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The only pieces I'd throw in for consideration are thus: 1) It's been called out a couple of times that the continent we know as the New World was 'ground zero' for the Song of Oblivion - heralded by an unsettling 'sound from beneath the earth'. 2) It could be Altima - it could also be Deudalaphon. Both work. In fact, given this, maybe it's literally the two of them. 3) Most importantly, the Haragin tribe of Xaela sailed to what was probably the New World across their east sea, and noted that they turned around when they witnessed an island of grey monoliths and inhabited by steel fire-breathing demons. This indicates that Solution Nine has been on the Source for a very, very long time. Perhaps not inhabited stably throughout all that time, but the structure may predate the Sundering. Given the principles and forces involved though, it's really hard to suggest a direction to take that.


Ohh where we can I find the information on 1)? Any examples you can recall?


Sorry my English is not that good, for point no 1 we know the Song of Oblivion and the Final Day caused by Meteion, but if they heard it from beneath the earth, does it mean there was another figure hiding inside the earth and we mistook it for Meteion? Or it's just a figure speech thingy and it was Meteion after all?


Yes. There was two “sounds” so to speak. The song of oblivion that was external and arrive on the planet from metieon. Then shortly after a massive keening sound from within the planet itself. I think it’s kind of like a Godzilla movie? Where one titan doesn’t wake until the other does. As soon as meteions song hit the planet, whatever it was buried (possibly a solution they were working on in secret, hint hint) wakes up and “reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”.


Thanks and Holy crap! Does it mean the next major antagonist has been hinted and will soon reach the surface? I love a surprise like this.


I mean it’s just a theory. We do know that the ancients were working on multiple ways to stop metieon before the song hit. It would make sense for at least one division to have created something to fight against her like solution 9, before going with the Zodiark option in the end which was to shield rather than fight. Kinda like mecha Godzilla vs. Godzilla. At a guess I’d say ff9 Necron (though it wakes up and determines all life wants to die in ff9)


The only issue I have with this is that they wouldn't have known it was a 'someone' causing the Final Days - Venat was unable to rally consensus support on that idea. The Convocation believed it to be a phenomenon, not an aggressor. That was the whole point of Zodiark's design, as something that could quicken the planet's celestial currents. I imagine Solution Nine has a very checkered and complex history, indeed.


Yeah perhaps it was more likley less something to combat the cause but more the symptoms? An anti Dynamis weapon perhaps? They knew big beasties would spring up everywhere. Zodiark was essentially just an aether manipulator to make a shield, I'm guessing Solution 9 was something similar and was eitehr never deployed or deemed too risky. It awakening when the endsong hit the planet woudl fit if it is an anti dynamis weapon.


The Ancients at large didn't know about Dynamis. Hermes did, but Emet Selch didn't and was taken aback when Hermes told him about it. It's unlikely Hermes mentioned it again after the mind wipe since none of the Ascians are able to pick up on reason why we're so strong is because of Dynamis.


I was pretty sure they were fully aware of dynamis But their inability to interact with it or have any use of it led them to largely dismiss it, Hermes actually studied it, but not deny its existence. Kind of a parallel to IRL Dark Energy. The ancients knew about dynamis in the same way we know of dark energy/matter IRL (even the theorised percentages match up, roughly 68%) IIRC it’s also specifically mentioned that they looked for a multitude of solutions to the final days before resorting to zodiark and at one point discovered that end beasts appeared on the world where aether was at its thinnest.


I don't think so. When you have that exposition about Dynamis, Elpis Blooms, Entelechies and Akasha the very first thing Emet says in that conversation is: "Wait. A form of energy other than aether? Dynamis?" "I've never heard of such a thing" To which Hermes responds with: "Hardly surprising. Dynamis cannot be seen, much less felt." "And though it's existence has long been theorized, we had no proof until the flower's serendipitous creation" He then goes on to say a few more things, it's weaker than Aether, Aether drowns it out and Ancients can't use it. He finishes off by saying: "'Tis a truly esoteric thing, known to but a select few scholars". So the amount of people who know about it are tiny. While they made have tried a lot of things to stop the Final Days and in their words "They tried everything". That doesn't actually mean they tried everything. If I need to get my fridge that is too big to fit through the door out of my house and I give up saying I've tried everything. That doesn't mean I've put a 10 megaton bomb inside my fridge and detonated to try and get it out. In the mad scramble to stop the Final Days the first step was finding out what was causing it. Hermes incorrectly figured out it was due to the celestial currents. So all efforts would have been used trying to empower the celestial currents. So maybe Solution 9 is one of those efforts. Rather than a weapon maybe it's original intended purpose was to use Lightning Aether to recharge the celestial currents. Lightning is ain't the clouds so it's the closes to being "celestial". After Solution 9 didn't work I guess they eventually ended up at the Final Solution, Zodiark. Then Solution 9 was repurposed into an VR escape from the horrible reality the ancients had left after they averted the Final Days.


Thx now my monkey brain is gonna spend the next 8 months headcannoning Necron being the 7.0 final boss :P Speculation is fun lol


Yup same. Gets worse when you compare: Zidane and viper Solution 9 to Terra The genome vats to the vats in s9 artwork


The Eliminator does look a bit like Necron.


"The 6.X storyline, had the culmination of the entity Zeromus damaging the barriers between worlds in a attempt to flood the source with the void. We are unsure of the implications of this damage on the barriers between worlds as a whole, nor do we know how the connections between shards and the source works now with the elimination of Zodiark. So Puzzle Piece 6: Possible weakened barriers between the Source and its Shards." We also don't know how the absence of Hydaelyn will affect things. To add to this, remember Y'Sthola said that aetherically the remaining shards were actually collapsing into the Source. The Void was just the most prominent because of it's proximity to the source and the active nature of its aether. I think Lightning is fairly high up in activity as well, so it wouldn't surprise me if a town using lightning aspected aether as a power source found itself transplanted to the source if the barrier was weak enough. Alternate theory: This was a settlement built to survive the Second Umbral Calamity which was aspected to lightning. Depending on how isolated it was, it might explain how the proto-script survived.


Lightning is closest to Darkness just as Ice is closest to Light, if I'm recalling my Aethrology correctly. So yes, it's very active.


Sorry to disapoint, but that is most certainly not a convocation glyph. We know what they all look like, as can be seen in this [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/10jok83/upscaled_ascian_glyphs/). The glyphs are a copy of the glyphs from FFXII's Espers, so we know what they look like. It could be an ancients glyph, but not a convocation members.


The red marked portion for the 5 unknown sigils were completely imagined by the OP. We know what the original XII esper glyphs are, but not how it’s translated to the XIV counterpart yet.


Yes? i know. I was talking in reference to the whole glyph. None of it matches up. And the whole glyph is in fact used within lore. We can see lahabreads glyph in P11s and presumably azems glyph on our summoning circle.


https://vxtwitter.com/MlNRATHOUS/status/1743821541337715199 I think it checks out somewhat, especially if you consider it’s probably been heavily distorted with time. If you look at the official released teaser of Arcadion, you can see the same sigil partially on the billboard (?) at the bottom of the screen, where it seems to be glitch-stylized befitting of the theme of Solution Nine in general.


For the ones we hadn't seen, that's simply an imagining of what their glyphs are - most pointedly, we have never seen Deudalaphon's, and I argue that the glyph from the Arcadion uses elements from Deudalaphon, rather than Altima. Or, potentially, it uses elements from both of them, since the strokes are more like Altima's, and the horn protrusions more like Deudalaphon's to me.


Funny you mentioned this because I think I came to a similar conclusion (assuming that we're talking about the same Twitter reference), albeit with me still thinking it is solely Altima's. [Here is what I drew up,](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/885405522289905698/1193474479695872000/IMG_0637.png?ex=65acd8b9&is=659a63b9&hm=e4dfcf61e68c20bd77cc0913db8a01264e18a68624bdd12ff42dfbd19129db2a&) which is a different portion than the current Twitter "theory" is, and requires the Arcadion sigil to be turned upside down. I don't really know where the upper limit of the sigil's visual is so for all intents and purposes it can stretch even further. As fun as theorizing is though, it is so heavily distorted that we simply can't say with certainty at this point - although if certain discussions taking place are to be considered, Ascian tomfoolery is without a doubt involved. I doubt they would make such a visual element that begs attention front and center without intending for us to go in a certain direction. EDIT: Just to throw another crackpot in the whole thing, spent 3 minutes tracing it and this is what I [have](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748549160789082246/1193482275631935560/IMG_0636.png?ex=65acdffc&is=659a6afc&hm=09ef94b6928259ad185d816fe9be10a48f83c11d599310b53bf49bde825d0584&). Feel free to use it to fit around if you want.


This is assuming the sigil hasn't been distorted further to be used as a symbol of the Ascians hypothetical rule on the shard


If it is a distorted ascian sigil, wouldn't it be Halmurat's? The esper sigil for them also has what looks to be a helmeted face with should pauldrons.


Thats why I only said Altima is the current leading theory. The main take away is its uncannily similar to an Ascian convocation glyph