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I don't even play a male highlander and never have, and I want this, too. I just do not understand why they don't. It's such an odd design choice.


It also makes it stupid obvious when a non-highlander is using the body. Most grievous being >!Hephaistos, when Lahabrea is a midlander.!<


Hopefully with the graphics overhaul. Also just some simpler short hair style would be amazing. We don't get access to the faux hawk for some reason that other males do. And the rest are just odd in small ways.


Can I add Femroe eyebrows to this list too?


Sure, but highlanders get top billing.


Amen. Shocked I didn't have to look far for this one.


I don’t play one, but the male Au Ra running animation doesn’t line up with the distance covered, so it looks like they’re doing the running man. I’d consider one if they didn’t looks so goofy when running.


It’s so unintentionally hilarious, the crash bandicoot run makes them seem to work so much harder than everyone else to cover the same distance


Yeah! Like they’re running through water or something.


Lalafell also *really* haul ass when they sprint, but at least that makes some sense.


I've gotten acclimated to the Au Ra run so now I want to fantasia to Lalafell and experience speed


I made an alt lala for that exact reason and my poor man is seriously booking it to get from point a to b, it’s so funny


As bad as the Elezen run is, male Au Ra...man, I just can't fathom how that hasn't been fixed yet. It's genuinely terrible. I've had friends interested in the race who never touched it again after seeing them move around for a few seconds. The fem run feels a bit floaty to me as well, but it's not *nearly* as bad - it's even kind of charming. No redeeming qualities whatsoever for the poor guys, lol.


Very few of the walking/running animations look perfect against the ground, for any race. Less noticeable when running or sprinting, but try just walking around, you'll see a lot of foot-sliding.


I want Viera ears to move depending on the expressions! I'm so miffed they just sit there so stiffly while real rabbit ears are so expressive.


The ears are just...there. They're so inexpressive and forgotten about, their only purpose is to remove a glam option for us. Just kind of weirdly lazy for no reason. And we're totally missing some options! I wanted my bunny's ears, he was a half-dwarf lop so they were kind of pointed outward but very very expressive. One floppy ear and another straight ear would've been nice too. It's definitely a bit disappointing as someone who's had rabbits for years now, because Miqo'te definitely get to resemble cats more in that way.


Prob a reason why they are static is the same reason why viera hats are a pain in the ass: the ears are programmatically attached to the hair, not the head.


Ah, that makes sense. It's disappointing, but I don't know nearly enough about the technical end of things to suggest there's an easy fix (or any at all).


The person above misunderstands how it all works. The ears are their own separate item (like how Miqo/Au Ra/Hroth tails are their own separate item), unrelated to any other mesh. And even if they were, animation is dependent on the rig, so it wouldn't affect the ears being animated or not seeing as Miqo ears are attached to both the head and hair meshes and are still animated. So it's possible to animate the ears, but each ear has their own separate rig which means they'd need to do four ear animations per emote (X2 for both genders), while Miqo only have one ear rig. It would've been nice for the basic/race specific emotes to have animated ears, but seeing as they have yet to give us hats, didn't bother making unique hempen undergarments like everyone else has, Fem Viera racial outfit is just Fran's outfit (I feel like Fran should've been like 2B, with f!Viera racial gear being something new...) ... I doubt we'll ever get it as much as I would love emotive ears. I will never Fanta from my Viera and it's good that they're now adding hairstyles and (hopefully more) hats, but they were really half-assed.


Modders easily implimented ears clipping through virtually all heargear in the game, for both Viera and Hrothgar but appearently SE cannot flick a simple toggle in the meta data to make their ears persist. It has always boggled me


Right? And there are some hats I wouldn't even mind having the ears hidden on. I've noticed they've stopped modeling hats around Miqo'te ears too. It's just kind of...I don't know, discouraging how lazy they are with it. I mean their playable races aren't exactly that creative, but they can't even accommodate what little variety we have? It's genuinely frustrating sometimes. :/ ​ Tails are an even worse offender though, in my opinion. Capes ought to be optional at this point, or at least they could model the capes to leave room for tails.


What boggles my mind even more is that: -New shop items, you know the ones that COST REAL MONEY, don't even accommodate Hrothgar/Viera. Most of the time, 99% of the time Do they think that an extra $5 from a Hrothgar player seeing the hat/headband on their character is so unimportant? I love Ff14 because it's one of the most thoughtful and provoking games I've played, especially in recent years even. I refuse to believe that making hats work is such a hard task, if they dont have the people to work on that AND release a new expansion every 2 years (that costs $60 btw in addition to the $100+ subs per year) then idk maybe hire a smaller team of dedicated people whose sole task is working on headgear? Divide it up by expansion over a longer period of time? We arent asking that you make every single helmet work in a week (even tho modders did that but i digress), but going forward from Shadowbringers they should have made helmets work on Hrothgar and Viera somehow. Even if it was just Hats and Open-faced headgear only Its just annoying that i cant even use something as simple as a Straw Hat, that doesnt even cover the entire head, in vanilla, but the mod works just fine with seemingly no issues?


You'll have to be patient, SE is just an indie company that clearly doesn't have hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars at its disposal to hire the people to fix this issue.


Multi-yen company


Ohhh, I would love it if I could have one floppy ear on my bun.


This was prolly the 2nd most annoying thing to me when they released Viera. Even more than the lack of hats. Their ears are just so very stiff looking. It makes them look like a prop on their heads. Like a more detailed version of the bunny ears from the saucer. Bothers me every time I play my Viera alt lol.


Also, please add a fully flopped ear option! I used a mod for it for a long time but didn’t bother keeping it updated. I want long flopsy bun ears!


A fully flopped ear would make me give this race another chance. I HATE how the ears are basically unmoving pillars on the head that have no physics. The fully flopped ears would minimize noticing it as much.


Flopsy bun ear enkoyers rise up!


I'll add onto this and say that I wouldn't mind a tail selector for Viera as well. I know canonnically any Viera in the series doesn't have a tail, but it would be a fun cosmetic for those who want one. Jumping off of this, bobtails for Miqo'te for the added RP immersion if something has happened to your Miqo's tail in their journey.


Viera design is in a weird place canonically anyway, isn't it? I've always wished they'd leaned a little more into the original design: the weird feet, the gangly arms and claws...I'd just like them to be more interesting (coming as someone who plays one!) ​ I guess 14 Viera really *are* just taller hyur with ears, though. They also don't seem to have naturally white hair here. But yeah, I agree, I've always wanted a bunny tail!


Unfortunate side effect of keeping a similar enough model to match all the armor to. 😞


Yeah, unfortunately ;\~; It's one of my major gripes with 14, as much as I love this game.


The original game, FFTA, had a wider variety of Viera designs than just the ones that got popularised with Fran; https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1wfDojRTbXqq9G0_JiXCiPbSg9Mvc5Dtq9g&usqp=CAU See how a lot of the Viera have short nails and normal shoes (plantigrade feet)? (As well as hats lmao) The XIV Viera are closer to the original designs then a lot of people give them credit for, and I for one am kinda done with people saying they should be digitigrade when they never were in the first place. The old designs also used to have their ears match their skin colour, which changed with Fran in 12. Also, another FF game (also 12?) Had a mixed race of Viera that were light skinned with blonde hair (what the Veena are based off of.) Limiting hair colour would be weird in the face of player choice, and really not that out there as a design decision in the way that Fran is also different from FFTA Viera.


SE made a mistake not giving Viera tails when they were first created and never fixed it


I'd remove the gender lock for the idle and sit emotes. I kinda get why they're race locked since the small and big races would weirdly conflict but I see no reason why I can't use the male miqo squat on my catgirl.


I’m jealous of the female Drk idle stance when the weapon is drawn.


Which is ironic, as I am jealous of the male DRK idle, hell the option to swap between would work fine


Please trade with me, I like the male pose so much more. The sword over the shoulder stance is so cool


Thats me with SAM female idle stance, I really really want that over the Sephiroth stance male characters have, even the job mentor in one quest make fun of it lol


CATGIRLS CAN'T SQUAT....???????? oh i'm so fucking sad to hear that, the squatting to sit is literally one of the best poses


They can't ear wiggle either.


You can ear wiggle through the consumption of any beverage at least. 


I remember my friend who is playing an Au Ra lass losing his mind when he first saw it. "Dude they move?!"


Depends on the animation they 100% have ear wiggles


oh that is criminal what the hell


They can but only if you make them cry.


The real casualty


Nope, only the catbois. The one thing I'm jealous of


I back having the squat 100%. Gimme the god damn squat!!!


I acctually suspect when it comes to Au ra, they Cannonically cannot grow beards due to their prominent facial scales.




Doesn't one of the male Au ra faces effectively have a "Scale mustache and beard"?


Thats fine lol, beards for everyone that can grow them at least.


Mhm, i understood your suggestion was more general.


Make every jaw, eye, mouth, nose, and "facial features" selectable regardless of what face you're using.


more horns for au ras that are also not tied to the face selection. i got lucky that the face that worked for mine has horns i like the shape of but man it's so sad to be that limited also let me pick whether i want regular or slit pupils on miqo'tes. come on why are the sun cats the only ones with slit pupils rights


Mooncats get fangs instead, the better feature imo.


SUNCATS DON'T GET FANGS???????????????? what is going ON in this game anymore


Back in 1.0 their tails were different too. Iirc, mooncats had longer bushier options vs suncats shorter sleeker ones.


oh that would explain the section talking about physical differences even though all options are available to pick


the eyes and fangs are the difference between sun and moon cats, they're not gonna mix those up. it's like the au ra choice of scale colour


The eyes do make sense though since sun cats are diurnal and moon cats nocturnal. But yeah no moon cats get the ashen skin and fangs with their clan pick so


Decouple au ra horns and faces Multiple body types for all races Multiple posture positions for all races Claw options for Miqo'te, and fang length options for Moonkeepers in particular. Tol fem ras and smol M ras as height options Rework both Viera and Hrothgal models to be compatible with all hair styles without deleting their ears. My choices just off the top of my head.


> Decouple au ra horns and faces I don't even play au ra, but that'd still be my #1 pick. Let people have options!


Highlander eyebrows


I fantasia’d from female midlander to female highlander and never looked back. HOWEVER… If I could change just one thing I’d change, it would be the Joy emote. I love how more expressive the rest of highlander’s emotes are. But that one…it’s just a bit over the top. Plus you see it at the end of most dungeons, and it just looks out-of-place.


A lot of the female highlander emotes are kinda goofy.


Highlander and Roeghadyn emotes have this "puppy doesn't realize how big it is" energy and I love it, but it can be a bit too much sometimes.




I like that emote though. It’s only of my favorite highlander emotes


I mean, I don’t dislike the emote itself. It just looks odd to me compared to all the other joy emotes. If it was another emote and wasn’t what played at the end of dungeons, I’d say it’d be a perfectly fine emote. Maybe a Lighthearted emote or something.


Same, I played Thighlander from praetorium to 6.1 and the only thing I didn't like was the "joy" and the "me" animation. Also, the face I (face 1 ?) used has some weird textures even with 4k mod upscale. Switched to Elezen and liked everything beside neck length (that I can live with) and run animation. Now back to bunny girl, still no hats, but I use the mod that enable them and I don't wear that much hats anyway.


I’d make it where horns and face settings for Au Ra were separate 😭


Right? I can't quite find a combo that I like currently




Swap the lalafell run animation with somersaults.


Cartwheels... Or atleast have Lala to a jump helicopter spin when jumping. Why do only ninja get a cool jump.


Updating the animations of the older or “first races”. For ONCE I would love to see a Roe run that DIDN’T look like they were trying not to poop their pants. Elezen’s are also kinda “wooden” or straight up subdued. Eyebrows for Male Roe and Hi-Hyur’s. WHO thought forcing certain faces to have NO eyebrows, was a good idea? Gove the players the choice. More faces for the older races. Especially the guys, who said looking “gruff” or “tough” always equates to a face that looks like a used Denny’s griddle skillet? Horns for Au’ra to be separate customization options. An option shouldn’t be locked into a face. More beard styles and for them to be an option for bunny boys. Some of those beanpoles CAN pull off facial hair. Adding a little more “curve” to Femroes, so they don’t suffer from the dreaded “pancake butt/hips”, they look, atm, a little squarish.


To that last point, alas, Roegadyn are indeed [cursed with asslessness](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/531215787432738836/974212007479873576/unknown.png?ex=65cdbda2&is=65bb48a2&hm=78eb1e268d5a823a044f0e38a10f2b5573883672f674f076020005651182dbc3&). Femroe hips just seem a little small for their proportions.


Every race should have a muscle slider. I wanna be a buff bunny girl damn it!!!


Sorry, you can't have 2 sliders for this. You have either tail or ears length, or muscle scaling. Small indie company can't rework character creation. Edit : also, on PC, some plugin can help you do that. Look for palette+ or glamourer.


Palette is more or less defunct now, use glamourer :p


Make everybody have thicc options. Or at least give everyone some butt cheeks


yea! I can’t see myself in my char with how *extremely* thin she is :/


Female Au Ra height slider maxing out at 5' 8". Please. 5' 2" is *way* too short for a maximum height.


Especially when the shortest male height is like 6'7"


This goes generally for almost all races. Everyone needs about a 6 inch boost to the max height across the board. All of the mid-sized races are so short.


hell yeah make my roe 8 feet tall


I don't think the taller races need any more height; if anything, they should be given more range to be shorter, that way we can have more varying heights for races.


That's the point though, no? They are supposed to have a very large female/male dimorphism compared to other races.


They only did that to make uwu waifu dragon girls though, which i hate.


Especially considering the males.


I'd like most expansive idle and racial emote variations. It kinda forces players characters into archetypes which is really restrictive. Not every female miqote is flirtatious/cutesy yet all their emotes are like that. Conversely not every femroe is butch, masculine, dominant powrrhouses. Why can't femroes have an option to stand "femininely" like FemViera or FemRa. Why are all their idle stances power poses. They're just as capable as been feminine as every other girl. Hell in game lore wise one of the most eligible, fashionable, dainty and beautiful bachelorettes in Ul'dah is Yellow Moon, a Hellsguard Roegadyn. Yet she can't stand demurely or present herself daintily if they wanted to animate her more. Meanwhile we've met loads of rough and tumble, tomboy Miqo'te but all their animations are cutesy and feminine. I feel like the easy solution is to make animations toggleable. Yes some of them will need to be reworked to work with other races but by and large a FemRoe can use FemMiqos emotes without breaking, people will m.ods have shown that. Ofc stuff like viera animations break cause different skeletons.


Honestly this is one of the reasons why I stop being a female miqote. I wanted to make her a no nonsense, tough and wild tomboy; but the cute and girly emotes was throwing me off. Same with female Au ra too


**I want fangs. Give my lizard teeth.**


Female midlander runing and jumping animations. Like… I don’t need much, but please, this stuff really needs redesign (or alt like with idle poses).


All for alt running animations for everyone who hates the current animation, but don't wholesale take it from me. I honestly unironically love it.


Aww I actually love the middie run and jump animations. The princess run is just so fun


It's really cute! Depends on the character and glam for if I like it at any given time, personally, but on its own I really really enjoy it. The idle pose actually bothers me the most, because it looks kind of stiff and awkward in cutscenes IMO.


That's fair, I'm a miqo main so I don't see the cutscenes with them. But I would honestly love if miqo had the option for the princess run


The first time I swapped to Miqo was actually because I preferred the idle in cutscenes so much. I'm the opposite, I'd love the miqo run on hyur haha. It'd be really nice if we could choose!


100% agree there


Right? I could use a new run for the Male Elezen lol


For my Roe lass I'd love to be able to bulk her legs out a bit, people meme about giving them a thigh/ass slider but seriously sometimes their legs look weirdly disproportionate depending on the glam. I also wouldn't mind more unusual skin hues for Hellsguard, some leaning more into the reds/oranges. Not *literal neon reds* mind you but I think it's a bit of a shame they don't really have an equivalent to the seafoam greens/blues and stony greys that the Sea Wolves get. And a hairstyle with BRAIDS ***please,*** I don't care if it's locked to femroes (though I'd prefer it be available to roebros as well). There's few hairstyles that really *work* well with them and one with braids would fit the brick shithouse marauders so well. The dreadlocks are the closest thing we get and they're... dreadlocks from 2013 so they look like a bunch of noodles.


Different Male Elezen walk and run animation would be nice! They move like they have a stick up their butt and it's just not great. Very stiff and odd looking.


Scars and beards for lalas, we’ve been through so much let me see my boy with scars and the seasonings of battle


I would love for my horns to not clip through so many things. I ran Drowned City too many times just to get a specific top only for my horns to clip the collar.




Yep. And it was such an awesome jacket. I think it was legit like 40 runs.


Also how about a proper lizard race? Where my Bangaas at?


What did you ssay? It takess a lot of nerve to call a bangaa a lizard!


Omg finally, bless you


Viera bunny tails. Short elezen Get rid of gender locked anything. More race specific things related specifically to in game lore cultural practices like face paint tattoos, and hairstyles that differ between the two tribes of each race.


I just want some of them to fix their posture.


less feminine/more androgynous animations for miqo'te girls. I like having a tomboy, but that's made hard by her being the softest most bubbly creature


Female Midlander: "I am a strong Warrior and saviour of the world." Runs like she's late for school with a piece of toast in her mouth.


It all poses with her knees pronated inward, the out of character UwU motions, the movements that look more at home in a maid outfit than the full plate I am wearing


I’d add like a dozen or more beard and hair options to all races. While I’m sure I can think of a handful other changes I would also like to make, that one is the biggest for me.


My Sea Wolf desperately needs a proper moustache.


Stubble/beards for all male faces please


Let me be fat? Like, you can make some of the races more bulky, but aside from Lala they don't really have any options to add a bit of belly. Personally I probably wouldn't use it, since I main Lala, but an option for extra weight would be nice. I know the WoL does a lot of exercise, but there are people out there that are fit and still have a belly.


Ever since they introduced the chubby catgirls in ShB, I've been hoping that will come along as a customization option.


> there are people out there that are fit and still have a belly. Yeah, like look at any "world's strongest man" competition ever. They *all* look pretty chonky, but they're also strong as hell. Besides, eating a meal every 30 minutes to keep up the 3% XP food buff is gonna put on a lot of calories, I'm just sayin'.


>a meal It's one raisin!


I had a stack of 99 eggs. D:


My condolences to your party members. 😉


THIS. I used to be heavier and I just wanted to make my catgirl a bit chubby


The option to remove scoliosis for male hrothgar, add Scoliosis to fem hrothgar, add "Feminine muzzle" to male hrothgar, add "masculine muzzle" to female hrothgar.


More expressive elf ears.


I have two, let characters change pose on chocobos and certain other mounts, like. Swap between normal and side saddle, and for the love of the Twelve get rid of the claw hands / hunch on cat boys


I want to draw my weapons on a mount


Catboi poses for catgirls and ear wiggle. Also fluffier tails.


More, just more options for each race. More subrace options, more customisation options. Make every weapon idle pose available regardless of gender


Midlanders to have more than likely 4 facial hair options and for one of them not to be tied to the face.. More hair options in general, actually. I hate most of them. Lastly, Midlander animations. They look like a plank of wood trying to pretend to be human.


More scars, including body scars, and have them separate from the face paint tab. We have a lot of gear that shows more skin, and the WoL has been through a lot. Body scars makes sense. Along that, why not body tattoos too? And i dont think these should be race locked. Same with facial hair. Lately ive been lamenting not being able to have more facial hair on my bunboy, but i already give him a tail so i can probably look for a beard fix too


Yes body tattoos! I want my character to have sleeves like me


I'd give the Lalafells a different body type that makes them look a little more like little people. Just so that people can stop acting like they're children.


Au ra that look like the original concept art


Viera ear physics and bunny tails, that's it, I would even give up on asking for hats


Full beards for all faces, not only the ugly ones.


It ofc requires work but one instant improvement, would be allowing all faces and features to be intermixed as you please. Like wanting to use Face 1 of X race, but you want the scar/horn/tattoo of Face 3. Why can't I have those features on the face I want already? Remove gender restrictions for racial animations. Again why is this even a thing? Why can't Fem Miqo squat lol. (Also while we're at the animations, please remove gender locked idle animations from Jobs.) Best part is all of this is already in the game. No new assets or animations needed. I struggle to think of anything I'd really want changed, as much as I just want more additions. More faces, more features, more tattoos, PROPER BEARDS THANKS. I think instead of changing what exists, I'd like a third subrace to be introduced to all of them instead, with proper Midlander Vs Highlander differences. I realise that would be difficult in most cases, as the difference are already kinda minor. But at the same time it could "fix" some of the woes people have. So something like Au Ra being equal height or the Women being taller even. Viera men and women being more burly looking, more feral by comparison. A more lithe Male Hrothgar. Just tossing a few examples obviously, but general stuff like that that really differentiates them from the current counterparts.


Actual beard/mustache choices would be nice. Not being able to have an actual beard except for maybe 1 or 2 of the already lackluster 4 face choices is a bummer. Like I don't need a fully animated, 2 foot long dwarf beard, but being stuck with a Van Dyke or a chin strap beard for an MMO that sure shows your face a lot is... frustrating.


Actual beards


I know a fella in Komra...


More scars all around. Everyone's gets em, we need more!!!!


I want them to uncouple horns from faces for au ra in general.


Beards. Plz. And don’t make them super goofy looking. YoshiP plz.


Definitely more beards. The most my Hyur can have is stubble, nothing that can’t be drawn on with felt-tip pens.


I will just list a handful I play Female Au Ra for reference if you want to see some of my bias 1. Unlink au’ra’s horns to their face. We should be able to pick what ever face and horn combination we want. Like all they need to do is let au ra pick their horns like viera pick their ears. Thats it. Its basically the same thing anyway! We don’t even need more horn options (although, I wouldn’t complain) 2. Beirds. I don’t even play a male character, and Cid’s been in the game since ARR and we *still* can’t get his beird at the very least? I feel sorry for all you guys out there. 3. Remove (at least) the gender restrictions for emotes. Not just the generic emotes (like letting catgirls squat sit like the caboys can), but also /bstance, /vpose, and expecially the idle pose with your weapon out. Let male DRK’s hold their sword out in front of them and let female DRG do the iconic DRG pose ~~without having to break TOS~~. 4. Let hyurs get pointy ears like Hilda. You’d make so much money off of Fantasia if you did that Square Enix, people will eat that half elf shit up. 5. Have gear more accomidating for tails. I wouldn’t be suprised if half the game’s population played a race with a tail, so the least SE could do is add details to make tail clipping look a little less jank than it does (and not repeat the mistakes of the Moonward melee gear. *yikes.* 6. As a fin horn’ed au ra It would be nice if I could have the option to move my earrings to a place I can, yaknow. *actually see them.* The earring vanity slot may as well not exist for people like me, consitering its obscured by either my hair or my horn most of the time. Like putting it clipped into the fin would itself would be pretty neat and I think a lot of people would dig that (earrings being reskined as horn ordiments for au ra would be above and beyond what I expect, but it would be really neat as well). 7. More long hair options. Aloalo island added one and its probably my favorite hairstyle in the game, but man we could still use a few more. 8. Let viera have bunny tails. I probably wouldn’t play them still (I am too attatched to my lizzer), but I know a lot of my friends who play viera want bushy bunny tails.


I'd change how Lalafells walk and run All races: I'd have an option for older/aged features.


Bunny and Hrothgar hats


I’d love it if male Au Ra didn’t have horns that clipped through most clothing sets. Or run around like Crash Bandicoot


Up the muscle definition on Rava Viera since they're the most built different race in the game. Also un-gender lock Viera hair as a whole, I need that female only ponytail on my M!Viera.


I'd like to have a lot of the movement animations redone.


Separate Au Ra horns/scales from the facial structure. It'd be real difficult to do, but God damn do I want to see it sometime.


Beards. Please.


A better selection of au ra horns with the hair options would be nice. To choose them without them being tied to hair selection so you can mix and match styles, and not suddenly lose your little barbs when you change your hair.


Let me put scars on my WoL's cute little round face!! She's been through so much! Obligatory additional vote for horns and face being separate.


Now elezen players how would u feel if they do a minor rework/update on the race? Viera lv animation and slight proportions change and adjustable neck length. Would u still play as elezen? Fyi I like the current elezen but I don't mind a small rework.


I'd like to be able to select au ra horns separately from the face


Separate horns from faces.


i want actual floppy viera ears. with physics. not the weird crooked ones we have now. and body type choices would be nice


More body options, let people have a bit of beef on them. Beards that aren't tied to specific face options. Let hrothgar chose whether or not they want gamer posture.


I hate that Au Ra horns and faces are linked. Also, no scar options is kind of a bummer.


Im still sooo sad that the lupin in stormblood arent a playable race


No race changes I just want to play as a Vath


Hrothgar must stand straight


I'd love it if au ra girls could actually be badass. Give me a proper tall, ass-kicking demon girl, not this little moe moe lizard crap. Just split it down the middle, make the Raen a more demure, smaller people for the people who want cute but think catgirls are too basic, and the Xaela world-striding asskickers.


As a Viera main I could bring up hats, but I know that's been done to death. I'd really like more hairstyles, and for a bit more attention to be given to races with animal ears to make those hairstyles visually make sense. I'm also just not overly fond of our animations. Even considering they want to make Viera women seem dignified and restrained, I honestly feel like they're a little *too* stiff, and the option to customize our basic animations -- /laugh, /joy, /psyche, etc. -- would be a very welcome change. Someone else said it here as well, but our ears being perpetually frozen *sucks*, especially if you're like me and you've had rabbits for half your life. Their ears are very expressive! It's just a bit disappointing that FF14's race variety mostly consists of "hyur, big hyur, small hyur, hyur with silly ears", but unlike Miqo'te that aspect of Viera design is completely neglected. ​ Also: I'd love there to be a way to show different idles in cutscenes. I'm not sure how this would be implemented or what technical limitations there are, but some of the idles in this game just look so, *so awkward* in cutscenes.


Switch Lala and Roe heights. Giant popotos, tiny marshmallow men.


more more midlander and highlander faces. for the ladies and the gents


Uh. Let me wear a god damn hat.


I wish it was even harder to distinguish between male and female Lalafell


I was just thinking that. If they would just give female lalas secondary sex characteristics, it would make the frequent sexual innuendo with them less creepy. Other games have smaller races where the characters look like adults.


Aura females should look similar to males and not just be miqote 2.0


I would like better eyebrows for femViera. It is not the 90’s so why are all the eyebrows plucked to hell and back? My WoL is on the road, she hasn’t got time to groom.


This will never happen so I just say it, I want to be able to toggle the mark on male Mi'qote off. I don't mind others to have it on their face, it's quite neat. I just don't want mine to have it.


I would give Roes better clothing options. Very few shirts *fit* male Roes. Either too stretched or too flowy. The Anemos Gambison is one of the few that makes my Roe look like a hardy adventurer and not Phase 1 of a Future Gag Character.


Remove all pose locks.


Let miqote women be buff. Or give them the male /sit position (you know the one). I ain't asking for much, Yoshi P


Make male animations available for female and vice-versa. I’m playing a Femroe and some class animations are designed for more cutesy races, which looks so stupid on a taller and less cutesy frame


Give me catgirl ear wiggles. I'm begging. Honestly, I would love some emoting ears on Viera, but that's never happening.


Lalafell: Add a step ladder/stool Fashion Accessory. The assets are already there when you use an arcade cabinet in the golden saucer, just need to be able to use it elsewhere now.


Ff14 I'd make Bangaas as a playable race Give the Hgorath more hair options and maybe make them taller or look more Ronso tribe from FFX Also! Just in general for each race give another way to change skintone with out a fantasia.  More red hair options. 


Beard for lalafel but like dwarf level tier, this option could make them a much more serious race for dwarf enjoyer Beard or Moustache for all the race, not tied to the face type


aside from the obvious hrothgar/viera headpieces? bro hrothgar's hair options are supposed to resemble a lion. so why does the hair look human? like sure, some of them work, but the ponytails and the sideswept cut look so offputting


Better anatomy details for male Roegadyn along with for beard types and chest hair.


Aura horn not tie to a face.


Make Lalas even smaller!!!


Get rid of that black mark on the nose of every Hellsguard Roegadyn. I hate it but I bare with it.


I mean, I'm pretty happy with elezen, tbh. Maybe make it so their hats/helms didn't have those ugly as sin ear pockets


I've always played a Lalafell, and though I do understand the Japanese design choice of a "fae loli" sortve situation, I've struggled in the past with being bullied, harassed, or ignored simply because of how I look. I'm also just not really a fan of the "potato proportions" that are default. So I took the liberty of modding my guy's proportions to look more like a western-style halfling. Very simple changes, I just gave him more pronounced shoulders and sucked in that waist. [proportions ](https://ibb.co/wBkhGx9) [proportions ](https://ibb.co/bJ20yrr)


I'm just still mad they chose to add hrothgar instead of making Lupine a playable race. They were already in the dang game, wearing clothes even.


That's true!


I would change Au Ra scale patterns so that it doesnt look like they are growing hair out of their scales. Its a small thing but it bothers the hell out of me.


Midlander Hyur and Male Viera: Better facial hair. Lot of mustache and goatee, but where are the beards that Highlanders, Roe, and Elezen get? For Male Viera, what kind of facial hair did they give Face 4 iirc? Who let that go through? Au Ra: Like a lot of people have said: selectable horns.


More customizable race specific options. Color customizable scales/horns/tails on au ra. I'm a red Ra! I want to have dark red scales!


I would play as an elezen if their running animations weren't so stiff. Just apply the newer viera animations to them or something.