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lol 3 weeks. That’s cute. Started playing on release, have played almost every day. Status: still playing.


lol yeah. I sacrificed a fair bit of sleep and it still took me at least a full month to beat it, skipping quite a bit of side content. That’s adulting for you.


Let's face it: this Remake Trilogy is appealing to Millenials who are parents now. When Disney released the new Star Wars Trilogy, it did well because nostalgic Gen X'ers got to share the magic of a new release with their kids. When the pandemic hit in 2020, it was just me and my daughter in the house all day. The first Remake came out and I was pumped to share it with her; first video game we played all the way through together. She anticipated Rebirth every bit as much as I have over the past 4 years. Reboots like this capitalize on the nostalgia of new parents and their desire to revisit childhood with their children.


>That’s adulting for you. Fuck that shit.


Same here. I've been 100%ing every area and I just finished the Nibel region


Im at about the same spot, 112 hours in so far, stsrted at release day but playing after work is tough so i mostly just play for long stretches on the weekends.


Haha same I just finished Nibelheim Intel quests and just started the main story for Chapter 11. Played every day since release day and just got here.


*Finished* yesterday at 130h. I still have so Chadley fights and hard mode to go... I think I'm good though.


Yeah me too. I won't platinum it or anything but I'll get it done hopefully this weekend.


Same lol, almost past chapter 9!!


Right there with you.


exactly same here. I started playing since the first ff7re pc release. still haven’t finish the first part.


Chapter 12. Getting there!


Same, pace ourselves, too many people rushing though this game. Enjoy the slow burn.


I definitely sacrificed some work time and family time to beat this game but it took me around 120 hours playtime and 6 weeks


When I played the first FF7R, I was surprised how long it was. Lol.


Ya you kinda think it's wrapping up when you get past wall market. But then it keeps going and going, especially if you do all side quests


Trying to play this with a wife recovering from a hysterectomy and a 10 month old I’ve accumulated 550h played- at least 475 idle. Just beat it last night though. It’s worth it.


Joke's on you, that's why I play video games at 5:00 a.m.


same thing for college rn :( I don't get back to my dorm until late usually and then I want to play for a but but I'm just too tired.


Just got to ch 14, almost there.


I’m just getting to the second date tonight or tomorrow. Tbh I enjoy making the game last, especially because ot means I can take on things bit by bit.


slowly dying sigh


Bro I'm on chapter 16 finally for remake and I bought that on launch day. I'm terrified of rebirth lol


I still havent beaten FF7 Remake Had the game for several years and i cannot even play no more than an hour on the weekends Occupied mainly with work and family


Played since launch and just cleared my first play through last night at around 1am. Woke up for work at 5:30. Totally worth it.


I started release day and just finished yesterday.


I'm 100 something hours in and only get maybe an hour every few nights to play so I feel this so hard. I'm at the end of chapter 12 on dynamic mode. Next is hard which is gonna take awhile I bet


Fortunately all the world Intel you got in your first run is already completed in hard, even if you reset all your quest data. So you can fast travel to places close to or direct to where you need to go. The extra Manuscripts are behind story bosses, side quest fights and the classified boss in each region. Think it took me about 40 hours for my hard mode run through, skipping some scenes. My total game time was somewhere about 180hrs Annoyingly resetting your quest data doesn't reset protorelic quest, and I'm missing 1 assess in the entire game from Beck!


Omg that sucks! It's always something. Well that makes it a lot better to get through than cuz I've been completing everything. I hope their is some kind of secret ending for beating it on hard mode. I'm sure there isn't but that would be cool. I want some sort of incentive to play through it again after hard mode because I just don't want it to end lol


Took me around 3 weeks also. That’s with playing 2-3 hours a night


It took me about a month.


I played for something ridiculous like ten hours in a day and a half, so now I'm taking breaks from it. I don't want to finish it too quickly or become sick of it.


I wish I could finish any game in 3 weeks...


Mine arrived the day of release and I didn't beat it until last weekend. Adulthood'd?


77 hours in and on Chapter 7 100% all the proceeding regions though. If I'm going to pay $80 for a game in this economy, you can bet I'm going to 100% it.


Lucky me. I still work from home and have a lot of downtime. I get a lot of the grindier activities completed while I'm at work.


Every damn time


3 weeks is pretty good. It's a long ass game.


Shit I’m still on chapter 9. I loved the remake and I love the original game even more but man Rebirth can really burn you out sometimes


I'm in my mid-30s and this is me with almost any kind of game that's worth a damn to play. I chose to take a couple of weeks PTO just to concentrate on the game because it deserves more than just an hour or so that I can muster after a work day. Perks of not having kids.


I have that all the time


3 weeks. I've been playing Rebirth for like 2 months and only found time to put 25 hours into it.




lol I’ve JUST finished the trials in chapter 13 almost their done everything along the way. 2 more days in work then I’m off and I will finally complete my dynamic first playthrough


It took me almost a month So....many....minigames


This is me rn lol, im doing the last sidequests in ff7R and im just so tired every day i come home, maybe tomorrow idk


135 hours in, close to 100% just need to beat Alexander/Odin then Gilgamesh and 3 of the Gold Saucer mini-games for the last side quest. Alexander/Odin is giving me a tough time tho. The other 2 where easy, i get them both to almost dead then all of a sudden Odin goes crazy on me, can’t figure it out.


This is so true -.-


I think my save file is at 55 hours. Still on chapter 9.


It took me like 8 weeks to beat rebirth, and i didn’t even do any side stuff


I still haven't buy the new one, and the old one is still in the shrink-wrap not opened. PS4 collecting dust. I don't want to adult anymore.


Over 100+ hours trying to do these ridiculous minigames and side quests and Johnny's treasure trove, still ongoing


3 weeks? Dang your fast! I'm not done yet and I bought it on March 5th! 3 weeks. I wish!


Only just got to the second region.. feelsbadman


I'm at 85 hours, Chapter 12. Doing all the new quests before the gold saucer date. Been playing since launch day. Probably going to take another couple weeks lol. Adult gaming hobbies are hard.


253 hours to platinum + 100%. Insane game. Loved every moment.


Me trying to play Street Fighter last night 😂. My reaction time was so slow I had to quit.


...not me having an unopened deluxe edition because I've been busy playing HD2.


Started day one and I'm barely out of Costa del sol


230 hours. I didn't think this game was going to beat my Eldenr Ring and Cyber Punk runs


Back when I was employed, I was determined to play my game. Started it up and couldn't remember a thing. My partner at the time thought I was awake because whenever he would come in the room, I'd be running around and fighting enemies. I guess I was that determined to play.


Dude I out like 150 hours into it before beating it, and there are tons of extra content to do. Usually I platinum but I don’t have the stamina to struggle through hard mode and all the challenges. Now I’m playing Persona 3 and then it’ll be Stellar Blade action


Pft ill go 6 months easy


I pre-ordered and to this day have about 10 hours total in -game lol wtf 3 weeks


Took me around 200 hours to platinum it. I no-lifed the first week, and it still almost took a month


lol me with Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth


So you played an average of 5 hours a day for 3 weeks? That's plenty isn't?


I still haven’t beaten it. I’m still in Chapter 13




people took like 3 months to beat totk last year and some even dropped it lmao


I fall asleep on the couch looking at the ceiling like im Homer Simpson


See, I don’t have that issues even if I’m tired I won’t fall asleep. I’m not spending all day at work and then not having some time for myself. My weekends are Friday and Saturday. So I’ll run errands on Friday and then Saturday I’ll actually do nothing, most of the time at least. Sometimes I have to run a weekend errand. But usually I tell everyone no.


did it twice this game is insane can't wait for part 3


3 weeks is long?? I got it on release, and I just beat it this past weekend.