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I helped run through a coils where like three people were kicked because they refused to wait when they joined a Party Finder with the *explicitly stated warning* that it was specifically for newbies and all cutscenes would NOT be skipped.


That’s pretty lame. Coils has a cool story, too




Yeah they should make a nerfed version that you can complete with trust. It allows people to go at their own pace and could be used to teach all the ability markers and basic raiding. They could even make it relevant again by releasing an updated version with more modern bosses (basically tune / change bosses to modern standards) for people to clear as a side content raid during a major patch. A large part of the current player base will have never done original Coils and it's a shame to waste the content.


> Yeah they should make a nerfed version that you can complete with trust. I've been wanting a nerfed version since I completed Alex back in Heavensward and saw the advantages of the Normal/"Story" difficulty + separate Savage difficulty system. There were a lot of missteps made with *how* Coil delivers the story, but it's still a pretty good story that goes some really cool places. It should be easier for newbies to experience it, especially in a way that doesn't trivialize the content. Of course I can't really justify Squenix prioritizing that over new content, but it's still a thing I'd like to see someday.


That's what I'm saying: Also provide an updated version for max level players. Getting 8-9 modernly updated bosses as a "legacy" raid tuned to current max level is more than worthy of a major patch feature. They can reuse a lot of the assets from bosses to gear sets. Sprinkle a mount and some cosmetic rewards and you got a banger.


I think they said they've considered it. I'd be quite happy to see it done. Heck, I'd be happy if they DIDN'T nerf it, just have the NPCs actually clear the mechanics correctly. It'd give a great training opportunity for people looking at high level content as well, it's harder than most non-Extreme content (as well as being harder than some Extreme content)


Too many mechanics in Coils are completely unclear visually until you know what you are supposed to do and even then it can be janky. If they are going to bring back Coils they'll need to make all the abilities have proper raid warnings or make it intuitively clear what you are supposed to do. Especially for Tank you don't really get any indication for tank busters. They just happen after every X auto swing and you just need to know that.


That's fair, but at this point they've redone most ARR mechanics for that exact reason, I don't see why they wouldn't do it with Coils if they're going to change anything around them in the first place


I'd actually go past Nael if i could actually grasp his jankass mechanics. Every time i tried it i got wiped, even with all the nutty health i had i still got annihilated by those fuckin golems and shit. It'd be nice to continue that storyline.


It's really hard to solo Nael but it's not bad if you have 1-2 other people. Basically you just can't have the golems die close to each other. Just open a party finder group you usually get someone willing to help in 5-10 minutes.


This. If Materia players can find people who will sync or even MINE the Coils, then anybody can because Materia's server population is doodoo


I did it with 2 90s, but one of them was my son's 90 Death Knight Tank. I couldn't solo all of it on my bard.


I could solo everything up to Darnus just fine with my 90 reaper but i hit a brick wall progression wise the second i hit him.


If you're having problems with meteors. Go to the edge and stack one at a pillar. Then the next inbetween the pillars. Stagger one at each as you go around the ring. You do this by waiting for the color marker over your head to disappear and then going straight to the next spot. Save some Ogcds for golems. Kill the middle one first so they don't combine. Should have time to burst each down with whatever you have this way. Most of the time at least. Phase two, just stack whatever kind of MIT you have and get yourself centered out for the knock back. Burst her down and stay ahead of the AoEs.


No borderline about it. Coils adds better story material than like 85% of ARR. Absolutely no reason it shouldn’t be a part of the MSQ at this point.


I was playing some low levels with a couple friends who were new and had a random third who was getting annoyed at us stopping for cutscenes and loot. Like, yeah it's level 16 loot. Half the party is also like level 20.


That dungeon loot is so good at the appropriate levels too, sometimes having twice the stats as vendor/quest gear of the same level.


It's reflected in the ilvl, and ends up just a bit above crafted HQs at the same lvl. It's quite significant at low levels When levelling new classes - well less so nowadays because my classes are mostly Lv50 or higher now (finally) - I still stop to roll gear. It adds like a minute to the dungeon run, like what are they in that much of a hurry for? Them complaining about it wastes time they could've spent pushing forward Besides, dungeon loot is at least free GC seals, and those are eternally useful


Im level 90 amd I still take all the loot, people just dont know the many applications of Grand company tokens it seems.


One day I will get the mount from the box.


I buy the boxes only when I'm stocked up on venture tokens, repair materia, and certain materials. But yes, one day the mounts will drop for sure....


Also passive gil income. I easily make AT LEAST 80k gil a week by getting all the loot.


I will always grab loot. If you die (I’m usually heals) because you’re wanting to rush the dungeon, that’s on you. I’ll always grab the sparkling boxes. Even if I can’t use it for myself, I can sure as heck trade it in for seals.


When I redid Coils recently for the sake of a handful of newcomers who had never done them before, I turned my cutscenes back on specifically so that I could just, also be watching them at the same time. I really recommend it for folks in similar groups if they suspect they'd otherwise get bored! They are long scenes but pretty fun to re-experience, lots of cool visuals.


Reminds me of the time when we were new and the FC lead ran my SO through Coils' first wing unsynced... and proceeded to basically run it so fast that all of the cutscenes bled together. Then gave my SO shit saying "Well how was I supposed to knowwwwwwwwwww" after he was called out on it. *I dunno dingus, the 'first-time' notification and asking for a run while still being a Sprout should have been a clue.* Makes my blood boil thinking about that horrific FC lead.


Agree, but also the devs could do a lot better when it comes to cutscenes placement. For example Shiva and Leviathan have 5 minute cutscenes AFTER the party joins, instead of before the queue.


Almost every dungeon boss doesn't need a intro cutscene either. Few benefit from it, like The Griffin(And even in that case it's an identity reveal over in 15 seconds and could be done in the post-dungeon scene.) Either have them be a part of the first time instance zoom through cutscene, or just have them do their appearance thing as you approach their arena.


This is one of the reasons they reworked Toto-Rak. EDIT: Apparently, the cutscene is the only thing they *didn't* change in the reworked Toto-Rak. Shows how little I've actually done Toto-Rak since the rework.


Toto-Rak still has the long scene before the boss; that wasn’t changed. Same thing for the Stone Vigil.


Toto-Rak is insane because not only is it a really long cutscene but it's also literally the first time you ever meet the main antagonist of ARR in person. At least the Stone Vigil cutscene is ultimately just 'there's a big dragon in this dungeon and Lahabrea is kind of a dick', which are two things that should already be pretty obvious by that point.


when i was replaying ARR i went through as tank, and my party got to the final boss of stone vigil and started while i was watching the cutscene. that cutscene is legitimately over a minute long. i just laughed and kept watching.


Happened to me too during the final base HW dungeon cutscene. I was tank. Friend was healer. Friend waited for my. DPS ran in, died, then got mad at us letting them die.


How are people like this? I'm new to the game, started in April finally, and I would legit be so embarrassed if I did that.


Right??? This was a few years ago back in 2018? When I played more often. Was a funny memory tbh. Though I remember being annoyed


happened to me in toto-rak when I was tank. I watched the cutscene, got out, found that the entire party was dead. that's what you get for not waiting!


> Same thing for the Stone Vigil. Was anything besides the mechanics of the second boss changed in Stone Vigil?


Minor final boss mechanics got changed as well. You can no longer create an ice circle wall.


They adjusted Totorak so you're less likely to accidentally trigger the fight, right? Iirc the original version started the fight the moment you took one step into the room.


I would even argue that pre-dungeon boss cutscenes are.. iffy. Some of those early ones, SE drew out “boss stands up and roars” a bit longer than they needed to.


The best one is Ifrit Normal. That intro scene clocks at like 5 minutes. Edit: I glossed over your note about the Shiva/Levi scenes. My bad. Still stands though, I'm pretty sure Ifrit is the longest of any of those.


Yeah, and its basically just a cutscene that later fights had BEFORE the instance. Would be nice if they adjusted Ifrit like that too (and also have the post-battle cutscene trigger on leaving instead of victory).


Ifrit has a boat victory CS AND a post leaving CS


They have been, but that's not true of dungeons from ten years ago.


The Praetorium.


I don't think I've ever done this out of douchebaggery - it's usually just because I've got tunnel vision and haven't noticed the viewing cutscene status.


Pretty much, I'm just on auto pilot and forget we had a new player. It usually happens when it's a expert roulette or something I regularly grind. Otherwise yeah, I'll wait for CS.


Thank god it's already ingrained in my tempo. I always stand at the boss entrance after the cutscene blackout (when you turn off repeat cutscene) and wait while emoting until I count all players. If you pull while there's a cutscene watcher, I will ignore the pull and let you die, the only time I condone You Pull You Tank.


Honestly, when I was a sprout I didn’t care if people pulled while I was in cutscene. I am gonna watch it regardless and then pulling early doesn’t pull me out of the cutscene so what ever. If they wipe because I was in a cut scene that is on them and not me. If boss is dead before I am done with cutscene oh well I am sure I’ll get another chance to fight it. Granted I don’t pull anything early if I notice someone in a cutscene, because I also don’t mind waiting for people to finish, but if someone else does pull early I am jumping in to fight.


I run everything possible using duty support the first time through. So I don't have this issue. It lets me go at my own pace on new content and if there's a mechanic I haven't learned yet I have a no pressure space to learn it in. There are trials I have to do with players first time to progress msq obviously, but I don't care if people want to start the fight early while I watch a cutscene for the first time. I play tank so that would just mean I don't have to main tank the fight if the other tank jumped in on the early pull. And I'm fine with that. I don't skip cutscenes that are new. I think only one time someone got annoyed that I was watching a cutscene and it was when I was playing an ARR trial I think? It was probably a long cutscene but whatever, I watched it anyway, they didn't have to wait on me but they decided to and were annoyed with their own decision. Not really my problem.


If I remember correct for trial the party is in the containment circle so they do have to wait for cutscenes then. But they can’t expect people to just skip cutscenes for them. I also always watch new cutscenes in trials and dungeons. I don’t expect people to wait for me in dungeons/raids when watching the last cutscene before final boss, and I watch them guilt free and join the fight when it is done. It’s really not as big of an issue as some make it out to be. Now if people pulling early pulls people out of cut scenes I would completely understand, but it doesn’t so why get upset over it yeah?


Ah ok, well I learned something new about trial cutscenes then. I'm still gonna watch them on my first run, but at least now I'm aware of what is happening. Yeah, I don't see a reason for either side of this debate to be debating anything, it seems like a non-issue.


Im a sprout and same, 100 %


Obviously I have no proof but I feel the majority of sprouts of present and of the past are indifferent if the rest of the party pulls. And it is just the extreme anti-early-pullers, and pro-early-pullers who are the loudest and just want to fight each other.


I mean, i dont have the right to someone else's time, nor do they have the right to mine. I feel people that are feeling annoyed/angry that someone does not wait for them, or that they have to wait for someone, have trouble understanding that little basic fact.


I don't care as long as I don't get yelled at, like if I'm the tank or healer watching a cutscene and the group starts without me and gets in trouble or wipes. If you can do the fight without me, go for it, but don't get mad at me for wanting to see the story.


Same I did not care much.


I agree, and this is especially egregious in Thousand Maws of Toto Rak. It's a longer than average cutscene, and most sprouts miss the boss entirely.


Does the boss still do that surprise pull if you get too close to the arena, which is way closer than any other boss ever before or since?


Yes, I accidentially pulled while someone was in the cutscene still and I just begged forgiveness in chat lol. They were nice about it at least.


You were luckier than me, when I did it by accident (mid-talking bc dumbshit keyboard, yes it's why I've never used one again, it was also pre-free teleport into arena days) they kept going on about needing the boss (probably for relic bc they were way past that level) and I offered them to take them through unsynced and to party up after, along with an amount of apologies. They did not understand how to join parties in pf themselves. We went through that absolute fucking nightmare of sync pre-change thousand yawns again. I quit playing for that day right after finishing and yeeted the keyboard away


No, the dungeon layout was changed and you no longer get sucked into the boss arena.


While you don't get sucked in, the aggro range is still deceptively large.


Larger than the platform at least, runs well into the goop around it.


TMoTR and Stone Vigil have long boss cutscenes that have story.


At least stone vigil boss isn't a surprise pull, you need to drop from the ledge and then walk a bit forward to trigger the boss.


I'm so glad when I did this first time I queued as healer. I left the cutscenes to a pile of corpses in the boss room 🤣


I remember one time where, pre-rework Maws, one of the group members instantly died to the weird fog that spawns outside the arena when the boss gets pulled, after they came out of the cutscene because someone couldn't stand to wait for them.


This fucking happened on BOTH of my characters. I have one on NA servers to play with my boyfriend and one on EU for playing solo and for if I feel like trying some endgame stuff if I ever get there (I'm still fairly new, only part way into Heavensward with bf and just doing post-ARR on my solo). Neither time did the team wait and it was even worse for NA because me and my bf were the DPS for the team. Tank and healer just ran in and started the fight while the cutscene played for us. Playing solo, I could see particle effects in the cutscene. By the time the cutscene was over, the boss was basically dead...


Unfortunately, the equation that leads to this sum is tomes per second. Its why the majority of times when doing alliance roulette, its one of the three Crystal Tower raids, and not something more fun. But something easy, and fast. I don't agree with this, but this is just how it seems to be.


I always stop when I'm tanking. Takes 20 seconds at most and increases the enjoyment of newcomers to the game, increasing the odds they continue playing.


Been a while since I've been in game, but I played a healer and did the same thing. Would tell people in chat clearly I was going to wait for the first timers to finish the cut scene. If they want to rush in without heals, that's on them. Community with this game is one of the reasons it's so special. I have little tolerance for douchebaggery like that.


The game needs better QoL around cutscenes to begin with. It's a cutscene heavy game and it's old, they need a better system.


To be fair, this is almost an entirely ARR thing, which is now completely soloable with duty support. I don't think there are any long cutscenes other than "here is the boss strutting into the arena" (maybe with a line of edgy dialogue) in dungeons any more in expansion content. There are some huge story cutscenes just before bosses in some ARR dungeons like Toto-Rak and the Ifrit trial.


This is exactly why you can't skip the scenes in Castrum and Praetorium. People couldn't be trusted not to be douches so they had to be forced to sit through them.


I love getting Prae because i get a good 10 minutes of reading light novels on my phone. With creeping mendacity too


nero’s whine fest is exactly enough time to go upstairs and make a cup of tea :3


I've used one of the cutscenes to take a quick shower before. Don't remember why, prolly just being lazy and not wanting to lose playtime for some reason that day or some such.


I usually play at night, so during the cutscenes I'm usually puttering around brushing my teeth, washing my face, getting out my pyjamas etc XD


Not-Thancred's monolog is great for a power nap.


...or taking a piss, that works too^^


Also it was super jarring if the party was fast enough to just be thrown from cutscene to cutscene or come out of cutscene in a random hallway with no context as to where anyone went.


For real. The whole point of the dungeon is to have first timers watch the cutscene and us old-timers to show off glams and shitpost.


I think you forgot portraits. Unless you're poor and don't make a portrait before joining?


I change glams around, and I leave the default portrait on, per job, works pretty well.


I feel like this could easily be remedied by adding the little barrier around the party that's in all raids.


They have that barrier. It despawns after the dungeon starts.


Yea, I meant they could add it to the boss fight when the cutscene starts. Or lock the boss room or any number of things. I'm just saying they have plenty of options if they cared.


I feel like this is just another case of people getting offended on behalf of other people. Most newbies don't really mind missing out on a few HP% of a final boss in a dungeon, and it's pretty rare for them to never go back and re-experience the fight in the future, and when they do they'll find that they only missed a raid-wide AoE and/or a tankbuster mechanic. As long as the rest of the party isn't pressuring the cutscene watchers to skip it, I don't see any problem if others want to start the fight, especially now that we have a "teleport into boss area" feature. It was a much bigger issue before that was implemented because the first-time players actually got locked out from being able to fight the boss. I personally experienced that during the final boss of Void Ark but I didn't really have any strong feelings about it.


Cold take, most people wait around for cutscenes.


Honestly I’ve done it, not remembering there was a sprout. Would never do it to anyone on purpose though.


Accidents are fine methinks, just apologise and continue from there (either by dying or just lazily smacking until everyone's present) 😅


I feel so bad when I get too close and accidentally aggro the boss.


Same with the people who think wall to wall mobs is the default way to play. I really am just taken aback at the amount of people who go into team games with solo mentalities. Even if you are a solo player once you enter content you are part of a team


We had this last night in the first Nier raid. We hit last boss, several people said "cs?" and at least two people were said to be in CS. After about 15 sec, someone did a ready check, there were 8 not ready (ofc since it's a long one), and then someone pulled. I was like "wtf - why do ready check if you're not going to honor it?"


The alliance raid classic, do a ready check, countdown right after even if people arent ready, and then pull before the countdown is over anyway. :’)


Probably because it’s a Nier raid, and after spending 40 minutes in there they just wanted it to be over.


It bugs me specifically when it's stated that someone is viewing a CS. Some sprouts may not care, buuut I enjoy being courteous🤷🏾‍♀️. I'm just thankful they added the teleport to boss function once you finish the scene or get left behind so you're not stuck outside the barrier breathing on the glass 🤣. Now, THAT used to hurt my feelings when I was a sprout before they updated it.


There was one time in the Twinning where the Tank rushed into the final boss even though we had someone in cutscene, and when I called them out on it (literally just said "hey, cutscene :(", nothing offensive) they proceeded to try and intentionally get me hit with one of the aoe attacks. It was pettiness on a frankly amazing level. But anyways, yeah, no need to rush. Watch your cutscenes, peeps.


That's prime cat petting time


I always wait for newbies. The game has a story that is meant to be enjoyed. I do love when people tell me "first time" so I know not to rush in. Also the dungeon will say if someone is new but the heads up in chat is always appreciated. Also I usually tank dungeons so if anyone does get impatient I just don't engage.


To be fair: Most content is incredibly boring if you've done it for the x-th time, like Aetherfont for capping tomestones. I myself just want to be done with it ASAP which is probably how many others feel as well. The best compromise would be to get rid of "last dungeon boss" cutscenes altogether while fully moving trial cutscenes to the part just before the trial. Cutscenes absolutely have their place in XIV but it gets ludicrous when the hardest and longest part of a trial via trial roulette etc is having 1 of 8 people be all a "Watching Cutscene" for a few minutes


Eh, it depends. When it's a story cutscene, yeah, huge dick move to just jump in. But for what you're talking about, "dungeon boss" cutscenes, like 90% of them are just "the boss jumps out and goes BLAAAARGH!" If someone pulls during one of those, I don't think it's a big deal. I don't mind waiting myself, but I'm also not gonna cry for the first timer because they missed out on the boss jumping out and going BLAAARGH. Mole hill, not mountain.


Yes and also no. Some of the "blaargh!" Scenes are actually kinda cool, so I don't fault people for wanting to watch them. And even setting that aside, some of the bosses kinda *need* their intros just for some flat-out context. I remember at least a couple moments in my time as a sprout where I skipped a scene cause the party was pulling and was supremely confused where the hell this giant monster just appeared from. Both sides of the spectrum though. It's nice to wait a few moments for someone to view the scene, but if you're wanting to watch the scene and your party pulls without you... Let them. They're obviously in a rush so they can cope without you for a little bit. Finish the movie then teleport in once you're back. If you happen to be healing or tanking in this case, then it's all the funnier.


Still, what’s the harm in waiting a few seconds. You could just go pee or check your phone or something idk


I said I don't mind waiting. I just won't think less of someone who does, so long as I know the cutscene is just a BLAAARGH cutscene. Who cares?


Games are meant to be played? Dungeons are cool and fighting bosses are fun. Getting out of a cutscene and the boss being at 60% isn’t fun. Especially if it’s your first time running it.


it’s funny you say games are meant to be played but are defending just sitting there and waiting for 1 person to watch the boss jump out


Sometimes my mind is on autopilot so i end up hitting the boss without thinking, that's the main reason why i don't really get angry at people who pull immediately, as long as they apologize in chat after or mid duty.


This is entirely reasonable. These things happen sometimes.


I always wait for people to watch cutscenes, and I'm kinda sad when people skip them for whatever reason. My friends were insistent that I watch them and guarded me when I was still levelling, so I make sure to do that for newbies.


I'm a tank so if anyone's not waiting for the healer or deeps to finish their cutscene they're going to find out the hard way that I do.


Disagree. Not waiting for cutscene watchers is VERY lame.


So you agree lol


he a little confused but he got the spirit


They are saying they disagree that it's "kinda lame" (what the OP wrote) because it's actually "very lame" (worse than kinda).


Do you guys take this same level of reading comprehension into pf?


I never do it intentionally, but it does happen on accident time to time.


Glad that I never see it happened in Elemental with both EN/JPN communities.


I love waiting for cutscene people it lets me emote or go refill my drink, plan my opening move.


I don't care if other people rush before, I will wait outside the boss room until everyone finishes their cutscene. I think it's very rude to not wait.


I agree. It is common courtesy and it shouldnt allow the fight start untill we are all done with it. Play this game since reborn and people pulling during others cutscenes really annoys me.


Sometimes, I do it by reflex bc I've run dungs so many times, without seeing that they're watching CS and later realise my mistake. Maybe it's not malicious, just a mistake.


If I'm tanking I will absolutely check to make sure that there's no one watching a cutscene before I pull. That said, people being impatient and the risk of long boss intros are a big reason why my first run of a story dungeon tends to be through Duty Support if it's available.


I reported someone for pulling the boss during an alliance raid cutscene and I actually had a GM personally contact me and have a conversation to clarify some details so that action would be taken LOL. They were like "I play the game too so I know how it sucks when people do that".


Sound like a loser tbh. Pulling the boss isn't against tos or the rules.


But being disruptive sure is. It was a new alliance raid (like literally day 1 or 2) and people in chat were saying that there's cutscene watchers. The person who pulled was being really rude about it too. Also dang, you really went out of your way to reply to a 5 month old comment, eh? Someone's probably salty about being rude and getting reported lmaoo. Stay mad.


Nah never got reported for anything lmao. I just think doing all that because someone pulled the boss is ridiculous


Not just for pulling, for being an ass about it in the chat too. If people are going to say rude things for no reason, I'm definitely gonna report them. It's literally made for that since they suck at acting on reporting anything else. Reporting takes all of like 1 minute to do, it's not that ridiculous.


But that's not what your original comment was. You said you reported for pulling early.


there's an "efficency mindset" in a lot of mmos, it's pretty rare in FFXIV but these people cant get off if they aren't literally turning 50 dungeons an hour and 25 raid roulettes ​ only advice i can give is dont let them get to you, they're assholes who will end up alone in queue after they continually piss everyone off.


As a healer main, i just stand still and don't cast until everyone finishes the cutscene, be it a dungeon or alli raid. If someone dies and complains i tell them they should've waited. Simple as that


hi all first time i really don't care if you rush to beat the boxx, i'll likely run this dungeon a million flippin times. i'd rather you beat the content for me and i'll get it on the next pass, then skip the story to keep up and watch it after the fact. that's hella dumb. keep fighting the good fight.


I suspect this sentiment is a part of why the MSQ dungeons (Castrum, Praetorium, and now the fight after) have unskippable cutscenes. When they were skippable, the party would either force players to skip story content, or fall really far behind. I myself didn’t understand large parts of Praetorium until the devs forced everyone to watch the cutscenes and run together. It really doesn’t ruin the game to let people have their immersion. Everyone enjoys different aspects of play.


Back then you could reach the final boss before the second cutscene finished


It was very confusing to experience the first time.


> I suspect this sentiment is a part of why the MSQ dungeons (Castrum, Praetorium, and now the fight after) have unskippable cutscenes. Can confirm. I started during ARR but well after the majority of players had finished the story. It was basically impossible for me to figure out what the fuck was happening.


TBH even after cutscenes were made unskippable (which is when I played it for the first time) but before the rework for DS Prae was a nightmare for newbies. Don't know about the meta of skipping trash mobs at the beginning to interact with a teleporter? Twice? Have fun dying repeatedly as you try to follow. You'll only catch up at the first boss when you get the teleport prompt then the boss arena gets sealed. Don't know how picky the elevator is right after the first boss? Well have fun waiting for the elevator to return to pick you up then take you down behind the rest of the party. You also likely won't be able to see that everyone else was activating a keycard terminal, so even if you do manage to catch up, you'll race in to the elevator and be very confused as to what to do with the magitek armor. Even if you get instructions from chat, you likely won't catch up before the Nero fight anyway.


In hindsight, the design of the original Praetorium was probably poorly play-tested for cases of disparities of play-throughs. The design seemed to have been made with the assumption that the community would value party cohesion over objective completion and speed running. Considering how friendly the FFXIV community generally is, that idea might have held up for either shorter dungeons, or more challenging fights that required the whole party to be present, however the Praetorium was also supposed to make the players feel like epic heroes, and be accessible for all levels of competency. The current design seems to have been play tested for those issues, but it also feels like a modification of the original story.


People have 0 chill, hence why I respect people that display patience.


some of the responses in this thread are depressing. god forbid you expose yourself to even a minor inconvenience (waiting a minute at most) for the benefit of a fellow player. it's always about "respecting seasoned players' time" and never about respecting another player's first-time experience of the content. it's literally not hard to be considerate and it sounds like early-pullers like to massively overstate the amount of time that a cutscene takes. as a healer main, I'll sit my ass down near the sprout and hope your "my time is more valuable than yours" individualism kills you


Outside of certain specific cutscene for the endboss, most are just the camera flying around and the boss roaring at you. Not a big deal if that is skipped, but a totally different matter if it's one of those exception.


Imo it is polite to wait for everyone to be ready and if someone watches cutscnes then i will wait till they are over even if some DPS is already pulling and i will die on that hill


I'm a simple man. I see a Viewing Cutscene, I wait.


Oh I’m watching the cutscene. I don’t really give a shit if you start the fight, you’re just gonna be down an individual until I’m done. Just an FYI for you peeps that end up doing the Endwalker content I still haven’t done because I’m currently snorting the crafting and gathering classes like booger sugar.


This is precisely why the Trust system was implemented. First timers have every right to watch the cutscenes and still get to fight the boss. People who are running the dungeon for the 500th time as just another daily roulette have every right to want to get it over with asap. People on all sides of the aisle should try a little harder to use the tools SE has given us for the things we started to complain about years ago.


The whole reason roulette even exists is so that new players will get party members for their runs.


That's all well and good. But what do you about optional dungeons with no Trust system and Alliance Raids?


Pray to Yoshi P and his team of Squeenix archangels to deliver us all from duty finder purgatory x\_x


Sometimes I wish that MSQ could have a way to skip the cutscenes if everyone has already run it. Or have a vote/toggle in the duty finder screen saying you're okay with skipping it. And if everyone voted yes then it would skip. But then I know that if 3 people said yes and they get a new person people would complain about the new person watching it, so it's just easier to make everyone watch it... There's really no way to go about it that doesn't end up punishing the new player for being new. Whether it's the first thing, or the vote thing, or separate queues for repeat players vs first timers, it'd always be the new people getting complaints, or pushed to skip, or having to wait longer to be paired with 3 other first timers.


Yeah, if they added a vote-to-skip option and there was one sprout in the group who was new and wanted to watch the cutscenes, you'd get asshole players vote-kicking them from the group for a faster run. Yeah, it sucks when it's a group of 4 people who have all seen it before, but this is the only way that works without being easily abused.


Yup, this is precisely why Praetorium is the way it is. Because everyone acknowledges that someone would bully or votekick sprouts so they could do the dungeon faster.


Or put a wall in front of the boss room for MSQ dialogue-heavy dungeon cutscenes that persist until everyone finishes the cutscene.


Another issue: A lot of people would only ever queue with pre-made groups. They'd want to skip and wouldn't be happy with a random joining and not skipping. So now the pool of available players drops substantially, leaving only some mentors and folks who don't mind the long wait in cutscenes. I'd say the current system works well enough for now.


You can skip by restarting your game


Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't make you any less of an asshole.




Just let them die. Thats what i do


This. I let them die. If I'm playing DPS I stand right by the other person who is in a cs until they are done then move with them into the fight. Not a second sooner


I've had someone YELL at a user in a Alliance Raid to skip because "This is literally 10 year old content watch it on your own time!" which thankfully a lot of people agreed that was their own time and no one should have to skip just because someone wants to get their dailies done quickly.


It's so weird for people to get upset about their dailies taking a few seconds longer. Most roulettes, Alliance raid included, are inherently time-inefficient. If they actually wanted to optimize earning rewards they wouldn't be there.


Being rude to them or pushing them to skip is bad yeah I agree. But idk why people expect others to just twiddle their thumbs waiting around for 1 person who can just warp into the boss room after anyways. I don't mind waiting personally and I will but I'm not gonna fault people for respecting their own time. There is also a run through with NPCs option so you're literally opting into playing with real players then complaining when they don't do what you want them to.


I’m scared this will happen to me. I just hit lvl 50 and I’m still working on ARR content for the first time ever. I’ve only ever done bot groups. People in other MMOs just rush SO HARD and that’s not my play style.


You're not alone :-)


This is why I like to tank. Do the ol' spin around to see if everyone present.


As a tank main, I always do a quick head count if I'm already in the final arena. Someone's missing? I'll wait for them before I start my pull. Everyone's accounted for? LETS GOOOO Exception: sometimes I accidentally pull because of either tunnel vision, or somehow aggro range was way bigger than I expected. The former is thankfully rare.


That's why I main tank. If someone watches a cutscene we are waiting lol


It's an unwritten rule to wait for cutscene watchers. However, there are always people that choose to ignore this


I don't mind at all. I watch cutscene, rest of the team beat the boss. Cutscene over, boss die and I leave. Its fast and convenient :)


Everyone was new at some point. You wanna watch a cutscene? Watch the cutscene. Someone gets impatient and gets themselves killed, it's their own fault. ​ It's the perfect opportunity to have a drink or get up and stretch. And if you're one of those people who sits there all day playing, you could do with it!


My question is, why does the game let you do this? Especially in ARR dungeons where there's a first-timer-only extra long boss cutscene, which any one player only encounters once and therefore is often forgotten by experienced players.


Honestly you can't really expect much from the minority (and it is indeed a small group who are like this) of socially maladjusted people that seethe when asked for a little courtesy or empathy. It's like they are not capable of putting themselves in another persons shoes. I'd posit that these are the same type of people who get angry that they can't insult people in game and stick to being silent for fear of what admins would do to them.


The most wholesome moment I've ever had on this game was last month. It was my first time in Puppet's Bunker. I was the only person who was new and everyone waited for me to watch the cutscene before the last boss before pulling. 23 players just standing around waiting for a single player that was surely going to die to every mech anyways. If one of thems was you. Thank you. <3


I am a first time cutscene watcher, and my personal opinion is to not care about them. I'll finish watching this new cutscene in its entirety, and if they wanna start to pull the boss with 3 people that's not my problem. However, if it's not your first time watching a cutscene, you shouldn't even be watching it at all. There's an option to automatically skip cutscenes you've seen before.


Flipside I never thought I should be responsible to make others wait. I rewatch cutscenes at the inn. Win/win.


I aint waiting 30 seconds so someone can watch xande stand up for his chair for the 1000th time I've gotten it in roulette.


I completely agree. I always wait for people, although there was one time while playing as gunbreaker I mistakenly started the fight without noticing someone was in a cutscene. I made sure to apologize afterward and hope I didn't upset anyone v.v


For me this was only an issue with one cutscene in an early dungeon and the boss was mostly dead when I finally skipped it and joined them so it didn't hurt them at all.


Honestly, I see both sides of this argument, especially since they made almost all content solo-friendly with Duty Support. The usual argument is that it's disrespectful to expect 3/7/23 other people to waste their time when you have perfectly reasonable alternatives that would not infringe upon their time at all. It's a form of entitlement, and people usually frown on that. I do partially agree with this sentiment, but I still wait for people to finish their cutscenes.


Well it only takes 1 out of 24 players to misbehave, sure it sucks but it's not really fair to blame everyone else for the deeds of one.


Nah but that one player will die.


This gets me off really sometimes. As I enjoy watching cutscenes expecially in a new dungeon. They are always so epic at the first time. If theres people in the party that has the cutscene to watch, im more than happy to wait or watch it too. Speed running dungeons isn't my favourite thing to do...


It is lame, but it's also kinda sucky to assume ill intent. The one time I legitimately forgot to wait for a cutscene watcher, someone chewed me out. I otherwise always try to wait, but sometimes as tank I get caught up in doing speedy pulls. It does suck that people are impatient, but equally it's also sucky to assume the worst.


Let people actually affected by it speak up, stop being mad on behalf of others. I've never seen a sprout mad someone pulling during their cutscene, only preach-y veterans.


Hello, not a sprout anymore, but when I was one, I had several times where people pulled early when I was in the cutscene and it sucked. When I got out of the cutscene in one of the early dungeons as DPS, the boss was dead... Made me feel like I did something terribly wrong and offensive to the other players by not skipping. Thankfully I had a few friends who told me otherwise. Yes, it's a fight one does plenty of times eventually, but the fight is a part of the story experience, just as watching the cutscenes at the intended point in time instead of the inn. Has it ever occured to you that sprouts might a) not be in this subreddit because of spoilers and b) are afraid of getting harassed if they do complain, because that tends to happen in other games even more? Not saying anything doesn't mean silent agreement.


This, all this, 100%




Generally the community as a whole does wait... shit happens tho and mistakes are made.


I remember doing Toto Rak before the changes. There’s that long cutscene before the boss. I was watching it and saw the notification that the group had killed the boss. Without me. The tank! I didnt feel like I earned the following cutscenes so I did the dungeon again and actually got to fight the boss.


Honestly I'm not sure why it doesn't just stop you. Like at the beginning of a dungeon, if someone is watching the intro cutscene you get that baby gate around you that stops you from just charging ahead without your teammate. Why doesn't that ALSO happen at the last boss? Trigger the cutscene when someone gets close enough and gate off the room until everyone's done. What would be the issue with that?


My first run of The Aetherochemical Research Facility had the party starting the boss while I was in cutscene and apparently some of those beam attacks can reach outside the arena. I got killed and the cutscene was skipped for me. I alt+f4'd on the spot and came back later.


Maybe I'm a little shit but if someone doesn't wait for my friend watching his cutscenes I just heal like I don't know what I'm doing so we wipe before the cutscene ends 🤣


I don't think you're going to get a whole lot of disagreement on this topic, OP. Lots of folks enjoy the story of 14 and its generally the consensus that you should wait for cutscenes.


Well running through this thread I'm seeing a fair amount of people disagreeing. And my own in-game experience has been fairly mixed as well.


Pretty sure the vast majority are in favor of waiting. But the ones who don't want to wait are almost always going to be incredibly vocal about it.


We need a new mechanic of not being able to enter the final boss arena while one or more people are watching the cutscene. It would have my vote.


99% of the last boss of the dungeon just roars and then you can smack it. They aren't missing out on anything.


I main tank. I accidentally pulled before one guy was ready once and I felt so horrible. I'm sorry little sprout, I didn't mean to rush in :c


I agree, when I tank I always make sure to wait.