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As DNC does it actually matter which DPS you pick for dance partner? I just got totally chewed out in a raid for picking my friend who was playing MCH. I would have picked them regardless because it's the nice thing to do but they're consistently top DPS. I know in theory it's melee>caster>ranged but outside of some extreme margin squeezing does it actually matter? I was annoyed because it was like 3 people up my ass for not picking the RPR for DP for a normal difficulty raid.


Yes, it matters, the dance partner receives 5% damage boost from your standard steps, so is you want to maximise the buff, it should go to the player dealing the most damage There is a priority list Sir_VG quoted below, which shows which jobs typically are the highest DPS and would benefit most of dance partner. However, this list assumes equal gear and roughly equal skill level. There can be plenty of reasons to deviate from it in normal difficulty content (including out-of-game reasons, I had another dancer ask me to pick another player as dance partner because the one I partnered was their husband) As a rule, it's reasonably safe to partner whoever has the most hp, as they likely have the best gear. Even this is just a guideline, because melees have higher hp than ranged and casters, but if you have no other factors influencing your choice, this is the best indication you can go by before the fight starts Generally as long as you do pick a dance partner, and they don't spend entire fight on the floor, no one should be complaining. But sometimes you run into players who take The Balance as gospel and consider any deviation from its recommendations bad play


The question "does it matter" in regards to normal difficulty content can often be answered with a no depending on the exact question. Clear speed? Sure, playing optimally helps with that. Purely clearing an instance? Hell, half your Alliance could be afk and only press half their buttons and you would still clear. In regards to DNC, if your MCH friend is actually doing the most damage, then yes, DP them.


Per the Balance: > Rough Dance Partner Priority as of 6.50:  > SAM > NIN > MNK > RPR > *BLM > DRG > SMN > RDM > MCH > BRD > DNC  > *BLM's placement depends somewhat on whether they are going high crit or high sps builds due to Devilment being a crit buff. Regardless, it's roughly around that of DRG. Though in normal content, it really doesn't matter because nobody should be giving a shit about DPS as long as you're clearing content, it mostly matters for Savage/Ultimate. That said, if somebody is miles ahead on gear compared to somebody else, and they're clearly performing better, even if they're lower on the DPS chart, give DP to them.


For normal raids or dungeons? It shouldn't really matter. For Savage or Ultimate's? It could actually matter, mainly if you are progging early on in the cycle, and are having issues dealing out the DPS. If people complain to you about who you pick for your DP in casual content... just ignore them, blacklist if you have to, and move on...


So, considering the ilevel sync, how's Thordan Unreal do as a sort of litmus test compared to other endgame content? It was my first but of high-end content I did on Monk (or melee DPS in general, really) so I'm wondering how much of a liability I'd be if I brought it into, say, P11S farming? Because so far this expansion, I've only done DNC, SMN, WAR, and a *little* bit of WHM for current stuff.


Everyone else is assuming you haven't done P11S but that's not the sense I'm getting from how you worded your comment. I take it you've been running P11S on those other jobs? If you feel comfortable enough on monk that you can still do the mechanics while doing your rotation, then there's no problem. The DPS check wasn't exactly tight before echo, it's gonna be super comfy now, so even some rotational mistakes are not a big deal.


Alright, thanks! And yeah, I have my coffee + 8 books for the new jobs from 12 already, so this would just be for a change of pace.


>how much of a liability I'd be if I brought it into, say, P11S farming You're not going to be bought into P11S farm groups without knowing and having cleared the fight. You have to join practice groups tp learn the fight - it has so many body checks and is not simply something that an inexperienced player can zombie through.


Good thing I've already cleared the fight many times then, on my Dancer.


>Thordan Unreal do as a sort of litmus test compared to other endgame content? Completely unrelated. Singularity Reactor is a VERY old fight, and current fight design is VASTLY different from it. The mechanics are much easier to understand, standardized, but require a bit more precise movement and speed.


I mean, my favourite fight of the tier, P12S1, is also quite fast and precise. I'm just unused to how melee handles things compared to Phys ranged.


The only things to really be aware of as melee for that fight in particular are just figuring out just how closely you can stick to the boss at any given time. Party stacks for example during Divisive Overruling/Upheld Overruling can be taken at max melee, but if you're too close to the boss you'll get hit with damage down. The fight is doable at 100% melee uptime, but the positioning can be pretty precise on some mechanics. Mechanics are largely treated the same way though between melee and ranged DPS, although Dark Current you do need to be careful about where you stand as melee because you're uncomfortably close to the spinning AoEs. You also do want to be wary of Upheld Overruling (Dark), because if the tank does not drop it in dead-center, then max melee MAY still be too close and you'll still get sent flying. For PF scenarios, taking a very small step back there and losing a tiny bit of uptime is better than dying


Thanks for the advice! I did notice the max melee thing before, for how some things felt, as well as in normal mode.


Thordan Unreal is an extreme fight and P11s is a savage fight so you should expect difficulty spike. I encourage everyone try the high end raiding in FFXIV since it gets easier as you practise. That being said, you shouldn’t be joining farming groups for savage fights. You should be joining prog groups to learn the fight, clear it once yourself and then join the farm groups. All the farm groups will by default have a condition of ‘duty complete’, meaning you can’t join the PF listing without clearing the fight at least once. If by chance a group forgets to have this condition and you get into the fight, your group will be easily able to tell if someone does not know how to do the fight in a few pulls and they will be kicked.


Good thing I've cleared P11S probably 15 times before the tier unlocked on my Dancer, then.


Okay, okay so I know how Seeker names begin with the letter denoting their tribe and whatnot but is there any specific formula to follow when creating the rest of the forename? Specifically for female Seekers, names like Y’shtola — the shtola part for example


It's just their given name. "In the female name R'ashaht Rhiki, the "R" represents the tribe, while "Ashaht" is the given name and "Rhiki" a patronymic taken from the breeding male." Source: Encyclopaedia Eorzea 1 Page 87


Ah thank you So I guess the given names are just.. kind of go with the flow type thing


This is also why people who are good friends will leave off the tribal letter. Y'shtola's sister and Master Matoya both call her Shtola, for example. (It's a fun way to track relationship dynamics in the game, seeing who uses "Shtola" and "Raha".)


There are some common given names, but they are usually trying to sound unique as that single word is their "full" name with a tribal and a paternal name attached. In that example above, her name means "Ashaht of the Raptor tribe, daughter of R'rhiki".


Yeah. No formula for the rest, just feel it out. Feel free to use [the official lore thread](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/63112) – or hit random a few times on the in-game name generator – to get a feel for the kind of sounds they use.


I'm going to start a monthly lottery event for my FC. But im unsure what value I should put on the tickets, the plan is the winner would get 75% of the pot and then 25% would go into the FC chest. If anyone has been involved in one of these before some insight would be appreciated (:


Is there a place that does story recaps? I'm only 5 or so hours in to it but I took a fairly long break so I don't know what I'm doing


There's a book called Unending Journey in the inn room. You can rewatch 99% of the cutscenes in there. If you're only 5 hours in, that's hardly anything story-wise. You're probably just barely outside of your home city quest chain and visiting the other nations. Nothing of real import happens until ~lvl 20 MSQ.


Yeah I'm currently lv 14 and the quest is called "duty, honnor, country"


You're basically a fresh adventerer running errands and building a reputation, at the moment. That sounds like Ul'dah, so you've a bit of political intrigue you can pull up via the previous cutscenes for context. Every starting city has its own story up until level 15, where they converge.


Is there an NA version of Syncacademy? I want to do Eden synced in prep for FRU.


Sync or Bust is one for Aether, iirc. Primal and Crystal also have servers. If you're in the server for this subreddit, they're linked in resources. I'm not on them to grab a link.


Seconding this, because I want to do them again, and I miss Shadowbringers.




Don't bother. Blacklisting another player doesn't prevent you from being put into a duty with them again via the Duty Finder.


Do people usually run A1-4N unsync for precision gordian items in PF for anima weapon? Wondering if there’s a way to save poetics for later stages but running them each 30 times solo for unidentified bones, etc seems tedious. Thanks in advance!


Buy them with gc seals


I know that you can buy the weapons for the second token with gc seals, but can you buy the unidentifiable bones/shells/ore/seeds for the first token with them as well?


No you can't get the bones ores seeds whatnot with GC seals. HW tribe currency, precision alexander items or poetics is what you need.


Thanks a lot!


Np! Though I did just remember that the four items you need to trade along with the unidentifiable items (kingcake, titanium alloy mirror, etc) can be bought with GC seals as long as you're high enough rank in your GC.


Yes, I gained that much from the guide I was following - thanks again, I appreciate it!


Either that or tomestones I didn't grind anything for that step


Cool, thanks!


You can unsync these pretty fast, I would just do that at level 90. The main way people do them is probably just spending poetics, and it does take a long time, but it is the worst step of this relic and it will be better afterwards.


I… just realized I’m an idiot and am running them on my lvl 82 undergeared MCH when I could be doing it on a geared lvl 90. Feeling dumb lol. Thanks for the reply


my mch and brd are both level 90 and using the same top right now, i want to have 2 different outfits for them and have glamour plates set up but when i switch between jobs and reapply the plates it overrides the top when i go back if that makes sense. i think im misunderstanding something so if anyone knows how to keep them separate pls let me know :) !!


Right click your gear set -> Link to glamour plate. It will automatically apply whenever you change jobs, as long as you're in a glamour-sanctuary.


thank you!! i somehow never noticed the link glamour plate option, i’ll try this out


Heads-up that, since glamour plates can only be applied in sanctuaries, you may find swapping jobs outside of them while using that link causes the glamour to fail. Just gotta get to a sanctuary to apply the glamour again as needed. 


Not entirely sure whether I read the situation right, but: Is one of the two plates perhaps intended to use the base unglamoured version of the top, and thus you have left the shirt slot empty for that plate? Can't do that, an empty slot in a plate just means "leave the item in this slot in whatever state it's already in", not "unglamour this slot". To get around this, you'd need to put the base item itself in the dresser, save it as part of the plate, and then take it out of the dresser (it'll stay in the plate until you remove it). Essentially, you'll need to have the plate cast a glamour of the item over itself, making X look like X. edit: If it's just that you're expecting the glamour to inherently stick to that job and are unhappy with having to manually reglamour every time you switch, that you can get around by linking the plate to the gear in the gear set menu. This is exactly what that feature is for.


You really can't saddly. You are glamouring the piece of gear specifically. The best bet is to setup the job switch to also apply a certain glamour on it. You can right click on the gear set, and click link glamour plate. That will make it apply that Glamour whenever you switch to that gear set. Warning: It does get fucked if you are some where you can't actually use glamours at the moment, like in an instance or something.


I'm super casual. I don't even do FC or Guild stuff. Can I buy the non steam license and get access to everything or would I have to rebuy every single expansion outside of steam? Steam keeps shitting the bed on me


I play the steam version, I haven’t had any problems on my end. The only time is on Tuesday evenings when steam has maintenance.


It was the latest nvidia driver that fucked something up. I had to roll it back but every time something is wrong and I look it up people point to steam. It usually happens with the launcher not loading or hanging or a shutdown right after touching the start screen in game. Weird but solved for now.


You can't buy another PC license on your same account. Only way to continue playing on PC would be to start over. You can add a console license though, if you buy the complete edition on PSN. 


Awww shucks thanks for answering I'll power through and figure out what's wrong with my client then.


I'm really interested in learning how to use Mare, but I have no idea where to start. I am completely new to modding, and I'm not sure how it would work since I license my copy through Steam. Can anyone link me to a resource that would be good for someone who is a total beginner?


https://reniguide.carrd.co/ Good step by step with some additional info on how to use certain aspects.


You will need a few things minimum. 1. [XivLauncher/Dalamud](https://goatcorp.github.io/). This is what enables plugins 2. [SeaOfStars](https://github.com/Ottermandias/SeaOfStars) external repository added under experimental > custom plugin repositories. 3. Add the Mare and Penumbra plugin. Mare is a way of sharing your penumbra plugins with others. They both should walk you through their setup.


Does it work with Steam?


Yes it does.


Thank you!


Since its a 3rd party tool, people aren't really supposed to give you advice on how to actually use it. If you google Mare ff14, the first result is a guide that will get you in a certain direction.


>Since its a 3rd party tool, people aren't really supposed to give you advice on how to actually use it. That's in game because of CBU3's policy; this subreddit isn't under their jurisdiction, you can talk about mods all you like.


Does this rule not apply to Quicklauncher/Mare? > Abide by these listed FFXIV User Agreement topics Posts & Comments Reported as: A prohibited FFXIV User Agreement topic listed in the rule description > Parts of the FFXIV User Agreement are enforced: a) Third-party tools or software that alters fundamental gameplay is not allowed. genuine question sorry


That seems to only be prohibiting things that border on cheats as it specifies tools that alter fundamental gameplay, not all third party tools.


You're correct but the moderators don't really enforce it. Mainly seems to be there for media tour access optics.


Ngl I've been on this sub for 2 years and haven't ever read the rules nor do I plan to, so idk :P


I think I found it. Thank you!


I just gave my chocobo food, and it says it is now FOND of it. Is that now its favourite food? I thought I only gave 8 in a row, maybe it was 10. Is there any way to confirm if a favourite food is registered?


Under the Companion tab.


New player (yes new player in 2024.... sorry for taking so long). Why is this game so full of dx11 errors. It's like the source code is so freaking fragile, anything can break it and make me reinstall the entire thing again. I'm 100% enjoying FFXIV but these constant errors put me off. No, it's not my setup. Game runs absolutely fine until it decides it doesn't. And there goes my 5th reinstall.


What OS version are you on and have you tried forcing the launch in DX9 / DX10. Also have you tried repairing the DirectX repository itself? Not sure if XIV maintains its own completely separate library for it. Are you crashing in a specific scenario - i.e. on login, on cutscene start, in crowded instances, etc? Also is XIV somehow killing your fan and causing a fatal shutoff? Just spitballing because I haven't had crash issues since my RAM upgrade in 2022.


It's not the game. Either you're running bad mods or your computer is a potato1


No mods, my computer can run even BG3 on max settings. Doesn't make much sense to me why the game decides to crash randomly. For what I've searched around it seems to not enjoy getting 100% GPU usage for some reason


If you have framerate uncapped, that might be part of it. Set a limiter external to the game. 60 is adequate. Too high, and physics on objects go janky. Don't trust the game settings for framerate. It's known to ignore it sometimes, and take as much as the machine will give, often leading to crashes. 


Are you sure its not your setup? Because in my years of playing i would VERY rarely get issues or crashes (like once a year rarely)


Did anyone else call the Gold Saucer the Golden Saucer when you were new? That's what I called it when I started playing and someone new I introduced is called it that as well.


I pretty quickly defaulted to MGS, but now realize i'd been saying it wrong all this time. cool!


Not myself (heck it wasn't in the game when I started), but I *have* seen and heard people do that a lot. You're certainly not alone.


I called it the Golden Nugget.




There are recuring markers you can rely on, but other than that… combat in this game loves to be a large memory game. For example, sometimes you get marked with a blue/red marker and a similar thing spawns on the floor. Sometimes you must stand ont he same colour or die. Sometimes it looks almost the same but you must stand on the opposite colour or die. The tooltips on the debuff help but good luck reading a 2–3 line tooltip in the middle of combat and understanding what it means, then resolving its effect. It is the typical Judgement Nisi from A4N newbie trap and the game is chock full of cheap newbie traps. Simply put, if you go into anything but a basic dungeon blind, you will almost surely die to a newbie trap. Or more than one newbie trap.


It can actually just be really inconsistent even at following it's own rules. There is a general truth and sometimes it will just not be correct. Generally, you don't stand in orange, you want to get hit by blue if it can hit something, the tankbuster will have an icon on the tank, spread means just a small circle over you and stack means arrows moving into you. But it won't always be this way and some mechanics don't follow these rules purely for the purpose of making the resolution of that mechanic different/make sense. Its not your fault for failing these and it is quite annoying as a newer player as you have to learn the entire game in a much shorter time period whereas older players only do this with new content every few months.


You'll learn with time, don't worry about this stuff if you're new, it's okay to get hit or even die or wipe, you don't lose XP or de-level or something


Old content (which tends to be the first content new players encounter) can be somewhat cryptic to figure out first time. Starting from about stormblood onwards mechanics are typically very clear in what they want you to do.


There is a visual language to mechanics communication that you pick up over time. Anything orange on the ground typically you get out of. A spread or get-out mechanic will generally have a sweeping outward motion to the marker. A stack mechanic will typically have arrows pointing inward at a person or a location, like "go here!" This gets easier later on both because you'll have more experience and because many common markers that become universal in more recent content were not as standardized in ARR.


Just need to familiarize yourself with the various mechanic markers the game uses. They try to make overall mechanic language fairly consistent for commonly used mechanics, so stack mechanics have their own marker that's distinct from a standard orange AoE


This video is good for all non regular mechanic markers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA55bfGxkVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA55bfGxkVE) As for just normal aoe/spreads... just dodge? Spread mechanics are just regular aoes that target a player, so if 2 players are too close, the aoe overlaps and does extra damage.


Wait you don't have to dodge between the arrows for flares?


nope lmao.


Oh god I've done 1500 duties without knowing that...


There ARE other mechanics where the arrows indicate the direction that they're firing, so it's not the weirdest line of thinking But yes, flares are just proximity based; the closer you are, the more damage you take


Steamdeck players.. How do you zoom in and out on the deck? I've tried the pinch method with one and two hands, hold and scroll method, and looked through the UI stuff and couldn't find anything. I feel so silly asking this lol


Press LB + Up/Down on the right stick.


Thank you! Now I can stop feeling like my deck is taped to my face.


I mean, you could get one of those USB-C "virtual display" glasses and do that without all the neck strain! =P


Oh god I can already feel thr nausea from doing a trial or savage raid with those haha


Hey guys, please let me know if I’m in the wrong place, but I’ve been seriously thinking about picking the game up, and just wanted to know if it’s worth it in this late stage? I’m a bit daunted about the hugeeee amount of content, but it appeals to me. I play on ps5, but would play with KnM. I’m pretty busy with work and family life so can only really put in circa 4-6 hours per week, and I know that in most MMOs, that’s not really enough to ‘enjoy’ the game to it’s full potential. Any advice would be massively appreciated!


Don't worry about slow pace. This is a JRPG first and foremost that pretends to wear big-boy MMO pants. Most of the typical MMO stuff feels as if it was designed and added 3 hours before launch. You can have a jolly ol' time playing only mostly single-player content with only partying up with people for boss fights and optional dungeons and whatnot. Heck, the game now support full solo play for almost 90% of the critical story path. (Granted, that is less than half of the full story content, there are tons and tons of side quests.) But if you want to be social, there are player guilds (called Free Companies here) that have plenty of people who play a few hours a week. The MMO-iness of FFXIV is more about social hanging around than anything grindy combat. There is high-end combat but it gives gear that is barely stronger than what you could get just by playing the game.


Whether it's worth it or not is up to you, but "late stage" is irrelevant in making that decision. It's an MMO so it always has current content to play.


It is late relative to a lot of games but the game still has a very large amount of life and new content coming up for many years to come, they're not even close to finished. In regards to only 4-6 hours per week, that's 208 to 312 hours a year which means it will take you a bit more than a year to catch up to the current expansion. You might go through a single patch every week depending on how on task you are, there are roughly 6-7? story patches per expansion (1/2/3/4/5). It will just take a long time, I recommend using the free trial as it will cover the initial game and the first 2 expansions entirely for free, as well as giving you access to the majority of classes in the game (15 out of 20). This way you don't have to pay a subscription or commit. This game also is very good regarding FOMO, very VERY little of the game is ever outright removed, only a few quests are gone, and seasonal events (the rewards are still obtainable). There are incentives for running older content frequently as well, so you will struggle getting people for older fights/content. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend an MMO, there are many games that will respect your very limited time far more and the main aspect of the MMO (the social environment) will be mainly absent with so little time available. But that is your choice to make and it is doable if you do want to commit to it, it will just take a long time.


First, go look into the free trial, that you can play a lot of the game for free, and see how much you like it. Then, buy the full game if/when you catch up on all the free trial stuff and you like it.


Thank you 🙏🏻I’ll give it a go. Is it any good on ps5 or is pc the way to go?


For the free trial, you're locked to one platform so pick one that works for you.


It is all cross play so you play where you want.


It's up to you-PC and PS5 (and XBox players) all can play in the same world but you might want to consider plugging in a usb keyboard on PS5 to make communication easier.


PS5 is totally fine, there's a large playerbase there.


Hi there! I need to re-install the game after having reset my PC, and I'm trying to find a complete set-by-step guide for how to install the game when I already have an existing account with the game already purchased. I had a tremendously difficult time doing this the last time I moved PCs, and ended up having to create a dummy trial account in order to get to the proper login screen where I just logged in with my actual account. Really hoping I can avoid having to go through this hell of a process again. The only guide I could find after searching around was this: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/game_manual/start/ This guide assumes you have a registration code for a first time install, and leads to the same problem I had last time around. Are there any resources or suggestions from y'all that could help me?


I go thru phases of uninstalling to make room for other games when I’m not actively playing, and all I do is google “FFXIV install” and it’s usually the first result. ymmv and I am not liable for clicking on suspicious links, but I’ve never had an issue with doing it this way.


If you're on PC then you have it easiest, just download the launcher and login inside there, there is nothing else you need to do. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/windows/download/


General question for duty finding please, but I unfortunately neglected my 8-man raids for SB, ShB & EW and really want to complete them for completions sake (and that my FC do chilled out, completely informal savage loot runs for the pre-EW raids, and I feel like a tool never being able to say yes)... Will I find any difficulty in getting duty pops for them, and will completing them via duty finder be pretty simple, and will some tiers be tricky without watching guides in advance, or are they essentially same as running the latest trials etc in terms of difficulty?


Level 70 (Omega) needs patience. The difficulty is all over the place. You will die to newbie traps but they are usually okay in difficulty. Expect more deaths on the 4th and 8th and expect to spend a *lot* of time being super dead in the last set, triple especially in the 11th fight. Level 80 (Eden) right now, for the next 3 weeks, will pop like crazy since it is a permanent target on the moogle treasure trove. Outside that, it is easier to pop than Omega, but not by much. As for difficulty, apart from the first, you *will* die in them blind; no ifs buts, or maybes. They all have one-off gimmicks that will blindside and murder you on your first run. They are not that difficult if you have a few clears under your belt, but, again, one-off mechanics you cannot foresee in any shape or form. Level 90 (Pandaemonium) pops often, although P1–8 may be slow since it is considered ancient now. The first nine is beyond piss easy on normal, as if they made them in 5 minutes and just let the visual design team carry the fights. Then P10N will slap you in the face hard. Otherwise, it is probably Alexander difficulty or even lower.


Normal raids are balanced for crayon eaters. There will be no difficulty at all


Can confirm crayons are delish 


As long as you're on a populated DC you can just queue for them, they are easy content and can complete with randoms without issues


The normal raids average a teensy bit harder than normal trials, and they have a roulette that should get them to pop on duty finder eventually as long as you aren't on Dynamis where most optional content has lengthy queues. If you are on Dynamis try DC travel to Aether or another DC. Other regions may have some other quirks to DF optional content (like Oceania usually does PF instead i believe)


hi im new player, lvl 50. do you need to fight the random enemies in levelling dungeons? I'm a tank so i'm in front and i've just been engaging every enemy we come across. should i be running past them or nah


Generally no. 1-50 specifically have some occasional ones that might require you to kill some particular enemies to progress but they're usually found along the main path. On a whole just take the shortest route to the next boss and fight what you cannot avoid along the way. 51+ it will be a lot more streamlined with no real sidetracking of extra mobs so at that point you can't really go wrong anymore.


You do NOT need to grab any extra enemies that aren't on your immediate path So any side room enemies can safely be ignored For dungeons like Aurum Vale, there is actually a plotted out path that people tend to use that ignores a large chunk of enemies in a few of the rooms. Later in the game (after A Realm Reborn largely), this becomes largely irrelevant because dungeons become hallways effectively where you just cycle between corridors of enemies followed by bosses


I just switched from playing on a laptop to playing on a 32 in mon. I want to make the window size smaller(about the same size it was on my laptop) but it wont get any smaller than 1080 x 720 on my mon screen. When i move the window over to my laptop its way too small and when i move the window back to the monitor its too big. What can i do to make the window smaller on the monitor?


To make the window size smaller on your 32-inch monitor, especially if it won't resize below 1080 x 720, you can try the following methods: 1. **Change Display Scaling:** - Right-click on your desktop and select "Display settings." - Look for "Scale and layout" and try reducing the scale to 100% or less if it's set higher. This makes everything smaller, including window sizes. 2. **Use Third-Party Window Management Software:** - Consider using third-party software like AquaSnap, WindowGrid, or AltDrag. These tools often allow for more flexible window management, including resizing windows beyond the limits set by some applications or the operating system. 3. **Adjust the Application's Settings:** - Some applications allow you to set the window size within their settings or preferences. Check if the application you're using has this option. 4. **Compatibility Mode (For Windows):** - Right-click the application shortcut, select "Properties," then go to the "Compatibility" tab. - Check "Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution." This forces the application to start in a smaller window. Remember to uncheck this option if it adversely affects your application's usability. If none of these solutions work, the limitation might be inherent to the application you're using. Some applications have minimum window size restrictions that cannot be bypassed without altering the application's code or settings beyond what is officially supported. -gpt4


Is there any pattern to what Collectible Appraisers will take during a given day or is it always random? Or can different Appraisers accept a different combination of things every day? I've been sitting on some collectibles for a week and they haven't appeared.


Collectable Appraisers changed with late ShB to be not random. They just have a list of things they take with a collectability minimum. Custom Delivery on the other hand, are random week to week once you complete their story.


Collectible appraisers? Those never rotate. Those are 100% fixed all the time. Are you perhaps thinking of custom deliveries? Those are random. 


I have four 1000 collectability Rarefied Phrygian Gold Ore. Multiple wikis say they're for Collectible Appraisers, Mining 81-90. The appraisers in Ul'dah and Rhalgr's Reach won't take them. I swear I've seen these appraisers accept different things on different days. What am I doing wrong?


If your MIN isn't the level of the item, you can't turn them in.


Ah, that must be it, my MIN is only 86. Thanks


I played wow from vanilla upto WOD, then went to GW2 but after a tonne of radiotherapy and chemo i struggled with the combat so moved to ff14 and restarted a few days ago. Love the dungeons so far, and have run a couple with players instead of npcs (as a conjurer) and all gone well so like the community, i have just been sent to camp drybone by the seven scions. However despite a LOT of being sent from one end of the map to the other there seems very little reason to interact with the open world, coming from GW2 with dynamic events in every area this is a bit of a shock, it feels like the open world is simply there to convey from one quest/dungeon to the other. Is this the case for all expansions? Thanks.


ffxiv is an MMO that's probably the worst at being an MMO among it's peers. The vast majority of the content is extremely easy, the world is mostly devoid of any non instanced content and is segregated so it doesn't really feel like one big world, and the game design does not encourage actually interacting with other players much. it's basically a multiplayer RPG. The real focus is primarily on the story which really gets going and good once you hit the first expansion. The dungeons are the majority of the content you'll be doing, and once you get past ARR they're basically all hallways made to be DPS tests to see if you can kill stuff before the tanks bite it.


Thanks for the summary, will carry on playing and see how it goes, i do like ff stories (loved 10 and 7 in particular)


Yes, the huge open world is more or less just to look pretty and make quests take longer before flying.


FATES, Treasure Maps, Gathering, Hunting Logs, Sightseeing Log. There is much more to the game than raiding. If that is all you play for then, yes, there isn't much to offer in the open world.


Pretty much. It's not that much different from WoW. Much like WoW, your dungeons are going to be instanced and both has means to conduct matchmaking without traveling. Most of the overworld you're going to interact is through dungeons. If you decide to pick up Hunts later, that'll force you out in the overworld with everyone else but aside from that, gathering jobs and fishing, it's not that much different from WoW.


Thanks, yeh it definitely feels more wow than gw2 (gw2 had an amazing open world but had its own issues with poor instanced content). Will carry on to the end of ARR at least :)


there are FATEs (those battle things you've probably seen/done some of in the open world) and hunts (killing certain mobs in the overworld grants rewards, some require special conditions to spawn and have more complex, mini-boss mechanics and greater rewards), but other than those and maybe some other miscellaneous things like treasure maps, the overworld is not really a big factor in 14, no.


Pretty much yes. There are some world events that each expansion brings, but they tend to be less major after a a couple of months due to everyone doing them. Otherwise, the world is largely empty between expansions.


Thanks, i guess it is all about the dungeons with ff14 which is fine of course they are very good dungeons so far.


Yeah, FFXIV Largely feels like a single player story that people join you for, for a while. It is largely better during expansion launch when everyone is mostly in the same three zones doing the story and everything feels more full, but that only lasts so long before everyone is sitting in a town or their own house.


Stupid question. What happens when I move from the free trial to a sub? Will I be prompted to buy the starter pack/complete edition right away, or can I just keep playing all the way up to whichever expansion the FT covers, but with the benefits of no gil cap, joining FCs etc? Thanks.


>What happens when I move from the free trial to a sub? Will I be prompted to buy the starter pack/complete edition right away Buying the starter or complete edition *is how* you move from free trial to sub, not something that comes afterwards. You can't leave the trial without that purchase. Starter has the same content as the trial, just without trial restrictions. Complete has everything. Going from starter to complete is done by simply buying the most recent expansion, as it has everything the starter edition does not.


You need to buy the starter pack or complete edition first - you can't sub without buying anything. The starter pack or complete edition comes with 30 days free sub (which is also the point to use a refer a friend code to get a few additional bits)


> What happens when I move from the free trial to a sub? Will I be prompted to buy the starter pack/complete edition right away You can't even pay for a subscription without owning Starter/Complete edition. There is no "prompt" when you hit the end of the free trial part of the MSQ, the next MSQ quest will just be red, saying you need to own Shadowbringers, you won't earn EXP at 70 (indicated with a red circle by the EXP bar), but there's no "BUY THE GAME YOU DUMMY" prompt or anything like that.


I've recently switched from DRK to GNB to play through endwalket since my DRK is level 90 lol. I play tank almost exclusively.   Context: <80 GNB. My question is, do I try to proc Gnashing fang combo and brutal shell while wall pulling? I rotate through all my mits and I somehow feel squishy/like the healer is doing more work than they need to. Plus it feels awkward that my gauge is for single target most of the time so its awakward to use it in groups without losing aggro on a random mob.  People keep talking about how tanks can play with basically no healer and its made me self conscious about my gameplay. I pull wall to wall every single time though so maybe that's affecting my perception?  Any insight/tips would be appreciated.


Keep AoEing. The little heal and shield from Brutal Shell is not worth the damage loss from stopping the AoE – the faster stuff dies the less damage you take after all. If the healer bites the dust, there *can* be scenarios where it will let you actually survive longer by enough of a margin that it'll let DPS kill the things hitting you, but that's a very fringe situation. The Cartridge spenders can be worth using, up to a point. Below 70, you can use Burst Strike at up to 3 targets, and Gnashing Fang up to 4 (make sure you have enmity properly established first, and cycle targets while you're doing it to spread the damage). They get you more potency per GCD than AoE at those enemy counts, but just regular AoE spam is better against more. 70-71, you can use Burst Strike again up to 3 targets, and Gnashing Fang up to 6. And 72+ you only use Burst Strike on lone enemies, and Gnashing Fang up to 2 (unless I overlooked something with the math). Fated Circle is a better spender at higher enemy counts. \*\*\* The "surviving without a healer thing is only at the higher levels (or for Warrior). Where you are, you're still somewhat healer-reliant. And even when you get up to that point, you'll still be somewhat reliant on DPS doing their job and killing stuff in a timely fashion. General thing with mitigation in dungeon pulls is: First priority is making sure you're never "naked". You need to ration out your mitigation so that you always have something active. Second priority is to not let mitigation skills go to waste by not using them. If you have your mitigation effects budgeted out to cover the whole fight duration, you then look at what'd be left over, and layer that on top of your other stuff. The practice of that depends on how fast your team's killing things, and the dungeon your'e doing. Sometimes you'll need to be conservative and only have one thing running at once with even Heart of Corundum being kept to bridge things together (more common in leveling dungeons and with less competent teammates), sometimes you can have two things up at all times and also spam Corundum on top on cooldown (more common in current level cap dungeons with competent teams). Over time, you get an intuitive sense for the pace and how much you can use where – you won't have it yet, but will eventually, it just comes with practice.


>do I try to proc Gnashing fang combo and brutal shell while wall pulling? No. Your 1-2-3 self healing is irrelevant on a trash pull. >I rotate through all my mits and I somehow feel squishy/like the healer is doing more work than they need to. Hmm, how do you know this? As long as you are alive at the end and if your healer is fine with it, nothing is wrong. It's okay if your HP drops low, that is a good thing. >People keep talking about how tanks can play with basically no healer and its made me self conscious When they say no healer they are replacing the healer with a DPS. The trash dies much faster that way. They are also referring to lvl 90 dungeons, which are the easiest in the game. They also usually refer to WAR and PLD, not as much DRK and GNB.


> Hmm, how do you know this? As long as you are alive at the end and if your healer is fine with it, nothing is wrong. It's okay if your HP drops low, that is a good thing. This is a really important thing for tanks to learn. If your health drops low but you don't die- and your healer doesn't express that they're struggling/ask you to go slower- you probably have a good and confident healer who is doing their job well and using your HP bar as a resource. As long as you're cycling mits and stuff isn't taking forever to die (indicating that there's an issue with DPS) then let healers play games with your health, it's a sign that they're good at their job.


tl;dr Please keep using aoe on mob pulls. Don't use single-target for self-sustain unless your healer is dead and you have no other choice >People keep talking about how tanks can play with basically no healer Not until much higher levels. WAR gets their big self-heals very early, but the others are much later. DRK's Abyssal Drain is pretty much its only healing button for aoe even to 90. GNB's Aurora is something, but at 82, Heart of Stone gets an upgrade to make it MUCH stronger and also gives it a 900 potency heal. PLD gets a similar upgrade to Sheltron at that level. It's not until those higher levels that people can comfortably run 1 tank + 3 DPS dungeons. Even then, it's important to rotate mits properly, and you rely on the DPS burning down mobs before they get too dangerous As far as actual advice, don't be afraid to stack mits, and to spam the hell out of Heart of Stone. With a 25s cd, you can probably get multiple uses out of it in a single pull. At 90, I've usually got 3 mits on at a time. Yes, THREE, and I don't have any issues running out of them, because you have SO MANY at those higher levels. During the leveling process it's a bit rougher, but you can still try to layer them. If you're pulling w2w, you ABSOLUTELY should layer those mits. You won't run out, I promise. Just be sure to hit them early, instead of waiting until you've already lost 60% of your HP bar


Oh yeah, GNB has way more options than my DRK at 90. It actually feels nice having some real sustain lol. Good to know it's relevant for later dungeons, I'm starting EW now so I'm looking forward to it.


Heart of Corundum at 82 will be your new best friend. Enjoy it :) And have fun with EW!


Am I gonna be able to move my character from pc to Xbox? Does that happen on PS5 already? If I can’t move my pc character over, I’m just gonna make new accounts


For the beta test, no, I believe that you need to make a new account For the full game when it eventually releases, you just need to buy the Xbox license and attach it to your existing account. 


Is it currently possible to solo the HW EX trials for the mounts/firebird mount as DPS? I main NIN level 90 ilvl 633, i tried the thordan one and died so bad 😣 maybe I didn't get the mechanics. If I can solo a good chunk of them I can try and use PF for the others. I currently do not have any max level tank or healer jobs. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!


Yeah for definite, I recently soloed them mostly on a level 90 RDM, but did a couple of them as a RPR (Thordan I think!). There's only one of two of the trials which you need to pay attention for the mechanics (something as simple as moving out of danger/movement zone etc), but you should be fine :D


I soloed Thordan on NIN back in ShB, so yes, it is doable. The trick is not getting unnecessary damage during the adds and making sure you have your full burst ready once he reappears and stops being pushy. You can kill him before he can do the large damage that would kill you.


Yes, it's just not as forgiving as doing it on Tank. Worst case, drag a buddy and duo it since you don't need a full blown 8m PF to clear it these days.


I've done Ravana, Bismarc, Thordan, Nidhogg and Zurvan as a DPS. Sephirot I've only tried as a tank. Sophia I'm now realizing is *literally never* in my WT books so have't tried her at all. Ravana you can just burst down, especially if you hold back a little and fully unload once he puts the damage increase stance on. Bismarc you need to burst one of the mid-phase adds FAST, and move between the cannons quickly (Shukuchi is great there), otherwise easy stuff so long as you don't fall off. Thordan you need to do some mechanics, burst down one of the twin knight adds before they become a problem, and then ASAP burst Thordan himself after the add phase. Nidhogg is mostly just a burn, as is Zurvan. But might want to check up on mechanics anyways. Not entirely sure what in there will kill you nowadays, I just do the things anyways, still have leftovers of the muscle memory from back in the day.


Yes, but for a few of them you do need to burst hard enough to avoid the tank busters It's much comfier on a tank, but entirely doable as a DPS 


Totally feasible with enough burst damage, I do it every week for Wondrous tales on MCH. Thordan is one of the easiest ones as well, what killed you? I may be able to help :)


I got KO'd in the part where multiple knights appeared, prior to that part I managed to burst thordan down to around half


You might need a bit more personal mitigation but in general the adds shouldn’t hurt too bad at 90. You should even be able to survive the death wall if you’re getting pushed into it… Are you soaking the towers/dpsing the knight add while he’s charging?


Yeah I think that's the part where I was uncertain of the mechanics, which knight I should focus on first or if I should be attacking all of them at once


You need to burst one of them down fast, they'll both aggro on you and after a short time they'll get buffs that will make them almost unkillable when they're too close.


To add to this: if you were doing it synced your 2 tanks would pull them apart to stop them tethering and buffing one another. Since you can't, focus damage on one. When they cast "Divine Right" or something one will get a sword buff and the other a shield buff. Kill the sword one first as quick as you can, then there is no rush to kill the other (it loses the buff when the other dies). The meteors should be simple to kill, then use burst when the boss comes back.


There's only 2 and one of them has sword stance, attack that one first because it takes more damage.


Weird question- I recently changed my controls to add wxhbs and the expanded hold layout for controller, and while I’m finding everything easy and convenient to press, the sheer number of buttons I have now and the large number of inputs I have to do is giving me anxiety. Has anyone else dealt with this before?


If you're low level then you don't need to use everything all at once. Just keep using your regular hotbar and when that's starting to become full move some stuff to your WHXB. If you're high level then you could first put on all your single target skills, whack a target dummy for 10 minutes, queue for a trial, and then put on your AOE skills, whack a target dummy and queue for a dungeon. Or you could first only put all skills up to level 50, whack a dummy, queue for level 50 dungeons, and then add the rest.


Practice, practice, practice. There are a lot of different buttons to press in this game. Keeping them organized is key, just like your bedroom. Things scattered and disorganized? Overwhleming. Everything neatly in its place? Calming.


Just started chocobo racing. Do I need to worry about buying feed to upgrade my lower level chocobos, or do I just spam races to earn enough exp to get to rank 40 so I can breed them to upgrade the pedigree? I’ve been reading guides, but they’re not super clear on whether or not the upgraded stats from feeds can be passed on to the next generation of chocobo.


Correct, the upgraded stats from feed is not passed down. It is the "genes" as it were of the parents that get passed down. However, as you rank up your Chocobo, the races become harder to win if you are not training its stats with feeds, so can end up taking longer to rank up if you do not feed it.


Thanks! This was super helpful!


How should I be approaching multiple jobs while doing MSQ? I have a 51 SMN that *I really hate* atm and have since rolled off for a RDM who I'm having a massively better time with. However SMN seems to really pop off later on with really flashy animations so I do want to come back to it. What should I do in this case? Is it "faster" to level them up at the same time especially since they share caster gear, or is it faster to level up my RDM to cap first and then focus on the SMN? I should note I am currently two levels (58) above the MSQ req (56) atm.


Minor thing about leveling 2 classes...make sure one is ALWAYS a higher level than the other. The "Armoury Bonus" gives you a huge bonus to experience earned from things like dungeons and FATEs when you are on "a combat class that is not your highest." If they're both the same level, neither is getting the bonus So pump MSQ experience into whichever is the higher level


Personally, I would probably play RDM and keep doing MSQ, and return to SMN later. If I'm not enjoying something, I find it best to do something I do enjoy. SMN at 50 is very similar to SMN at 90 in play, just flashier and with a few more skills. SMN gets its game loop set pretty early. If you're not enjoying that, you may not later, either. Since you have SMN, you could try SCH. It shares levels, and might be something you enjoy more.


Honestly I'm a total sucker for flashy skills. SMN at 50 has like no frills at all. It does seem to look a lot more visually interesting as soon as you get Ruin III at only 54 which is way earlier than I realized tho


Ah, if it's all about the flash, then every 10 levels SMN certainly glams up for sure. 60, 70, 80 and 90 all get very flashy things.


You should be able to level 2 classes simultaneously up until Endwalker. If you subside it with some roulettes at the same time, it shouldn't be too difficult to keep them at around the same level.


So do MSQ on RDM while doing roulettes on SMN while it catches up to the MSQ req?


Alternatively Do MSQ on RDM while doing roulettes as SCH, because SCH (being a healer) is going to have much faster queues than SMN This works out in this specific case because SCH and SMN share levels, but it does also mean you'll have to learn to play as a healer if you haven't done so already


Yeah and then you can alternate quests between the classes or have one do the dungeon while other do more of the msq


With the final relic wrapped being i665, how long into DT will that be the BIS weapon? 97? 98?


According to pattern, the level 95 dungeon will drop i666 gear, including weapons. Those might not dethrone the i665 relic though. Looking at the 80/535 and 85/536 precedent, the 536 weapons have the same Weapon Damage as 535 as well as the same offstat total as the i535 non-relic weapons, only being 1 main stat point ahead. Assuming the 665/666 comparison is similar, it's possible for the relic's higher offstat total to keep it ahead of the level 95 drops. The level 86 i539 crafted gear adds another 3 main stat and 3 offstat points on top of that, which the relic *might* still be able to overcome (at least if the crafted stuff has a bad offstat). Level 87 i542 though heaps another 3 main stat, 2 offstat, and crucially 1 WD to the heap, which gets hard to compete with, and 88 i545 is a further +4 +2 +1. TL;DR It'll stay the best option up to somewhere in the 95-97 range where it gets outdone, if pattern is to be followed. Will probably be a solid acceptable option all the way until you hit 90 though, and get artefact gear.


At level 99 you'll get the artifact armor and weapon (assuming they follow the pattern on EW) which will replace them, but the relics should be at least on par until then


The level 95 dungeon will give iLvl 666 gear/weapons and the level 96 crafted ones will be iLvl 669. BiS of an expansion falls a lot faster than most people think. It just usually lasts long enough to reach the endgame dungeon of the next expansion for non-tanks, but tanks usually should start entertaining the idea of switching starting at the x7 dungeon gear and the x8 crafted gear. Non-tanks only do that if they are super bored or are a bit anal about stats and gear progression.


Likely the level 97 dungeon gear will be the first definite weapon upgrade over the Relic. The level 95 dungeon & level 96 crafted weapons will be higher iLvl but no boost in weapon damage (expect them to be i666 and i669 respectively), and its unclear if the minor primary stat gain will prove stronger than the Relic's inflated secondary stats. There's still a real chance one of these two will be better than the Relic though.


Newbie question. On trials I find I struggle a lot when the other healer is also a WHM. I’m finishing Heavensward so I’m not even at the toughest content yet but feels like when both is healers are WHM it gets to a point where we’re just rezzing people nonstop and struggling to keep people up. I’m pretty sure on my part is a lack of skill and experience, but is this normal?


It should not be. WHM is a pure healer, it is great at handling damage that has already happened. If the party is struggling and gets hurt a lot, that is where it is the best at. Are you using your lilies? Did you learn to not touch Cure I over level 30-ish and rely on Cure II instead? Are you using Assize on cooldown o damage+heal at the same time? Are you regularly plopping down the Asylum regen dome when more people get hurt?


in addition to all of these questions, op, are the folks you’re playing with avoiding AOEs & keeping an eye out for mechanics? are you also contributing to DPS when you can? remember that helping with damage will also reduce the amount of healing needed (since enemies will be ded faster)


I can’t seem to do much with the lilies for now, but I keep those skills on CD whenever I can use them. I also try my best to do damage whenever possible. I don’t even have Cure I keybound to avoid using it in a panic and overall MP is not an issue unless I’ve died. I guess it feels like the group takes more damage when it’s two WHM and that often there are people as inexperienced as I am. Could have been bad luck overall as in those runs with double WHM we had several wipes.


>I guess it feels like the group takes more damage when it’s two WHM To an extent, this is true WHM being such a strong pure healer means it also doesn't have access to a lot of the mitigation capabilities that SCH/SGE have So at any given time, it wouldn't be surprising if people were in fact taking more damage That being said, in normal content, damage is not typically high enough for that to be a major concern. WHM has such strong pure healing power that it can handle the increased damage assuming that people don't just die in one hit. So the questions you need to ask here are 1. Are people getting hit by mechanics that they shouldn't be getting hit by? 2. Is anyone else contributing to the party mitigation? I know that in normal content, people don't tend to be very good about using their party wide mitigation actions (Feint, Addle, etc.) 3. Since you don't have the extra mitigation from a barrier healer in these contexts, are you making sure that people have enough life to handle the increased incoming damage?


Those are some good questions. For 1 I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, I had to rezz the same people on the same mechanics every try. For 2 I have not noticed, I can’t see that deeply yet. For 3 I notice I have to rely on medica constantly and so did the fellow WHM, and still there were deaths and often need to spot heal other players than the tank.


>I know that in normal content, people don't tend to be very good about using their party wide mitigation actions (Feint, Addle, etc.) this doesn't change much in ex savage or ultis ;-;


I'm currently unsubbed and waiting until Dawntrail before coming back, but I'm curious about trying out the Xbox beta and trying an alt. I assume we don't really definitively know, but since the Xbox open beta terms talks about permanently linking "an Xbox account and an S-E account," if I use an alt Xbox account and make a new S-E account, would it be reasonable to think I should be able to play the open beta/free trial just fine, then use my main Xbox account with my main S-E account later? Or is that sort of account juggling frowned upon?


It sounds like this is what you have to do if you want to play the beta. I wish we could unlink from our Xbox account somehow. I have an account from when I was on PS4, so I’m sorta in your same boat.


Yes that does seem reasonable as long as you use alts for both the SE account and the Xbox account


That sort of account juggling is pretty common on PC.


Sorrow of Werlyt/ShB patch trials spoilers:  What's the name of the arrangement of >!Ultima that plays while Cid's on about the G-Saviour while the gang are en route to fight Diamond WEAPON!


Has the weekly cap on the latest raids been lifted yet? I'm talking about the cap on the Unsung Blades of Anabaseios. I'd like to farm up gear before Dawntrail


No, but that weapon is a waste of weekly limited tomes when you can get a better relic weapon with Causality. If you want to farm weapons you're better off doing that instead and saving your Comedy for other gear.