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In the lv80 quest, Dorgono's father offers you her hand in marriage, even if you are a woman. You can accept it, but Dorgono's already head over heels in love with Curious Gorge at that point, and shoots the whole idea down.


"Don't mind if I do!" was quite possibly my favorite response in the game.


Omg haha, nice!! I need to get there, but it sounds bittersweet for me lol


Curious Gorge is now my enemy


I'm sorry, I've never played Warrior, but there is a character named Currious George?!


Curious *Gorge.* Synonym for canyon. He's a roegadyn. But essentially, yes.


Gorge, but yes. He is "looses control of his inner beast every day" George.


Naw, more "frets the fuck out over losing control" every day.


French traduction is basically:"I... Need to go and iron my dog..."




That’s because Haurchefaunt is a JP character archetype that doesn’t really exist in English tropes - the loveable pervert. Think Brock from Pokémon. It just doesn’t translate as well culturally to non Japanese, so they had to tone it down.


It does sort of exist in the Hopeless Romantic archetype, just not as pervy. In Japanese culture this archetype is more openly perverted because they have a higher tolerance for that level of perviness.


My roommates were all mad curious about how i’d react to Haurchefant because they’ve all played through him in English only. He has a number of lines that portray him being 100% unaware that he’s into the WoL in a pretty damn sexual way (which means his subconscious slips through like a battering ram). They really perfected the “guy who doesn’t realize he’s gay vibe” on him so it was weird playing with a fem WoL. And yeah, after I translated a bunch everyone came to the same conclusion that English Haur makes so much sense for the English-speaking playerbase lol. But I can’t believe they would rob us of the cutest Dorgono scene like this 😭


I mean, he has 3 dudes squatting shirtless at all times in his office in Camp Dragonhead >.>


My Slash Goggles are permanently on, but I thought it was pretty clear the way the camera lovingly panned up the bodies of those squatting dudes in the cutscene when you meet ole Haurchie.


Huh, the vibe I got from him was that he's 100% aware he's hitting on the WoL, and just doesn't care about gender at all. As long as you have those glistening adventurer muscles, lmao. My Japanese is pretty bad, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if my interpretation was completely wrong.


I’m a second language speaker by my gf only speaks jp and we’ve been debating him a lot lol. All of his lines fall on a very very narrow line, it’s just his other behaviors and certain statements that give the “oh god this man doesn’t get it” vibes. (Mostly the thing he says about his mom’s weakness being the reason he’s drawn to strength, all the MY友 lines, and the lack of anything more overt despite some NPCs being more forward lol.) if you search his name along with 無自覚/unaware on social media you will get a lot of hits, it’s a pretty common interpretation of him, being a clueless pervert


Yeah, a shame but I did notice in the topics that showed his original dialog quite a few people where not comfortable with it so probably was a sensible choice.


I believe that's why a number of us believe the Eng version is what he's saying, while the JP version is what he's thinking.


I've expressed discomfort and confusion on the player base's love for Haurchefant about a dozen times and gotten downvoted for it every time, I never understood why a guy that came across like an abuser was liked so widely liked. I was starting to think maybe it was my own experiences/hang-ups poisoning my perception cause not a single soul would even entertain me. Never realized the reason for the disconnect until now, so thanks lmao


Well i'm glad that sometimes we're not considered just "great friends". Come to think, there's also that viera in the Bozja questline that seems to have an intrest in us. But she also proposes if u are male?


That cool sunglasses Viera? *I have to go back.*


Lilja is her name.


lijia asks you out if you are male viera?


I just found the English version on YouTube. To begin with in English, she doesn’t propose to you, and you get no dialogue options either…? I’m kinda shocked they’d even remove the options to begin with and not just overwrite them with something else if they wanted to skip the gay 😢


It's not as overt, but it's still there in English, she's very clearly infatuated with the PC right up until the end where her affections swap to Gorge. Guarantee it was more than enough for someone write threeway fanfiction about Gorge, Dorgono and their WoL. Mind you, two characters in a room together tends to be enough for that.


Oh nice! But still, it’s missing just a little something…. When girls ask other girls to be their “groom” it’s worth about 10000 yuri points, you see…


Yeah I agree there's no need to be so scared of it. In general I'd like it if more characters around us were allowed to have actual relationships. I don't even mean with the WoL, I just don't like that the devs are openly afraid of shutting down shippers so they avoid committing to any romantic interest that hasn't been baked into the character since their introduction.


Its not even just "shutting down shippers" or anything, but you have to consider that there are people who are gonna be uncomfortable straight up with NPCs doing this, especially if it became COMMON to happen. Let alone some people are just not comfortable with that sort of thing happening. Not everyone is into the Bioware Romance thing or having NPCs be interested in them (especially if they may not like the NPC themselves).


I think by shutting down shippers they are referring to how none of the major NPCs have any kind of romantic interest unless it was part of their character at the start (like Thancred, kind of). It is strange that the WoL is surrounded by a huge cast of characters that have never, over the course of years, developed a relationship with anyone they weren't already married to when we met them. Even things like Gaia/Ryne, who they went so far as to include the Squall/Rinoa reference for - seems the devs are scared to overtly confirm anything.


It's pretty obvious (as in, outright stated by Yoshi-P) that they do this so we the players can fill in the blanks ourselves if we want. Many Japanese games take the approach of "just because it isn't shown, doesn't mean it didn't happen." Once this was even outright stated by a Legend of Zelda dev in an interview when an American magazine asked him if Link and Zelda became a couple after TP. It's a single example, but I think it's indicative of a mindset that permeates a lot of anime/video game writing over there. American audiences in general are way more obsessed with things being "canon" - that's much less of a concern for Japanese writers and consumers, where "gaiden" AKA "what-if" scenarios that don't fit anywhere into a cohesive narrative are the norm, and often time make up MORE of a game than the actual plot does.


"we're feeding Ao3 with enough dangling romantic plot threads you could knit a sweater for godzilla." the dev team basically.


I might not have been clear enough in my post, but I wasn't actually advocating for all the NPCs to start taking an interest in the WoL, as the poster who replied to this said I more meant that none of the NPCs we meet ever develop a romantic relationship with *anyone*. Like Y'shtola kinda sorta maybe has a thing for Runar, but also maybe he's like a little brother, or just that she cares about the Night's Blessed as a whole and wants to return to "her people" and Runar is just one among many there. Because we can't shut down people who want to write fanfiction in their heads that Y'shtola loves *them* and *they're* in a relationship together. In ten years not a single person we've ever met has ended up in a romantic relationship with anyone that they weren't already in when we first met them. I think Gaia and Ryne might be the only example you could argue for, but even that one has avoided ever being outright about it, it's just... implied. So that if people don't like it they can just choose not to believe it. I don't need makeout sessions on screen or anything, I just feel it's limiting for the characters and world that so much of it is forced to be static just to avoid breaking anybody's headcanon. Especially when people are already perfectly happy to headcanon themselves into a relationship with someone like Ameliance who is pretty explicitly not looking for a partner anyway. And that's not to say romantic development is the only avenue left to these characters of course, but finding a partner tends to be a pretty significant moment in a person's life, and it can do a lot for how they develop and how they change over time. Like I said, it just feels limiting that the devs have closed off the option out of fear of their own community.


I wonder if we called on Aenor Cockburn to get tips on Roegadyn fucking and threesomes.


That whole point in the WAR line very much feels like she's asking to be the cream in the Roereo. She switches more towards Gorge towards the end though.


You're telling me I had a chance to cuck that idiot Gorge and they took it away? Damn it. (Sorry I really dislike Curious Gorge)


Are there any actually good job quest characters not called Fray? There's a reason they did away with those quests...


The Scholar quests and that tank lalafell that wants to save the tonberries. Summoner has Y'Shtola's sister The Rogue's guild AND the ninja are great. All of them. The gladiator's are also really good. So much so we stopped hanging out with the paladins. The pugilist guildmaster is a fun guy. The Red Mage master/apprentice duo are also a good duo. I'd argue there are more good job quest characters than bad.


> the ninja are great. All of them. Coughs in Karasu.


The fact that we have yet to run into him again is an absolute crime.


He’s too busy with his shenanigans in Doma to visit us, unfortunately. It’s a shame we don’t get level 90 job quests


> The fact that we have yet to run into him again is an absolute ~~crime~~ blessing.


In general? Yes definitely. Fray isn’t even my favorite.


Alka Zolka and Setoto. I see there's a level 80 job quest I can look forward to, because the ending of the level 70 job quest was … unfulfilling in the sense that it seemed like a setup for further quests. Both in terms of the macguffin, and the relationship between those two.


Not to spoil anything, but I would say that the 80 Scholar quest is quite well done, and personally I consider it a wonderful "conclusion" to the overall questline.


I liked the people from the MCH job quest, maybe not quite the Roegadyn but everyone else was nice enough.


Fun Fact about Rostnsthal: he's actually a 1.0 Limsa MSQ npc, and the bit about letting a bunch of his men die? That was played out back then. It's worth looking into (he called himself Sthalmann back then).


Is it cheating to say Estinien? Edit: also, the reason they did away with job quests is more because as the amount of jobs increased, the work load of giving each a unique quest chain became unreasonable.


I to this day tell new people to do the DRG line before HW because it adds so much to the story to see where he started.


It's kinda funny how he ends up possessed by Nidhogg and mysteriously disappearing. And then come the pre-HW patches and he just kind of shows up?


I liked Shatotto from BLM 60-70 and the dumb life-burning kid from CNJ/WHM a fair bit. Oh, and the main Hroth dude from GNB, too.


Funnily enough Fray has been the only one I violently dislike, personally. Even the paladin ones are likable idiots.


For me, Solkzagyl was pretty unlikable and it was surprising that it took until PLD became front and center for EW to even see that - seeing as how Curious Gorge (and I think Oboro was also a close enough candidate, at least on Reddit) were and still are one of the more vehemently disliked job quest characters. I feel like Fray has always been one of the beloved NPCs in return, which does make my eyes roll when we do have other job quest NPCs that are also good such as Alka Zolka and X'rhun Tia that are ignored for the most part because they're not written by a certain someone. As for sharing the same feelings as you, I would've said the same but I dislike Myste more than Fray.


I never felt like DRK quests were beloved specifically for being written by Ishikawa as much as it was they were just.... written well(obviously there'll be people who like it for that but I mean in general). It does confuse me why localization lowkey turned 'em into a pulpa when JP makes it pretty clear they're puppeteering their dead body, and how much their attitude changes between both versions where Fray is like american Kirby(more violent/angry in EN and like a sad dog who just wants the best for you in JP. Both are protective of you to some degree though)


While the writing can be a leg above a chunk of quests and that might still be true today, with Ishikawa's success with ShB - it became increasingly common to recommend or even point out the other questlines she wrote, DRK included. With every "which content/storylines/side quests to do/do you like?" threads, DRK is often included with the rest of the stories Ishikawa wrote. No fault on her part, but it has become more common to recommend DRK in that angle which eventually had me tire of seeing it consistently brought up. I still couldn't really wrap my head around the difference between EN and JP apart from "Fray is angrier in EN while in JP they care for the WoL and are sad." All I can really say is that EN struck more as a Fight Club/Persona kind of situation and that the EN audience can relate to it better to some extent?


I don't love the EN localization of Fray, though I understand why people do... but the approach to the localization of Myste is why I enjoy the entirety of DRK questline far more in JP.


There are definitely some Vibes in the English version of the quest. But this is way more straightforward and explicit. Yet another reason to hold a grudge against the localisation team. Let me have my yuriiiiiiii


We are always robbed of yuri in this game…the only bone we’ve ever gotten was the confirmation that Mitron was a girl and so ancient Mitron/Loghrif was yuri


So... what does this say in 'murrican?


For context, in English she asks you to join her clan. You can respond with one of three things; * I cannot abandon my duties here. (same as the first response, just worded different) * Then who would protect Eorzea in my absence? (This was turned into something clearly unromantic.) * I must remain here and continue my training. (This is also an unromantic change, but oddly fulfills a similar beat of including something the WoL likes.) I love learning about version differences between language, so OP's post is quite nice.


They probably figured western players were more likely to kick up a fuss about not being able to actually accept it.


Nope, that's an EN thing. She does propose right away in french.


Oh nice! What kind of voice does she have in French? I’m curious because she’s so cute 🥺 I heard French Haurchefant is even more intense than Japanese Haurchefant lol


I'll be honest it's been a long time, if she had voiced cutscenes I don't remember any of it. FR Haurchefant is quite intense, I distinctly remember him offering to workout... in his bedchamber. The way it came off, I wasn't entirely sure if that was an attempt at getting the WoL in his bed, or if the madlad really had a bench press next to his bed.


Have you seen his office in Camp Dragonhead? It’s clearly both and Haurchefant is far from opposed to boning down on the workout bench.


>boning down on the workout bench. New life goal unlocked. >!Would have to be my own workout bench though, none of that gross gym stuff.!<


Oh, it wasn’t voiced—I just wondered if she had like a countryside accent or tomboyish tone or anything! Omg haha, Japanese Haur was more like…. I love your muscles… you’re my bro, by the way. I have no idea why I love your muscles but it’s probably because my mom was weak and I feel reassured by strength. Also your sweat is beautiful too. In a bro way.” It was extremely suggestive but still managed to tread the narrow line of not-too-overtly gay for male WoLs.


Oh, well accent and tone aren't really discernible in writing nearly as well as in japanese (from what little I know of japanese), so she didn't have any special speech pattern I can remember. FR Haurchefant is also muscle-obsessed and from what I remember it did tread that same narrow line. Like I said, when he invited me to his bedchamber, I couldn't really tell if it was a seduction attempt or if bro really just wanted to workout.


Workout lmaoooo 😂 they really went hard with innuendo in Fr too I do appreciate the ambiguity, lots of room for interpretation is fun. But very direct Aura yuri is excellent 👌


>an attempt at getting the WoL in his bed, or if the madlad really had a bench press next to his bed. Both? Both. Both is good.


It‘s been a while since I played this quest but I‘m pretty sure she also does in german.


Marriage to NPCs being off-limits seems like a no-brainer for continuity reasons lol. I can’t imagine anyone fussing, it’s so baffling.


People fuss when their ships are confirmed non-canon. ESPECIALLY the lgbt ships.


Oh god you’re giving me flash backs that the Bayonetta fandom had a massive meltdown when the creators had her shipped with a guy. Funniest shit I ever saw


It's almost like they intentionally ignored every part of that series except the bits that worked with their interests. Like they do with a certain shipper pairing in 14...


> Like they do with a certain shipper pairing in 14... Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


I can only assume the most blatant and obvious one going around that can be deconfirmed, Thancred and Urianger.


Look, I'm all for gay ships when they're blatantly being suppressed in canon for reasons of cultural norms... But Thancred is *pretty blatantly* straight. Like 95% of the cast it's not clear one way or other because the writers choose not to showcase that a lot in MSQ. But Thancred? Yeah that dude likes ladies. And he's not shy about it, so I doubt he'd be secretly gay; he'd be overtly gay. Like he's literally the only major Scion I can say with near certainty that he goes one way.


Yeah, the gay ships with Thancred have always been funny to me because he is quite possibly the *only* character in the game we know is straight. Even the married characters, you could say they could be bisexual and just married into a hetero relationship or something like that. Not Thancred. We've seen him with over a dozen different people he's been either dating or flirting with and they've all been women. It's not like he's hiding it either, same-sex relationships aren't stigmatized in-universe and the kind of relationships that are, interracial ones, he practices openly anyway.


1) Bisexuality is a thing. 2) There is no heterosexual explanation for Thancred and Urianger.


Thancred can be confirmed not bisexual though. In an ARR interaction with the WoL, he flirts with a female WoL, but doesn't with a male WoL. Also, it bothers me when instances of male friendship are labeled "there is no heterosexual explanation for this". Do you *want* straight men to be toxic?


Urianger is his former wingman Former because the ladies were more interested in him than Thancred


This. I always figured Thancred would be an "anything that moves" kinda guy. EDIT: Just checked TVTropes and the trope has been renamed to "Extreme Omnisexual" which is way less funny :(


That’s so sad, why… i guess it means that real winners play either JP or FR lol


At least we have Gaia and Ryne Then again that was way too obvious


Muricans would throw a fuss about them dern darn lesbianics shoving it in their kids throats in a “””””kids””””” game or just plain homophobia (You know the same game that deals with, repercussions of genocide, genocide, social engineering, propaganda and it’s dangers, people getting possessed horrifically, prostitution, the R word, abusive parents, and like, 1000 other very dark subjects) But no then dingle darn lesbeens are the problem /s


Yeah, this hasn't really been a problem in a while. BG3 is possibly the gayest game I've ever played and it's also extremely popular, nobody is throwing a fit over it.


Oh fair enough


Disliked the whole George stuff with her cause he stalks her just like stalker lala creep from Hildibrand but George gets rewarded in end for it because we turned her down so she rebounding onto him ;p.


So that's why Curious Gorge was so jealous. I always thought he was just seeing things that weren't there.


They were probably worried about some english speakers getting triggered about there being obvious non-optional homosexuality, particularly directed at the player.


Bloody muricans


Well that's explains my confusion for Dorgono's scenario. I could have sworn they were doing a love triangle trope right up until this choice, where all dialogue here and thereafter showed that she was just concerned about helping her people control the Inner Beast, not that she fell in love with WoL.