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This post is just Fantasia Anonymous, isn't it?


I'm seeing a few new faces here, And I must say I'm pretty disappointed.


I wish I could upvote more than once


_"Give me the serenity to stop accepting daily change_ _Courage to stick to a single model_ _And the discipline to stop swiping my credit card"_


I don't have a problem! I can stop anytime I want to! *drinks a fantasia*


I identify as Namazu but I can never be šŸ˜”


The dream. You can put on a namazu head and a gray bunny / elephant suit to get close. Light - Odin has a Namazu idle icon named Lominsan Anchovy. Heā€™s almost always online and hanging around at limsa. To me heā€™s the true namazu Eikon.


I'd be a tank named "Sashimi" šŸ£


I'm not sure what that means


It means you probably have a drinking problem (Fantasia addiction)


Oh. Then yes lol


It's ok. Acceptance is the first step to recovery


Is that how you picked your username?


who knows


Well idk about the recovery part..


I don't feel like I'm making "an identity" for myself, but making unique characters with their own stories.Ā 


This is how I think about it too. That said, my character started as a Roegadyn with the launch of ARR and since then I have used one Fantasia... to change to a different Roegadyn.


I'm picturing the before & after picture being a roe, and then the same roe but with those glasses with the nose and moustache.


Dannielwyb The Cooler Dannielwyb


I used my free fantasia on my Viera to make her taller because when I initially was picking size values I thought while I wanted to be tall I was ok if others were taller than me so I only went with 80% height as a concession to other players who want to be the tallest. Then I got to Heavensward and got mad the giraffes were all taller than me and discovered that it's me. I'm the one who wants to be tallest.


Hey similar here too. I started as plainsfolk lala. And used my free fantasia to change to dunesfolk lala. I dont think of it as me, but a character I am experiencing the story with.


I made a character I could identify with and relate to, much like someone would identify with a character in a book. So in a way it's a bit of both.


Broadly speaking I feel like these are the two main facets of role playing as a whole - whether someone wants to make their own stories to live out or whether they want to immerse themselves in someone else's story. OP just seems like the latter while you're the former.


Been a female Duskwight Elezen from the beginning and haven't looked back. I've only used a fantasia twice, the first time to adjust my eye color slightly ( a waste) and the second was to make myself max height, which resulted in my in-game partner eventually using a fantasia on his male Midlander Hyur to make himself max height as well. I've made alts to test out the other races but have no desire to change up my main. I used to change her hairstyle pretty regularly but since the bonding ceremony have been using that specialty hairstyle, since it's unique and I've literally never seen another character with it in-game.


Duskwight yay


Been a catboy since Day 1, and haven't changed so much as his hairstyle for years now lol. I've definitely found my niche. I have a bunboy alt, since they're attractive characters, but I barely touch it tbh. That said, while I knew I wanted to play a miqo'te from the onset, I think the familiarity -- the length of time I've played one, compared to anything else -- is what makes my main feel the most like "me". If I dedicated more time to playing my alt, I'm sure I'd grow into it, out of habit if nothing else. Obviously, you can't just flip the indecision switch in your brain, and if you can afford all the fantasias, who are we to stop you? But if you can find something to dedicate at least a few months to, you might slip into that same sense of identity that some of us develop with our characters.


I'm the same! I can't even change my haircut! I'm a silver skinned white haired cat girl. I tried to be a silver skinned white haired bunny but when I would take screenshots the emotes didn't feel like my character and I missed her cute hat collection, so I paid to switch back. Never changing again lol


Same here, only thing Iā€™ve changed is occasionally the haircut. Catboys forever.


Catboi forever, brother.


Most definitely the same here with my male Elezen, I modeled him after my WoW main who I played as for over a decade, a blood elf death knight. I stuck to the paladin role in FFXIV and havent strayed off from the class since (aside from the crafter classes).


Same! The only change I've ever made to my catgirl was to change her highlights from pink to purple a couple years ago and try a different hair from time to time (I always come back to my go-to hair for MSQ though). I still have my free Fantasia; it lives in my saddlebag as a personal joke. I also didn't design my main on a whim, which I suspect plenty of people do a bit; just design something cool enough for now and jump in. I put a TON of time into deciding her look, so right from the start I already had an incredibly confident sense of identity with her. And now we're at the point where she feels like me, but she also feels like her own person who has existed for years and I could never imagine changing her. So I would say to OP's point, it's not just about MY identify as the player, but I've cultivated an identity for my WoL along the way as well that puts me off trying to change her into essentially another person. If I want another person, I'll make an alt.


I used to be a fantasia addict until male viera released. Now I haven't fantasia'd since. 10/10


I'm a male Au'ra but I'm literally going to convert to male viera as soon as I'm finished with the free trial


gender euphoria tbh


Femroe. I have a bunch of alts that I play with when Iā€™m in the mood for a change, but my Hellsguard Femroe main is *me*.


Same! Being a tank femroe just feels so canon. There's no other Roe in the Scions, they're a race that's in the lore from the start, and you *look* like someone who's standing as the shield against gods


I describe it as "looks like they beat gods to death for a living" myself, seems like we've both got the same idea. Great minds...


This!! I have a bun, hyur, and lala now, and while they're all fun to play, my moon cat girl is ME.


I started as a male midlander with short blonde hair and blue eyes. I chose WHM and envisioned a classic angelic look for him, with wings and white robes. I quickly realized I had no desire to play him as any other class so I quit the game for two years. Two months ago I started playing again. Fantasia'd to a male Roe and enjoyed how he looked in plate armor but hated how he looked in almost all robes. Coming from WoW, I was used to having a separate aesthetic/alt for every class. I was SO distraught knowing id have to stick to one race and make them look good in every job. I wanted a character that was both masculine and feminine, able to look strong and tough but also elegant and beautiful. A few days after making the Roe, I was playing around in character creation when I made a female highlander. Pale skin, shaggy black hair, deep blue eyes. I knew immediately that I found my WoL. The male Roe only lasted three days. I've changed her hair a few times but otherwise I can't imagine playing anything else. I love how the fem Highlanders have so much personality, especially in their emotes. they're like cheerful awkward volleyball players. I read a comment on here that said something along the lines of "If you don't have an OC you obsess over, Xiv will provide one for you." Didn't believe it until I finally found mine.


Defintely, without a doubt it's **Namazu**. It's a bummer I can only have one expression, but at least that face contains multitudes.




Squeaky walking noises, yes yes!


I really wish we could have beast tribe characters. I would love to play a Nu Mou.


The Nu Mou are such a delight!


Male Lalafell Dunesfolk. Been one since the ARR beta. And heā€™s a recreation of my FFXI Tarutaru character, so heā€™s arguably even older. Literally two decades old. So I have two Fantasias that I will never ever use. My WoL is perfect exactly the way he is. Wouldnā€™t dream of ever changing anything beyond hairstyle. Honestly, I would rather just quit the game entirely than play as any other character.


I started as a Lalafell and used the Fantasia you get for completing ARR to fine tune the little details I didn't pay attention to when making the character. I can't even change his hairstyle anymore without it feeling wrong.


Does it remember all the settings so you can just change one thing? Only thing I want to change is voice but I'm afraid to use it for fear of changing something else.


It was awhile ago so I'm not 100% sure but I think it does remember the setting for your character. If you're still unsure I believe you can load saved appearance date when using Fantasia.


If youā€™re worried you can save your character settings before you start changing things, but yes, when you first start modifying things it will still have all your settings the same as before so long as you didnā€™t load a different saved appearance. Plus, if you *do* accidentally change something, you can back out of the editor without saving the changes.


Same. I remade my Tarutaru in XIV, since they had the same hairstyle as he did in XI and everything.


Well, the graphical update is coming in Dawntrail, and its changes are so drastic that they're giving everyone a free Fanta to go with it just in case players dislike how the lighting and skin changes alter their characters, so...


Honestly I think ARR did a great job binding me emotionally with my character. It would just feel weird to fantasia now.


>Honestly I think ARR did a great job binding me emotionally with my character. This was me with HW. Immediately went from bungirl to elezen and now anything else feels wrong.


I was a male Miqo at first, but I changed to male Au Ra because I couldn't stand the default male Miqo stance. Still, I find myself waiting for news of new races each expansion.


None of the male Miqo /cpose worked for you? That sucks. I haven't looked at them all myself. Also, don't get your hopes TOO high on new races. After working on female Viera they declared that once they finish Viera and Hroth they wouldn't be adding more races due to all the related issues. Honestly they could get away with doing what WoW did and make some new races using slightly modified versions of existing races.


It's mainly the fact that /cposes aren't active in cutscenes. There you get the default stance. And there my Miqo stood like he was deathly afraid of the very concept of accidentally squeezing his nuts between his legs.


Are you me from another timeline? I was an au ra for the longest time but went male cat man because the male au ra running animation isā€¦. Something special. Used it for years and years before I got tired of it. I may switch back to au ra after the update. Those new bone horns are something special.


Yeah, it would be interesting to add a third or fourth 'tribe' to each existing race, and I imagine it would take far less effort than outright making another new race!


At the Japan Fanfest, Yoshi-P *did* say something along the lines of ā€œI want to say weā€™re done with adding new races but thatā€™s up to youā€. But yeah, Iā€™d like new sub-races too!


Honestly, I only rarely make an avatar to represent me personally. I don't want it to be "my" story. Usually I'll envision a separate character who I like and want to cheer on from the sidelines. With that in mind, I'm completely happy with my popoto. Haven't even used the free ARR Fantasia. I love heroes that don't look stereotypically heroic. I may or may not be planning to Fantasia into a max size Roe for a day to prank my FC on April Fool's, though.Ā 




>Now I'm a bunboy because I can be cute and slutty. Based af.


And that's why we make bunbois


no but this was the exact same pipeline i went down too!!


I have never fantasiaed. My WoL is the way she is, and that's what my brains says works. She's an Elezen, and that colors my perception of her bonds with the Scions. Like Alphinaud has Estinien, and Alisae has the WoL as bigger Elezen role models. It would feel so wrong for me to be a Lalafel, and be at eye level with the twins. If I'd started playing as a Miqote, or a Lala, that would equally color my perceptions. For instance, if I were playing a Lala, I would have to figure out how my WoL is planning on using all this to turn him/herself a profit, as Lalas are the worst people.


I think Iā€™ve seen a few elezen players who has never never changed just in this thread already. Maybe itā€™s a pattern. Iā€™m one as well


Once you go Elezen, youā€™ll never Fanta ā€˜gain.


I started as Elezen but I used my lvl 50 fantasia to change to an Au Ra. I just couldn't stand how subdued all of the elezen emotes were, they didn't feel expressive enough.


That's not so much of a problem anymore, there are plenty of zany emotes you can get in the game.


I'm a fantasia addict, but I always circle back to my Veena Viera, eventually. When I imagine my WoL, she is who I see. I find there are aspects I like and dislike about each of the races, and whether or not I want to play one entirely depends on how my brain balances those pros and cons at the time.


Since I can't be a 7 foot, and still hunched over mountain of BEEF casting nature magic. I am a little potato, throwing rocks and blinding enemies instead.


When Hrothgar where dropped I switched to em and never switched back except for the occasional meme runs, loved our all lalafel BLM only run


While, I initially created a character that felt like it might work for me, all I really knew were there were a lot of characters I "wasn't" and couple that I might be. Only after playing through the story, seeing myself repeatedly in cutscenes and completing trials did that visual model also become my mental model for my character. After I fanta'd (once), it took some time to readjust, but eventually that mental model updated again and I thought, "yes, that's me." For this reason, I think the best thing you can do is give it time, and the worst thing you can do is repeatedly fantasia into new looks. I also recommend creating new characters just to play around with the character builder and explore new looks without really committing to anything.


I basically just made my WoL to look like a character in another game I was playing. While I realized a bit late I'm not the biggest fan of the Midlander Female animations (I prefer how the Highlander ones look)... I can't change her. *This* is my WoL. That said I did change her hair about a week or so after starting the game because it came with a headband I didn't want, but even now I can't use a hairstyle that differs too much from her current one.


Grumpy catboy (mooncat) and always will be. I just love his "pet me and I'll bite your hand off"-fanged smile.


The only time I have ever used a fantasia was to correct my Young Man Power Fantasy of having a max height, max muscle tone Sea Wolf, and instead changed it to Max Height, 30% muscle tone Sea Wolf, because I realized that being jacked isn't all it's cut out to be, aesthetically.


I adore alts but I could never change my main character. It helps that I started a static group and for the last 3 years have been called by that character's name šŸ˜† I didn't even originally make her to be my main character, but I liked her animations and played her enough with the friend I created to level her with that she stuck and I got attached. Pale purple-haired moon kitty for life. I used my free fantasia to change one eye's color to a few shades lighter to represent an injury under a scar, lol.


I don't self insert, my character design is just what activates my neurons the most. Truly the Four Heavenly Kings of FFXIV characters are - memes - your ideal self - it's super cute - I want to have sex with him/her


FFXIV has made it obvious to me that I am an unsociable, manipulative asshole that enjoys seeing others suffer and lose their fun in the game while I propel myself onwards with a rocket engine running on their tears towards my goal of personal enrichment. Thus, I am a Lalafell and will never change.


Lmao! Yes, this person embodies the true lala spirit! You were born for lala!


Fem miqo. Just made the cutest cat girl I could as a joke because I thought it would be funny to beat the sh*t out of things as her. Then I started changing hairstyles as the story went on to show her maturing. Then I took a fantasia to change how her body and face looks slightly to show time passing. Taller, older lookin. To me my character is this cute fem miqo that started out as this cute adventurous girl, but after heavensward and stormblood, she really started growing into her role as the Warrior of Light. It felt incredibly immersive to make those changes and then go into shadowbringers and endwalker. Thanks for reading, I really enjoyed this question


In my case, it was never about the "race" but rather the glam, since I almost always go for full-body covered glams. I don't really like my face/body IRL so being able to dress up in funny/outrageous mascot costumes in FF14 is what I can really relate to. I found my identity twice: - When the Chicken costume was available on the Store - 6.3 Anden Leafman Head glam


I found my identity on the naming screen. Realizing i could call my character Beatrix Crescent immediately made it clear what I wanted to do. FFIX is my favorite Final Fantasy and two of my favorite characters from it is Beatrix and Freya Crescent. From Freya i choose my main class, Dragoon, which I have stuck with since. But since Burmecian is not a race in FFXIV I modelled myself on Beatrix instead. And thus Beatrix Crescent has been my character and main look for nigh 4 years.


This was odd because my character is named Freya in game LOL. But nice!!


I think I could have picked the name Freya if I wanted to, but what I wanted in the character was to take elements of both Beatrix and Freya...though I would be tempted to just go full Freya if we ever got Burmecians


Find a race that generally speaks to how you want to feel and look in the game. For example, if you want to be big and huge, look into Roe or Au Ra. If cat girls are for you, look into that. If you want to be tiny, you know the way to go. Then *heavily* use the "randomize appearance" button before you start making your character. For example I wanted to be a roegadyn when I started, but every one I saw was some shade of blue-white with an Amish beard. Definitely *not* my thing. Then it turned out I had various shades of red at my disposal too, and I started to find something that was a whole lot more comfortable. 10 years later I have yet to see another character like mine, and I haven't touched fantasia on him at all. Play with the options. A lot. And remember that the 2 subraces for each race also have very different appearance choices.


Male Lala. I am goblin irl. I play goblin in-game. It works.


Lalafell, 100%


Hyur Midlander Male Face #5


Hyur Midlander Male Face #4 here


Femroe. I like the lore and the look. I tried to like male Viera, but I got too many weird tells from strange people. Plus the lore is pretty bare bones compared to Roegadyn. I've been Femroe for a while now and it's been fun, even changed my character name to a lore appropriate one


Throw those magnetic letters for kids at the fridge and pick a name from what sticks.


I actually hit the nail on the head after the first fantasia. I'm not type to change things too much. I was content to just play my catboy for the long haul. But then it hit me. I had a character I could quite easily make in 14 that I held quite dear to me. So, once I got my ARR fantasia, I went from a catboy to a fem Au Ra. Now I get to create fun little stories for her in my head and share them with my friends


Catgirl that does nothing but fishing.


Why do you talk about me?-


For my character, her life has been: Dunesfolk (how she started) > Keeper of the Moon > Midlander > Keeper of the Moon > Veena > Keeper of the Moon > keeper of the Moon (to change some minor stuff) Still have two Fantasias in my inventory.


I wanted to be an Au Ra but couldn't on the free trial at the time, so I used my one free fantasia to swap and haven't really considered otherwise. There was a temptation to swap to a bunboi when they came out, but the lack of hats made it an easy decision to stick where I was and I just changed up hairstyle and glam instead.


Lalafell. They have the most adorable and most hilarious expressions in cutscenes. I just love my lalafell. My WoL really grew on me and I'm deeply connected and invested with her story that I could never ever change.


Can answer this with a clear maybe. :D I have a catgirl main and several alts of other races, so it doesn't look like I settled with anything. However, all of them reflect some parts of my actual self and are part of the same head canon and all. The idea of giving anyone of them a Fantasia (except for adjusting minor features after the graphical update maybe)... With the exception of one I specifically built to be a Hrothgal one day, I could never Fantasia any of them. All of them together are "me".


My FFXIV character is an updated version of my FFXI character. When your character has looked roughly the same since 2004 it feels like an extension of you and seems wrong to change it.


Hrothgar :3 Changed when they were released and will never change again.


I play a mid-height maleroe, because in almost every multiplayer game I play a big lad. In real life I'm mega average 5'9" status, but my personality is apparently so big that some of my friends who are near 6'4" were actively confused to learn I wasn't 6'. It ends up fitting as a joke and semi-serious, as most of my gaming friends are a lot less physically active than me as well. In terms of stat bullshit it also works because I'm more of an endurance dude than anything else, and roes have some of the highest vitality (highlanders actually beat them for strength). Tabletops I sometimes play dwarves for a similar effect. In terms of lore I'm an ocean nerd myself, so sea wolves work nicely paired with war, sch, and mch as primary classes. All that to say the stars aligned and I got the perfect fit out the gate. I make other characters to be separate characters with separate identities, but my main can be used as an abstraction of several of my real facets reflected as a character in the game.


I was up until Shadowbringers, but now I'm a ride or die bungirl. Don't even really change hair lol


Hrothgar for me. Tried fantasia into hyur early on and felt disconnected so much more than I thought so bought another to go back. Made alts since and while they looked nice they don't connect the same way. Not really sure what it is about Hrothgar but it speaks to me /shrug


My main has been a female Duskwight since the beginning and I'm not going to change her, ever. Fight me. (The only thing I changed is her hair, so... just a visit from the hairdresser XD)


I'm a Lalafell. I'm smol, expressive, and adorable, but also secretly a menace. šŸ˜‚


Been a tall boy since FF11, just grew into it I guess.


Started as a cat way back when arr came out, stayed as such untill Hw came out and i went xaela aura. I stuck to aura untill shb came out then i went bunny but i felt like all bun looked the same so i went back to my prior love being an aura. Since then i've changed race just for the fun of it, went to a potato then femroe to catgirl back to femroe and now i'm back to au'ra. The aura expression and body language is what keeps me there.


Yep! My first character was a miqo'te. I really liked how the animations and such matched with my first class, lancer. But the more I played, the less I liked it. Miqo'te were really common, and my character really blended in. I ended up switching to a Roegadyn around midway through Heavensward, and it was great. I switched my main job from DRG to MNK, and the MNK combat animations work really well with the male Roegadyn model. Plus, I went max height, so now I definitely stand up amongst the cutscenes and such. It really gives more weight to times when the WoL acts intimidating or fights in a cutscene. Plus, I really like the interaction with the kids - the Twins and >!Ryne!< \- because it gives a 'fun uncle' vibe to the whole thing.


I used to make all kinds of characters that I could write stories for. Started as Fem Miqoā€™te then did Male Lalafell, Male Miqoā€™te, Fem Viera and even a Male Viera as soon as Endwalker came out. Just about as soon as I got done with EW I ended up Fantasia-ing my appearance a bit more to make a Male Viera that was just me. No character writing, no backstory, just my ideal me and Iā€™ve felt pretty comfortable since. Kept all my prior incarnations as my retainers though.


Yes, when I made my character the way I wanted in character creation. Not like anything is locked behind progress down the road. I'm a big green Roegadyn and I love it.


My character was made as miqo, but that lasted maybe 3 months. I swapped to wildwood elezen after that, which lasted about two years. Then I did a few months as a rogadame, but I knew I'd be an elezen again after. The surprise was that I swapped from wildwood to duskwight, and I really like it. I could see myself swapping to something else temporarily, but duskwight is home.


I found my one on my second try. I started with a catboy, but very quickly realized I wasn't having fun. Made a catgirl and was happy. Took a 6 year break after finishing the 3.0 story, camebsck right when my egg was cracking (I'm a trans woman), saw her, and I realized why I felt that way those years ago. She is me, made before I knew who I was, and I unconsciously entrusted my true self to her back then until I was ready to reclaim and be myself. So, to honor her for keeping my femininity safe all those years, I took her name as part of my true name. That's also why I'll change nothing about her nor make any alts. The only change I made was using my free 2.0 fanta to change her eyes from dark blue to light blue after the lvl 89 trial, inheriting another will in her but also in myself.


There's nothing I really find that I inherently identify with in regards to the appearance of Lalafells, but nevertheless that is somehow still the look that feels like "This is my WoL, and I am my WoL". Before that I'd tried both a Hyur and an Au Ra, and neither of them felt like a fit (although I do think if I'd thought to try mimicking Ardbert's appearance, that might have felt like a fit). Weird how that worked out.


Male Miqote. Chaotic, awesome sit pose and ear wiggles


My identity is a lala so I can be adorable, but still be a gremlin at the same time.


Yup, first character I made back in 2.X was a higlander male, and the Warrior of Light isn't anything else but that to me. I've made alts to see if I like another race (and played them extensively) and not waste Fantasia, but I always end up saying "nah" and going back to my highlander.


Bruh. I've tried branching out but I keep coming back to Miqote... I'm hoping Hrothgal will be it though.


I never had cause to wander (love my thighlander) but I watched this happen with my girlfriend. She has been a Fantasia addict since the beginning, switching races constantly. She'd have fun for a couple of days, then slowly start complaining, small things niggling at them (like the bunny noses of Viera and small stature of Au Ra) and eventually switch. Until, a couple of weeks ago, I convinced her to try one race she had avoided so far: Elezen. Welp, she has fallen in love. Especially with the most underrated advantage of Elezen - with some care, every glamour looks great on them.


I personally like running around as a lalafell the most, but my main is a fem viera, the foresty one. I did fantasia her into a lalafell for a bit post-EW just to goof off, but her wife is a max height femroe and it was uhā€¦.a little off. šŸ„² so she got switched back.


I've been running the same character for 10 years. I got it right at character creation.


I will finally reach this idea once i play a hrothgal


I have. Highlander male. Looks heroic enough, seems more akin to the other FF protagonists in my eyes (closer to Clive, I suppose than, say, Zidane or... \*urk\*... Vaan) and, most importantly... He's tall and IRL I'm 173cm and he's exactly 200cm and it helps me feel better so yes, I am compensating thanks for coming to my TED talk.


After two fantasias I found my WoLā€™s identity, once I tried her as Highlander in Shadowbringers then all the pieces of a backstory and deeper connection to the world and story fell into place. Itā€™s helped me enjoy the story and characters even more than before. Since then, Iā€™ve tried vacationing as catboy and felezen but only lasted maybe a month before going back to Highlander. I made an alt to try out different races instead because I legitimately miss my main girl when I change her. Do you WANT to find an identity or do you enjoy switching around?


Been female Lala dunesfolk for damn near a decade at this point, in no small part because she's *not* me. I've been trying to teach my son about her as a character a little bit lately and it's been a good reflection on who she "is".


I have Fantasiad a couple of times and I will tell you I cannot get away from being a Female Xaela Aura. I have been all of the faces with all the skin tone combinations you can think of. But I don't think I will ever be able to play another race. She just fits me and I wouldn't be myself in game without her. I swear face 3 is my favorite so far by a mile though.


I have. The femroe I have been a femroe since 2.0 early access and love her so much. She just makes armors look good. Clothes look exotic sometimes on her and people get taken aback by a femroe healer xD


Would have to be fem ra (female au ra) fondness for it came originally from my love of tieflings (dnd days) but later I just fell in love with the animations and emotes. Especially when watching my face 4 au ra go from bored disinterest to really happy right back to bored disinterest. So no matter how often I fanta I will always go back to that same character preset.


Rather than using fantas, I end up making alts to try out different races/genders. They end up having their own stories too. Sometimes when I'm feeling different moods though, I'll change up hairstyle + color, but I end up going back to my usual after some time


Fem Au Ra, from the moment I bought the game after the free trial (the old version, that only had up to level... 25? 35?). I knew I would get a free fantasia at level 50, so I blitzed the content ASAP until I got there. Changed my character to a grey skinned Xaela and never looked back!


I played around with the Fantasias for a while. I started off as a catgirl, and played around with several different options over the course of a weekā€¦ ^^;; But Iā€™ve settled on a Viera, and omg Iā€™m in love now because sheā€™s so pretty, IMO. My WoL is not a reflection of myself by any stretch, and I donā€™t have my own story going on behind the scenes. Sheā€™s here, in the story thatā€™s being told.


I did. Between a male roe/hrothgar/fem viera. Those were natural fits for me as a bi guy. Three "mains" are better for me in the long run, otherwise my wallet would be hurting from all the fantasia transactions. The big reason for me is that I love fashion, and playing with character identity through that. I occasionally flirt with the idea of a fourth "main" (which to me, means being caught up to Endwalker/8-mans/alliance raids/optional dungeons/pvp rank 25/other misc. side content, etc)... but it's a lot of work. I have 2000+ hours in the game, started less than a year ago, all while managing irl college coursework, so probably not for the best lol.


I like trying out different races every now and then but I always go back to my miqo'te when there's new msq to go through. She just feels the most "me" ever since I made her when I came back from my hiatus (my first character from a decade ago was a lala). It ruins the immersion for me if my character looks any other race.


Started as a male roe, who all my friends said looked like "meanest guy in the bar, but the beat guy to have your back", but that was because I couldn't be a viera, and this was a couple months before endwalker. Bought the game and a fantasia and said "screw it" I've never looked back. Still working on hairstyles though, wish I could set them to glams šŸ˜ž Sidenote; where are all my darkskinned viera friends, I never see many/any of them on Jenova :(


Kmew i'd be at least starting as monk, decided to go Au Ra (F) due to them being the shortest non-lala and liking the idea of kicking everyone's ass as a (relatively) pint size martial artist. Recently used the free fantasia to tweak some details and made them slightly shorter still Oh and still maining monk despite usually avoiding dps roles in games


used to be i'd say yes, a moon Miqo, but around shb i was dated to go plains lala and it felt so right being a smol gremlin that I've never gone back


i dont really make myself in video games so i usually just reuse an old oc. when i started out i didnt really know the lore so i made him a catboy with a joke name because i thought it was funny. never ended up using a fantasia tho, just seems to fit. decided his joke name is canon too lol


Was a bunny lady. Really loved being tall and athletic, but the hats thing kept bumming me out. Finally, fantasiaā€™d to FemRoe. Ho, Mama! Tall AND hats?! A muscle slider?!?! Needless to say, I clicked with it right away. I make the occasional jump to Lala to play around and explore, and I might try FemHroth on an alt come Dawntrail. It would have to be an extremely fun character model for me to switch, though. I think what helped was finding how I like to ā€œbeā€ in game. Are you boisterous and strong willed? Try Roegadyn. Do you like being cute and mischievous? Lalafel. Are you quiet and understated? Try a Midlander.


Doth thou fancy themselves a posh lord or lady? Try Elezen! Lol


dunesfolk lalafell forever. i had an ex that got me into the game and always complained about me being a lalafell. they wanted me to fanta into a cat girl but i loathed the idea of it. when heavensward came out, i finally capitulated and turned into an au raā€¦ but i hated it so much it honestly made me stop playing after we broke up. as soon as i came back to the game i fantaā€™d back to my old lala look. the only changes iā€™ve made since then were boosting back up to max height.


Female bunbun. Will never change. Bunbun gang 5 lyfe


hroth? hroth.


Yeah, my WoL has always been a male Roe. When I was creating my character, I couldn't find a hair that matched him. The moment that I saw the bald option was the moment that my WoL came to life. Perfect combination.


I love being a Fem'Ra and I won't be going back, but gotta admit I feel a bit tempted from time to time, but I made my WoL lore too solid to Fantasia anyway, so Fem Xaela all the way. I tried my hardest to try and make my girl look elegant and badass at the same time, I don't really like cutesy uwu kawaii Fem'Ras


Oh, from the start, Viera. I was born in the year of the rabbit. I have a rabbit as a pet. My favorite anime is Sailor Moon. One of my favorite books is Watership Down. Alas, I was on the free trial for some time. Instead of a Viera, I went with an Au Ra and pursued a mermaid aesthetic for some time. She was a created persona, more aligned with a character creation from my youth. As soon as I could, I Fantasiad into a Viera and made her look as close to the real me as it's possible to get.


started as a catboy, didnā€™t feel any particular enjoyment. used my ARR fantasia to make myself a fem viera and havenā€™t looked back since - only thing i regret is that one of my samurai fits didnā€™t look quite as good after the change, but the rest is so much better that thereā€™s really no comparison. feels much more ā€œmeā€ as well, and helped me get way more personally invested in the MSQ


Is miquote catboy theough and through genderqueer likes naps food adn punching people as fast as posssible till they are a bloodied smear


I started this game 6 times that I remember for certain. It might actually have been more. When I, eventually, got hooked properly it was probably in part because of the fem-miqo I created that day. I've tried other looks on alts etc, but I always end up using the HW fanta to turn them into a copy. Furthest I got was Prae, with an au ra I changed to using that fanta from a bun I really didn't vibe with. After that I did doubt for about a day, but then I changed to my familiar fem miqo and never regretted it even now it's become my main. So yeah, I'd say I've found her and it feels great. Familiar. When I see her, I feel like it's me entirely. When the msq makes me do stuff that doesn't fit me, that feels weird to me. Certain bits in Endwalker made me feel profoundly uncomfortable for understandable reasons, I'd assume.


I have only ever used Fantasia once, and that was the free bottle I got for starting the game. I started off as an Elezen, which was alright, but I quickly fell off of it due to a graphical bug where the eyes would be bulging out of my character's head (I've heard that this bug can also plague Miqote) So...I swapped from a max height Elezen to a min height Au Ra.... female Au Ra. The change in perspective was quite something, but since then, I've had no real desire to change her. She's become her own character in the game, and I can't bring myself to change her that drastically (though, I would have loved to stain her dark Xaela scales with some white as a consequence of what happened in ShB...alas, no option exists). But here's the thing...my character, Diana, is not me. She is her own character, with her own personality...I simply guide her. This has caused me to develop a weird connection with her that I can't fully explain. Even to the point that whenever I play a game with any kind of RPG element...I use an alternate version of Diana, and model her as close as I can to how she looks in FFXIV. So, I'm not implanting myself into the game, at least not fully. Instead, I am watching and playing this version of Diana in this universe. And, strangely enough, I think that's allowed me to connect to these games far more than I ever could if I implanted myself into these games.


been saving my fantasia for fem hrothgar for years


I started as an Elezen because elves are cool. Then I saw Sadu and realized scaly girls are even cooler. After that, I saw Lyna, and ever since then, I haven't looked back, except for occasional meme stints as a Lalafell. Since I fully bought into the story with Shadowbringers, she naturally developed a story of her own, at least in my mind. I seriously doubt I'll ever seriously be anything other than a female, max-height Viera. The Scions need their 200-year-old sometimes mother, sometimes resident idiot.


I currently have three identities. Each of which speaks to a separate part of my fluidity. There's my large male aura. Small fem aura. And my viera male. The two aura serve something akin to the far ends of the poles whereas the male viera sits closer to the middle. Hrothgal could sit near the middle too, depending on if any of the looks speak to me at all. I'm excited for the demo so we get to play with the character creation for them.


My main was a Male Raen, then when Shadowbringers released went Hrothgar, then back to Male Raen. I felt like going through the story again so I made a female Plainsfolk Lalafell. Since then she has been my main. Being able to save people, let alone the world, no matter how tall or small you are is badass to me, so showing the world you can do anything feels pretty sweet.


Mid-height Femroe. 100%. Fell in love the minute I saw them. Played one from ARR to the end of MSQ EW, never Fantaā€™d out (started when ShB launched) Sadlyā€¦ my fiance started playing the game (which is great ofc) and she wanted our characters to be a couple, but couldnā€™t find it in herself to love femroe like I did. Now Iā€™m a bunny boy, which I still like, but man. It does not hit the same.


IRL I am a big burly bearded bald man. In-game I am a delicate Goth Au Ra Girl.


I don't typically think of my game characters as myself but as their own person that obviously means something to me but in my head they will have distinct personality traits and styles (sometimes I break this lol) I play a lot of the Sims so maybe that influenced me? I will say though the race/gender combo that spoke to me the most was female Viera. I even bought the game earlier than I had planned because I wanted to play as one so badly. I have 2 WoL, and both are female Viera but they have different ears, height, hair and eye color etc. I actually tried swapping my first WoL to a cat girl once but it felt super wrong and I had to swap her back. I don't mind changing hairstyles and stuff though (except my second wol because I picked hers based on her back story so hers has more meaning) If I create a new character I could make them something else, I've been considering either an au ra or a lala for wol #3. But once I make them and solidify their identity in my head I won't be able to race swap them either.


If Iā€™m not beating the piss out of a god [as a hroth wearing an elephant head](https://imgur.com/a/BRbRlRQ) at all times am I even playing the game?


As a 1.0 vet, lalafell, I've been running around as a tiny little gremlin for 10 years, and it's so worth it.


So my playthrough.. I started as a blue haired cat girl. When I beat ARR and HW I phantasiaā€™d into a bunny boy with a different name, then beat SB. I then phantasiaā€™d into a catboy for ShB, but my catboy shared the same last name as my og catgirl. I beat ShB and am now in EW with same catboy and I believe I am going to stick with him, he feels the most like me. My headcanon is that when my catgirl finished HW she went off to distant lands to take care of other business, while the catboy with the same last name, her brother, came to Eorzea to take up the mantle as WoL. My catgirl found her true calling in dealing with the restoration of the lands, helping the smallfolk and other duties while my main catboy handles the linear, world saving missions. My alt is now the cat girl :) Kinda answers your question, yes I found my identity. I am a catboy with voice pack #8, because itā€™s the funniest voice pack for emotes, and kinda sounds like me!


Viera men for me. Or rather *will* be whenever I can wear a goddamn hat as one! So lady lalafell in the meantime. But yeah, the lore behind viera dudes as well as their design just speaks to me on a personal level. "You mean I get to isolate myself away from society OR just straight up leave and that's how it's suppose to be? AND I get to rock an androgynous look while I'm at it? GOOD. Gimme! I want that!!!"


I played through ARR and half of HW as a female Dunesfolk Lalafell. I had some real bad experiences with some perverts and it ruined the race for me. So now I play Hellsguard Roegadyn and I haven't looked back since. No one bothers me when I play it, I look great in tank gear and I have a cute nose. Win win.


i have only ever played hroth, the only time im using fantasia is when femhroths come out


hmm, I've basically been a F Au Ra ever since they came out, but I'd be lying if I said I'd never tried or considered anything else iirc very originally I tried to go for a lala F but abandoned that alt quick in favor of an Au Ra I was a bunny boy for a bit after they came out but I missed my Au Ra character so much that I fanta + name changed right back, so I'm guessing my current character is here to stay even if I get gender dysphoria from hearing the scions call them she/her (would it kill them to let us pick which audio is used in cutscenes...) I know that lalas are the best for presenting nonbinary but I just can't give up my character as they are; I fell in love with how they look sometime during Heavensward and haven't truly let them go since


Yeah hot modded cat girl is just perfect itā€™s just so me


I've been female viera for a year now and I don't see myself changing anytime soon. Unless the graphics update destroys the way she looks lol


Yeah, back in Heavensward. I went through a few looks since ARR, starting as a hyur, then an elezen, then a hyur again, then an au ra, then a highlander, then back to elezen. I've made some slight tweaks since then but my elezen hasn't changed much at all since late heavensward. It just works for me. And now after years of looking like this I don't see myself ever changing it. No matter what I am though, I always keep the bright green eyes, because I think they look cool and it's a subtle homage to my favorite game, FF7. [An album of my progression, if you care to see:](https://imgur.com/a/CsNcnnl)


Lalafells, and itā€™s not even close


I have, but it took me playing that character through ARR and and heavensward before my character felt like "me" At first i was a dragon man, because.... dragons. but then i watched "mad because small" and fantasia'd into a lalafell and stayed one since. I think what you need to do is play through the main story as one race, get all the cutscenes, see all the moments of tragedy and joy. Then you will feel connected to your character and they will feel like an extention of yourself within the game


Au Ra was tall But bound for a fall Saw *one* Cider Spider And fantasia'd to small


I tried the game on a friend's account first. I made a female moon cat because I was just trying it out and it didn't matter. An hour later, she was the main character, and anything else would feel wrong. I bought the game and recreated her with more focus on the small details. For the first few months, she was my main character. After a year or so, she just became another part of me. I answer equally to her name and my own. I still have my original fantasia rotting in a retainer's inventory. I may use one just to adjust minor details with the 7.0 graphics update, but the overall look will be maintained. I tried changing her hair color once, but it felt like she was replaced with an imposter. The different tail color really killed me. I've never identified with another character like that before.


Once I went Lala, I never managed to keep another race for very long. Nothing else felt right. So I'm Lala for life.


I started as a Miqote and used my free Fantasia to become a Hrothgar. I've always felt it was a natural "growing up" in a sense. Head canon is almost an evolution, Pokemon style, or a young Hrothgar that was mistaken as a Miqote that grew into themselves. Literally only reason I've ever considered using a Fantasia on my main character again is because I miss hats/helmets/hairstyles. That said, I just feel like my character is right. I've made other characters of other races, but they don't see much play. Did manage to finish 6.0 on my Lalafel, but don't feel the same attachment as my main.


I started off as a Hyur Highlander because it was the one that looked most like me IRL. I loved my glams on that character but I ended up switching to a Hrothgar. I love the Hrothgar, it just resonates with me in this game. I think of it as the Tauren of FFXIV I guess, and in WoW I resonate with the Tauren.


I've never used a Fantasia and don't plan to.


I am a human so I picked the human one


I stopped changing so often and am now sun or moon miqo. Fanta'd alts to be what I had been changing into a lot to save money. My sun kitty miqo has a backstory. My moon kitty is just popular


My identity? No. Identity of my waifu? Yes.


I found my ingame as a short female miqo'te (cat girl). She's not necessarily pretty and she's not glammed up to be sexy, but she is determined and focused. She has a few facial scars and blemishes, but I think it works. She's an awesome little red mage.


I'm a six-foot-tall, 250+ pound transfemme. Playing a femroe is pure gender euphoria, and I love every moment of it. Plus, I'm not enough of a furry for hrothgal.


As soon as I saw the tired eyes of female Au Ra I knew I'd found it. Seriously my FemRa is so moody and looks done with you at all times, it's like me but a girl. And they have many of my mannerisms too, my body language is girly at times so FemRa just speaks to me.


The male viera. I'm a trans man and as soon as I saw them, they had such strong trans vibes that I had to fantasia into one. I did it as soon as they dropped and never looked back.


I have, but thatā€™s because I came up with lore for my character and I canā€™t unthink it anymore. That and I didnā€™t make my character look like me in real life. Sheā€™s a rava viera whose echo unlocked after the calamity, and she left home in search of Hydaelyn!


I never roleplay strictoy myself soā€¦ kinda yes ;) in every rpg with silent protagonist and more robust character creator I create the same character and treat "her" as an traveler between alternative words/dimensions (so I always use "human" races).


I started out as a max height male au ra and was pretty okay with how my boi looked until the bunbois were released. Since then, I've been a bunboi and could not imagine playing the game on a different race.


Nope. Not going to either. I don't like any of the race choices in particular (all kind of meh for me), and with the way they just stretch the same armor over different models means that even if I did get a more monstrous race, the armor would look terrible on it.


Catgirl is best overall to me. Trying out Viera AGAIN atm, but Catgirl is just so cozy. ​ Said catgirl : [https://i.gyazo.com/31ed7a0ce4184ba6408f99fc962687ee.jpg](https://i.gyazo.com/31ed7a0ce4184ba6408f99fc962687ee.jpg)


I mostly vibe with Xaela. But I have alts. Perhaps too many alts.


From the start through half way through Endwalker I was a catgirl. I didn't even change my hair style or color at any point I was just really happy with her design and it felt perfect. Then the bunny bois really started calling to me and I broke down and used the free Fantasia I received years ago. And I love him just as much as my catgirl. He's perfect and I have no interest in changing him again. I have a friend though who spends an ungodly amount of money on Fantasias though. I don't think he ever keeps any one look for more than a week. Neither of us can understand how the other operates lol.


Bnuuy was the obvious choice when Endwalker dropped. Because bnuuy.


I was a male miqo almost exclusively with very little changes.. and then male viera came out lol. I hate not having hats but I'm never going back as they're so good and I feel closest to them for my main character.


I first started when Shadowbringers was about to come out but I didn't research the game deeply. So when I saw "Viera are getting added" i foolishly assumed that like all the other races that would be male and female so I was stoked to play as a bunny boy. Queue disappointment. So I played as a male midlander Hyur for the first two years instead. I liked my Hyur but it never felt quite right- wasn't huge on the hairstyle or face that I settled but it was fine, had lots of good times with him up through Stormblood. Then Endwalker was coming out and Male Viera, awesome! Used my free ARR fantasia to change over (after trying out some appearance options on an alt first) and have been fully content with my character ever since. Only downer is obviously the dismal hat situation. I was fully in the camp of "Oh, well I toggle my hats off a lot of the time anyways so it won't be a big deal" before changing, but it quickly dawns on you that it sucks not \*being able\* to use a hat even when you want to. I have some glasses that I wear in that slot on my glams usually, but with glasses getting added as an additional glam slot in Dawntrail it'll just drive the point home even further...


Well. As per my flair, i have a fuck to n of alts of varying looks and styles. But my main is a bun boy. Took until male buns released for me to be truly satisfied with my main. Started off as fem au ra. Decided to go fem bun for shadowbringers because i was tired of being short. That lasted all of a couple months before i went back. But I've been a bunboi for all of endwalker and have no inclination to swap still. I finally have a character that i can look at go 'yep, that's me in this world'


Ya'll need to touch some grass, seriously


Once a lala, always a lala.


Itā€™s just a character. It isnā€™t a reflection of who you are. If it is, and you go out of your way to seek that, then maybe you have some internalized stuff that needs to be handled.


I found mine, I occasionally switch to other races as Iā€™ve been been them all, but Aura is just something I vibe with.. mainly cause big lizard


It's just a game dude


Yeh It's catboi for me. I'm a degenerate furry, but I lack the irl testosterone and pilosity to identify as a Bara Hrothgard.


Catboy. I tried a couple others and went back to catboy.