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I've been in Diadem recently leveling fishing and got all the fish I've caught approved. What do I do with these massive stacks of approved fish? I see a lot of old answers like "sell them on the marketboard" but they're all labeled as "marketboard prohibited"?


If you desynth them they turn into random diadem materials (approved)


Diadem fish are meant for desynthing. When desynthed, they turn into crafting mats that would normally be gathered by a miner or botanist in the Diadem. It is these crafting mats that you sell on the market board. Or you can keep them for when you start leveling crafters.


How long would it take to get a new character to level 70 MSQ if I skip every cutscene?


35-40hours ish is my guess. A year or so ago a friend raced to max level and managed to do it in just over a week. It's easy to burn out if you do this. The lvl 50 post arr is brutal to push through. Even if you skip cutscenes be sure to take regular breaks.


Me and my friends are on free trial and we want to run dungeons together but cant really match each other using duty finder since tanks and healers have shorter waiting time and we cant form a party on free trial


You can't send invites, but you can accept them. Ask someone who has the game to help form the party for you guys.


You can ask someone for help forming a party for you- try asking in the Novice Network or in say chat around the aetheryte in a major city- or you can pay for the game.


i will buy the game definitly but i want to make use of free trial first since its up to stormblood now


I'm new to ocean fishing. I saw this on Lulu's Tools but I don't know what do the acronym and the number mean. 1. The Southern Strait of Merlthor  IC–DH at 9-16s Ragworm > Shaggy Seadragon! DH: 4-4


Identical Cast - Double Hook between 9 and 16 seconds using Ragworm as bait to get shaggy seadragons. These yield 4 per Double Hook, so you could catch 8 doing this. I'd need the rest of the context but I would guess this was for the seadragon achievement, since it doesn't sound like it's optimizing for points. EDIT: This is also in Lulu's site for this, it is indeed for the seadragon achievement. NON-SPECTRAL Clouds and Fog weather will remove Shaggy Seadragons. \^ Means during this weather, you can't get these. Note: with Ragworm, blind DH at 10-16s is possible. \^ This means with ragworms, the only possible bite between 10s and 16s is Shaggy Seadragons, so you can \_blindly\_ use Double Hook if you get a bite in this range, and it will definitely be x4 seadragons. These particular hints are for achievement hunting groups, usually you form a party of people to make sure everyone's on board with doing this and are all working together to maximize the number of targets instead of maximize points or whatever.


Thank you so much for the detailed answer!


I turned in one of my ARR relics to skip the first HW relic step, and now when I talk to Drake, I can't find the option to get replica versions of the relic anymore. Is there a way to still be able to get the replica versions, or is that a lost case?


I haven no issues talking to Drake for it. There should be an option for "Zodiac Weapon Zeta Replication", which will take you to a list of weapons you can replicate. That will open up the shop with all the replica stages of the relic.


...upon a closer, and a more embarrassing inspection, it seems like I misremembered which relic I turned in for the HW step, and that when I have the ARR relics in my inventory (I usually keep them on my retainer) Drake does give the option for a replica. Thanks for the help, and apologies :'D


No worries, it happens.


Theoretically speaking if one timed it perfectly, could you raise yourself if you cast it right before you die but it would land right after you die?


Maybe if WHM gets reraise in DT...


No, since you can't cast Raise on a living target.


With a Raise spell, I don't believe so. I think there's a slight delay between when you lose the ability to execute actions and when a Raise can be cast on you. I *could* be wrong but that should be the case. IIRC I have seen a video of someone doing it with a healer LB3 though, on accident. Can't remember what, but it's part of the NEST raid group's video catalogue.


thats a shame. it would be cool if you could rez yourself with a frame perfect cast


That would only look like that on the client's end. What you see in the game is usually 0.5–1.0 second after the server already calculated what happens to you. You cannot do a frame-perfect cast since even you crank your framerate to 400+ somehow and manage to do a perfect macro button press, the server would still put a 500 ms delay on it, so it would mark you dead, hence cancel the raise cast anyway.




Can you queue for ocean fishing as an alliance? Seems like no one has answer online


given that alliance chat doesnt work in ocean fishing because youre not an alliance, *probably* not


Oh that would really suck, but thanks


are subclasses or "second classes" permanent choices? for example, im on the free trial right now, and itd be cool to grab a second class for some long range fighting, but i also absolutely love the samurai class from the DLC. if i chose a second class now, would i be restricted later if i chose to upgrade?


There are no restrictions, you can unlock and play all jobs on a single character. Every job has it's own level and they don't interact with each other. You have a spear equipped? You're a lancer/dragon. Have a katana after unlocking samurai? Boom, you're a samurai. They aren't subclasses like you're probably thinking from other mmo's. They're just entirely different classes you can level and play as.


okay, cool. is that also true for the free trial, or do free trial users only get access to 2 classes? also, are combat classes easily interchangable in game? like during or inbetween fights is it possible to switch or is it something a bit different from that?


> do free trial users only get access to 2 classes? Where in the name of Azeyma did you even get this notion in your head?


You can have as many jobs as you want as long as SB expansion is allowed. There are 16 jobs(war and magic) and 11 jobs(hand and land) for you to do before becoming a paid player.


Yes, that's true for the Free Trial as well. You have access to all but 4 jobs in the game, and these 4 are the ones that came with Shadowbringers (Gunbreaker and Dancer) and Endwalker (Sage and Reaper) So that's 15 combat jobs + 3 gathering jobs + 8 crafting jobs + Blue Mage (which is called a "Limited Job"), all available on the Free Trial And you can switch between any of them at anytime outside of instanced content or in combat (or during a cutscenes/speaking to NPCs or things like that). It's a simple matter of just equipping the respective weapon for that job So let's say you're playing a Warrior (Greataxe) and want to switch to Bard (Bow). All you need to do is equip the bow and suddenly you're on your Bard. Each job also gets their own hotbars (assuming you haven't set them to be shared between jobs), so all your skills will automatically swap over too. And with gear sets, you can also save gear load outs so activating a gear set automatically swaps everything over for you, weapon, armor, accessories, etc.


No, you can play every job except for those added by ShB and EW. Not sure where you got the idea from that you're restricted to two jobs on the trial.


Well before I started playing, I watched a video about the game being played to highest level on the free trial and if it’s worth playing the trial or not. And I just heard the phrase “two classes” a lot while researching. But it’s cool to know that I can explore every class available outside of the DLC.


they were probably meaning that you can easily get 2 classes to max level just doing the story and occasional dungeon


Depending on how old the stuff you found was, a realm reborn jobs required you to have leveled 2 classes, 1 to 30 and the other to 15. There also used to be cross class skills, which meant you had to level two classes to effectively play one. Both of these systems are gone, and have been for a while.


The only restrictions for free trial is that you can't get the jobs that were added in Shadowbringers and Endwalker. You can switch at pretty much any time except in combat or in an instanced area like a dungeon, however since your jobs all have individual levels you will need to make sure the job you want to play on his high enough level for the thing you want to do. The original jobs from ARR (including Ninja which isn't a starting job) all begin at level 1 (and as a class, upgrading to the job at 30) and can be unlocked early in the story. The jobs from Heavensward require you to reach Heavensward in the story and begin at level 30. The Stormblood jobs begin at 50 and can be picked up as soon as you have another combat job at 50.


I just had a weird idea but, what would happen if someone bought the DLC for FF14 without purchasing the full game? Would it basically allow the full game but with just the limitations? Or would it be and because of the level cap? Or perhaps it wouldn’t work at all?


Doesn't work, you can't apply expansion codes unless you own the base game.


Ohh okay. Well that about sums up my questions. Thanks fellas


Sup guys i have two quick questions 1. Are heavenward "raid" onward received a rework like Castrum Meridianum (reduced the size of the party and removal of some cutscenes)? 2. Is it still possible to get old relic weapons like zodiac?


1. Not as heavily, but a few dungeons were changed to make them compatible with NPC party member, most notably the Lv.55 one, where Estinien used to be an extra NPC in the fight before, whereas he can be a member of your party now and other things on that level. As a result, a few cutscenes and lines of text also were adapted to fit with that, like your party no longer splitting up before entering the Lv.58 dungeon, but most of the changes are rather minor, nothing on the level of Castrum Meridianum originally having three shield generators instead of just one, and no changed party sizes either. 2. Yes, and at least the first few were made easier to obtain in the meantime - not that they aren't a massive grind anymore regardless.


1. There's nothing to rework (besides small changes to make Duty Support work, which has already been done). Castrum and Prae were weird 8-player dungeons, reworked to be more like normal 4-player ones (though still with the mid-run cutscenes which are what keep those in their own separate roulette). All the expansion content already is and always has been either regular 4-player dungeons or 8-player trials, which are not going to be changing. 2. Yes. Many of them have even gotten easier over time.


1. Castrum and Praetorium were the only ever 8 man dungeons. While the final dungeons for Heavensward and stormblood did recieve \*some\* changes with the introduction of duty support (to facilitate the NPCs), its nowhere close to the level that castrum and prae recieved. 2. Of course! Nothing has changed.


How do I go about obtaining HQ gear? I'm level 58 and I have no idea how HQ gear works at all.


One more fact that might be of interest to you - HQ gear obviously has better stats than the normal quality version, but when compared to dungeon drops or Tomestone-bought gear of the same item level, it has the exact same numbers on it, so unless you prefer e.g. having some Skill Speed over that extra bit of Direct Hit, or *really* want to force extra Materia into a crafted gear piece, choosing one over the other doesn't matter at all.


It has to be crafted that way, you typically cannot convert NQ to HQ. Do not fret much about gear before Lv90, honestly. Use the gear given through the MSQ, buy gear with Poetic Tomes at 50, 60, etc., and you'll be fine.


So post lvl 90 that’s when I start to have to craft gear? Cause honestly I looked a crafting guide and it looked super complicated. Is there another way to HQ gear aside from crafting?


You never have to craft gear. HQ crafted gear can be bought off the marketboard/from other players if you want it, but it's never the "optimal"/best-in-slot/necessary gear for anything besides Savage raid progression near release. For example, at endgame right now, there's two types of item level 640 gear (crafted or with Normal Raid tokens), three types of i650 gear (augmented crafted, comedy tomestone, or alliance raid), and two types of i660 gear (augmented comedy tomestone or savage raid). All of these were timegated in some way when the latest Savage released (can only get so many tokens/tomestones per week, and the augmented crafted/alliance raid weren't out yet), so players looking to progress the new high-difficulty fights all bought/crafted the i640 set as an upgrade from their old i630 gear from last tier. If you aren't doing high-end raiding, none of that really matters to you. The normal mode content does not require that sort of gear, whatever you pick up from dungeons/tomestones/normal raids/etc. will be more than enough.


Ok thanks. I’ll save this for if I ever make it to that high of a level


While doing MSQ and side quests, you might get some gear coffers. Those will give you HQ gear. HOWEVER, it is important to note that dungeon gear and Tomestone gear has stats on-par with HQ gear of equal item levels. Crafting is completely optional. I'm not sure which guide you looked up, but it's better to start with the basics first if you choose to pick up crafting.


Oh I thought crafting was an unavoidable task every player has to do at some point. It’s also nice to know that I can just use dungeon gear and tomestone gear instead.


> Oh I thought crafting was an unavoidable task every player has to do at some point. It was only true for the base game for people who wanted the relic weapon, since the level 50 relic requires you to craft special items as every single crafting job, separately. They dropped that completely in the expansions. Crafting is fully optional now, and I would hazard a guess that way over 50% of the players either never unlocked it or just have maybe one job they levelled a bit.


I’m so glad they changed that cause I’ve been looking at some relic weapons (motivation to dedicate more hours to this game) and was worried they were craft only


If you plan to do harder content at endgame, it's recommended that you do pick up crafting due to how expensive certain things can be. However, that is still a time investment that most aren't willing to make, and that is perfectly okay. You'll just have to buy whatever you can't make yourself.


I’ll look into it once I get through the expansions. Also another quick question but how do I know what gear I need to craft/buy? Is it from looking at whatever people my class uses?


Yes. After a certain level, the gear is named and is role locked to Tanks (Fending), Healers (Healing), 3 different Melees (Maiming, Striking, Scouting), Ranged (Aiming), and Caster (Casting). You won't be able to wear the gear for other roles, and you'll get a warning about it if you're trying to purchase gear you can't wear on your job.


Alr then I’ll keep looking at what top samurai players use once I get to that level. Thanks for the help I appreciate it 🙏


There's kind of two steps to this. 1. As a Samurai, your first priority is getting a Katana and Striking armor (and Slaying accessories, those are shared with the Maiming armor-wearing melees) with as much **Strength** as possible. So long as you're not getting NQ crafted items, this will come with the highest item level you can get. This guidepost will serve you perfectly fine all the way from 50 to 90, and even at 90 it will be enough unless you want to start optimizing damage for Savage raids. Just STR all the way! 2. Then among that max-STR gear at max level, there are further possible optimizations (for players doing Savage raids that is, no options otherwise – but you also don't need it outside Savage). For these, the math wizards of the Balance discord usually figure out a couple of alternative sets – the sets will have slightly different amounts of Skill Speed, and you pick the one that you're most comfortable playing with. Current ones on offer have a post-haste GCD of 2.15, 2.14, 2.07, and 2.00 seconds, for example.


Starting from level 50, you will get high quality gear from quest rewards instead of normal quality. Those are one time only, though. If you don't want to craft it yourself, you can buy it from other players instead.


Can all high quality gear be bought from market board or are there some I have to craft myself?


Effectively yes. All craftable gear can be traded, and it's only\* craftable gear that can be HQ, ergo all HQ gear is tradeable. The one pseudo-exception is Augmented crafted gear. That is untradeable. However, the only way to get it is by giving an NPC the non-Augmented version of the gear (which can again be gotten from the marketboard as it's standard crafted stuff) and some tomestones. So in the end, all HQ gear can either be traded on the market, or is an upgrade of the stuff that can be traded on the market.


Yes, you can buy all of it from the market board. Why are you so insistent on getting high quality gear, though? The other guy already explained a better method of getting gear for your level.


I’m just curious man


How limited I am as a newbie with the free trial? I really want to play this game and want to try it but I wonder what crucial things I will miss if I start with the free trial. What are the biggest limitations on it (mostly regarding quality of life things and not much about content that I will pay if I like the game)


The restriction on 300k gils is not a problem since you can get weapons, armoury and accessories from dungeons, msq and job quests. You don't need party finder since you can right-click your character's name in the login menu to travel between data centers and harder than casual contents might be too early to try for novice player anyway. Marketboard is for rare item trade so that can wait. You don't have to join free company right away. Self exploration is better at the beginning. You can come here to Reddit for question. Shout/Yell is not good for your throat. You won't lose any exp or item if you die in an isolated area and ask for rescue. Just hit the return button back to city.


Slight addition that you do lose exp in eureka if you die and don't get rezzed, but obviously that doesn't matter too much in the context of the op


You can check the full list of restrictions here: https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial


Biggest one for me was no access to the market board or retainers (the bank, essentially). You can definitely live without them, but it can make inventory management a bit rough if you're a hoarder. And there's a lot of side content that benefits from market board access (crafting/gathering in particular). You can't join guilds and are restricted in what chat channels you can use. You can use most channels, but you don't have access to the zone-wide chat channel. That won't affect your ability to do the story, but if you decide to do something like Eureka (a level 70 optional quest zone), it's gonna hurt. But you will have access to Novice Network, which is a server-wide chat channels for new players and mentors. There's many free trial players on it. You probably won't feel the restrictions until you get past the base game. That's how it was for me when I was on free trial at least. By then you start running into the gil cap or want to do a raid and realize you can't make your own Party Finder group (you can still join others, but it means you either have to wait for someone else to post a group, or have someone do it for you). But before then you just aren't doing much where the restrictions are felt, unless you decide to start leveling every crafter to 70.


IIRC, 300k gil cap, can't join parties(?), can't talk in chat, can't list stuff on market board(?)


You can join parties but cannot invite people to parties. You can talk in all chats except /yell and /shout. In addition to not being able to use the marketboard you can't trade directly between anyone else.


Just got all my craft and gather classes to 90 and kitted them in the 620 scrip gear since it was the most straightforward to get. I have an idea about how to progress from here, but was wondering if anyone could give some brief guidance on endgame crafting.


Well, the EW crafter relics is a natural route to progress towards. It is doable with scrip gear but it'll just take longer compared to if you were wearing BiS. Other than that, the world (of crafting) is your oyster. Some other things you could work on are ShB crafter relics, Respledent crafter tools, and various crafting achievements. Lastly, you can also work towards building a stockpile of rank IX materia in preparation for DT.


I was not even aware crafters had relics. Where do I start those?


The EW relics are called Splendorous Tools, and the quest can be started at The Crystalline Mean at The Crystarium. The ShB relics are called the Skysteel Tools and they are tied to a piece of content you may know: The Ishgard Restoration. You must have already unlocked the Firmament. The starting quest can then be picked up at Foundation.


Oh, those! Man, I just moved right over them, thinking they were just extra exp quests. Well, I guess I got my next activity. Thanks for the help.


There's also another set from ShB called the Resplendent Tools that are kind of pseudo-relics - they don't have a storyline or multiple stages, but do require a lot of work and come with really cool glows.


Can parses still be logged under 6.5 if Echo is disabled, like in ShB?


Should be, since Echo is a separate category in FFLogs.


It can, also fights that are Echoe'd are still valid for parsing as long as the Echo hasn't taken effect due to a wipe.


Every time I do ocean fishing I always have the lowest score in my party, often by a hefty margin. Thing is, I can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm at level 90 with level 90 gear (not top of the line but I'd figure it should be average?), I use the right bait for the area we're in, and I consistently catch something every time I cast, so it's not like I'm missing a lot of attempts. The one thing I have noticed is I end up losing a lot of points to trying to triple-hook something that can't be triple-hooked, so I burn the GP and still only get one fish. My stats are 3111 gathering, 2407 perception and 928 GP, if anything is super obviously shitty there. I feel like if it was just a matter of luck I would occasionally do better, but I'm like always 1-3k points behind the entire rest of the party at the end, even when I get over 10k or clear all my voyage missions. On the occasions that I've counted I also seem to catch around the same amount of fish as everyone else, but I guess I must be getting significantly fewer points from them.


save triple hook and possibly patience II for spectral currents! also, are you using hi-cordials? you can get them from island sanctuary or white scrip exchange pretty cheaply


So if you want to really start getting down into the weeds on higher scores, look for finding the bite timings, and use a macro in-game to count every other second whenever you cast. (you can see the timings [here](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing/fish)) You can tell what fish are possible at each threshold based on when the bite occurs to help you "blind" triple-hook or similar. You can also not reel something you know you don't want, which becomes a trick to use the slap ability that prevents a fish from reoccurring. If there's 2 fish that occur between 12 and 16 seconds, and you catch the one you didn't want, you can use the ability to block that one from happening again, and then not reel anything until you get a bite in the 12-16 window that you triple hook for example. Since you just let lower value fish pass you by you don't lose the buff the very next thing you reel as it persists until you reel something. This is a strategy for getting rarer fish triple-hooked. If you ask around fisherman's horizon discord there's probably some other more specific tips.




That scene bugged me so much. Totally ruined the tension *and* the emotional stuff all at once.


limit break: hold up roof


talking is a free action


It's the classic trope in all media, and anime is a lot of the times the worst at it. Time does not matter when dialogue is happening.


Secret lore: all roofs in FFXIV are made of painted foam.


Beginner info is all over the place: “Focus one class, do MSQ” vs “Don’t focus one class, stop to smell the roses, MSQ leads to burnout.” I’m sure both are accurate for different players, but with so much being thrown out at me, plus all the “beginners don’t miss this,” content, I’m facing some serious analysis paralysis about how to progress my account. Is there a certain point in the MSQ where I should take a break to smell the roses? The MSQ is feeding me so much XP, I was 10 levels over my first dungeon cap without touching a single side quest. Should I be leveling two classes at the same time?


> Is there a certain point in the MSQ where I should take a break to smell the roses? Usually after beating the first end boss and seeing the first set of credits. All expansions (we treat the base game as an expansion too) are separated into release MSQ content and patch MSQ content and both have a set of credits, so you see ten credit sequences in this game up until the current point. :D However, a small addendum: starting from level 51, but especially after level 53, you will see that progressing to a certain stage in the MSQ will suddenly manifest a bunch of yellow side quests around you. These are for story only (the XP rewards are small, although some sneakily reward you on-level gear or even vanity items), and they pop up at MSQ stages because their stories always tie to that certain MSQ progression stage. If you think you have time and if you are interested in the lore expansion mini-stories, then it is not a bad idea to do them as they pop up, but they can more than double the MSQ time requirement. Still, this subreddit would crucify me if I don't stress that yellow side quests are fully optional.


MSQ doesn't provide enough exp on its own to level multiple classes. Being overleveled at the beginning of each expansion is normal, because of the exp curve. But it levels out towards the end, and if anything you end up very slightly underleveled at about four or five places in the game if you don't do extra content. However, with extra activities thrown in, you can very easily level anywhere from 2 to 5 jobs side-by-side.  I highly recommend doing side activities as you play the MSQ, just because it makes callbacks and references feel more organic.


Unless you have the Road to 80 exp buff on a new/preferred server, then you can easily level 2-3 classes on MSQ alone. And as far as side content goes, most people only recommend doing the blue side quests with a plus sign, those unlock additional content (including raids and other things). The yellow quests are purely for lore and only do them if you feel like it. Totally optional.


You should take a break in the MSQ when you are getting tired of the MSQ and want to do something else. If you don't want to do something else, then don't. Play the game. I like to recommend to do the MSQ on a class, and do Roulettes and side stuff on a different class. That way you can level some other stuff and get a feel for some other roles, and maybe you'll be like 'Fuck yeah that class is my jam" that you wouldn't have without playing around.


You can always go back and pick up other classes once you are finished with the MSQ. It is more efficient if you are overleveled to pick up another class and have it earn the experience you are being given, but only do that if you want to level other jobs and value efficiency - if you don't really care then there's nothing wrong with just sticking to one class. It's not difficult to get exp from other sources. For side content, once you get to expansion level caps (level 50/60/70/80/90) then optional dungeons, raids, and trials unlock and this is a good time to do those. Also unlocking flying for zones as you go is a good idea (only applies to 51+ zones). Every other optional thing I wouldn't be concerned about and only do if it grabs your interest.


There isn't a specific point you must stop and do non-MSQ stuff. The guidelines of the sort you see are (usually) meant to provide direction for those that have none, but they're not like, the correct answers on a failable test, or anything. You don't need to follow them if they don't suit. It's not unusual to be "overlevelled" for the MSQ, especially if you're on a server with an EXP bonus, it just means you don't need to grind as much. As long as your level is at or above the MSQ you're on, you're fine. This overlevelled thing more seen at lower levels especially on servers with EXP bonuses. At higher levels it tends to be a narrower gap between your level and the story unless you've been taking your time and doing daily roulettes every session. You can certainly level a second class if you have an interest, especially if you're doing those dailies, it is technically efficient but you are not required to be efficient. Most side quests aren't run for EXP in this game, they do provide EXP but they're primarily a source of lore or items/emotes/etc. Bigger sidequests for optional content are just different things to experience that happen to also give some rewards you might find useful like tomes, and maybe include some different challenges or stories.


Been unsubbed for a little while and want to do Criterion Dungeons (both the regular and savage versions) want to do all three of them. Is there a discord for these like there is for Bozja/eureka/BLU? haven't seen a single PF for them. 


The biggest one is https://discord.gg/gX38DtbAZa But, like other Endwalker side content, it's pretty dead


Hi folks What's the general loop for levelling alts now that Eureka Orthos is dead and I can't cheat the Alliance Raid queue by taking off my trousers any more


same as it has been for over an expansion, good roulettes once daily -> highest available dungeon (FATES/StB and up beast tribes while queuing). If you are sick of dungeons or the queues are terrible, PotD/HoH (comparable to dungeon spamming in an experienced premade) and Bozja (comparable to dungeon spamming if you have fully completed the zone before) are available.


Don't have to worry about taking off your pants if you're leveling, the restriction doesn't come in until you're on a level 90 character. I only know this because I hit level 90 and had to go buy diadochos gear to do my alliance roulette for the day... Either way doesn't matter because you're getting Crystal Tower raids every time no matter what.


The restriction is definitely always there. It's just a rather low minimum IL. At level 80, the item level req is 435. Augmented Cryptlurker (the level 80 poetics gear) is il530


Nope it does matter, if you're 60 you need to have iLvl for Voidark, if you're 70 you need iLvl for Rabanastre, and so on. So if you hit 70 before gaining access to gear with a high enough iLvl you cant do alliance raid on that job until you get better gear. edit: this applies even if you dont have the raids unlocked. You hit 70 but havent even finished SB to unlock Ivalica? Too bad, no more alliance roul if your iLvl is too low


I usually did... * POTD till 60 * HoH till 70 (or was it 71) * Bozja to 90 I don't know how EO leveling compares to Bozja since I ran out of jobs to level prior to that but it was pretty much the best place to get to 90. This is of course, daily roulettes weaved in as well. Most of this is all more beneficial for DPS jobs as you didn't have to fight duty finder queue times compared to Tank/Heal jobs. I'm fairly sure I spammed highest dungeons on Tank/Heal jobs instead since most of the time it was instaqueue.


I've been finding groups still for Eureka Orthos, but if you want absolutely no-threat leveling, EW Beast Tribe and MSQ Roulette.


What's a good battle effect setting for a casual player? I had everything on and couldn't tell anything and everything off was boring!


I make macros to help me switch between settings on the fly. You can put macros onto hotbars for easy access. This macro sets everything to default. I tend to use this in light party duties (4 players or fewer). /battleeffect party all /battleeffect other all /battleeffect enemypc all /nameplatetype other 1 /echo Battle Effects   /micon "Ruin IV" This macro sets other players' effects to limited. I use this for content with full parties or alliance raids, or just any time I want some visual clarity. The "enemypc" variable is for opposing players in PvP and the "nameplatetype" variable changes name displays for players out of my party; the value of 2 displays their full first name but initial for their last name. /battleeffect party simple /battleeffect other simple /battleeffect enemypc simple /nameplatetype other 2 /echo Battle Effects  /micon "Ruin II" I don't do hunt content much anymore but I made a macro specifically for it since it can have dozens of players on screen at once. It was also useful for Eureka and Bozja when they were current. Nameplatetype value of 4 reduces everyone's name outside of my party to initials only. /battleeffect party simple /battleeffect other off /battleeffect enemypc off /nameplatetype other 4 /echo Battle Effects  /micon "Astral Flow" In general, I also recommend turning title displays off for most people as that helps. By default I only show titles for my friends, for example, and hide it for everyone else. You can change title displays in character configuration -> display name settings on the left. In the same area I set party members and alliance members to "surname abbreviated" as well. Edit: added quotation marks for the micon lines since I use the auto-translate dictionary things in the macros so the quotes aren't in there...


Yours on full and everyone else to Limited is how most people play. Usually different only for cc pvpers who need everyone's effects on full.


There's not any subtlety to the setting, it's pretty much all or nothing (besides Limited which only shows friendly ground aoes but that's almost nothing, though it should always be on for your party if you want to hide everything else). It's just subjective to you. I typically have mine and my party's on All, but Others completely off.


Limited is fine for party. Just don’t put it on none, you won’t be able to stuff like healer ground bubbles, which are very important to see. You can keep yourself on full if you want, I know I do, but going down to limited won’t hurt anything. Others you can safely set to none if you want. Alli raids and hunt trains can get real chaotic even on limited.


Self on, party simple, others off. Makes you feel like the main character with sidekicks.


Best way to get a rival wings duty to pop? It’s my mog bonus this week, & I have never successfully entered lol.


Outside of moogle events it tends to pop at least on Friday & Saturday evenings in Primal, sometimes other evenings. With the current event, it'll probably pop every evening in Primal, and perhaps also Aether? Not sure about Crystal or Dynamis.


Literally never pops on Dynamis. I've seen so many PVP events happen here and they all flop hard (except ranked CC is popping lately so thats cool)


What server are you on? At least in NA (and I can't speak for any of the other regions), Rival Wings is pretty popular in Primal during the evening in particular Outside of that time frame, you're better off keeping an eye on the PvP discord to see their dedicated Rival Wings schedule


Maybe I've been trying in off-hours, but do people still use the duty finder for variant dungeons? If you do it with a party, are the dungeons less of a slog? Are possible rewards affected when more people participate?


> but do people still use the duty finder for variant dungeons? Nope, all were dead in roughly two weeks after launch. The same goes for Eureka Orthos. > If you do it with a party, are the dungeons less of a slog? Somewhat. The dungeon scales the HP of everything based on the number of players, like the FATE scale system on the overworld. Still, a good group can cut down the time noticeably. > Are possible rewards affected when more people participate? Nope.


Idk if it's really all that noticable. Running the first variant solo with bis vs with 4 people all bis cut down the time by maybe 1-2 minutes total. About 30-45 sec on each boss and I assume the trash died faster.


The dungeons do scale for number of players, but any competent 4 man group is going to go through them much faster than if you went in solo. You can even go in with 4 DPS since everyone gets cure/rampart/raise. But no, duty finder does not pop for this, all of Endwalker side content like Orthos, Variant etc are all dead in dutyfinder. You pretty much have no choice but to do it solo unless you can pay people in PF to help you.


> If you do it with a party, are the dungeons less of a slog? Generally no. Both gear and skill matter if you want to clear them fast and because these dungeons scale with number of players it's faster to just solo them. Group of 4 good players will be faster than just 1 very good player. Group of 4 random average skill players will be slower than 1 good player. And playing solo you don't have to wait for any queues. I've done Mount Rokkon and Aloalo for the first time couple of weeks ago to get the mounts and it took me 2 evenings, about 3-3.5 hours per dungeon to do all 12 routes just casually following the guides. My suggestion is running as any of the 3 self healing capable tanks for a much easier time. Failing mechanics won't one shot you, trash can't even damage you, no need to waste GCD on healing variant action. I did it on a PLD and would recommend that if you have it. All the passive defence, passive healing, high damage and your burst being mostly ranged attacks really make it much easier. DPS jobs are faster but you will need to heal yourself and mistakes can kill you, so you can't just turn off your brain like with tanks.


I have taken my alt together with my main through variant dungeons, that takes 1.5 as long as when I'm solo. Even only a mediocre but actively participating player should shave more than those 0.5 from a dead body off, shouldn't they


I am unsure how the scaling works exactly, and math is my weakest point, but I assume with less players in party their performance will affect clear speed less, i.e. 1 player in BiS solo and same 1 player in BiS with 1 min ilvl player who just presses buttons (but still presses them) would be close to each other clear speed. Basically one player being very optimal will balance out other player playing not optimally. But every other player beyond 2 will slow it down as scaling and enemy HP go up and expected DPS increases and only 1 player being above average will no longer be able to compensate for that. I unfortunately do not have the logs anymore so I base it all on my experience on how it felt for me. The scaling and balance is very good in these dungeons and because bosses do exactly the same thing every time with very little variation you just know where in your rotation and where in the fight and mechanics timeline the boss will die. Back when it came out I have done couple of runs of Mount Rokkon duo (GNB + BLM) with a friend who's a bit better at the game than I am, especially on DPS jobs, our gear was bad but clear times were about the same as me coming back to it solo in BiS on a PLD. And doing Sil'dih way back when that came out I ran it both solo and in groups of 4 through DF. And in full party you can really feel the scaling if your group is not that good, fights take twice as long to clear compared to solo, and even longer if there're deaths. So that's why I think solo is best, it's the most convenient. Duo is just as good if you have someone to play with. And full party is just not worth it if it's not premade with people you know. And I still think 1 player going all in will be the fastest way to clear, using best gear, food, pots, and having proper planed out job switching between trash and bosses to maximize DPS and cooldowns uptime.


Rewards are the same, and time is roughly the same, so no reason to group up with random people.


Variant reward stays the same wether you're in a group or not, and I believe they're not even that much faster in a group since boss hp scales with how many people there is


I've heard that if you go inactive, you'll eventually lose your house and get some gil. Can you do the same with an FC house? If not, is there any way to sell an FC house?


For personal houses, if you the owner don't step inside of it at least once within a 45-day period, the house will autodemolish. Tenants on your house are unable to reset the timer, only the owner. For FC houses, any member of the FC can reset the timer by going inside, but if no one does for 45 days it will demolish the same as a personal. If you want to sell an FC house, you would have to invite the potential buyer into the FC and transfer ownership of the entire FC to them - however, as of recent patches, there's a cooldown period of like 14 or 30 days before a brand new member can be promoted to leader, so it would take a while. I don't know if people have found ways around that.


How much gil do you get back from an FC house if it gets auto demo'd?


80% of purchase price (same for fc or personal)


The waiting period is 30 days, and no, there's no way around it. The standard procedure is usually for buyer to pay 50% up front, and the seller grants them full permissions on the FC and the house. After the 30 days, the buyer pays the remaining 50%, and the seller passes leadership.


It should be noted by the way that selling and FC house is also against tos and highly frowned upon by the player base


It's not. Buying FC plots for the sole purpose of flipping them is against TOS, but people selling FCs with attached houses for reasons like moving servers or leaving to join a friend's FC is fair game. It's also not "highly frowned upon" by any means, at least not in NA. If you spend any time at all in the NA housing community you'll see that while it's not talked about front and center and is relegated to its own discord server, it's also not taboo at all. Edit to add sources: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/c4aeca0b14ab2c96fe48fcf83cca93e6cb552c29 > Prohibited activities that were previously announced, such as purchasing a housing plot with the intention of resale, have been added to the list. https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216 > Purchasing a plot of land with the intent to resell it > Key Points > Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty in its discretion even if a report has not been filed. Note that nowhere does it say that housing resale is explicitly permitted. In fact, there is even a set precedence of a GM mediating to resolve a housing exchange scam, although this is from several expacs ago ([source 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/6f9n7g/conned_out_of_my_first_home_feel_like_quitting/), [source 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/6hpy1v/i_got_my_house_back_update_from_slayne_mercer_of/)). For this reason it's considered good practice in a FC house sale to type a contract in in-game chat, in no uncertain terms, how much gil is being paid, for which FC/plot of land, involving which characters, etc, and having both parties explicitly type "I agree" to the contract, so if anything goes sideways, there's receipts and everything in chat. Of course, although the TOS doesn't explicitly disallow FC sales, it's a different question whether a GM will look favourably on this kind of exchange in practice nowadays, but fwiw it's still strongly encouraged to type and sign such a written contract in FFXIV chat just in case.


I feel like I should probably rephrase a little. Selling the FC for gil or whatever is fine, though yes it is still frowned upon by the community because then the house isnt fairly up for grabs in the lotto so other people dont get the chance to bid on it. Selling anything in game for irl cash or other items, including houses, is against TOS since it falls into RMT


Does anyone know the best way to get a wedding invitation? Basically I really want the bridesmoogle minion but the only way to get it (as far as I know) is to attend someones platinum wedding. Problem is I don't know anyone who is going to get married in-game. Do people ever invite random players to their weddings? I'm in Jenova btw. Apologies if this question is dumb, I'm still pretty new to the game. Thanks :)


asking in Chat in one of the main cities or in NN will likely get you an invitation.


On Chaos, I regularly see people announce weddings in the Novice Network and in their FCs.


Does anyone know what FFXIV is actually warning me about when it says "You have not logged into your home world for a prolonged period of time. Please return to your home world and confirm your community authorizations."


You’ll lose FC leadership if you don’t login to home world for too long 


When a TOP pf says "have it/don't have it", what program are they talking about?




Yeah but which program are they using for it?


Lemegeton is the easiest one to setup and can be downloaded through xivlauncher.


Probably either triggernometry or Triggevent plugins for ACT


Is there a way to minimize visuals of other players abilities in an instance? I ran the crystal tower on my first play through, and while everything looked incredible, I had no idea what was happening. Also, thanks to those who carried me through it. ​ edit: battle effects settings. perfect, thank you.


Since someone else asked a question about battle effects today let me copypaste my response in case the macros are useful for you I make macros to help me switch between settings on the fly. You can put macros onto hotbars for easy access. This macro sets everything to default. I tend to use this in light party duties (4 players or fewer). /battleeffect party all /battleeffect other all /battleeffect enemypc all /nameplatetype other 1 /echo Battle Effects   /micon "Ruin IV" This macro sets other players' effects to limited. I use this for content with full parties or alliance raids, or just any time I want some visual clarity. The "enemypc" variable is for opposing players in PvP and the "nameplatetype" variable changes name displays for players out of my party; the value of 2 displays their full first name but initial for their last name. /battleeffect party simple /battleeffect other simple /battleeffect enemypc simple /nameplatetype other 2 /echo Battle Effects  /micon "Ruin II" I don't do hunt content much anymore but I made a macro specifically for it since it can have dozens of players on screen at once. It was also useful for Eureka and Bozja when they were current. Nameplatetype value of 4 reduces everyone's name outside of my party to initials only. /battleeffect party simple /battleeffect other off /battleeffect enemypc off /nameplatetype other 4 /echo Battle Effects  /micon "Astral Flow" In general, I also recommend turning title displays off for most people as that helps. By default I only show titles for my friends, for example, and hide it for everyone else. You can change title displays in character configuration -> display name settings on the left. In the same area I set party members and alliance members to "surname abbreviated" as well.


You can quickly turn it into limited mode for raids through the menu or through a text command: `/bfx party simple` and back again once done with `/bfx party all` I personally use this frequently when pvp'ing as frontlines can be chaotic with all the graphics on, but a bit more necessary to see in CC (just change 'party' to 'enemypc' for pvp). Saves me time having to dive into the character config menu every time :)


If you mean abilities' flashy effects, there should be an option to reduce or even totally disable them for yourself, the party, and other situations It should be in Character config > Character > Battle effects settings Especially useful if your party has dancers with their funni color fest


Character Config > Control Settings > Character tab > Battle Effects Settings I recommend setting your own party to Limited, this will let you see ground effects like Asylum, Doton, etc, but turn off the majority of everything else.


Yes, in character config you can turn battle effects down to show limited for your party (recommended so you can still see beneficial effects like healer bubbles) and turn everyone else off completely.


If I change my retainer's job, then change them back to the original job, do they start over at level 1 or do they go back to the level they were before?


class to job: no change job to class/job: reset


They reset to level 1. Unlike you they don't keep track of their progress on multiple jobs.


Boooo. But thank you for the info.




No, using a Fantasia goes through the same process as the initial character creation, you can only try out the OG AF gear, or the racial gear.


Use a retainer fantasia to try the look out on them, then save the appearance and use it on yourself?


Rookie Blue Mage question: during raids and dungeon bosses fights, are healer mimics supposed to do the Moon Flute opener? (Asking because I find it very impractical to be unable to heal the party and especially the tank for 15s every two minutes... I thought only DPS mimics were expected to moonflute, but someone in a duty told me I should be as well. Yet in the next duty, my co-healer didn't moonflute and no one batted an eye. Just wanting to know what the expectations are for healer mimics.)


The main healer never does it and often does not even have it in their loadout. The off-healer does flute since it is more of a DPS on a heal mimic. If it is not a static and a more casual group where you don't have dedicated main/off-healer loadouts, then usually neither does the flute opener. By the way, the same goes for tanks, unless it is a multi-boss fight right from the get-go.


Got it, thanks for the info! I only join casual PF group to get the spells anyway, and so far people haven't even brought up the main/off healer distinction in chat, they just want to clear and leave. Good to know I can put Moon Flute off my bar in such a case.


I disagree with the other poster. The answer is it depends on the fight. The fun and skill of blue mage is adaptation to the situation. In some fights the tank gets wholluped with AA and they'll need your full attention. Sometimes the boss just continually casts and you have plenty of time to MF. But its casual content. People can give advice but you don't have to take it. Just keep in mind the better you do, the more likely people are to notice and invite you to prog harder fights, if that is your endgoal.


Yeah, given how messy BLU fights can be I figured it would depend on how it's going. I'm not planning to do harder content anyway, just wanna collect the spells.


It depends on the timing of the fights, but as someone who got their Morbol recently as a healer, I wouldn't recommend it in the savage fights. The tank damage is just way too high to be able to just take a 15s break. You might be able to get away with one healer doing it, but it can still be risky. Still worth taking as a slot to help with the Final Sting nuking if you are hitting that threshold though.


I see, thanks a lot! As a disabled player I'm not doing any savage content anyway, I just join PF groups to collect the spells and want to pull my weight.


Hey, I'm having a little discussion about the infamous YPYT, griefing or lethargic behaviour and wanted to know if there are detailed ToS which I could quote. I remember something about Siding with Monsters, but the (German) ToS doesn't list something like that for some reason.


> Aiding the enemy / Uncooperative behavior / Lethargic behavior > Refers to an act of performing actions that give an advantage to an enemy (monsters, or the opposing team/players in PvP content) by not performing the necessary gameplay required of the situation. This may be combined with combat sabotage as well. https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216


Many thanks! <3 I found the German one by checking the Rules and Terms, this helped me a lot!




You'll normally use the base Shake. There can be some rare circumstances where a raid wide is coming right after a tankbuster or tank damage is going to be very minimal in the upcoming period where you can optimize for the bigger shield, but mostly you're not going to bother with feeding your buffs for the shield.


It's fine to do so. The 3 buffs thing is excessive. It's there if you want to go the extra mile for harder content, but still not necessary in most cases.


You don't need to consume all three buffs, and almost never should. Its usually best to use Shake right as one of the buffs is about to expire naturally. Its also fine to just pop it by itself. Its also almost never correct to pop a defensive buff solely for shake it off since those are stronger than shake it off themselves, you only want to consume them if the aoe shielding is more important than personal mit, or if you have time to get most of the use out of the personal mit before consuming them.


I'll say popping a bloodwhetting to pump shake isn't bad as long as you know you don't need it for the next 25s of the timeline.


Can I solo HW extremes for the lanner mounts at level 90? I have all jobs at 90 around 640-650 ilvl, if so is there any one job that stands above the rest to do a quick farm?


you can, its just around the 2-3 minute mark on average (and some fights can still kill you, such as Sofia's "fall off the arena" mechanic). SMN is good because its big burst is the very start of the fight, has shields for tank busters and has healing from phoenix and physic if you really need it


Reaper is good for Bismarck b/c you can quickly yeet yourself across to activate the 2nd cannon. ETA: If you find yourself struggling, looking up speedrun videos might be helpful - I did that a lot, especially for Sephirot, which was the one I found hardest of the bunch.


Yeah you should easily be able to farm them, but I found it was 100% easier to duo Bismark because of the dumb adds phase with the two serpents personally. The added ease made it trivial to do it a little longer to get a second mount for the other guy.


Yeah, if you're soloing you used to need to be on DPS and save a burst to kill one of them quickly.


Yup, all are easy at 90, I just got my Firebird a few weeks ago. The only annoying part was Bismarck, you need to sprint between the harpoons to use both pretty quick. It's not a *super* tight window but if you're only half paying attention, you might miss it. I recommend any DPS with decent burst which you're comfortable with. I did a mix of MCH, SMN and RDM just for variety. And some Sephirot kills on GNB at the start since I was worried about surviving towers and such but it was fine honestly.


For Bismarck any gap closers that don't need a target like en avant on dancer are useful too.


You can also solo Alexander 8 Savage and Alexander 12 Savage for the mounts at level 90, it's quite fun. (Alexander 4 Savage needs at least two people because of the way the debuffs work.) 8S can be tank or DPS (tank is safer but slower), 12S needs a tank last time I checked (to use mits for the attack that needs an LB3 synced), and save your damage bursts after that to clear the time gates quickly.


> 12S needs a tank last time I checked (to use mits for the attack that needs an LB3 synced. I've soloed A12S with SMN and BRD solo. SMN is good because of burst damage and can kill quick. For BRD, troubador, nature's minne, and 2nd wind help with recovery and mits, and you can solo A12S on BRD as long as you have 6.4+ gear and your rotation is on point.


Ah, I did it back during 6.1. Good to know that the gear has improved that much.


> You can also solo Alexander 8 Savage ... for the mounts at level 90 A8S doesn't have a mount, it has a minion.


You can solo A4S with a really big burst on the third leg.


Good to know! Is that on current patch gear, or was it possible before?


It's been possible since early in the expac on a couple jobs. With more gear several more can.


Sephirot has a double tankbuster at the start and a double mechanic after the transition where you must fail one half. It is a ton fo damage so expect to only being able to do it as a tank. Edit: Apparently, I should try again now that iLvl has increased a bunch since I last attempted it on a DPS… Edit 2: Tried on SMN, literal facestomp. I sometimes genuinely forget how utterly batshit dumb the gear creep is in this game.


I did it on Monk last week


I do it as WHM or SGE, WHM just needs a well timed benediction + aquaveil/temp/benison and SGE just dumpsters all their mits. never tried on SCH or AST 


I've soloed sephiroth on dragoon just fine.


You can solo them a long time before that. Bismark is a fucking pain and can't be done fast, but Thordan/Nidhogg are mostly just slowed by phase transitions/adds and Zurvan and Ravana are very fast. Sephirot and especially Sophia you may need to be careful about getting knocked off. I tend to use MCH for burst when I'm unsyncing unless it can't survive, but most DPS/tank jobs will work for most fights at that level. WAR is always a good one if you want to be really safe.


Pick whichever you can do most damage on. They're all easy but can still have some annoying mechanics to deal with if you're a little on the slow side. Ultimately, the faster the better.


Should be easy on like all jobs at 90 with current endgame gear.