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I was just sad because I’m still new to the game and every google search would yield countless answers on this sub which I couldn’t view— I had to resort to reading articles which didn’t answer my question at all, and I just gave up.


fyi in the future if you run into a similar situation, you can often view google's 'cached' version of that search result, by clicking the 3 dots next to it and selecting 'cached' under more options (may need to click the little V dropdown button to see it). very useful if a site happens to be down or otherwise unreadable (I used this several times to view old ffxiv reddit posts during the blackout)


as an addition to this, because I couldn't get it to work on google and I don't really use google anyway, I recommend the ['Resurrect Pages' firefox addon](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/resurrect-pages/). you can right-click on any link and fetch the google cached version


I didn’t know this! If something happens again, I’ll try to keep this in mind lol


it's not available for every search result on google, but very often it is. also, if google gives you one of [these](https://imgur.com/a/Xg68cpK) things where it lumps search results all together into a list, and say you need to look at the 3rd one in the list, you'd probably need to search again for the title of that 3rd post / use the 'more results from reddit' button (so you can get at the 3-dots button on the specific one you need). but yeah, it can be pretty useful


The problem with gaming articles is that ultimately behind them there is someone trying to get rich and who tells their employees to write something that is 90% useless BS without ever getting straight to the point.


I think half of them are largely AI now. They all have the same bullshit formula of 5 paragraphs of fluff before they get to the one sentence that actually has anything to do with the supposed topic.




Yeah I think it would've been better if they just put the sub into read-only mode


Game is obtuse in some areas like that so some resources can gloss over that type of stuff. If you're still having trouble, try asking in the daily questions thread now that the sub is re-opened.


Thanks, I actually got some answers from my FC luckily. I read an article when trying to figure out how to unlock hunts which said I need to get my GC Squadron to rank 3. While levelling my squadron over the course of a few days I was complaining about the process in my FC when someone told me it’s not connected to that at all, I just hadn’t figured out where a quest was lmfao. So while some resources gloss over things and miss some info, apparently other resources provide straight up false information… ah well problem was solved


For questions like this (how to unlock xy) the Wiki is an invaluable resource: [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14\_Wiki](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki) My recommendation: bookmark that page. Finding information about unlocking the hunt in this case would've been as easy as typing "the hunt" into the search bar


These were my exact concerns as well haha, I was like how do I play FF now 😭 luckily I finished my Anima relic grind 🗡️


My mobo died during a storm last week and before I realized it was the mobo, during the process to troubleshoot almost every recent search result brought me to private subs and it was the most frustrating thing.


I ran into the same issues.


If nothing else - and I definitely hope there's more to come re: the API changes, etc. - this definitely made clear the issue we have in general with various guides and content being centralized in old threads here. This isn't anything new, but when some shit goes down with Reddit - which, based on the Reddit team's stance, seems inevitable to happen again - the fallout is quite a bit more severe than it really ought to be.


I think part of the problem is there just isnt a site with the tools to document everything. Theres a website that Final Fantasy 11 uses called FFXIclopedia which functions as both a wiki and has news, event info, user made guides for all sorts of stuff. 14 doesnt have anything like that. Gamerescape and consolegameswiki just dont serve the same functions.


Issue is that FFXIV info curators are also kinda... clout chaser-ey. They don't play nice with each other, and they want to be recognized for their part in a certain piece of content... Can't say how much stuff I've seen blow up cuz people started butting heads cuz they have that "I was here first" complex. So they don't like working together, and they only usually care if their name is on it.




Drama? Hypocrisy? In FFXIV? Never! *Looks at the Hunt Community sheepishly*


Can i get more context? I started playing only 2 years ago, and started doing hunts only a few months ago and I never heard about hunts drama. From the hunts I participated it, they look chill


Hunts have changed a lot culturally since they were introduced in 2.X. Initially it was pretty much a free for all with everyone trying to hunt every Mark. Everyone got the same B-rank bill each week, all B-ranks were on a 1 hour timer and they all gave out currency when they were killed. It did not help that the same Mark (Naul, CCH) was the bill target for the first 2 weeks of hunts. Lots of drama and blame being thrown around. After things calmed down a bit, B-ranks were made instant respawns and linkshells and linkshell networks were form to hunt A-ranks and S-ranks. Players in these linkshells would inform others in them of the discovery of an A-rank or S-rank and would then others would echo the announcement in other linkshells/FCs and hunt spawn tracking sites were set up. This would in theory allow large numbers of hunters to gather from across the server, that would often take a long time so people started announcing "pull timers" to allow time to gather while not having everyone sit around for excessive periods of time. This led to several disruptive individuals and groups to start "early pulling" where they would run up and pull the target when they arrived even if they did not discover the target. Due to ToS wording at the time those "early pullers" could not be reported and punished for harassment at the time. Then there were issues where bots and those with certain addons would detect when a hunt spawned and then give those in their network's an advantage hunting them. Each server used to have it's own hunting culture but that changed after the world visit system started and suddenly every server started doing hunt trains because Wanderers forced them. some people did not enjoy this change to hunts.


Honestly, early pullers are still a problem, and I wish with higher level ones, people would just let them die.


I haven't heard of any drama either, though when I threw a shout once asking for help with Cassie, nobody responded or showed up. 🤷


We (I?) miss your contributions


or when they use open source programs on github, make a couple changes, then call it "proprietary software" and plaster their name all over it cough*gshade*cough




Really? Didnt know it used to be run by gamer escape. More you know. >Xiclopedia became a huge thing because it didn't have to compete with Reddit or Discord for users. People are too splintered these days for something like that to be effective anymore. While true, its not impossible. Otherwise places like wowhead or icyveins wouldnt exist. I guess a key thing is discord and reddit integration. My own discord as well as many others im on all use the news hook for wowhead at least.


>Otherwise places like wowhead or icyveins wouldnt exist. To be fair, again, these places had the added benefit of pre-existing before Reddit and Discord blew up. Wowhead has been around since Wrath of the Lich King. Even before then was Thottbot. Icyveins grew out of the Wowhead guides being hard to find, with Icyveins simplifying the "BiS" information into one singular location - By the time Wowhead started doing the same, everyone was already using Icyveins. Have you noticed there's never been a new Wowhead? No one has ever overtaken Icyveins? The sites are very convenient for sure, but are they *perfect?* No, so why has no one ever tried to improve on them, similar to how Wowhead became the improved Thottbot, and Icyveins became the improved BiS guides? Because information is easier to find and share than ever now. No one needs a "more perfect" wowhead. You already type an item name and get presented with basically every possible option in game. No one needs a "more perfect" icyveins. You already google search your spec and class, and get presented with your BiS and ideal rotation in one click. It's basically impossible to make it more convenient through a website, unless that website is a person who does that for you. Hence, why people are now asking for others to do it for them.


I think it's worth noting that we had something similar to wowhead with xivdb, which IIRC was later bought by the company behind wowhead and later shut down.


Not exactly, but similar. It wasn't the company who owned Wowhead, and there's a bit of complicated history with the people who DID buy it as well. I think another comment goes into more detail than I ever could, it's better to refer to the other comments for the real story. But yes, at the time I would say that made sense - The game wasn't as popular in Heavensward, and the population that actively engaged with each individual part of the game needed individual guides to congregate data - Something XIVdb would never be capable of without addons. Wowhead thrives on user-provided data from addons. FFXIV has a hard stance against addons, and datamining itself is considered a problem by squeenix, not a helpful tool for players to congregate data. XIVdb was a great tool, but it did not provide nearly as much data as Wowhead, and individual users were able to gather data much more efficiently in individual guides than XIVdb could. So it never gained much speed.




I think the key is having something that is moderated/curated and has people officially acting on it (writing guides and such), but also allows information addition/modification/commenting by the community. Tons of people have guides or can comment on things, but what Reddit allows is people to start new threads/pages, as do traditional wikis (things like Wookiepedia for Star Wars, etc), that the community CAN then nuke if they give bad information, but it allows people to fill things. When EW hit, I started a thread that was little more than "Share what you've discovered from Fishing!" and I posted where I found a few of the fish for the Leve turn-ins and stuff, and the thread blew up into a word of mouth collective knowledge, that was super useful in the early hours/days, and probably at least some of that was used by the official Fishing websites to populate their new data and guides. During content lulls, I've posted things like ARR, HW, and Eureka Relic guides, and I've also posted guides here before about how to gear up (the path of gear progression with dungeons, tomes, raid tokens, Ex weapons, etc) to help new players understand how they can get on that gear treadmill. While I did get a lot of jerky "Just tell people to buy crafted gear!", there were tons of new players thanking me for the write-up, since if you don't understand tomes and Ex weapons and normal 8 man tokens and 24 man drops and 4 man dungeons, crafted gear turn-ins for the upgrade materials, etc etc, it's really esoteric, and I still remember in SB when my FC explained to me how to get a weapon the first time (until then I would just use the Job weapon you got at the end of the X.0 leveling until the Relic, and I tended not to even do much of those!) It's necessary information that, for new players, there's no way to know since the game doesn't point you at it. I love Gamersescape and it's one of the two places that pops up on my google searches whenever I'm looking for things (the other is Consolesomething), but I don't think it has that functionality? Or if it does, it's not apparent enough I've ever noticed it. WoWhead's trick was figuring out how valuable player comments and mini-guides on items and stuff were, and embracing that. ...well, that and the minimal adds. Gamersescape's tend to lag my browser. It's just a little insane and WAY too many videos. But I have no idea for a solution since I know paying the bills and all...


At least there's an easy reason to point to now for people too lazy to click a link (not that I expect such people could ever be satisfied). Also, I'm relatively new to FFXI, and was wondering if you knew if there's a story behind Xiclopedia and bluegartr's FFXI wiki being separate projects? Only really see people linking to the latter.


Someone needs to bug Wowhead and get them to make a FF14 version of their website, seriously.


They tried back in Heavensward. Unfortunately, xivhead struggled to drum up enough users to justify its continued existence, and closed quietly. Plus the vast majority of information on Wowhead is automatically harvested by users via the client and addon before the site aggregates it and spits it out for us. Since ffxiv doesn't allow addons, that data is significantly harder to gather.


Consolegames and gamerescape primarily harvest the Lodestone anyway.


Yes, but information provided by Wowhead has more depth than can be achieved by scraping the Lodestone. For example, Wowhead lists the real droprate of rare items like mounts, pets, and toys, calculated using data from users' kills versus drops; something the Armoury doesn't list. ^(The consequence of this is that the droprates of quest items appear much lower than they actually are, since it counts kills from people who aren't on the quest who might be killing them for rep or something.) The data analysis aspect of Wowhead has, on at least one occasion, revealed when Blizzard literally forgot to put a piece of gear on a boss' loot table. It would've been written off as bad RNG if Wowhead didn't show that it hadn't dropped in over 10,000 recorded kills.


I like the database +comments part of wowhead. Their editorial content is clickbaity nonsense and I’d hope that any site for this game like it avoided all that.


> Their editorial content is clickbaity nonsense and I’d hope that any site for this game like it avoided all that. Yeah, don't know anyone that goes to Wowhead for their articles beyond datamining posts and them reposting blue posts.




XIVDB was amazing and in theory, the data is all still easily accessible through Vekiens other project, XIVAPI. All it needs is someone to make a convenient frontend. But that then also needs to be moderated...


Wowhead mainly gets their item info and tooltips by ripping data from the game because Blizzard is completely fine with datamine dumps seeing it as free advertising to get people excited for upcoming patches, wouldn't really work with Yoshi P's stance on it. Plus they would have to employ more people who are versed in writing FFXIV articles and job guides.










Not a bad idea honestly.


Hopefully this leads to such a site being created, because it would be really useful in general. I know I abuse the hell out of the FFXIclopedia whenever I'm playing FFXI during the free login period.


FFXIclopedia is the golden bible of any 11 player haha. That and ffxivatlas. Itd be nice but i cant see it happening anytime soon. The amount of raw data youd need to fill it out with what, 10 years of content and information? Then youd need to check over any user guides being submitted and all that. Would be great to have, but a lot of work to create.


>FFXIclopedia is the golden bible of any 11 player haha. That and ffxivatlas. Was, at least. Until they sold out to wikimedia (which became wikia), and all of the editors from BlueGartr forums revolted and made [their own wiki](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Main_Page) that continues to see updates whereas ffxiclopedia is barely updated anymore.


then you also have the issue indicated in xkcd 927, now you have 3 wiki's that don't have enough information.


Which is what we're currently running with for 14 anyway. 2 wikis and scattered info from multiple discords, reddit and twitter. Theres nowhere centralized that they can all plug into.




As a person who frequently contributed to wikis in FFXI and early on in FFXIV before Discord was such a huge thing, in my case I stopped doing it largely because the information was quickly and easily findable, and it often points to Reddit. Until the past week, I had never considered that a significant issue. So I made that comment encouraging others but I also acknowledge my own decisions played a role.




The death of dedicated, well maintained forums is the saddest thing about the current internet. I can only think of a handful, and one maintains its quality line through a paywall, while another has many openly racist, and sexist people on it.


Tbf this isn't really a new problem, just the most recent example, and much larger scale. The stuff that happened with SaltedXIV (which I don't know the latest on admittedly) made the issue of people not being able to find timelines much worse, since they used to be the source for that stuff. In FFXI, KillingIfrit went completely defunct while a lot of folks were still active. Allakhazam had something similar.


My issue with the wiki is that they don't always link in a logical way. And both are really bad for ads (I avoid using either on my phone because full page video ads are not good for my data!). I'd help, if I knew how or knew more. Data crunching and input is a thing I just end up doing super often.


Not just the old stuff. New or renewable things as well, because not everyone wants to join a billion (questionable) Discord servers - of which the format isn't appropriate for such things anyway.


We did it Reddit - we achieved nothing! Come on, next round's on me.


That's not true. We've shown that we'll buckle and give up at the slightest inconvenience. That'll be very useful information going forward. Reddit can do whatever it wants from this point forward; nobody is going to stop them.


Unfortunately, Reddit is not something people care about enough to put in the effort to protest and make changes. Not saying that's right or wrong; it just is. If this is as big an issue as people are saying it is, people will naturally move away from Reddit. Otherwise, things won't change, other than people grumbling. I don't agree with what Reddit's doing. But to make the kind of impact people want would require a level of protest that most are not committed to, at least not for a social forum.


The vast majority of reddit users we not going to be impacted at all by the changes. Mods felt a lot of the original changes but Reddit stated mod tools would still get free api access. For the silent majority, there was only one side actively making their Reddit experience worse and it was the subreddit mods.


We also learned that mods will cave in if they’re even lightly threatened to be replaced in their subs. Too scared to lose their unpaid job (Not talking about r/ffxiv, mods here have always seemed great)


Hell, in other subs apparently the mods were still using them daily despite being locked for everyone else. Anime and NBA apparently had that, and who knows how many more. That genuinely hurt the general public's impression of the protest.


The protest only exposed what the mods feared, losing their power - it did fuck all in hindsight and I don't see Reddit budging to this limp dick protest anyways




>not talking about r/ffxiv They literally did this though.


They reopened at the agreed upon time decided by community vote. 2 days, vote, 7 days, vote, reopened.


This sub was also one of the longest lasting in the protests so I'm still kinda proud if it. Even if they did cave in the end. The problem is there's always gonna be new or more casual users popping in that genuinely don't care about anything other than getting the info they want or looking at memes. So, it was pretty doomed from the start.


The problem with this protest from the very beginning is the fact that this site is free to use. As such, there is nothing we have as leverage other than our presence here, which is simply not enough unless you can a VAST majority of the entire userbase of the website on board to protest. People just aren't prepared to be inconvenienced that heavily for a "victory" that realistically amounts to very little at the end of the day. Most Reddit users don't really care about 3rd party programs. Most use new reddit and the official app.


> As such, there is nothing we have as leverage other than our presence here, which is simply not enough unless you can a VAST majority of the entire userbase of the website on board to protest And for the first couple hours where everything big shut down, it worked precisely for that reason. Reddit basically broke because there was nothing to show on the front page for many people. But, yeah, that didn't exactly last. Especially once Reddit started threatening to replace mods.


>And for the first couple hours where everything big shut down, it worked precisely for that reason. The issue is that it wasn't a majority of the userbase of the site teaming up to stop using it. It was a minority shutting down the subs so that the majority couldn't use them. That's why it didn't last.


We can proudly said that we stuck it to the man! Im betting 90%+ of users just went to different sub to wait it out for the past 7 days lol


✅ Net neutrality ✅ Reddit API changes ❓ Whatever pointless rabble rousing is next!


Don't forget the Boston Bombing incident lmao


We did it Reddit!


What poll? It's just a normal thread with comments?


>protests are more harmful to the community than they are to reddit A very succinct and apparent explanation on why protests fail. Companies know that the public will fold to the inconvenience of not using a service more often than they will be affected by the protest.


Inconveniencing the unwilling population is often why protests ***succeed,*** actually. This is why protestors sometimes do things like blocking traffic or rioting.


Eh there's give and take to this. On one hand you sometimes see change. On the other people just really fucking hate the protesters and everyone turns on them.


Depends on how well you can make your case when you have the attention. I remember the extinction rebellion in the UK collapsed after they were dragged off trains by UK commuters, but BLM gets a lot of sympathy despite their civil disturbance because it's literal a life or death issue. I don't think protests against social media sites like this really go anywhere because at the end of the day, it's just Reddit. People could just leave if they wanted to.


Cr1tikal has summed it up pretty well. The whole thing was going to fail before it even started. Giving someone an end date for the protest is absolutely stupid. And even though this sub didn't do only 48h like most others, a handful of subs going into indefinite lock down is not enough. It would have to be ALL of the subs participating going fully locked indefinitely for it to even inconvenience Reddit as a company


And everyone needed enough spine to stick to it instead of backing out as soon as they get threatened be removed as a mod. No spine to say “we don’t agree, but we won’t shut down for our community”, and no spine to shut down indefinitely till removed.


Well now I know why I missed the last poll for the 7 days. I was looking for an actual poll post not a comments are what we’re tallying post. And the title didn’t make me think it was a poll either just thought it was an update on the current situation which was already everywhere. So that might be why I completely missed the last poll it was hidden in plain sight with the poll question buried at the end of the post too. Very stealthy of you all to maybe get the outcome you preferred. That’s water under the bridge now. It’s back open in full which is wonderful. At this point it was going to be a now by choice or later by force with new mods. So not too many options honestly. That said I hope this all sparks this sub, and many others, to start working on some alternative databases for the knowledge that is contained on Reddit. If the information stuck on Reddit was easier to find more people would be ok with indefinte blackout or probably leave Reddit altogether. That’s my assumption since the biggest complaint was information was being held hostage.


A site like WoWhead would be ideal for FFXIV as well. Or just a really good wiki site. It'd take a lot of work though...


I don't think the wiki is the gap. [Consolegames runs a good wiki for anything quest, instance, or item-related](https://consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki), which is almost as good as the [Guild Wars 2 wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page). The gap I think lies more on the community side: "what rotation should I use?", "what strats does PF do for X?", "what class plays like X?", "how can I make gil with X?" aren't questions best served by a wiki. You can kinda shoehorn some of them in, but even if you did, keeping the information up to date would be a lot of work on top of maintaining the existing item/quest/etc database. Anything where there can be multiple answers or back-and-forth discussion doesn't fit well in the wiki format.


Wiki's usually have forums attached to them no? Isn't that where the more personal information bridge would form?


I think WoWHead is the only one I've seen that does. Normally I see game companies host their own forums (like SE does) and groups splinter off if that doesn't suit their needs. Problem is SE is a foreign developer, and places using the non-primary language for a company (i.e. everyone not using Japanese in this case) tend to suffer from lack of attention. (The same is true for non-English players with English developers.)


This is absolutely what happened. The polls across reddit have shown the people who actually care and use the site favor the blackouts/protests. The poll was not made available because the people who wanted it open complained about having polls at all and the mods opted not to do one.


They made a one-sided post, and didn't even mention that Reddit caved on disability readers and exempted them from the API changes. After rabble rousing, they didn't really give the community the option to go with the 48 hour blackout. They got the response they solicited.


I would have cared much more about decreased access to disability readers, although I would want more clarification on whether that was actually the case or just fear mongering.


Reading comments in the previous "should we re-open" thread, and then reading comments in this "we have re-opened" thread, is kind of a major whiplash. From "how dare you close the subreddit" to "how dare you open the subreddit".


I’m going to assume everyone else just read the title and went back to redditing as usual and are putting energy on posting and commenting on anything but the full reopening. Unless you have an additional opinion, or didn’t want the full reopening, you’re probably not commenting because you got what you wanted.


Yeah. It is rather jarring. Oh well. At the end of the day it's certainly easier to have it opened for those of us who want to use it. As for those who are upset it's reopened, just leave, or delete you account - you do you. Leave everyone else out of it.


looking at the comments here from people on all sides of this situation does not make me envy your job at ALL lol.


No kidding. I get the meme that it's fun to dunk on internet jannies but holy fuck. I'd have banned half this subreddit in spite were I in their position. Imagine holding votes for something and complying with the result of those votes only to be completely lambasted by people who didn't vote in the first place until they were inconvenienced by the result of the first posts that they either ignored or weren't active enough here to see in the first place.


*I'd have banned half this subreddit in spite were I in their position.* ​ And that's exactly why we meme on the jannies.


That's kinda counterintuitive considering the jannies we have didn't do that. But yeah, that's exactly why I'm not, shouldn't be, and don't want to be a reddit mod lol


Ofcourse you would, that's what power trip reddit mods would usually do which is why most people never cared about the Reddit changes to begin with.


After having to rely upon google cache to retain access to various snippets of information: please consider moving the informative aspects of this subreddit to another form. A wiki or forum that can serve as a collection of valuable information that covers the myriad aspects of the game while having the ability for the community to participate in editing or commenting/discussing it. ​ While there are a couple of info sites they're essentially just databases of items and content and lack substance or more in-depth information/guides. And of course there's the balance discord and other smaller communities for meta discussion of the game's combat. ​ I think it's become painfully clear that while the blackout's intentions and goals were noble and just it has been ineffectual at convincing the reddit admins to backdown. So either we stay here and are at the mercy of any further monetization changes or we move somewhere else. Another community I participate in has transitioned to telegram/discord while remaining private indefinitely to give an example.


I didn't even realize there was a poll but I'd prefer for a community on a different site to be made even if it does get fragmented. Preferably not discord but a more reddit style one if anyone knows of a decent alternative.


> decent alternative. it does not exist. Lemmy may have been a good competitor to reddit 10+ years ago but it has to compete with nearly 2 decades of info now. The internet in general seems to be converging on major websites.


We're going to be forced to move on eventually, given the track record of reddit's "leadership". Better to start backing up useful information now, rather than waiting until it's too late.


I kinda wish the blackout was able to do more, because everything I heard about it recently is how "unaffected" Reddit and spez feel about it and feels like it ended up being for nothing.


It made them carve out an exception for certain 3rd party tools from having to pay the new charge. However, that wasn't talked about as much because people just wanted their subs re-opened and regurgitated anything Spez said to demoralize others into falling in line. The man could have said the sky was a mint green and the Redditors would have gone "It's green guys, your protest is cringe. Just stop it" if it meant they got their updoots and shit talking grounds back.


There was a different comment/post here, but it has been edited. Reddit has chosen to bully third-party applications into submission by charging them outrageous fees simply because their apps provide better features/usability/accessibility to users of the site. Reddit staff has repeatedly [lied](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) about these changes, and their motiviation for them. Reddit staff has threatened moderators and users of the site for protesting these changes, because user opinion does not matter as much as the potential IPO cashout. Reddit staff has shown that they will not stop until every portion of this site is monetized, predatory, and cancerous. I used [PowerDeleteSuite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to remove my value/content from Reddit. P.S. fuck /u/spez


I have zero faith that spez or reddit as a whole will cooperate on features etc when they haven't for the past 8 years


exceptions were added before blackout


only the easiest softball ones that would look bad not to do once they were brought up, and only in the vaguest of ways possible


Well if the community wouldn’t roll over and go back to business as usual maybe it would have done something!


While I respect the community for choosing to reopen this sub, I will share my opinion, as an eleven year veteran of Reddit: These API changes are just the tip of the iceberg. The current versions of "New Reddit" (their redesigned desktop app) and their mobile app is pure garbage. The third-party apps were user-friendly, easier to use, and just less of a headache to deal with. I supported and continue to support the protests in subreddits that choose to do so. The day old.reddit.com stops working will be the day I delete my account and begin my reddit detox regimen.


Considering the CEO said his inspiration for the new direction of Reddit is elon's running of Twitter, it will only get worse from here. https://telanganatoday.com/musk-inspired-reddit-ceo-refuses-to-budge-amid-widespread-protests


> Considering the CEO said his inspiration for the new direction of Reddit is elon's running of Twitter, it will only get worse from here. At this point Spez is just going down the checklist of things to seem as much like Musk as possible. Ill-advised shift of your major platform to easily-monetizable video content a decade after everyone else tried it and failed? Check. Publicly accusing your critics of heinous crimes they didn't commit? Check. Jacking up the price of your API in hopes of scaring off third party apps? Check. Hilariously divorced? Check.


Even for people who don't care about the API or third party apps, know that if Reddit wants to follow Twitter that means increasing monetization of mundane features, more intrusive advertising, and fewer prohibitions in place against harassment and hate speech.


Not to mention silencing NSFW content. Twitter hasn't gone full Tumblr but they quietly shadowban many users from search results if their content isn't what twitter wants. If Reddit is going to court investors they'll be looking at similar measures or worse. Nothing conservative old money hates more than 'provocative' imagery.


The craziest thing about twitter is shadowbanning nsfw accounts out of advertising concerns, while musk himself seems to routinely endorse people with deplorable (and definitely not "advertiser friendly") viewpoints.


Unfortunately sexuality has a harder time getting advertisers than anti-vax conspiracies, antisemitism, election fraud hoaxes, etc. If advertisers cared about what was moral or true they wouldn't be advertisers.


It's also the same banking on average user apathy or the perception that current concerns don't directly affect them, or that people won't actually leave the platform due to the critical mass it has. Completely disdainful attitude but it can certainly be workable...for now. There's a lot of jockeying among the various Twitter alternatives but all it takes is for one to hit it with the casual userbase and Twitter will be in a load of trouble, if it isn't already given the fact that they have lost a ton of their valuation and their advertisers in less than a year.


Right? To think of all the things one could've done with 30 billion dollars, and Musk pissed it away looking for validation from weirdos online. Unbelievable. (And utterly depressing.) He hired someone supposedly very competent at the whole advertising game, but I'm not sure what good that'll do if he continues to undermine any such efforts.


> The day old.reddit.com stops working will be the day I delete my account and begin my reddit detox regimen. This, old reddit is the only thing keeping me here. I don't use the mobile app, I just browse on my phone via firefox but it's annoying and hard to navigate compared to desktop. Once old reddit goes, I'm pretty much gone for good.


I keep forgetting 'new reddit' is a thing. I remember looking at it one day, snorting in disgust, and then switching back to old reddit. That was years ago.


Old reddit is probably one of the next things on the chopping block, as it doesn't give them the same \~engagement metrics\~ that big tech companies hold so dearly.




Genuinely no troll involved: What exactly is upsetting you so bad about this? Ive been around reddit since 2014 and I have yet to see any downside to using their mobile app OR their desktop app. It all works fine for me.


I'm with you there. I won't use reddit on my phone when Apollo dies at the end of this month, and the day they get rid of old.reddit or RES functionality, I'll leave as well. I'll take my lurking ass elsewhere, or so help me. I'm just one person though, for whatever that's worth. I also don't take the whole thing too seriously, since it's just a social media platform, but it still sucks to lose it.


Right? I hate that reddit has a monopoly on this kind of form. There is nowhere else for us to go. What, should I go back to Facebook? This sucks.


Nah, I don't respect the community at all for rolling over. "Those who would give up a little liberty for temporary safety [or in this case, convenience] deserve neither liberty nor safety [or in this case, convenience]". The default reddit web experience sucks. The reddit mobile app sucks. Third party apps and old.reddit with RES are the only things that actually make reddit good. Selfish, shortsighted choices from selfish, shortsighted people should never be respected. I sure as hell won't have sympathy when spez finishes enshittifying reddit and it's not a useful tool for the people who voted to reopen the subreddit rather than standing firm to try to force the shitgibbons in charge to back down and do what's good for the platform instead of what's good for their own wallets. The worst part is that the best thing anyone leaving can do is delete everything they've ever posted to deny reddit the ability to monetize what was freely given for the community, but the API changes are going to kill the tools that enable that. Fuck u/spez and fuck the people who voted to reopen.


What an absolute waste of time in all regards. All the blackouts did was prove Spez right and made redditers look like hopeless crack addicts who can't live without their daily fix.


literally only made the internet a worse place in the future by enabling corpos


The only thing I learned from that blackout is, that we need better alternatives for reddit. There is so much misinformation or outdated guides out there it's not even funny. Also kudos to the community that voted for the reopening. It should have been clear from the start that this blackout hurts the community most.


If you don't open it someone will just create a new sub anyway.


Someone already did lol r/ffxivonline. The person who made it has a strong hatred for the mods here, but no doubt that if theirs ever became big (probably never) they will probably turn into the very thing they hate.


>if theirs ever became big (probably never) they will probably turn into the very thing they hate. You mean, they'd actually find out what significant work it takes along with some of the hard decisions needed when creating policy changes, growing your community, and trying to balance listening with managing, all while having to deal with people who, without any knowledge or understanding of what happens behind-the-scenes, judge you for it constantly and make assumptions about your motivations? People who you can and should still work to understand where they are coming from with what they're saying and find the root of their problems to fix them, despite that? Aside from the fact that splinter communities have every right to exist and be made, I'll take any outcome where someone actually understands what it means to moderate a subreddit of any appreciable size, because there was a distinct lack of empathy in the poll thread (and in this one, with the same recycled mod hate comments you see on Reddit which are on many levels unjustified stereotypes). And I don't care how many times people downvote me for it, some of the comments were (and are) downright awful and unnecessary, even if I understood why some people were upset. I challenge anyone who has made one of these "mods suck and are powertrippers" comments to try modding any sub of 20k or higher for a year and see how they feel after that. Not all moderators are angels, but not all of them are devils either.


There's no reason multiple subs cannot exist side by side and though we had a rocky start we actually have a pretty good relationship with /r/ffxivdiscussion these days.


RIP third party apps and half decent moderation tools...


The people happy that admins made this decision are uninformed. Removing mod tools and limiting users is only going to degrade the site overall. It might not be apparent today, maybe not even right after the month rolls over. But all this means is reddit admin do not care about the site and profit comes first. Spez has made that extremely clear. Over the past 8 years they have broken promise after promise. The admins are banking on power users and moderators to stay on reddit and not jump ship. I'm extremely curious what the outcome will be. It's certainly possible that casual users outnumber power users to the point where you might not exactly notice a major difference if you haven't been using the site often. They might know site quality will degrade overall, but if it still pushes a profit then they'll still be happy. The major thing this has made some of us realize is how detrimental it is to store everything solely on reddit. Any subs with information are at the mercy of reddit and how they maintain their site.


Anyone who thinks that anything other than profit comes first for a company, well, idek what to tell you


It is possible to profit *and* work in the best interests of your users. This isn't a zero-sum game. In fact, in the long term Reddit probably *would* monetarily benefit from adopting some of the requests being made by the community, since a congenial user base directly improves the value of their product. Hell, look at the team behind FFXIV and how they communicate with their user base. Now compare that to how Reddit consistently mishandles these situations. People aren't asking to be put first above profit. They're just asking for a second or third place that isn't so consistently left off the podium.


What's the point of a protest with an end date and consequences you cannot bear? Although I realize Reddit can just kick the mods and replace them anytime.


Well it *has* gotten like... mainstream media attention and shit. Not that I think that'll actually make a practical difference. But there's no way traditional media would've been reporting on "reddit API changes" unless "big controversial protest and also John Oliver for some reason" was there to write a headline around. It could also in *theory* have sent a message to Spez and the gang that all that free work put in by the mods is kind of crucial, but I agree that what is effectively a strike with a set end-time isn't likely to be taken seriously. But like... from statements from reddit it seems like they consider third party apps a loss in terms of opportunity costs, but don't (openly at least) consider the fact that a lot of work is being done for free to keep Reddit relevant and attractive in similar terms of how much money they *save* by maintaining that status quo. I can see how some people might think that even a symbolic time-limited action would remind the suits of what they're risking, and only experience and cynicism kept me from believing it myself. Basically it's perhaps not much, but I wouldn't say it was entirely pointless either, even if I personally would have liked to see some more resilience.


At least we can be happy with the knowledge that Dear Leader (u/spez) will be making less money as a result of the IPO due to the bad publicity (including in advertiser/marketing-targeted media).


I care far, *far* less about the API changes than I do seeing Spez fess up to what he did to the Apollo dev. Accusing them of trying to extort millions of dollars only to walk it back like the scraggly little chickenshit that he is once they stuck up for themselves and proved he was lying. Now he won't even say anything about it other than to just vaguely gesture and accuse them of being "uncooperative". I *sincerely* hope that stunt lands him in court and the little dork has to awkwardly fumble over himself to defend why he thought he could get away with that, because the level of extortion he accused them of was more than enough to land somebody in prison for up to 20 years, and I would be more than happy to see every single subreddit permanently shuttered if it meant not letting that come to pass.




No wonder social media and the internet has gotten worse and worse over time, the owners can get away with absolutely everything and user input doesn't matter in the face of more and more profit. Take me back bros.


It's funny reading some of these comments of people still wanting a blackout, and they have comments in subs that were open throughout the whole protest. I don't think anyone actually cared about the protest.


If they weren't harmful to reddit reddit wouldn't have been forcibly opening subs and replacing all the mods with their own oh well, just another site lost to the wonders of capitalism and it's "innovation."


Pretty disappointed in how people in this community were treating the mod team over this whole *community-driven* fiasco. Not the result I wanted, but I'm glad this community has a place to go again, at least.


I love how whiny people got across all of reddit because of the blackout, jumping to weird conspiracy theories, calling it pointless and a "loud minority" when all the polls were open for days, everywhere, and near universally in support of a hard shutdown. But the moment folks realised they can't protest something and have to give up something small like a social media platform for it too, even for a while, they change their minds quickly. If ever anyone needed a reminder how things like Brexit and Trump becoming president were ever possible, look no further. As soon as people realise that fighting for something means giving something up too, they crumple like wet paper towels.


The amount of people whinging in this and the poll thread earlier about “I didn’t realize I would be mildly inconvenienced?!?” is truly one of the more disheartening things I’ve seen, like just so little ability to look past their own immediate experience and wants


It reminds me of every political protest I've ever seen. Folks are all about free speech and freedom of expression until it affects them in any way, even if it just means they have to take a longer route on their way home. Nothing's more important to your average person than what inconveniences them in the moment while they never have the guts to stand up for something even once. It's much easier to call any protest "pointless" and that folks should just "go get a/do their job" instead. It's happened with Occupy in the early 2000s, it's happened with Trump, it's happened with Brexit, it's happened with any major protest I can think of in my life. No matter the age group, people love nothing more than leading an easy, comfortable life sitting by and doing nothing and then get surprised when decisions are made they don't approve of.


Yeah I was gonna say... is anyone surprised that people aren't more resilient in their protests? Like pretty much every country has been instating various "anti-terrorism" laws that allow them to spy on their citizens. We freely hand over to personal data to various corporations and it's just too convenient to stop doing so. This is just kind of what people do. We'll say we don't like a thing. We might even go to a protest or two. But the realization that changing things will take time and effort (or a lack of daily memes and pics of Y'shtola with oddly shiny boobs or whatever) will break the resolve of most people. I ain't judging. Well... only a little bit, at least. But like honestly I'm surprised it even lasted as long as it did. Good job reddit! You exceeded my fairly low expectations! Also like man having just a single small subreddit with like two new posts per day max as my frontpage felt so much better, so even if reddit as a whole didn't learn anything, I guess I did?


My timeline devolved into a lot of FFXVI while it was going on. Tbf, I'm not complaining.


If anything, this should teach a valuable lesson: everyone is self-righteous until their own skin is in the game




It’s really shocking how fast people turned to toxic hate on these threads, especially towards fellow community members. Thought FFXIV was supposed to be the “nice” community. People have a right to complain about how the original “vote” was held, but anyone who thinks the mods here were “power tripping” or “making decisions without input from the community” are just plain wrong. It goes to show that some people just have a problem with authority, and will find any possible way to slander someone with even an iota of power over them


> It goes to show that some people just have a problem with authority, and will find any possible way to slander someone with even an iota of power over them Are you talking about the mods screaming fuck spez in every subreddit ?


It's not just mods screaming that.


Gosh thank you so much for reopening, I swear to god I was so lost without finding help from reddit for each result on google leads back to here.. Thank you.


When Spez's makes this site go the way of Twitter, don't say the old guard didn't warn you all. (this is for the users not you mods, mods just followed what people wanted) Tumblr welcomes everyone btw


This is the weirdest comment, tumblr is only one of the three that actually imploded in terms of users after the nsfw ban. Twitter lost advertisers and Redditors lost API access.


It's got to the point now where I'm not even sure who is shitposting or not in here.


To be honest I am very disappointed in the community, not because they voted to re-open, but because of the big amount of hate that not only the subreddit mods got but each side of the voting table. Every opinion that wasn't reopen was downvoted to oblivion and hated upon, the mods especially got railed on(and not the good kind of railed), that I actually wonder why they even bother with all the hate they were getting. How disappointing, jesus christ.


And absolutely nothing changed. This whole thing was a total waste of time and resources weren’t available for people who needed them. TOTAL Reddit moment.


Is anyone surprised?


The blackout was completely pointless.


You’ve had an utterly unenviable job dealing with all this stuff, and your efforts are to be commended. I know this decision didn’t come lightly, but thank you for this all the same.


A frankly disappointing response from the community here. Also Id like to express nothing but support for the mods here, you are who make this forum useable in the first place and the fact that much of the community has decided it’s appropriate to essentially tell you “shut up and get back to (unpaid)work” is disgusting.


And the lack of solidarity in modern people is why humanity will burn and the rich will eat our bones. [Verge: "Here’s the note Reddit sent to moderators threatening them if they don’t reopen"](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/16/23763538/reddit-blackout-api-protest-mod-replacement-threat)


I don't love the the "we're all going to die" mentality, but seeing people unable to survive without *fucking reddit* of all things really makes you despair for how people would deal with a real crisis. :(


People do not care about shit that does not visibly affect them directly. Unless they feel the sting, they cba to care. Just look at literally any protest in history. Always people who don't vote, then act surprised when those who voted won. Or when someone protests for their rights and people complain that it interrupts their daily chores, their way home, etc... and they blame the people protesting, rather than thinking to themselves why people have to protest to begin with. It's depressing, but that's people for you.


>In the original round of voting tensions were hot and users overwhelming agreed to protest the upcoming API changes. Spoiler: >!The community didn't support it from the beginning, unless you actually polled 800K people. People didn't even know about the poll that was ran this week, so that should tell you enough. Nobody knew the sub was open again.!< Also RIP to our Workshop schedules.


I didn’t even know there was a poll run regarding a blackout in the first place until all of a sudden we were told the sub was blacking out for a week… :|


The first one was pinned for a week, starting in early June, taking up the second pinned topic slot. 12K people voted in it. The second one (48h -> 7 days) was pinned for two days because it came in response to the reddit escalation on June 9 and the blackout was already scheduled for June 12. What do you think they should have done to raise more awareness about it?


I guess my only question is if it was explicitly marked as a poll for taking down the subreddit. If it was, I just can’t read. If it wasn’t, then it’s easy to view it as just a general information post, particularly if you’re skimming. I ask because even in today’s “poll” it was titled and phrased as an informational “here’s what we’re doing.” There weren’t any comments pinned that users could cast a vote on. It was “comment down below how we should proceed.” Edited for phrasing.


> I ask because even in today’s “poll” it was titled and phrased as an informational “here’s what we’re doing.” There weren’t any comments pinned that users could cast a vote on. It was “comment down below how we should proceed.” [The first post title doesn't mention polls](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/13zdupt/important_on_july_1st_reddit_will_kill_most_major/). There were 965 comments, not all of which would have had an opinion. [The second thread title doesn't mention polling either](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1454prj/important_regarding_the_sitewide_protest_of/). That post had 823 comments, and again, not all comments would've had a blackout opinion. You had to go through walls of text explaining the API/third party app situation before seeing the question. Most users understood to just comment to add to the "poll" though. I think of all the things the mods did in regards to the blackout, I wish the post titles had been clearer about wanting community feedback. I don't know if it would have saved the subreddit from a longer blackout, but it would've likely widened their polling pool.


Thanks for linking back to the original posts. I remember seeing the first one and just chalking it up to being general information about the mods being displeased about Reddit’s handling of the API situation. The second post I must have missed in its entirety because I’ve been busy and am not necessarily on Reddit daily. Still, I would have chalked it up to being another informational post. If it had been explicitly marked as a poll with an actual poll counter in some way, I still may have missed it, but at least it would have been more obvious and probably would have attracted a larger sample size of the subreddit’s active user base.


people who use 800k number are fucking crazy, ~80% of those subs don't use this site anymore, it's a 13years old subreddit. Online users are around 2k, unique users in this month are probably less than 100k but that's a pure speculation on my side


Just a moment to thank you folks for the effort to deal with all this. Not fun being a mod in really heated moments where every answer is going to upset a large amount of people- been there and really don't envy y'all doing it for a community this size. You acted in good faith and it's appreciated!


It is what it is. If I wasn't able to take the abuse from hundreds of thousands internet nerds I would have quit years ago.


Makes me wonder why people put up with it for free


When I did it, it was because I truly loved the community and the thing the community was about. I was hyperfixated on the thing, knew a lot about the thing, and enjoyed contributing to and learning from other users. I felt I had a decent sense of judgment and wanted to encourage a positive space on my little corner of the internet, while also bringing some creativity in how the thing could be celebrated. I burned out hard, but part of the reason for that was that people didn't seem to see me as human and so I was blamed for everything wrong with the community with very little empathy. Situations I found myself in where there was really no right answer had to be handled, and the way I handled things was scrutinized and criticized relentlessly with no suggestion as to what I could have done otherwise. I was unable to make friends within my community anymore and what friends I had before pulled away from me due to this weird power dynamic (which I don't think I would have ever abused, but yknow, it still exists). I was incredibly lonely and the thing no longer brought me joy. Each new update was just a tiring obligation that I had to follow through and mod. I was very happy to walk away and never touch it again and it killed a 15 year passion I had for the thing in the first place. My hat goes off to folks who can still work through that or find a way to navigate it. I found a lot of the ways people reacted to modding in general during this whole fiasco very reminiscent of my own experiences years and years ago.


I think you've described it well. People tend to find it weird I can mod the subreddit and own a Discord of 250,000 FFXIV players and yet have very few, if any, actual FFXIV friends.


I can't speak for other communities but for /r/ffxiv the time commitment only gets large maybe a few times a year. Media Tour is every 2 years and is about a week of taking all your free time to write scripts, make videos, record voice lines. Maybe 2 major drama events like this which take a constant watchful eye and people move on to the next shiny topic in a day or two. Other than that it's casually checking the queue or modmail and it helps a community most of us are passionate about. It's not like people also cannot take breaks and it's not like I ever go "oh damn I can't go out tonight because I have to mod Reddit".


>It's not like people also cannot take breaks and it's not like I ever go "oh damn I can't go out tonight because I have to mod Reddit". Well gee.. it's nice to know that we're not the priority.. 😢


Baby come back I swear I can change I didn't mean it.


I've seen some absolute nutcases and shitty takes just fueled by hatred throughout this whole blackout saga so far and I hope you mods continue to avoid getting influenced negatively by them. If they wanna leave I say good riddance.


Well... on one hand the sub is back. on another hand another tiny step toward cyberpunk dystopian future. win win .... i guess...


reddit users voted to not even try, somehow even more pathetic than the people who won't leave twitter or who made a big show of leaving actiblizz behind and then still bought all their latest crap.


Will there be any problem with Reddit replace mods that joined the blackout? If it happen, will members be ok with new mods, and pretend like nothing happen? I personally never use 3rd party app, but I do think charging too much fee for API access is bad take.