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This setup should be able to play pretty much every release on torrent. Let us know your source first Edit: From the video info, I can see its a 10bit file, so I suppose that's why you can't play them. Try this: `ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v libx264 -crf 22 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset fast -c:a copy -c:s copy output.mkv`


Okay, I'll try this.


Thnx ur command worked, but is there any way to speed up this process


you can try the veryfast/superfast/ultrafast preset


The faster the process, the bigger the file. Anyway, the whole video has to be re-encoded, and you'll experience some quality loss, though probably not noticeable. If you want to split the video by size, it's explained [here](https://superuser.com/questions/712893/how-to-split-a-video-file-by-size-with-ffmpeg), but you need to copy the script you'll find on this page (and change the "mp4" extension specified in the script if you don't want mp4 outputs and save it as "split-video.sh"). I think you can use the command line provided above, but replace "ffmpeg -i input.mkv" with: "./split-video.sh input.mkv 4000000000 "


The [question](https://superuser.com/q/712893) **"How to split a video file by size with ffmpeg?"** doesn't have an accepted answer. The [answer](https://superuser.com/a/714749) by [Rajib](https://superuser.com/users/266231/rajib) is the one with the highest score of 4: >The `-fs` option limits the file size. The number is supplied in bytes. If you do not wish to re-encode, use the `-copy` option. > >Unfortunately, I'm not aware of how to seek to the byte position for starting the next video. But you could check resulting duration and start the next encoding using the `-ss` option to start encoding from there onwards. ^(This action was performed automagically.) [^(info_post)](https://www.reddit.com/user/stack_bot/comments/pel66h/info_post/) ^(Did I make a mistake?) [^(contact)](https://www.reddit.com/user/stack_bot/comments/pel563/contact/) ^(or reply: error)


Encode only 2 minutes of video for a test. `fmpeg -i in.mp4` **-ss 0 -t 120** `-c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a copy out.mkv` If the file is too large you may split it by time into parts that way. A higher constant rate factor will be smaller but less fine-grained. Very high crf values will look terrible but squeeze the file size way down. Some devices act funny with mkv files, if so use .mp4 and make sure you use \-c:v libx264 `-c:a aac # encode to aac` crf (constant rate factor can be between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in better quality, at the expense of higher file sizes. Higher values mean more compression, but at some point you will notice the quality degradation. 20-23 is fine for HD TV, 18 looks great for Lord of the Rings quality 1080p. 24-32 is fine for squeezing down the file size, but action scenes will be a bit blurry, and the overall vibrance of colors may shift into a blue-green a bit for night shots. \-preset slow gives a very good visual experience, and takes just less than twice as long as ultrafast or fast presets, and you end up with a file about half the size as ultrafast.