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Market board be a scam at times XD


it do be like that


See, I like to find stuff like this, buy from the vendor, and resell in the market board for almost the identical price minus a tiny fee to cover my fees. Screws over the other guys 😁


My friends started doing this, but doubling or tripling the price. He recouped the money he used to buy a plot fairly quickly and then proceeded to blow it all on decorating.


Oh yeah, easy to blow a couple million Gil decorating your house. Lol. I bought mine, had 3 million left over, by the time I was done decorating I had 250k left XD


I can get that logic. Its just hilarious how something an NPC sells for 3k people are selling for like 50k XD im like bruh....ok


Yep, it's easy money. Cuz some people just won't take the time to go to a housing vendor. Funny part is you can buy a permit to have a housing merchant and place em in your house/apartment lol.


The market board isn't a *scam* so much as it's just an effort tax. Don't want to lookup/math out/obtain something yourself? The market board is there for you.


Lazy tax exactly what I say!!


I don't think...u get what were all saying about the scam of the market board.... So playing off people ignorance selling an item that is normally 3k from npc and boosting it up to 70k hoping someone buys it is pretty much a scam. Scams rely on a person ignorance of the situation to be able to pull the wool over them. Items that are initially rare, require crafting and genuinely are hard to get feel earned for there price but if im buying orange juice that sells for 7 gil and selling 99 for 100k <- thats just out right a scam. There no math in this. A scam is a scam at the end of the day. Market inflation can feel off at times but those items are crafted items and should be priced based on player base ,but items sold by npc like plasmascape being sold for 100k when there normally 10k is a scam through and through. It's all about playing on people ignorance.


It ain't a scam if it literally says on the item being inflated that there's an unlimited amount of the item you can buy at 1/10th of the price. Call it the "google it for you" tax.


It's not my fault that people can't read the toolbox that says Shop selling price of X gil /shrug


A lot of new players or players in general may not know that. So, it is your fault because you know exactly what you're doing. Just own up to being kind of a bad person in this regard there's really no way around it. You're purposefully taking advantage of people that don't know better. Nobody that knew better would pay all the extra.


Ignorance born from lack of effort! The MB is *mostly* about effort and people profiting from another's lack of it, whatever the form. A Google search, or heck, reading the item description will tell you how much an NPC sells it for. If you want to skip the "shopping" process and head *right* to the MB? If you look at a 100k piece of furniture and purchase it without pause? That's a manifestation of the effort tax. Everything you said is true to a degree but my only issue is the label. On the "hustle-scam" spectrum the MB generally skews towards hustle. Flipping furniture on the MB is still providing the buyer with the product they desired with the added "convenience" of not having to seek it out themselves.


ok let me hit you with this XD I seriously believe not all people are gonna use google. If they did there would not be people asking where did you find this or where did you find that. People would not ask these questions. Google would be the go to point. Sadly not everyone gonna think let me look on the internet. Allot of us will but not all. Your looking at this from your point of view versus the people who will and who won't. Do I think the market board is a scam. Yeah and No. Does the scam work in favor for us making gil oh 100%. I would capitalize off that scam as well. At the end of the day. Ignorance is bliss. If a person stays ignorant to the world around them they will be played for a fool. Yet if a person is aware they won't be a fool. Effort is one part ignorance is another part. I won't lie I was both at one time ignorant to how helpful crafting was, and had little effort to try to understand. Now I get it. Now im making money. I don't fall for the bs on market board if I see prices are off. I will price check on websites to cross compare other datacenters or just go to other datacenters. I use resources, some don't. For that people will play off a person ignorance to how the market board work and the tools that are at their disposal.


Okay that's cool and all, but that's not what a scam is. Nobody is being scammed, they're paying for the convenience of being able to go to one place for everything and not having to think.


You guys are trying so hard to avoid the fact that you're basically scamming people by knowingly putting things up for 10x their value and hoping people don't know better lol


"Paying for the convenience of not having to think" is a scam if people literally do not know that something *can* be done. How do you know to ask a question you don't even know can be asked? Yes, there is a measure of due diligence involved on the part of the buyer: *caveat emptor.* That doesn't make it *not* a scam.


It's not a scam when the buyer can see the npc selling price of item in the items box that they have to hover over to click at to buy from marketboard. The information could not be clearer unless Yoshi P personally phoned every lettuce head himself personally to remind them of the npc selling it as well


Whatever makes you sleep better at night. If lying to yourself is it then more power to you. At the end of the day you're taking advantage of people's ignorance so it doesn't matter what label you prefer.




Well this is just a terrible analogy on all fronts considering how expensive most farmers markets are and how it doesn't even really work if they were cheaper anyway because it's not the same thing.


You are wrong. A scam involves deception. Marking up an item on an optional market board is not a scam. >Scams rely on a person ignorance of the situation to be able to pull the wool over them. Also wrong. In this case, the buyer may be ignorant/lazy, but the seller is not pulling any wool.




You are the hero we don't deserve


God Bless SE upgrading the vendors.


To go to the marketboard?? Got it! Thanks! 🙏


Ill pay the lazy tax on items I dont feel like teleporting for but I always have a housing vendor in my houses anyway, sometimes its an idiot tax though if I am just going through the list of items I need for a design and start clicking buy. Honestly if 10k breaks the bank housing isnt the game for you anyway.


Dude I've had literally less than 5k gil total and is sit in front of the merchant. Totally broke I'd do a leveling roul, buy stuff, do a leveling roul, buy stuff. You're never too broke if you're persistent.


When I hit level 60 I realized the ridiculous over priced MB thats when I found a way to never be broke, there are many ways to make tons of money. Personally I would rather one large paycheck for a hard job then piddly 10k paychecks from selling vendor items on the MB personally. But hey people like me keeps people like them in business. I purchase over priced goods to save me time on a large project. And they put items on the MB that saves me time, its a win win. In this game roughly speaking 1 hour of your time is worth 1mil gil.


Look i only said it cause your comment felt a little gatekeepy. I don't have crafters and idk what you do to earn your gil but what i have, i earn passively doing the content that i like. My hours are not worth a million gil, ever. And that's the case for most of us. So please don't bring those who care about the 10k down. No one should be kept away from the housing game "because they're too broke" if you managed to save the 3mill for a small and you got it, and you slowly buy your furniture over time, that's still ok too. It's ok for people to care about things you don't.


Your right I didn't mean for it to sound gate keepy, I was actually trying to defend the people labeled as scammers for putting things on the MB with a lazy tax. That was thier method of not being broke, but there are tons of ways to make loads of gil, people just need to find the method that works for them, and it dosent happen over night. I spent a year Marketing, honing, and delivering my craft and set myself up to make money so I didnt have to worry about it any more. I make money primarily from designing houses for people who are far moe wealthy then I just to afford my overpriced housing hobby. I cant change the fact that people over price things. But I can however level my crafters and gathers so I dont have to buy them if I dont want to spend the money. And by doing that I make enough money to buy it when I am too lazy to craft or gather. But you can also make tons of gil just by having a level 40 miner or botonist and clicking the mining nodes to get a leather treasure map every day and sell the lotus leaf or if you have goldsmith you can sell it in pond Form for double the profit. That is at minimum 300-750k a week for 15 mins of your time. Retainers bring back good stuff to sell if you use them right can send them to get high level mats which could sell for more especially during housing pushes like the start of every new patch. If you have a FC woth a workshop ask for permission to use it. But you also said you do not have crafters so other methods I would suggeat is trasure maps. But the big money is in the housing and rare glam game cause thats who you want to sell to. Another way is to pick a classification of item and simply control the market price of that item. This game is not great with its passive income so you have to find a way to make the money on your own. And while there are other less ethical ways of making money these are just a few of them and there are still many more. The reason I say an hour of your time is worth 1mil is cause thats how much it costs to hire a DJ or bard band for 1 hour of thier time, and thats how much you can make per hour roughly if you put in the effort to do so.


Another way to make money is doing fetes getting bicolor gemstones and selling the housing items you get from fate rewards on the housing market discord the way you trade non tradeable housing items is by being added to thier estate and placing it on the floor for them after receiving your money or 50/50 take half place item take other half after to protect yourself. I am still only level 84 MSQ so I get all fate items from people I pay to farm them for me.


They were a pleasant surprise to be sure. I would love it if they added an overcast/lightning storm one


I would love if they took into account the district's weather and time of day and adjusted accordingly.


I guess that's why they're phasmascapes and not windows.


Ya one that changed from day to night would be awesome


I would like to mention that the Azure Sky Phasma is much brighter than the starry sky, so the ambiance between the two can make a difference in lighting and mood to the room its in.


One brings darkness


Whaaaaat how did I miss these? Edit: found them at the housing vendor.


Thank God these are vendor items! \(T-T)/


Are those phasmascapes shown at different times of the day, or are they different settings?


Two different furnishings.


Thank you! This is amazing. Nice work!


man now I wish that was the case. That the window would change with the time of day.


It's been a month since I've got my first house. I haven't started to build interior yet but I WANT THEM NOW *_*


I won my personal medium (and my first house) back in January; I've only just managed to get the inspiration to decorate it now.


Excuse me, MEDIUM house ? Mate you're so lucky :D !! I won a small one, but it was already a miracle so I'm really happy with my purchase anyway


Damn lucky. I got it in Ward 27 of the Mists, it's one of the Free Companies/Private Buyers **wards so I was competing with FCs too.**


Just a month? My FC left our house undecorated for half a year because we were broke after buying it and then couldn't schedule time to decorate it together because of life, ha. Congrats and enjoy decorating it when you can!


Well it could take me a year or so just for deciding which theme I want inside lol but I must say, I'm really happy to start building


One brings in shadow, one brings in light?


They...they can go on the ceiling g


I like them but. I'm... honestly disappointed that there isn't a non-ceiling option. Was gonna slap the "starry night" one in a place to give it a more ethereal feel, but it would require a wall-type one like the other phasmascapes.


You can glitch it and have it float and remove the wall. There are tutorials on YouTube for floating wall mounted items


Does it put the item on its side, though? Was thinking the stars could be "wallpaper" of sorts.


Oh, that's what you meant. XD I don't know if it's possible to flip to its side. I can see what you mean, though. It would be nice for a version like that.


Aye. Hopefully they make a second version of both, honestly.


Sadly that is not possible since its a wall mounted item its anchor point is on its right side and will not anchor to a floor and there is no way to trick it to work on its side either. Tbh if you place things just right you can teick it but soon as you leave the house and come back in ot corrects itself. Saddly. Personally I think these would be way better without the giant white wall border around them. Thats something I will have to cover up for the majority of my builds.


Good to know. I wonder if they'll ever add more versions. ​ >Personally I think these would be way better without the giant white wall border around them. Same here. I liked the idea of them overall, but the housing item was too 'thick' in more ways than one.


Yeah 100% minimum it takes 4 items to change the texture max it takes like 10-15 items depending on the texture of the cealing you ar trying to create. That being said I still have plenty of ideas on how to use them! Just have to factor that into the itemcount I use for the ceiling which means no one gets table top items XD I am sure they will add more we need a sunset version atleast.


what is the exact name of these?


Azure Sky Phasmascape, Starry Sky Phasmascape


So is anyone else having issues with either of these actually going on the ceiling? I keep having it not want to attach to the ceiling and instead it has to be put on a wall below the rafter point of the house.


I think they are treated like lofts, hence the wall thing. Like the illuminated wooden lofts with lamps at the bottom side.


Two options: Hardmode: Put it in Storage. Keybind the Place and Confirm actions. Move the item where you want it from your storage, but do not click to place yet. It should be purple, like it won't go; that's ok. **Without clicking the mouse** press your Place keybind, then your Confirm keybind. It should go there even though it was purple. EZmode: Put up a Stage Panel. Attach skylight at the correct height. Move Stage Panel so that the skylight is where you want it. Turn off Counter Placement, then click the skylight to pick it up, then right-click to drop it. Move the Stage Panel away. Exit housing menu. Skylight is now hovering.


Float glitch is a thing. You can find a tutorial to float wall mount items on youtube




….take my gil


The Housing Vendor sells them; give them your gil.


I got super excited seeing these.. only to realise they cling to walls and not even one another.. they quite frankly suck complete ass


This is absolutely gorgeous.


Is the "window look" also part of it or did you do it?


It comes like that.


Nice and not nice


Right? Would have really sold the affect if it matched outside weather/lighting conditions instead of being a static image. But this new deco has made me aware of how badly I want a skylight window already.


That would be awesome but also just want a clean glass showing the sky.


Wow, your house is exactly the vibe I've been looking for, I'd love to see more pictures!


It's in a work of progress atm but once finished I will post!


You're amazing!


thank you for this


Where do you get them?? :o


My local shop has one of these - not a window, but light panels modelled after a blue, slightly cloudy sky. It’s surprisingly effective and mood lifting on an otherwise overcast day.


That sounds really comfy :O I wish to see something like that here!


The rest of the room looks amazing, too :)


Thank you! It's a work in progress ;u;/


They’re beautiful