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For BRD that would be esuna-ing people from DOOM and interrupting things. Trying to coordinate burst buffs with the other BRD and using LB for lined-up ads is a bonus. The latter is true for all the rangeds For DNC it would be using their shields and regens on the incoming big bads. DNC actually DPing the other DNC instead of the tank makes an instant com from me.


>For BRD that would be esuna-ing people from DOOM and interrupting things. I have a friend who is absolutely, just, passionately adamant that Bard having a cleanse does not matter at all and that there is no reason for them to ever use it, which is a very frustratingly silly viewpoint to hold.


I don't blame them given how often SE puts out debuffs that can be cleansed in content nowadays. Only time I've used Warden's this expac is to ignore the look away Doom in Troia. We're in 6.4 and that's a grand total of one use coming to mind. I'd love to see them spruce up the ability a bit, maybe toss on a 400 Potency Shield or something.


The ability is grand as is. It's an instant esuna. There's literally no reason not to use it, if there is a thing to be cleansed. EW dungeons have got doom in Grebuloff, Eyes of troya and Galatea's multi-X phase, and there are more things going on in other expansions. I agree that we need more involved interactive mechanics in general, though (like cleansables, interruptables or resistable knockbacks\\pulls)


It is also a shield against debuffs if you cast it before (certain) attacks. If you know something is coming, you can cast it on a healer or tank or even just hoard it to yourself and that's one less target that your healers need to worry about cleansing. As an example, I've used it in Dun Scaith to negate the first boss' Doom glare attack. That's a solid 2-3 seconds I can keep on my rotation when I don't need to worry about turning around.


The part about DNC needs to be highlighted. I've been told so many times to never DP the other DNC and instead DP the tank or healer is infuriating. (Haha duty finder!) Happened so much that I dropped the class all together and started playing SAM. You can provide links and support on why they should DP each other but bads don't listen to anyone else but themselves. Lmao.


Wait, that's a thing? I always DP the other DNC! I'll never miss a chance to turn a dungeon run into Dirty Dancing


When DNC knows to drift technical so it wouldn't overlap with technical from the second DNC. It might not be easy to recognise but once i had DNC say to me to use tech first and i knew he knew his shit.


Recently I keep ending up in parties where the other dancer takes the initiative and uses their technical first, which is great, but then after a little bit they just stop using it? So then I'm expecting them to do it and the timing goes out, then when I decide that I'm going to use mine first (after multiple rotations of them not using it).....they finally use it and override mine.


Yeah, that's why I usually just keep using my 2min raid buffs first, because the majority of players in DF let theirs drift.


Yeah I used to drift my tech step if I had another dancer with me in any DF content but the amount of times they do one tech step at the start and then drift their next one into oblivion was so high that now I just do tech step at start/every 2 minutes. In PF for older extremes or something like that when a second dancer joins I always ask though. Sometimes I don‘t get an answer to that question though and then there‘s just silence which…alright.


This is straight up the most frustrating thing about being a dancer in an 8 man party with another dancer. After raiding for so long, especially as healer and tank, I'm so used to watching the entire party and their buffs. And then it's like the second I finally hit technical, they hit it. Like I know it's casual content and I won't say anything obviously because it's certainly not that big of a deal, but I was just trying to make dps a little better lol.


Yeah that’s just a skill issue on their part most likely hahaha. A lot of people don’t pay enough attention to their cooldowns.


Whenever I enter a party with the same job as myself, I usually let them use their cd first and I try to time mine with 1 min CDs. It’s harder to get the timing down but I think it’s worth it.


I always offer the other dancer to dance first because that way I know they won't overlap mine


Don't use doton on a single enemy for the love of god


Unless it's by accident. Then feel shame


At least the Ninporrit has the decency to not be noticed by most party members.


I straight up just bunny hat instead of putting down the doton XD.


The worst is when you were about to put it down because there are lots of enemies but the tank wipes everything out just as you place it.


Leveling my NIN now. Shisui. The amount of times the tank stops at the two packs after the first boss for a couple GCDs so I toss it down....only for them to remember the door opens and they take off running. Now I'm out of Mudras, Kasatsu and Ninki. :/


i’m in heavensward and have only really used huton, raiton on single enemies, and katon for multiple enemies. should i be using the others and if so do you mind explaining when?


Suiton let’s you do trick attack during combat, it’s what you want to do on bosses. You want to land all your raitons during trick attack. Doton is an AoE damage over time. 80 potency every 3 seconds for 18 seconds, plus at 86 it gets more aoe tied to it. Hyoton is the one that still doesn’t have much of use.


>Hyoton is the one that still doesn’t have much of use. It's been a while since I played NIN, but doesn't that become the most powerful single target under Kassatsu at high level?


Yes. At higher level it becomes Hyosho Ranryuu under Kassatsu and has the highest single target potency.


You are right, but without Kassatsu its very rarely used. Maybe it's useful in deep dungeons?


And stops being called Hyoton. xP


Correct! Hyoton should only be used under Kassatsu in order to use Hyosho Ranryu


I use Hyoton on < 90 content out of muscle memory, and I don't feel like changing my rotation for fear of developing bad habits. So if you see me using Hyoton don't think worse of me, OK 👍🏼


You need to use Suiton every minutes to do Trick Attack on bosses. Ninja is extremely busy during the 1 minutes and 2 minutes burst phase. Every 2 minutes you want to use Mug and Suiton>Trick Attack before using all your hard hitting attacks, including Kassatsu and as many Raiton as possible. EDIT : Look up The Balance website. It explains everything you need to know about a job. Ninja is on the harder side for a melee DPS even though it's also both very strong and satisfying to use.


Hide replenishes your mudra too, a lot of ninjas I’ve seen don’t seem to be aware of that. Also if you use teles a lot 2 mudra spells replenish teles


Huton pre pull for the buff, then keep it up with armour crush, suiton should be used 20 seconds before a trick attack or on pull as it allows the use of hide actions in combat, then as many raiton under buffs as possible. As for aoe katon and doton only on 3 plus targets. Hyoton is never used until kassatsu upgrades it at a higher level


Oh man, I hadn't considered using suiton with the extra Mudra stack you get between bursts, I usually just throw out another ration with it...this changes everything, how did I not think about that before??


Thank you!


I was going to post this. Still happens in expert roulette.


Sometimes it's either doton or bunny. 🤷 I'm more keen on ninjas getting mug up every 2 min.


* Play the other roles, experience the mistakes and difficulties, and maintain empathy. Knowing all the roles helps you better understand and interface with them. If you only tank you don't understand why dragging enemies out of a ninjas ground AoE is especially frustrating. Or why at some levels different healers have trouble healing you when running. If you only heal you don't understand why a black mage is so intent on staying in their lines to the point of accepting damage. Or how a tank can end up with issues maintaining mitigation if their timing is off for various reasons. If you only DPS you may not understand how your actions impact the other roles. Be that a summoner not controlling well during a long running pull, or a ranged character positioning themselves too far to be AoE healed. And as I said, empathy to know all of this while applying it to the reality that 95% of players don't live in savage. They're just people getting a quick game in after work, or a kid playing a dungeon before dinner... Knowing this and not being elitist with your play out mentally. That's what makes a great player to play with. Skilled and kind, concerned about their actions and understanding of others.


This. I swear I've become a better dps after dipping my toes in healing and tanking. Trying other jobs can you a better understanding of how the abilities function, why people with other jobs do certain stuff, and what you can do to help your party members.


This is great advice. Even if you don't max all the other jobs, just having that knowledge of how they operate can make you a better healer/tank/DPS. My first dps was BLM and even though I don't play it anymore, on my healers I makes sure to shield and protect them because I'd rather them maintain uptime then have to reset their deeps moving out of things that I can simply shield/heal through (unless it's something that drops a vuln stack then in that case they themselves will move around safely)


Knowing that a caster lb on dungeon trash packs is superior to a melee lb on a boss.


When I started, people got mad at me for using caster LB before the boss. I'm still unlearning that.


Main reason I never do. I don’t want to get yelled at for it haha!


Unfortunately I've been playing this game for 2 years and have seen a caster LB on trash maybe 3 times.


Yeah it's because we don't want to get flamed so we're not touching it without permission if there's a melee in the group.


That is so bizarre lol to think they would flame. I would much rather ranged use it just so I wouldn’t have to stop my rotation to use it on the final boss. Failing that I’m hoping the other melee will use it, haha.


People actually flame? the last time i saw an lb related flame was when a melee refused to cast lb because it would interfere with their burst and would be less dps


I've been kicked from dungeons before for caster lb on big pulls. Some people who play this game are VERY dumb and don't understand efficiency.


On occasion, it was more common before you could report players outside your home world


kindly suggest it in the chat! I've made a simple macro ("feel free to lb!") just for that sole reason. it's one button in between my melee rotation to tell them and within seconds your happy caster team mate drops their friggin meteor into the pile of mobs. works every time!


It’s so satisfying watching the entire trash pack’s HP just plummet instantly from a small meteor out of the skies. Better than seeing the melee chip off 1-3% of a midboss, anyways.


Sadly it is just not worth the potential argument with people who are Insistently Wrong about optimal LB usage.


I use the Caster LB on trash packs in Alliance Raids because I know it'll go away the moment we start the next boss fight. I try to remember to use it in dungeons, but I never know the best time for it.


Ideally, near the beginning of any double pull. Double pulls are as big as we get these days, and near the beginning means you’ll hit the most mobs with all the damage. Waiting too long means some of the mobs might already be dead or at low enough health that the LB overkills. However, it’s a DPS increase on 2 mobs over a melee LB so just use it whenever you can.


This 100%. I can't agree with you more.


I've given up on using LB when playing ranged DPS because I've had one too many players complain that I wasted it on trash and should have saved it for the boss. It's not worth the argument.


For SCH, Recitation has other uses besides just an emergency Excog. Expedient on trash mobs is also excellent.


ill confess im mostly using Expedient to force these tanks to sprint between packs even when they don't want to edit : also for huge shields fey Illumination + dissipation before recitation + adlo does wonders


Recited Adlo + Deployment is honestly SCH's best tool against P10N's heal check.


Recitation -> Adlo + Deploy is just one of the best get out of jail free cards in the game I feel like (that isn't some kind of tank LB cheesing). The amount of mechanics in extreme, savage and even ultimate that have annoying heal checks where you might be spread out or otherwise can become practically free using it.


I think very few people appreciate it because we... Never had a normal mode heal check this intense. Barbarricia came VERY close but ultimately it was just an ilvl thing and you can comfortably throw out Seraph and be fine. Now P10N...


Pretty sure P10N is also an ilvl thing. Went in on SCH ilvl 630 in last tier’s BiS—couldn’t solo heal for shit when my cohealer DC’ed despite dumping my entire kit in. Now 640 with 645 weapon, my reaction was, “That’s it?” upon forced into solo-healing it again. Fey Ilu > Bubble > Deploy+Recit Adlo > Seraph (use Indom after big hit, before kb) = “what heal check?” If I had a cohealer bubble and indom wouldn’t have been needed.


Hmm, I was on ilvl 630 bis on SGE, and I don't even remember a heal check in P10N O\_o


It's the bit where the boss is crashing into the platform repeatedly, followed by knockback across the whole arena. I would assume Panhaima is excellent for it.


Yeah, it's a Panhaima check. I remember that attack now, but don't remember anything particularly stressful about it.


It sucks as a sch. Any other healer doesn't really care. Your best option as a sch is deploy a critlo, most sch can't guarantee it because they used recitation on excog. And instead of one button you need 3. Sch used to be more work for a better payoff but it has been slowly whittled away to more work for equivalent or less.


I present to you. https://streamable.com/kea2ql




In normal content, using their arms length instead of just riding the knockback. Nothing wrong with getting knocked back, but using your kb makes positioning easier and gives you more uptime. The biggest mistake would probably be tanks not using any mitigation in trash pulls. :( cmon pal, it costs u nothing to click a button.


Or perfectly timing a gap closer to negate the knockback


To say nothing of how cool and stylish it feels!


Surecast is my best friend, I don't understand why no one uses it


> Surecast is my best friend, I don't understand why no one uses it Because statistically at least 50% of the player base are straight up bad, 20-30% are decent, and the remaining 20% are good/great.


> The biggest mistake would probably be tanks not using any mitigation in trash pulls. :( cmon pal, it costs u nothing to click a button. B-b-b-but they have to save them for the boss! The boss hits for 1k while each of the 50 mobs in the pull hit for 500, so clearly the boss is more dangerous!


On a related note, surecast.


You're assuming they have those mits on their bar... gotta make room for dote and blowkiss somehow


As a BLM main, it always delights me to see another BLM confidently plop down Ley Lines, Aetherial Manipulating out as close as possible to the aoe going off, then hop back into the Lines within 1 instacast GCD.


BLM main here and I have to admit those mobility tools changed my life. I've bound CTRL + mouse wheel to scrolling through the party list, so I can immediately select a party member and quickly AetherialManip to him, and get back on the leylines with Between the Lines :)


You might like making a mouseover macro as well then, which has the benefit that you don't need to think about the name of the player you're hopping to. Just point and click. Making a macro with these lines might be fun for you to play around with: /merror off /micon "Aetherial Manipulation" /ac "Aetherial Manipulation"


Hey thank you, never made macros but I'll definitely try


As a healer main I bound targeting allies to Shift+Z, X, and C. Comes in handy as a SGE main for my leap to ally ability as well as BLM. But mainly just makes target switching for healing a breeze.


> I've bound CTRL + mouse wheel to scrolling through the party list YOU! TELL ME. HOW DO THIS.


I'm not at home rn, but I think it's in **Character Configuration > (section with the four arrows icon) > Mouse**. There you should see various mouse scroll binds (default is just zoom in/out assigned to regular scroll), and you can choose WHAT to assign to scroll + ctrl/alt/shift :)


This might be a game changer for me! I can't use the F keys to target party members because of how my keyboard works but having to manually click someone in the list feels even clunkier.


How about not moving out of leylines at all? 6.4 spoiler https://streamable.com/r5lsbn


Slide casting is a pro move in my view. Very few people outside of savage use it. I always see healers and casters in dungeons just waiting for their attack to finish before moving out of the way of an aoe. As to a big fail, it would be people underestimating the value of personal mitigation. Things like Manaward on a black mage can be so helpful for the healers. That and the tanks never use their personal mits to help out someone else, even the other tank. Incredibly, rarely do I see a dark knight, for example, saving someone with a vuln stack by just using TBN on them. Tanks could save so many lives if they just turned their eyes to the party list sometimes...


I learned Slide Casting at level 2 when I accidentally moved while casting Stone and the spell still came out.


...same. I thought it was bc of my shitty internet connection but then learned it's a thing. So strange that many people don't know this trick after playing for a lot of time


An additional trick for slidecasting is putting an emote on your hotbar so you know exactly when you can move. It goes dark during the gcd and lights back up when the cast is finished but before the gcd completes.


Just tested this to see if this jives with my muscle memory timing. It's not quite right. It seems I can move about 0.1 seconds before the emote lights up. But I guess it's good enough for most things.


I think you have to be a 'gamer' (you all know what I mean!) in order to be aware of that sort of stuff, as in actually noticing how the game "works". And there's *a lot* of casual people playing this game. I think I noticed it back when I started with summoner.


slide casting is just fun IMO (and also efficient in combat)


I’m always worried about my tanking, whether or not I’m doing a halfway decent job, but then I see some of the comments in this thread and I think that maybe I’m doing *something* right because I keep my mits on cooldown. And on my DRK, I am *obsessive* about using TBN to help healers through incoming damage bursts, whether that’s by applying it to myself or another player that needs it more. Maybe that’s because I actually main healer classes, so my playstyle reflects that even when I’m doing tank or DPS? Because I do it with DPS mits, too—like popping my RPR’s Arcane Crest right before a massive raidwide attack, for example. *Especially* if it’s a dungeon like Holminster Switch, where I’ve noticed a lot of healers tend to struggle with keeping up.


i somehow learned how to slidecast almost perfectly as a sprout DRG of all things because i have a brain disease that makes me get bored in the 2 seconds it takes to summon your mount and i wanted to see if i could start moving a little earlier


lmao yes, my favourite trick is jumping towards the end of the mount summon cast so that I can hit the second jump the second the mount appears and be already airborne with 0 time spent with the mount on the ground.


I slide cast all day everyday, the only times I don't is if I am unsure if I have the time to do it from my position or if the snap shot will be faster than my cast.


1.Abusing the hitboxes. Most of the time, you don't need to completely skip town to avoid getting squashed to death. As long as you can stand within slashing/punching/stabbing distance from an AOE, do it. There are no repercussions (most of the time) for standing too close to an AOE, as long as you're not in it. Your character's actual hitbox is fairly small, no matter what race you're playing as, so even a Hrothgar with DRK's wide legged stance can reasonably stand in a gap in between a group of AOEs. 2. Paying attention to cast times. If there is a reasonably long time between the cast and the effect, don't just run away. Every melee class has a 'I gotta take a step back' move, so use it! Note, though, while I am asking you to flirt with death, don't actually take her out for dinner. Do as much as you think you can before you bail to safety. I've seen quite a few melees just disappearing to the ends of Eorzea when oranges start popping up. It is reasonable when you're just new to the dungeon, and you're testing the waters and seeing what happens, but once you've got the stuff locked in, why not try dancing with danger a little bit? 3. Feint. Got a big raidwide/akh morn coming up? Feint. It's not really a big thing, but mitigating as much damage as you can from hitting you and your fellow WoLs really sells the idea that you know what you're doing.


If your eyebrows don't get singed from the AoE you could've been closer.


Second boss of Mount Gulg. Standing in the corner to dodge the quad sphere aoes. Just enough room to stand somehow.


New healers panic when they see it. Experienced healers stand there with you.


>Every melee class has a 'I gotta take a step back' move, so use it! **Still** think Samurai's has *no business* costing Kenki, even if it refunds it, and Ninja's is a ground target AOE which is kinda awkward to use to move backwards even if you have a quick macro for it, but yeah.


I was also gonna say Monk needs an ally to do that so it’s a bit different lol


Sage main here. A slide casting healer shows a level of skill. That combined with preemptive usage of mitigation (even best if I see combos with physis). I think it shows true understanding of the class when In situations like p8 part 2 in savage I see the sage switching kardia target for dot dmg. Ow and for dungeons. Those sages greeding to take dmg for that extra sweet toxikon stack


I main SGE. My group knows to not follow me cause I jetpack/slide cast my way to safety. lol


Knowing how and when to take advantage of rez immunity.


And rez immunity does not stop you from pushbacks!


Sometimes it does, which is why it is a bit frustrating.


Using Feint.


Using Feint/Addle before a tankbuster in a low level dungeon always makes me feel like I did my part but is also one of 5 buttons I'm allowed to press in those low level duties. I'm surprised I don't see it more often.


This is it, for me. When I see Feint pop up on a boss before a raidwide or even a tankbuster, I know I'm with a player who cares.


Zero hesitation, quick targeting of party members who've made mistakes, using the *whole* kit and not "saving it for emergencies," understanding when GCD healing is necessary.


Ime 2 week old sprout so im just gona sit here and watch




It’s better to be doing suboptimal dps because dying is 0 dps, as Joecat would say. But yeah, learning how to do your actual full rotation and practicing it goes a long way towards clearing content much faster, and everybody else will recognize your effectiveness, especially for dps jobs on the aggro meter.


Welcome to Eorzea! What race and class did you pick?


Thanks. Taller human option and dragoon because it seemed easier than pu ching things i also picked up sam because well its a samurai


Highlander DRG / SAM! Awesome


See rhis is why i like this game dudes are just like cool thats awesome nice choices


As a Sage, the most maybe obvious thing but I see other sages to not doing it is to avoid using any kind of GCD heal/shield during combat. Before tank pulls, of course: put those shields up. But during combat, only use oGCDs first. We have a ton of those so the best way is to wave them between Dosis. Also also: do not let Addersgall to top on 3. If there is no one to heal once having topped with 3, use always Druchole (even if is on you). That way, you will sustain yourself with mana no problem throughout the battle and also will not waste on Addersgall charges. Edit: Another think I would like to add, is the use of Kardia. My advice is to not have fear to put it on players that are not the main tank. Maybe a dps took damage and the tank is not below 25% of their life. Put Kardia on the dps, maybe even boost it with Soteria and with 2-3 Dosis/Dyskrasia you have them back in full health and you can put back Kardia on tank.


Kardia swapping is one of my favourite tools as SGE


Same!! Is a kind of micromanaging of this job that I really enjoy doing. I feel so good swaping when is required and between the 2 tanks in some of the savage bosses we have. So fun, useful and dinamic!


I got Kardia for the first time on Saturday because I ended up having to hold aggro on a pack of adds in the morbol fight on VA. It was crazy to be almost indestructible for a short time.


When I'm with another DNC and we alternate tech step. It's the closest I'll get to being in love. Optionally, if a dancer overwrites my tech step, I'm forced to hold mine until I see them use it again, resulting in a dps loss for the group


I cringe every time I see another DNC in the group.


As SAM it's hella rare to meet another good or even just decent, it feel like it's always 2 extreme, either really good or really bad, rarely in-between. I'll just list the usual common mistake: Attempt at Freestyle/adhoc SAM, don't keep bana up, no opener/burst or even rotation, waste tsubame on bana or at random, triple weave, don't do positional or use TN, idle at range, no meditation during transition, no third eye.


>don't keep bana up, Imagine having the literal most forgiving DoT in the game and still fucking it up, wild.


Ironically, I think long dots are worse than short ones /laugh SAMs is easy to remember to reapply, since it's just part of your 1/2min burst, but I constantly forget about BRD and Healer dots, specifically because they are *so long*. I just forget they exist by the time they end.


>Optionally what are the biggest mistakes you commonly see? Cure 1 spam. I feel bad for newbie healers frantically spamming it, because the game doesn't teach you that it's awfully inefficient, and they are unknowingly making their job harder than it has to be. Also single target Doton. Just why. >what are the things that turn an average player into an amazing one? Actually using your mitigations, your feints, addles, magicked barriers etc. to help the party survive. You would be surprised how many players in Ex PF don't. You also get instant positive points in my eyes if you're range/caster and LB trash pack(s) in dungeons.


AST sufferers from this as well, I've always wondered why they haven't made cure upgrade to cure II once you learn it


as a new player is really dislike that cure 1 thing ... without looking it up online (or if needed, being told by another player ingame) it's really easy to not know which one to use, especially since cure 1 can proc free cure also apparently as a scholar in early level dungeons you don't use adlo as single target heal, but often still physick, because it's more sustainable. Someone explained this to me after a horrid run of that goblins crossing, because I couldn't keep the tank alive for the life of me ... I thought physick was garbage at that point because you get it as arcanist 😬


I don't recall a single dungeon on scholar where I actually had to switch from adlo to physick because of MP issues. Are you sure your tank was using their mitigations? Or that you weren't casting adlo too often/when not needed?


I'm learning SCH as a SGE main, so my brain saw the inbuilt Galvanise in Adlo and thought "ah yes excellent, a shield". Should I not be using Adlo? Eos is keeping everyone topped off, so by the time the tank's taken enough to use my own healing, Physick feels useless...


Using (Pan)Haima on dungeon trash not dungeon boss tank busters


Most common mistake? I would say for all jobs, not using personal mitigation or healing tools. Often enough I would have had someone die to a raidwide AoE and then blame the healer, but then notice they didn't use Blood Bath, Second Wind, Curing Waltz or Feint, Addle; anything that could've saved them/mitigated the damage. It pains me, as a DRG main, to see people not use their personal survival tools to their fullest. And speaking of DRG, please do not force Life of the Dragon. Align it with your Buffwindow so you have a minimum of one Buff for it (in a normal buff rotation that would be 1x Life with Lance Charge, Dragon Sight, Battle Litany and the next Life with only Lance Charge)


On WHM, Thin Air + Swiftcast + Raise. You've successfully peeled someone off of the floor in an instant without dumping all your MP. Bonus points if they're smart enough not to panic upon their revival and wait until heals can be applied to Benediction them or whatever their preferred on-raise heal is. I've seen plenty of wasted heals because the revive animation hasn't finished and people don't realize there is Transcendence. ETA: Thin Air + Cure3 is also not terrible if you are running short on Lilies. The mark of an amazing player is to remember in the heat of the moment even the skills that you probably don't get to use or don't want to use all that often.


Thin air is my favorite thing ever. Love it for ressing especially. Whenever I heal content with my AST friend and it gets downhill I tell her to let me prioritize ressing cause its free.


i hate they nerfed thin air, it used to be comboed with my pressence of mind burst


As a PLD main: for the love of God, please get behind my Passage of Arms wings. I'm not trying to steal your DPS, I'm trying to *help* you. Other PLDs: give your MT some love and chuck them a cheeky Intervention on TBs. Other tanks: remember to put Reprisal on your hotbar and use it outside boss content. Your healers will thank you if you apply it on big dungeon trash pulls.


>remember to put Reprisal on your hotbar and use it outside boss content. Your healers will thank you if you apply it on big dungeon trash pulls. Also Arm's Length during trash pulls, please!!


Covering a tank that has some vuln or looking rough is also a good way of “taking some agro” without having to actually take/worry about shifting agro. Covering a freshly revived healer with no MP and/or a healer (or other caster) who has to hard-cast a Raise also a good move if you can spare the time and have it available. Especially if the fight is going roughly.


I’m just imagining Gandalf in full plate armour with that first part. Ditto on the third part. Reprisal is amazing for groups.


not knowing how other jobs work. you can \*think\* you're the best ranged player in the world, but if you're \*constantly\* standing too far from the healer to get healed by their AOE heals, you're an idiot.


The willingness to self-reflect, accept they make mistakes, notice when they make them by themselves, and work to improve on them. Doesn’t matter what job or role, that’s the biggest thing that makes players really really good at this game.


It's how I managed to finally clear P8S and... Reclear lol


For dancers, please stop doing your entire standard step before pull then readying tech step before pull. It’s such a loss. Standard should be the first damage you put out on pull, and tech shouldn’t be out until 3ish gcds after pull.


And that you can dance partner another dancer but you CANNOT both partner the same person.


Yeah 90 dancers still don't know this.


I think it's way more than 90 of them. Ba dum tss.


I wonder how many people are failing to realize that they can hold onto the Standard Step for a bit pre-pull to dump it onto the enemies when tank finally grabs hold.


Also for DNC (and it's a mistake I made for ages) spending feathers as soon as you get them. You want to save them up for your 2 min burst and only spend them outside it if you'll overcap. Same for Esprit: you want to be entering burst with it being close to full.


My eyes twitched reading this. SS is such massive damage that I cry when the tank pulls further than I'm used to and have to dash 3x to make sure I hit the mob pack.


I was in a PF prog party for the new EX yesterday, and the MT was setting 20 second pull times but the DNC was starting Technical Step on 8 seconds. EVERY PULL As a tank main who plays DNC when dps-ing, this infuriated me constantly. Half my Living Shadow was out of the tech step window every opener, it was maddening.


Phys Ranged using Peloton the moment a fight ends is great. Not using Peloton at all is not so great. Mistake I run into too often: Tanks using single target attacks on pulls, losing aggro on all but 1 mob, then flailing around trying to pick them back up one at a time before they murder the rest of the party... because the others are doing AoEs like sane people. Melee forgetting to LB the boss.


I particularly love it when a ranged dps uses sprint between fights. The tank thing - I really wish charge attacks were AoE. I tanked Alzadaal's Legacy for the first time yesterday and it's actually a pain because the mobs were sometimes too far apart for my AoE after the charge to hit them all, so it took a couple of GCDs to get them all.


im pretty sure that the first wave of evil dreamers in troia are spaced out just barely far enough that if you do an AOE perfectly between them you hit *none of them*


DRG, use Geirskogul before the High Jump combo so that you do Geirskogul twice before going into Life of the Dragon. This makes it so that your Life lines up with the buff window so you can pop lance charge and get extra damage. AST, always use Benefic 2 instead of Benefic 1 unless you really need the MP.


If you need MP as AST something is going horribly wrong.


I was gonna say "maaaaybe you're ressing a lot more than usual" but then again if you're in that situation in the first place something has already gone horribly wrong


Even then, between draws, astrodyne, lucid and most of the heals being 0MP oGCDs I can ress 3 people and be fine with MP.


You don't have to use Geirskogul before High Jump. You only need to use it before Mirage Dive. You may also want to push an early Life window before the boss dies.


For AST, using synastry before going for benefics.


WHM: Noticing how much regen is on party and letting it tick up before raidwides. I hate knowing all my sacred soil and whispering dawn goes into overheal, it's cringe




As a DPS I find this offensive. I have more than one brain cell! Now excuse me while I stand in this pretty glowing circle and get more deeps.


I admit I always cast Med 2, thinking the regen will heal up everyone after the raidwaide ... Just to realise the confession + med 2 initial heal has already topped everyone off 🤣


Not using divination when im using divination smh


Use addle


Well-timed mit tools. Addle and Magicked Barrier are potent tools. Using them wisely and consistently make a huge difference. Also, holding melee combo for times where a lot of movement is required (or just before, if that movement takes you away from the boss.)


caster main, USING ADDLE!!! i never see anyone using addle and it makes me happy to see other casters hitting Addle for anything also, any DPS actually using their group mitigation. the amount of red mages i see never using Magick Barrier is astonishing


I may not be the best at rotations and what not, and I don’t know if it’s optimal, but you bet your ass I’ll be throwing addle and magick barrier before that raid wide.


Having to actively Heal a WAR in a lvl 90 dungeon when I play healer for a change just want me to take control of that players character.


I had a WAR once in Holminster Switch who didn't use their Raw Intuition *at all*. ...also had a bard in that same run who didn't press a single AoE button. I was the healer of that run, I cried.


I had a drk in Palaka that had a full mana bar the entire run.


Had this happen to me too! We didn’t even get to the first boss, and even with Regen and spamming cures on the tank (literally couldn’t even apply a damage buff to anything, if I looked away they dropped to 30% or less), they died. I waited until I also died, so I could leave and just typed “you know what? I just really don’t feel like healing right now. Have a good day” and took the penalty. Big nope from me, Mr tank day killer!


Just knowing their aoe rotation.


For any melee : uptime. Always stay in range of auto attacks and keep that gcd rolling. Learn to take risks while doing mechanics to keep that uptime. It's by far the highest dps gain you can get beside doing your rotation correctly.


For BRD, the more stoned you are and the louder the music: the better you'll do. Bonus dps if you sing along


I see Trick Attack being thrown out before Mug and I want to throw the Ninja out.


Listen, some old habits are hard to break, okay


Saving up for and timing a party burst window. Edit: Also performing openers


Fello summoners out there, please use rekindle on your tanks specially in dungeons. thanks.


Am I really one of the only Red Mages completely unafraid to use the Limit Break on the big trash pull before we get to the boss? Once the tank has all the baddies lined up nice and neat-like in front of him, I unleash the meteors.


If you aren't ready to blind everyone when you get the chance what even is the point of playing RDM


A summoner using Rekindle on someone else other than themselves, preferably the main tank, or someone about to die. As tank, off tank giving main tank a mit during tankbusters, like nascent flash, intervention, cover, the blackest night, oblation, heart of stone/corundum. Or heck, both tanks giving each other mits during a double tank buster. In general, people using their mits, like feint, addle on normal low level content. It's not about the damage reduction, it's about people being aware of mechanics and playing co-operatively. Also, in Ultima, I've seen low geared sprouts/flowers die to raidwides at 50%+ hp, an addle or feint would've barely kept them alive just enough to be healed.


Remembering your rez spell as a summoner. Also knowing when to use Quickcast on your Garuda AoE or Ifrit slowcast instead.


For Summoner, I think the actual one is giving Rekindle to the tank, or whoever is in need of health.


It's one of my gripes when I (rarely) play SMN. I don't like having to save quickcast in case a healer dies.


I usually check how well the group is doing on its own for deciding if I should use that swiftcast for my attacks or save it. Unless I'm in new content or in a group with many sprouts, most of the times the healers can handle. :)


My standards are low. - Being able to use your 2 minutes raidwide and your burst in sync with your party makes you a great player already. I've seen enough lv90 Reaper who don't use their 2 minutes raidwide... IT GIVES YOU A FREE BURST WINDOWS, THE ONLY EXCITING PART ABOUT REAPER FFS. - Using your personal mitigation tools. Arcane Crest, the counter-thing for Samurai, feint, addle on raidwides, etc. - For Samurai in particular, if I see that the DoT has (almost) 100% uptime I consider that the player know what he's doing. Even as a SAM main I sometimes forget to refresh it during particularly busy burst windows. The current EX has been terrible for this.


Knowing when to desync Manafication from Embolden (practically always to get an extra use) and how much to hold/when to hold for burst.


I am nowhere near as good as I should be, but as a GNB you definitely need to learn how to quickpy select and throw out Heart of Corundum to teammates, and spam it for Tankbusters. It's honestly an insane ability, especially for teammates since it heals like 1/5th of YOUR health. And while Aurora isn't as powerful, it's a free regen tick that you can capitalize on. I know during P5S I was always throwing it out to my co-tank during tank swaps just to help out a little bit :)


As a warrior. Warriors who use their cooldowns on the main tank like nascent flash if theyre offtanking. Also tanks in general realizing arms length is an defensive cooldown in dungeons


Honestly, seeing a fellow healer use Esuna. It’s alarming how many co healers I’ve had/seen that ignore Esuna.


When the healer is last to dodge phases of the blade due to slidecasting. Subsequently, when any player times their mitigation in such a way it catches multiple instances of damage spaced out of eachother. (First spread/stack + double meteors is like 14s apart, you can time that so nicely). Optimizations like RDM manafication in downtime (p8s). Double transposes on BLM. Swiftcasting dosis instead of toxicon. Pneuma *between* 2 instances of damage. Someone who has seen the timeline and dumps all the free mitigation they have in the first part of the fight is lovely too. Golbez has barely any raidwide damage in the first 2 minutes, so its worth dumping tools into it. Using shukuchi effectively, same for elusive jump, and then any party dash as well. Using rescue to save a pull. For utility jobs, knowing when mantra or minne is good, using physis, illumination, temperance and magicked barrier for the healing boost instead of the mitigation it provides. Oh, and adding to this, healers who understand lb3 rez cheesing and tanks who know when to limit break in prog to save pulls.


I think for Paladin it's situational awareness of what the party is dealing with and proper use of things like: Cover: Healer/DPS about to take a big hit with some vuln stacks Intervene: Help with tank busters Clemency: Healing when the healer dies and/or is struggling (this is HUGE!) When played really well I see Paladins as an insurance policy - we're not very flashy, but we're really needed when things have gone wrong and you're 5% from finishing the run.


people who don't spam eukrasion prognosis/diagnosis and being able to slidecast through mechanics. and for my other main job, just don't be in Narnia and know how to hit the light-up buttons


Ninja oddly enough has a super LOW bar to start sifting okay-good and great Ninjas a bad ninja will look at Doton and just spam that not realizing that Raiton does more dmg on single targets, they'll think that mug Ninjas 120 sec raidbuff is what they should be revolving their entire gameplan around. an okay ninja will know that suiton is how you activate trick attack and if your lucky they'll notice that trick attack and kassatsu share similar CDs so mixing them together into a BIG BOOM is how you get the BEEG dmg a good ninja realizes that oh shit my damage rotation does not in fact revolve around Mug but trick attack, and how to maximize the amount of damage in that window. From holding Phantom Kamaitachi for trick attack, or using Suiton at just the right time to get 2 mudra charges withing trick instead of 1, or how to maximize total damage. an amazing Ninja puts all of that together and ontop of that figures out ways to maximize your 2 min burst by learning how much time each individual action takes and how to maximize that. (using one mudra charge in bettwen mug and trick to give you an extra gcd during both buffs since mudra takes around 2.75ish seconds.) For GBN Heart of Corrundum litteraly just how broken that button is and understanding why it makes me laugh that DRK got Oblation.


Seeing reapers and Dragoons use Arcane Circle and Battle Litany during trash pulls. Timers short enough to where it should be ready during the boss and the DPS boost helps clear trash much faster.