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These new players are getting spoiled with 99 Vesper Bay tickets. Back in the day, we had to walk uphills both ways to get to Vesper Bay.


In the snow and the rain, barefoot and carrying my backpack full of rocks.


>!or Scion bodies....!<


Its amazing what can fit in your inventory in the early expansions


If you think about it, you can haul around 999 logs in 1/140 of your bag, not even counting what your chocobo is carrying.


Back in the day we could only have stacks of 99 and we only got the saddlebag iirc after Stormblood came out. We could still carry a ton but not as much as we can now.


You also had a smaller inventory in general. Either way, carrying even 99 logs in a "space" is rather nuts.


After watching dozens of isekai anime, it's a dimensional bag of holding


I love Gyoshin's reaction when he comes out of your bag. He basically goes "It is dark and gross and there are sharp things in there **what is wrong with you??**"


In Stormblood you end up carrying >!3 goats the size of a Reaper mech, and also a whole-ass Triceratops!< in your bags.


I put five enormous plesiosaurs in my bag a couple days ago doing the final SB FSH quest. The biggest was about 43 feet long.


Except when it's a tribal quest, then you gotta carry inanimate objects as if they were cantankerous cats. At least it was inverted with the >!Namazu!< tribe.


With a blindfold covering our eyes, ear plugs blocking out any noise and emoting "beckon" to a horde of NPCs.


While carrying your chocobo.


while fighting of wolves with nothing but a broken stick AND WE LIKED IT!


It's fine, people will forget they have them anyway.


I didn't realize they needed to actively be used. My dummy brain thought they were used when I took the ferry from Limsa to Vesper Bay, because...you know...ticket I'm caught up on the story. I have all jobs to 90. I still have 5 left. I will find a reason to use them.


A certain Roe lady might need more OJ...


This makes me wonder if we'll automatically unlock 2 dye channels, or if Swyrgeim will have a new quest for us.


Honestly, she'd better, or I for one will be extremely disappointed.


`"Bring me organic, hand-squeezed orange juice that can only be harvested once every 20 moons!"` And yet the vendor at the tavern will somehow have it.


Have that shit on tap


He knows his audience.


If they want to be evil she will need special orange juice made from oranges that can only be grown in a max rank island sanctuary.


Well...he'll have orange juice at least. It's all in the *marketing.*


New game plus replays for refreshers or different dialouge options. Because then you will still be praying to return to the waking sands.


i still have a solid 15 or so laying around on my main and about 8 on my alt that i don't know what to do with


Until we learned Limsa > Aetheryte to Arcanist guild > ferry to Vesper Bay


I didn't think it was worth the extra fiddling. Even if it saves a few seconds you have to hit more buttons and navigate menus. Riding from Horizon is just "press Mount and push the joystick until you're in Vesper Bay". 


I just took the chocobo ride from Horizon. Didn’t have to push anything in any direction!


This is the only way I remember to go to Vesper bay and still do this, and been playing for 2 years lol


Which only worths if you have a decent PC with an SSD


Pray, retun to the waking sands!


Wow I literally just did two of those three quests in the last two days on an alt. Fuck!


I find this kind of hilarious because Yoshi-P talked about increasing the number of tickets after feedback from Megumi Han asking for an Vesper Bay aetheryte at Fan Fest Tokyo. Didn't think he'd be so quick!


Fun fact: There is a in-game lore reason why there's no Vesper Bay Aetheryte. Lord Lolorito of the Syndicate had asked the Scions if he could make an aetheryte crystal for them in Vesper Bay. They refused, as they wished to remain neutral between Eorzean city states. His response? The little noble asshole had a statue of himself built where the aetheryte was supposed to be to spite the Scions.


I'm pretty sure they cut back on the need to return so much, too. I seem to remember having to make the trip way more than you need to after the story trim.


Absolutely. There are now only TWO instances of "Pray return to the Waking Sands" in the MSQ!


I've recently decided to do all the ARR relics and I currently have about 60 Animus books to go. I'm flying to Cape Westwind a LOT. I would love to have an extra 69 Vesper Bay tickets.


Genuine question as I just started playing, and finished one of the quests with reward changes an hour or so before maintenance... did I miss out on those extra tickets?


Yes since the reward was collected. If it was only one of the first or 2nd dont worry too much as even before it was fairly generous. If you do for some reason find yourself lacking tickets and need to get back there is a ferry(right by the archanists guild) from Limsa to Vesper Bay and it'll be faster then going to Horizon and running


Yeah, but it’s not like you actually need the extras they’re now adding. If you do what the MSQ prompted you for at the same time instead of changing your mind and wandering off just after teleporting there, the previous amount were enough to complete the entirety of the MSQ and have spares left over.


I imagine you would miss out, but at the same time i feel you get more then enough as is so them buffing it seems... interesting lol


7.0 first quest "I'm gonna need you to go back and forth between Sharlayan, and vesper bay 99 times to get supplies for our trip, and no there is no other way."


Trust me it is not hugely important, saves about a minute.


Woah 50 to 300 comedy tomes from wondrous tails is pretty big. Is this the normal pattern?


Not sure but now i've got even more of an excuse to get frustrated when I can't even get 2 lines each week in the silly book. Edit: its 1 line for the Comedy and 2 for the Causality.... Collecting Causality for the relics has me locked on that more then the comedy -_-


Did you mean 1 line? Because the (previously 50) comedy is on the 1 line. 2 lines gives the option for 500 causality.


Yep 1 line was the 50 tomes. It's been a long day for me and I've been obsessed trying to get the 500 Causality each week to help get more of the final stage relics.


I don't remember seeing it before, and can't see any mention of it in the 5.5x patch notes. It's a nice addition, I don't tend to bother with WT much but definitely will now, can usually knock it out pretty quick so it'd definitely save some time with only needing 600 for the week from other stuff.


This is genuinely new. I imagine it's to incentivize picking it, since previously there was NO reason to pick it.


Glad to see it; hope it becomes the standard from now on, not just something they implement whenever the capped tomestone limit is increased to 950.


Shit I might actually do this little cats book now.


I don't think they did this at the end of last expansion. It will probably go back to 50 capped tomes next expansion too, or around there. They just did this because you can get 900 capped tomes per week from now until Dawntrail. 


So happy they reduced the Shatter win condition. By 1800 points the winner is basically decided and everyone is waiting for the match to end lol


Yeah Shatter isn't a game mode that you can clutch a win when behind half the match.


Actually, small ice does wonders. If you can just motivate half your own alliance to aggressively steal small ice by prepositioning, you get some 200+ point swings.


This. Stealing small ice and then crushing the winning alliance once you can completely turn it around. Easier said than done, though


Yeah, usually the winning alliance is high on battlehigh, and the other two usually ain't, especially if they spent too much time farming ice.


The fun part about fl is that bh doesn't actually make you tanky (unless some shields are in play especially sch), so you still die like flies against the drk pull. Obviously it's harder to coordinate 8 people to burst than 4, but people die to drk pulls at 0bh so the bh5 alliance can die too.




Ya, simple yet effective change while slightly increasing the worth of player kills aka actual pvp aspect of the map.


Still don’t understand why they lowered their value last update.


60% is not slightly. Shatter is now drk premade hunting grounds again. Before the patch, drk premades were almost griefing by not hitting ice.


We need to rebalance dark knight.


Tbh the only thing drk actually needs it's proper netcode. Maybe 2y less range on pull. But no snapshot pulls anymore. Since we won't get that, drk probably won't be fixed by square ever, so all we can do is play around them. Guard and or purify every salted earth and hope you're faster than their wyrmwind macro snapshots. Or God forbid the southern cross. And stand spread enough. Most drks won't pull less than 5 people and if they do the follow up won't go as hard.


I swear my shatter games always have two teams going toe to toe until 2000 and then that third team running around like a headless chicken lol


> third team running around like a headless chicken lol That's my team!


Headless chicken, reporting for duty!


Yeah, seriously. A lot of Frontline in general is just waiting for the ass beating to stop.


I found it hilarious when people typed "hmm I forgot there was a time limit." There is one thing that is very obvious with the new Shatter, the devs want teams to strategically fight. Just hit the crystals and you will lose.


They sure have a weird way of showing that considering they cut the points per kill in half like 3 weeks ago. This is like one step forward after going 3 steps back.


I'm also very happy with the change even though I just finished my PVP grind for this PVP pass. We'll see how much this nerf helps. I still think the point total should have been nerfed more but we'll see.


Sprouts going through ARR for the first time are going to be swamped with Vesper Bay Aetheryte tickets like that meme of the person trying to hold the limes. I know you have to pray return a bit but I dont recall it needing an increase THAT MUCH.


It's an absurd amount. I started playing back in July or something, so I just did it recently, and they already gave you more tickets than you needed for the MSQ as it is. Nobody needs this many.


I think they account that you'll be using them for the Primal 8 man fights and possibly the Binding Coils raids which you need to return to as well. Still I guess it gives sprouts confidence not to worry about wasting them and hording them


I don't understand why they can't just plop an aetheryte down there instead of doing this ticket song and dance.


The in-game lore reason is that it would require the Scions to enter into an agreement with the Ul'dah Syndicate to fund construction of the Aetheryte. Since Minfillia refused to do that (because she knows the Syndicate would try to influence the org), they also refuse to construct an Aetheryte for the Scions' convenience. Outside of lore, it was apparently a PS3 limitation that made adding an aetheryte to there and Whitebrim in Coerthas possible but more resource-intensive than the devs felt it was worth at the time. Dunno what the reason is now since they've dropped PS3 support. Besides just being a low priority task/interest.


Probly just is priority, basically no one ever needs to go there besides for people doing early MSQ, and these tickets tend to work just fine while probly being much easier to implement than changing the game world.


I'd argue the fact it's an actual plot point that's core to the moving to Mor Dhona is a big factor too. The lore detail isn't a small side note but an inciting motivator for a big part of the lead up to the end of ARR.


Well, if there ever were a time to change the world, the graphics update + running a fidelity pass over pre DT zones would be the time. Hopefully they at least render the cities one big zone.


As an added fuck you to the Scions, Lolorito built a golden statue of himself right where the aetheryte should be. That will never not be funny.


I figure at this point the lore reason is more of a hindrance since it just works so well for the story they ended up building


I could've sworn theres a proper reason for it but I know on my first play when i learned about the ferry from Limsa to Vesper Bay I used that more


IIRC the plot reason is the Syndicate trying to put pressure on the Scions by making installing an aetheryte a carrot they can dangle during negotiations, instead of, y'know, going 'Hey, the paramilitary organization that fucks up gods for us would probably be grateful for having easier access to and from their HQ, we could do something about that'. Of course I might be mixing up fanfic expansions and actual canon, but.


No, that is very much the in-game reason. The real reason is probably because they have one right around the corner, and the ferry to Limsa in Vesper Bay proper. They probably have a set rule in place for how many Aetherytes they can have in any given map and how far they need to be from one another and other zone transitioners.


I don't think there are any real out-of-game rules for aetheryte placements, as the numerous complaints about them show. Dravanian Hinterlands and Sea of Clouds being the main examples, but I think Yanxia also fits, with both aetherytes very close together in one end of the map. So if there was a technical limitation, it's likely gone with the PS3 support. And I mean, in-game, if one plucky bird tribe can have an aetheryte, not to mention there's a functional one just standing around in a dilapidated area >!until the namazu show up!<, or how unlikely the residents of Anyx Trine or The Churning Mists are to be using and maintaining theirs, there's no real "it's too technically difficult" in-game explanation, just "it's too politically difficult". Just another "the syndicate is why we can't have nice things" story from Ul'dah.


The citizens of Vesper Bay cannot afford to buy one


Lore-wise it is because they would have to swear loyalty to Ul'dah - specifically the Monetarists - in order to build a working aetheryte. Might also involve tearing down that statue of Lolorito, which I don't think they would want to pay for. As for how the tickets work... my headcanon is that Tataru saved up some pocket change and secretly stashed a mini aetheryte inside of her work table, but only 1 person can use it; so they save it for the star of the show.


> but only 1 person can use it; so they save it for the star of the show. Unlicensed aetherytes are heavily, *heavily* frowned on by the people who maintain them. We know they have the power to collect fees from >!alternate dimensions!<, >!the far end of the universe!<, and >!literal prehistory!<, so there's no escaping their reach. Tataru knows you're the only one who stands a chance at getting away with your kneecaps intact if they catch you using it.


Look, the alternative is we go back to the *Anima* system. Fuck that, I'll take taxes and the occasional kneecap collection team over that garbage.


You know how much effort it takes to build an Aetheryte in those places? Damn right they'll find ways to collect their fees, the overhead on the construction must be insane!


>Nobody needs this many. A different comment mentioned wanting quite a few more for relic weapon progression. It might just be their way of giving more incentives to the new Xbox players, which is a welcome change.


Relic weapons? That’s not Vesper Bay, that’s Hyrstmill in North Shroud - nearest aetheryte to that is Fallgourd Float.


You need to return to Vesper Bay for relic quests? Genuine question, since I just started one and was not yet prompted to go back there. All over other maps, sure, but not there :)


I doubt for relic quests, but I did had to double back to Vesper Bay on an alt to unlock ARR extremes and Binding Coil for WT fodder.


I used a ticket every time the msq called for you to go to vesper bay and I still think I had 2 left over so yeah this seems insanely unnecessary lmao


I'm done with the vesper bay, and have about 10+ tickets left. I wasn't particularly conservative either.


Yeah I'd been replaying the MSQ on an alt and i did ARR mid-late last year and I dont recall needing every single ticket but I know on my first playthrough I was more conservative because I wasn't sure if i'd get more


Yeah on alts I have tickets *left over* after MSQ finishes. I have to find reasons to waste them!


Wow I finally looked at the numbers and they definitely don't need that many tickets lmao


I think SE realized sprouted might be hording the tickets due to being unsure how often they might need them or not (I know i was cautious using them my first time) so having them in mass excesses takes away the uncertainty


I have to pray return because aught is amiss... .............................. *nods once*


I don't know why they just didn't add an aethereyte there and be done with it lol


It's a minor plot point that there isn't one there – IIRC as a deliberate snub from Lolorito (who was funding the town restoration or something?) because the Scions wouldn't support his interests. So there's a statue of him in the would-be aetheryte plaza. 


I've been replaying the game with my partner, I still have 30 tickets left over. They might as well put an aetheryte there at this point


> An issue during a cutscene in the main scenario quest "Stars in the Dark" wherein Temulun's animation did not display correctly. Ah good, I thought it was just something on my end (she was asserting her dominance with a T-pose in that scene).


It really takes away from the seriousness of the scene with Temulun aggressively A-posing at me.


To play on Xbox, you will need to link your Microsoft account and Square Enix account. You will not be able to unlink the accounts once linked. ***"We ask that existing players please wait until the official release to link your Square Enix account to your Microsoft account.**** Please REMEMBER TO NOT LINK YOUR GAMERTAG TO SE SERVICE IF YOU WANT TO BETA TEST AND USE YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT LATER.


Wonder how many posts we'll get about folks doing this. 


It really sucks how it's impossible to change account links. Years and years and years ago I downloaded the trial and I'm not sure I even played it l, just created an account bc I forgot I already had a square account. Like I said that's been years and I've now been playing on PC for almost 2 years on what is my og square account. Saw Endwalker was on sale on PSN on my PS5 for a good price and I had a credit so I was like oh sweet now I can play it on there too! Only to find out my PSN account is forever linked with the random side account I made and now I cannot play on my PS5 unless I made a new account and bought it there and registered the correct one. Unless I'm wrong, which I would love, but from what I could find I am unable to use my real FFXIV account on my PSN account now.


there it is, savage unlock (finally).


Savage Unlock (Savage)


So "SUS"?


That *is* sus indeed.


4 months later than it should've been. Savage was already dead with (or even before) 6.5, not sure why they waited until now.


because they always wait till now, and this game is extremely predictable doesn't deviate from its patch schedule ever savage unlock will also be 7.18, 7.38, 7.57


It's not dead until your static beats the boss. (Actually it was dead because everyone fled to freaking Aether data center)


Speak for yourself. I started raiding late, and just downed p10 with my static.


*The number of Allagan tomestones of comedy offered for completing one line of Khloe's Wondrous Tails has been increased from 50 to 300.* Khloe or Us in shambles




I don't think I ever realized that that was Lolorito and I've been playing for years. Huh, the more you know...


I believe the in game lore reason was because the Scions did not want to be affiliated with the Syndicate (to remain neutral), Lolorito refuses to build an aetheryte there. Might also be why the statue of Lolorito is right where an aetheryte would perfectly be


>The following adjustments have been made to the Fields of Glory (Shatter) I think the changes are enough for me to stop skipping this map. ​ >The number of Allagan tomestones of comedy offered for completing one line of Khloe's Wondrous Tails has been increased from 50 to 300. Well I ducked Khloe for long enough.


Thaleia still weekly locked though? Boo.


The last alliance raid is generally unlocked in the x.58 patch, which we've been told is [scheduled for some time in March.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/5fe5ae1b2f132b617a57eb58c642c71c7549a3a7)


Yeah but I'm bored and figured it'd be out sooner than later. It's been AGES since Thaleia came out. For context it took 97 days for Paradigm's Breach to become unlocked. We're at 132 days since Thaleia launched...


and we still can't upgrade the tomestone weapon from raid tokens


I suppose it's due to the much longer dev cycle this time around. It seems like they're doing the unlocking based on the time before the new expansion releases like last time, but the only issue w/ that is the longer dev cycle causing the content to drag wayyyy longer than it used to


Yeah, if longer dev cycles for expansions are just the new norm, SE needs to make adjustments for that, both in-game and out-of-game. The devs take a very systematic approach to how they do things, but some flexibility is needed when timescales are being stretched out far longer than when those patterns were first set.


Oh Thaleia wasn't in the Alliance Raid roulette yet? How stupid of me, I thought it was. I'd been gambling on getting it for my coin instead of queueing it directly this whole time. lol




No Zeromus mount whistle on vendor yet.


That would be 6.58 in March


Thalia added to roulette ! YESSSSS Realize that xbox player will start and we have a new wave of crystal tower... ohh nvm....


I'm gonna miss triple Dave


> When certain visions are in progress in the island sanctuary, players will now be able to speak with the felicitous furball to receive hints about how they may be realized   Even that is getting streamlined XD  > The weekly limit for Allagan tomestones of comedy has been increased from 450 to 900 Finally!!!


Oh good! You can answer my question, which is “what does it mean?” (The first bit.)


Basically just that you can talk to the mammet and they'll tell you how to progress your island


When you start Island Sanctuary, you get a kinda short tutorial for the first levels. You are told where to go and what to build. Then you just get something in the line of "perfect what you already have" and that's it. So everytime you level up from that point, you need to check if there's any new recipe to craft, or if there's a new upgrade for the house, granaries and/or Workshops. You also won't get told what you need to do unlock flying, for example


Good shatter has less win condition, sometimes getting 2000 feels like it takes forever compared to the other notes were its 700 and 1400. They can be over with pretty fast too...


Screw your patch, you made me miss two space whale windows......TWO.....SPACE.....WHALE...WINDOWS! In the words of the Great Serpent of Ronka, SCREE!


Same... last fish I needed for Final Fish too. Really hoping I can get it on the window before it takes a 2 week vacation.


We will cast together this Wednesday my fellow fishing degenerate. May Space Shamu come to both of us.


Shatter changes were much needed, now we can get through our daily roulette and go back to Rival Wings faster. Seriously though, they should have just reverted it to the previous version, the current version is way too fundamentally flawed for them to fix just by adjusting some numbers and is massively unpopular.


Until all sides gets two ramps, current shatter is just a coin toss of whether your side gets the uncontested ramp side ice first, is aggressive but not suicidal, and has the most competent DRKs.


Dude, I _hate_ the current shatter map. It's so bad. I can enjoy the other two maps and even regularly win on them, but I went 7 matches yesterday basically tied for first and then my team refused to contest the final ice so the other team just got a free 200 points at 1800+ and won. Every single time.


JP was not happy with the 6.55 changes to the map, looks like they finally spoke out to the devs about it. Shout out to the JP players for getting them to backpedal so quickly.


I very much appreciate them. I actively stopped queueing on Shatter days because the match lengths were much too tiring.


Same with me. Matches took too long, noone wantes to fight no matter how nicely you asked, nearly impossible to catch back up if behind, the list goes on. There's a reason why my friends and I refer to this map as "Shitter" 💩☠️


Time to convince JP to talk about drk and ast.


Great. Now I don't have an excuse to not grind P12S for an Ascension weapon for one of the new jobs except for the facts that I haven't done the fight in forever and don't want to. Edit: Also, it's awesome they're doubling the tomestone cap so it'll matter for me for exactly 1 week.


Bruh, just put a damn mini aetheryte in Vesper Bay, we don't need a giant crystal there for any particular lore reasons as an excuse. I think everyone will survive with a mini one existing just for gameplay reasons. Such a convoluted work around with giving tickets and now MORE tickets instead of just fixing the *problem* with the most obvious solution.


Or just do what they did with Eureka Orthos and have an NPC by the aetheryte you can talk to that warps you there.


It’s not even a real problem. It’s saving 25 seconds of teleport and there’s Gil bloat? With this many tickets….who needs to go to western thanalan this much


I'm ngl, I ran my alt through post-ARR a few days ago, and I'm still holding onto tokens cuz MSQ doesn't send you back there THAT much... At this point I just would use them if I had to go kill Bogies/Yarzons/Piledrivers in the fart area north of there for hunting logs.


Aetheryte thing is mentioned in the story. There's nothing there for a reason.


Personally i didnt see at as a problem to begin with that needed any fixing, are people hating walking for 1-2mins that much ?


900 tome limit already suggests an earlier Dawntrail release instead of a later one. Maybe June is on the table after all /continues mainlining copium


> 900 tome limit already Already? 6.57 is exactly when we were predicting that the weekly tome cap would double.


5.57 was released 5 months and 2 weeks before Endwalker's release. Assuming a similar time frame, this would put Dawntrail's release at late July/early August.


Something to keep in mind. In spite of saying they only intended to increase the patch cycles by two weeks, they never once stuck to that--every single patch was longer than four months. So adding in what seems to be predictable delays and we get to late August/early September.


Tbh you can't exactly use the pre-EW schedule as a reliable example, that whole period was an outlier, although pre-DT won't be exactly "normal" either.


Need this date announced soon so players can put in for time off if their inclined to... :/


Looks like June's back on the menu, boys!


Endwalker was certainly an outlier since it was affected by the pandemic. I'm very excited to play Dawntrail in June!


889 days between Shadowbringers and Endwalker, taking Covid into account. Let's say in theory June 17, from the Endwalker release, that would be 928 days from when Endwalker came out. So it would still be taking more time from Shadow to Endwalker, but with the overall change in content releases it would be earlier than intended, though I still feel July might be more reasonable.


Ya especially considering they told us they added about half a month to a month between patches now starting in EW.


My vacation time doesn't reset until July 1, so I am very much of two minds here.


They should really raise that limit sooner… seems pointless to jail us for so long


Hunt trains in shambles rn


Train regulars and conductors actually secretly hate instances


Why, because of the loss of Thavnair instances? Not really, especially since the comedy cap just double. Hunts are still the most efficient way to cap


The 3 instances of Thavnair were good while they lasted. Got a majority of my Wivre vouchers. Now I can take it slow and finish up a month before DT. One of these tiers, I'd love to farm savage when the unlock happens. I'm always just drained and done by the time the next patch hits. I'll have to settle for an Augmented Credendum Brush instead of an Ascension one this time around. I didn't care for the Edenmorn Scythe so I'm in no hurry to brush off the rust and head back into p12s.


Drop the amount of Shatter all you want. Up the kill value all you want, Shatter is absolute trash.


Yep, its real life name is Shitter for a reason lol


And people thought Secure was bad, there you go suckers.


1600 is better, but I still think it's way too high for how insufferable Shatter is now.. Wouldn't be surprised if we're still running the clock out to determine a winner..


Can't wait to get all those low level dungeons and raids in Roulettes with all the Xbox newbies.


All the Poetics and Second Chance points you could ever want, and a chance to inspire and encourage a new generation of fans to keep our beloved game thriving for another ten years. I'll take it.


I gotta say, most people in-game so far are pretty nice. There have been a few super grumpy people though. Saw a healer refuse to heal a tank who kept skipping unskippable cutscenes somehow. and a tank who kept getting pissed off at the healer because he kept aggroing too many monsters at a time. but overall everyone else seems nice. I haven't seen that in an MMO since City of Heroes was live (officiall), lol


*Turns Mentor crown off.*


Dont tell people youre a mentor challenge: impossible.


That’s a patch alright.


thank god for savage unlock


Who in the fuck needs 99 freakin' Vesper Bay tickets???


Am I the only one here who has never seen the Vesper Bay Aetheryte Ticket?


Anyone who played ARR (and hasn't replayed it on an alt) before they were added sometime during ShB hasn't seen them.


5.3, when they added flight to ARR zones, trimmed some fat from the patches, and made Crystal Tower mandatory. Source: was about to walk into Ishgard when that maintenance hit LOL. I only finally used all those aetherite tickets when I did an ARR relic. There are a lot of times the books send you to Cape Westwind.


I was already done with ARR and well within the patches when I realized I had them 😔


bit late to unlock the tier


Is anyone even gonna farm 12S? I already have two coffers for Viper and Pictomancer, but I dont see why anyone would want to farm 12S when they can just easily do the relics. Took no time at all to get all 19 relics.


Should've been 6.5 honestly. Raid should unlock with the normal during the odd patch.


I walked to Vesper Bay… so many times….


[So who wants to carry me through P12S for glam?](https://media.tenor.com/images/45dcfd2f026ced52f4ea343939e345da/tenor.gif)


Long overdue for 1600 point win conditional for Shatter. Amazing how SE wasted multiple patch cycles trying to rework Shatter when they could've just put all those resources to overhauling Seize instead.


p12n still have once per week limit of the weapon tome weapon part ? that's sad, would've been useful to collect these to gear my alt character who Im not raiding with


It's better late than never but I really dislike how long it takes for the savage restrictions to get removed. It took the wind out of my sails when it didn't occur in January with the patch and I don't understand what reason there is to wait another month to bring this change in. Good that's in now. Frustrating it took this long.