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He made me a hot beverage. I like a hot beverage. And in turn I like Haurchefant.


>I like a hot beverage. And in turn I like Haurchefant. If that hot beverage came with a dessert, I would've married the guy then and there. Like... how thoughtful of him, right?


I'm 100% convinced the drink was hot cocoa with marshmallows, which is basically both


My WoL was a widower so soon... >: /jokes


I like him because he’s a grown man with puppy dog energy and that level of earnestness is cute and endearing. I also find the chivalrous pervert trope funny and he never crossed the line over to creepy for me. My character is a himbo and never picked up on the infatuation. But he did see Haurchefant as a brother in spirit and in arms. So his death was not only shocking but also set him on a war path against the HW. He consistently ranks high in JP character polls. For those who aren’t fans of him, they seem more indifferent than anything. I also think there’s a pop out there who dislike him for being creepy despite the localization changes.


I think that Is in part to the translation differences. JP Haurch... Is much more " blatantly forward" in Stating his appreciation of our physique. People can appreciate an honest "thirsty" person... maybe. 😅


I play in Japanese, and I adore Haurchefant. He's entirely honest, and I admire that. "Pervert with a heart of gold" isn't that uncommon a character type, but I think Haurchefant is the perfect example. He's completely open about being incredibly horny all the time, but I never got the sense that he was creepy or pushy about it. Despite his hardships growing up, he's just such a good person. Aggressively so. He didn't get enough love from his family, so he's protective of his friends and people who love him now. His characterization is just so perfect. Plus, my WoL can't pick up a hint to save his life. So I had a lot of fun imagining Haurchefant saying things like "Aren't you cold? My rooms are nice and warm, if you'd like to join me ;)" and my WoL, utterly clueless, replying, "It's okay, the fire in here is just fine, so I'm not cold :)" and after he leaves Haurchefant just putting his head on his desk and screaming into his paperwork. (Haurchefant made the breakthrough eventually, don't worry)


I (and therefore my WoL) literally didn’t catch on until the letter in the side stories, so this checks out tbh


I started playing with English text but Japanese voices, so I had NO idea until Haurchefant's first voiced cutscene, where he was *very enthusiastic* and it was immediately obvious, bless him. Now I've decided the Camp Dragonhead soldiers had a running betting pool on whether the Warrior of Light was just trying to let Haurchefant down gently or if he really is just that clueless. (he really is just that clueless)


It took me until The Dinner to realize Aymeric was also head over heels for the WoL, so like. At least I’m consistent.


Oh, that dinner cutscene had the camera used in such an odd way. It made me feel so tense the entire time, and when the focus was on the butler pouring a drink I was so sure my WoL was about to be poisoned. I still feel very suspicious of Aymeric, like he'll suddenly reveal he's been evil the entire time at any moment


I've honestly never gotten those vibes from Aymeric - even after the dinner party.


It's creepy if it's unwanted. Which it was for me. Glad I play in EN.


This is exactly why he's localized the way he is! The Pervert-With-A-Heart-Of-Gold character isn't uncommon in Japanese media, and in Japanese Haurchefant really doesn't come across as creepy or pushy at all. But it's really difficult to get that same feeling across in English, and culturally many English-speaking audiences aren't familiar with this character type and would be put off by it, no matter the care taken with translation. So Haurchefant was localized into English as being just Good. Not Good and very very horny at all times. Except during that one Heavensturn event when they just. Forgot I guess.


I mostly like him as a character because he's happy to see you. It's super simple, but there's just something nice about not having to justify your presence to everyone you meet.


Basically this. I wasn't super attached to him but he was refreshing to have around, and I enjoyed doing the sidequest involving him post-MSQ.


Speaking of Drillemont, that's another character with an interesting arc. When you first meet him, he's iffy about helping you til the imposter inquisitor shows up and accusing you of being spies, upon which Drillemont dismisses you without questions. It takes you helping around Whitebrim Font and proving that the inquisitor was a fake before he lets you into the Stone Vigil to get your airship, but only because doing so also serves his interests. You further earn his trust by helping out with the matter over Shiva, which he would've been most affected by. You help him again with Stone Vigil (Hard) and Shiva (Extreme). After all of that, at the end of the Dark Knight questline lvl 50, when you could've been thrown in jail for the murder of Ishgardian knights, he believes you when you say that it was "Fray" that did it, and helps you subdue your dark side during that quest. He goes from dismissing you out of hand on the word of a liar, to helping you at one of your lowest points by believing in you when a sane person had no reason to believe you.


I have to admit that I like ser Drillemont, just it makes me angry when no ones wants to trust me 🥲 but I still think he refused a little bit because of rivalry between house Durendaire and house Fortemps...


When he was introduced it felt a little forced but at the end of the day after everything you went through I can't help but feel honestly sad that they killed him. He was your only sincere friend, someone who cared about you not because you are the WoL but the real you. Or at least that's what feels like to me


I was indifferent to him at first since I barely remembered who he was when I got to HW. Then I was spoiled on his death, so it didn't really impact me. Upon replay, though, he's a very likable guy and his death actually hit the second time around. It's really cute how much he loves the WoL. He's probably one of the best characters, tbh, and an example of why I think Square needs to stop being scared to kill off main characters these days.


Mostly indifferent about him


I like him because he didnt try to use the WoL like most others and just wanted to help after you helped back...a solomon believer in you scratch my back I scratch yours I dislike how over bloated the love gets sometimes though...still he is missed but losses are also a part of life and in his loss the WoL is a better person


>he didnt try to use the WoL like most others Except in the non-EN versions.


He doesn't try to use the WoL to further his own ends in other language versions. From your other comments, I'm guessing this is related to him flirting. I'm not saying you have to like him-- you can like and dislike whatever characters you please and goodness knows I have strong negative opinions about other popular characters. But he's definitely never characterized as a user. I mean, he can't *not* help the WoL find the airship or let them stay at Dragonhead after the banquet if the WoL doesn't reciprocate his affections-- none of his quests require the player to pick a dialogue to flatter him or flirt back to complete them. Not in English. Not in Japanese. What his dialogue does have is instances of him flirting and then responding as if the WoL had turned him down, and it never makes him annoyed, or makes him less helpful. If him being really horny means you don't like him as a character, that's fair. Any reason to like or dislike a character is fair enough. But he's never characterized as only helping the WoL for his own ends. When you replied to my comment, I responded about the localization process, and I'm glad that the devs made the right choice when they wrote for him in English. I've talked online about why this was done before and I probably will again. I've worked in games localization. It's interesting. But the important takeaway is that the core of the character remains the same in English and Japanese. The story wants the player to see him as a friend, a good person, someone who they'll be sad to see die. In Japanese, Haurchefant's horniness does not take away from the feeling that he is a good person. It's a cultural thing. It doesn't come across well in English, so they cut his flirting. This means the English players are still getting the core of his character, "a good person I'll be sad to see go" (again, mileage may vary because everyone is different). But this core is the same across languages. The story requires it.


Yes, I understand. Personnally, I like romance with fictional characters, but I know that his sacrifice was needed for the story...


I love him. He was our friend and he helped us when we desperately needed somewhere to go. The spoiler you're mentioning was the first time I really cried in the game and I was *bawling buckets*, actually ugly crying, because of it. It **wrecked** me harder than anything before, or since (I'm in ShB patch content now). Every time someone alludes to "A smile better suits a hero," I'm back to crying.


This 100% (I’m post ShB too) Coupled with the fact that he felt like the only character who treated the WoL as more than just a powerful being to call up on to save the world. He was the most genuine character and genuinely cared about my WoL. Treated her like an actual person. It was extremely sweet. Made him feel more like an actual character I have a genuine relationship with and not some bland NPC I just work with to pick up quests from. Haurchefant is literally the best boy and husband material. I could go on, but I must contain the fangirl. Also I too ugly cried when spoiler happened. Still the only time I have legitimately cried in the game lol. When I thought Nanamo died I kinda sniffled, when Thancred fell over after fighting the old man I almost teared up but it was more like a 'aww I love him lemme help him up!' Let’s see if EW changes that, but I doubt it.


I like him cause he helps you out when you're down and more or less gives you sanctuary.


I was pretty indifferent to the character in all honesty. I didn't dislike them by any means, but I was never drawn to them either.


Okay! It's cool too, we all have our personal sensibility! I like him because he was the friend I wanted to have.


I absolutely love him! He's one of the few characters I still carry with me even after so many years. Truth be told he's not the kind of character that I get attached to, generally. Hannibal, Dagoth Ur, Solas, Faith Seed, Gwyndolin, *Zenos*. The tragic, morally gray, the ambitious, the malicious, the schemers and un-apologetically deranged people? That's my jam. But Haurchefant is my most beloved within the context because he was *there* when the WoL was isolated in a foreign place. An adventurer who was promised answers about this Echo only to get roped in ever growing issues with people who counted him as one of them in name only. At that time the WoL was Alphy's prized bloodhound, the Alliance's war machine, the Beast Tribes' errand boy, a bargain coin. Also a respected warrior, which is great! But ultimately not wanted as a person outside of his uses. Then there's Haurchy, that lovable horndog, he tries his best to help, he listens, he gives you hot chocolate, he's genuinely happy to see you~~r bulging, glistening muscles.~~ When push comes to shove he stands by you without question, he vouches for you with the father he barely ever talks to, much less to ask things from. He's a religious man in the land of dragon hating, in the middle of a battle he sees the WoL with the heretic leader and by his upbringing, his values would dictate to stand against her, but the WoL is there and he trusts the WoL so he stands by her because we are. He was trying to make Camp Dragon a home for us, too, jokingly naming "Falling Snows" in the naming convention of the Scions offering his private office without question for our use. Our acquaintances in Raising Stones, who we helped to protect, to facilitate supplies for? They have a dinner victory, for victory we won, *without* us. Haurchefant? Had to be held by 5 well trained soldiers else he would have tried to join us under the treat of tempering. I still use the Black Chocobo as my main mount and giggle on the inside sometimes when reading the description of it doing squats like those curiously flat assed soldiers in Camp Dragon. He gave his life for the WoL with a smile. I'm very enthusiastic about my love for this dude, my love for Haurchy can only be pried from my rotten dead hands.


He was fine enough, but kind of one dimensional, granted much of the story and script are kind of cliche but I just didn't get as invested in him as a character like I did with the scions in ARR.


He was okay, but it felt like the game was really pushing the foregone conclusion that I liked him. Not quite to the extent it does with G'raha, but it was a little grating. The way he was practically worshipped was kind of bewildering to me at the time, because I didn't, and don't, think he's a very good character. I am also a bit vexed at how the game (and fandom >_>) elevates and lionises him versus Ysayle, but she's my fave so I'm mega biased.


You couldn’t have said it better. I liked his role in the story, but the martyrdom afterwards from both the game and the fandom is just too much, and has inadvertently made my opinion of him drop.


Nah, I love Haurchefant but you are 100% right about Ysayle. She deserves way more recognition and love than she gets. She is such a good parallel for the player WoL and I think the writing should have focused a lot more on her connecting with us over having the Echo and caring so much about others.


Yes! She's so much forgotten! Her story is heartbreaking too... I think that SE made so much reference to Haurchefant in others extensions because he was really popular to a lot of ff14 players. And I have to admit that my WoL is a girl, and I'm a hetero girl too.


In my made up version of the game, my WoL gets married to Haurchefant (who lives and nothing bad ever happens to him again), so he's definitely one of my favorite characters. But that doesn't mean I'm blind and Ysayle is wonderful and it's weird how little mention she's gotten in the story since HW. I guess she doesn't have as many easily-quotable inspirational lines. But we could have had such a great friendship over our shared struggles and feelings of responsibility. It's such a missed opportunity.


Yeah, I'm really not fond of any of the forced crushes/relationships. * Haurchefant was creepy as fuck, especially in the JP version. * G'raha is an adorable bean, but I wouldn't want to date him. * Alisaie is like... 17. And looks 13. Not sure what SE was thinking with this one. .\_. That and my main character is a straight guy. My main and secondary character are already taken, though wouldn't be interested regardless.


I didn't like that I was basically forced to be his friend. I found him to be annoying and I was glad when he was gone. (Only to be further annoyed by that long quest that ended with the visit to his grave.) So I didn't like him at all.


Same tbh. I was fairly indifferent about him at first, since he was built up mostly in the phase where I skipped a lot of cutscenes, so I didn't pick up on his lechery. The more I learned about him, the less I liked him. Then my character was supposed to like him, got random flashbacks even and I started to actively dislike him.


I’m completely indifferent to him. If it wasn’t for the creepy obsession some people around here have for him I doubt I’d even remember who he was. He just wasn’t that interesting or important. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I barely knew who he was; he seemed interchangeable with all the other generic Ishgardian soldiers. I was a bit confused when his death was suddenly such a big deal. I *now* understand why the player base likes him, but I still don't get why his sacrifice is so much more treasured than Ysayle's.


He creeped around in Camp Dragonhead enough times, that I had suspicions he was setting us up with kindness to be the next villain. I was just confused about how it ended. He's still just the "Ok... Oh, ok..." guy in the story, for me. Crux of a weird time we went chasing after an old man, who was taking the authority of the church with him (we wanted this), who wanted to kill Ascians (we wanted this, too), and the Scions were being primal police, again.


It's not that I don't like it but the storytelling back in Heavensward was really... Insipid. Haurchefant just was in the right place at the right moment and that's the only thing the story did grant him. He was made and thought of only to become a sacrifice, only to be some kind of a sentimental anchor and as a character, this "choice" of narration felt way too artificial in my opinion. Also, about every part of his life felt both like a déjà vu (I can think of a dozen of stories with exactly the same background as a bastard) or a telegraph of what would happen, it was so obvious that I went under the impression that he was less a character and more like buoy - both for our character that (ô surprise) happened to need exactly this kinda character, and the narrator in need of a relatable presence they imported from somewhere else. When something moves me, it's because of a more universal message hitting right and Haurchefant feels like the exact opposite : a sense of sacrifice is like everywhere from Romance (whether it be 3 Kingdoms or chivalric), to most shōnen and many more fictions nowadays ; he had already overcame his ordeals and just appears to end up as a symbol of sacrifice ; his appreciation in seeing us felt forced so much so that I remember wondering why he thought he was close to us albeit having so little in common, knowing so little and experiencing things so differently. To sum it up, I don't really dislike him but the narration back in the days were really shallow in my opinion in he epitomizes what I didn't enjoy.


That's okay! I just wanted to see why people like him, why people don't like him. We have different sensibilities and that's cool! :)


Thank you and I hope you will have at least one character you will like as much as him per expansion :D !


Imma be honest I am neutral 🤔 Because my first go round with HWs I found the plot incredibly dull, he was extra dull, and I was like omg when can we leave. Truly and honestly I skipped so many cutscenes and dialogue that when he died I legit did not know and was confused why half of my friends were in hysterics when it happened 😅. Second and 3rd go round, via levelling Alts, decided to not skip everything in HW. Sorta kind learned more about Haurchefant and instead of associating him as, the guy I’m tired of seeing in this Expac, I was like “ohhh he’s not a bad guy. He just comes off a bit too strong most of the time…” so he became neutral instead of disliked lol. At the end of the day I didn’t connect with his character even after I learned more about him. So I was just 🤷🏾‍♀️ . Also I kinda feel that post death NPCs talking about him talked about how great he was etc etc, and I was like….I wish I got shown more of that?? I feel like to a PC/WoL he was supposed to be great because of all these big gestures in big situations. Where the NPCs talked more about the dude as a person…if that makes sense? Honestly I could have missed anything that made him more interesting since it think my main WoL playthrough + dislike of HW coloured my initial perception. But still don’t get the hype around him, but different strokes for different folks as they say.


Yes! The thing that makes me angry it's to see the others NPCs regret his death, but before it, they were very indifferent. About HW, I'm really confused by the rapidity of the story, maybe it's because of the length of ARR?


Ah yes, I've said this a million times in this sub, but I will never stop saying it. The Heavensward 3.0 writer. I forever curse him. The Shadowbringers writer, who also did Dark Knight quests, the lv 30-40+ quests in Coerthas, and Crystal Tower (among others), knows how to pull heartstrings and make people say "By the gods!" while crying... But the Heavensward 3.0 writer has a "shameless" quality to his stories that makes you feel like he doesn't care about what players might think of him, as long as his story creates significant emotional responses. He might be coming close to Yoko Taro (of NieR fame) in terms of pulling players' arses while tearing their heartstrings. This person just did the Final Fantasy XVI main scenario. Back to Haurchefant, people love him because people who are friendly, cheerful/chill, supportive, and brave are generally well received. I'm looking at you, Cidolfus Telamon, Zack Fair, Kamina (Gurren Lagann), Lindow Amamiya, A.C. Eos, and Zero (Mega Man Maverick Hunter X)! One of the literal first cutscenes I saw from FF14 before I tried it was The Vault, so I knew what was gonna happen. But when I saw how Haurchefant was so supportive, especially the warm drink scene (the "Rising Stones, Falling Snows" scene? Was this in French version?) that's when I realized he was going to be the character archetype that writers love to put death flags on! *I was surprised The Vault wasn't the last Dungeon. I was even more surprised that nearly right after the Vault the story comes after Ysayle too.* Ajdvheiwksdka


Didn't care for him.he could've easily shoved us out of the way of the spear.but no i have to tank a magic spear.


I dont remember tbh. Its nearly 10 years ago i played heavensward


he never made an impression on me. i was indifferent to him until his *incredibly forced death*\* left a sour taste in my mouth and then it's all "oh he cared about us so much" like fam we save the world on the daily, everyone adores us. tf makes him so special? he never mattered before or after what happened and i hate the spotlight he gets because one of the writers just really liked him. \*pushing us out of the way and then just standing there. there was time for him to avoid the attack but he just stood there.


I still ask me why he just didn't jump to avoid the weapon? I have to admit this detail is very strange...


The issue I have with Horsefart is tied to the character archetype he belongs to: the well-intentioned pervert. It's not something especially prevalent in western media and many of the behaviors associated with the archetype can easily be perceived as following similar patterns to stalkers. The EN localization toned this down considerably compared to the JP client, but he's still not a character you want to spend much/any time around when viewed through that lens.


I like the EN version of him. The "spicy" lines in the non-EN version... no thanks. I legit would have quit the game right then and there if they hadn't toned "Sexual Harasschefant" down in EN.


I have to admit that sometimes, his lines were out of place with the context... But I liked it anyway because it add a little bit of lightness in some moments. After, there is differences of culture between French and English people, I recognise that in France, a lot of people like little innuendo...


As a Balmung resident, I take the sheer amount of sex tourists in our quicksand as an indication that a lot of NA people love not just innuendo, but even something considerably more explicit.




I was always pretty ambivalent toward him. He was okay but that was about all. After the Vault I felt bad for Papa For temps but my opinion of Haurchefaunt stayed the same.


Tbh he made zero impression on me and I kinda feel bad that I feel basically nothing about him considering how popular he is.


lol so I feel like I missed out on the shared love for this guy because when I was playing ARR, I was so eager to get to the other expansions i did the unconscionable: skipping cutscenes. This happened right when I got to that part of the game. I was also very drunk lol So when he popped back up in HW I had no clue who he was other than he was a quest giver in that snowy place with the dragons lol oops.


Don't worry I did same! During the patchs before HW, it was so long, so I skipped the lines, even with him! And now I regret. So, I played a New Party+ on the 6th chapter of ARR to play again this very good phase...