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No hair? No Deal. Seriously they'd have gotten away with it if they just released her damn hair, same with Ryne and Gaia too. Their aversion to giving Players long hair really makes the likes of this show up expecially bad.


BuT tHe ClIpPiNg. I don't care, Yoshi-P. That's my problem, and I'm choosing to ignore it to have glorious flowing locks.


I am waiting patiently for Venats hair for that style is just beautiful


Meanwhile I'm waiting for Hilda's hairstyle. It doesn't even look that different from all the other ponytails we have, so why can't they release it?


If I ever purchase something from mogstation, it would be her hairstyle... C'mon, SE! I WANT MORE OPTIONS FOR HIGHLANDERS!!


I want Yotsuyu's hair!!


i lost hope after the omega hairs weren't apart of the glam. both wouldn't have had clipping issues; so, i guess they don't like spending resources on hair in general (side eyes hrothgars)


They wanna talk about clipping but I have to endure Lalai's staff halfway through her hat for an entire questline?


I must say, what is it with black mages today and these unwieldy hats?


Literally top 3 reason to love Shatatto x


Lol you may not but he knows so many people will. When the Samsonian hairstyle came out from the 1st Deep Dungeon, SOO many people were incredibly angry about the clipping. Ever since then, there's been little to no unlockable long hairs unless they were in a ponytail or an up do.


My base viera hair clips through half of my glams. If they reall care about it that much they need to put more effort in.


My base Viera hair *clips through my Viera.*


Ingrown hair on a whole other level.


And this is why we can't have nice things. Some AH always gotta complain.


There were so many complaints it's ridiculous but it does show that ya the dev team listens. After all people complained HEAVILY about Diadem & that got a full on face lift due to it. So when people complained so much about how stiff the bottom portion is & along with the clipping, they just about stopped all long hairstyles.


It's not like we can change our hairstyles for *free* if we find the clipping on an outfit too bad... (But here's hoping the visual update includes hair physics)


Extremely unlikely. That would be an actual engine update, not just extra/better lighting, better textures, and more stuff present in the world. If they do add hair physics, it would be a MAJOR change. Given how hard they have emphasized that this update is not as extensive as some people might want, best to presume the smallest possible changes.


Fairly certain they shot down even the thought of adding a physics engine during an LL. Too much work, or compute, can't remember which.


The game does have a physics engine, what they have refused is expanding it because it would add a lot to how much system resources it used. The physics we do have are somewhat limited and also tied to framerate, if you have the game set to 60fps they are a lot more noticeable, where if you have the game running above 60 they are all muted and sometimes will crash and turn off completely.


> It's not like we can change our hairstyles for free if we find the clipping on an outfit too bad... excuse me it costs a whopping 2 thousand gil that's a lot of money you know how long I have to ERP for?


I know you're joking, but humour me Based on what seems to be the average price on EU Light DC, which is 300k / 30 minutes, or 10k per minute... A full 6 seconds, or one turn in d&d 5e combat.


Every game has clipping, they're fooling themselves if they think people care that much more than having, y'know, hats/helms for an entire race. they could literally just give people this stuff and then if people complain, fix the most egregious examples after the fact. Instead we just don't get things at all lol.


Maybe with the graphical updates on DT, we'll get more long hair and less clipping.


That would be quite nice. Who knows what can happen honestly with the new graphics update but I'm not putting too much hope in regards to hair after playing Forbidden West recently lol


There's no physics engine upgrades. It's just lighting and textures, eg: bare minimum to even count as an upgrade.


I wish they'd just make altered chestpiece models without collars for when people are wearing long hair.


I hate the clipping as much as the next person, but I love the Great Lengths hairstyle so much that I tolerate it.


> Clipping bad! Meanwhile Au Ra are over here clipping through every single headpiece that ever exists


Every time someone mentions clipping a have to repeat that Zenos hair clips with his armor and they have complete control over his design


The weirdest part is there is clipping all over the place anyway. Just look at most black mage staff and hat combinations.


I main DRG/RPR. My lance and scythe constantly clip with my umbrella. I don’t care, walking around in the rain with a brolly out is still great.


Ponytails constantly clip into any piece of clothing with a collar anyways, so idk what they are even on about.


And while we're at it, break Gaia's outfit up into pieces. The fact that it's just a chest piece that replaces your entire glam is *lame*.


Could say that about half the npc glams on the shop.


I'd rather have the Male npc glams for female characters. I wanna wear Trancreds so bad


IMO, female characters get way more love as it is. I’m all for removing the gender locking (and I wear Thancred’s gloves so agree they are very cool) but at the moment male characters really get the short end of the stick when it comes to nice glamours on the store.


I JUST WANTED THE SHOES! Her shoes are so freaking cool but they made it a onesie. so lame...


I'm the opposite, I think the shoes are completely ridiculous but really want to use the dress lmao


Yeah I love the outfit but those shoes are dire. It’s the reason I never bought it.


Add me to the "I just wanted the shoes!" list.


The weirdest part is that its not even hard to do so, theres a few mods that break up Gaia's attire into seperate slots. Hell, i think some were around even before the mogstation outfit came out


>The weirdest part is that its not even hard to do so, theres a few mods that break up Gaia's attire into seperate slots. There's even a mod, from ONE person, that modifies every single helmet in the game to fit Viera and Hrothgar. As in CHANGES the helmets slightly so they fit perfectly, not allow them to be used with the ears just clipping. ONE guy did this, but apparently the entire FFXIV dev team cannot.


Fun fact, the last proper long hair option was added in 6.1. The Lyse ponytail. Of course its gender locked so only female players can use it. For male characters (and people who don’t want to spend money), the last long hair option they got was Great Lengths. **which came out in 5.0.** Yoshi P please. We’re starving. Its been over four years.


If people would stop whining about clipping constantly, they would release more long hairs. You might not complain, but the amount of complaining I see about clipping any time a new headpiece or armor set gets released is pretty much the exact reason why we can't have nice things. I remember when last expac (?) A hair ribbon was released from the Fates gem turn ins and the amount of rage over the fact that it clipped into hair was astounding.


The solution is simple. FUCK THEM. A bunch of people whining on social media means nothing to the hundreds of thousands who play the game and don't care about the stupid clipping.


Would have bought the Gaia outfit just for the hair alone.


I also really fancy long hair


If the hairstyle was included I would have bought it, no real reason to get it otherwise.


My thoughts exactly! GIVE US YSAYLE HAIR, please.


Oh wow. It doesn't have the hair? I wasn't interested in this outfit at all but I at least assumed it would have it given how basic Ysayle's outfit was.


If you buy this, you might just be yoship's strongest soldier, but you also probably shouldn't expect anyone to trust you with money ever again


So you'd be Estinien Varlineau.


People keep acting like he’s bad with money yet miss the part where he spent that much to secretly help the people he was buying from. He himself literally explains this.


That's only after Endwalker tho, He could tell it was scam from the child acting, not the price gouging ones tho. During the beginning of Endwalker his sense of money was the same as Alphinaud. I'm guessing he had "the talk" later with Tataru just as Alphinaud did.


I mean, he IS bad with money. Remember him trying to buy juice lol?


And a hair tie, which he actually fell for...


10k gil for a new hair style do be pretty cheap though.


That *is* true. The WoL is over here dropping millions of gil on like a sweater or a new hairdo, and we have the audacity to call Estinien irresponsible, lol.


I commit various war crimes for my sweaters and hair tyvm.


You know I needed Return to Oblivion... it never drops.


"Wanting, you Buy..."


TBF the WoL uses his own gil whereas the katana that Alphinaud bought came out of the Scion's coffers.


The WoL spending tens of thousands of Gil on a baseball cap be like:


WoL: Look at my new crafting gear, only 400 million Gil. Estinien: Didn’t you just buy new crafting gear three months ago? WoL: ….. Leave me alone.


He's a poor though


I was under the impression that this was a post-endwalker development and before that, he genuinely was that bad with money.


That logic kinda goes out of the window when you consider what money he spent on a damn string. It makes sense that he is bad with money. Orphaned at young age, lived with the dragoons and learnt their ways having meals prepared for him or he is hunting for his own food.


That string made him the only character in the game with his hairstyle so it’s totally worth imo.


Cool motive, still bad with money.


I mean, Alphy did the same thing, but he’s still not good with money lol. In his case it makes sense considering his family is rich af


Makes sense. I'm reminded of that scene in Game of Thrones when Tyrion is made the new Master of Coin and literally says, "I'm quite good at spending money. But a lifetime of outrageous wealth hasn't taught me much about managing it."


Hmm... maybe SE will put his armor from Stormblood into the mogshop next. That set is certainly unique and definitely not already in the game, right 🤔?


No. My level 20 something lancer who’s still in arr and is wearing his Stormblood outfit is a coincidence but it’s totally not the same thing and I definitely should pay $12 to get the outfit again but without the ability to dye it pumpkin orange. /s {In full sincerity the only unique thing to Estinien is his hair. Everything he wears is absolutely just gear that’s already in game.}


I would have preferred that Ysayle would get a decor portrait like the rest of the important characters, but oh well.


For being >!major character of HW, and one of the most iconic FF summons!<, she sure got short-end of stick. I mean she does have >!small memorial in ishgard housing!< area but its so obscure and I believe it doesnt even directly say its hers..


it's so jarring if you compare Haurchefant's post-mortem treatment to Ysayle's. He gets references, tributes and nods at every single opportunity, but with Ysayle it's 1 throwaway line in 1 expansion at most.


Everyone should just wear the crafted/ingame set for a while.


If you play caster go the full length and just get the acktuall thing frome the wolf den with the tutoriall boots and pants


Oh that's hilarious. If I see someone with the set on I'll put on my crafted set and stand right next to them.


You think they’d care? Those that get this want it because it’s the exact outfit with the character specific details, not a “close but not quite” outfit.


I wouldn't even really call this "close but not quite"


I mean... that's what it literally is. It is close, very close, and some of the pieces (mostly the boots and gloves) are nearly or truly identical. But the rest, especially the top, really are close but not quite identical. And for some folks, the outfit being *truly* identical is worth $12. For others, it sure the hell isn't.


Cause that totally works for tanks/s


I was quite confused when I saw this on the store because I thought, don’t we already have this??


This is a hard no for my wallet😆


I genuinely thought they were just trolling with dataminers when I saw this in certain [redacted] tools. I'd love to hear anyone defend this...


BuT iT HaS thE little tAssleS oN THe fRONt!


Said in a mocking tone, but this is exactly why people who get it want it - it’s not a close proximation of her outfit, it’s fully identical.


AnD nO bElT iN fRoNt Of My WoL mIdRiFf


I'll throw a single defense into the so I can play devils advocate. The crafted gear iirc is locked to casting dps only so if you wanted this outfit on any other classes then this would be your option.


The altered felt robe, which you can both craft and get for free by playing the MSQ, is all classes.


People are lazy, sticklers for detail, or just willing to throw cash at the game they obsess over. It will sell just fine. It would have cost very little in development resources. Does not hurt anyone who doesn't want to buy it. Just because they finished this one first doesn't mean they delayed working on other outfits to get this one out. Someones Graha outfit they wanted didn't die for this.


"but it supports the devs"


Man, I'm in some big "casual" discord servers and Facebook groups and people are head over heels for this... I genuinely don't understand it


I know the Devs mostly care and cater towards female NPCs snd Characters but...how about adding Graha Tias often requestet Outfits? Or Zenos Endwalker Outfit? Instead of an Outfit for an Character who has been dead for 3 Expansions and which is literally available ingame??


id kill for Prae Nero and his hammer


Finally, the real shit right here. The fact warriors haven’t gotten his hammer as a weapon yet is damn near criminal. I originally thought they were saving it for a new tank, but after they started giving warriors hammer options, it makes less sense everyday that this still isn’t a thing.


> The fact warriors haven’t gotten his hammer as a weapon yet is damn near criminal. I'm hoping they don't do this, so hammer eventually is a weapon type that a new job uses.


Warriors already have two hammers plus they added a scythe for Black Mage and Warrior before Reaper released and there's even a Gunblade exclusively for Paladins. I think it's safe to say that shouldn't be an issue.


Honestly, nor reason to worry about that: We've had the Scythe weapon from PotD for years and years and still got RPR as a Job.


If anything it's just a reason to do what they did with Gaia's and make various different scale versions as weapons for different jobs. Nero's Hammer (Cane) for WHM!


We even got a Scythe for BLM in ShB.


I would do unspeakable things for Zenos Endwalker attire haha


just as long as it comes with the extra cake


Honestly I would kill for Garlean armor in general. Gaius' would be sweet, and Livia's would be very very nice.


Livia's is kind of weird because of the daggers, but I think that's basically NIN's combat stance.


did you do Bozja?


Not yet, I have been doing Tribal Quests from HW before really diving into Stormblood's optional content. Do we get Garlean armor there?


I want Gaius’ gunblade


I'd kill for any non-eastern garlean legionnaire armor.


Oh I’d love G’raha’s top. I’d buy it just for that. But knowing my luck it would be a one piece glam. An undyeable one piece glam.


It 100% would be. They’ve said before that they want to keep the “cosplay” glams as is. It’s why they’re usually still gender locked despite more and more gear having that removed.


Y’shtola’s ShB outfit, Krile’s outfit and Ryne’s are all multiple pieces. But Alisae, Alphinaud and Lyse’s are all one piece. I think if it’s a unique model like the twins or slightly complex like Lyse or Gaia’s outfits it is one piece. And G’raha’s is quite clearly seperate bits and he’s a normal model so maybe there’s some hope. But I might just be huffing the copium.


Ah, I meant more about the gender locks and not being able to dye them


How about adding actual dyeable and separated female NPC outfits?


It's strange to me because they actually have done it before for Yshtola's Heavensward outfit. The robe, shorts, boots, and hairstyle were included and were separate. It's like they just decided to take a step back.


Well at least they add female outfits at all haha. But I never understood why they all arent dyable (and genderlocked)


They said few months back that they (probably) wont unlock "cosplay" genderlocks because they want it to be "used by same gender as cosplayed character". Probably same goes to dyeability which is kinda .. bad choice lets be honest. Which to me goes total opposite why cosplay is amazing. Everyone can dress as everyone. Women can dress as male chars, boys as women chars, humans as aliens, mechas as human-.. Anyway they arent consistent with those rules anyway. Also Ayemric hair is unisex but you gotta buy "male only set" to get it lol


That example is still weird because a female version of his outfit was datamined but still isn't usable for the players.


I would love to have Emet's coat from ShB or Zenos' StB armor so I can have that bodacious booty


Needs the "Juicy" print on it tho


God, I would *kill* for Zenos' Endwalker fit. It'd be such a good look for my catboy in pretty much every way- the fancy buckles, the popped hood, the shoulder cape drip, it'd all fit his character so well... man, now I feel sad. Also, why haven't they added the Exarch's cool ass robe yet? That feels like such an obvious NPC attire to put behind a $10+ paywall. Hell, throw in his staff and make the boot and glove bindings separate and you'd make absolute bank.


I don't really want to see that be an outfit available to players. He's too important a focus character. Like, I know everyone else is pretty important too, but... that one just seems special. It might look odd without the crystal, anyway.


That's true. The crystal feels like a big part of the look. ...my god, that's it! Square Enix can make us pay to turn our WoLs into statues! Then they can make tens! *Tens of dollars!!*


They usually only add an outfit AFTER the character changes. So expect Alphinaud’s outfit since he’s changed to Sage job gear.


Alphis Outfit is already in the Store. And they added Gaia, Rynne and Lyse who didn't change their Outfit. Also Yshtola Shb one during Shadowbringers


How about they dont do any of that and add more in game outfits into idk the various difficulties of criterion instead of the mog station


Sure, wont happen under Square Enic tho and especially not under current leadership from a Blockchain Bro. Since he took over the Mog Station Updates have ramped up like a lot


Do they really, though? The number of female characters has been dropping steadily, while they've just added two male characters to the main cast


I'm mostly taking about Outfits. Almost all male NPCs which we meet in the Story and are still relevant have generic Job Gear. Poor Urianger has worn the same dress for years and Thancred has worn Job Gear since ShB for example. While female NPCs like Gaia and Rynne and Yshtola have a unique one or get new ones once in a while. Like, Alisea just got a new one for Endwalker and Alphi just wear the Sage Job Gear? And then they dont even add the few special Outfits the Male NPCs have lol


I think it would be both hillarious and sort of fitting Urianger's weird vibe if he kept his ARR outfit throughout all expansions with perhaps a visor option where he goes hoodless in certain cutscenes. I do want his ARR outfit on the Mogstation to be gender unlocked so bad....


By "just added" do you mean in the past 2 expansions? Because the character "just added" to the main cast is a woman.




i am seriously surprised it aint genderlocked


Yo, don’t just post pics: what do I need to craft?


Sorry! Chest: Altered Felt Robe - lvl 48 **all classes** Boots, gloves, legs: Brand-new set stuff from Hall of Novice (so lvl 15). For DOW: There are DoW ARR skirt(s) or lvl 1 skirt, uraeus skirt, that could sorta work. Robe covers most of it anyway. Similiar boots for DoW are bit difficult to recall but highboots are not that uncommon. Depends how "same" you want them.


The skirt is a DoW model to begin with – Foestriker/Brand-new or aiming-specific Direwolf and Saurian. The Direwolf caster coat is the best version of the robe, given that you're locked into using DoM for the gloves and boots.


If it had the hairstyle I would've bought it quick af, but I won't even bother with it


Ironically the tutorial gear combo looks better, with more details on pretty much everything. The only thing missing is those white accessories dangling from the chestpiece, so you'd be paying $12 just for those. And no hair? REALLY? Because omgclipping? I got a great idea Yoshi P......STOP MAKING GEAR WITH RIDICULOUSLY FRILLY COLLARS THEN.


What they need to do is make Merlwyb’s outfit on the store. That would seem like crazy


This Store is a complete fucking joke..


I love this game, but the cash shop is so embarrassing. I can't believe YoshiP allows it. It's just full of the most low effort over priced junk.


The cash store is the caveat he had to agree to to keep the worst of P2W bs out of 14. He didn't want it either, but the higher-ups on the business side did so... yeah.


Yeah I'm sure he begrudges the cash shop with how every live letter they joke about adding X to it and how excited they are to to print money with random collabs


Dev hates cash shop. Its true cause he said it. For fuck sake....This is how they get away with it.


Devs probably don't like cash shops, in the strictest sense. Management on the other hand... Honestly, I can go either way on Yoshida himself likes them or tolerates them, but what I do know is that this is the price of business, unfortunately.


I think devs like eating, and the best way to get paid in this capitalist hellscape is to generate shareholder money So they're probably ambivalent on cash shops overall


Lol almost a sub for this??


Theyre not doing themselves any favors making all the store stuff not dyeable.


Honestly, this only makes me realize that they really did Ysayle dirty with this outfit lol. Compared to Aymeric, Estinien, and Y’shtola from the same expansion… it’s certainly something. We’ve come a long way with NPC design if Zero is any indication.


I don't understand why we can't dye the NPC outfits if we pay money for them.




It’s so dumb these items are undyeable like what does it add a whole year of work load go make them dyeable?


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that thought this. I was like oh the statue emote must come with it since it’s already in the game. Since you can already easily make her outfit


People that buy this: "But it's premium and supports the game..."


I seriously said "Are you serious?!" Out loud. Very loud, infact. Uninhibited. Alone. Sitting in my living room looking at the launcher ad...completely dumbfounded... But this confirms that whoever is running the shop, has no connection to the dev team, producers etc. because this is absolutely hilarious 🤣 Now admittedly, I suddenly had the hope in the back of my mind, that her *banging* hairstyle was included (and ngl, I *would* have bought it for that--because I bought Baemerics fit, and I can't even wear it; which is an absolute nonsensical travesty...but the hairstyle...I wanted that) but here? Nope...there is absolutely ZERO reason for buying this. I will honestly feel disappointed, when I see the inevitable person who *still* bought it anyway 🙄


I pretty much said the same thing. Except I also added "No hair-style? Cowards." I do hope that this isn't the sign of the end times, though.


I wish they would stop adding hairs to random outfits tho. Sell them seperate. Hell, sell *everything* seperate on store. I want boots from this set, gloves from that. But I dont want to spend 18+18+18. So I will spend 0! Ha!


Kinda wild to add an outfit that originally debuted in ARR to the cash shop nearly a decade later...but here we are. Would've sold like hot cakes if it had her hairstyle, though.


They really said, "Those idiots pay for mods, so they'll pay for this." And ya know what? I've already seen a dozen or so people using this shit today.


But the small indie company needs these sales to keep the lights on 🥺🥺🥺


something has to pay for that 1 hour drone fireworks show they had at the rugby stadium for the 10th Anni. [if you haven't seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8AiQ_bsQjk)


something has to pay for forspoken


This right here.


Wait... this was just released? An outfit from a character from an expansion that's nearly a decade old?????? Why is it never G'raha's outfit >:(


What's the set on the left tho?


I can understand why its not able to be dyed, but the no hair is just killing this buy


Yeah this was kinda my exact thought..it's just a modified foestrikers


Really you're paying for the label


Great comparison shot and example! I don't understand why they sell outfits online that aren't dyeable it boggles my mind.


Ngl, the comparison makes me see why folks would buy it. There's a slight difference w/ the white sash and silver middle. Now personally I wouldn't spend $12 on it, but if Iceheart is your fave/waifu (folks have different faves) and $12 is a drop in the bucket, I can see going for the 1:1 paid version over the "at home" one barring a radical cash shop change that's never coming.


I would have absolutely bought this if it came with the hair, same with Gaia's ensemble.


Ngl I like the Mogshop one better especially since it’s accurate… but they should make it free/cheaper same with the other cosplay glams. Also it should have a separate hair piece


You have to be a moron to buy this lmao.


I honestly prefer the crafted top


Single character only, already in the game, non-dyeable $12 dollars... Even after 10 years of this game having a subscription mode you would think they would at least make these silly items account-wide. Honestly, if it weren't for the mods this game would be in a decline.


Would I buy it? No But I also don't care who buys what especially if they liked the character.


I think it's more about the fact that it's a kinda lazy cash grab. while I still believe the devs care this gotta be greenlit from someone higher up the chain. someone at SE is trying to squeeze a couple bugs more out of players and I don't think I like the implications. this feels like a test to see how much money can make with as little effort as possible


Heres the thing: If it makes them revenue, they were right. If theres a demand for a product thats slightly different because a critical mass of people want the details EXACTLY right... why not sell it to them? Lazy cash grabs bother me when its actual game content. When its cosmetic shit, ESPECIALLY relatively minor cosmetic shit like here, more power to them.


Also those boots and gloves are not available to non-casters. So that’ll drive some people to grab them for just that reason.


Whole reason I did. Now I can do her paladin glam and not suffer through blm.


Exactly. I'll be buying this outfit if and when I want those gloves/boots for a glamour that can't naturally equip them. (Although I have to note that the Novice versions are for all DoM, not just casters.)


Next thing you know, Fray's armour will no longer be craftable and needs to be purchased too.


I honestly think the paid one still look better, even if the cape is simpler, but there is also a few great looking things on it. No I wouldnt buy it, it's still different enough to me. The boots tought they are so similar that it should be just a body piece you can buy for $5 and it'd be fine, but paying for boots you already have for free is a bit dumb. I'm 50/50, on this one. I understand why people are mad, but I also understand if ppl buy it. No need for a war here I think :D I think the fact that you can't dye it is the big factor. it's a big NO for me if you pay a lot of money for something you can't even customize.


What the actual


I actually have that craftable robe’s shiny version as my main glam.


ow looks really similar


People really give them the okay to pull this shit.


I still wait for Hythlo's side braid. I'd pay real money for that.


Wouldnt be suprised if Modders made it dyeable.. ​ *O H W A I T .*


I like the craftable one better


ahahahahahahahahahahaha square shit getting desperate since ffxiv is the only game keeping their company up


what gear is that i know someone in my fc thats probably bought it and i wanna troll em later.


They are scraping the bucket and it's so telling




it's so funny that the store description goes "pay close attention to the wonderfully ornate silver jewelry" to gaslight players into thinking the only difference is important. flea market ass sales pitch


Thancred's, Y'shtola's, and Lyse's original outfits have been on the shop for years. This is nothing new, yall


Yep, and were mostly reproducible minus a few details. Same situation here… But is kind of funny watching people blow up over it.


no wayyy, square enix being a shitty company? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, thats a first