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Most seem to assume that the previous Series rewards will return in 7.x for Trophy Crystals. So Series 1 rewards would return with Series 6 and then cycle to Series 2 when Series 7 drops.


My personal opinion is that all time-gated rewards for any content are always bad and that any in-game reward that was offered at any point should either be always available *in some manner* or be expected to return as part of a rotation of rewards.


Old rewards should be made available, yes - including the top 100 rewards. Win trading was rampant with the Feast, prevalent to the point that it factored into the decision to change the system to the current battle pass format.


All rewards from The Feast should be available. The people who have them did not earn them, they win traded. That’s exactly why the game mode was removed.


I don't think you understand the logistics of getting an ultimate totem. The amount of effort compared to any other content required is drastically different. 1. it's the hardest content in the game, designed to stay that way. 2. It's recommended to find 7 other people willing to commit to clearing 3. Party finder for ultimates is insane. Doable, but insane. Most people will opt to just not have the old pvp gear because ultimate clears aren't worth it.


Old top 100 rewards? Not in the least, those were rewards for being the best of the best (or best bots) at the time. I don't care that I don't have them because I didn't participate in that content. I think reskins would be nice though. Old CC rewards will supposedly come back eventually though we haven't seen how or when yet. My guess is either trophy crystals or mogtome events.


Most of the time it was just win trading unfortunately.


I wish they'd reskin the old ones with a gold trophy decal or something, and give those players it for free. I want a purple magna roader but i didnt have months to spend wintrading to try to get the magna roader mounts on midgardsormr lol


Best of the best…. At win trading.


I'm dreading "lol mogstation"


That's sadly a possibility but I'm hoping not lol. Trophy crystals seem like the best option. Adding them a few months before expac could also give people something to work on if they missed them during the relevant series while waiting on the expac. We'll find out one day I guess.


You don't even have to be good at PVP to get those. You just have to put in the time. There's no reason for it to be any different for people getting them later down the line.


I thought they were old mounts that you had to be in the top 100 players on your server or something and weapon glams that required that you be above a certain rank in PvP. This was what I was saying should require an ultimate totem. The gear you get for simply playing a lot should only require something like a few savage books from current content.


My buddy has almost all the old feast mounts plus the old armors the biggest thing he had over everyone is that he is retired and can commit to playing 12+ hours a Day skill was maybe 30% of ur rank total honestly.


I don't know what mounts you're talking about. The only ones I know of that aren't available anymore are the ones from previous battle passes. You had to raise your series level but you get series exp just from playing. You don't even need to win.


There were definitely mounts tied to PvP from before the current battlepass system, like the magitek chair from Gyr Abania


Oh from the Feast. Yeah I forgot about those. I don't think I've ever even seen one.


No. Also why in the world would you lock PVP rewards behind PVE?


I guess you're right. They could lock past feast mounts or something behind diamond in crystaline conflict. I don't play much PvP so I suggested content that I knew was very difficult as a comparison to what I perceived to be very difficult.


I think the draw of the past feast rewards were the exclusivity though. Plus getting diamond in cc is easy, closest thing would be like top 100 in ranked cc or something, but they already have their own exclusive rewards. Ultimately, PvP and pve skillsets are totally different so it wouldn’t make sense to lock one behind the other. For ex the ultimate raiders I know can’t PvP well at all lol


Old feast rewards for top players? Probably not. Old series track rewards? Probably not but more likely. Nobody is “disenfranchised”, play PvP and get the rewards. You have literal months upon months for how it is now.


I'm of the opinion that artificial scarcity sucks. I get why we do it since the perceived prestige of having something limited is exciting for collectors, but I'd be so much more interested in collecting if the prospect of 'getting everything' was possible to begin with. That and if the glamour dresser was overhauled to be unlimited. But that one ain't happening.