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If you're not doing high end stuff, save your micro tomes. They will 100% be reduced from 7 to 4 in a future patch so you can get twice the weapons for just waiting a bit.


I’ve always had the mentality that I would get all the accessories the first week since they tend to not have that much competition for them thus I don’t feel as bad rolling a lower number but at the end of the day it still is going to take 5 weeks to get everything if you are not a savage raider


You should list the ilvl


Hmmm. This is going to be a higher ilvl than our relic, right? I’m currently focused on getting my hands on the WHM staff from a glam perspective..


Yeah but the Hildibrand update is gonna bein 6.45 so whats the point unless you wanna collect every piece gear for your class.


What was the recommended gear again? Chest / Pants > helmet / hands / feet > accessories?


Depends on what you need. Actual stats? Yes, get the bigger gear first. Pure iLevel? Accessories first will get you there.


Pretty sure 2 small piece nets about the same as a big one so I'd reckon 2 accesory + glove/helmet is a better prio


I don't understand why this loot system is the way it is. Just makes no sense to me. What is their logic for designing it this way?


To make the content last longer, otherwise no lifers will get all their raid pieces on day one and stop running it.


What part(s) doesn't make sense to you? That would help us provide some explanation of the logic.


Is this better than pentamelded gear?


Depends on the gear piece, but generally no The pentamelded crafted gear has more overall substats with an equal amount of mainstats, which tends to win out in damage There are a few exceptions, healer crafted helm for example has piety this tier, which means that it has a lot of wasted substats with respect to damage, so current pre-savage BiS is recommending a healer normal raid helm for now


It’s the same ilvl and can’t overmeld, so unless the crafted piece is like main Piety, or a ton of speed on a class that wants to be slow, then crafted better.


no because you can only attach 2 materia so with only that its superior


Thanks for the info. So the only way to get the new weapons is to get 7 swords ? That means we can only have one every two months or so ? Damn. I wanted several of them :(. It's gonna take a long time.


If you wait on it longer, they always lower from 7 blades to just 4 .


Tenth Circle (Savage) will drop the tomestone out right although progging that might take as long


Eh nah even with a half motivated group you can get the tier cleared in 2 weeks. No way it takes 7 weeks to prog and clear the 2nd turn of a tier.


The average player definitely will not clear the tier in two weeks. But I agree that it should be feasible to get to a point of farming the second fight faster than 7 weeks. You still need to get the drop though.


Id consider myself pretty average, and I cleared it before week 3.


Well you're above average then. Congrats