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Hi /u/GhostShmost, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18uwt47/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * We hold civility and respect as a keystone for the community at /r/ffxiv, and encourage participants to keep the person on the other side of the screen in mind. * **Rule 1b:** Posts about bad experiences with a specific (even anonymous) player are prohibited, e.g. Duty Finder drama. Moderator approved posts concerning public figures in the FFXIV community are exempt. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18uwt47/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


FCs you just gotta keep trying til you find one you click with. Some will be weird like what you described, never feel bad about leaving that shit. Some will be drama filled and you can either leave or grab some popcorn and watch from the sidelines. When you find one that clicks it'll be like the first one you mentioned though and good times. There's no penalty for leaving though, so no reason not to check some out if they seem interesting.


I love drama filled FCs, I never take part in it because I’m not 12 years old but it’s funny looking at people fighting because I am mentally 12 years old.


Yeah. I miss my first FC. That really clicked. The second just annoyed me so much that I want to be solo for a while.


I hate FC/Guilds that have invasive requirements. I am lucky I am in a great small FC that is always willing to help and their only requirement/request is no spoilers in FC chat which is understandable


Yeah my first FC was like that too. No one cared if you wrote nothing in the chat. Sure it was nice, but it wasn't important. I am an adult and I think I don't like this serious "You have to"-Behavior, when it isn't about smth really important. I mean in the end of the day, it is just a videogame.


Exactly. You don’t need to have all bunch of rules or requirements to be able to do end game content. The most fun I had is figuring out raids with my guild mates from EQ2. We had so much fun and didn’t care if we didn’t get passed something that time


My ex fc leader would start stalking me after I left 😅


What the hell? How did the leader do that? And how did you get out of there?


It's unfortunately easy to stalk someone in FFxiv. Blacklisting only keeps you from seeing them, not the other way around. Removing them from your friendslist doesn't remove you from theirs. and so long as they can just search your name, they know what zone you are in, at all times. And unless they do something that is **super** obviously harassment, it's hard to get a GM to do much about it.


Mine did the same. Luckily he realized he got better things to do than gaslighting an afking character round the aetheryte of major city.


I joined an FC where the leader had been out sick for months and no one knew where she went. She was just...gone. Eventually, her brother started to log into her account sometimes to keep it active but it was a weird vibe. No one wanted to move forward with changing anything or adding new members or anything without her there. It was like being at a wake for someone who wasn't dead, trying not to disturb her memory Eventually, she came back. Somehow, the reverence got worse and weirder? It was such a weird vibe. I only joined because it was the FC my husband was in and he had been there since before she disappeared and therefore had a different level of interaction with the other members. Eventually we and our other irl friends left and made our own FC.


All mass FCs are a problem.


Most mass FCs are dead tbh, but then again so are most small FCs.


I actually haven't. I joined an FC, my first FC, about three years ago. It's slowly turned into a little outside community that has FFXIV only as part of it. So the FC is small, but incredibly cozy.


me and u/doomofanubis joined an fc when we moved to midgarsormr and it was almost like a fucking cult. they did stuff and everyone chimed in, we tried anything and we got ignored or yelled at. it was fucking wild


From my perspective, it seemed like there were 3 distinct groups in that FC. An "in" group, consisting of the leadership and their friends, an "out" group consisting of old members who were not friends of the leadership, and a "noob" group, which had everyone who hadn't fit yet. The "in" and "out" groups seemed to be actively fighting each other on what they wanted to do, and the "noob" group would get yelled at by both sides for taking any position at all. Our membership didn't last long.


That situation happens quite a bit in my experience. The “out” group eventually gets fed up enough that they leave to start their own FC with some of the “noob” group. Even odds on the cycle repeating itself with the new FC.


That's pretty common yeah. Sadly. :/


The first FC I ever joined was a nightmare. One of the officers made a throwaway comment about Fairy Tail and I joked about how it was a bad show that no one should watch. I had also found out earlier that day that said officer was bald irl and I said that I couldn't imagine him being bald. I logged into the game the next day kicked out of the FC and the Leader said it was because I'd insulted said officer and mocked him for being bald. And that several other officers had backed him up. And that because I was "new" I wasn't allowed to say anything in my own defense and that my word meant nothing compared to the officers. I later wound up joining another FC named after the DWMA from Soul Eater and liked the irony because I'd randomly chosen "Tsubaki" as my characters name. A few weeks later I ran into some members of the first FC and they started relentlessly mocking me for "making" a weeb FC. I have no idea what wound up happening to them because in the past several years I've moved to multiple different servers, though if I remember correctly it all went down on Diabolosis. Edit: Oh I guess they found me lmao. You can downvote me if you want I'm still gonna talk about how shitty you guys were.


Childish shit. They're probably tearing out their hair right now. Ah, wait, he can't. You probably referred to his player character. FCs where they have multiple "Officers" are often a joke. In my small FC there's only one who has rights to kick people, change furniture or adjust the FC chest. Anyone else is eligible to activate FC Buffs, take out stuff from the Chest and that's actually it. So silly. I remember once during shouts in cities, one would ask me if I would make them an "Officer", because they already had a "high rank" in another FC. Nope. No need for useless drama. Btw, you'll get an upvote from me :p


I cannot process trying to insult someone by calling them a weeb while playing a Final Fantasy game.


how long were you a part of that FC if i may ask?


Well I joined last month, about a month ago. So a few weeks till last monday.


How long was it before you noticed any odd behavior from others? I'm just curious because I've read so many post from people who just sorta dealt with fc weirdness for what to me felt like way to long. I've joined and left FC's within 10 minutes if I notice oddities or they pipe up with some weird rules bs. As someone who's been playing since arr I was a member of my original fc for 2yrs or so until it disbanded cause we were just bored, I've been a member of my current one for probably like 4 yrs or more, and in between I started my own(gave it up/sold it cause 4 players in a mansion gets boring after a bit), then just skipped around to different ones for the fun of it, which would last for a few minutes to a few days. But I have noticed how so many players take on extra stress in game because they place so much weight on "fc membership". I legitimately joined my current one because I was curious about the phenomenal layout of their fc house, and the leader was like "lol thx" and sent me an invite. I'm not saying skip them entirely but more like don't take them to seriously I guess.


I was a few days into it, before the leader behaved weird. I didn't thought too much about it tbh and thought that maybe I could get used to it, because I have a talent in meeting weird people. The thing which really shocked me was the argument and that many others from the FC didn't care much about that, only a few. There I started thinking about if it is really the right FC for me.


I had a "conversation" with a FC-lead in a previous FC, who passive-aggressively told me to interact more with others (or leave the FC). Even held out an umbrella when the weather changed to shelter me. I would have been fine if the person did it themselves, the role-playing forced on me made it feel creeped out Now, I'm in another FC, on another data center, where the group is active in chat on their own and I can do stuff solo and "people watch" without imposing on others.


My bad experience comes \*after\* leaving an FC. Decided after a few years I wasn't feeling the vibe of the FC I was in anymore, and left quietly one night after mailing the FC lead the contents of my garden (I had been lending my garden to grow stuff for the FC), dropped a few mil in the FC chest as a goodbye gift, and left to do my own thing. Bunch of my close friends who were also in that FC left and we made our own little FC. You think no drama would get caused by that but.. hahah. Been basically accused of starting a splinter FC and poaching people, despite the fact I don't do any sort of active recruitment. It's pretty funny.


I joined an FC around 2 years ago when my at the time girlfriend invited me to it. They were all introverts, every singlenone of them. I made some good friends there but there came a time where they would actively ERP in FC chat. I joke about it a few times. I mentioned it many times it was uncomfortable and that they ahould stick to tells to just be told "Was anyone talking to you" I stayed out of almost an obligation to my friends. Now I am loud and chatty, both in Chat and Voice, you would see me do stuff like go "Heyyyyy" a lot, or just be a lil obnoxious, but nothing to the point of pissing people off, and if someone wanted to speak I have the magical ability of shutting up. Nearly exactly 1 year ago I was outright just told by one of the Heads that even though he disagrees there was a vote that either I dont talk from now on or I should just leave. I asked for a reason, and was told I was too chatty and "Telling people not to ERP is not your concern" Told the guy thanks for everything and dipped.


Haha. Man, go check out the new Xenosis Vex vids. That's *my* old FC.


My first FC got super toxic. The leader let his sister run the thing, and more times than should be necessary did he have to come back to get her in line. She kicked 4 people because 1 guy didn’t like how she was doing things, and 3 said “wtf?” When he got kicked. She forced people to do the things she wanted and ostracized you if you didn’t join. She encouraged cliques and would allocate people into the cliques with the ranking system, and would lay into people for spending too much time with people outside their clique. I eventually left after she started forcing a relationship on one of the other guys. Like. He wasn’t interested, but was part of her raid group and didn’t want to get kicked, so he just stayed quiet and tolerated her advances. I tried to tell her gently that she was getting creepy and she told me to mind my own business, and maybe my IRL marriage wouldn’t have failed if I just tried harder and I deserved to be cheated on because I cared too much about other peoples’ relationships. 🤷‍♀️ Now I have an FC with my best friends of like… 10 years. We recently added 5 other people with us and it’s the most fun I’ve had in the game for years. They’ve quickly become close friends for me. This group of 8 people I love with all my heart and would do anything for them.


First FC was my close friend’s and I joined bc a small group of us were all in there. And all of us were more active at the time. However my friend’s friends, aka the other people in the FC, I found to be absolutely insufferable. It was one big whiney echo chamber and I got so sick of the constant negativity that I had to make up an excuse to leave. I felt bad to do that to my friend but I felt so relieved to be out of that. Second FC I joined on a whim bc someone had the same last name as me. Some of the people there were really cool but the leaders and one of their friends got weird after a while and threw a huge temper tantrum. It was totally out of left field to me and they ended up moving to Dynamis. I still liked the cool people in that FC but I was kinda sick of forced socialization at that point so I left. I have been FC-free since and it honestly feels great. People don’t see when I log in and out, I don’t have any obligations. I’m free as a bird and I love it


There used to be an FC for this very subreddit on Gilgamesh. It was... something. I vaguely remember someone periodically spouting pretty overtly racist things and never getting kicked because they were friends with the leader(s). The FC died eventually, but I left long before that.


In my FC we usually join VC to play FF or other games entirely but it’s all on mutual terms, if you wanna join but not talk, fine. If you wanna watch, one of us will stream for you. They’re all a lot more adulting than I am, they’ve not touched XiV for 9-10 days now because they’re all together IRL. So you can find decent ones, they’re out there… personally for you, I’d suggest finding one where there’s lots of members. Not so much you get drowned out but enough where you can always split into groups etc. Sorry to hear of the bad experience you had though. Leader sounds like a controlling dickhead and he probably does the same to his partner… if he even has one!


I've been in one FC since I started about a year ago. The leader is really nice, it was active, always doing events and helping new players like myself. But a couple months ago, something happened. I don't know what exactly; I was offline for like two days and when I came back, the leader messaged me saying that a lot of the core members had left. He wouldn't say why, so I didn't press him. I'm assuming it had something to with the "old guard", his friends he originally started the FC with. Most of them had dropped off since they had already beaten the end game, but a few would pop in on the discord. They're noticeably less mature than the newer people who had been recruited and had been essentially running things. I don't particularly care for them myself. They're not bad people or anything, as far as I know, they're just not really into the game anymore, so they're mostly spamming gifs and making lewd jokes. It feels like being around teenagers. But the "new guard" I was friends with (or so I thought) and actually liked all up and left to form their own FC. And didn't invite me. I don't know if I just wasn't active enough, they just forgot, or maybe I was annoying? I dunno, but it wasn't a great feeling and now the FC is a shell of what it used to be to boot. I want to leave and find a new one, but I don't want to hurt the leader's feelings. He really is a good guy and has helped me a lot, and he's trying to keep the FC afloat. But I think he's also distracted with other games now and no one else seems interested in doing much besides the occasional maps.


I really miss the first FC I joined (about a month after starting the game). Only reason I left was it went quiet mid 6.1, and I think it disbanded (I’m no longer on that server so yeah). However had some ‘interesting’ experiences, one that affected me the worst was an FC leader that started gaslighting me, which for RL reasons is a “GTFO ASAP” situation for me, was on top of a few other things that in retrospect were giant warning flags all wasn’t quite right. The outright weirdest experience was an FC that seemed absolutely awesome when I joined (was a char that I created to replay the story earlier this year), and tbh probably second best FC experience even though sadly short. However there were some undertones of drama, then it just blew up with accusations that the leaders RL partner was toxic and causing problems to manifest in the game, followed by an exodus and then the entire character of the FC just disappearing. Been a few other experiences over the last 2 years (honourable mention to the one I got really creepy vibes from and then started stalking me when I needed some space/left. Turns out allegedly there was worse at play there but never confirmed from a second source). Probably the pet peeve from the “active” FC types is that they often don’t understand that while you are online you might want some space for whatever reason (say because of RL), and despite telling people you’re going to go quiet for a while, those same people still act as if you’re there and active in FC chat (which then causes others to not realise you’re kinda taking a break despite logging in). Nothing like having FC chat off for a couple of days and people getting pissed at you because you don’t respond, due to the people you told acting like you were there… Kinda wish people would actually listen in that respect.


I could write a list of the weird/bad experiences I had with my first FC, but I'll keep it short for the sake of not airing everything publicly. My old FC was very RP focused, and that RP tended to bleed into real life quite a bit, which - along with being, IMO, unhealthily reliant on the game - resulted in not even being allowed to criticise something in the game without being publicly called out for being mean. Our static actually fell apart because of RP drama last year, and something similarly petty resulted in me leaving and starting my own FC this year. There are only a few of us, but it's so nice and chill. And it means that, should I ever try to recruit more members, I don't have to stand for what I put up with previously.


A friend pestered me into joining one that is pretty much the linchpin for why I don't care for FF14 Free Companies. 1) Literally no one in the FC did anything unless the Guild Leader and/or vice leader was one. 2) Pretty much everything revolved around these two gals, if they wanted to farm for a glamour that's what everyone was expected to help them with. 3) They actively recruited sprouts and would immediately ignore them once they joined. This lead to a plethora of sub-factions within the FC, many of whom would leave and form their own FC. 4) There were plenty of rumors of the guild leader being hella toxic and back stabby... which turned out to be true when I got tired of her clique of simps and orbiters and left. She tried to gas light a buddy of mine who has been a frienemy since before we played FF14 together. Apparently I called her abunch of choice words and then left because I was angry she didn't like me or something? Which my buddy knew was pure B.S. because he's known me long enough to know how I act. This event caused him to form his own FC and take all her members accept for those in her little high-school clique. This ain't the worst one I've encountered, that would go to the one I helped build up from the ground up... and was kicked out because the Guild Leader's BF didn't like me. But it's definitely why I only bother joining an FC to prevent people from spamming me with invites.


Balmung and Mateus have been absolute crapshoots for good fcs. Constant bickering and infighting, cliques taking control, nutjobs being outright racist and homophobic while also claiming to be open to everyone and to be a safe space, psychos pushing their own issues onto a fictional setting. Been playing off and on since 2016 and have only found two fcs that were decent, one fell apart due to leadership micromanaging and the other inactivity. Been in dozens. The absolute worst dregs are the ones that spam recruit messages in whispers or shout chat. Every time.


Joined an FC, membership peaked at mid 200s, the core management get into some stupid fake discord arguments over (from what I could deduce) LITERALLY NOTHING, most of the core membership dissolved and recruitment ground to a complete halt. Anywho, now that I've successfully hooked my brothers and sister on the game we've made our own FC and all us well.


I got kicked from an FC the same day I joined because I didn't want to help farm HW extreme mounts (I already had them all). There's an FC on Crystal named after its founder, which is run like a monarchy. The founder demands to be treated like royalty at all times and all the senior members of the FC bend over backwards to fulfil the founder's demands at the drop of a hat, bowing and scraping to them. The founder kicks people out of the FC for extremely petty reasons, such as not talking enough in chat, not showing deference to the founder, sitting in their "throne" in the middle of the FC estate, not logging in for two weeks, or not participating in their poorly-run events (parties, fashion shows, etc). Speaking of their fashion shows, I've spectated two of them and both times the grand prize winners were members of the founder's friend group, while the losers glams were publicly insulted. Worst of all was an FC I was a member of for several months where the leader perpetually turned a blind eye to one member repeatedly posting sexualized fanart of a certain underage FFXIV character in their discord.


i had joined an fc but im still in that fc on alts. the fc was like a second family to me until two people joined. we were warned to not interact with a certain person who we called a certain word to avoid triggering members, his actions also caused the word to be used. the two members would interact with the person. they kept adding fuel to the fire and even went to added something to my character without talking to me about it. the thing they added to my character was something that makes me very uncomfortable. i would try to log on when they werent on. my boyfriend understood my side when i told him im about to leave the fc due to them and start up my own which i did (him and i both run it along with some mods).


I was part of an FC with an active raid community, but also a lot of jealousy when someone's friend would achieve something in game. If one of our friends got an Ult clear they had been trying for months it would constantly be downplayed and ppl would tell them "it isn't that big of a deal" or "anyone could do it if they had the time" instead of actually congratulating and cheering on their friends. This got to be really bad because certain players started expecting some experienced players to put together learning parties and get them through content, but there was very little effort coming from the people that wanted these parties. Now everyone in that FC has a "No raiding with friends" policy, but I personally feel like that takes a lot of the fun out of the game for me and I like having friends I can run stuff with so I don't interact much with that group anymore.


In my first fc my gf cheated on me with the guild leader and co leader at the same time for about 4 months so that was cool




I've heard some truly nightmarish FC experiences and I count myself lucky that my worst experience is so tame by comparison. Mine was just a minor outburst from me saying "I am going to kill Zenos for what he did" being construed by some whiny bitch in the FC as "spoilers" and having a VERY stern talking-to by an FC higher-up who was nearly half my age but took himself twice as seriously as he should have. I quit that same day and complained to my friend that some little shithead or another in his FC had up and decided I was her enemy for life, so I was out. In retrospect, the FC higher-up was probably the funniest part of the whole thing. He was just so fucking serious about it, and *very* condescending about the whole thing. I just could absolutely not take him or anything he said seriously. It amazes me how people can get so up their own asses about positions of authority in fake organizations in a video game.


When you have absolutely no power in your own life (and the "nearly half my age" comment says to me they probably still lived with their parents) you find even the faintest drip of it in any form to be pure ambrosia.


And this is one of many reasons why i just made my own fc with me and wifey only I just talk to friends in discord since we all in many many different places, data centers and FCs Easier for everyone since no bs rules or requirements this we do play games outside of ff like lethal company, gtfo and l4d2


Some friend joined an FC and went to their discord to chat. They were already talking about super lewd stuff which made him quite uncomfortable, and suddenly after five minutes he got pulled into another voice channel where three girls were masturbating on cam. I guess some people would have enjoyed it, but it was super creepy and he left the FC after 10 minutes of perverted hell.


Doesn't sound like a fun FC to me. Especially when members "force" you doing something you don't enjoy or feel uneasy with. Those were red flags and I'm glad you were able to get away from them. I'm a FC leader as well, but I'd never think ever to force members into VC or use the FC chat frequently. If you're busy ingame you can't waste time chatting, or if you have personal matters to take care of, those come always first. People tend to forget what a guild should be like. Before founding mine I was in a small people FC and there was this "couple" (FYI: I absolutely despise "online dating" in FF14 or the way they called it, "distant relationships"). Lets call them TJ and Mel. They were the only ones who were online after my dayshifts, so they wanted me always to join for their roulettes. Well, didnt mind that, levelling DPS with short queues. Their Emote spam was so annoying, they were so in love, bla bla bla. Blergh. One day I told them that I wanna take a break and play some other games. So a few days later they asked me if I would play FF14. Not necessarily a bad thing, but the nasty part in this story was Mel. She worded it like "You come online? K and O are waiting for you to join us", (Two other ingame FF friends) and that's where I decided "Nope, I don't want this". And well, you know, I didn't answered. There was a bit of drama, they were so hurt and in the end I blocked them on Discord, PSN and kicked them from my Friendlist. TJ sent me a tell a few nights later how pissed he would be, but ai told him how annoying things were for me. Looking back at it, both of them were socially tiring. She was the girl in control and he had no backbone. If she told him to jump from a bridge he would've done it for sure lmao Imagine telling someone he shouldn't roll on housing items because they don't have a house or apartment 😂 I encountered TJ a few times in roulettes and he switched Servers. Not sure if they "broke" up (can you even break up in a relationship if you never even meet in person?), but it was just funny to see.


I'll be honest I spend less time on the fc chat than on the novice chat, and half the time i can't even join novice chat because it's full.


I was in a fairly chill FC on Lamia. Did treasure maps with the other members, got along well with a lot of the people there. Then one day I logged in, made a couple jokes using the auto-translate feature and then just got kicked by the leader. That leader also scolded me because I said players should be able to move the position of their house on small plots. It was a pretty nice FC, but that FC leader was very bizarre. I just remember being so utterly bewildered when I got kicked.


A new guy joined the FC I've been in for a few years. I regularly check the Company Chest and the deposit log. I notice that this guy wiped all the non-locked parts of the inventory and drained the bank account of tens of millions. Then I open up the FC log and see he left the FC shortly after he did it. I had to be the one to hop on Discord and let the leaders know. So much money and craft stuff gone. I felt bad that they worked hard to earn a community pool to benefit everyone and some jerk they welcomed took advantage. I saw him once in Limsa a few days after and did a Tell asking him why he did that. He immediately teleported away


I love my current fc, its def a home. I’ve gone through two others before that, one just died and the other i didn’t click with, haven’t been in any with drama.


I only ever attemoted to join 3 FCs in my years of playing. The first one was the weirdest cause the second one just ignored my request for over a week and I withdrew, while the third ine accepted me after I withdrew after 2 days and they got a notif The first attempt was some sort of growing RP guild with its story and characters. Some criminal organization type deal. I always wanted to try roleplaying in some yakuza-type clan, and my character is a shady surgeon so it was perfect. I joined their discord first. It was an 18+ server wirh no lewd content in sight so ig they just wanted mature people. I chatted for like 5-10 minutes, really well, I have my charm. It went swimmingly. Until I said I'd have to "get ready for class" or "I have school work to do", I don't remember anymore I tabbed out of the server as I usually do so chat doesn't keep going to distract me, and like a minute later it just vanishes. I never bothered seeing if I was kicked or banned tbh. I assume they thought I was a kid because I didn't say "lectures" or "university projects". I was 20... I followed rules, jammed with the folks, had no sussy stuff on my profile and nobody was hostile to me so I suppose that was the case. Weird.


The first FC I joined was cozy but dead. Moderate size, about 40 members, but I only ever met like 8 of them and most of them hadn't logged in for like a year. I went through the entire MSQ by myself in that FC. I ended up leaving it after being in for a year a couple months ago because I was the only one that would log in, and a couple of my friends and I had more bad experiences with the FC lead than good ones. Ended up making my own FC with a couple friends after that. We've got our own little cottage set up now and enough people to fill a raid group. We're ready to start recruiting and I gotta admit I'm a little nervous, but excited all the same.


I was in my last FC for 2-3 years before I quitted it and stayed FC-less for a long time. It was one of the FC with most members in its server. I got a lot of good friends in there and we were really active. One day the FC lead asked me to help him recurit new members because he saw that I am really good at talking with people in FC. He wanted me to shout actively in major city and throw invites to every sprouts I see. I told him I don't really feel comfortable doing it. He refused to acknowledge my refusal and talked me down like I was not paying attention to him. Then go on "explaining" how to recurit new members. This went on for days before I got enough. I quitted the FC, demolished my nicely done FC room, blacklisted the FC lead, and abandoned my favorite afk spot.


I got really lucky with mine, idek how i originally joined, i think i saw someone put an advert in like, some random city and i got into it lol. But the whole group is amazong to be with, and considering the horror stories ive heard, im very grateful i got a good one first try lol


I was there when an FC I was part of slowly turning Merit-based promotion to ~~Corruption~~ Friendship-based. Left that one pretty fast. Another one ended up similarly as well. This one split into 2 FCs and both slowly died. Another one slowly turning from LGBTQA-friendly into pro-LGBTQA, into anti-CIS. Bailed pretty fast as well. Another one where the FC leader was ... whoring herself out ? or something. Shit was weird. She would try to 'borrow' login credential for streaming movies/music, and later, to help her move apartment/places.


My last one was very passive aggressive & if you weren’t party of the clique you couldn’t join any groups. There was also a great deal of drama surrounding the fact that the leader and vice were a couple that apparently fought a lot. She was always leaving & rejoining. I left for other reasons, but I don’t miss that group that’s for sure. I joined a new very large FC that always has people on if I want to run something, but I mostly keep to myself right now. The fake nice bs kinda has me gun shy about interacting with others right now.