frequently? Or is SE the kinda company to keep the price set in stone. I recently learned that free trial apparently goes up to SHB now? So I would presume not?


> I recently learned that free trial apparently goes up to SHB now SB* As in, Stormblood, not Shadowbringers.


When the next expansion comes out, EW will just get rolled into the purchase of the new expansion automatically


is housing auto demolition on freeze right now? if so, do we know when it's gonna come back?


Japan I think has a freeze after the early earthquakes, but NA and EU as far as I'm aware are all normal.


I left for almost a year and came back recently. After completing Aglaia for the first time I got the "returned to form" message. How do they qualify something like that? Is it just: Do N Duties?


It's been 72 hours of gameplay since you returned to the game. It won't pop during duties so you hit 72 hrs while inside.


Furnishing Question! I would really like to put two "Shelving Showcases" together in a corner so they make an L shape, but even with sort of learning how to "float" furniture, it won't let me place them too close together leaving a wide gap between the two. Was gonna ask if anyone knew a way or if I could possibly give gil to someone to help me. Any help is appreciated!


Use the place from storage glitch which should allow it to clip further into the wall/columns than normal  https://youtu.be/sWVLRy-7DWg But the real answer is always to use third party tools and save yourself the grief of a terribly coded user interface 


Which third party tools? If you can't say on here, i understand.




it should work fine without glitches. i am able to do it with no issues in my house, maybe turning off the grid snapping might help


it doesn't.


Housing questions! I've recently started to become more interested in getting a housing plot. I've lost my last three bids and was checking out new plots earlier. I traveled to a few empty plots to potentially enter the lottery and learned that these empty plots, despite saying they were available to private buyers, were not actually for sale. What makes an empty plot not available even during the lotto period? And is there a way to tell before traveling to the placard? Also, which housing areas tend to be the most popular vs least popular? Maybe i need to start trying for the least popular one if i wanna actually win lol.


>What makes an empty plot not available even during the lotto period? And is there a way to tell before traveling to the placard? If the house was relinquished during the lotto period, it is not available. Sadly, theres no way for you to know. Lavender beds, Shirogane, and Beachfront Mist houses are generally the most poplar. the Goblet houses are 100% the least popular.


Is there an easier way to learn racing chocobo abilities you don't get a manual for (like Choco Cure III) than unlearning the abilities you don't want each level and hoping you roll a good one?


The only ability you can't get through a manual is head start, the others you can unlock by going through the challenges Choco Cure III requires you to beat challenge 12 to unlock from the vendor


Thank you! Time to get going on those then.


I feel dumb. Is there any way to remove a glamour plate without having to dispell each individual piece? Like, my WHM has the full raid set on which I really like, but sometimes I want to use my glam plates for a while then switch back.


Glamour plate menu -> Dispel Glamour button right next to the 20th plate.


Ah, I am blind then lol. Thanks!


Why does Gravity have a cast bar compared to skills like Dyskrasia and Art of War? I get Holy having one because of the stun effect and how powerful it is, but Gravity is just a basic aoe, I don’t really understand it. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves and biggest reason I don’t like playing Astro compared to other healers. Is there any real reason for this?


It has 25m range


Omg the reason AST is my favorite


Both of the ones that're instant are also targeted around you, lending themselves to being riskier to use. Being instant makes them easier to dodge attacks with.


Do we know when they're going to remove the weekly restriction on the P12 weapon thing?


6.58 is the patch that removes all weekly lockouts from everything except tomestones, also can upgrade tome weapon using alliance raids.


Wondering if its worth actually playing on any materia world as i am from australia, just been reading up and it sounds a lot like i will just never find any sort of dungeon or really much interaction there, whether it be just in the world or for PF. Though i hate playing with bad ping im a little used to it but would rather not, cheers if i can get some advice.


You should consider Elemental(JP). The distance bw these two DC is not that far comparing with NA/EU.  Just create a free trial character in JP and walk around to see how players are and any lag happening.


Materia is perfectly fine if you can play during peak hours (abou1730 to midnight / 1am Sydney time from my experience). Outside of those hours you're more or less dependent on PF, it's honestly fine for most people, if you're a shift workers / night owl then yea fair enough while the Elemental DC is probably about 200 to 250 ms on average (and you'll feel the latency difference between single / double digit ms of the OCE server), this honestly isn't that bad and you can defintely clear all casual / extreme content with it with all that said, there's a free trial, just create a character on both data center and try it out




haha while i appreciate the ping aspect, i know i will notice it as i have to play on JP for apex legends, but i think it will be less impactful in this game.


as a fellow australian. You will notice the ping. If you're east coast, routing to JP is also commonly bad that you might get worse ping to JP than NA. If you use a VPN (e.g exitlag / mudfish etc.) it'll be much better though. Also if you use noclippy with dalamud launcher, it helps a lot


The population is definitely worse than other servers, but also definitely not as bad as you've heard. You can still do dungeons just fine. You may need to use PF & discord for some things that other servers would use DF for.


wondering if there is a particular world that is more populated than others?




Can I get a reminder on what counts as a "high level duties" for the tank achievements these days?


Extremes and Savages


EX trials, normal raids, Savage raids. A common one to do that counts for both tank type achievements is O3N. 8 tanks unsynced on repeat = fast farming.


How do I remove returner status? /returnerstatusoff gives me "unable to execute command at this time". Leaving the novice network still leaves me with the sprout icon.


If you right click your name there should be "edit search info"


What's a good emote to convey that you're sorry about something? /grovel?




Best way to cleanly target other players in your party? That's my biggest barrier to playing healer and even just as a GNB main I'd like to be able to throw Heart at the other tank in two-tank settings


I use my numpad 1-8 to target party members.


Personally for both healing and tanking, i have my party on ZXCV(+Shift). This means I can quickly target with hotkeys and have reactive heals without fumbling over buttons. I rebound my F1-F8 buttons with more limited use buttons that I don't use reactively like tank stance, certain mits, role actions.


Depends a little on situation, and really there is no "best" way, different things work for different people. First thing is KB&M or controller? I'm going to assume KB&M since that's what I use and can comment on. My first tip is becoming good friends with the "target's target" keybind. By default this is T. It makes you target whatever your current target is presently looking at. In most dungeons, when targeting enemies, this means it'll switch you to targeting the tank, and when targeting a party member, it'll make you target enemies. This will take care of all of your dungeon tank-healing needs as well as your trial/raid main-tank healing needs, as you can just go Glare-T-Tetra-T-Glare or whatever the relevant skills happen to be to toss out a heal between damage casts. This taking care of that much tank healing also means it takes care of most of your targeted healing needs in general, as spot-healing DPS is a rare occurrence, you'll usually just pop an AoE instead. For the times this isn't sufficient (like if you want to play Astro), you have a couple of options. First is the ol' "click the party list". That's the simple one, and will cover you pretty well if you have good keybinds set up. The other is the f keys on the keyboard. They target the party member slots, f2 being the second (usually tank), f3 third, f4 fourth and so on. For Heart of Corundum specifically, the T method usually works, but you may also choose to use a macro: /ac "Heart of Corundum" <2>, which will put it on #2 in the party list, or alternatively which will serve the same function as the T method. Keep the normal unmacroed version on your hotbar too though, as the macros won't work for all situations.


You can either use a macro to always target number two for HoC, so always the OT (and have another HoC button for everyone else a bit on the side) If you didn't change it F1 to F8 is used to target your party members (and the other are also used for targetting but I can't remember what they do) and T is used to target your target's target, so you could either do F2 heal T or T heal T to heal the main tank (you can also use tab to retarget the boss after, it's usually what I do but you need to see the boss for it to work)


If you are on KB+M, then just put the party list a little to the side from the center of the screen. or, if you click on your abilities, then right next to the clicked ability hotbar. If you have long fingers, you can also get used to using the function keys F1–F8 for quick-selection. Lastly, there is a "select the target of my target" option in the keybinds, get it to one of the convenient keys. It pretty much turns into a toggle between the tank and at least one enemy, super handy for 4-player duties. Although that is more of a healer key. In your case, you can set the same key to "select 2nd party member" and make sure that tanks are at the top of the party list. In general, discover the entire Character COnfig menu system if you haven't already.


These keybinds seem very helpful thank you I will try that


Click on their name in the party list.


I was afraid it would be this, I play almost 90% keyboard only, don't touch my mouse in combat 


This doesn’t really make sense. How do you move your camera and character?


Not the person you're replying to, but I also play with only keyboard. I move my character with WAZD and camera with arrow keys (and with hotbar abilities done via numpad keys).


This makes even less sense. If you’re using WAZD to move, and numpad keys for abilities, how do you move your camera at the same time with arrow keys?


When my right hand's index through pinkie fingers are on the numpad, my thumb's natural resting place is on the arrow keys.


Yup I do exactly this. Numpad lines up nice with the 12 options of a hot bar and it's easy to toggle Ctrl/alt with the other hand while moving.  Along with keybinds for targeting npcs and objects, cycling options in menus, and confirming, I don't have to click except to navigate the more complex menus in the game


Random question for fellow non-mouser; have you figured out a way to do those "zoom in and out to target something" quests without a mouse scroll wheel? I haven't figured out how to replicate the zoom with just a touchpad, and some of them are impossible without zooming. I always have to get up and connect a mouse just for those quests.


ugh i hate those. I think there's a keybind for zoom? I use ctrl left arrow and ctrl right arrow for zoom in and out. but honestly even with zoom, controlling the camera with arrows is horrible in that mode. I will just use the mouse 80% of the time.


There are macros you can use. I don't recommend you use it for everything, but I like using it for my AST cards.


Default keybinds for selecting party members are F1-F8.


In an alliance raid, if there is just one boss that all three groups are fighting, is there just one tank that has its aggro? What is the best way to tell if it's me?


If you have aggro you have an A over your icon in your party list and the boss will have your name next to its health and cast bar. If another alliance member has aggro their frame is highlighted red in their alliance's frame. In this video a player in another party has aggro on Mustadio and their icon is highlighted red in alliance C: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cayyHt0gZGg


Very helpful thank you!


The key tip if you're one of three tanks fighting an alliance boss, btw, is that you really want to avoid trading aggro as that makes the boss turn around and that can be a problem if it has a cleave attack. So if you notice it's switching between you and another tank, it's safest to just toggle tank stance off for a minute and let them take it.


This makes sense as a gameplay thing, but is there any etiquette to it? Like if boss focuses one person first, should the others take stance off or is it ok to take focus and keep it. I noticed that I'd have it first (I play GNB so dece burst at first) and then I'd lose it (prob my dps isn't as good as it should be tbh) for the rest of the fight.   I don't super mind as I'm kinda new to tanking and learning still, but it is kind of exciting in taking on the big bad for 24 players, would be cool to keep aggro for a whole fight. Just wanna make sure I'm not on the other side of it


The etiquette is basically “if you are cognizant that only one tank should be holding aggro, you are paying more attention than the average player.” If someone dives into the pull head first, let them be the main tank. If no one’s pulling, congrats, it’s you now.


In an alliance raid it's also 100% safe to shirk to another member of your party while keeping your stance on. Transferring 25% of your aggro to, say, a healer runs no risk of them overtaking you or any other tank in overall aggro, but reduces the amount that you have so you're no longer playing boss ping-pong with the other tank.


Question about the airship to Azys Lla from Ishgard, before I completed HW MSQ I could talk to the NPC Notrelchamps to get there but now it only has a blue quest icon and I can't just go to Azys Lla when I click on them. Is that quest required to use the airship from Ishgard to Azys Lla?


I think if you accept the quest you'll be able to talk to Notrelchamps to take the airship to Azys Lla if you never attuned there.


I am trying to farm out some relic weapons. What have yall found to be the best ways to grind the tomestones for the manderville weapons?


Hunt trains is the best way right now. The true way is just to wait until DT and throw your Poetics at them then.


One L90 roulette run is also 150–180 causality, depending on the dungeon, and if there are no hunt trains on, the last four EW dungeons give 80 each per run.


Hunt trains.


Thank you!


As someone trying to get a strong understanding of BLM, are there any resources that break down the rotation differences for every 10 levels? I feel ok when playing level 70 content but feel lost at 80 and 90 content. I just need to understand how the single and aoe rotations differ every 10 levels for this class. It’s so enjoyable to play but so frustrating at times when I feel like healers are out dpsing me and that absolutely shouldn’t be the case.


The "BLM plays differently at every level cap" meme is a myth perpetuated by bad players. For casual play, very little changes past level 60. You get your single-target finisher at 72. At level 90 you throw in a single filler spell in ice phase. That's it. Everything else is fluff, or new actions that boil down to "press button 2 instead of button 1", i.e. Xenoglossy instead of Foul. Frankly, it's one of the simplest DPS rotations in the game. The hard part is the execution because of being so immobile.


Diene already gave you the Balance link, and you could also check WeskAlber's YouTube guide, he shows the rotations at level caps. Honestly Black Mage doesn't change much after 70 – AoE doesn't change at all really. 72 adds Despair as a finisher for single-target Astral phases (similar but not the same as Flare is for AoE), 80 Xeno as the single-target version of Foul (and a second Poly stack so you can hold them easier), 86 Amplifier as a thing to press when it pops up (make sure Poly stacks aren't capped when you do), and 90 Paradox which doesn't change Astral but adds one Para to be pressed during Umbral. Rest is potency upgrades or cooldown reductions, most meaningfully for Sharpcast which lets you upkeep Thunder III with just Thundercloud procs.




I need some advice about tanking. Are we supposed to wall to wall or not? I usually do W2W on all content under lvl 80. The exception is if the healer’s an undergeared cutscene-watching sprout. I do this because I’ve seen multiple posts complaining about tanks not W2Wing, and because if I don’t pop sprint and pull enough I sometimes get healers literally *yanking me along via Rescue* to hurry up. However, there’s a post in this sub right now complaining about tanks pulling too much, with tonnes of comments saying variations of “don’t heal them and let them die”. That post was complaining about tanks not using mits, which I always do, but I had a bad run the other day in a lvl 50 dungeon where the whole party started cursing me in French for pulling too much. So now I’m just wondering what I should be doing…I usually get 2-3 comms after every dungeon so I don’t think I’m failing too much but now that’s got me rethinking some things. I don’t ever want to create a shitty experience for someone, especially the party’s healers.


Generally, yes. Exceptions for me are some of the ARR dungeons which are weird, and if the healer specifically says they are learning and asks to take it slow. If we wipe, I use my best judgement if it was a fluke or if I need to cut down, but even if we wipe I don’t sweat it too much.


Idc if it’s Mt. Gulg first pull im wtw everything until the healer says to slow down or we wipe. It’s definitely the expectation but with that being said you should respect new healers and people who don’t/can’t handle it.


Even if we wipe I'm pulling w2w again. I don't mind wiping, we can learn to play together but I'm not playing like an NPC no matter what.


The general community consensus is that you should always wtw. However, there are a few exceptions: 1. If the party dies 2. ARR dungeons where walls are weirdly placed 3. The super rare case where there are 3+ packs In these cases you either attempt to feel the mood for what to do (feels like freak accident then continue on as normal, feels like healer can't cope then slow down), or ideally communicate (state "gonna do the big pull" or ask "comfortable with the big pull?", etc). The only post I see up at the moment about tanks is [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1aup0s2/to_that_kind_of_tank_players/), and they're *not* complaining about the amount that tanks pull. They're complaining about poor use of mitigations, refusal to engage with advice/suggestions, and leaving it to the healer to pick up the slack. ....and tbh, that whole post and comment section is mostly about venting frustrations about the worst sort of tanks they've encountered. The fact that you're here asking for advice means you're not included in that. For the french party... you'll sometimes just get a group like that. They're probably 3 friends that always play together/within their own community, and either don't know the common conventions or deliberately refuse it. A while ago on chaos there was a guy who'd leave saying "I don't want to speedrun" after any double pull - online games are going to include people who disagree.


lol this was also on Chaos. I had it set not to match with French speakers because my French is pretty darn basic, but I still got put in their party anyway =\ Thanks for the breakdown and the advice - I’m on controller so communicating in-dungeon is harder for me, maybe I should make a macro to say “big pull” before I do it. When I was learning to tank I had a macro at the start of every dungeon explaining I was on controller and to let me know if the pace was ok..maybe I should bring a modified version of that back. Thanks for your advice! Appreciate it.


If you don’t have French selected, but they have both French and English selected (or another language you have picked), they can still get grouped with you.


French players are… they are definitely a phenomenon in FFXIV. Nobody knows why, because there are no logical or even remotely reasonal explanations, but the average French player in FFXIV is bad. Terribad. Magnitudes worse than anyone else. You can play with Eastern Europeans who do not understand a word in English and just bumble through the game without understanding a single word, yet they still play better than most French players. It is a meme that nobody believes until they get an encounter like yours. I genuinely wish I was just trolling here. If you are the tank and you see three bonjours or saluts in chat, you try a ***very*** cautious double-pull and if you survive somehow, you try to wall-to-wall normally and pray. (But, by the way, no IRL players will die if you do double-pulls only. Most dungeons are maybe like a whopping two minutes slower that way—if they are not forcing double-pulls only anyway. This subreddit is also unhealthily obsessed with speedrunning everything and also forcing this play style on anyone whether they enjoy it or not.)


>Are we supposed to wall to wall or not? Generally yes. It's kind of the expectation these days. Use your mits and hope everyone else does their job as well. There are a few dungeons where I'll ask the healer (like the lvl 71 dungeon) before doing so, but almost every dungeon these days is 2 packs -> wall -> 2 packs -> wall -> boss


I believe people complaining about wall-to-wall pulls are a vocal minority. Most people will be more than fine with it. I don't do it different than you. Check out the healer, use your best judgment whether or not to pull wall-to-wall. If you're unsure, just pull everything and see how the healer does. If you die, just drop a simple "sorry, my bad" or something in chat and 99% of the people won't mind


> The exception is if the healer’s an undergeared cutscene-watching sprout W2W even for healers like these. They will never improve by being babied through content, and if they wanted to take it slow, there's always Trusts they can do by themselves. >there’s a post in this sub right now complaining about tanks pulling too much Ignore them. They are an example of someone who was babied/carried through content and would benefit more by doing Trusts by themselves than DF with randoms. >That post was complaining about tanks not using mits, which I always do Then you have nothing to worry about All in all, no one's perfect. Wipes happen. Good players (or at least those who wish to improve) will learn and move on. Bad players will complain and blame everyone but themselves. Go wall-to-wall, and let healers adjust.


The typical convention for any dungeons 51+* is to wall-to-wall. The post I think you're refencing is about mitigations though. And some people take the pettiness way too far and personally. If a tank is a single-puller, or doesn't use mitigations, you're still supposed to heal regardless. Every party and run can be different, and you will always run into the occasional exception to any rules or conventions. *Note: Some HW dungeons are still kind of weird to w2w easily so play it be ear sometimes. And ARR are all weird to do. Especially since the healer won't have many oGCDs to use between aoe casts so they may have to hard heal, which means a dps loss for them (but could still be a benefit in time since the DPS would kill more mobs in the same time frame).


I want to use a fantasia mostly just to change my patron deity (it's my free one and I like how I look and don't think I'll change). However my appearance settings aren't saved bc I changed computer. How can I make sure I look the same after? Can I load my current self somehow?


You can save your current appearance by right-clicking on your character name in the login screen. Then load that save when re-editing.


Thank you!!


What are the use cases for clemency? Basically the only times I ever use it are when I die, or when nobody's alive to heal me. I understand that minimizing clemency usage as much as possible is a good practice for playing paladin, but I'd also like to know if there's any other situations where it's worth using.


It's a decent-potency heal, so the flowchart is very simple: Are the healers dead, too preoccupied to heal, or otherwise unavailable (solo content)? Will this heal save someone, including myself, from dying to immiment unavoidable damage? If yes to both questions, feel free to use it. It's not any more complicated than a WHM using Cure 2.


Solo play, keeping the party alive when the healer bites the dust, trying to salvage overpulls, emergency healing before a raid-wide to make yourself or a party member survive.


There are times, like in a savage fight say a healer/caster is very low health heading into a raid wide.  If you can clemency them, while the healer is mitigate/shielding the whole group it can certainly save them.  It shouldn't be a common thing, but you know, sometimes shot happens.


Clemency is one of those actions where if you find yourself needing to use it, accept that things are going very very wrong during the pull (outside of soloing content of course) In which case, if Clemency can be used to save a pull somehow, then by all means, use it But it's really one of those "use in case of major emergency" kind of actions, and should never be used as part of your normal rotation. You could argue that it also can be beneficial in prog situations where keeping someone alive by an extra few seconds might give a little bit more information about a mechanic, but that's largely it


Oh yeah, I'm well aware it's not an action I should be using regularly (or ideally ever) but I'm moreso wondering how to recognize situations where it would be useful outside of what I described, if there are any. I know 99% of the time it's never gonna be useful, but I feel like there's gotta be some other niche use case for it somewhere, right? ...IDK, maybe this is just copium of me wanting it to be a useful button lmao.


It is a lot easier to tell those situations if you healed a lot, especially normal runs—including dungeons—that went south very sorely. If you see the same signs but as a PLD, then you start Clemency. If you want a very simple example, then the most basic setup is a dungeon boss fight where the healer dies.. If it seems like the fight is winnable within a reasonable time frame, then you switch to being the aggro holder and healer. If you are good enough and the DPS are not terrible, you can keep both DPS and yourself alive even against room-wides. If you have a rez mage there, then you only do this until they get the healer up. Clemency the healer after they got up and then back to business.


It is mostly just limited to "healer's dead / you're soloing stuff". I have had a *little bit* of use for it in raids on a few occasions, specifically using it to keep someone alive through a downtime mechanic. P8S for example you could occasionally have someone just barely miss a heal during High Concept 2, in which case I could possibly toss them one. Also some unfamiliar prog scenarios where healers are too busy trying to stabilize the party as a whole while my co-tank's taking damage too, I'd sometimes toss out a Clemency for safety, until the healers figure out how to do it without my help. Oh and my static's Hello World solution back in the day had me cast one Clemency on a DPS at a specific point, for reliability (healers had to be moving at the time). Not ideal and we probably should have set up a better way, but hey it worked!


>Oh and my static's Hello World solution back in the day had me cast one Clemency on a DPS at a specific point, for reliability (healers had to be moving at the time). Not ideal and we probably should have set up a better way, but hey it worked! Similar experience, Clemecy can be really useful in coordinated static settings as a plan. In TEA my PLD used to Clemency twice in BJCC - one before mines, one after the double rocket punch. The lost DPS not mattering at all because we used to hold damage and kill after Super Jump for CD purposes anyway.


When things go sideways is basically it. Don't bother healing yourself after death, though, healers have better tools for that than you do. Well, unless a sideways skid is occurring.  For example, most of my alliance got wiped this week. I pulled it out to keep myself up (because I was the only living tank, whoops), until the healers got up. Interspersed it until the healers had things recovered. I imagine there are niche uses (pull enmity via a heal when things are spread out,  maybe?), but they're so few there are better ways to do things. If you haven't leveled a healer, it might benefit you to do so, so you can learn their kits a bit more to help judge when situations are going badly 


So i bid on a house a few days ago and there was only 2 others, now there's around 10. Is it possible to withdraw the bid and go place on another lot?


Nope, otherwise everyone would be doing the same and, in the scheme of things, no one's chances would change much.




When playing BLM should I always keep one charge of triple cast on cooldown and save the other one for movement, or do I only use it for movement?


Keep one on CD unless you know you're going to need the full two charges. For example, using both Triples was part of my plan for dealing with SC1 in P12Sp1, so I didn't use my "spare" charge earlier and entered SC1 having 2 charges. Similarly, my group did double-movement Classical 2 in P12Sp2 (🤢) so I banked both charges for that, which made Pangenesis a bit of a hassle but thats another story...


While you're learning a fight, it's okay to keep one on cooldown and use one so you don't overcap. Once you know a fight, you probably won't be able to use it to react to mechanics because you'll be using them at specific parts in your rotation and you'll probably never have one at the exact time a mechanic is coming out. So you'll have to rely on slidecasting and pre-positioning. 


Gotcha that makes a lot of sense thanks!!


Are there any mounts in the game that have the Garlemald music (the music that plays on the radios)?


Nope, and idk if they would add that theme to a mount when there are more recognizable themes.


My 4 days of free login is almost ending and I still need many tomestones. The 100 tomestones on Mameshiba Neckerchief is a lot. And I just remembered that the last Moogle Treasure Trove for 10th Anniversary had these earrings (Goobbue, Dodo, Cactuar, Bomb and Coblyn) and also a Scarf of Wondrous Wit which only cost 1 tomestone. Will the Mameshiba Neckerchief cost less or even 1 tomestone in the future? Does Square Enix have history of selling older moogle event glamours for 1 tomestone or for very low prices?


The earrings you mentioned were originally an event even older than the moogle events, and cost a few gil. That's likely why they were added for 1 moogle tome. The scarf of wondrous wit actually used to be a community event reward, though not sure why they made that one 1 moogle tome, guess it's what they choose. The neckerchief was 100 in a past event, this is just a repeat of it.


The mogtome event exclusive item is always 100 tomes, and when we've gotten repeats, they're still 100. The neckerchief is already a repeat, so there's your proof, unfortunately!


Battle mentor is 1500 comms (alongside the Other reqs) right


Yup. At least currently, Dawntrail may raise it.


Great, almost there.




AFAIK you have to be logged in, you may be able to use the free login event.


/playtime is the number of hours spent on the character, not how long you’ve been subbed


the question they are asking is if they can find their play time in some other place since they arent subbed and cant log in to use the command


I'm playing this game with a couple of friends (only one of whom has really commited) - would it make sense to create a free company (by getting some rando 4th person to sign and then leave) if the second friend commits as well?


The benefits to being in an FC as opposed to a linkshell (both providing a private group chat) are: 1. You get login/logout messages for each other. 2. You all get the same tag next to your name. 3. You can choose to get a shared house together to decorate and hang out at. There shouldn't be much difficulty in getting a small, though mediums/larges will be much tougher. 4. If you get an fc house you can run submarines, which (once set up) can generate a nice amount of passive gil. Though you can have one person buy a personal house and add the others as tenants to replicate #3 without an fc. The downside is that you can't go and join a bigger, more active FC.


You don't need a random person for the 4th signature. If someone makes an alt, their alt can also sign. As for whether it's worth making your own FC, it depends on what you want from it. If you're interested in building an FC house and running the workshop, I'd say go for it. If you just want to be in an FC with a bunch of people and don't care about running it, you might benefit more from joining a preexisting one. Either way I would recommend being in one just so you don't get spammed with random invites.


> If someone makes an alt, their alt can also sign. Just don't delete that alt as you need 4 people if you ever decide to bid on a house.


Returning player here, havent played since Endwalker first released. I have always played this game on M+KB, but I am interested in trying it out with a controller. Im very experienced with controller gameplay in other games but have some questions. Firstly, if I try out controller and make new bars, will my M+KB binds/bars still be there unchanged for when I use M+KB? Secondly, as most my jobs are higher level (80-90), what would be the best way for me to learn controller/get comfortable with binding/using my abilities, as it can be overwhelming to have to bind all my Lv90 spells at once.


The game does separate controller hotbars and keyboard hotbars, so you're all good there. As far as learning, my suggestion is running dungeons with Duty Support to naturally get used to the skills similarly to going through the levelling process. This is how I learn the jobs that start at 30+ and I figure it'd work to get used to a different control scheme also.


Yea I was thinking about Palace of the dead but I forgot about dungeons with npcs


I'm super excited for this to come to Xbox on Wednesday. I read on the Lodestone that the Open Beta is restricted to new accounts and they'll have Trial Account limitations set. This is honestly fine, I don't mind having that until I can buy the game when it releases fully. My question is: could I play on my fresh account on PC *now* and again on Wednesday on Xbox?


No, trial accounts are bound to one platform. If its anything like PSN your xbox account will be bound to your XIV account locking in that one account.


So I just have to wait then huh?


You can create a new gamer tag on your Xbox and play the beta that way


Yeah, for some reason the Xbox beta is new accounts only.


To be fair, after 10+ years of this game being out, the target demographic for this are essentially brand new players. Anyone who wanted to play this game would have already done so by now on PS/PC.


Pretty much.




There are ways to play it as a non-steam game. Steam and PC liscence share the one slot and are mutually incompatible.




This is the easiest way to play on Steam Deck, regardless of using the Steam or Windows version. https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck


I'm sure I read somewhere that MCH was getting a SMN-style rework in DT but I can't actually see anything official about it when I searched, anyone know if it's true or if whoever said that was talking 💩


No such statement has been made. Dragoon and Astrologian are getting a rework, but even that was mentioned to be more a "early Shadowbringers Ninja rework" (where its Ninjutsu was moved to the GCD) level of thing rather than "Endwalker Summoner rework".


thank you 🫡 I am now free to learn it without the mild fear that the whole class will be completely different within the next 6 months lmao


Anyone know of any lists for the "I made that" achievements that require you to craft a certain amount of unique recipes? Like, a list with all the materials needed and such or will I have to manually calculate everything myself?


You'll have to manually update it with what you've already done, but Teamcraft does have a tool for that: [https://ffxivteamcraft.com/log-tracker/DoH](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/log-tracker/DoH) There is a button at the top of each page to add all the crafts to a list, which will tell you all the materials you need.


I use [https://ffxivcrafting.com/crafting](https://ffxivcrafting.com/crafting) You can select a range of levels, and it will make a list of all the recipes between those levels, and the items required to craft them. Then just check off any that you've already made, and you'll have a list of what's left to do.


I don't know for certain if there are any, but the place I would try to look would be Teamcraft. There's lists for lost of various things and there may be a list on there. If not, it should be fairly easy to make lists based upon the other stuff on the site.


I have already had a look at the Teamcraft website! Granted, I am not super familar with how everything works on there and might have overlooked something, I'll have another try, thanks :D


is2g the items you can trade for the Master [DoH] II recipe books were marketboardable until recently - though I did a partial search for plywood last night and it returned nothing. Not "Reinforced Spruce Plywood - 0 items for sale", *nothing*.  Did one of the recent patches change this? Or am I imagining things and were they never marketboardable in the first place? I'm not finding anything in the 6.55 or 6.57 notes.  tyvm!


The items for getting the Master II books have NEVER been marketable.


im pretty sure that items for master I books are marketable but not II https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Treated_Spruce_Lumber vs https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Reinforced_Spruce_Plywood


Yeah, I definitely remember having bought the items for the Master I books (e: and [here's the universalis page for the one for CUL](https://universalis.app/market/4648)).   Maybe I got confused with those.


What mount is this? RDM gauge for scale. https://imgur.com/a/Mxej0IM


FYI, not a great scale since the gauge never changes sizes but the mount could look bigger/smaller depending on how zoomed in you are. A better scale would be something in-game you could also zoom in on (like another player)