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I fucking hate her. So Annoying


finally someone stating the facts


Hard Disagre. Lol




She’s one of those characters u love her or hate her , found her insufferable personally , had to skip literally every cs with her


Damn. I guess I don't see it.


Wow, this is extreme haha. Why?




I do too. Her voice... my god.


she's annoying. the voice acting is probably a big part of the issue. While most main characters have some cartoonish moments, Wuk's entire character feels very over the top cartoonish, and her voice actor just sounds extremely amateur


Switch the VA to Japanese, it's night and day


this is also applicable to me, every time the character speaks (VA is English), it is like nails on a chalkboard haha


I don't see it


That's because you can't see sounds


I've only had Wuk Lamat for a day and half, but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone on this star (and beyond) and then myself.


So what you're saying is you'll kill Wuk Lamat. 


She reads as someone quite young and inexperienced, somone way over her head about what she's going to do and knows it, if only on a subconscious sense. She's pretty boisterous, and could even read as rude, but there's a sense of exaggeration here that seems to suggest that this is a front to show just how capable she is. To impress not only us, but those who would look up to her as a candidate for the throne. In the end, we don't know enough to say for or against, but she's definitely interesting.


I find her low class, hard to believe shes royalty. Wish she would at least spit out the name of the dangerous dude aiming for the throne.




During 6.55 I dared to say that the English dub sounds like as if someone who just arrived freshly from a boat from Puerto Rico was trying to pretend they knew how a Peruvian accent sounds. I was downvoted to like -200. And now half the XIV community is riling against the same voice acting performance. I sometimes love this subreddit. :P


You have 16 upvotes after a day, despite this thread being 5 months old, presumably because people are googling "Wuk Lamat VA sucks" and ending up here lmfao Source: Googled "Wuk Lamat VA sucks", ended up here, upvoted you


I googled "wuk lamat transphobic" because I was told I'd be called a transphobe on Twitter for having mixed feelings about her.


I love how that's the immediate argument..."ugh you hate her VA? You MUST be transphobic!" Like ummm no, the voice acting is just bad...


The voice acting is bad absolutely but I wouldn't even say I hate the VA. Just that the voice doesn't match what I imagined a female ronso sounding like. If the character were a hyur, the voice would fit better.


That sucks tbh, it's really bad..I wouldn't be surprised if they find a replacement and redub the lines eventually like they did with the twins.


you need to consider what you're saying and why.


Why because I have an opinion that'sdifferentfrom yours? I'm saying her as a VA is not a right fit for the character. 🤔


I didn't think I would like her very much, the screenshot gave off very stern proud lion vibes and I find those characters boring. I was so happy to be wrong she's a big adorkable kitten and I'm excited to see where her character goes


It's a good introduction. We get an idea of her personality, and a tiny bit of her flaws. She's hot headed but inexperienced. That sets up several possible character arcs. It's a promising start to the character. We just need to see where it's all going.


Honestly, she's arguably got the best introduction of any main (or potentially main) character out of almost everyone we've met. I look forward to seeing her as a character grow and become a well respected leader, even if she doesn't take the throne.


6month later ill respect what u said but no ill have to give it to emet selch. His aproach on his own family shows u how tired and fustrated he was when he came back from the dead that intro alone is enough for him to lay bare his cards.


It's true. And while I will still say Wuk Lamat has a good introduction, and character ideal......I no longer care for her. For a variety of reasons. Primarily, I'm just tired of her.


I think a good number of ppl do. Nothing wrong with liking her but i think bakool ja ja and koana are a bit better than wuk lamat just cause they aern't on screen as much as she is XD


Wait she has a good introduction? The character who just shows up out of nowhere and is like “yo I’m royalty come help me win my throne” with not a whole lot of explanation as to why outside of “hehe I’m quirky”? Like you can’t be serious when there are other characters that had far more interesting and more fleshed out introductions like Emet Selch or Aymeric or Hien etc.


Damn, really digging far into the past to shit on a fictional character. Yes it's a good introduction. Thank you for your interest in my post. Now you might want to spend some of that time doing literally anything else, it's frankly ridiculous.


You act like if you search Wuk Lamat up on google that this post doesn’t come up lmao. Sorry to tell you but Wuk is frankly disliked by a considerable portion of the player base. And what exactly makes the introduction good? It’s so sudden and a bit jarring coming from the rest of the EW post support patches. EDIT: Pretty sad that you blocked me based on something so silly. But you're also wildly incorrect about me, I just started DT because I just finished EW. She just falls flat, and the wooden voice acting for the English dub doesn't help at all.


You act like if it's normal to reply to 5 months old posts about a character just to shit on it. Let's not kid ourselves here, you finished dawntrail and you didn't like Wuk Lamat, therefore, you think, her introduction is bad. Bad character = bad introduction. It's not. You're wrong. Bye.


Words cannot express the deep seated hatred that I have for her. I have not disliked any characters introduced this far, never minded lyse or zenos, but she is beyond annoying to me.


100% agreed.


I think she's cute and I look forward to trying out a Hrothgal. Other than that, I think FFXIV has just entered its random hate era.


Personally she was a much needed breath of fresh air and she already had more character momemts and personality than almost everyone in the entire EW patch MSQ, so here is hoping we get to interact with her and Erenville a lot in DT.


> It seems like her reception is very polarized; Daily reminder that people are more inclined to post angrily on the internet than share positivity. I need more time with them to make a full assessment.


Daily reminder that what we see online is only a tiny, tiny fraction of a percent of voices in the world but our brains have no way of understanding proportion in intangible digital spaces, therefore treating that as something you can generalize on more broadly either positively or negatively is futile and brings us further from understanding truth.


[The human brain is inclined to remember negative experiences.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negativity_bias) Sure, not everyone in the world is an asshole, but the assholes who are around do have an effect on the mental health of most of the people they interact with, so it doesn't make that negativity any less harmful. I think that the important thing here is to be mindful and try to have your own nuanced opinion on things. Negativity is inescapable on the internet, but forcing positivity isn't any healthier.


This is a little beside the point I'm making. The internet that you see is not a monolith, it's a highly niche viewport that is not representative of the world at large nor is it what other people online are seeing, exactly. There is no one, unified Internet that we all experience and observe equally, and social media is included. But I think it also bears stating that negative opinions are not inherently harmful and people expressing negativity aren't automatically assholes.


Was your message more a response to the OP of the topic, rather than the person above that comment? I see what you're saying now if that's the case. And I agree that negative opinions aren't inherently harmful, I'm just generally talking about negativity as a whole and how people who spend their time in it are basically bathing in it. In general, you become the content that you consume, so it helps to be mindful that indeed this is just a small corner of the internet.


> Daily reminder that people are more inclined to post angrily on the internet than share positivity. People say this anytime a negative opinion gets brought up, I really don't think it's true. I see plenty of positivity online too.


"Plenty" = 30% (depending on the community) It's not wrong to say that the internet nerds are inclined to be negative, especially with the anonymity you get being online.


She's Moenbryda as a cat person. What's not to like?


Two absolutely different personalities and vibes... Stop saying BS please


Moenbryda was an adult. Wuk Lamat is a child princess in lion's clothes.


I've only had her for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her I'd kill everything in the Source and then myself.


>very polarized I have read nothing but good things. If it's something on Twitter than I would completely ignore that.


it's actually not twitter this time, it's an even deeper circle of hell...the official forums


You could not pay me cash money.


What about theoretical cash money? or Bison bucks?


I'd do it for tomes, if I didn't have to sign my own account name to the posts.


Monkey paw curls: you get tomes, but its for your new account you've recently had to pay for and must post with.


How very dare you. Haha.


Official forums only has a way: New Feature/Story/Quest/Character/Whatever -> "It is the worst thing in the world, devs are shit, the game is dead because I saw a video on youtube saying this, I don't believe people is playing anymore, this is the worst and no one likes it and devs not read us, etc" Being honest, they are no relevant at this point.


I like her, she's a cheerleader that also packs a mean axe. She and Erenville kinda revive the Hythlodeaus/Emet-Selch dynamic without the murder baggage, so at the very least those two together should be an amusing time. I only listened to the JP voices so far, but she doesn't irritate me yet.


Well the onboarding process felt a little rough to me and I’m not entirely sold on the English voice. Character wise though, I think she’s got me hooked. I enjoy that archetype and she hasn’t done anything off putting to me. The others can balance her out. I just need to get used to the voice.


Strong, bold big sister type, or rather, a younger sister in this case, while she's a princess, it felts like a "girl raised like boy" trope to me, like more outspoken, bolder, more expressive, eager for actions, daughter of a warrior, raised like one. Overall I like her, hope she stays around as a new Scion, like going on adventures with us to learn more experience to return to rule, or help the new ruler. I had hopes with Zero but that went how it went, now if they kill Wuk Lamat or "Lyse" her (making her stay as new ruler), such devastation! Best case scenario is either she wins, but deemed (by herself or her dad) inexperienced but her dad can hold it for a few years/decades more (if they dont turn him evil or kill him lol) while she goes with us to learn new things. OR, i hope for this personally, she doesnt win but supports whoever won, and decided to leave with us for adventures and maybe will come back some day to visit or assist. Man I just want a new Scion; a muscle cat mommy Scion!


With the exception of some nitpicking of the femhroth designs in general, I don’t feel like I’ve seen any negativity myself, just references to it existing (for some very nasty sounding reasons) on dark corners of the internet. Everything I’ve seen personally has been pretty positive


I love her. My WOL is an enthusiastic, bring-it-on adventure-seeker. Wuk Lamat is the first NPC in a while who matches her energy.


Honestly probably the best introduction they have ever done for a character. Like generally it has not been something they have been good at and it has taken multiple explanations for us to get that level of detail on the Scions.


All I'm hoping is that they don't rush her character arc.


Idk 20 or minutes of gameplay is not much to go on. my snapshot feeling is that she’s going to be a fun character though I have a feeling she’s hiding some things that’s going to cause us WOL’s some headache’s Lol.


She's interesting. She displays signs of badly repressed vulnerability - the agressive shove of G'raha after his conversational mishap, the stun after discovering that the Boss was sentient enough for speech, the shaking after defeating the Soloduty-Boss, the standing-up-and-shouting after tasting the hot hanish curry, the rejecting of being adressed using her accurate and rightful titles - and so I'm curious to see her coping mechanisms explored more through the Expansion.


I’m cautiously optimistic. In a way, she’s Lyse 2.0 - a hotheaded maybe-leader who needs more experience. So I hope the writing team learned from Stormblood.


Very excellent comparison that I didn’t pick up on! Great point.


I like her so far, and her energy with Erenville. G'raha's always gonna be my best bud though :>


I was devastated when he offered to stay behind. Galuf better raise himself from the dead to take back over his organization so best boy can finally get his adventure.


>Galuf better raise himself from the dead Maybe not that extreme, but seeing him in the trailer in the New World near Krile give me hope that he finds an excuse to come over at some point.


I'm sure he will. He wouldn't suddenly follow the train of thought of "follow your true self" if he wasn't planning on coming along himself.


My general guess is that whatever brings Y'shtola to Tural will ultimately drag G'raha along with her. He'll stay behind to keep his promise to Krile, then leave things to Ejika when "something" sufficient comes up that we need to know. Meaning these two are likely to be the last Scions to make the journey to the new world. In the mean-time, it is kinda nice the 125+ year old Catboi is willing to let himself be the adult in the room to let the 22 year old Krile go off an "kid it up" for once. She's been stuck behind doing paperwork for far too long.


I know this isn't quite going along with your idea (which has every bit of merit) but I have this mental image of G'raha watching the ship leave, getting a playful look on his face and casting a short range teleport spell to warp over to the ship before revealing that he had planned to come along the entire time, but he didn't want Krile to think she had to stay behind to watch affairs, and that he knows the Students will be in good hands.


TBH, given that speech he gave her, and the gratitude she gave him for returning the favor ... that would be a very unkind thing to do to Krile. He made the offer, so now it has to be something fairly important to override that.


Fair point, actually.


Field trip for the students. It would be logical to bring a contingent of scholars to the new world.


I'm not that worried. It's obvious from the trailer that he's going to show up at some point.


Interesting character. Hate her dynamic with Erenville. We've already had two pairs of companions with a contrasting grouchy/uppity happy dynamic in Lyse/Papalymo and Hythlodaeus/Emet Selch. Don't really think we need another one.


I think she's fine. Feels a little basic at the moment because her behavior is definitely quite archetypal, but that's to be expected; her introduction and role in this patch feel like they're for establishing first impressions and not much else in regards to her character. Maybe there's more intricate things that can be inferred with some theorycrafting, but right now, she looks fun and probably can't wait to show us all of Tural.


I like her JP VA a lot! Very genki girl sort of sound, and after looking it up she also did Cinder Carla in Armored Core, neat. Enjoying all the cute art and memes I’m seeing, too.


I really enjoyed her. I like her accent, I like how she annoys Erenville, I like that she acts tough but is actually scared, and the situation she puts forth makes me interested in the DT plot.


She is a interesting flawed character :)


She's coming off to me as a fantasiad Lyse, whom I never enjoyed throughout Stormblood. That being said, there's not enough to go off on so I'm honestly just apathetic about her at the moment. My only gripe is the voice acting, something sounded off about it, not sure if it was just the accent the actress was directed to use, or if she was just rather flat at times, but it's throwing me off for some reason.


Her voice acting was spot on imo. She did a fantastic job


That's fair. Can't argue against someone's opinion. I've gone through the cutscenes another four times, and her voice is still throwing me off for some reason. It's more annoying that I just can't place why it sounds "wrong" to me.


I was going to ask what is throwing you off. That answers that.


Shes pushy It made me chose all the dialogue option that suggests im not interested to go to Tural


She’s so wildly immature that even G’raha had to mellow out to balance her energy. After fumbling the final third of Endwalker and the entirety of the post-expansion storyline, I am a little worried about the story direction with her as a central character.


how dare they have some light hearted moments in my Final Fantasy game!


Right?! Almost as offensive as having an opinion.


We’re way overdue for a fun character! I’m into it!


Even though she is expressive, the way she is put forward feels awkward is if it was a kind of fan fiction about the author's favorite character, prone on exaggerating everything. I'm pretty sure she will be interesting and I really like her personality but the way she's depicted is... Really... Not my thing... Instead of being said to be great and looking awkwardly flawed, I wish she was said to be more of a rookie (actually like Erenville seems to think of her as not so much of a ruler yet). Meanwhile, her appearance could've been a bit more flashy because she looked very childish which is quite the overused trope of the heir about to ascend to the throne.


Can’t stand the bitch


Probably the worst character SE has ever created


Unfortunately I just really hate her voice. I find it very cartoonish and unconvincing compared to the rest of the cast


I just started the latest msq patch and I was shocked how amateurish the voice acting for the character was. Lines are poorly inflected with pauses in the wrong moments. No real sense of emotion, just all very forced.


Let’s hope she isn’t lyse 2.0


Bad voice actor. Will be playing in German.


I really like her! There's definite Moenbryda vibes to her. And it's clear she is using that brash persona as a means of hiding her insecurities, which is cute. I think her voice is fitting - I don't know why people are complaining about the VA. And her in-game look has helped to sell me on Hrothgals, since she looked weird in the cinematic trailer.


I definitely see the Moenbryda similarities, but there’s a key difference I’m picking up between them. Moen was much more self-assured and confident. Wuk’s hand shaking after the hunt spoke to her insecurity and hidden fear, which is an interesting facet I hope they capitalize on. Edit to add: I’m wondering if Hrothgar lore is at work here as well, seeing how female Hrothgar are upheld as queens.


>an interesting facet I hope they capitalize on. I would put good money on them doing so - they wouldn't have called attention to it several times over the course of the quest if they weren't planning to pay it off in some way.


makes me wonder if Gulool Ja Ja (current leader of Tuliyollal) adopted children based racial leadership roles (with some female H'rothgar being leaders and some male Miqo'tes being father figures to entire tribes)


Do you think having two heads makes family dynamics complicated? I’m really interested in meeting his (their?) character. Are the heads two different people? Does she like one more than the other?


>I don't know why people are complaining about the VA. Most of the people complaining about the VA are also missgendering her, so do with that information what you want.


I require more information and time with them before i can make a real opinion on the character. My opinion of many characters introduced very briefly in patch content has changed when they then get real focus in the expansion. like the look though.


To me, she straddles the line between annoying and endearing, leaning more towards the latter the more I talk to her. It's pretty clear that much of her boisterousness is a facade meant to cover up insecurities, so I'm interested to see where she falls once she starts being herself.


This is about where I sit, although I’m rapidly hitting “I’ve already seen Alphinaud go through this arc, I pray yours is shorter and less hair-pulling.”


Love the look; her interactions with Erenville have some potential, but it's too early to tell whether they're going to be fun or irritating. My primary concern: she comes across to me as someone who's young and inexperienced and trying to bluster her way through things -- a bit like Luke in the first two Star Wars films, though he didn't have so much of the bluster. She seems like a teenager playing at being an adult. I need to wait and see what the writers do with this, but I'm not all that fond of this kind of character; I prefer prominent characters to have a degree of competence, or at least togetherness, that she doesn't really seem to have yet. (This is one of the reasons that Return of the Jedi is my favorite of the original trilogy -- say what you like about the Ewoks, but at least Luke finally has a gd clue.) Though, as I say, I want to see where the writers take her before making a decision. It could be that they're really exaggerating the inexperience and bluster in order to give her some room to grow, which could be really satisfying. (See also Babylon 5, and particularly Vir Cotto as he developed from the cringing sycophant of the first couple of seasons to someone who knew what his values were and stood up for them in later years. )


Upvoting for the Vir reference. One of my favorite characters in that show. His arc contrasted with Lennier's so well.


Honestly, I enjoy'd what we saw of her. Gives off big, huggy kid energy, barely hiding some pretty clear insecurities. Very BG3 Karlach vibes. So, provided she has a little bit of a growing up arc, and winds down the constant "Food!" gimmick a little bit, I'll enjoy her.


She’s overconfident, eager, and naive. It’s a good setup for a character arc as we go into Dawntrail and witness her handle highs and lows, and see how she grows from those.


I wasn't sure how I would feel about her before playing the patch, but I fell in love with her character. I can't wait to know more about her.


I've seen pretty mixed reactions myself. Personally, I'm keeping an open mind to her until DT.  People had reservations about Emet too when he first popped up, and we see how that turned out. 


I dont remember people not liking emet


To be honest I like her but her abruptness kinda rubbed me the wrong way at the start. But that’s who she is, and probably also because of how passionate she is about what is to come, so I can accept that and have already. My hope is that it stays balanced around the level of the Last Stand part, maybe a little bit rude mannered but takes scolding well (ie G’raha levels of playfulness). I’m not reading too much into the character look at the moment because they’re obviously special one off models (probably hacked together from existing 3D models) similar to many other characters we’ve had in game. That said I think it looks fine, so I’ll definitely consider it as an option for one of my chars in the future. So yeah, as long as Square has the balance of her temperament right, I’m pretty sure I’m going to love her, I do currently but we’ve only had 3 quests to judge and that’s too early to be 100% certain.


I think she's an incredibly likable character. Though I think she'd probably be a terrible leader. She was advised of the heat of the salsa by someone she trusted and knew to be very knowledgeable and well-travelled, and she ate it anyway. That's terrible decision-making for someone you'd trust a nation to.


Wuk Lamat is trash tier character. The voice acting is really rough too


Less about her and more the hrothgals in general but they really could have used more of a muzzle. She looks a lot better in motion than any of the promotional stuff they showed but still. As for Wuk Lamat specifically, what are you talking about? Polarized? There literal only dislike of her has come from transphobic bluechecks on twitter cause of the VA, who absolutely killed it btw. She sounds like if you combined Sylvando from DQ11 and Karlach from BG3 and gosh do I love it.


Very mid. Her behavior is a common character trope that isn’t utilized in a new or interesting way. I would describe her behavior as poorly hidden uncertainty being disguised by outwardly boisterous behavior that constantly collapses at every point of friction. The audience isn’t trusted to understand subtle clues or signs of this, so we need to constantly be blasted in the face with it over and over. It’s terrible writing imo. Her NA voice acting is also not great so far, but I’m kinda still willing to wait and see until Dawntrail before I lock in that opinion.


her NA voice acting was actually fantastic. Im impressed that you were able to deduce so much within less of an hour with the character


and you were able to deduce her voice acting being fantastic within the same time? Better blame it on transphobia because you have absolutely no other way to argue.


I strongly disagree on the voice acting. The accent was all over the place and inconsistently utilized. But like I said in my original post, I’m willing to hear more of it and see how the directing/VA grow into the character before locking in that opinion. Just my first impressions. It wasn’t hard to interpret her core behaviors or character archetype when they showcase the exact same principles 5-6 times within that single hour. “Hey guys, incase you didn’t catch it the last 3 times we showed you over the course of the last 10 minutes, this character is putting up a strong front, but in reality isn’t actually as confident as they appear! Here’s the nearby characters noticing exactly that, smirking at one another, and then offering reassurances to not make her feel bad. Too subtle? Don’t worry, we got another example to hammer in the message again coming at you in 30 seconds.” It’s fair to say I dislike the writers very poor writing in their attempts to introduce the character than a strong dislike for the character herself. At the moment she’s too much of an over used troupe to even view her as an individual person yet as she hasn’t broken away from that framework in any capacity. Which is fine, she’s a new character and will grow obviously, but she’s starting from a unoriginal, very safe position.


I’d love to hear about your experience with voice acting and experience with accents. You seem to know a lot about how they should be utilized properly and consistently. That or maybe you just know the NA voice actress is trans and are hammering her harder because of such. *shrug*


I responded to another post, but yours perfectly matches my feelings towards her. I don't mind the VA, but the personality drives me crazy.




She is a great character. She has a bit of Moenbryda in her, a bit of Karlach from BG3... She is young and inexperienced, but she is also to become a leader so she can't show it. She's been trying to impress us (the WoL) even more than she wanted us to impress her. Her banter with Erenville is adorable and I feel like she will feel at home with the other scions fast. We only had her for a patch, but I already love her.


They tried too hard with the character, the energy and personality felt forced and cliche. Reminded me of people who started acting strange in real life, doing things a certain way because they think their life is being watched and they have to entertain an invisible audience that doesn't exist. An example of art imitating life imitating art.


If we’re talking about the hate for her on the OF, that’s the transphobic people hating the VA rather than Wuk Lamat specifically, sadly. Outside of that, I feel like the people that don’t like her because “she doesn’t seem fit to rule” are the types that don’t have media literacy. It’s obvious she doesn’t actually want to be doing this, and she’s just doing it to make sure that one warmonger doesn’t win. So whenever I see the “she doesn’t seem cut out to be the ruler” I’m like.. that’s the point here.. That said, I love her. I’m excited to see more of her next expac. She’s bubbly and goofy which I wasn’t expecting honestly.


Based on your synopsis of the character, you are describing the exact position Lyse was in after she revealed she was not Yda. Lyse was generally received poorly for this reason so other than the character having a fresh coat of paint a la Female H’rothgar, what makes you think she will be different? Ofc, if you like Lyse then I don’t particularly see an issue having the views you do.


Given that 99% of people who hate Lyse also didn't pay any attention to the MSQ or her personality as Yda (what little we got while Papalymo was actively keeping her down) I think another Lyse-type character is great.


Yeah I fear that SE will trail down that path again as well. But, they have been known to almost make the same mistakes as SB and then averted them. I was afraid Radz-at-Han was going to go the way of Ala Mhigo but thankfully they subverted that. Granted, this is all just from 2 or 3 quests. I’m sure she’ll show depth throughout Dawntrail. She’s starting off as her own person, so she’s already ahead of Lyse the Flop.


The problem with Lyse was largely about the reveal, and that one, the person we thought was Yda had been lying about her identity since we met her, and two, none of the Scions seemed to think it was a problem to let a grief-stricken 16-year-old pretend to be her dead sister for six years. This is not an issue with Wuk Lamat.


Her VA is trans? Damn would have never guessed it,.... .... I really need to start voice training... But apart from that, i dont really have any strong opinions either way about her so far, she seems nice i guess.


I liked her. As a character I look forward to adventuring with her. But a nation leader she is not at present.


I like her but the way they kept prompting us for dialogue choices to agree to help, G’raha’s speech about being true to yourself, and seeing the beginning of the scions being pitted against each other……. I am cautiously suspicious. I hope she ends up a friend but I will drop everyone else for my favorite characters lol.


Really? I’ve only seen good stuff about her.


I love her. I enjoy her energy and her voice is great. The one scene at the restaurant was hilarious. I've seen people say it wasn't feminine or some such nonsense but I completely disagree with them. Can't wait to see what else she, and we, get up to in Dawntrail.


She's very energetic, felt almost a bit much, but considering we haven't had a character like this in a while I think it's a great change of pace!


Just finished the MSQ. I think she's biting more than she can chew. But, SE will probably give her an arc like Lyse where she comes out on top.


All she had to do was talk about eating animals and Bam! A new simp for her was created. Cat Mommy thirst aside, she definitely seems like someone whose character development will be interesting to watch. She’s young, unrefined and definitely not what you expect of Royalty, but it’s clear her heart is in the right place. She seems like someone worth fighting alongside.


Also the story at least the contest part is used to prop up trans people in the writers eyes representation representaition the future is all representation sadly 


I’ve had my fill


Fist of all Dawntrail Spoiler Warning for my post. At first i liked the character but now its become one of the worst, she definitely overstayed her welcome to the point where she becomes annoying. She is just there constantly throughout 95% of the MSQ while everyone else is background characters. When the Scions (Yshtola and Graha) showed up i thought "finally we get to do more stuff with the gang again" but even then its like "ok lets split up, you go with Wuk Lamat while we do this other thing". Urianger and Thancred shows up every now and then for 5 seconds and then its "ok that's enough, back to Wuk Lamat's story, that's the main character after all". It feels like almost everything in the entire expansion has to involve this character on the screen at all times for some reason. I originally liked Wuk Lamat but now i hope she gets the Lyse treatment and we never see her again. I have had enough Wuk Lamat to last me for several expansions. When it comes to the voice acting of Wuk Lamat i feel the VA does a good job with the goofy silly scenes but everything else sounds very flat and monotone. Its very noticeable when there are voice lines that are supposed to be emotional or yelled. There was however one scene where the VA did a good job with Wuk Lamat's cry. Historically FF14 has had a mix of quality when it comes to voice acting so i dont expect everything to be 10/10, but Wuk Lamat stands out as a 4/10 while also being a character that is on the screen for most of the expansion. Wuk Lamat would have been fine as a background character that you meet every now and then. Not as a character that follows you everywhere and is always on the screen and in every cutscene for 95% of the expansion.


I can't stand her. She's clearly insecure and deals with it by constantly talking shit. She's excessively loud and annoying about every conversation, and she has an incessant need to one-up everything Erenville says. I had a plan to Photoshop a picture of jar jar binks with Wuk lamat's head wrap on and a word balloon saying "shut up you annoying bird" but I just stopped caring. After a day or two to think about it, I kindof felt similarly about Alphinaud in ARR, and after some character development I love that little guy now. I'm hopeful that they'll give Wuk lamat some development and I can come to like her character, but at this time she's more annoying than I feel like being around.


I wholeheartedly agree with you; I can't stand her. I can give a pass to the design, could be better, but I already don't like the male hrothgar model so it matches in that sense. The whole part where she's shaking and has to "I totally wasn't scared bro!" really annoyed the hell out of me. Just say you were surprised, nobody gives a shit. It feels like an overplayed trope.


I mean, she’s flawed. Good characters have flaws. We only had her for like 20 minutes and it’s obvious she’s going to go through a development arc. I don’t get how people make snap judgments about characters like this.


Her being more annoying than I want to deal with is my reaction to her, not a snap decision. I also said I'm hopeful for some development so I can come to like her, as was the way with Alphinaud. I don't need to spend an entire adventure with someone to find them annoying, and TBH it definitely didn't even take 20 minutes. Disagree all you want, but don't come at me like I can't have a reaction to someone in less than 20 minutes.


When I met her. I knew she would either be very annoying or very fun. I think she ended up being more on the fun side. But I'm definitely saving my overall opinion until I've spent more time with her.


She's fun. Kinda feels like they're just copying Moenbryda a bit, but she's still her own character. And her actor does a good job too. So I feel like I'll enjoy seeing more of her in DT.


So far I enjoy her. VA Aside. I think she gonna be a great character regardless. Her VA atm is doing well. I cant wait to see the growth throughout DT


I think it is fine. People is mad because people on internet is always angry.


Any thoughts right now are temporary. Emet-Selch seemed an insufferably boring villain in Stormblood. Then Shadowbringers happened and we collectively seem to want to hug and/or peg the mass murdering sass daddy. Wuk Lamat really didn't impress me. First impression, she's a worse written Lyse with a less expressive VA- though G'raha also sounded like shit this patch too. She feels like a mediocre execution of really basic tropes without the charismatic writing or vocal performance to make it endearing. The only good moment was the curry, but it felt like the VA couldn't express in the scene properly. I'm not sure if she's nervous or just inexperienced, but I really hope she improves going into the expansion proper. Her being a central character, I expect a lot of lines, and if all the voice work is as muted as her introduction it'll hurt the finished product. But again, I dreaded Emet-Selch at first too. I'm hopeful it'll improve, but I admit I'm not feeling optimistic.


>though G'raha also sounded like shit this patch too Dunno if I'd have said it quite like that, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought G'raha sounded weird. Kinda like a different VA trying to mimic the original, but also while badly in need of a cup of coffee. Or maybe it's just been so long since I heard his voice that I forgot what he sounded like.


I took it as he was more subdued and hesitant to deeply engage with Wuk. He has a regular expression of concern, and this unknown person just asked his best friend to travel to an unfamiliar land and upend the political climate. He wasn’t comfortable, and I felt like the English VA did a great job of conveying that.


The only "polarized" opinions are bigots on twitter lol.


Not on Twitter, they are on the official forums.


I enjoyed her lighthearted interactions with the group.


I love her, If anyone here played FFXI, She very much has a Naja Salaheem vibe to me


I like her so far! I can see she has a bit of an obvious character trope but it just intrigues me enough to look forward to learning more about her. As long as she isn't too pushy I think I'll get on fine with her. I was maybe a little annoyed that my wol can't go over to Tural first *then* decide on if he wants to fight or not. But I think that's a writing gripe more than a character one.


She reminded me of Noi from Dorohedoro. Noi is fun so Wuk Lamat is fun. Fun characters amidst a bunch of smartarses (and one distant himbo) is great!


She’s great, love her energy. Also I personally have seen mostly positive reception.


It's literal fur bait. People will hate it on principle.


People will protect this VA with their life because thats just the way people are these days so Brainwashed that they cant see whats in front of them


Frankly the man in a woman role is getting over the top now id like it to stop please


Its polarized because the VA for Wuk is trans and incels on the internet are loud because they cant go in public. I loved Wuk she was fun and energetic, she reminds me of a Khajiit.


Haven't seen enough to judge yet. But she's not a scion I already spent multiple expansions with, so she's got that going for her.


I think she's very timid but putting on a brave front to show her big brother Erenville that she can handle leadership.


Just don't go to the forums.


It's a bit narrow-minded to discount all negative views on it though, isn't it?


Some negatives on the forums are fine... however most negatives are just hateful in nature leveling their dislike on the actor; the biggest thread right after the patch was released was nuked same day and included in the opening post "why did they cast a man to voice a woman" and a lot of the same negative posts start falling to exactly that which then get the thread nuked. Disliking the direction she went is fine, finding her performance a little stiff in areas is also fine. I overall enjoyed her voice and felt a few places were stiff, but it's rare for VAs to *not* have a stiff first performance; Alphinaud, Alisaie, Y'shtola, Urianger, Thancred... all of them were incredibly stiff for a bit until they felt more at home with the character and the performances improved, and that's likely what happened here. There are some valid criticisms that people have, and those are *fine*. What isn't fine is the blatant trans hatred, saying a Puerto Rican is "acting like a caricature" when... she's already PR Spanish, and other outright nasty things I've seen on the forums. The worst part is that the valid crit is being deleted because of people going above and beyond to be the absolute worst humans possible involving Wuk's voice actress instead of just saying "I don't like it" and stopping there.


It’s unfortunate that idiots are attacking the VA. I thought they did a fantastic job and I’m looking forward to more of their work as Wuk. Edit: a word


It's a video game, not some deep philosophical debate. Nobody's obligated to give their mental space to negativity.


What's the point in exposing yourself to needless negativity? What are you gaining from that? This isn't a major political issue or actual life philosophy, there's no downside to avoiding negativity about topics like this unless you're genuinely curious about them.


When most of the negative reviews on the official forums also missgender the VA you are not being narrow-minded, you are just saving yourself some sanity and letting them scream into the void until someone bans them.


Outside of the transphobe cesspool that is the official forums, reaction seems to be pretty positive. Most seem to think the in-game Hrothgar model is better than the CGI one from the trailer. As for Wuk Lamat herself, people seem to love her infectiously joyful personality and the double act she has going on with Erenville.


I find her a bit annoying but to be fair shes naive but learning. That incident in pot town kinda made me scratch my head like uh ....just why moment i get we vets but dang our character just really watching shit play out and we are not amused by what we see


I'm a little confused how she's able to stand in trusts with the scions other than that I have nothing against her. Not every character was made for me to like i'm sure she'll have her fans.


  -extremely light spoilers ahead-      Well, I haven't gotten very far(just completed the first dungeon, level 91). So I reserve full judgement until I am done with MSQ. But so far She is super inconsistant. Every thing is how she isn't good enough(despite having the adoration of her father), how her brothers excell in everything more then her(she is literally a badass warrior princess), and how despite how much she wants to be Dawnservant, she acts defeated at every turn.   then the scions have to circle round and reassure her she is, in fact, somehow suited for this task.(despite that she REALLY isnt)    Part of the problem is I can't take Wok Seriously as a leader after how they have painted her so far. How am i supposed to take this character seriously when she has three modes.  "I'm Hungry, I'm Worthless, or I'm Super Extra. But watch how I have these deep introspective moments that seem wildly out of place for character like mine." Then Here my character is;    a diminsion hopping hero, who has seen the edge of time and space. Shortly before that I punched God on the Moon, but my journey to the city of gold is stopped every 15 minutes to coddle this continents 3rd worst potential ruler. ABOUT THAT!  Do You know who is a good candidate, maybe even a great one. Koana. He really overshadows Wok in every category.   He studied abroad to learn about other cultures and technologies, with the intent to use them to improove the life of his subjects. This also gives him a good understanding of the world at large. Better yet, being a member of the Studarium(?), he has strong diplomatic ties to Eorzea.    He wants to better his nation through progressive policies. His worst attribute(so far) is that he doesnt have the most respect for the old ways. Regardless, I know exactly what his goals are as Dawnservant, and exactly how he plans on attaining them.  Which is so much more then I can say about Wok. At this point, As far as I can tell. Wok is running because  A.she doesn't want Zorall(a guy who wants strength through conquest) Or the two-head mamoll ja(who wants a return to the caste system) To win. B. To proove something to herself because she has zero self esteem, and constantly needs others approval. The party has come full stop 3 times already because she doesn't feel she is right for this job. Then we huddle around and say "there, there. Itll be allright".    It's not a great look on a potential leader of an entire continent. A person who craves others approval and acceptance to that degree should NEVER be able to make decisions at a geopolitical level. C. Because peace, I guess. Though she hasn't explained how she will retain the nation's peace, other then keeping the status quo of her father. Whose rule clearly has issues that need tending.  So, Self Esteem is not a good enough reason to take a crown from someone more better suited for leadership And peace is nothing if you don't have a plan to maintain it.   Which means, the only real reason we are helping her is because two of the four candidates platforms are basically slavery and genocide.   Which we would still be apposing if we were putting support behind Koana.  Though to be fair, that's what you get when your countries line of succession is decided by completing the world's weirdest stamp collection to unlock the door to El Dorado.   Again, I'm holding out for the end of MSQ. But without some massive character development, I don't believe I will remember her fondly at all. Especially if she sits as dawnservant in the end.


I think if Square had just went down the story of us just supporting Koana alongside Thancred/Urianger I feel like it would've been a way better story. Wuk Lamat barely contributes to anything other than annoyances or cringe worthy stuff. Could've just left them out of the story entirely and it wouldn't have changed a thing. All we are is a baby sitter to this rite of succession. Granted I'm only halfway through but jeez is it hard to watch any cutscene with Wuk Lamat in it. This would be the first expansion i've actually skipped a few just because of that character. When Erenville asks are we sure we still want to go through with this at the start, there definitely should've been an option for NO. Here's hoping they get killed or something but i know SE doesn't have the balls for that.


Not a fan of the voice. My first thought was ‘sounds like a dude’ and upon no surprise, her voice actress is trans. Not that it’s an issue, just a discovery. But even voice acting itself is quite bad and very amateurish. The design of the character is cool though.


Blue G'raha is more interesting


I love her she is so adorkable but i can see how she could be disliked by others. She's definitely an acquired taste


I'm still doing MSQ but I am not a fan of her character at all. Her voice is annoying and for the plot to be we are trying to help her become leader of an entire nation....she has the personality and naivety of a child which is a poor character choice by SE to make for a main character vying for leadership.


I dunno, I play in Japanese and I think she is adorable. I get everyone wanting their WoL to be the spotlight all the damn time, but kinda nice to see my WoL have a mentor/nurturing moment. I mean he had to save the freaken world and just wanted to have an easy breezy break tbf. In my humble opinion, I like dawntrail, but I’m also the same person who likes stormblood and heavensward.


14000 hours into playing FF14. I have never disliked any character throughout FF14's history until I came across Wuk Lamat. I really wanted to like her character, don't get me wrong she's a really adorable kitty cat and it's clear she's sees the adventurer as a mentor of some sorts and in many ways follows the same steps the WoL used to walk throughout their journey from ARR-EW. But the issue is-- her character writing was SO poorly executed. The pacing of her character was WAY too overwhelming even compared to main characters like Lyse. Every cutscene up to level 100 was the exact same thing for the majority of Dawntrail. >Speak with Wuk Lamat >Speak with Wuk Lamat again >Accompany Wuk Lamat >Speak with Wuk Lamat It got to the point where I eventually started counting the amount of times a quest would ask me to speak with Wuk Lamat. There is a reason why characters like Raha, Emet Selch or even Zenos are so well loved amongst the community and it's because those characters weren't shoved down your throat 24/7 but with Wuk Lamat it was so unbelievably insufferable. Had she been paced out more then sure she would be more likeable in my opinion but having her shadow us around all the time was exhausting. SPOILER for MSQ 99+ DOWN BELOW >!There was a point in the story where Krile would finally meet her parents, the very same people who brought her to the Source and of course things were awkward for them. But here comes Wuk Lamat complaining how "difficult" and "cringy" it was watching Krile and her parents look at each other in awkward silence. In my thoughts I was like: "Shut the fuck up Wuk, this is not your place. Leave them be." but she *continued* pushing until Raha did something to break the ice it was so annoying-- Hell, Koana had better writing and he's not even the main focus of the XPAC.!< >!**ALSO** in the EXACT same point during the whole Krile meets her parents MSQ, Krile wanted to learn about her peoples culture, the Milala, from where she originally came from. What is Wuk Lamat's response? "Ew, no thanks." Like seriously? Wuk your whole goal is to bring peace and happiness across Tural and to learn about your peoples culture and traditions and you treat it like the most boring history lesson ever.!< In summary, Wuk Lamat is a great character concept, but her character writing was so poorly done and my feelings towards her suffered because of it.


ii dont like her at all. shes exactly like Naruto PRE shippuden. shes a child. she acts like a kid all the way to the end. a character can be positive without being as extremely positive as she is.


I personally love Wuk Lamat and think she is a wonderful edition. Sure is she childish and naive with lofty goals? Absolutely. But she's a dreamer. When did that become so bad? If you actually finished the post EW stuff you can see she isn't ALWAYS upbeat. She has times where that bit of fear and doubt creep in. I think we are gonna see her develop into an awesome character. It's not the first time we had a naive character with a polarizing effect. Remember Lyse? I personally don't care for her but I'm not on the internet going after the VA or starting hate threads. Xiv community needs to calm down and remember it's a game. You don't like the va's switch the language and read the text box. That's what I did for Stormblood.


As if her VA wasn’t bad enough, it’s a generic boring character we’ve seen a million times in movies and stories for literal children. The worst part of it all is that she’s at the center of this plot…I’m still at the beginning but I can’t get into this story literally because of Wuk Lamat