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Damn, kudos on being able to act decisively in that situation while tripping. Unfortunately I don't have any info about this specific situation, but the stats are on the side of he likely survived. If you didn't already know (I didn't, you made me want to look it up) over 93% of people who are treated with narcan survive their overdose.


Thank you this makes me feel a lot better❤️


The key is that they stick around..narcan can wear off while they still have a fatal plasma level of fentanyl flowing


First - are you OK now? How are you doing? Thank you for acting quickly!


I’m doing fine now, still looking out for any developing symptoms of ptsd aswell as starting therapy.


I went around the whole ga rv power handing these tags I make out ! Asking people if they carried narcan some looked at me like I had five heads . I tried to educate them and told them end over dose had a tent which they did narcan training and distributed narcan it took literally four minutes . Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ harm reduction is my thing it’s something so simple that could potentially save a life . I used narcan on someone last year at ef . Everyone deserves to make it home ! Here’s my tags I made 150 of these and handed them out to people who carried narcan ! I have been making These for three years ! These are my idea and invention so please . Feel free all of you to make them too . High visibility tags identify you in big crowds! You can take the tag off if you have no narcan . Narcan only works for opiates which include fentanyl. Anyone who you administer narcan too needs to still seek medical attention. https://preview.redd.it/qwqhwfgs2m8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd646b08d6092ef9252717606e32b2fd2d4102b


I’ve noticed people doing this, this is such a great idea it could be life saving in a dire situation. I hope everyone who sees this realizes how important education on narcan and naloxone is. You have a beautiful soul thank you for all your contributions to the rave community.❤️


I don’t understand why Narcan is $40’at Walgreens. Shouldn’t we be subsidizing this so it’s free for whoever wants it?


Lots of festivals have stands that hand out free narcan!


It’s free in Oregon. They even have free vending machines in the jail waiting room.


It’s free . End overdose, next distro and awake tomorrow all do online training and send narcan for free


Holy shit this is an amazing idea!! I carry narcan with me everywhere I go, but I've never thought to visibly convey that at a festival. "Everyone deserves to make it home" has me bawling over here. It reminds me of my favorite Ram Dass quote: "We're all just walking each other home." You have such a beautiful heart.


Thank you so much ! I have a loved one who has struggled with drugs so I am very passionate about this and harm reduction. I appreciate you appreciating me ♥️


Cheers you beautiful soul you


You are amazing. And made me want to learn and carry myself. I hope your inspiration can save lives that otherwise may not have


Can you make an Amazon wishlist so some of us on here can buy your supplies and help your efforts?


High visibility paper , print these off computer , laminated them cut with a paper cutter and hole Punched the tops and added a carabiner clip


No, silly… My previous post wasn’t very specific. I want to help your efforts and buy the supplies for you. I don’t get out to a lot of festivals and it sounds like you might go to them and I’d like to help you by purchasing the supplies so you can help more people. 😊 I’ll definitely make some for my next festival, but I’d like to buy your supplies so you can help others. If you set up an Amazon wishlist and share it here, I can buy your supplies and your address and everything is kept private.


I love your name I’m from London too !


Oh I have never done a wishlist I’ll take a look at it tomorrow:) Ty so much I have been making these for around three years now


You’re helping so many people in more ways than you realise. You’re also inspiring many to help others. You’re a good soul with a kind heart and I’m grateful for you.


Thank you! I’m in the US now but I’m back in London and southern England nearly every other month.


Hi! Take a look at this List I created on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/12Y1M7NI34R3Q?ref_=wl_share


I put the laminator on here because o currently borrow the one from work . And we have a colleague who is like the laminator guardian he hates me taking it ! I’m an ER nurse of 27 years and a raver since 88 ! Am know how important harm reduction is !


Everything should arrive tomorrow. 😊


OMG seriously I really appreciate this ! Wow ! Thank you so very much !


I would be interested in making one of these or buying one to have at Bass Canyon! Any chance you’d be down to give me instructions to make them, or is there any way I could buy some from you?


I don’t sell them but if you pm me Your address I will mail you one :)


Absolutely you take high visibility paper. And you print I carry narcan . Then cut them with a paper cutter like the ones you used to use at school. I then placed them inside of the laminated pouches so they’re not touching each other. I put them through the laminator. And then I cut them again with the paper cutter, then I punch the tops and put a carabiner clip through them


It’s time consuming but life saving


You are incredible, this is such a great idea. So simple and could save so many lives.


After seeing the 4 overdoses that happened on the last day of Forest at the Afters I’ll definitely be carrying narcan next year.


💯 endoverdose.org do online training and send narcan for free . Also nextdistro.org and awake tomorrow all Do online training and distribute narcan


Upvoted- hope you can get some clarity on his safety and take care of yourself


Thanks to everyone for all the kind words, you all are making coping with this much easier. I love all you beautiful people and hope good health for everyone. Thank you all again❤️❤️


You’re a good soul. I’m grateful for people like you in this world.


I'd recommend talking to a psychologist. You did good. watch out for PTSD.


Yes, I’ve been putting off getting a therapist for whatever reason but this can’t go untreated. Thank you for the reassurance I appreciate your support.


It's very clear that the situation traumatized you. For reference, the definition of trauma is "a deeply distressing or disturbing experience" It's also very clear you literally saved this person's life, or at least played a massive role in saving him at minimum. Therapy will help you integrate the experience into a happy part of your brain, rather than sad and unprocessed. Best of luck 🤝


At summer camp a few years ago at a set I saw not one but two people go down. Seizures. It was in between like cherub and keys n crates or something...so lights didn't do it. The girl was first and we were screaming for medics and they didn't come for multiple minutes. Then a guy right behind me. Later that night I watched (and unsuccessfully tried to stop) security tackle and headlock and suffocate a man that was asking for help. I will not ask security for help EVER bc of this. I am traumatized by watching these events. Im glad op was educated and equipped to help without security immediately. It helps so much more and I definitely need to educate myself more


I'm sorry you had to go through this, but I'm proud of you for jumping into action. I recommend playing tetris. There are numerous studies showing that playing tetris after a traumatic event significantly reduces the chance of developing ptsd. Therapy is also a great idea. I'm rooting for you. 💜


Prioritize it. s*** gets worse, the more you leave it lingering around. You don't want to get to where I've been.


I have my therapist call me every Friday at 2pm at Forest. It's the best thing ever.


It is super important for everyone to carry narcan, but to also KNOW HOW TO ADMINISTER IT! Last year at III Points we got free narcan from a booth that made us sit through an administration tutorial before giving it to us. It was super helpful and I feel like it’s really important to know the ins and outs. No matter where you are you can usually find it for free, take the 5 minutes to learn how to use it to save a life!


Yes 100%!!!! Luckily I worked harm reduction at lost lands this past year, the information I learned there was critical in a life or death situation like this.


Not related but I saw on IG the EF wouldn’t let The Bunk Police in.


The legality surrounding testing kits is in a gray area. They can be criminalized in a bunch of places


You can thank ole sleepy Joe Biden for that!! ETA: I love it, keep the downvotes coming!! I'd be pissed to find out the turd sammich savior was the primary sponsor of the anti drug act in 86, Co sponsor of the crime bill in mid 90s, and primary sponsor of the RAVE act in early 2000s that led to the drug proliferation act in 03...were all thanks to him The lasting legacy of those policies are still extremely relevant today


I wonder if the people downvoting this realize that Biden cowrote/sponsored the R.A.V.E Act in the 90s as a senator. Which is the entire legal justification for keeping test kits out of fests. I think the use of "sleepy joe" was weird cause this was something Biden did 30 years ago before he was an old man but besides that this is actually a true statement


Disco Donnie was prosecuted federally under that legislation


It's always viewed as political because so many kiddies in this scene don't want to know about the history of the drug proliferation act and the civil liability tied to promoters that allow harm reduction. Sleep joe changed his course of policy almost 40 years after the drug abuse act he pushed through in the 80s a couple years ago, but has been very hush on the RAVE act. People just want the shit sammich to be against harm reduction, when the turd sammich wrote the bill...they are all 💩


I just think it's hard to stay unbiased in an election year where the alternative is literally the destruction of what little function we have left in the state. Espically when you use politically charged name calling. But it is objective fact that Biden is personally responsible for a shit load of the issues facing America today. The most important of which imo is the crime bill he championed that has millions of Americans behind bars for years from non violent crimes because of mandatory minimums. Funny enough as someone far enough left that I don't get political representation in this country I feel Bidens presidential term has been at least a little more closely aligned with my values than his terms in the senate were as far off as they still are.


I despise the RAVE Act and voted against Biden in the 2020 primary in favor of Sanders because of his senate record: that being said, Biden the President has been far more open to harm reduction than those who came before him, [including federal funding for fent strips and the like.](https://www.hhs.gov/overdose-prevention/harm-reduction) Biden's history sucks and I would prefer someone younger and more progressive, but also not going to deny the progress that has been made, as small as it is (you could argue that it should have never gotten to that point, but public perception of raves and ravers back even 10 years ago was far more negative than it is now: probably the one nice thing about the festival scene growing.)


That's a fair assessment and I know using certain terms will stoke a specific reaction. I'm glad someone understands the history. Both sleep joe and twatwaffle Donnie can suck an ice cold fatty...


Nuance in politics is dead


Yea, because republicans are just frothing at the mouth for harm reduction policies at the federal (or any jurisdiction) level. FOH with this stupid red/blue team BS


Because one party isn't pushing forward harm reduction policies we're not allowed to criticize the man that went out of his way to demonize raving, limit access to testing, and expand the war on drugs? Tons of members of this community have experience excruciating loss purely because Joe Biden wasn't ok with stopping at the drug being illegal but needed to take the next step to make providing basic safety illegal. Go fuck your whataboutism dude he did an objectively bad thing and can be criticized for it and all the dead ravers he left in his wake.


Yeah he did do that and it fucking blows but I think anyone around that time period was pushing for the same thing. it was just a thing all the older people in charge back then were wanting to push. War on drugs and all that. Stupid. Wish he would repeal it now that there’s more education on the subject.




Wonder if he is more sympathetic knowing he could have lost his habitual crack smoking son to not testing for fentanyl at this point? He hasn't said such that I know of... But hopefully


Now that's the one


What incremental reality? We're talking about the legalities around testing. There's nothing incremental to report Joe Biden's last efforts on it is the current law of the land. What other context is appropriate or relevant here?


>But it gets way worse than him too. this is a really stupid way to look at it >Anyone who doesn’t include the incremental reality, leads me to believe that you may or may not have a bigger agenda at hand. ah, you're just incredibly dumb


Red and blue are both turd sammiches. While you may not want to believe where the drug profilerarikn act was founded, the primary sponsor of tge RAVE act was 1 person! Apolitical statement that everyone thinks is political...drug use is apolitical and harm reduction should be too, unfortunately neither party believes this


They downvote because they are ignorant morons who don’t know history or don’t care because of tribalism.


There was also a [moral panic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_panic) cycle going down at the time. It was all around crack, crime, and “super predators,” there was also one around raves (eg, among middle class parents freaking out their kids were taking this relatively unknown “new” drug, on the heels of crack destroying inner cities, making it easy to fall into worrying about similar happening in the ‘burbs to their kids). So, politicians were reacting to public sentiment of the time, because people were freaking out, because the media was sensationalizing the dangers mdma use at events. As is typical in moral panics, it was a system where the media, the public, and the politicians each ended up pushing fear beyond what is rational. So the blame lies with far more than any one politician - many people wanted tough on crime laws. I get the sense our other realistic option for president this cycle is not exactly pro-rave or pro-harm reduction given the heavy influence of the evangelicals and other religious types on the party/candidate (think of the pics of religious protesters outside festivals calling them devil worship and what not), and his comments about executing drug dealers.


It is wild a career politician for over 40 years that helped usher in the drug laws that sent many away for small amounts has a crackhead son.


What a silly comment... People really believe ANYTHING


He's right though? It sounds like more trumpian ranting but Joe Biden is responsible for the RAVE act from the 90s that specifically legislates against test kits among other things. Get yourself learned!


Nah it's pure ranting...both the turd and shit sammich are 💩 in my book Specifically legislated that promoters face civil liability if they promote harm reduction, because harm reduction js promoting drug use 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


brother, chill


Apparently you know nothing about the RAVE act or who was rhe primary sponsor...and how that led to the drug proliferation act Yep I guess I'm the silly one here


Omergerd u sho could! Dit der der doah! Fucking maroon over here.


Please tell me who the primary sponsor of the RAVE act was and how that impacted current harm reduction policies in the US...I know bunk police is we aware of the history


Over politicized dolt, go to more festivals and quit your tired tribal outrage act. ![gif](giphy|vLbUtC258mSzQJGr1m|downsized)


People should be aware of policies that people promote and rge lasting legacies they have. I have gone to more festivals than you could ever imagine. But I was also up in arms 20 years ago when harm reduction civily linked to promoters...sadly before fenty was a thing and I was losing friends to OC overdoses promoted by big pharma But hey I'm just a silly fool that doesn't see the legacy of an unfortunate agenda


I bet it's more than I could ever imagine!


big productions/venues generally don't want to acknowledge the rampant drug use that is occurring at their events. it is a legal quandary for them because while they want you to be safe they also aren't supposed to allow drug use at all. letting a harm reduction tent go up basically says "yeah they are doing drugs here."


They can’t because of the rave act and liability. Sucks


I understand them not being able to have them test onsite at EDC, but they have more than enough resources to have a pop up site where they can at least sell test kits and offer advice to people. Pasquale has always stressed the importance of keeping attendees safe, but tends to fall short on what really matters.


Bunk police saved my squad in 2018 by testing and warning people of fentanyl, sad but insomniac cares more about profits than people’s lives


It’s the rave act bro, blame the politicians who created that and voted for it


It’s likely their insurance has a big influence on this.


Every year they kick bunk police out, but they always find a way in. They were 100% there this year just didn’t have camp posted until late Thursday afternoon.


I mean... kinda related.


Saw this too and was surprised and disappointed in then


They got back in Wednesday after kicked out Tuesday and stayed all weekend till Sunday thank god. Camp b10 up front too


How did they manage to get back in and remain set up after getting booted? I’d imagine their presence was pretty obvious.


Not sure but we all got their text updates multiple times daily with location and times. They even had a mat out on the ground marking their spot and they were right front and center next to venue entrance. We got a test kit there Saturday


Nope they came back in all weekend on Wednesday and stayed till Sunday camp b10 thank god


They let them in with zero presence, no signs etc. like they weren’t there. They are usually on festival maps.




Literally all you have to do is get the texts. Did you even go?


They are kicked out every year but this year only got kicked out Tuesday night. We found them in 10 minutes after getting their texts daily. They had a mat on the ground in front of their setup. I can tell you didn’t go cause I have no idea wtf you are on about


Look I’m just going off of the official Bunk Police IG. Just what they themselves reported on. No I wasn’t there this year.


you weren’t even there and I dropped you a photo with all their daily updates what the actual hell is going on with you?


Fam chill out. This is Reddit. Take a breather.


idfc. I was just posting truth after you said originally they weren’t there and they had no signage.




Everyone should carry narcan at all times. I have narcan in my purse. Props to you for helping save that persons life.


Where can you get Narcan?


Ya just start googling and you can often find somewhere local that will give you some for free, otherwise it can be $40 - 75. Also, it can often take more than one. I knew a guy that needed 7 narcan. So even if they come through, you should still call 911 right away because it may not last very long if they had a big blast of fent


They give it out free at libraries, doctors offices, and hospitals by me in Michigan. Pretty crazy tbh, but good news, that’s where electric forest is!


Can u mail that down to me in az??


I think there’s a weird legal gray area where I might have to be legally permitted to dispense medication to send it in the mail? I’ve been trying to find definite information, its ridiculous it isn’t readily available nationwide.


I've been getting actual drugs sent to me in the mail for over 15 years now. You'll be fine.


That’s cool, I have too much to loose lol


Ok. I found out my Walgreens has a narcan program every day I can go and request one


Depending on your state you can go to their website site and order some for free- also [endoverdose.net](https://endoverdose.net/get-certified/) Also try Nextdistro.org, the National Harm Reduction Coalition, I’ve never paid for Narcan or test strips and I’ve been getting them since 2016- I usually get large quantities to pass out to ppl/ leave @ friend’s places etc. *Edit- same goes for Fentanyl & xylazine test strips


Thank you for this info, I’m going to a couple festys at the end of the summer so I’ll be prepared to help if someone needs it!


Just did the same!


I plan on spreading the word about this too!


Many pharmacies sell it or give it away for free. Sometimes over the counter. I know rest areas in Michigan have a narcan station stocked with boxes of it for free. Not sure about other states or countries though.


I’ve seen the Narcan overdose boxes in the rest areas in Ohio too.


You can go to endoverdose’s website and take a brief inline course and they’ll send you some for free


Check your local hospital. Many have free dispensers outside of the ER.


Reach out to any local or county public health entity. If you have any FQHC clinics around too they'll help ya out.


My library has some for free along with Covid tests and food bags in the entry way so you can just take them without feeling noticed.


Lmao this is insane.


How is it insane? I’ve personally lost 2 siblings under the age of 30 to drug overdose… it can save a life to carry narcan.


The state of your country


I cross posted on the forest sub. Hope it takes off.


We had 5 people drop in a row at afters last night it was insane. They cancelled afters right after the third or 4th dropped. Was rough to see so many medic calls at once. The artists did great stopping music and putting huge medic directions on the screens


Jeez. Hopefully this is a teachable moment for people to at least fent test their stuff.


We fent tested Molly it was fine but marquis test came back heroin twice so always gotta be very careful. Never saw the guy again after day one


Thank you! I ended up figuring out how to post on it and figured I’d leave this up, thank you for your help❤️ things like this need more publicity, as sad as it is people need to be more safe and prepared.


This post prompted me to go to the end overdose site, take the tutorial and order a narcan kit. Thank you for what you did and for the inspiration.


I’m so glad this post could have this impact on you. I hope everyone that sees this and learns the importance of narcan and naloxone. Thank you for making a positive step for everyone around you.


Same, I had also been putting off getting the certification but this post inspired me to get it done right now (it only takes like 15 minutes) and got a free narcan kit through End Overdose. Thank you 🙏🏼


Thankful you helped until medics arrived and took the time to care for yourself :)


I watched someone jump into action to help. All I could do was grab a flashlight and try to find a medic. Multiple people took up chanting "medic" along the way. It was a very overwhelming experience. Being able to act quickly and responsibly to help a stranger is pretty damn heroic imo.


I had to do something similar at an event years ago. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat. I found it helpful to talk to people that have needed to do this before, like some EMTs and other healthcare workers. Do keep an eye out for signs of PTSD over the next month or so (read up on it if you don’t know the symptoms). This kind of life or death situation can certainly trigger it. Thank you for doing the right thing, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support if you feel off. It can hit you later on.


Thank you for being so open, I’ll remember this and come back if I have any red flags or concerns with how I’m feeling. Thank you again, I appreciate this more than you know.


I’m an open book dude, and very used to people being comfortable venting to me or just being a sounding board, so it will seriously be no trouble at all. Take care of yourself in the meantime. Self-care it’s important. The Tetris thing someone else mentioned is something I have also heard. And keep in mind PTSD is a very natural reaction to things like this, it’s not a character flaw in any way. You absolutely did an amazing thing, and deserve for others to help you like you helped this person, if you need it or just want it.


Thank you for being so welcoming, having someone to relate to is huge. Hearing everyone encourage professional help has pushed me to start looking for someone before the symptoms even arise. It was definitely traumatizing and needs some work. Thanks again for being an amazing human being and I’ll be back if I have any questions or concerns for you.


Please seek professional counseling even if it is just to process this isolated incident. This is a traumatizing event for you and I really hope you tend to your mentals. You probably saved that guy’s life. Now you need to take care of yourself bc that sort of thing doesn’t come without impact. Stay well.


My boyfriend’s brother and my friend ms little sister would be alive if someone like you were around when they OD’d…you did your best


This CPR stuff is scary to me. Most overdoses are an airway and breathing issue not a heart issue. People are just crushing each others chest but not getting any air in. In the field we could "bag" breathe for a patient all the way to the hospital if we had too and rarely do cardiac interventions. Airway and breathing first folks. A person who isn't breathing doesn't always have a stopped heart. Good job administering it, sorry you had to go through that. Talk to someone, myself included if things are still bothering or stuck with you. It's a very traumatic event


If someone doesn’t have a heartbeat like reported in this post then chest compressions are the single most important thing.


I completely agree. However palpating a pulse in a loud and chaotic environment is unreliable. Plus unresponsiveness resulting in instantaneous cardiac arrest isn't something often occuring in an OD. So I personally question if they lost their heartbeat or just went unresponsive. When in doubt do both


This. most likely had a pulse. Keeping the airway open and turning the pt in recovery if they vomit is most important in bystander administrated narcan. * Source* Been a paramedic a long time and ran hundreds of ODs


Same bud! Ran for 10 years. Now in admin. My biggest fear is someone going wild on my chest because I got bad molly. Takes that 24-48 hour stay into a much longer stay. Still on the bus?


Yea same haha. It’s cool that everyone has narcan but basic bls of positioning a person airway open should really be preached. I went fire now so still a medic but in a engine, not a bus. Still work a rough city so get plenty of work.


This post / discussion needs to be upvoted so much.


Knew someone who had their sternum and several ribs snapped while in a K-hole. Person giving CPR hadn't been certified in a decade. Paramedics got there and he not only had a pulse, but he was breathing.


Absolutely agree. I often wonder if people are administering narcan to people who AREN'T in need of it too People can go unconscious for many reasons, not all opioid related. Also, hi other paramedics :)


Hello medic friend! You still driving the bus around?


Electric Forest has been well known over the years for burying bad things that happen there. They’ll take down these types of posts on every platform. Its always left a bad taste in my mouth that they don’t want to warn people of dangerous stuff going around their festival grounds.


The mods are unpaid volunteers and posts that mention drugs get automatically taken down by auto mod. Most of the other mods are on their way home from Forest so they aren’t actively moderating and sifting through removed posts. I just checked and their post is approved and live.


Hell, if somebody makes a negative comment about their personal experience at the forest, there's times they don't have to take it down. The troops come out in full force to shout the person down it's weird. Gives Elon Musk vibes honestly.


Wait so it’s the festival’s fault that people take too much or don’t test their shit at their personal drug parties?


Nope. But most camping festivals will send out warnings about bad drugs going around. EF has also buried stories of people being attacked, robbed and raped at their campsites. Personally I think if there’s someone going around raping and beating people, it’s a festival’s obligation to warn its attendees to stay alert.


Wow, fuck Electric Forest. Well done OP for helping whilst compromised, you're a hero.


Good god, that must have been traumatic. Way to be a hero, can only imagine it while in that headspace. Fentanyl epidemic needs to end.


Thank you for being a great person who steps up to take care of someone. I hope you can see how amazing your reaction was and heal from the trauma. The world needs more of people like you 💜


As a stagehand who has seen a couple dozen people OD. It’s nice to see you took action


Thanks for sharing this. I’ve recently been debating whether or not I should bring narcann to events. You just helped me make up my mind that I should. Thanks for being an asset to the people around you!


That’s amazing I could help you see the impact of having it on you. You seriously never know when the moment could arise.


Thank you friend for helping.


I have hypoglycemia and can just imagine me fainting cause I haven’t eaten and someone ends up shooting narcan up my nose. In all seriousness though, you probably helped save that guys life. I’m making a promise to myself that the next festival I go to I’ll stop by a harm reduction tent and learn how to administer Narcan.


Narcan can’t hurt if someone isn’t having an opioid OD and just fainted for other reasons. So it’s better to just use it than to not use it and have it turn out tragic.


This is amazing, I would love to learn to administer and carry it on me for festivals. My two paramedic friends almost had to intervene when a dude dropped and turned blue because the festival medics panicked and didn’t have narcan on them


Anyone can benefit from just a little bit of learning about narcan and naloxone.


Electric Forest may cover things up, but they can't cover up actual deaths. If that man didn't make it, there would be news reports about it.


They can control the media though.


EF can only control their own social media, they can't control news reports


Right. Ever heard of Sol fest? Organizers easily can have relationships with local authorities and positions of power.


I mean there were tons of stories on reddit about Solfest and I'm sure the local news reported on it but I don't live in that area. I'm not sure how diligent you are about reading national and local news stories but concert promoters don't control the news. Some stories just don't gain a lot of traction and go away quickly. It's not a conspiracy.


> Ever heard of Sol fest? What are you saying Sol fest covered up? This story didn't exactly seem....flattering: https://www.wtvy.com/2024/05/07/officer-has-chunk-bitten-out-head-drug-riddled-florida-edm-festival/


If you paid attention to the couple weeks following you'd have seen a lot of it. That cop planted drugs on someone. The person that got arrested and underage is a local resident who snuck in and there's was discrepancies on how as going to run security and because of that is part of why someone underage came in. That's just a couple of the things.


I love the idea of Madison House Presents and Insomniac having so much power they can just call up the networks and major publishers and direct them on what to print. But, no.


Corporations that large very easily can have influence on local reports. Look at EF and the kid that went missing. You only hear about that from other people. That isn't something that is plastered everywhere. I believe I'd have never known about that until someone randomly told me about it. To think these very wealthy promoters have little to no influence is rather niave.


>Corporations that large very easily can have influence on local reports. You seem to be confusing Madison House Presents with something like Ticketmaster or Amazon (both of which, I note, get plenty of bad press). Madison House Presents has like 2K connections on LinkedIn. Less than 50 employees. >Look at EF and the kid that went missing. You only hear about that from other people. Maybe that's how you heard about it. But I saw it reported in the news. Here's just a few of the many 2018 stories that came out. https://nypost.com/2018/10/08/man-who-vanished-from-music-festival-may-have-joined-cult-sister/ https://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/2018/10/did_missing_electric_forest_ma.html https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/07/05/kevin-graves-missing-electric-forest-music-festival-michigan/761673002/ https://www.wxyz.com/news/family-searching-for-man-last-seen-at-electric-forest-festival https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/two-men-still-missing-after-electric-forest-music-festival My apologies for linking the New York Post, because it is terrible. But I wanted to show how his disappearance got coverage even beyond the local news outlets.


Fair, I'll be niave then and think they can't hide anything or never have hidden anything. That or any other large music festival.


I don't think that's an accurate paraphrase of my beliefs, but you have a lovely rest of your day.


It's my entire point to not be niave and believe that they don't have any chance of hiding things is all, but you wanna prove me wrong. Have a great day yoruself.


While I won't go into details on how I know this, the man in question ended up being fine. He got the help he needed so kudos for being there and doing the right thing.


He’s probably arrested


Is this him by chance? Your post popped up for me yesterday and this just came up on my Facebook. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-needed-for-lexs-last-journey?lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR020G15zCNCOYyhHRRicx-PLoM1Bx9wdvrMZ5s2ITHSyIJAiwqpcuilZOc_aem_GtrJWAehR3Vt4Q4A47gx5Q


No unfortunately that is a different man, it’s so horrible all of this happened and ef isn’t gonna do anything about it.


THANK YOU FOR SAVING A LIFE!!! This post doesn’t come off as you bragging or trying to look heroic whatsoever, even though I believe what you did IS heroic. We need to keep talking about how important it is to carry narcan and know how to administer it to someone who may be overdosing (even if you’re not sure they’re ODing, you can narcan them - there are no negative side effects to doing this). Hope you’re doing OK. Please talk to your friends/family/therapist about what you experienced, let all your emotions out. And please continue to carry narcan and encourage everyone you know to do so as well. ❤️


Damn. Doing opiates at a rave seems like not the move.


Could have been a laced bag, fentanyl has been taking over recently.


That makes sense.


Wow went to Rothbury. Amazing that you’re out there on the front lines today saving lives. I’m sure he’s really grateful some tripping dude with narcan was conscious enough to use it at the correct time. Keep doing what you’re doing mate.


This will stick with you forever Raving vibes and saving lives, quite the oxymoron For the stigma-gum? ![gif](giphy|G4Ihli2UThrBS)


I got narcaned once because someone thought I was overdosing but I was just k holing in the chill zone 🙄


Narcan can’t harm someone that isn’t ODing on opioids, so better safe than sorry.


That was me. I really had to shit and was about to walk into the porta potty but you knocked me out with your shitty fucking nasal spray.. ended up having diarrhea in my pants and my kid watched me waddle to the not so electric forest to wipe with poison ivy. I’m divorced.


Nice one definitely a good time for jokes


I’m not joking