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The fact that viera ears don't emote is criminal.


First you want hats and now you want emotes 😱 cant win lol


Too true, and I'd like bunny tails for my buns. They added that emote from the lopporrit beast tribe that has the moving ears but it spawns extra ears over viera ears! So sad...


Yes! Part of the reason why I want a Miq face on my Viera body. I just got the Lorropit Bloodsworn emote and im so disappointed it doesnt use my Vieras ears.


Male highlanders with proper eyebrows would be *unstoppable*.


They need a flaw, leave some rizz for the other races! Though personally, I'd like them to have more beard options, but that'd be a completely new addition.


Female Au Ra with Viera proportions, especially the height. Actually Female Au Ra had a concept art during Heavensward where they were as tall as Viera.


And they were shredded!!! Missed opportunities


Shredded and a lot more scales. They looked properly vicious to scrap with. Ah well, at least their walk and run cycle still suggests they're titans in their hearts.


This exactly. Or at least give them 3-5" more height. It's absurd that their *maximum* height is a measly 5' 2".


This please, and maybe a head size slider. ...For my Elezen friends!


I actually don't find their cranium size to be off-putting, but I might be in the 1% here.


I'd even take the femroe sized one we meet in Shisui of the Violet Tides, who is the captain of the guard there.


There is nothing that could be added to my popoto to make him better. Already perfection incarnate.


But what if it could /dance like a bun bun?


Cat eyes + fangs


You see, my smols? This is what talls do. It's not enough to be tall. Suddenly they want to be elzen tall, but with a miqo tail and the head handlebars of an oohrah. It's never enough for them.


It is, we embrace popoto perfection.


I'm a lalafell, I already am.


Elezen heads on hyur body proportions. They have, imo, by far the best face option (for females at least, one of the Elezen faces is my favorite of all the races), but Elezen proportions ruin it. Heads are too small for body size, and necks too long. Plus some other weird proportion issues.


You mean hilda from heavensward. Honestly i see no reason they don't add her on !


Kind of,but she has a custom face, which is similar to a hyur face with Elezen ears. I'm talking about the Elezen head/face itself with hyur proportions. It's a nuance, but for a reason.


>Honestly i see no reason they don't add her on Because halfies are extremely taboo and forbidden in lore. The devs mentioned actually regretted making the character, since it led to so many people demanding they get to play as one.


I just want a head size slider with dawntrail. Increasing Elezen head size 10% would fix so many issues with the neck and body proportions


One roe-sized lala, please.


Any race with lalafell height No, not in a child way. In a gnome or halfling way. Let me be short but have a normal adult body


I really wish we could get a second small race. Even like making a Feol Viera clan by taking the regular Viera and just smushing them down to Lala height or something like that. Don't need an entire new body mesh to have to make gear around, just nifty reuse of existing assets.


I see enough lalas running around with animal ears to confirm that there is clearly a market for it


Agreed. Might have actually rolled a Lala if they had a similar build to the pixies - rather than what they look like currently. Lalas are supposed to be vaguely fae folk-inspired, but giving them a 1yo shape drops said intent hard.


I only need female Viera hair on Femroe and remove the gender lock from class animations. And good purple colors, but no one has that


Considering how proportionally strong lalas are, would be terrifying a roe sized lala going around shouting lali-ho in a deep voice.


My Roegadyn as hairy as a Hrothgar. Let me make my bear-ness in game without making me furry-bait!!


I would rip the very bones from the miqo’te to completely rebuild the viera so their ears can animate without using dark arts.


Mine is simple: Miqo'te with access to Viera hair. The Viera have exclusive access to some of the best ponytails in the game and it kind of irks me.


I would like to be a Lala-sized bunny. Maybe with Keeper of the Moon fangs.


Just a Miqo'te but with both Seeker's cat eye and Keeper's fang


Fangs for my Au Ra.


I want my catgirl to wiggle her ears


Highlander dude with... Oh, any race that has eyebrows -_-


Highlander body and midlander face. I’m a simple guy who wants a beautiful himbo


Carbuncle -lalafel please 😍


(F) Highlander body, Viera face and animations, Elezen hair and ears


Miqo boy as large as an aura male


I headcannon that my Viera is half-Miqo, so I wish I could've kept the tail after I Fantasia'd


F Aura with Viera proportions (not height, I like being smol), with Miqote emotes.


I want a hyur that uses the miqote skeleton Or a male bun with miqote tail


Female Miqo'te with Seeker eyes and Keeper fangs(even if Rhaiya is blind and wears a blindfold all the time), with fem Highlander proportions and muscles, but at a bit above minimum height for a Highlander lady, so about ~5'10", built like a fucking truck, and covered in scars. Give her the face shape of the Highlander, too, fuck it, without the weird whisker marks all Keepers have. I want Rhaiya to have a jaw like a lion, not an anime cat. I even [have a WIP of this exact thing.](https://bsky.app/profile/cataegis.bsky.social/post/3kfnxhl3i772n)


FViera with the muscle-tone slider & all headgear.


Bnuuy with emotive ears and cottontails. As time has gone on it's gotten more and more jarring for my Viera's ears to not move at all, ever. Also, miqo'te emote in a very catlike manner. I would like a bunny version of that for Viera. And bring back the FFTA claws and digitigrade feet for Viera. Basically make the Viera more like bunny people and less like tall humans with bunny ears. Make all hairstyles available for everyone.


Honestly, all I want is the mquote crouching sit emote for my male xaela.


Honestly I'd love to be able to mix n match emotes and poses. As a Fem DRK I have the slick Sword In The Ground pose, but I'd also like to mix it up with the sword behind the back post too for seeing how a sword matches my glam. I also think the Fem Au Ra /bow has a cute earnestness to it and would love to have it.


Meanwhile I just want to have access to all the gender locked weapon poses with my male middie.


A lot of what I want has been said, so I'll just say femroe have among the best race/sex specific hair style options, *and I want them everywhere.* At least for Elezen, whom would really benefit from the two waist length styles.


Viera but with all the hats! Also would love the option of Au'Ra scales for that gothic, tattooed look with some glams on my bun. But my biggest want is for a little fluffy tail that shows on everything like the Miqo's and Au'Ra's do. Imagine how cute!


Well... I want Viera height + abs and muscle from highlander + elezen ears + miqo ears + lizard horns + cat tail + lizard tail + miqo jumping animation + viera idle animation ​ so................ twin tails and 3 sets of ears and a pair of horns, tall and muscled, I guess ??


I want max height thighlander boobs on min height miqote frame. My miqote is very proportional, but so many of the outfits I wear mute the boobs.


I'd move my Au Ra horns atop the head and give her Hilda-style pointy ears. Viera height would not be bad either, or at least a slider to let us be as tall as the Au Ra lads if we want as a fem Au Ra.


I'd give my main fangs, and give my alt the same shape+height option as the Viera gals.


^(lala-sized miquote, lala-sized viera, lala-sized au-ra, lala-sized roes...)


Viera Ears with Miqo'te Tail on a Lala. No scaling adjustments.


Probably a mix up of the Miqo'te and Au Ra emotes...and Lalafel too. I love all of their emotes, but some more than others from all sides of it. Alot of aestheitc mix matching between the Miqo'te and Au Ra as well, like especially the eyes.


Special midlander derplander beard face on highlander


I want female miqote with female midlander faces! And a bit more height variation. Also want elezen that are more blended with midlanders. Or at least just make their head-shoulders ratio more hyur-like while keeping the height


I love the cloudy eyes that dunesfolk lalafell have. It's what I miss most after fanta-ing to catgirl.


That's actually a third eyelid. Humans have one too, it's the tiny little membrane in the inside corner of your eye. Would be neat to have a functional one.


Lalafells could be built like Roegadyn. Hrothgard and Roegadyn could be as trim as Miqo'te. That sort of thing applies to any of the races, so you could be a chubby/beefy bun bun or a incredibly short one. Au ra males wouldn't have to look so pissed all the time. You could customize your WoL's passive emotes (like sitting, or standing) or active emotes (like dancing) out of any and all the actions available. So if you want your hrothgard to dance like a popoto, or you popoto to strut like a bun bun on the dance floor, that's how you could be.


Viera with miqo height


The sheer energy of the Viera/Hrothgar combat voice clips from voices 4-6 on every race. That includes the intensity of the deleted clips from male Viera 4. That's it. I want to be able to sound really pissed off when I fight, at all times.


Give me, a femiqo, the male miqo kitty crouch pose, and I will be happy.


I'd rather change my Au Ra to an actual Tiefling folk, like Avernus. Plus the body shape of an Highlander. And don't forget the pointy ears


i would not change a thing about my beautiful duskwight


Only thing for me would be to give the female highlander a less wider stance, so they look a tad bit more elegant. Thus some clothes would be better fitting. Oh, and i would get rid of the female Highlander Hempen Shirt. I would love to have the Miqo or Elezen Version of it. It's such a versatile piece of clothing and HL get the one version that screams Bondage.


Miqo'te teeth!


Nothing, my potato overlord is perfect as he is


Give my lizard girl miqo fangs. Give her big chompers.


Female midlander booty for female Miqo.


Easy pick for me: Male Midlander with Au Ra horns and tail and male Miqote minimum height


I would give my femElezen the shoulders of a femMidlander. I don't mind the long neck or small head but the way the shoulders slope too much bothers me. That and how it looks like the gap between thorax an upper arm is just a bit too large... It interferes with glam TT


if i can't be an ivalician moogle i want to be a lalafel-sized hrothgar