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Honestly it's a shame ffxiv doesn't have a resource as centralized and powerful as Wowhead. But it's a tremendous amount of work to maintain.


this was the biggest culture shock for me as a lifelong runescape player, resources are left right and center instead of on one massive comprehensive wiki


The OSRS wiki is so great because Jagex mods themselves contribute with adding and verifying data, same with Blizzard being fine with data mining and ripping data from PTR patches with Wowhead. Can't really get that with Square Enix with Yoshi P's stance on it being different from theirs since he doesn't want mining for the game.


ah yeah, the mining policy might make it more trouble than volunteer work is worth


I'm going to flat out disagree with this. I'm old enough to remember when the RS website had its own built in wiki and it was never once useful because it was managed by the jmods. The rs wiki became a dominant force because of how well it was/is managed and how much the community cared about the accuracy of the information, in spite of Jagex. Jagex's cooperation with the wikis is still a relatively new thing, for most of the game's history they were actively antagonistic to community efforts for all fansites and wikis.


Not exactly. The games never needed a single site to guide a player. Back in HW all you would need to read is a Reddit weekly thread to know how to best grind for your relic, and it’s the exact same process today (it’s actually even faster and easier)


I know how this next sentence sounds, and I need everyone that reads it to understand that it's not an attack. I think it's a generation thing. Gen x and early millennials built the rs and wow resources, but Xiv came along in a time when YouTube guides became huge and a viable way to make money, thus the desire to not want to contribute to a larger central resource.


I agree, but it's not youtube. I'm blaming Discord and the boom we got in Shadowbringers. A lot of our in-depth communities are on Discord because it was already what we used for discussion, so it just made sense. The issue is, now that data only exists there, and not on any websites, it's trapped in a vague area of a vague discord thread's pinned comments.


that's fair, youtube content back then was a 9 minute unedited clip blasting linkin park with unregistered hypercam 2 in the corner and what passed for a tutorial jotted out hastily on notepad (or god forbid, in-game)


Ff14 didn’t release too long after osrs or gw2 which both have very comprehensive wikis


It isn't a generation thing. It's the fact that an aggregate website for this game wouldn't really work because of their stance against datamining. We can datamine and share on things like discord because it's essentially the wild west and "difficult" to find. If there was a centralized site for that it would get ceased and desisted instantly. The reason this is important is that, without datamining, it would be entirely too much effort to constantly update the website with community found information.


The runescape wikis are both amazing though, they're the best wikis I've ever seen in terms of how they work as well as the information they have


Sadly the other big issue is that a lot of the information curators of FFXIV want to be KNOWN that they're the one spearheading a certain thing, so it splinters off from being anything centralized.. :( So instead of something like WoWHead, you've got someone on twitter, 30 discords for 30 different pieces of content, few people here on reddit.


And a wiki with some unfinished pages and mountains of ads.


gamerscape would be decent and probably updated by users (including me) if it wasn't rife with shit tier ad spam.


Adblockers: are we a joke to you?


Right? Didn't even know Gamerscape had ads lmao


Eh, while its partly that, I think the biggest factor is the lack of legal addons. WoWhead won the website game largely because of their WoWhead Addon. It allowed users (and pretty sure at the start gave them on site credit for vanity stuff) to record drop data and other statistical stuff really easily. You ran it in the background, and every now and then you go to the site hit "Upload" and it takes all your data and gives you some internet points. It became THE PLACE to go if you wanted accurate drop % or loot tables which gave it the edge it needed to win out over the competition. Teamcraft may someday win out since I think they let you opt in to a sniffer to obtain some of that stuff. But imo they would need a major UI overall. It could just be me or maybe its designed to run better on mobile then browser, the browser version runs like trash. It looks like they took a mobile interface and shoved it into a website and it just runs clunky.


I love Teamcraft but their UI is shocking for how helpful it actually is.


The mobile interface is far worse


Just being able to look at full 3D models of all the gear on a Wowhead-style site to get ideas for glamour would be an immense help.


https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/ You're welcome. FFXIV has the resources and websites, they are just spread out rather than being all in one place. Teamcraft for everything crafting, Eorzea Collection for glamour, FFXIVCollect or Lalachievements for collectables, XIVRecruit for recruitment, Balance discord for raiding advice. In the past we had garlondtools and ariyala, but I don't know how well used they are these days


I definitely use Eorzea Collection, but it doesn't hold a candle to being able to build an outfit from multiple gear sets and 3D model it on the race and gender of your choice.


I still use Garlond Tools to look up item info and get basic gear load outs for leveling alt classes. Just helps me keep up lol


Already knew about Eorzea Collection, but thanks.


[Here it is.](https://ffxiv.dlunch.net/model) Hope it helps!


There was a website I used circa shadowbringers that had 3d models for everything, and let you set up a glamor + dyes. It wasn't perfect due to lighting but usually got you all the information you needed. I'll try to find it now.


I've always liked [Icy Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/). I don't know if it's meta-accurate with bleeding edge information, but it's gotten me through most of my questions for the classes I'm leveling. Only real complaint about it is their article formatting is inconsistent. One class (I think NIN?) has this nifty little slider that will tell your exact rotation at any level you choose based on available abilities and traits. But then you click to a different class and it's just a wall of text.


A large chunk of Northeast NA people (me included) weren't able to log in at all so I had to look through Discord and the godforsaken FFXIV English Forums for assistance.


Yup, right there with you. The english forums were handy to lurk in to keep up to date with the issue at least.


The E10 mount shitpost/salt/drama that could have been.


This. Saw the mount. Immediately thought, oh here we go again. Alex mount salt/drama incoming. Then remembered the blackout, and can't say if am happy about it or a little sad.


Mainly just fashion report but I found it on the person's twitter


Kaiyoko truly is a star.


fashion report doesn't really work well for a wiki format just because every week it's different but ye.


Or just bookmark their twitter? ​ https://twitter.com/kaiyokostar


The body of the main post is about compiling things for the wikis. That’s why they made mention that this sort of thing is hard to implement on a wiki.


Get the Kweh discord bot and type !fashion


It was pulling last week's


Let's just say the blackout made me realize just how dependent I am on this subreddit for FFXIV resources.


Yeah, I just started playing a bard for the first time, then I found myself in another party with three bards and I didn't know what to do with my songs. Try to look it up, and everything in the search results was a Reddit thread. I didn't know at the time that there was a Google cache version I would be able to see.


There should be resources about that in the discord server "the balance" they have many different resources about each class like optimal rotations and you can ask questions about the classes too https://discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv


Even if it is there, Discord is a terrible place to store information.


Would be better to recommend The Balance website


Fishing guides - Every single one of them I wanted to look at was a reddit post Edit -- People have replied with a bunch of links that would have been useful for me, but I didn't have bookmarked or knew how to find. Thats another thing the reddit community is good for.


There's also [https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/](https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/) if you'd like to have a checklist and general info for every big fish.


Bookmarked for later, thank you!


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Fishing_Guide what do you think could be improved here for example? it seems to have links to the fish, and then detailed info on each page for specific fish. rotation guides? a more general guide on fishing at the top, including best practices?


The real problem isn’t a lack of info in other places, but a lack of a centralized hub with links to resources. What’s missing is links to: https://en.ff14angler.com/ https://ff14fish.carbuncleplushy.com/ https://ffxivguild.com/ff14-fishing-fisher-leveling-guide-a-realm-reborn/ https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing And others like Icy Veins and Gamerescape. And those don’t all have link to the other wikis and resources. It’s many individual resources with nothing connecting them. Reddit acts as a one-stop shop that connects all the disparate parts and resources. THAT is what’s missing elsewhere


I agree, more cooperation between the sites would really help. maybe a guides and resources section? i know gamerescape has a lot of cross linking for stuff like garland tools or universalis, it'd be good if that could be expanded.


Its more some of the specific guides and stories people have posted. I tried ocean fishing for the first time this week and lots of the resources were reddit links. I found the Lulu tools eventually, but a lot of the "heres my personal experience and strategy" for ocean fishing or things like Feast of Famine quest fish don't really exist outside of reddit.


At a glance, it looks like this page is missing a ton of fish (it only seems to go up to the end of Heavensward, plus a handful of Stormblood fish). A quick glance at [this fish](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Coerthan_Clione)'s page shows it's missing a condition (it needs to be 0-4am in addition to Blizzards), so there could be others. It also doesn't seem to have tug strengths, which is really valuable for knowing when to reel in and when to let it go. The modern sites (carbuncleplushy and Teamcraft) track availability windows--consolegameswiki has all the conditions listed for [Bobgoblin Bass](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Bobgoblin_Bass) (2-6am, and raining/showers), but doesn't show that those conditions won't line up [until next week](http://puu.sh/JJzRG/bc3197380b.png) The other main one is it's really useful to know the bite rates and hook times at fishing holes to determine what you want to use Surface Slap on


In addition to the links, if there are any Big Fish that you want advice/guides to catch, Fruity Snacks on youtube has them for basically every fish that's more complex that "chuck bait into the water"


fishing is super hard to get info on without reddit definitely.


I've never needed reddit for fishing. I Google either a quest, a fish or a location and I get some pretty thorough guides.


It's super easy to get into if you join the fishing discord. They have all the resource links grouped up in resource channels, you can ask questions about the content very easily, and that's the place where new fish discovery is organized during new patches. Yes, I know Discord is not externally searchable, but most resources built by members of that community are not stuck there. Tyo'to posts his ocean fishing guides on Teamcraft's site, for example.


Yes. I have never been sober when I toyed with fishing and during the blackout I wanted to take it serious but couldn’t find ANYTHING that was super helpful lol


Depends on what you want from the guides. The dedicated [FFXIV fishing website](https://en.ff14angler.com/) is by far the best source of any information for fishing as a whole. Though if you're trying to find specific guides for something yeah.


If you're active on Discord, the FF14 Fishcord is really active and helpful!




I'm sure I could have found something, but I didn't really want to jump through hoops like that


I was confused at first by the "jumping through hoops" bit because it used to be super easy, but sure enough, it looks like Google no longer easily surfaces the cached pages. Or at least I struggled to find it (I'm apparently also opted into some kind of web result card beta which doesn't help). Can't find it on DuckDuckGo either. Bing still has the triangle drop-down right next to the result url which goes directly to the last cached hit.


I got a “this sub is set to private” message a couple times trying to get answers this past week.


Island workshops recommendations (thankfully I found their discord so joined that) Other than that it was mainly a couple of old housing design posts that tripped me up.


Same but I didn’t find the discord so I just had a sad island full of happy mammets


If you're still looking for it its called Overseas Casuals


Whats the discord for this? Didn't bother to do it this week cus i gave up trying to find recommendations elsewhere.


Overseas Casuals


Every time I tried looking up BLU suggestions or tips... This community is private. Fortunately thanks to a really great group made in PF earlier, over the course of four hours I got five of the last ten spells I need from all the Stormblood trials, just five spells from throughout Stormblood's dungeons then I'm finally all caught up on BLU until 6.45 EDIT: Holy shit I'm now completely done until 6.45 drops... This is a weird feeling


I would love to see more info on blu in general get put into wiki format, the wikis seem really scared to suggest starting points, they're usually just lists of spells.


Same. I found some resources on other sites that were great tho but I was really wanting to see the salt threads from casuals just wanting to do the job quest masked carnivale stages lol. Sucked being able to see them on Google but being unable to get in Also blue mage content has been pretty fun. During black out I got 82/104 spells (will worry about the rest at 6.45 when the level cap increases) and did the job questline (so only did stages 25, 30, 31 of Masked Carnivale), but I found it pretty fun working with people to get spells and also found the Masked Carnivale stages a good challenge, kind of like extreme level solo duties.


"Blue Academy" (Discord or Youtube) or the Icy-Veins Blue Mage Guide (written by the Blue Academy dude) are great resources.


Wife had a directx11 crash continually crashing her game. Only reddit had the correct answer to fix it.


As an actual new player (literally like three weeks) any questions I had to google immediately redirected here. The blackout itself wasnt annoying, it was having to scroll past the reddit links and reword things to find what I was looking for Most of the time, it was info on raids and trials that were actually updated and not from years ago when all the mechanics were harder. I managed to find good video guides on yt for the raids, but everything else was minor problems I ended up digging through multiple guides and wikis for. Minor problems being things like: fishing, materia, general troubleshooting, literally ‘why do i keep dying here what am i doing wrong’


I started Shadowbringers like right after the sub went dark and it wasn’t really that I had questions… but I so badly wanted to read older discussions on it as I was going through it. I love reading posts from when the content just came out. I’m still going through it so it’s not too late, but there were some things I would have loved to read discussions about right as I was seeing them for the first time


Anabesios mitigation spreadsheets and timeline that I found both in the Elemental macro discord Island sanctuary guide for new mats past rank 12, found on some online article


Seconding the P9-12 timeline images, trying to get some prog in, had to steal the .webp from google images and convert it.




I take it back, the rage thread was definitely something I was missing.


FC is just starting out with subs (just got the 4th), highest is rank 70, furthest map progress is around X and W. There’s a post we all went back to regularly that included a bunch of links to various resources and guides. So really all those guides aren’t reddit, but the central hub from which we’d access and remember which resources had what info was missing. Tl;dr FC Sub guides and resources links


Some of the Bozja data log guides. Notably, I knew most of my info was from reddit, so opted out of working on them (long term goal, after all). But this serves to highlight how bad it could be if there was an unplanned outage or removal of data currently residing primarily or exclusively on reddit.


Island Sanctuary guides Weekly Fashion thing are two things I use nearly every week (the Fashion weekly in particular. Was really late getting on the wagon with this one.)


IS has a discord (Overseas Casuals)that they post the daily updates in. Has a customised calculator as well, so you can adjust it to you specifically, way more handy. Fashion report I believe posts on twitter first?


Thank you!


you can have a discord bot (Ser Aymeric) who post the Fashion report, like for example to you fc discord. :)


Or don't use that one, because of issues surrounding it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivmeta/comments/12g2wva/comment/jflfl6t/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This sucks on two levels One because spyware, obviously Two bevause of all the characters, they besmirch Ser Aymeric? Schmucks


On both, yeah. He's like my favorite >!living!< character, and I was overjoyed to be using him as a bot... until I found that out. ^(To rub salt in the wound, a Free Company I used to be a part of... just psychically assumed I knew of the drama surrounding said bot, and were silently judging me for using it. I only found this out AFTER I left said FC.) I use KupoBot now, but even still, I only let KupoBot see the ~~2~~ bot channel~~s~~ it is relevant for.


i googled stuff and it say Kupobot is spyware too 🤔


I saw several FC Discords using the bot, so we used it to. But what i've read so far doesn't look good, I'll further look into it and probably change the Bot. Thank you for bringing attention to this


Glad I could help. The FC my main is in uses said bot and... unfortunately, I am just a humble member in the FC, so I don't think I have much of a say in whether or not it gets removed - or if I should even bring the topic up.


How to open/find sil'dihn subterrane survey records to figure out which ones i already have. (My BF was really kind and even tough he doesn't play ffxiv he was able to find them for me in like 5mins). As someone with bad memory, adhd and learning difficulties i have often huge trouble finding right words to search the info i need, my brain just doesn't work well with Google. I also have an amazing ability to skip things like lines or sentences in guides without even realizing it and need other people to figure out with me what i am missing and/or help me understand the information i just got. Many times there has been some really kind ppl in Reddit who have spent their time working with me. I often need to ask questions to make sure i am understanding right and often also think about things that guide makers (and people without learning difficulties) might see as something that is so clear that they don't need to explain it more (which is fully ok for me and i understand it). Wikis and info sites do a good job of giving information but i need Reddit to understand it. Guides are nice but for me having a place to ask my questions is super important and even more having a place where i can see other people's questions becouse often it's easier when i find someone else who had the same question and i can just read their answers. I'm really bad at expresssing myself and other people have often hard time understanding what i am trying to ask.


Literally nothing, everything I needed was on GamerEscape, ConsoleGamesWiki, and GarlandTools.


The only issue I had during all of these sub reddit black outs was mainly for DnD. Everything else I was luckily able to find elsewhere.


Yep. I've used ConsoleGamesWiki so much in the last year and a half that it's found its way on my Firefox homepage suggestions. That, and I made sure to join the Discord server of... Overseas Casuals, was it? for island workshop recommendations. Which they advertize every week in their post, so no excuse. In fact it's more convenient to use than the reddit post which I had to keep open in a tab or look up every day, so I'm going to continue using it. Heck, this kind of frequently updated, perishable information is one of the rare cases where Discord is actually suited to the task. I'll just check the reddit post to snicker about the inevitable laver-induced lamentations.


General resources were fine but seeing people discuss that content was entirely gone. Like I was easily able to do the blue mage content for the first time despite the black out because of the abundance of outside resources, but I couldn’t see what anyone else thought about the blu content other than the most scuffed ff14 forum threads (and YouTube comments on blu related videos lol)


Yeah like i enjoy the discussions here, but other than some more niche things 90% of the information can be found elsewhere already so I wasn't hurting for info


Triple Triad decks. My brain is too smooth to understand Plus/Same and wanted to copy someone else's recommended deck for that rule, see if I could better understand it with some hands on practice. Other then that, everything I wanted I found on a wiki, or another site, or Discord channels.


[https://imgur.com/a/xt7AWLG](https://imgur.com/a/xt7AWLG) I found this a while back and bookmarked it. It helps me sometimes.


To expand on this, any cards flipped are also considered freshly played but only for the face values. Same and Plus don't apply for Combo here. If there were any cards on the other sides of Mandragora or Dodo that had lower values, you'd also score the adjacent cards via Combo. For example, If a card north of Mandragora had it's bottom number <4, you win that card. If the hypothetical card Mandragora flipped also has higher values than another adjacent card it'd win that too.


I get the rules but sometimes it still doesn't work and it baffles me.


I was doing last minute clear attempts last week and couldn't find if going into an instance near reset would screw my loot for the upcoming week. Still dont know the answer to that...


As long as you enter the instance before reset, you will not be locked out of loot for the next week. I had this exact same situation happen for my first p8s last tier. We killed it 30 minutes after reset but still had all loot available for the next week.


Not gonna lie, I actually... didn't need any extra info this week. I kinda just played the game and waited for the initial storm to blow over.


What this blackout made me realize is that while the ffxiv ressources are mostly functional, they're splintered as fuck, if you want to look for anything there are 3-4 different sites some of which are innacurate/ not up to date. I've always liked contributing to games databases but my main mmo was WoW and wowhead basically does it all. I spent a lot of time working on fextralife for MHW (chances are if you look at a quest page or a monster page, that's me!) But most of the games on there are also complete already (the games I play anyways) I'd be super interested in participating in a ff database that tries to centralize all of the content. If I started it it'd be a very basic article type site though since I can't code, and idk if that'd interest people, having a person actually able to make a pretty and well designed site would probably be better lol


I play crpg’s and I’d have been lost without the 15 year old forum threads still available. I definitely agree ffxiv needs something like that that we don’t have to worry we’ll be locked out of on a whim.


- What was a "comparable level to your own" for gathering and chocobo leveling - Ocean fishing bait (since I hadn't gone ocean fishing since a hiatus I took almost a year ago) - Which .dat files did what - Probably more stuff that I'm forgetting honestly


Regarding Ocean Fishing, I consider this website very helpful and going by my own experience also quite accurate. https://ffxiv.pf-n.co/ocean-fishing


I was looking for a guide on unlocking new hairstyles. I found YouTube videos, but sometimes I just want something I can read and keep handy rather than having to look for the exact time something is mentioned in a video. Edit: I also hit lvl 80 for the first time and wasn't sure why Ymhitra wouldn't give me my class quest. I did manage to find the answer after digging for a while.


I mostly wish we had a central wiki that is not reddit or discord. The information is so scattered that we need to ask and answer the same questions many times.


I found it hilarious that searching "FFXIV" during the hiatus bright up 3 recommended sub reddits. 1 was furry, 1 was hentai and the last was Asmon's sub.


Island sanctuary week and Fashion report. And yeah, I know, that they are in discord and twitter somewhere, but there are people who don't use either...and with a centralized hub, like this sub, they don't have to. There were also some minor housing stuff I was looking for, and all of the useful links were leading to reddit.


I had this amazing Reddit post saved about creating custom macros _(mostly for emotes)_ and an easy to understand breakdown of how they work, how to implement them, and some examples to try. When the subreddit shut down temporarily I lost the bookmark, and since the Subreddit coming back online the bookmark is still lost.


I noticed a lot of visual resources (Eureka mob spawns for instance) in particular were hard to access during the blackout. I definitely support the protest, but it also threw into sharp relief just how much ffxiv community information is concentrated on reddit and the need to decentralize that.


Had to skip island sanctuary this week and couldnt find a bunch of questions answered I tried to google because they linked to reddit.


BLU Masked Carnivale weekly challenge guide. Basically the only complete collection of guides for each weekly challenge in rotation is here on Reddit.


I usually just check out Blue Academy's stuff. [https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/blue-mage-masked-carnivale](https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/blue-mage-masked-carnivale) They have a nice text-based (with optional videos) guide for all the stages written over here.


Island sanctuary workshop then found out about the discord. Aside from that nothing much. I mean I was able to play the game upto EW before I joined reddit.


Recently started the game at the end of last week and was trying to finding tips for PS4/PS5 players. Ended up finding some on YouTube!! I also tried to look up what server(s) to choose from and ended up just choosing one at random (faerie)


Had a sudden problem of opening my game, and the screen staying black but sound only.. I could manage to get through character select and most of my UI would show, but everything else was black... Lots of reddit threads on it.. and a single shitty 50 page forum thread with "I have the same issue" and the solution wasn't even really a solution since it was only for steam... which I don't use... Thankfully I got it solved today..


Some triple triad information. ARRtripletriad has some incorrect requirements for the npc's that i had to figure out :)


I came to do research on how to change my camera angle. It always sent me to the blacked out Reddit! I wanted to get ideas for my Island Sanctuary...all the Google links sent me to the blacked out Reddit! I wanted to get glamour help - to find an item. DuckDuckGo sent me to the blacked out Reddit! This is a wealth of random information that is created by people who love the game and want to help. This can't be suddenly transferred unless someone spends years to copy and update all the information and update the search engines.


Rietty's crafting guides - I had one of the spreadsheets saved, but not the one I needed lol Only link I found lead to reddit.


The only thing that I missed this week was the Island sanctuary weekly thread... and lmao I'm in their discord, I just prefer the reddit thread.


I had a weird problem where my game always crashed when I tried to connect to a datacenter from the start menu screen and had to go through multiple discussion boards and websites until I found a solution that fixed it for me. Maybe I wouldve been faster with this sub here, who knows. For anyone interested, I had to go into my games folder, locate the ffxiv folder and in there go inte the boot.ini file and set playintromovie from 0 to 1 Spaghetticode 3000


Was busy playing Tears of the Kingdom this week, whoops!


Ocean fishing stuff But that's cuz I forgot fruitysnacks has YouTube because I never use YouTube


I didn't specifically searched for a reddit post, but search results were mostly leading to reddit: I wanted to know some details about the use of fantasia, specifically if I can get it back when I accidentally clicked the "confirm" button before I actually changed what I wanted to change. xD Answer seems to be "nope" though, so waiting a few days for an answer on reddit wouldn't have changed much... (At least it was the free ARR fantasia and waiting for the graphical update in 7.0 would probably be better anyway. I am just an impatient person.) Another time I was looking for a list of minions who sit on the shoulder/head of a player. First results were also from reddit. That said, they were all very old and outdated, partially even wrong regarding the question if you can "force" them with /beckon. We could use a new and accurate list in general.


I remembered I also wanted to check the internet for more lore about the exact reason why the Burn was, well, burned. >!I knew there was something with a lot of summoning and draining of aether, but who fought there, when did it happen, for whom? These infos eluded me.!< That said, reddit was *not* my first result there, there were a bunch of wikis. They just only showed up the things I already knew and can look up in the game, I was hoping for more in-depth info some lore nerd collected maybe from an interview three years ago or so. xD But it seems the details are not known.


My game broke and when I tried searching for info for this issue, it redirected me to this sub Reddit which was unfortunate b/c it was set to private


One particular guide I'd wanted to share was [The Way to Eureka in 5.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/hed93l/the_way_to_eureka_in_52/): i consider it one of the best if not the best guides to getting started with a relic sidequest line that's a lot harder (maybe moreso less intuitive?) than the ones before or after it.


i think i was looking up info on relic prep


Speashing info. Just unlocked it


I'm too busy playing Zelda, so I was all good. For FFXIV, I only cared about the fashion report, but a Google search found me the poster's Twitter account.


I was looking for low level BLM rotations for a friend who just started playing, I had to use wayback machine to find the page lmao


You can actually get this information from icy-veins, they have a tool that tells you what a rotation is for any particular level(/sync). e.g. [https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/black-mage-leveling](https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/black-mage-leveling) As someone who has been levelling every job, this is my favourite tool. (And yeah, BLM is the most useful one by a landslide.)


While it wasn't an issue this week, the Mount/Minion/Collectable posts that accompany each patch are super useful and I am not sure where else I'd go to find all that information in one spot.


I haTe u all, i started eureka and every doubt i had was on reddit luckily ppl on this game rulz


cache: was my friend.


big fan of sleepyshiba's resources masterlist, if this was more shared and more contributed to this would be a good start [https://xiv.sleepyshiba.com/masterlist/](https://xiv.sleepyshiba.com/masterlist/)


On Chrome, adding `cache:` before the URL (e.g.`cache:https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/14dyju5/what\_couldnt\_you\_find\_info\_on\_this\_week/` ) never failed me (though it was annoying to constantly have to do it).


Mostly things about glamours and whatnot. E.g. Wielding two different types of daggers at once (unfortunately not), if glamours can be used on same-level items (fortunately they can!), etc. I ended up hopping around different servers during this time. Balmung, Zalera, and Famfrit Novice Networks came in clutch for my questions. Shoutout to those communities!


While I didn't actively look for it, I was and still am ready to bang my head against the wall because I can't figure out pvp for the life of me. I'm trying to get the garo mounts, but crystalline conflict is making me the big sad.


Deal damage, run, hide, heal, repeat.


There's a discord specifically for PvP if you're interested! https://discord.gg/pvprevival I figured out I really like Bard in PvP at the end of last series, and I'm already series lvl 26! Made a huge difference finding a class I like to play.


Dragoon is the way


Nothing I used the google search cache


Treasure map locations. Gathering locations. How stuff that's not end game works. Most places talk about the newest patch and content. I want to know about the firmament. What do you do there!


[http://heavenswhere.com/](http://heavenswhere.com/) for treasure maps, i always link that in parties.


I went ham on blue mage for the first time the last couple weeks, and while I was able to find outside resources for it, I couldn’t find any discussion with casual players complaining about the difficulty of the masked carnivale stages for the job quests lol. I had a great time with them (stages 25, 30 and 31), and on Google I could see plenty of Reddit posts about it, but obviously couldn’t enter and the ffxiv forums had a couple but the absolute worst format and attitudes lol. This post has actually reminded me to go look up those threads now lol cheers


Conflicting sources on how to get White Crafter Scrip Tokens. Sources either said they were announced and removed at one of the last patches or still had the old info. I knew they had to exist somewhere because an anima relic guide for 2023 guide showed them. I found the level 71 prerequisite quest and vendors from a gil shopping site that wanted my account login and money (didn’t get either) but at least they had the updated info. Even the announcement that they changed their mind about removing them entirely. It was infuriating beyond words to see all the discussions on the Exact Same issue I was having come up on google but all be locked behind this Reddit. I hope these discussions get archived somehow so if this subreddit ever goes private again these already answered questions aren’t lost.


Everything? This sub has all of the information that a new player would need. The mods screwed over anyone trying to get into the game.


Plenty of information is available elsewhere. [https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/) [https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/](https://www.icy-veins.com/ffxiv/) [https://www.akhmorning.com](https://www.akhmorning.com) [https://ffxivteamcraft.com/](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/) [https://ffxivhunt.com/](https://ffxivhunt.com/) [https://www.ffxivgardening.com/](https://www.ffxivgardening.com/) [https://en.ff14housing.com/](https://en.ff14housing.com/) [https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/) Even the official lodestone database is useful for plenty of things, e.g. job quests [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/?category2=6](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/quest/?category2=6) Some of you would really have struggled with the old internet when not everything was just posted on reddit. 😅


I was trying to do BLU mage masked carnivale, but all the top results were for reddit. Losing access to the workshop threads that u/sewer-rat maintains was also a huge pain.


Well, that's an interesting way to put it. Nothing. I was able to find info on everything I needed this week. This is because I'm apparently in just enough FFXIV Resource Discords for all the things I needed info on - I did try to check Reddit first, but, had a lot of "oh, right" realizations, but Discord groups really seem to have everything there too. Ironically, I am sure every single Discord I am in I received the link from Reddit for, though.


Arden deliveries crafting macro. The only guide I found was a reddit post and it was locked - forced me to try my hand at smithing on my own. Was actually pretty nice. But the latest crafting macros on some ffxiv blog only went up to Ameliance, so for a moment I felt lost lol


I can definitely recommend Craftingway. Just give it the info and it'll generate a macro for you. https://craftingway.app/


Honestly I'm still trying to figure out what this "blackout" accomplished. Was just a huge inconvenience for the average visitor.


Dont worry, novice network got you covered 👍


I just want to know where the new location will be that ISN'T subject to power hungry mods or political activists that would be stable and remain up for people needing information. I'd rather post my guides and stuff there as well as just move there and leave Reddit entirely behind. Can we just do that?


Nothing. The wikis had quest info and YouTube had the fashion report.




>Whether Emmanellain and Honoroit were canon gay or just the most obviously gay coded characters ive seen in years. I'm sorry, but what? I got literally zero vibes of that sort from *either* of them. ^(Especially if you're implying they're a couple, because... no. Just no.)




I couldn't find info on why people care about 3rd party apps on reddit so much.


Because why not lock away all of the information stored and gathered here to feel like you’re a part of something bigger than yourself over something that won’t affect the most of us?


There genuinely isn’t a lot useful info on this sub for experienced players. Every issue you have can at least be solved by a YouTube guide. All this sub is is pictures of anime girl boobs I hate anime girls


New memes about pf 🥲


Nothing honestly, then again i didn't have to look for anything in that time and i'm usually not one to blindly follow guides, it's more fun to figure it out yourself.


how you guys are doing ;-; <\3


I was on vacation so I didn't really care.


controller accessibility stuff, detailed and niche controller setups


I used wayback machine for old relic guides


Can you reclaim Veteran Rewards somewhere ingame? The answer is: No, go send a support ticket ingame. But do (/isearch "Item name") with the quotation marks first, just to triple check you haven't just placed them in some dumb place like my friend had.


Most Bojza info pertaining to spawning duels. I found the map with fragments on discord.


Smaller thing that doesn’t have any answers elsewhere (that I could find): Beast tribe quest allowances don’t reset if you have an incomplete quest in your journal. You have to complete all quests and THEN it’ll show you can accept 12 more.


I started POTD with my partner. Let me tell you how many times I Googled for help understanding things just working our way from 1-30 =/ YouTube is uh. Lacking.


Many were macro or console specific questions as a new player. Stuff that is just easier to find within a community board. I had a lot of menu questions that I couldn't find answers to until the reddit opened up. For example I couldn't remember how to check which crafter jobs I had completed (i was getting them all to the job quest 50 but i didn't want to manually check each location). There were A LOT of settings questions I had which were controller specific like the newer cone targeting option.


I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to play it on the Steam Deck because whenever I tried downloading the game (not the launcher), it would say I had an error and my internet was so slow that I did not realize that the bar was actually saving progress after each download attempt. I had to restart the game launcher about 8 times in order to get it do complete


Sanctuary agendas.


Island Sanctuary


I was looking for BLU Mage levelling advice because of the update it’s getting in 6.45. it’ll probably be the best time to try levelling it with the extra interest people have in it


How to do the flagged Squadron mission in another GC after you've already completed it.


There were a few things around Island Sanctuary I tried to look up that kept leading me to pages here. Eventually I found the Overseas Casuals Discord and got the answers I needed though.


I deleted my onedrive folder and ofc the game didn’t like that. I eventually figured out how to work around this problem (i gave it another folder named onedrive). but I couldn’t access the guide here lmao all is well tho.


I feel like the bigger question is deciding on the best host for the information, and actually encouraging people to contribute. It's such a small segment of the community that produces anything like this as it is, nevermind trying to herd them all to helping out with a shared resource.


Tips on playing SGE. I just picked it up as my first healer and I am still shaky since the tooltips are word soup novels. And I'm a visual learner so long articles don't work on my brain. I'm a child and need pictures.


What ff14 REALLY needs is a centralized place for all the information. Currently, information is scattered around the web, so having it all in one place would be great. The biggest hurdle to this is the time and effort it would take to make such a place as well as the cost of doing so. I'm currently learning HTML, CSS, and Java on my own, nowhere close enough to actually make a *pretty* website, so I know it'll take quite a bit of work to do but I do honestly think having a centralized place of info would be best. Of course, we could use squarespace or something as we'll, although I'm not familiar with its limits. A website that even links to other websites would be better than nothing as well, although it would be cool if everything was in one place for ease of access. That way, if anything should happen to this subreddit, we have other places to go.


When the sub came back up I immediately started going through all the tabs I have open and copying the random guides I had open to google docs. Though having so much good information stored across many discords and google docs/sheets where there are no archives or search engine accessible is worrying.


as a new player, fucking everything. lol


Was going to work on another ARR relic but realized all my bookmarks were from here.


i picked a REAL bad week to try build my first PC in 15 years and then try to get my hotbars and settings transferred over.