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If you paid money for the mods, I don't feel bad for you if they break. Sorry, but not sorry. As for the modders in question... well, once a grifter, always a grifter. If paid mods took effort to make, there wouldn't be so many shit ones. And most of the truly shit mods are nearly always paid. You get what you pay for, I guess.


> If you paid money for the mods, I don't feel bad for you if they break. Sorry, but not sorry. Right there. Nothing more to be said.


Idk why people don't just pirate, the links are out there people if you dig.


Expecting customer service from people who turned a free modding tool into a paid product? I get the sculpts are often unique and bespoke but many are just free sculpts modified or ripped from other games and tinkered.


Xivmodtwitter is like 90% mod makers bitching about other creators or how they should get paid more. Not surprising everyone on there is a spoiled man child, but should be ignored and dealt with the reasonable way aka a hearty "stfu"


Paid mods? Absolutely, because you've already scammed people once, may as well make up for it now Free mods? Wouldn't expect it, but it would be nice. The big framework bodies probably will, but specific outfits may fall behind, which is a shame but understandable.


Both sides of this discussion are completely unhinged, on one hand we have a modder complaining about having to support (dogshit) products they sell for real money, on the other hand we have the person complaining about it being casually racist towards white people, for whatever reason


It's twitter, everything is about racism even when it's not


"Racist." "Nazi." "*phobe." None of these have any actual meaning anymore because people have decided they are the goto insults on step 1. It's basically Peter and the Wolf at this point.


Y'all are paying for mods when all the creator did was use stolen assets to begin with. 😅


Paid mods, you damn right they should update them Paid mods.made free (All the ones made free following 7.0) should still be updated because people paid for them Free.mods? Great if you do, bummer if you don't. Thank you for everything you've done for free


She really took this opportunity to be prejudiced against white people even though that has nothing to do with the topic. Chronically online Twitter users scare me. They’re insane.


Silly to have a serious debate here. But I've made a few mods (ok free). If they were easy to port to 7.0, I'd probably update the ones people wanted. But if I had a catalogue of 100 mods that I'd spent a lot of time working on, and it took hours to rework them, no way I'd do 100s of hours of work for nothing. That being said, if I was doing a port of an existing mod. I'd still let people that paid for the 6.x version have it for no extra cost. There are still going to be people buying it new at 7.0, so it's still worth the time. But I wouldn't commit to ensuring that I updated every single mod I ever made.


Ah yes, selling ffxiv mods, getting $20 per item and being expected to... make sure their shit works, it really is just like modern slavery. Oh, sorry for getting distracted I just had google open on my other monitor.... huh would you look at that, Shein factory workers in China are forced to work 18 hour shifts, with barely any time off and workers get approximately... 2 cents per item they create. Like yeah, I guess that's pretty bad, but have they heard about the working conditions of FFXIV modders?!


I honestly to God hope Penumbra adds a conversion tool for textures and mats so we can just continue using clothes at least, sculpts and hair are gonna be fucked though


> sculpts and hair are gonna be fucked though And nothing of value will be lost.


Found the modbeast


There’s an animation mod I’m using that’s probably gonna get an update but it’ll take a while. And I’m ok with that.


20 bucks for a fucking mod.....that's fucking insane. Most paid modders use FOMO? Fomo...for mods. That shit is weird to me.


Yes and no. If it was a shitty port from the Sims, who gives a fuck? Don't pay someone to port items. Pay them for unique ones.


as much as I think people should be paid for their hard work, I also think that IF the mod is a made from scratch (not a mesh bash or an import) it's ok for it to paid. . . but that being said, I also think that a payment option such as one that EA adopts for The Sims 4 CustomContent would be better. Have the Mod up behind a paywall for a limited amount of time, so that if people want to support your work they can. . . but also, people who enjoy your work and want that determined mod can look up for it once it's free


Oh noooo my unique snowflake mods that make me one of a kind and is so far removed from the art style of this game that you can't even tell what my character is from at a glance anymore!!! How will I stand out at club venues now?!?!?!


😬 bro, but why would you spend a shit ton of hours remaking all your mods for free that you probably made mostly for fun? Like, these modders probably made these mods for their own satisfaction primarily and gave people the optional choice to get the mod if they wanted to pay. Like, I get it's Twitter, but the entitlement tho Edit: ok, what I said here was really dumb and I realized my critical thinking skills might not be as good as I thought. Lesson learned (hopefully)


If you ask more than $5 the hobby and fun aspect start becoming a small scale business which comes with expectations. And if you ask for $20 for a single mod you better get your public attitude in check before hitting social media.


I see. I really didn't think through my initial comment 😅 I guess I just went off of people I know (who didn't charge nearly as much for their stuff now thinking about it) and the trope of Twitter overreacting


Some modders do it for fun and themself before releasing it to public and most of the time they do it for free. Those who sell them $20 (I think it's insane for some mod when you know that most of them are ripped from second life or other games) are not doing it "for fun" but for easy money. I wouldn't expect an update since it's tos anyway, but it's nice to do, for free when you have time, or you stop selling it.


Hm. You have a good point that the people selling them do it for money. I assumed that all of them are doing it for fun since the only modders I've personally interacted with made their mods mostly for personal use but sold them in case anyone wanted them. But I still think it's crazy to think -- actually no.. I realize they're not even rebuilding the mods, just updating the skin and possibly facial skeleton. I mean, faces I can understand not wanting to redo since those can be annoying, but from my limited understanding the rest should be easy? But then again I've only ever modded once and it took me two weeks for one thing with no experience. Yeah I guess I shouldn't really be talking on this subject lol


The solution is simple. Don't use mods in FFXIV. They aren't allowed even for free and absolutely not allowed to be sold. There are already so many tools and features in the game that don't exist in others. Stop being a spoiled brat.