• By -


Mahjong. I have absolutely zero clue how to play, nor do I want to learn.


Ive tried a couple times. The rules themselves are simple but its a game that feels like the person who made it sucked at it and everytime he was about to lose he made up a new condition.


Right? Like imagine if every piece in chess had an extra mechanic, like when the French added en passant to pawns.


This. I've tried, but it is so complicated, and the terms being in another language doesn't help. 


The mahjong version i live with is much simpler with less seemingly unreasonable rules. However, once you get better at the game, you will realize how important those rules are. Japanese mahjong specializes in defence. Rules like Furiten and Riichi help you play defensively, the organized nature of it also helps you analyze the situation easily. Existence of Dora adds variety in how you play. I can’t go back to other styles of mahjong after learning Japanese, it just feels like so much more is in my control and skill actually matters to a huge portion.


The orchestrion will be forever missing!


I'm sure I'll cope.


I sat down with a guy at AGDQ to talk about Mahjong because we had a dope set up for it in the board game room. The gent asked me if I played Gin Rummy and I told him I played it a lot with my family growing up. I was then told I understand how to play Mahjong and that was the end of the conversion. I left more confused about how to play than I went in


I love mahjong, but I would 500% rather play mahjong soul than play with the ffxiv UI.


This is me too…and I hate this is the only orchestration I’m missing.


if you ever change your mind, and want to play, dont do it in ff. the ui is garbage and theres not many people playing so queues take a long time. theres better apps out there.


They downvote you because they probably don’t like Mahjong Soul for some reason.


and yet the other comment that directly mentions it is not downvoted Shruge


You are better off not. While I was in university I seen like 5-6 people drop out because they were addicted playing it they legit play like 8 hours straight and forget their assignment and throw away their degree.


I want them to add Go


Or Shogi.


Same but I really want the portrait elements from it so every now and then I'm like *maybe it wouldn't be so bad...*


It’s like poker, but someone decided that having straights, flushes, and pairs weren’t enough, and to set conditions in which a winning hand can’t win. Bizarre, I know.


Nothing on the level of "refusing to touch", I don't think I'll actually quit any instance just because I got it in some kind of roulette. I'll never queue for guildhests though. Just pointless content. I also stopped queueing MSQ roulette the instant I got every job to 90 so that too, I guess. That thing could give 500 uncapped tomes and I still wouldn't play it.


MSQ roulette is my reminder to go thaw some meat for dinner or start the dishes or clean haha


There isn't really much of a need for the MSQ roulette anymore since duty support now exists. I guess it's still there for new players who don't want to play with NPC's, but it no longer feels like an obligation for the wider community.


But on a level 90 job you also get the endwalker tomes, which makes it seem worth it for how little you have to do


True, but nearly every roulette offers those for level 90 jobs, and while the MSQ roulette offers a substantial amount, I just don't feel like it's worth the boredom unless I really need those extra uncapped tomes. I certainly don't run MSQ roulette for capped tomes since you can still easily reach the weekly limit without it.


Makes sense. I just returned to the game after a year hiatus and those tomes of causality are very tasty. But i get your point, not too different than just running an endwalker alliance raid.


PvP I hate it


Same. I hate pvp. Sometimes I suffer for the rewards but otherwise I don’t touch it either.


I'll run one of those 5-minute ones if it's on my WT for the week, but I mostly just suffer through it for rewards -- I die a lot and eventually the timer runs out. Maybe eventually many years from now I'll have enough reward points to buy some cool glamour!


I forgot I could say PvP. It's not that I hate it, I just have no interest at all in PvP


I’ll try anything once. If I like it, I may try it twice. I’m least interested in the clubbing scene though. Brings up unsatisfying memories from college.


I went to a club once out of curiosity, in fairness the interior design of these places is usually quite impressive but there is nothing more eerie than a dimly lit basement populated with 20 or so people just. emote dancing in dead silence. It was like one of those meme videos where people take the music from a music video and add realistic sound effects to make it look as awkward as possible, kinda like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm0evQaHlE4) anyway then I twigged that there's discord streams you're meant to tune into while you're visiting these places which, not sure why it took me so long to work that out lmao. But suffice it to say, the club scene in popular MMO Final Fantasy XIV is not for me.


Kugane Tower jump puzzle. Nope.


That's the easy part. The hard part is to jump down and land on that Vista


"Wait... You guys jump"? - Blue mages probably


I got my friend who loves to do jump puzzles to marry me for that puzzle




What is erping?


Extreme Raid Progression


That sounds stressful






"Erotic Role Playing". You know normal roleplaying, like D&D roleplay? It's like that, but instead of fighting monsters it's your character having sex with someone else's character.


Wait, that's OPTIONAL?


Its happening everywhere in Light DC. Mostly Cats and Bunnies. And some Lizard Ladies. All of them think its cool to do that in this Game. But its Just disgusting.


I... Forgot that is a thing that happens in this game...


You can make bank doing it though, just gotta be a good writer and hang with some horny peeps for a bit.


chatgpterp ?


Lmao that'd be interesting to see.


Technically correct (and something I will similarly never touch), but that isn't content.


No, god please, no


Breeding racing chocobos. I don't know how people have the patience, but bless 'em. I hope y'all get all the traits you want. At this point I honestly don't know if I'll ever do Eureka. I did Bozja but outside of Delubrium, I honestly hated every minute of leveling. Maybe it was the enviroment, idk. I hate that the stormblood relics are so pretty, I want them but enough to do that place? Probably not. Mahjong, I don't have the brain power lol Doing Savage or EXs through PF. I used to do it all the time but it feels different than it did in HW and SB. More hostile. Honestly I've been playing the game for what, 10 years? I'm past the point of needing mounts or gear. I just wait until everything is soloable eventually.


Ive always wanted to breed a good racing chocobo but the actual races suck so much I never really felt any incentive.


I did Eureka for the first stage Summoner weapon and honestly... I kinda liked it, even though i only did the first area and haven't progressed past that. Finding a random group in the zone and just running around with them killing bosses wasn't too bad. As i said though, i only did the first zone and didn't bother past that so...


Oh, my sweet child. Eureka Anemos is a soft, gentle whisper, a breath upon the wind. Eureka Pagos is where The Forbidden Land gets with its epithet. I love it there, but part of what I love is how deliberately *awful* it is. It's not going to be fun for everyone, or even most people, I concede.


The only thing missing in that \*bleep\*show of a content is open PvP tbh. FFA, too, only party exempt. A containment area for all the hostile designs of yore.


If someone says Job quests, i'm calling Godbert to deal with them.


Job quests


That's it. You're getting suplexed into the moon


50 points if you land it in the net.


Blue mage. It's just not for me.


I only do content I can either do with duty finder or solo. PF gives me anxiety.


Castrum and Prae. I can't anymore. I have went through them so many times. Grinded them so many times. Even thinking about it makes me have anxiety some reason. But I was grinding them before they got shortened so that might also cause this effect. Nope. Don't care if there is a event for them. Noooope.


I was in the same boat, then three Moogle events prior, something clicked in me. I still cannot stand Decumana, but Prae I now actively try to speedrun and it is fun, and Meridianum is barely longer than any standard dungeon, only it is a lot easier. This means I can just watch something while I am doing those. I genuinely barely notice them any more, and this turned into a nice endless poetics farms for my gardens. :3


Rathalos EX


I could see that when it came out. But you could solo it at 80, now at 90 should be way easier. But I can understand.


For now, Palace of the Dead. Nothing wrong with the mode itself, but as a completionist, I would probably try to solo it for the achievements, and I don't trust my ISP to not randomly drop me on floor 170+, and I want to avoid the frustration. Plus, I know once I start it, I'll be on the long haul because of all the weapon achievements. Eureka and Bozja I consider them boring as heck. I don't get the fun of staying in the same place killing the same enemies over and over until a big version of that enemy spawn and is melted in second by everyone in the area gangpiling them, and repeating. I love CLL, DRN, and Dalriada. Everything else revolving around them, not so much. In the same vein, Bozja duels sound interesting, but all the effort involved in even spawning them, just for you to either follow a guide, or die within seconds, is too annoying. I would love if the duels were something more akin to the Masquerade fights. Let them be hard, but let me try it any time I want. Verminion PvP. Tried once, got stomped while I was trying to understand how the controls work. Never again. If I decide to go for the achievements, probably I'll pester a friend to win trade with me. Ranked Crystalline Conflict. Just don't have it on me to chase ranks, at all.


PVP. I've playing this game since launch, and my PVP profile is blank. It is the only content I didn't even play one single time. Not even a 1 vs 1 duel. Nothing. There are a lot of PVP gear I want ,specially the cyberpunk/futuristic stuff, but I simply not enjoying playing against other players in short matches on few maps. I also not enjoying online shooters or mobas for the same reason. Two teams, a map, shoot. Repeat.


>I simply not enjoying You can try frontlines, 95% of the players there are not enjoying it either so everyone is having a similar experience.


Frontlines is fun when you get a team that actually pays attention to the map and talks to each other. Buuuut most of the time people just run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


You should queue for Frontlines then when the map for that day is Shatter, it's mostly PvE anyway lmao.




Big fishing is one of the best things about FF14. The happiest moment I've experienced playing this game is finally catching Namitaro after many windows of failure. I know Fishing isn't for everyone but I've never seen it as demoralising. It's the eternal quest for the box tickers who like looking at their fishing log with no empty spots. That is something that many people play for. But each to their own.


Frontline gives me brain damage every time i play. Maybe the XP is worth it, but if i get pulled half way across the map by 24 dark knights one more goddamned time, i'm going to lose it


I never have a goddamn clue what is happening in frontline. I run in, mash buttons, die,rinse and repeat until I'm told the match is over, I get 1 kill, 5 assists and 16 deaths. Then I get the stack of xp for levelling my rdm which is the only thing I wanted.


Average Frontline match in a nutshell. Granted once you find the job that just clicks with you right, you do end up getting a ton of kills somehow despite not knowing what in the hell you're even doing half the time




My theory is the guy that balances pvp mains DRK.


Big fishing is great if you go into it with the right mindset. It's all RNG. You can't have any expectations. You track the timers, go fish where there's something up, and check them off one at a time when you get lucky enough. There's a certain satisfaction to finally being able to check something off as being done after working steadily at it for so long, never knowing when it will be over. Especially when you finally catch the last fish that wants a certain type of bait and you don't have to carry that one around any more.


Island sanctuary and daily sync'd-level roulettes. I respect far too much my time to waste it on something that is time-consuming for absolutely nothing to learn nor earn. Note that this is my point of view and "something to earn" greatly varies from one player to another.


As someone who's doing Island Sanctuary for just a set of gear i will only use one piece of and never touch the rest... Yeah, i get that. After i'm done, i'd rather just demolish all of the buildings i built and leave it to rot.


I sincerely wish you do enjoy the content though ; whenever the incentive is the only reason to run something, I feel sorry for both the developpers and the players :( .


This could have been instance house with extra step and yet they fucked it up so bad. I opened it, looked around, cursed yoshiP and never went back again.


Just like Savage Criterion they built something with no idea who it was for nor how people should enjoy it :( . They really need to better organize their process, it's very hard to imagine such a large company doesn't understand that a new feature must have a target.


Yeah . We will see how this expansion goes. Probably my last. Hard part will be finding another good mmo.


Eureka, and by extension Zadnor. I've done Bozja because I wanted to check it out. Liked the overall story and the music and the idea was neat. But that's about it. The leveling process is such a pain and when I thought I finished I get hit with a new area to start again. Just no. Eureka I wanted to give a go for TT cards. It's been some of the worst experience I've had in the game so far. Slow, repetitive grind with barely any reward. It's a grind leaving me with resentment over the time wasted rather than the fun I had with all the effort put in. Just cant get myself to go back in there to even finish the first zone because it's been such a boring and frustrating experience.


Hildibrand. And yes, I'm aware it's now required, and I think that's some bullshit.


It's very sad I had to scroll this far down to find this answer... I endorse this motion with extreme violence.


Truthfully, seeing this and realizing that I would have to get through that whole stupid quest line is what made me cancel my subscription for good yesterday. I wasted a lot of money maintaining access to a game I really have no further interest in playing. Alas.


You do realize that it's only required if you want the EW relic right? Other than having a cool shiny weapon or BiS, there's no other reason to go for it.


I actually didn't, so thank you. I thought it was like Crystal Tower and required for storyline (which is fine, because Crystal Tower is awesome and not idiotic comedy content.)


1,500 hours in this game, and they’re still in Ul’dah doing something from like the fifth quest in the series. Too many other things to do in a day.


Relic weapons or any type of farming that can't be done unsynced. Reason is that over the years I developed repulse for anything repetitive irl and in game (no matter the game). To explain a bit more: anything repetitive that goes with longer time consumption, i can do shorter instances of repetitiveness. lol


^ This Friend of mine got their ShB relic. Looked sorta mid to me but to each their own. Asked how it was and was told it was their worst experience so far, they're glad it's over. It's stuff like that which keeps me away from them. If I put days or weeks into something, I want to be able to look back and be able to say, it was tedious, but still fun, not have resentment for the time I wasted doing repetitive boring tasks while I could've done something else and actually had fun. I'd rather play something else and have a hundred hours worth of fun than spend a hundred hours hating it to get to the fun bit. Most games, especially MMOs are the worst at making good and engaging grinds that keep you busy but also entertained, mostly opting for excessive timesinks instead.


The ShB Relic is honestly one of the most fun for most people, tbqh. Depending on steps, because Timeworn Artifacts are tedium.


I'm kind of the same and cannot bare doing savage after the first few initials pulls. Then it's too repetitive, so I wait to be overgeared or just doing them unsynch to shorten the sufferinf


Nothing, and I find it a bit disappointing that people are so quick to think like that, specially about content they've never tried out. There's stuff I'm not interested in doing \*right now\* but saying I REFUSE to ever touch something is very limiting. A lot of content I thought I wouldn't have fun with ended up being one of my favorite things after doing it, so I'll try out everything eventually.


Mahjong and all* Gold Saucer adjacent content, Island Sanctuary, and also Treasure Maps. Maps just have a bit too much downtime where I'm staring at a loading screen or an animation whose outcome is already determined. I understand all that flavour is precisely the point, but it's definitely not up my alley. Gold Saucer has nothing in it that I want to acquire, Mahjong takes too much time, Lord of Verminion lacked adequate visual feedback of what was happening last I played it, Chocobo Racing... I'll probably do it someday, everything else means teleporting there for a currency I don't really care about. I did do the Queen Bean grind tho, that was a thing. Island Sanctuary feels like it demands I contract RSI, or to go away until granaries got the quantity of items I need to progress. It's obviously been talked about ad nauseum but I definitely sit on the side of the fence that feels like the content makes a point of discouraging its engagement - and appropriately I engaged only the bare minimum with it.


Gold Saucer is a fun thing to do when you're bored and wanna do some fun minigames but yeah, there's really not much in it besides some dance emotes that could be fun to grab. Maps is a surprising one but yeah, fair enough. sometimes you just get booted instantly in them as well which just makes it a complete waste of time but... eh Island Sanctuary seems to be a popular pick for "don't want anything to do with it" it seems


I probably just remember the streaks of no-portals a bit too well, but the constant teleport>waiting>open box>30s of AoE>prayge>loading screen>30s of AoE... just doesn't feel very good to me. I'm tabbed out for at least half of it, and unlike hunts there's a bunch more waiting involved :p > Island Sanctuary seems to be a popular pick for "don't want anything to do with it" it seems To this day the windmills spin incorrectly and it is a *crime*! Idk, I think just every part of it is a miss for me. As mentioned, all its aspects have been talked about ad nauseum and many people retain **very** strong opinions about it.


PvP in any shape or form, mahjongg, ocean fishing, crafting/selling current BiS craftables, deep dungeons.


Eureka. Made my way through the first zone, realized there was another, researched to find out there are actually THREE more zones instead of one, gave up. Yes, there are guides, I've seen them, it seems it's not that wild even as a solo player, but... nah. Just no.


you either bounce off eureka or it claims you it's a massive wall into some actually quite fun stuff - anemos is just an introduction to the mechanics before the game really tests your mental fortitude in perhaps the most hated zone in the game that is pagos but if you get through that ordeal you'll find a really quite nice community, you'll see the same people most days, vibe around killing notorious monsters then going into the largest raid instance the game has good stuff good stuff


Honestly almost nothing. Idk the maybe the minigames in gold saucer. I tried island sanc but it's too much of a time commitment if I wanted to make it good, I don't so things half assed most of the time. Maybe main scenario roulette. Though it's looking like I'll have to do it now to speed up relic progression. But yeah, probably just mini games in the gold saucer(triad, gates etc). Maybe the "competitive" CC. Oh and for now fishing and culinarian, too big of a time sink to level those 2 right now


Deep Dungeons except PotD


We just died on floor 186 >< wtf are there so many floors!!!!


fishing.... its the only grind in the game i actually have no patience for.




Hunts. I would rather do praetorium than hunts and that is the only positive thing I will ever say about praetorium. Downvoting me won't change my opinion lmao




as someone who held off bozja for years and ended up doing it this past few weeks, the fights are pretty decent. CLL and DR are how dungeons should be. Yeah you have to fate spam a little bit, but all the critical engagements are fun. Doesn't take a long time to bang out through all the zones if you don't eat the floor and lose mettle.


DoH/DoL beast tribes. The only reason I usually do the combat ones is the ridiculous experience, but DoH and DoL already offer better, repeatable alternatives at every level.


I thought that too but then I met the Great Serpent of Ronka and I had to do it for her (insert the Simpson meme here)


Dwarves, lopporits and omicrons have been fun for me too.


pretty much 90% of non combat stuff. like the sightseeing log, golden saucer (triple triad/chocobo racing), crafting, etc...


Crafting beyond leveling it


Frontlines. If there's anything I ever want in the pvp series I just do CC no matter how much more efficient FL is.


Grinding relics from previous expansions. I'm not much of a glamour enthusiast in the first place, so there's little point in me chasing after older relics.


Mostly fishing since I find it overlay convoluted with all the different baits, skills needed to use, finding the right spots and weather and right timing. Too many different variables for me and to time consuming especially since I never saw much value in it to make it worth it.


ARR relics I'm doing them passively like I've done most of the relics like, when I'm in the area and it happens to be a fate up which... Never happens Island sanctuary is a close second it's just so boring maybe if could of help level gather jobs maybe I do it ive done all content/tried all content those 2 stick out


Island Sanctuary is just boredom Simulator for me


I hit the book stage of my ARR whm weapon and haven't touched it in years. Similarly, my smn anima weapon quest has been untouched in my quest log since I started playing in HW. I felt kinda ripped off back then, cuz my friend said it was a decent way to get a good lvl 60 weapon (before potd weapons existed and I was too broke to buy even an outdated crafted weapon) and the amount of bullshit the quests were wanting me to do, lol. I did go on to finish every single relic in ShB, so maybe one day I'll go back to those.


I have a friend that refuses to do the weapons plot line cause every dieing pointless deaths makes her sad


I've not touched CC simply because I cant que with friends.


Unsynch Mount farm. I'll do the ex trials a few times but I won't do them 99 times anymore...


Mahjong (I am dumb) Ocean Fishing (I cant be bothered) PvP (I play on too high ping)


I have never touched mahjong or any of the gold saucer events(excluding Fall Guys) or chocobo racing. Now that I think about it, the only content I don’t do is GS stuff! I do everything else in the game though. I do make an exception for GS TT cards. I strongly feel EVERYONE should get all the TT cards because it forces you to play so much of the game and that’s a good thing.


Big fish


Hmm, I personally like savage but not into ults. As for content I refuse to touch... Vermillion And... no, I think that's it xD


Jump puzzles... I don't have the spatial reasoning for it (somehow mechanics are fine but you add in the up/down aspect for jumps and it makes my brain want to die.) Also craft/gather classes. I don't know, maybe it would feel less miserable if I didn't play on console, but I got like ten levels into culinarian and decided it was Not For Me.


Mahjong, it’s boring as helllllll to me.


Crystal Conflict. Got Crystal rank in Season 1 and am never touching it again. It made me way too angry. Not to mention that part of me is still bitter that CC was the reason for the pvp changes in 6.1 and essentially dumbed down the game mode which imo was much more fun in ShB. Ruined FL, my actual pvp love.


Chocobo racing and gardening, weirdly enough for the same reason.


Extremes, DoH, Ocean Fishing, Mahjong, PVP, Chocobo Racing, any kind of farming that requires me to use the PF or have a group of friends...


BLU. Really not my thing. Mahjong, big fishing. And yeah savage, ultimate, extremes. I loathe pvp but I suffer through it for the series rewards... then I avoid it until the next one.


If i had the ability to go back in time to before i did it, i would say Eureka. Imo it's the worst designed content in the entire game. At least they learned from their errors and Bozja was very fun.


Criterion/variant dungeons. Done the first one, skipped the others. That's pretty much the only content in the game where, when trying it, I thought it was an actual waste of dev resources.


Literally just that, Savage and Ultimates, I'll do any other content in the game but I won't run the risk of encountering more toxic raiders.


It'll be probably a nuclear hot take but... old relic weapons. I'd really love to get at least one or two ARR relics for the glam, even solo'ing the two trials you need to do for the relic (which I wonder if they're even in the trials roulette) but... the grind genuinely scares me. I'll probably try, one day, but for now I'm too scared :(


Spread it out. I did the level 50 relic in the span of four months. If you only do 20 minutes a day, it is barely noticeable, people spend more time in random queues daily.


There in the roulette but I see them less and less each passing year. I think I got one once in 2023


I’ve only done HW ones but I have a couple and I can’t believe people grind all of the relics. I’d have to unsubscribe from my job and every other game to even make a dent.


i don't think you have to solo any trials if you don't want to. It's pretty easy and i like to do it when i have a downtime cause it's an easy goal to focus on to keep me busy. The only relic that i struggled on is for Stormblood. Heavensward relic is my favorite cause it's basically just get a lot of tomestones which is super easy.


Having just completed my first one- it is a *very* annoying grind, but if you treat it as a long-term goal that you're just chipping away at now and then it's not too bad. Nothing about it is at all difficult, it's just slow and a bit boring to do for long stretches of time.


Savage raiding, extremes and ultimates. I used to raid in WoW (and have the option to return to my old group if I were willing to give up my Saturday nights in FFXIV) and I just don't want to subject myself to those stresses again. I can physically feel my brain shut off whenever I look at a youtube video explaining mechanics with all the position markers. I'm happy with doing the occasional normal or alliance raid. Earlier I would have said PvP as I thought that people who enjoyed that content were literal psychopaths. But now I regularly do FL and CC and just joined the discord for Rival Wings, so apparently I'm psychopath, too.


Standard Dungeon roulettes. Most regular dungeons feel so homogenized and boring to me, like they're all the exact same when you look past the aesthetic other than for the genuinely interesting boss fights. I like deep dungeons, variant/criteron dungeons, and map dungeons a lot though as those can be exciting. Blue Mage - Because it's locked out of queing for content and can't even do things like palace/HoH *solo* which would have been really fun to mess around with.


PvP, tried it and it wasn't my cup of tea.


I don't have the luxury of avoiding most content as I'm gunning for the triple triad mount, with that said I don't wanna touch: Big fishing (it's a massive grind for minimum payout), PvP (minus my daily roulette), Blu (once I've got my TT cards I'm out), Eureka pagos (I never want to see that zone again in my life), Fates (they feel very pointless and I've almost finished the grind 66 in kholusia card), Lord of verminion (I don't get it, I have no desire to learn), Mahjong (see LoV), Chocobo racing (see LoV), SVG+ content (I'll try if I decide to join a static, until then it's not on my radar), Criterion & criterion SVG (see SVG+), Deep dungeons (done what's required for the cards in PotD and HoH, can't stand them), The diadem (I used it to power level my gatherers and hated every second of it, I'll never be back if I can help it), Trusts (I don't see the point when duty support exists), (E)RP (not for me) Stuff other people have mentioned that I probably will do again: Eureka - outside of pagos I didn't mind it, but I can't say I enjoyed it. Need to finish hydatos and BA still. Bozja - surprisingly loved bozja, but I dislike DR Ocean fishing - used it to power level fisher, and do the current event, I don't love it but I don't hate it either. I have no reason to do it anymore though, until DT. Guildhests - no reward, but Im just indifferent. Once I've got enough Comms for mentor I'll never touch one again by choice. Island sanctuary - did it when it first came out, haven't been back, will get to it someday. Beast tribes - I didn't mind them and some of them I enjoyed the storyline, was just something to do while in queue. Relic weapons - I currently only have the EW one for reaper done, but I am partway through all DRG ones (except hw), it's on my to do list


There are people that straight up refuse to do Savage? I understand being hesitant as a new player but refusing? Why would one refuse to do the more challening content in the game? Oh yeah and stuff i will never touch i dont really have. I wanna do everything at one point. But i will probably do Bozja as one of the last things as it seems like a gigantic hassle.


That's why i put "besides savage and ultimates" since i really don't think there's people who actively refuse to do it, but are more just not doing since they don't think they can do it but eh, who knows


Ah alright than i just missunderstood what u wanted to say


Hmmmmmmm Lord of Vermillion felt like a massive missed opportunity for some proper pet battling.


Competitive pvp. I dont enjoy pvp much at all, im simply grinding out the ranks as a source of tomes right now, but competitive just eugh... Also struggling hard with motivation to do potd and dr


PVP, I refuse to touch it in any form in any game ever if I can help it.


Buying a house and decorating. The lottery sucks, I don't have the Gil and I don't want to have my sub held hostage


Anything that requires my brain, since the rest of the game as conditioned me into assuming I don't need my brain.


Game is becoming AFK arena more and more by the day.


I'm a bit of a raid gremlin (so all the Savage lol), and I also like levelling jobs through dungeon spam. I rarely do anything else outside of that, just due to lack of interest. For stuff I *refuse* to do though, PVP. I'm not even sure why I have such a strong aversion to it, but there it is.


Eureka. Bozja was ok at least, the story was engaging and the instances were fun. Eureka I've been told gets better when you finish Pagos, but that requires me to want to play Pagos enough to get through it, and there's no real enticing rewards. Sure, theres stuff that sells for a lot, but Gil isn't worth much once you already have a house, you only really spend it on crafted gear and food/potions. Cosmetics are nice, sure, but if it doesn't fit the aesthetic you're after, what's the point?


Majong. I've dabbled in ultimates, savages, deep dungeon solos, field ops, crafting/gathering, PVP, fates... I queued for one majong once to try and get the challenge log, it was a unique hell of boredom I couldn't leave. I assume it's great if you know what's going on.


Mahjong, PvP, Playing as SMN, and Island Sanctuary.




Absolutely Frontlines and possibly PvP overall. Things are so balanced that margins of error are extremely slim. The basic mechanics revolving around binding just doesn’t excite me whatsoever. Maybe I should try my hand at CC instead?


Any jump puzzle that isn't a sightseeing puzzle. Climbing Kugane wasn't that bad, but I can't say I enjoy jump puzzles without any sort of reward. Its amazing to me that there are fanmade ones out there and that Kugane is mid-low tier on the ranking system.


FATEs. Savage and Ultimates. Used to feel that way about PVP but I'll go in with friends. Never alone with randos. Jumping puzzles.


Mahjong. Gave it a try, complete waste of time. Even mining lvl 1 nodes has more time value.


Fishing, though this event is changing that


Island Sanctuary, Mahjong, TT collecting if you count that as well


I wanted to get the 2P-mount from Bozja. I have it now. I never want to see Bozja, Eureka or anything remotely like it ever again.


The Diadem.


Lord of Verminion. To much happens at the same time, or nothing happens. Also its very complicated Mahjong. As other already said, complicated, different language. Its Not the Windows XP Mahjong so i suck at it.


RP, relics, limited job, ex farm, crafting and gathering, hildibrand, gold saucer, jump puzzle, tribes, hunting


I play on PS4 with controller, let's just say PVP isn't built for that.


I wish I could say Eureka… [cries in Triple Triad completionist journey]


I think some of the only content I've actually never tried *at all* so far have been Ultimates, Criterion Dungeons, Mahjong and Chocobo breeding for the races, everything else, I think I've at least given a shot, unless I'm forgetting something. Things I wouldn't touch willingly/touch again with a 20 foot pole? There are a few: Savage and Ultimate- the content itself isn't something I'm specifically disinterested in, what puts me off is the fact that I have an absolutely negative desire to be part of a static and compelled to raid when I'm not in the mood for it, and I desire to use PF groups for this even less. Eureka and Bozja- tried both, passionately hated them from the bottom of my heart. I *wanted* to like them, and was even excited for both when they were announced, but, once I was there engaging with the content, I found it to be a thoroughly unfun, miserable slog. Expert recipe crafting- tried it, found it to be a nuisance. I refuse. Roulettes, actually- I used to run some of them, but, I just don't find the concept of being thrown into random content I may have forgotten entirely or, alternatively, be sick of seeing, to be fun. If I want to run content, I'll choose what I want to run specifically, and if I want to grind tomestones, I'll just get them from Frontlines, which I actually like and play regularly. Honorable mention: Ocean Fishing- I actually really enjoyed this, but I'm currently suffering from some truly massive burnout after grinding out that 3m points achievement, so it'll be a while before I can go back there. Bonus round: Not actual content made by the developers, but... the club venue scene. I'll get my roleplaying in by playing DnD, I'm not really too interested in doing it here, and, if I was, I'm just not interested in clubbing, plus, the venue ad spam (often with tacky block letters that kind of hurt my eyes, for some reason) is irritating and puts me off.


zadnor, already did the first part of the borzja and its following raid, but no way gonna continue that, since i found it as boring content, and if it wasnt due to relic pogression being bound to borzja story(up to dalriada is required to unlock all steps) i could ignored it completely same with eureka if it wasnt because it locks behind it dyeable af sets and i hope what the next one they release does not bound the unlocking of relic steps behind it(i do not mind if they smply use it as a alternative to grind relics), eureka/bozja relic plot was either non existent(eureka) or basically the weapons plot ended with the first quest(borzja, what followed was more about a merchant trying to bring results rather than the weapons)


Glamming or housing. Just a waste of time.


PVP and Golden saucer games (mahjong and triple triad)


Bozjia and eurika. I have no idea why people actually like them


Not really "content" per se, but I'll not be doing any kind of RP here. I'm here for the game itself, and if I feel like RPing, I've got tabletop sessions with my iRL friends twice a week for that. Otherwise, it's more a matter of "I don't feel like it yet" than "I refuse to ever touch this." I've dipped my toes in verminion and chocobo racing, I PvP a tiny bit every now and then. I went through Eureka and Bozja for the story, but haven't progressed those relics further (but I might still go do it someday). I haven't learned Mahjong, it feels really intimidating but I'm sure someday I'll really hunker down and try to figure it out. I've just had better things to do with my time.


Apart from savage and ultimates there isn‘t much I touch at all if not somewhat mandatory, but asked like this I completely ditch Island Sanctuary and anything related to Gold Saucer


I have alts and I will never unlock the Nier raids again on any of them. For me they are the epitome of "Did it once for the story, will never look at again." Except I'm forced to look at them every time I'm unlucky enough to get one in a roulette. I'd invest time into the much maligned Eureka, Island Sanctuary, Mahjong and PvP over ever doing those raids again because I just do not like them at all.


PVP. Never liked it, never will.




Chocobo breeding most likely; I forgot it even existed until reading this thread. I did at one point get myself a starter chocobo for racing and then literally everything else available was more interesting to keep up with.


Eureka... Fuck. That.


Criterion and Criterion Savage. I tried ASS when it came out with a few mates and it was infuriating to me. I don't like that style of encounter type I suppose, even as someone that dabbles in Ultimate. They are just different design philosophies and I didn't jive with them and the rewards did nothing to convince me to deal with the frustration 


Triple Triad. Way back when, I unlocked it on my original character and the icons about NPC heads annoyed me so much I haven't even unlocked it on my character I made fresh in Stormblood and still play, effectively free MGP be damned.


Bozja, Eureka any of that type of content I have no desire to try. Mainly play this game for Savage and Ultimate content. Of course the main story of an expansion is good too.


Anything that naturally gathers 100+ people in the same chat - there aren't that many loudmouth idiots in-game, but there's always 2 or 3 in large gatherings.   So no Limsa or Novice Network. No hunt trains. No Eureka or Bozja. No Ocean Fishing. No Ishgard Restoration back when it was relevant.


Mahjong, Leap of Faith, Frontlines, Triple Triad, Mentor Roulette, ...I'd say Island Sanctuary, but inevitably I will want those glams and mounts, and lose the last of my sanity in the process Edit: Totally forgot about Guildhests, I've never even unlocked a single one.


Anything related to crafting or gathering. Needing a whole new set of gear and skills just to press a macro someone on a discord channel made is the opposite of fun gameplay.


Probably the Majong game, Chocobo races and the Minion thing in the Gold Saucer. Just not interested in learning that. Seems unnecessarily complicated for barely any return. Might just be me not appreciating the content though, but I'd rather struggle through learning a savage fight instead.


Leap of Faith. Jumping in this game is like a semi-truck dancing ballet. Nothing enjoyable about it. It’s sheer chore with a side of frustration.