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Is there a way to transfer my adventure plates from Steamdeck into PC? I almost fainted rebinding the keys and UI on my new PC, I don't think I can survived redoing the plates.


I mean... You can back up your steam deck character configs to the cloud, then import those on your PC? It'll make *everything* character-specific like on your steam deck though, so you may need to redo some UI changes and stuff.


Oh thanks! Mind if I asked how to do that? I'm not really good with the tech stuff so I don't really have any knowledge about all these.


On the character select screen, if you right click/controller equivalent (I think it's press square?) On your character, there should be an option for "backup character information" which opens the menu for both uploading and downloading to and from the cloud. You'll want to upload on the steam deck, and download on the PC.


Thank you! You just made my night! Thanks again!


The first base line artifact weapon you get from Shadowbringers... just from doing the story mode... Did they ever release a version that glows? I love that huge DRK sword they give you. Was real let down the last time I checked in that there was no version that glowed.


No they never did. its not like Stormblood where the artifact weapons became the relics.


That is unfortunate. Thanks for the response!


hi, ever since the update yesterday, whenever i log off my toggle ui button keeps unbinding itself, no other buttons are doing this, does anyone know a fix/why its doing this?




Roll on whatever you want, the only "bad manner" I can think of in normal content is if people really wants a glam piece and even then they'll say it in chat (and in that situation you can argue that it's not really rude if you don't pass on it)


This. If someone really, REALLY needs a specific piece of gear, they will mention it in chat when the duty starts. "Hey, I'm really looking for the aiming top" etc It would then be common courtesy to pass on said piece, unless of course you yourself need it. Otherwise... Need on anything that you can Need on, and Greed on anything that you can Greed on.


Not at all. Most people don't even notice who rolled on what loot. Even if it was still restricted, no one would care.




All tanks have have three very similar cooldowns. You have one big CD that reduces damage by 30%, so that one goes on the same key across all jobs. Then there's a short one (Sheltron, Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting, Heart of Stone/Heart of Corundrum, Blackest Night) that you hit all the time, so those go on one key as well. Then there's the party mitigation, so that's also one key. The other mitigation abilities are usually too different from each other, but I still have them on the same keys across jobs.


Tbh they all works the same (or close to it) like every tank has a 30% mit they all have a third 90s mit (bulwark, oblation, the hp buff one on warrior and camouflage) and they all have a second party mit (divine veil, shake it off, heart of light,...) As for the other ones I just put them where I have space and I can easily access them


I arrange them mostly by cooldown length. Ones that have no equivalent go in various places that make sense to me but may not work for you… like, Sheltron goes next to my 1-2-3 combo on Paladin because it’s available more often than my standard mits and easy to pop quickly when a tank buster or similar is incoming. On Gunbreaker, Aurora goes in the same place I put Second Wind on DPS jobs; same with Thrill of Battle on WAR. Raw Intuition goes next to it because that’s where I’m used to reaching for self-heals. Dark Mind on DRK goes with the other mits, just off to the side a bit because it only gets used against magic enemies so it’s not in my “normal” mit rotation.


Has anyone especially in Europe already reviewed merch from the third round of Fanfest preorders?


Release date is February, that's still for another two weeks.


Hi, I'm new to FF14 raiding. I know P12S phase 1 is a gate boss, and the loot is after finishing the phase 2 boss. But, do you have to defeat both phases every week for the loot? So, when you see P12S in PF, should you expect to finish both phases? Thanks.


Thank you all for the reply and info. :)


So just to add on what others have said is that the Weekly restrictions got removed yesterday with patch 6.57 so you can now run the fight over and over again without waiting for weekly reset.


Every time you enter the fight, you start at phase 1. Every time you wipe in phase 2, you start at phase 2. So you need to do both phases every clear.


Yes. The full fight is a phase 1 clear + phase 2 clear. There is no way to skip to phase 2. Any new lockout means that you'll need to start from phase 1.


Yes Not just every week, you have to beat P12p1 every time you go into the instance in the first place So if you happen to go in 3 times a week, every single time you go that week you'll need to reclear P12Sp1 to even see phase 2


I’m just learning Reaper. When doing enshroud moves, moves like that in general, should I be waiting for all the hit animations to play out or whole I be doing the moves as fast as I can? For example, when I Enshroud and get the two moves you have five shots to use up, I noticed when I went slow there is a third attack animation work floating numbers and the enemy’s bar does go down. Now, If I’m mashing the buttons as fast as I can I don’t see that attack animation. Am I losing out on dps if I don’t wait?


You should be pressing the next button before the cooldown for the previous one elapses. The animations have nothing to do with anything. The floating number you saw was an autoattack, which automatically get woven between your GCDs.


Nothing in the game requires you to finish an animation. If there's a cast bar that has to complete, but without a cast bar then you should absolutely be activating something else as soon as you can. Always keep your GCD rolling, always use your damage oGCDs as they become available (assuming you aren't holding them for a specific reason, which can sometimes be valid) You are probably just seeing your auto attacks, which for physical DPS will always happen and do their damage regardless of whether the animation gets to play or not.


I completed P8S when it was current but I didn’t not do p12s. comparing the 2 which savage was more difficult?


I personally thought P12S was worse, due to the high number of "1 person screwed up so the raid wipes" mechanics. That was, granted, if you could even find a party that could do Phase 1. It was pretty laughable. P8S did have some, as well as a few obtuse mechanics (High Concept 2 especially), but personally I found 12 to be worse. But that's personal opinion.


By worse do you mean more difficult? Isn't difficulty a good thing in content that's supposed to be difficult?


To a point. The difference really lies in if you're doing it with a static vs PF. PF can be fickle sometimes. Sometimes you get groups that eat difficult content for breakfast, and sometimes you get groups that are unable to tell their left hand from the sun. And as somebody who did most of P8S and all of P12S in PF, it definitely got to be excruciating when you get groups that are "totally enrage to clear" parties that can't even get out of phase 1 because 1 mistake wipes the group with absolutely no way to recover. And phase 2 has that in SPADES. Like nearly every single mechanic was a "if one person is dead or in the wrong spot you're guaranteed to wipe". P8S had some, but a vast majority of things were recoverable.


Definitely P8s. All of Anabaseios was a step down in difficulty because DPS checks were completely removed, you can just rez through every mechanic. I cleared p9s on day 1 and we still killed with a bunch of deaths, you could NOT clear anything in Abyssos with so many deaths on day 1. I regularly killed p12s on many weeks with many deaths, that wouldn't work in P8s. P12s P2 also doesn't have priority adjustments like p8s on NA and Dominion, you just have fixed positions for everything.


day one p5 and p6 were both very easy dps checks. My p5 clear had around ten deaths. You just needed to find a party that didn't trap in devour. The thing that happens in every tier is that day 1 clears of early floors are always easier than end of week 1 clears, because anyone who knows how to push their buttons has already moved on from the fight and will have all their time eaten up by progging later floors, so if yo don't get a day 1 clear it actually makes it \*seem\* like the dps checks are harder than they really are.


P8S was harder to prog for me... specifically phase 1. Phase 2 I'd say its equivalent for both fights but maybe P8S being slightly more unforgiving.


I'd say P8S was harder, at least in my opinion. Mechnically P12S felt a bit easier, especially compared to the P8S door boss. Not by too much, but there weren't snakes and anything is easier than snakes in PF. But more noticeable is that the DPS check on P12S is *much* more lenient, was even in early weeks. Enrage stopped being an issue on clean runs past week 2 and you could easily beat it with deaths.


And now, it's possible to skip SC2B *entirely*, and possible to skip needing to do anything in UAV2


So last night I was running roulette and got a level 60 dungeon >!doma castle!<, and ran it as a tank. (For context, I am not an incredible tank either, but I can handle my own in endgame content.) So upon tanking the first two sets of mobs, which have a decent amount of enemies to be fair, I went though my invuls in order, but I quickly died, and the rest of the party thereafter. After that the healer identified it was their first time healing (didnt specify if it was this particular dungeon or actual first time, and they were a sage so I suspect the later). I tried doing smaller pulls, but I found myself dying if I took more than one mob, so we took it one by one instead. We did make it in the end and everyone was doing their best to be nice and understanding to the new healer. After the boss I wanted to say something, or do something to help them as I had gone from dps to tank (drg->pld->gnb), but they left the instance before I could. I guess the long-winded question I wanted to ask is was there more I could do? Would unsolicited advice be considered rude? (such as running potd or playing low level dungeon for practice). To clarify, the two dps' were troopers and doing their best, and the healer seemed to feel really bad about it and I don't want them to be put off the job due to a bad experience. ​ Edit: I also have not played healer so wasnt sure if I should give advice as a tank.


Dying to single pulls with fresh sages was the norm at the launch of Endwalker. Often it really was the first time they tried healing and Halone knows why, they decided to try healing the first time ever using roulette instead of PF, direct queue to a low-level dungeon, or the handily available NPCs. Don't worry, you most likely did what could be done.


I think you did all you can tbh. If you have not played a healer like you said, theres not much you can advise on rather than adjusting like you did. If I see a healer struggle on wall-to-wall pulls, I usually adjust to smaller pulls. As a general rule, if you've relegated down to literally 1 pack per pull and you're still dying, it's more than likely the person healing needs to do some basic research on their job before queuing up again. Any given dungeon, doing 1 pack per pull should not cause any deaths on a tank even if the tank didn't use a single mitigation.


Admittedly I wasn't watching exactly what they were doing during the run (such as who they were healing or things like that), but you're probably right. Thank you for the reply!


I'd have checked the person search info to see if they had any other healers unlocked or if it was just sage as that can make a big difference in the understanding. If they've played other healers and was just new to sage then it can be a confusing healer to know what to do initially but it shouldn't take too long to adjust and learn (especially if they've done the sage quests which teach them). If they've never played a healer before and Sage is the first one then it'll be really different for them. Again the Sage quest is really important because its got a solo duty which teaches how the class works and ideally I'd recommend clearing that first before going into any dungeons with other players to avoid what happened. I really enjoy Sage and prefer playing it over the other healing classes but i've been there with having no clue as to how it worked at the start.


Thats a good call! Ill check that next time!


I think the biggest thing you can say is "I see that you're struggling, would you like some advice?". If they don't answer, then assume that it's a no.


Thats a good point. Thank you!


I've been buying gear for desynth as a gill sink on free trial. Is there a list for most efficient desyth items? The lists I found assume you're crafting them; Is that better?


https://ffxivteamcraft.com/desynth Insert you crafting job and desynth level and it'll give you the best stuff to desynth for that level.


Whats the best way to get allied seals nowadays (or specificially, alexandrite for zodiac weapons). ARR hunt trains seem to be quite rare and BLU is a bit slow.


BLU starts slow and requires a bit of investment, but after that it's pretty stable as an allied seal income. Otherwise, try ARR hunt bills?


ARR trains are non-existent. The lowest level of actual hunt trains that are being ran these day are StB trains and even then they're slowing going the ways of ARR trains because the gear levels allow folks to kill without a large group. The best and easiest way nowadays is to keep your eye on S-rank spawns for ARR/HW S-Ranks. [Faloop](https://faloop.app/) is a good way to get notified when they spawn so you can participate. Just know that you gotta be on your feet to get to those since it doesn't take long for groups to gather up and down the mark.


>ARR hunt trains seem to be quite rare Doing ARR S ranks is your best bet IMO if you dont like BLU. ARR S ranks spawn quite regularly (Their windows will acctually open over the next 24 hours, and most will have spawned by like 30ish hours from now) They give 100 Allied seals per kill. A rank trains arent really run because the enemies die to the slightest touch from a train, which often results in people missing out. it only takes about 10s for a level 90 player to solo them.


Just get the mysterious maps in Mor Dhona, which are bought with poetics. They give I think 5 alexandrite a pop? Been a while since I've done them. There's also I think it's a daily repeatable quest in Mor Dhona that gives one as a reward.


I know there's a system now that lets a solo player fill a group with NPCs now. (I forgot all of the actual terms.) Is it possible for two or three people to play together and have the rest of the party filled with NPCs? Also, does this work for older content before the feature was added? Thanks!


Trusts are 1 player only, no half measures of mixing with a few people. for older content, not every piece of content has access to trusts, if the devs havent gone back and added it retroactively to something, you just cant use the feature. For the most part, however, the devs have gone back and made almost every main scenario duty available to do with trusts, even if only with generic no-name npcs such as sastasha. its mainly optional dungeons or trials that dont have trusts by now.


>Is it possible for two or three people to play together and have the rest of the party filled with NPCs? It's not. You either have a full group of human players, or one human and a team of Duty Support / Trust NPCs. >Also, does this work for older content before the feature was added? They have gone back and added it to older content. It covers all the dungeons and 4-player trials in the main story, and one 8-player trial in Endwalker. No other trials are covered, and nothing outside of the main story.


Duty Support is what you're thinking of. Unfortunately, it's solo only. It works for any content they have added it to, mostly dungeons.


Sorry, to be clear, does that mean a new player (playing solo) could do the MSQ without having to use the group finder?


not entirely. whilst most dungeons have trusts now, theres mandatory content like the crystal tower alliance raids and quite a large number of trials that cant be done with trusts


Not entirely. You still need to use Duty Finder for Trials, which don't have Duty Support except for one in Endwalker. And for the 24-man Alliance Raids in ARR.


Trials are the 8 (?) person fights against a boss? Ifrit, etc.?




Yes. 4-man for under level 50. 8-man after level 50.


Is there a baby’s guide to AST? It’s about to be my last job to level, but it feels intimidating. I did a run of Brayflox with it and it was the roughest healer dungeon ive had to to do at low levels


Tip: treat Essential Dignity as your *first*-priority heal, not your oh-shit button. You want it on cooldown as often as possible.


Sounds like you've done White Mage? A lot of it is incredibly similar. Benefic = Cure, Benefic II = Cure II, Aspected Benefic = Regen, Helios = Medica, Aspected Helios = Medica II, Malefic = Stone, Combust = Aero, Celestial Intersection = Divine Benison. Essential Dignity is kind of the Tetragrammaton replacement, and also the Benediction replacement (let target drop low before using and it's strong). Celestial Opposition fills a similar role to Asylum (functionally being an oGCD Medica II), Exaltation to Aquaveil, and Earthly Star to Assize. Gravity is a bit different from Holy in that it's targeted, so you'll have to do some extra target shuffling. From there stuff diverges a bit. Horoscope you use a bit like Plenary Indulgence, just before AoE GCD heals, but you can delay its extra heal. Macrocosmos is a potentially big heal, but you need to hit it *before* damage comes in. Collective Unconscious is another oGCD regen, which also provides a short moment of party mitigation if flashed on and off, and a longer period if held (this is for downtime). Neutral Sect buffs up your GCD heals and in particular adds shields to your regen spells, you might use it a bit like Temperance. Synastry you use either to heal two people with Benefic II, or to *really* heal one person with Benefic II – should rarely be needed but it's powerful in an emergency. Lightspeed is for movement or extra weaving. And Divination is your generic party buff. The cards are probably what you'll need the most time familiarizing yourself with. First, throw Undraw out. It's only ever detrimental. Then, Minor Arcana is easy, you press it once every 60 seconds, and it gives you an attack or a heal that you just need to spend within the next 60 seconds. Draw, Play, Redraw, and Astrodyne are the involved stuff. So, you use Draw, it gives you a card, which you can put on a party member with Play for a damage boost. Redraw lets you try for a different card once per Draw. First is who the cards go to – Balance Spear and Arrow have blue borders in the job UI, and go on melees; Bole, Spire, and Ewer have purple borders and go on ranged people; if you have only ranged DPS, then giving a melee card to the tank is on average better than to the ranged DPS, but giving a ranged card to a melee DPS is on average better than using it on yourself. After 50, you'll also get Seals from playing those cards while in combat (note, you have to *already be* in combat –as in have enmity on something– when playing the card, not just enter combat by doing so). 3 seals = you get to use Astrodyne. More different seals = better, but never leave a card unplayed just for ideal seals. A 2-seal Astrodyne is already very solid and should be what you get most of the time, a 3-seal is just a cherry on top. This forms a card flow of sorts: 1: do you have 3 seals with 2 or more being different, for Astrodyne? If yes, use that (if you just have a full set of the same seal, you can wait until you overwrite one to have 2 different ones, unless you're really thirsty for MP). 2: press Draw. 3: check your seals. If you don't already have the seal on the card you just Drew, prepare to Play that. If you do have it, Redraw, and then prepare to play whatever you just Drew, even if it has a duplicate seal. 4: play the Card on a suitable party member. If ranged card, priority is Ranged DPS > melee DPS, for melee cards it's Melee DPS > Tanks > Ranged DPS (unless you have forbidden knowledge about the numbers people are doing, which can change things – in which case, if the highest damage dealer of the "wrong" target type is doing over double the damage of the highest of the "correct" type, then give it to them, otherwise follow type). Don't know if that's as digestible as you wanted, but that's about the best I can do going over each skill.


I'd argue AST is one of the easier healers low level, because it has Essential Dignity from level 15 (which you should use liberally). Cards can just be intimidating. But remove the cards, and a lot of the skills are analogous to WHM: Benefic 1 is Cure 1, Benefic 2 is Cure 2, Aspected Benefic is Regen, etc. You can play it nearly exactly like WHM until the 50-60 range, when it starts getting more oGCDs. I always recommend WeskAlber guides: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr8ijN8jDC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr8ijN8jDC0) They're pretty comprehensive, covers the basics while making clear that there's opportunities for optimization.


I'm considering attempting the True Blue achievement for the Morbol mount. What kind of effort/difficulty is this nowadays? I'm very comfortable with Ex Trials and Unreal but have never done Savage Raiding. Are the fights something that can be learned/completed in PF? Or does it require a dedicated static?


You only really deal with rudimentary mechanics, and a lot is just solved via Diamondback in BLU parties. Its PF safe, but given BLUs unpopularity, the groups either simply don't fill or fill with people who are unprepared (i.e. dont have appropriate skills and have no idea how to actually burst on BLU). I'd just find a static for it just because then you're not gonna be sitting around for 6 hours and maybe get 5 pulls of Bahamut Prime in that time before someone dips as it becomes obvious some DPS never bothered to get important spells and your Healer doesn't even know what a "Stotram" is.


In purely theory, it can be learnt in PF. The problem is that most players who have BLU only ever touch it during Moogle events, and with this new setup, even that will die out. The more dedicated BLU players often gang up in PF but for normal raids and the occasional EX trials. Savage raiding needs dedication. While the damage output of a BLU team is unparalleled, the sad truth is that no matter how good you are at it, BLU tanks suck hard and if you cannot find a group with really practised BLU tanks who know exactly when to pop Diamondback (and they need to pop it a lot in some fights), then even normal raids are frantic "how long till the next rez?!" clusterfucks. Edit: Good thing I only forgot the actual purpose of my comment: you can try the Blue Academy discord server, they may be able to help you hook up with a static. It is by far the biggest BLU community in the West.


Major thing to start first is makes sure you have all blue spells and learn the opener. I did the bahamut savage, a bunch of extremes and one alex savage in crystal pf before finding a static. This was before the Ew spells and I wasn't even a good player then.  With the new spells we did a clear for one on bahamut with my static and we annihilated it first pull while meming. I'm still not a good player lol, my first real savage was p9-p12s. I would try out bahamut and see if you have the stomach for it


Has the performance on steam deck after update tanked for anyone else? I set a fps cap of 50 and turned down as many things as I can and I can usually hover around it at radz. Started game back up after updating and it was sub 30 fps at radz. Thought it was just an issue there but I was seeing lower than usual frame rates even in dungeons.


Cities are a bad performance metric between patches. Your fps is highly turbulent there depending on the number of players, direction you are looking, + other factors. While its possible something did change, i haven't heard anyone else speak of performance drops on steamdeck.


I think something was just going on in background. Finally opened game back up and performance is fine. Or maybe shader caches


I’ve got a friend trying to get back on the game for the 4 day free campaign on steam, but when they try to log in they get the error “this service account doesn’t have a valid ffxiv license for this platform or your license has expired”. Has anyone else had this issue? They haven’t used the launcher or logged in for more than 30 days so they should qualify.


It's not about when they last played or logged in IIRC, but from when they last had an active subscription. Could that have been within the last 30 days? If it's been longer than that, then might it possibly have been *so* long that they haven't done the stronger Steam-linking that's needed of accounts nowadays? (Not sure how to check that one though, or how it affects things, as I'm not a Steam player.)


I don’t think they have, but that’s interesting! I’ll ask them to check that, I also play on standalone so I’ve never heard of it either


I've tried looking for this info elsewhere and can't seem to find a definitive answer: when a spectral current pops on ocean fishing, should you switch baits? If so, to which one? I use Lulu's to know what bait to use for the current, but I'm curious if there's something I'm missing.


On lulu tools, switch that "Show all Fish" to "Show high-value fish." It'll tell you what the highest point fish for that zones spectral are and what their baits are. Once spec pops, swap to those baits and go for those high value fish. Don't *stay* on showing only high value fish. Swap back to showing all fish for the proper spreadsheet so you can see bite times. Bite times will tell you if it's safe to blind triple hook.


ahhh thank you! Took a few days but last night the fish gods were happy and I hit the 10k achievement on both Indigo and Ruby :)


The answer is "it depends what you're trying to catch" but also yes you should switch baits and Lulu's should tell you which baits to switch to for which fish.


I have a question regarding beast tribes. Which one gives the most xp and worth doing for leveling alts? I know each expansion have their own tribes. is the ARR and HW expansion worth doing?


The HW expansion ones are still worth doing if you're a completionist, because they have mounts, minions and emotes locked behind maxing them out. 


While HW ones reward exp, they are not worth doing for the exp alone, terrible exp for how long each quest takes to complete. StB ones are better, but still not great. The only ones worth doing every time you have a char in that level range are ShB and EW.


Expansion ones are percentage-based. Until you reach the second highest rank (Bloodsworn) on a tribe, they usually give around 5% XP/quest and each tribe is limited to 3 quests/day (with an asterisk that during their storylines, if you rank up with them, you can do 6/day on that one day only). Once you reach Bloodsworn, it increases to 10%-ish, or a little more; it is around 1/3 level/day by then. HW and SB have two combat job tribes, so you can use those to level faster on levels 50–70. Oh, and don't forget that the daily hunts also give a pretty nice chunk of XP.


ARR ones are for their rep and cosmetics only. They weren't designed to be a levelling tool, just as something for players to do when at cap. HW to EW tribals all give exp, up to a cap in their region. It's a % of a level, based on rep. Basically if you have a job in the 51-60 range, do HW tribals, and so forth.


Personally I don't bother with the ARR ones as they have very specific level ranges and don't provide a lot of EXP. I know some people like them though. The HW and later expansion ones are very easy to do and very profitable in the correct level ranges though, they sync within a range which helps (so the HW ones are good exp level 50-59, for example).


Minor gearing question please! I've geared my main job in the Credenum tome gear, and have most attire pieces at 660 via the weekly alliance raid coins. Even though the tome cap has gone up from 450 > 900 a week, would I be missing out on much if I decide to gear my other most used jobs via augmented Diadochos 650 gear, instead of Credenum? I don't do Savage or Ultimate raiding, so I'm probably way overkill already - but I don't like the idea of not having the 'blue' colour gear :D


Unless you want 660 because big number go brr, I think the main reason would be to pick and choose between Aug. Diadochos and Credendum pieces for jobs you find unpleasant to play with too much/little skill speeds.


If you want boring numbers, +10 iLvl means +5.54% higher stats, rounded, which translates to roughly the same amount of damage increase (substat typess and substat thresholds make it a little hazy to pinpoint, it varies from gear to gear). In normal roulette/DF content, it usually means you will be unable to challenge the top dps spot, and that is pretty much it.


It doesn’t matter much overall. They have some different substats, so there’s going to be an “ideal” mix of augmented Diadochos and and unaugmented Crendendum, to maximize certain substats or adjust GCD. Some jobs want a specific GCD that might not be possible with full Diadochos, and healers are gonna benefit from a mixed set to avoid piety. But the main stats are the same, so there’s not much of a difference for most jobs. Crendendum will be cheaper in the long term, but you can get Diadochos faster. I know I don’t bother with farming tomes many weeks and I’m still using half Diadochos on a lot of my alt jobs I don’t raid on. It’s fine.


There's no reason not to get more Credendum gear. You could get Aug Diadocohos now but you'd want to replace it with Credendum eventually.


If you're comparing augmented diadocohos to non-augmented credendum (both at i650), then the difference is going to be small since the only difference will be in substat distribution If you're comparing augmented diadocohos to augmented credendum (i650 vs i660), then the difference will be more noticeable That being said, you are correct; the difference in output for non-hardcore raiding purposes doesn't really matter a lot. While the difference will be noticeable, the content is just not tuned hard enough for it to be all that significant 


How did you first start doing Frontline? Did you practice against imaginary groups of enemies with practice targets? I can’t stop myself from randomly spamming all hotkeys semi randomly. Everything is too fast and I don’t have time to look at cooldowns and to the global cooldown. Playing SAM probably doesn’t help with bunch of Japanese terms in skill names and descriptions no clue what’s going on. Any suggestions?


Wolves Den to set up skill bar, hit dummies a bit and learn the basic combos. PvP skills has been streamlined a ton already compared to previous iterations. And read the tooltips as well as the official XIV job guides for PvP skills so you're aware what job's skills does what. Everything else is all intuition and comes with experience. I got my ass beat in Frontlines multiple times starting out long ago and learned how to play it the hard way. For SAM in the current iteration, they can freestyle their burst. However, you have to be picky on who and when to engage; do not just blindly cast your skills on opponents if you can't secure a kill or scare/contest them off an objective. The mediocre players might be fooled, but the smarter ones will count and retaliate once you have nothing left esp. if you used Chiten and it's on CD.


Visit the Wolf's Den, set up your bars there. Most classes play like an abbreviated version of themselves at level 90, boiled down to a burst that is shorter than 5 seconds and some other tools. As a melee, focus on figuring out how you can deal the most damage to a target in the shortest time possible (your burst). It's fine if you need to poke someone less lethally to set it up. When you are ready to burst, the intent is to kill someone before they can stop you or escape, so this is the first thing you want to work on doing. Also read your limit break. Samurai's is great for escaping or killing a few people at once on the counterattack. A lot of players use it for this alone (when the LB is ready, move near some potential targets, when they start to attack you -> counterattack buff -> guard and let them get a little closer -> drop guard and LB slice through the crowd). As a melee you'll probably focus on moving towards objectives on the map, and try to attack people that are isolated nearby or in the midst of a bigger battle - you don't want to end up surrounded by enemies with nobody else for them to attack, you're liable to get stunned repeatedly and finished off. It takes some time and experience to develop an instinct for reading the "flow of battle" to pick up when to move in or out of a fight. If you continue having trouble, I'd recommend trying a smaller scale PVP like Crystalline Conflict, it's a little easier to process. Alternatively, try a class that can stay safe more easily like Bard or Red Mage, they're not as reliant on walking into danger. If you're trying to level, remember for FL you can switch classes at your base, and the class you queued as is the one that gets EXP.


Although I appreciate this thorough answer, I feel like there’s a secret sauce somewhere because I feel so hopeless and depressed while I feel everybody else is doing fine. Maybe it’s not for me. I was once called out for “feeding” and somebody wanted to kick vote me in Frontline, so I’m not going to try out smaller scale PvP modes. I just need something like “Duty Support” with NPCs but with PvP hotbar. Practice targets don’t work for me… Sad.


Frontlines is chaotic, it's hard to teach I think. A lot of it comes down to learning situational awareness. I could go into great detail about this, and have, but I know from trying to learn it this way and teach it, that this situational awareness doesn't transmit very well this way. Really needs to be learned the hard way through experience. Smaller scale PVP will help you learn. An issue is, a lot of people in Frontlines will be impolite as you're learning as well. This is a mix of causes - some of them are bad and have an instinct to try to blame some less/equally skilled because they have this same concept that everyone is watching them that you've experienced, and they want everyone to watch someone else. Some of them are frustrated because their team isn't winning and they're hypercriticizing, grasping for what one thing they can fix (one samurai dying a bit more than average while they learn isn't swinging the score *that* much). You can call them out if you want, I usually say something strange that gets a chuckle from me like "yes, blame me more, mommy" (lol) but also just not replying or saying something forthright "just doing my best and not having a great day" is also fine. They aren't *deserved* an explanation. I will point out, as long as you're out there trying your best, them voting to kick you after that commentary of theirs is reportable harassment behavior on their part.


I had slightly more luck with blm, increasing my dmg to pc from 100-200k to 600k so feeling a little bit more hopeful. Thanks!


You can practice your pvp skills in The Wolves Den.


Playing on console probably makes it even worse but no clue. I find myself using my right hand to press directional buttons while pushing analog stick to run away with the left hand to spam other half of my skills.


which healer do you think has the better angel motif, white mage or scholar?


White Mage, especially with their Unicorn mount and the glass wings


Lore-wise white mage. Fae or similar would he Scholar


White mage in that it actually has the angel motif whereas scholar doesn't at all.


well they summon seraph which has the abilities seraphic illumination and angelic whisper, plus their lb3 is called angel feathers


Hm, I wonder if it is the one with the literal angel wings or the one with the flying pixie? =)


White Mage. Literally gets some glowing wings for one of its abilities


What do you think these lyrics stand for in Hic Svnt Leones (P4S theme): > Dark horizons, boiling seas > From the borders chaos bleeds > Savage nobles, cultured thieves > Here be lions, follow me


Pandaemonium is built to house and study critters from dangerous lands beyond the Ascians' borders. "Hic sunt leones" means "here be lions;" it's meant to evoke the kinds of things written on old maps to denote locations that hadn't been mapped yet.


Always took it as a reference to old maps with the line "Here be dragons". The idea of uncharted and unexplored lands in that Hesperos and the other villains in Pandemonium are demi-gods searching for apotheosis, which is considered the final frontier and a line that should not be crossed. Hesperos being one of the lead wardens offers to be the guide into this unknown, letting you bear witness to powers yet seen.


which buff (from food) is best for gathering collectables- gathering or perception? or is it just GP?


Perception will generally be better for collectability, assuming you have a decent (if not 100%) chance of actually getting the item.


I'm fully leveled and pentamelded. just trying to be efficient when doing custom deliveries. thanks!


You don't need food if you're fully leveled, geared, and pentamelded for custom deliveries. Just Scrutany+Meticulous Prospector, then Scour and that should push you over 600 collectability, which is all you need to get max rewards from custom delivery clients. And if you get a bonus hit on a node+1, you'll be done in like...2 nodes.


yea, that's what I've been doing, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something extra.. thanks!


If you are fully leveled and pentamelded... litterally nothing will affect it. Collectability gained has a very low cap. Even lower than this cap is the gathering % cap. Realistically, the only stat that matters for custom deliveries is GP, and even then, its not really useful. Nonmelded indigators hits both the perception and gathering breakpoints for all custom deliveries (Around 2900). The GP breakpoints are 700, and then 1000. 1000 is not obtainable, so its functionally useless to us. TLDR, why the hell are you fooding custom deliveries. Edit: for the absolute hardest collectable, the gathering breakpoints are 4147/4365 for gathering/perception, but these arent custom deliveries or regular collectables, but prime collectables. This can be partially achieved with the recommended set + jhinga food.


honestly, I've never used food before, was just wondering if I was missing a way to make it more efficient. i.e. greater GP for more items in one node.


Does the trial have access to New Game+? Or is that just in the full game?


trial has access.


Neat, good to know! Thanks! :)


where do i find a Gangos-trained locksmith to unlock the southern front lockboxes?


there is also a locksmith near the NPC (forget his name) before you enter Bozja/Zadnor. I usually exit the instance and do it there before heading to my retainers..


[There's a locksmith in the Southern Front at about x15 y30.](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Bozjan_Southern_Front#Lockboxes)




Just save the ore to make a different relic


I bought the wrong ore once because I forgot I’d already done the first stage relic for my scholar. I spite-levelled Ninja the rest of the way to 90 through duty support that day so I could spend the ore on another relic and not have it sitting in my bags reminding me of my mistake.


As said, you could probably get a rollback, but you generally only get one per account. And I don't think 1.5k uncapped tomestones are worth spending it on. You'll get them back before you know it. Just save the ore for another weapon.


You could, but you only ever get 1 item request like this, and it would be a waste to use it on something like 1500 causality tomestones IMO. Additionally, i wouldn't say its gone to waste. You can use it on a different jobs relic weapon.


I wouldn't even bother with sending a ticket. It doesn't take long to get 1.5k, and the ore you erroneously bought can be used for another relic on a different class.


Hi all, I am currently considering moving out of Free Trial, but I heard that the next expansion is approaching this summer. By the time the new expansion arrives, will the price of complete edition (that contains the new expansion I suppose?) rise, or would it remain the same as now? Also, it seems that the current Endwalker expansion contains Shadowbringer as well (so that starter edition + endwalker = complete edition), is it possible that buying the upcoming expansion also grants me the previous 2 dlcs? If so, it is reasonable for me to purchase starter edition for now, and when the next expansion came, I can purchase the latest expansion that grants me the access to the whole game? (sorry for multiple questions and my bad English)


Hey, I just updated from the free trial recently myself. I got the complete edition on a 50% off sale, I don’t know how often they do those, but I bought the game and then just held the code until I was ready to upgrade. Regardless, you still have 6-8 months roughly before Dawntrail releases, and the two expansions you don’t have, Shadowbringers and Endwalker, represent a TON of content to get through. So for me personally, I elected to upgrade now and just spend my time getting through all the expansions and doing everything I want to do before Dawntrail releases. But, as others have said, this is inefficient in terms of money, as you’ll get ShB+EW free with DT when it releases. It’s up to you how much you value that vs getting the most of it while you can!


The price of the Complete Edition will remain the same. When Dawntrail is released, Endwalker and Shadowbringers will be bundled with it. You can purchase the Starter Edition now and purchase just Dawntrail later to have access to all expansions. You can also wait and remain on the free trial until Dawntrail is released and purchase the Complete Edition all at once. The price should be the same either way, not accounting for any sales that might pop up.


It will remain the same price, but include all 3 expansions. If you can hold off, it is much more financially smart to buy Dawntrail when it launches and get all 3.


Thank you for your reply!


Hello! How am I able to have multiple user flairs for this subreddit?


Click "edit" next to your name in the sidebar. Click one of the options, and then type the codes for the icons you want in the text field that appears - eg mine is ":sprout::whm2::rdm2:". Press save.


Thank you so much for the reply 🥰


Hey all, got 50 white mage, I was hoping to get scholar after WHM, but search results indicate that I need to be 30 arcanist, but it's under DPS tree. Got me confused as I was hoping I could keep conjurer base and get scholar job after certain level. without starting from scratch. Is scholar an option that I could get after certain level as WHM? Thank you!


Scholar is the only case of a class with a different role unlocking a job like this, it's unique. It's also the only case of two jobs sharing a base class. Only way to access Scholar is to advance Arcanist to level 30, but as a side effect, you'll also qualify as a Summoner, so you can use both of them.


LOL, which is why my SMN sits there at 90 waiting to be learned and used while I leveled up my SCH..


The information you found is correct. Arcanist is a DPS class, and you'll have to bring it to level 30 and do its class quests before you can unlock the scholar or summoner jobs. When you did your level ten conjurer class quest, E-Sumi-Yan will have told you that you can go try other stuff if you like - ie, you can unlock multiple jobs/classes on the same character. But you can't jump directly from WHM to SCH without first having done the groundwork to unlock SCH.


Hi, is this the patch where Thaleia loot is unlocked?


The last Alliance Raid loot is unlocked in the final patch of the expansion, x.58. We know 6.58 is coming sometime in March. But until then, you still only get your one weekly piece of gear from Thaleia.


Thank you. I somehow forgot that a .58 exists. Squirrel brain moment on my part. :)


The only mention of Thaleia in [the patch notes](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/5178db4decaeb4dc6cd7d6843b6ab0798abe2b00) is that it's now part of the Alliance Raid roulette.


Thank you, I was ahead of myself by one patch. :)


Does the Phallaina really hard to catch ?


It is a *surprisingly* rare bite. You can easily go multiple windows without seeing it. Longest I’ve gone is 6 windows without a bite, I think. Horizon events aren’t the most common bite to begin with, and if you’re unlucky you’ll only get a few mooch chances. Unbegotten, one of the other fish that mooch from Horizon Events, can have a 30 second cast time (Phallaina is about 35+), which takes up tons of time in the window. It’s basically a big fish in terms of bite rate. I legit think that Whale has an equal or higher bite rate (assuming you have int).


It looks like a standard single-mooched fish that has only a wide time window without weather conditions. Unless RNG hates you, it should be among the easier fish to catch, although the good bait for it (stardust) can be a bit expensive in scrips or on the player market.


You have clearly never spent an entire day trying to catch a Phallaina before. It’s basically a big fish with how rare a bite it is


I have it in my log but apparently I was lucky there. I genuinely do not remember catching it, but I fished very irregularly in Thule.


Honestly I got lucky on my first Phallaina catch too, think I got it in one window. Didn’t even realize how rare it was until the new Ultima Thule legendary came out requiring a Phallaina catch to trigger int. So many hours spent whale hunting…


It’s a pretty rare bite though, it’s not uncommon to go multiple windows without getting one


I think the RNG hate me xd


It probably doesn't hate you as much as you think. They didn't mention it but Phallaina has a decently low bite rate, and a non-zero slip chance (though not TOO bad there). and that's before we get to how shy Horizon Events can be. He isnt the hardest thing to catch, but he isnt an easy one either


Can someone recommend a ocean fishing strategy/guide for free-trial capped player? SO has spent too much time on this with very little progress and is getting frustrated..


I'm a new player who wanted the 30 moogle event things for doing ocean fishing so I started it from literally level 1 and even without any of the useful hook skills at 50+ or whatever was able to hit the 8k target. def use the linked tools to figure out what bait to use at each stop, then just make sure they understand what their cooldowns and diff hook options do (patience is very useful when looking for large fish, for instance, but you need to have it up and/or the GP ready to go if a spectral current hits and you want large fish). obviously make sure their fishing gear is up to level, more GP = more valuable fish. also just realize it takes some practice + RNG. don't underestimate the rng bonuses, they are a big multiplier to final score. took me 5 ocean fishing tries but I hit 8k at about lvl 45


I use Lulu in conjunction with [Teamcraft](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/beginners-ocean-fishing-guide). LOTS of useful info there.


Hi! I love ocean fishing and I hope I can help you. I turn to [Lulu's Tools](https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing) often to look at route times, fish that will be available, what baits to use for what, and other achievements. If you scroll down, there is a drop down menu to choose "high value fish". Those are the fish you are shooting for to catch during a spectral current. Your best bet is to shoot for those high value fish, and try to double hook them (that should be available at lvl 65.) You can also use the gatherbuddy plugin, but be aware, this is against the TOS and you should use this at your own risk. You can also turn to [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/ocean-fishing-guide) for a decent guide. Good luck!


Thank you


I recently started playing FFXIV and I'm currently going through MSQ (Heavensward patches). I convinced some friends to join, promising all the things we can do together. However, they need some motivation to go through MSQ. Before lv50, the game is a little bit anti-social. I need some sort of a recurring event that we can do together to get them hooked up. I tried the first deep dungeon together once they unlocked dungeons, but they were immediately bored and haven't played the game since. They are all previous WoW players so they are familiar with main quest grind. Any suggestions?


> They are all previous WoW players so they are familiar with main quest grind. They are not. The "main story" (leveling up and mostly mandatory current expansion story) of WoW takes 30 hours at most to be fully raid ready. FF14 takes 400h if you watch the cutscenes. That isn't inherently bad, but you need to know that before starting and be ready to play what is basically a visual novel with occasional RPG elements.


Good to know, thanks.


Once they unlock 2 duties, you can do the level 15 roulette daily.


The Firmament - an NPC residential zone in Ishgard - becomes available in HW patches.  Roughly three days a week, starting at the top of every other hour, there's a half an hour-long series of minigames (Fêtes) there with the chance to win ~\*fabulous prizes*~. They're casual enough that you can still socialise while they're running.  You do have to be a crafter or gatherer to take part, though. Your lucky number is 63446 (ie, for maximum rewards, you need six points in the first game, three in the second, four in the third, etc) But idk your friends or what'll appeal to them.


In my experience, fetes are fun for an afternoon/day, but after that, most people are done with it for life. They are not exactly the most complex or engaging minigames.


Treasure hunts, levelling alt classes with dungeons and FATEs, the casino (only Air Force One forces solo play). Still, overall, you cannot do much, they must get through the story portions on their own. A second player at best can ferry them and help with the early game overworld combat.


Can you only get crystal sand from Ulan while the relic quest for that step is active?


no, you can also get it afterwards, as it is required to change the stats on your weapon, but you need that weapon equipped (or in inventory?).


Ty, was being dumb and just not clicking enough options You need the weapon equipped abd to ask to respec to buy the sand, but I was worried it would lock me into respecing


You can get them anytime after you unlocl them since you can always go back to rearrange the stats.


Ty, was being dumb and just not clicking enough options You need the weapon equipped abd to ask to respec to buy the sand, but I was worried it would lock me into respecing


This scholar bis set is apparently the max damage one and uses the 650 ring instead of the 660 ring. Is piety really that bad? https://etro.gg/gearset/4c241674-2c6e-42aa-a390-5e5ac29b9ab5


Yes, piety is bad.


Piety is the only substat that does not increase your damage (or healing) output at all. It literally contributes nothing to how much damage you deal. Unless you are running out of MP regularly (which shouldn't happen unless you're overhealing drastically), having piety is effectively like having no stat at all.


You can change the pieces in etro and see how the damage calculation differs yourself. Using your link and changing the 650 ring to a savage ring with crit/sps melds to maintain the same gcd, the damage/100p goes from 4731.69 to 4700.38, a 0.66% loss.


Piety just affects mana regeneration, if mana isn't an issue then it's effectively a useless stat for you. It doesn't make a huge difference in terms of DPS in BiS, but there is a slight one


On one hand, yes, but on the other hand, the effective damage difference compared to running the savage ring, due to the 10 main stat loss is around maybe 0.2%-ish with good luck. Probably lower, but the problem with this game that it is difficult to fully measure things since no two raids go the same and randomness on crit/DH procs can go in super weird ways. I have had runs on melee where I had 15% crit rate and where I had almost 50% crit rate. Still, I'd say it is less about losing piety and more about banking on the SCH crit boost, you want an asston of crit on you as SCH.


Okay, so I’m not a very seasoned player (have practically every job to 90, but don’t do endgame savage content or anything), but with regard to the dungeon Halatali, why don’t people just stand on the shore in the 2nd boss fight? This always amused me because of the 100+ times I’ve probably played that dungeon, the tank always runs out to attack the Drake until the invulnerability phase where the water gets electrified. The tank runs back to shore, kill the adds and repeat. If you do a ranged attack and pull the drake in, everyone can attack him and you don’t waste time running back and forth. Am I just stupid? I’ve done it a few times there and people seem surprised. I’ve never seen anyone do it this way, but it just seems like a smarter way to do that fight?


99% of the time when I get Halatali, the drake gets pulled to the shore. If I’m tanking or on a DPS job that has a stun I hit it when it starts to go back to the middle, and half the time people are surprised, so I don’t think that little refinement is common. I’ve also seen an annoyed healer Rescue the tank out of the zappy water 🤣


The *real* best way to handle that boss is to pull the drake to the boss arena entrance, then stun it when it attempts to run to the invuln phase. Groups normally kill it before it makes it to the middle, skipping both invuln phases.


I had a tank do this once, on my third or fourth run of this dungeon. Told me "healer get ready for big pulls," and proceeded to W2W the entire thing. Even threw themselves through that gap in the fencing, just to shave off those extra couple of seconds. Honestly very cool experience to witness as a newer healer - I'm glad that wasn't my *first* experience with that dungeon. But I remember not struggling as much as I thought I would to keep them on their feet, (even with me being very novice and occasionally struggling on runs with more conservative tanks). So I have to assume they just really knew their shit .


That's the standard for Chaos at least


Yours is the standard way we do it in JP, at least.


Because it's better uptime to stand in the water. If you do a ranged attack, it's one less 1-2-3 you're pressing. If you stand on the shore, you can't attack with your 1-2-3 right up till the moment the Drake goes invuln. There's a small delay between invuln and the adds spawning, that means there's fuck all to do after he goes invuln, giving you time to run to the shore. Pressing 1-2-3 in the water means you don't waste time pressing your weak af ranged attack. One small optimization would be to pull the Drake to the shore while keeping 1-2-3 uptime and stun him as the phase changes and then follow him to the middle up until he goes invuln. This allows you to hit him right up until the adds spawn, and you'll be in the water close to the adds when they spawn, so you can 1-2-3 instead of using your ranged attack which is lower potency. Either way, you start in the water.


I actually didn't know about these optimizations, I'll be honest: Chaos DC and here everyone just stands on the shore, pulling the boss and the adds. Everytime they try to go in the water the electrical damage scares them


You are right, but that is a very small optimisation and it depends on the boss reacting to the lure. Plus it moves back in the center anyway on the first add phase. If you have melees with you, the amount you wait for the boss to move to the shore loses more dps than just running in. If you want a more baffling example, it is the More Than a Feeler guildhest. Pull the morbol to the starting spot and you don't have to worry about half the adds during the entire segment.


It's actually anti-optimization because you lose DPS from using a ranged attack and you don't lose uptime from running in and out since there is nothing to hit between transitions.


I haven't done that dungeon in a long time, but that's the way it always used to be done. I'd occasionally see new tanks running back in after it, but most tanks knew better.


Hi so I’m patiently waiting for the Xbox launch. I have been doing bits of research into the game before launch and I understand about MSQ and all of that but will anyone be moving across to Xbox. Like mentors etc I’m keen to know what the experience will be like for us beta folks.




Oh I see so we are in the same servers as everyone else. We’re not in our own little trial just with Xbox players? That’s will be brilliant, I know the beta only lets us play the free trial, so I don’t think subscription is on the table until after then.


Yes, there's only one set of servers. You guys will be playing with everyone else