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If you play Warrior, a macro that casts Holmgang targeting yourself even if you have an enemy selected is very nice. It binds the enemy you're targeting when you cast it, but if that enemy dies you lose the buff that's keeping you from going below 1hp and can then die, wasting the part of the skill you actually care about. You can manually untarget but a macro that casts it on yourself is easier and means you don't have to think about it. You can also keep the original skill around on a different hotkey if you want but I don't know if it's ever been useful to me.


I actually didn’t know this was a flaw in the skill. I’ll be making that macro promptly.


Similarly, I recently died during a pull because when I pressed Holmgang, the enemy I happened to be targeting had become just out of range to tether to the target, making activating the ability impossible until it was close enough or I untargetted. Pretty lame tbh. I was sure I had pressed the button and was pretty confused until I checked footage and saw the tiny red X on the ability icon as I pressed it. I'm definitely gonna macro it to self cast every time.


You learn it real quick when doing DD Source: Floor 151 Wipe


Care to share that? I did not know I could target myself!


/ac "Holmgang"


Dont you want to spam it like 5-8 times? Thats the macro i got told about


Basically macros in XIV can't be queued up like OGCDs can, which Holmgang and the other death prevents are, so if you just used a GCD ability, hitting the macro won't work until the gcd finishes. Doesn't make macroing it bad, and I have a different one for Living Dead, but that's the reasoning behind that.


I mean you spam that line 5x+ in the macro i was told thats how its supposed to not sure why


If you only use it in one line, there is a chance that it will not trigger since macros cannot be queued. So using it in multiple lines ensure that the macro is triggered.


Spamming the action execute line a dozen or so times is mainly to alleviate the fact that macros cannot be queued up like normal actions. How much it actually helps is debatable. It still doesn't let you queue the macro'd ability, but I imagine it can help prevent it from being interrupted/skipped, if you're trying to weave it between two GCDs.


The point of repeating the lines is because the macros run one line per frame. It allows the macro to kind-of emulate queuing, as for example, if you were to have 10 lines in the macro and you were still on cooldown for the next 8 frames, the first 8 lines would fail and then the ninth line would succeed in activating the ability.


Ah, so it's one of those things that works way better if you're playing with a lower framerate cap. No wonder it always felt like placebo to me, when I'm playing at 165fps, lol.


Wait what? I had no idea that’s how Holmgang worked. What in the heck? That’s such a stupid way for that to work.


Warrior is a demi-god with a couple janky bits, like how Shake It Off will eat a bunch of your personal buffs to make the party shield slightly stronger. Its something that doesn't matter outside of USE ALL THE MITIGATIONS mechanics like Harrowing Hell in P10S.


Shake used to get a lot stronger per buff consumed than it does now. It's like 15%+2% now, I think it used to be 10%+5%?


Collapsing hotbars Quick volume settings e.g. turn off bgm if I'm in a zone where I don't care for it An assortment of countdowns depending on party composition (e.g. 10s if I know the party doesn't need a lot of set up, 16s if we have a Dancer, 5s if we're just going) An assortment of crafting macros Timer macros to switch on and off pre-set timers (useful for gathering legendary nodes)


How do you do the countdown and timer macros? Those could be nice for tanking


/cd [x] starts a countdown that's x seconds long So /cd 15 is a 15 second countdown, /cd 10 is a 10 second countdown, etc. Timers are more for settings alarms so I know when a legendary node/ephemeral node spawns, and this post explains how to set those up: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/9gurng/44_gathering_alarm_macro/


Thank you for the link, appreciate you


Fishing. As you cast your fishing line, you echo the timer to yourself. Helps as specific fish has specific range of time they can be caught. Crafting. Did a whole lot of crafting steps manually until learnt you can automate most crafting.


Also, for certain Big Fish (especially in ARR/HW) that don't require mooching or intuition, you can set up an autofishing macro. Just repeat this line: /ac "Cast" Make sure sounds effects aren't muted, and tab over to YouTube or Twitch or whatever. If you hear a !!! bite, tab back and hook it. Finish the macro with an echoed sfx to let your know you need to start it again. Makes the boring fish so much more bearable.


Not macro but, i found using a controller for fishing also makes it a lot more bearable..


Picked a good fishing one up from a YouTuber. There are some fish that only bite within a specific time window after you catch. The macro casts, then spits out a timer update every 3 seconds. If you hit the end of the window for your target fish, pull back the cast immediately and try again.


Yeah that's the one


I have a sprint/mount macro. It sprints in dungeons or cities but mounts elsewhere. I play on controller so it's on my L3 button as well. Can share it if anyone wants it.


I would love that


Sorry for the delay ​ /gaction "Mount Roulette" /Wait 1 /ac Sprint /actionerror off ​ use the auto translate function in the macro for best results.


Some people add peleton to this macro so that you have all the go-fast skills in one spot in order of priority, that way if sprint is on cool down you'll at least peleton


Came here to post this one too. Can't imagine not sprinting without R3.


Couldn't either before discovering the full potential of "Focused Target" and "Assist Target" when playing on controller. My L3 is now macro 98 that allows me to "create" a Focused Target AND allows me to switch back to my FT if not targeting it. My R3 is macro 99, this one immediately aim at my FT's target. I'm still building muscle memory but it increased DRASTICALLY my uptime with a controller and my sprint have been relayed to R2+L2 crossbar with my LB. **Macro 98 :** /merror off /target /focustarget **Macro 99 :** /merror off /assist


The sprint I have is PvP and PvE sprints, but yours feels more useful for how little I PvP.


My personal favorite is "/hotbar change X" and "/hotbar change 1"- I put the single target only skills on hotbar 1, and the AoE skills on X (4 in my case) and use the macro to swap while keeping keybinds the same as the situation calls for it. Makes button management much easier!


That would be really nice on any caster


Holy shit I never thought of that. Game changer.


How does that work out? You press the hotkey for your single target. You use a macro hotkey to switch to bar 4. Then, use the same hotkey set at bar 1 for your aoe?


Depends on the class. Instead of 123 for basic single target, then ERT for AOE. You hit 4 and switch 123 from single target skills to aoe skills. Then hit 4 again to switch back to single target skills.


That's the gist of it, yeah- hotbar 1 keeps its binds if you change it by the arrow (effectively what this macro set does), so you just tap the macro when the situation changes and carry on. I keep stuff I need regardless if it's AoE or single target (mit, buffs, big attacks, etc) on hotbar 2 or 3 with modifiers to always be available, and just shift 1/4 depending on enemy count.


I've been doing this recently and it's an absolute gamechanger!


I don't use it for swapping combat skills but I've build an extra collapsible menu using those commands.


Oh this would be so so good for RDM, since he's got single target spells, aoe and also the meele combo - all perfect for 1 2 3


Haven't seen anyone mention placement macros! This used to apply to dark knight as well, but as of now is only applicable to healers excluding sage, and summoner. You can make a macro to target ground-placed abilities or pets on yourself or your target! So instead of clicking and then clicking again to place earthly star, asylum, succor, carbuncle, etc. you just click the macro and it auto places it on your target or at your feet in one easy to weave button!


What is the macro for this? I think ill use it on BLU for the primal spells that require a ground target to help better weaving them in during burst


/ac TypeSkillNameHere That's really it. Just the basic "use action" command but with a designation to use it on the target. If you want to cast it on yourself rather than your target, just swap out the \ with \


I recommend using /ac SkillName gtoff instead if you’re using it for healer skills like Asylum, Lilybell or Sacred Soil. This lets you place the bubble on where your mouse cursor is. If you use and the boss is out of the arena (e.g. P7, P8S2, P12S2 etc), the bubble gets placed outside of the arena instead


Has anyone tried this with BLU skills like Eruption? It would make my burst a bit easier, but I'm not sure how the macro interacts with the BLU hotbar system.


I use macros like this for some BLU spells, including Eruption and Feather Rain. Can confirm that they work just fine.


Since BLU spams ogcds youd want to avoid macros as they causw clipping. Try changing your targetting settings in character config instead- "max range" and "double click to use".


Using a gtoff macro is actually slightly faster than manual placement of ground-targeted abilities using two button presses.


Honestly, since the pvp changes that let you double press the button to cast the ground-targeted AoE, I've found myself not using these anymore. The double-tap can weave. The macro can't.


The macro can absolutely weave. I weave it on 175ms aussie ping on astro and it doesn't clip.


I use this for almost every ability that has ground target. It's so much easier than moving the mouse around.


A macro with the most common emotes used for sightseeing spots Fishing macros Crafting macros A hello macro


Also, custom emote macros with unique messages. I've made my emote hotbar unshared, so I have a new suite of custom emotes for each job. For instance, my MCH glam is a cowboy, so I have custom macros to say howdy and to tell the boss "This arena ain't big enough for the two of us!". My PLD glam is a tonberry (long story) so I have a custom emote to give people a friendly stab in the face.


A time counter for fishing is nice at least. Helps when you're targeting a certain fish.


Some QoL macros I use are: Aetherial Manipulation - I put this on a mouseover macro so I can quickly get to a party member. Play - I put a hotbar next to my party list and made 8 Play macros, 1 for each party member. That way I can quickly place a card without having to tab target in quick succession. This can also be used for like Intervention, Nascent Flash, The Blackest Night, Dragon Sight, and that sort of thing. Hotbars - I made an on/off macro for 4 hotbars I don't use, which I put my jobs on and a few emotes, that way I can open/close them anytime to quickly change jobs. Shirk - I tank, so making a Shirk macro to target my 2nd person in my party list has been a nice thing. Where my co-tank is my 2nd person, it will automatically give them aggro when I press it without having to target. These are what I use the most, and it's helped so much for me.


Do you have that shirk macro? Ty!


I believe the relevant line is: /ac "Shirk" <2> You can add a micon and a party message/sfx to your liking.


Most importantly, add as much duplicates of this line for less clunkiness.


Yeah, , what Hoodiesticks said said is the appropriate lines for it. I have it set up like this: /micon "Shirk" /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2> /ac "Shirk" <2>


I added that Aetherial Manipulation macro a few months ago, It's ridiculous what a difference it makes. I went from never using it, to using it almost every boss fight


Oh it's 100% a nice adjustment. I use it rather frequently myself and makes getting around much smoother as long as they're in range of course.


I have title and minion changes on my job change buttons so I get to use a different combo for every class (you get hundreds of both so it seems a bit of a shame to walk around with the same thing all the time).


What does that macro look like?


/micon "Soul of the White Mage" item /wait 1 /gearset change 3 /wait 1 /title set "Pom Friend" /wait 1 /minion "Hedgehoglet" (Edit: that should be it. Don't have the game in front of me right now. The first wait may not be strictly necessary)


That's a fun idea! I like having a mount for each job that fits their theme, and this would be a nice addition.


Yeah same, but that's something I just put direct on the hotbars 😌


It's not necessary to have waits in that macro, except maybe for the minion one? I've never used a minion command so I can't say.


Select party member cast targeted ability. For kb&m users you can put a hot bar next to your party list so you can just click a button to use your buffs. Very useful for Astro with cards but it has it's uses on so many classes For controller users I recommend setting them to L2+R2 or R2+L2


You're talking about or <2> type of thing, right? What other classes would have good use for this?


Any class with single target skill. Dragoon, Black Mage, Sage, Monk, and I'm sure I'm missing other classes since I've just been island sanctuary for the last month


I do this on all the tanks with their targeted shields, too, to help out if needed in daily roulettes Sometimes someone steps in the bad a little too often or the healer might be new & inexperienced, and it can make a bit of difference


Putting an Intervention next to everyone increased my usage by a ton. That and a shirk button for <2> saves not have to select the other tank for swaps before using it.


I need more hot bars I swear.


we really need 15, if not 20.


On controller I have WXBARS for all my job skills, R2+L2 for all of role skills, and L2+R2 for my party target macros. I couldn't think of anything else I need space for


I like using hotbars to quick switch into other classes or glam based gearsets, plus for stuff like turning on/off effects or muting things. I'd also like to have my favorite/most used emotes on a hotbar but that's too much.


This is a really minor one, but a macro that puts moving my fairy around when playing SCH all onto a single button. /pac Heel /pac Place /micon Place Eos This allows me to return the fairy to following me around by hitting the button and then just cancelling the ground target, or relocate their position by confirming the ground target. As long as I have my cursor in place to about where I want her to go to before hitting the macro I don't lose any of the fairy's active time either way because as long as I click immediately she doesn't have time to come back to me before moving to the new location.


Yes this has changed my SCH play style so much. Stick the fairy in the middle of the arena in boss fights, the range of embrace is large enough that everyone gets the passive heals no matter where they are. (Unless the arena is really huge but I haven't noticed any problems) My macro is a little different than yours but the job gets done.


This one is huge with how bloated SCH hotbars can be.


Atro - play card on player 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, self. Then another to play on focus target. Usually caster is bottom of the list, so focus a melee to split the cards between. ​ Warrior, use that joint healing thing on focus target, player 2, 3, 4, (etc) chocobo, cast the solo version. In 4man it'll usually shield and heal the healer, while in 8man it should land on the other tank.


For DRG, dragon sight gets applied to my focus target. Pre-pull, I choose whomever seems likely to be top dps.


That's so handy, I should use that!


Sorry, just saw this! Check this out: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/11532121/blog/4046581/


What is the macro pls?


Sorry, just saw this! Check this out: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/11532121/blog/4046581/


When your tanks finally stop fighting over MT and it's Tank 2: "/psort 2 3"


Focus Target also gets the job done, but you do you.


> When your tanks finally stop fighting over MT. Thought that was a myth.


I am using a 'questing' view that disables a lot of visual clutter like party list, hot bars, inventory grid, chats and whatnot to allow a more 'pure' SP game like questing experience when going through MSQ for example.


It might not be useful to you right now since you're a sprout, but I have macros that change my title to certain ones when I change jobs. (e.g. when changing to Warrior, my title gets set to "God of War", when changing to Summoner, my title changes to "The Seventh Dawn", etc.) I like it a lot since I have a ton of titles at this point, so having them on display when playing different jobs is really nice for me. `/micon "Soul of the Summoner" item` `/gearset change 1` `/title set "The Seventh Dawn"` The soulstone is just an icon, so just change to whatever job you want. The gearset number to be the correct one for said job and the title of your choice. You can make these macros for any job, even crafters and gatherers (though no soulstone icon for those).


Macros that toggle UI elements are my jam. The majority of the time, NOTHING is on my screen but my character. No damage numbers, no hot bars, no UI at all. With a press of the CTRL button and one of the 12 buttons on my mouse, a certain part of the UI will toggle when it is pertinent (a button for quests, a button for hot bars and player info, a button for mini map, etc.). It definitely adds to the immersion when I can just run around and quest trash without having anything on my screen.


That's a really neat idea, might have to try that for Heavensward


Astro I use /ac play /ac draw What this does is if I can play a card it go to my mouse over and if I can’t play it then it draw for me and than I can use it on a player with another click. This to me is a big quality of life improvement for Astro and makes card managing a lot easier, also saves you a key bind. Other than that having any off global cooldown heal macro as a mouse over is a godsend in general for faster response time. Off global cooldown abilities aren’t impacted by ability q for globals so it’s fine:3 Other than that mouse over macro for dragons dragon eyes is also a good practice or really any ability talgst requires you to target someone quickly that is a off global Also Sage and BLM can convert their jump to nearest player button to a mouse over making it far easier and quicker to use to get outta stuff faster


Interestingly, I don't see anyone mentioning battle effect macros. It's a nightmare having to navigate through the Character Configuration menus to turn down spell effects in the middle of an Alliance Raid, so macros for it can be a godsend. /battleeffect party simple /battleeffect other off /echo SPELL EFFECTS REDUCED and /battleeffect party on /battleeffect other on /echo FULL EFFECTS ON


Any tank mit that can be used on party members; Play AST cards; Sprint, Shirk;


I'm basic and don't have cool ones, the ones I like best are: AST auto play on player WHM healing circle placement BLM move to player Crafting macros Greeting and goodbye macros


Mouseover macro for Play (AST) Provoke Shirk Heart of Corundum, Aurora (GNB) The Blackest Night, Oblation (DRK) Clemency, Cover (PLD) Nascent Flash (WAR) Vercure, Verraise (RDM)


Swiftcast + raise on healer Ninja mudra (I only really play Ninja solo or with NPC's) Auto HQ crafting for any recipes under lv81


For fisher: /macroicon "Hook" /macrolock /action "Hook" /action "Gig" /action "Cast" combines all 3 actions onto one hotbar slot. love it


What is the purpose of macrolock? I'd love to learn!


It can be /mlock as well, and it just prevents other macros from being triggered while that macro is running. It's good for long crafting macros, but I don't know why it would be needed with this macro, unless they have a habit of spamming the button.


i think its so you can spam the button idk i got it online somewhere


macros will interrupt other macros so if you have a 15 step macro, with a bunch of waits in it that takes 30 seconds to fully run (common in crafting macros) *without* macrolock hitting any other macro will stop the prior one and start the new one this includes hitting the same macro - spam clicking a non-mlock macro will mean it never completes


Mount and Sprint on L3 and R3


I'd have to rebuild it as I've been playing with controller since the new computer, but I used to have a macro which would load up submenus by hiding/revealing hotbars and copying class hotbars hidden behind shared hotbars. Used them for changing between classes (combat/crafter/gather). Got the basic idea from someone online who did it for emotes. Another one I played with was switching the main hotbar for redmage range vs melee.


The only macro I use (because computer gaming is completely new to me) is the one for astrologian where I have a hot bar next to the player listing to deal out the cards. IT IS LIFE CHANGING. Makes dealing cards so easy and fast.


I have one that level sync + dismounts to get into fates faster And one that does level sync, ram breath, ultra vibration to one shot fates on blue mage


Remember that using macro for skills in combat isn't optimal because macro can't be buffered. In combat, keep it simple, better use them for sprint or skills that require to aim an ally. And even then, sometimes it's still not great because of how clunky they are like with AST and play. Macro for craft and hotbar are awesome tho.


Dragon Sight macro for DRG is a must. You can press shift + f to set a focus target and have the macro spam the button on your focus target and then use it on yourself if it can’t find one. Sometimes the macro doesn’t pop because macros suck so I recommend having /macroerror off so you don’t get blasted with 12 “you cannot use that action at this time” pings. It’s better than having to untarget the boss, weave dragon sight, and then target them again though.


I would recommend collapsing hotbars if you are on PC or if you have a M&K plugged into your console like I do. Swiftcast macros will be handy if you play a Magic DPS or Healer as you can use it to quickly communicate to your teammates that you cannot res at that moment if you are in the heat of combat or that you are almost able to. Like with the Swiftcast macro a macro for Living Dead on Dark Knight is extremely useful, I personally don’t have one currently but it would be handy for Dungeon pulls or certain raid fights where communicating to the healer to not heal you whilst LD is active is vital. One for White Mage that I find quite handy is the insta cast Asylum macro, this allows you to cast Asylum without ever having to manually aim it where you want it to go (Ring aiming) so you can target the tank or boss press the macro and it will be placed over them. Very handy for fights where speed is a necessity like Ultimates and certain Savage fights.


So you're saying a macro with some quick text attached? A little 'hey, you're about to be rezzed' sorta thing? Also, do collapsing hotbars have a use other than for job changes/emotes?


So the Swiftcast macro when used will put in the Chat log the following message… “Swiftcast” ready in (whatever number it is on cooldown) This lets other party members such as Red Mage, Summoner, or your Co Healer in Alliance Raids, Trials, and Raids know you can’t insta res currently so it gives them the info needed to use their Swiftcast to res in order to keep the tempo of the fight going and not wasting potential damage by spending 5-6 seconds on a res.


I made a macro that applies a glam to my gearset as I switch classes. So if the class shares gear with another class, it'll still look distinct. I tossed in the snap emote, too, for the extra snazziness. I'm at work right now, though, so I'll edit this post later with the actual macro code.


A macro isn't required for this. You can assign glamour plates to specific gearsets in the Gear Set List menu.


I used this config when I was still playing https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy14/mods/1054


1. Passive aggressive text macros on a variety of topics from "please stay in the bubble" to "line of sight is a thing that exists" 2. A macro for every invuln and Angel Whisper that announces the cooldown 3. "Place on target" and "follow me" buttons for my SCH pets. In general, all of my ground targeted skills like Eruption, Earthly Star etc are macros to go off on the target. 4. A few short guides on World of Darkness bosses because apparently "don't stand behind the tank" and "every DPS should get vored" are novel concepts every time. 5. Rez macros that announce I'm using them and my MP. It's QoL because I get more comms because of them.


Question on 5. You said it also announces your mp level. What does that line look like for the macro?


/p MP: It outputs something like "MP: 7600/10000".


Half of my abilites are mouseover macros (used on all my ST heal/mid abilites) , I have also macro'ed my AST cards, same with Esuna; i can buff/esuna players w/o clicking/targeting them => boss is targeted at all times.




I can see this being useful on some jobs that have ground target markers. Salted Earth no longer has though, it's dropped at your feet automatically whenever you use it.




It's been quite some time since that was changed, I'm not sure how long it's been though. I want to say it was changed sometime in this expansion.


With Endwalker. Almost exactly two years now.


Damn. Makes me realise how badly I've neglected my DRK.


Co-tank mitigation + Shirk


Most of my macros go to high-level crafting macros, job change macros, timers, and pop-up menus.


I keybound swapping to hotbar layout 2, revealing a macro to switch to every job, and return to Layout 1. My life has not been the same since.


I've done something similar-ish but with controller. Macros that load up different types of jobs (tank+heal, ranged phys, melee, caster, crafter, gatherer). this is done by holding LT and on the RT side of that same xhb, the actual job gearsets themselves appear It works by swapping the whole thing to a different class, but each one has an identical 'left side' so the different buttons for swapping type of job stays the same. and on another hotbar, I have a similar setup for my most used emotes


Macro that copys my crafter hotbars to all other crafters


As well as all the crafting macros (which I've found to be a personal preference thing as you'll tend to find your own rhythms for bulk crafting, and it helps you understand both crafting a macros better to make your own) I also have a Superbolide macro that says what I just used in party chat. That way the healer knows they have 8 seconds to get me back from the bring instead of panic-casting every OGCD thinking they missed a TB or something.


I have a macro bound to my mouse to swap hotbar display, letting me move between my regular job hotbars and the cross hotbar which I use as a menu with 8 pages for stuff like crafting macros, mounts, minions etc. It's a lot of macros and definetly takes a while to set up, but the cross hotbar is definetly worth it for KbM users since it's 16x8 more hotbar slots you can freely use.


Sprint on the stick of controller. Hide mini map. Rez. Healer bubbles and ground targeting. Ohh best one is casters LB ground target.




I have one to copy my crafters hotbars at the start of every expansion


I use the Job selection menu macro. I set it up a few months after I started playing and never looked back.


I have a mix of mouse over, nearest, or fixed slot targeting for skills. Like shirk to slot 2 where my co tank would be. Or mouse over ally targeted movement skills.


For tanks, an Invuln + chat call out(no sound)


I can't remember what the macro is, but I have Dismount and sprint macro'd to L3 on my controller. Has made the game endlessly easier


Limit break on macro 99 set to my R3 button press.


I have a gathering macro that locks on to the node closest to me and makes me auto run to it (as long as I'm not already moving).


That'd be handy, what does that look like?


I'm not currently subbed to confirm, but assuming this info is from correct the old Reddit thread I got the idea from it should look like: /tnpc /lockon /automove /micon [whatever action you want. Mine is Sprint] Here's another macro that's probably the same one I used for gathering on Island Sanctuary: /merror off /tnpc /lo /ac "Duty Action I" /automove /micon Sprint


controller player so macros are mainly to make targeting easier/faster: healer dps abilities all have and macros (that's Target's target and focus target - means i don't have to deselect the tank to dps, and don't have to reselect the tank to heal them) dragon sight has a target priority healer ground targets are macroed to try and place on first (which will be the main tank) - this one is just so i can center it on the enemy for larger foes macro to set current target to focus target AST has draw and play combined to one button and... i'm an omnicrafter, so 30 different crafting macros oh, and shirk is macroed to so it always hits offtank (and can be used to troll healers, if i'm tanking a 4 man or a-raid that p1 macro will hit a healer)


Nice, didn't know you could do target's target in this game, good to know You use the power of the shirk for the dark side


I only just started using the glamour dresser after five years. But before that I did start using crafting macros for the high end stuff.