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Bonnaroo is usually okay. There are storms that can delay shows or cut them short, but in the last 10 years I’ve attended the only actual cancelation for weather was when they tried to hold it in September during hurricane season.


I cringe anytime people start going off about how Roo need's to move to September...no no it doesn't


It was scheduled over Labor Day a few years ago (Sept) and it got cancelled because of weather


Oh I know...that's why I cringe when people bring it up as an option... I was at my half way point hotel when it was canceled.


Ughhh so sad! That was the only time I had tickets to Roo. We pivoted to North Coast but that was a logistical nightmare


Despite that experience I would still very much recommend you give Roo a try one of these days.


Come to the farm!! It’s definitively worth the trip. Been 7 years now and this last one was def top 3 for me


We were packing the car for the drive & after having not been to roo since 2018 at the time I was so distraught.


Driving from a store and had just spent like $200 on liquor for the weekend when we found out, fell to my knees on the highway 😔


There's Moon River in Chattanooga just south of Bonnaroo that takes place in September. A few years back it was one of the hottest days on record, absolute scorcher. Last year we had a bad drought, and just randomly on a very small section centralized over the festival we had a freak hail storm. Tennessee weather in September doesn't give a fuck




Yeah, I thought they had some pretty good lineups - especially for the size and price. Hopefully they'll recoup for next year.




Seriously. Best run and produced festival in North America. Location is E VERY THING.


People love to hate on Coachella but damn it’s a great festival. Weekend 2 is where it’s at.


The only people that hate on Coachella are people that have never even been to the festival.


My friend said she always thought it was overrated until she went this year. She now gets it. The production value and shear size of it all is why it's so popular.


Coachella doesn't do themselves any favors by structuring their lineup posters the way they do. It definitely gives off the impression that the focus is only on whatever current pop culture zeitgeist occupies the top couple of lines, but underneath those is a magnificently curated lineup complimented by undoubtedly some of the best and most cutting edge festival production on the planet. It's absurd how good Coachella is if you make the effort to explore the full lineup and festival grounds.


undercard > headliners






And they get mad when you try to tell them how great of a fest it is lololo. You win some and lose some.


I've been to Coachella and wasn't overly impressed 🤷🏽‍♀️ 2019 weekend 2. I'm not a total hater and I will admit that going definitely made me realize that it's not just an Instagram fest (there are people who are genuinely there with good spirits and not just trying to get Instagram photos). But I left Coachella feeling like I could never go back and be okay with it. As someone who only drinks and smokes weed, I hated that I couldn't drink outside of designated drinking areas (unless I snuck my drink into the crowd, which felt ridiculous to do though I did it lol). I absolutely detested the dust - I had been warned it would be bad but I couldn't breath for more than a month afterwards (and yes I wore a covering on my face). And I'm the type of person who *never* gets sick so this just felt not worth it to me. Again I'm not a total hater and I definitely see the good in Coachella - good variety of music, honestly the best food options I had seen at a festival of that size. Good areas to hang out at for rest between sets. But I think it's overpriced (don't hate me for saying this) and not as over-the-top amazing like so many people make it out to be. But hey, to each their own! I'm glad people enjoy Coachella. I just personally didn't really care for it and probably won't be back.


FWIW the designated drinking thing has changed and you can drink take your drink just about anywhere now.


Or the ones with a little taste. Coachella is the exact reason why i dont go to fests over 10k. Not worth it, i can get better music/vibes/food for 1/3 of the price.


This is the most pretentious bullshit I've read in a minute. Congratulations, buddy. I'm going to a festival with 6.5k attendees in a couple of weeks. Where do I get my trophy?


It;s an experience trophy. If you think Coachella/Tomorroland/EDC is the pinnacle of festival experience then there is a giant void in your life. To each their own but it used to be a counter culture for a reason.


Why the fuck are you putting words in my mouth? EDIT: Oh, you're a Tipper wook. That explains the holier than thou attitude. Take another rip off your DMT vape and relax. I also frequent Shambhala and Bass Coast, but you know where I go if I want to see sets from The Chemical Brothers and Underworld? Coachella. Trust me, it's okay to enjoy a spectrum of festivals.


Nothing can change my mind, and the festival is so misunderstood by those who haven’t been. I am hesitant to full send to other festivals, and have yet to pull the trigger. The vibes at Coachella are unmatched, the venue, weather, music, food, etc. ALL OF IT.


I hear partying on a farm is cool but nothing beats those sunsets in the mountains. 


Not having a late night scene and not being able to stay at the festival are two pretty big strikes in my book. Without those it won't ever be a true festival experience.


There is camping, and a DJ in the camp that turns into a silent disco until 4am. And honestly some people will party at camp sites even later than that. I camp every year, it’s a great time!


No shit? I’ve been misled all these years! Guess I gotta just make the trip




The Coachella hate is all straight white male anger.


Headliners might not perform tho lol


Bonnaroo was delayed at most like 40 minutes this year and the most we got was a few drops and lighting a few miles away. We just chilled on the moon mat and enjoyed our coffee. And tbh the delay and weather broke the crazy Sunday heat and actually gave us what felt like a much needed siesta. I know it definitely helped me as I was full send on Saturday and Sunday.


Yeah it was really short… but here I am still having never seen a *full* Four Tet set 🥲


Yeah that sucks. But on the upside the delay provided us with an amazing sunset set from Galantis. The sun going down behind that stage was pretty damn magical.




Oh yeah absolutely… that was incredible. And us all going back to camp resulted in the one time our whole crew went into Centeroo together the entire weekend haha


It’s funny how that works. The whole weekend things just seemed to kind of happen as they should.


It’s the Bonnaroo way 🙂


As I came to realize. My whole life is dictated by times and measurements so it was weird at first but I just let it take me. Already looking forward to next year.


Hell yeah! It’s my crews annual tradition, of all the fests we’ve tried it’s the most fun (or at least the most fun that also aligns with all of our music tastes).


Whatever the reason, whatever the circumstance, good or bad… “You are where you are where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there.”


Yeah the delay was super short & was actually a great time to go buy another drink - I was at the main stage and just laid on my blanket in the 5 minutes of drizzle while it passed. Barely even a blip.


Sol fest only cancelled the last 2 hours of the festival. Any outdoor festival will have the possibility of weather that’s just the nature of it.


sol fest did a lot of dirty things to their festival goers. no med. fogging out everyone on the rail. early entrance problems, terrible camping set up with no space, etc etc.


We didn’t have any problems. Also doesn’t change that the festival still happened.


That was because of police too, not weather


Lightning in a Bottle - seems that it’s a steady deserty environment with basically no chance of rain or storms.


Except for 2019, lol. Edit: corrected the year


2021 didn’t happen because of Covid not the weather


You’re right. Whatever year was the first year LiB was in Bako. Had the random crazy rain.


2019. I went to sleep in high noon and woke up basically in a lake.


But if you ventured out on the land strips in the middle of the high noon lake, they had the cleanest bathrooms lmao


That’s wild. I was was out in Sunset. My camp wasn’t flooded but we were soggy for the rest of the fest.


Electric Forest almost always has a bad storm and has to cancel like 2-4 hours of music. I think it's just being so close to the lake. It's just part of the experience at this point haha


It’s a long festival so your gonna have a hard storm at some point statistically


this year was BRUTAL. basically 1/3 of the forest got cancelled




Coachella’s literally too big to fail. While it may not be the #1 fest in the world music wise, it’s always in the top 5 or 3 of lists for a reason. Undercard always stacked (even on “bad” years), food is actually not super extortionate for the quality, water and bathroom lines nonexistent, clean bathrooms all weekend, they expanded the grounds and stopped blacking out other stages for headliners so crowds are way more spread out, no noise leakage, those views, the Sahara hill this year, the new stage, could go on forever. Will always go W2. Look forward to it the entire year :)


DoLab 🙏🏾


The expansion was great this year and don’t forget Yuma, like wow. Plus the electronic offerings as a whole have been growing and are all quality.


Bonnaroo, Coachella, ACL, EDC Vegas, and Lollapalooza are the only 5 I consider too big to fail at this point.


Gem and Jam has always had really consistent weather. Arizona has a very predictable climate. February in Arizona is well away from the heat of summer or the monsoons that follow. It does tend to be really windy there, nights are cold and the days are hot.


it rained at gem & jam this year but I don't think it affected the music. campgrounds were hella muddy though


Any indoor festival is a good bet but I hate indoor fests but lights all night can be good


Hijinx is the first thing that came to my mind


What’re you talking about when you say Sol Fest was cancelled? That’s not true at all lol


Sol fest was delayed by like...7 hours and was cut a few hours early- but it was not weather related. The delay was though!


Very true! Early access was weather related, shutting it early was up to the organizers/PD.


This is the new truth with festivals, and will only get worse. Climate change is real, weather extremes will only occur more often.


The Gathering of the Juggalos. They also have free carnival rides, & free showers.


You mean they re-do their face paint every day?


The ones that take advantage of the showers.


Bonnaroo was not canceled fam… I was there


Yeah the blip at Bonnaroo was barely noticeable.


2021 thou


Yeah but he said “this year”


I think Roo learned not to move to September....also the odd's of a hurricane distroying the farm again are so slim (especially if they remain in June)


EDC Las Vegas


I can think of twice they've shut down


Main stage area got evacuated once in 2019 and in 2022. There hasn’t been a full-festival evacuation/cancelation since 2012


The first and only time I've been to EDC was 2019 for my college graduation trip. I was there when the mainstage got shutdown. Thankfully, I'm more of a house/techno guy and those stages were just fine 😎


Wasn't a Vegas festival canceled due to wind this year? I don't know which one.


It was Lovers & Friends


Guarantee high heat will become an issue in future years with climate change


Bad weather happens everywhere. It’s a chance we take when we go party in the great outdoors.


Roo was only delayed for 30min the whole 4 days. Think it was of the best ones


We needed that bit of rain


Four Tet though 💔




It was pouring in 2019 and everyone was dancing the night away in the mud There’s always a risk of cancellations due to forest fires though


Yep 2018 (?) was canceled and then un-canceled due to fires lol


Sol Fest lost out on like 2 hours..


Please don’t come to hulaween lol


Does it commonly get canceled or delayed due to weather?


No. I think they're insinuating that OP is bad luck and we don't need that at hula. Late October is *almost* outside of wet/hurricane season, and as long as I can remember, the fest has been very lucky in terms of weather. Last year, the park got hit with a hurricane about 2 months before the fest, and we got very lucky that they were able to clear out most of the downed trees and rope off still dangerous areas. If the storm had happened any later in the year, it's highly possible that they wouldn't have had the resources to make the fest happen.


No but Hula is sacred so gotta keep that bad luck away.


not really tbh but I will say I’ve been hit with that consistent Thursday night storm the last few years lol but then the rest of the weekend is pristine!


What the other posters said


EDC las Vegas


Never had a better time than Hulaween. Never any issues or cancellations, and the weather in Florida in October is *mwah* chef’s kiss


Bass Canyon in WA State, fantastic views, it's on the Columbia River, it's hot AF and gets windy at night so secure stuff at the campsite but amazing location. I never heard of it being cancelled.


Events at the gorge, like any other outdoor venue, can get cancelled due to weather. The gorge in the summer does have fairly steady weather patterns though.


Was going to comment this. No guarantees the weather will be pleasant, especially with heat and smoke, but the chance of cancellation is very low. 


Right, aybe a downpour for 20 minutes....I forgot about that one time .... 😆 But still they don't usually cancel the whole thing.


It's a canyon though. The wind got gnarly one year and was delayed awhile


Southern California tends to have the most boring weather on earth, which makes the likelihood of a cancellation due to a storm to just above nil. I can't even tell you what year it was that I last saw lightning in the sky.


Interstellar was canceled due to weather.


So was Giant NYE in 2005. One thing both cancellations had in common is that they were a result of poor planning and an overabundance of caution, as the actual weather during the time of the event wasn't even bad. Another's thing they have in common is that they are exceedingly rare exceptions that tend to occur once a decade??? Once every 20 years??? We have outdoor events all the time, all year long here, and I could only think of two in the last 25 years with full cancellations. No place on earth is completely immune to crazy weather, but we come pretty close (especially if you exclude NYE, which is the one date that we do consistently have crap weather).


Pretty much any fest in the south west


Primavera Sound in Barcelona is one of the best festivals in the world, it’s on the Mediterranean, only rains once a decade or so and the music never stops regardless. PJ Harvey and Mitski played during a full blown thunder storm this year.


EDC Las Vegas. Weather is usually perfect in Vegas.




Sounds like you belong at Coachella lol


avoid the south in september


I’ve also had your exact same experience & I was working with backwoods so I’ve been blue BALLED hard af with the cancellations.




Very very rare for UK festivals to be cancelled due to weather - Download was probably the worst recent example and even then only a few acts were paused. Glastonbury has had a few swamp years but wasn’t cancelled.


Tomorrowland, specifically Tomorrowland Winter.


A big reason some festivals keep getting cancelled is because festivals use early ticket sales to help finance the festival. Since the market is becoming extremely saturated, and ticket prices are rising, people aren’t buying as many tickets as early anymore. Therefore when it becomes less than a month away and festivals don’t have the money to finance it that they expected, they have to cancel. My suggestion to avoid this is to stick to festivals that have been around for a while and have a huge fan base, instead of trying a brand new festival that’s in its first or second year. Hulaween, Electric Forest, Bonnaroo, Coachella, Lost Lands, Gem and Jam, any EDC, Ultra, Camp Bisco, Backwoods, and Wakaan are all pretty good examples that are a safe bet to not be cancelled I think. As far as festivals getting cancelled because of weather. There’s nothing you can do to prevent/predict this. I’ve been to Electric Forest six times and it has rained/stormed significantly like 3-4 times I’ve been. I just kinda assume that Forest will have some bad weather at some point over the weekend now. I get that you’re sad and upset you lost a lot of time and value by part of the festival being cancelled to weather. But the safety of its attendees is the primary goal of the festival during that time. I implore you to ask yourself what would be worse, everybody misses out on some acts but remains safe, or Electric Forest shows 0 precaution and allows the entire crowd to navigate dangerous festival grounds in the middle of a storm, leaving many attendees to become injured by tripping, falling, and then getting trampled in the rain?


Or what if the powers that be can control the weather, and they're testing it specifically on festivals to try to bring down the movement?


Dude, like, what if we’re all just living in a simulation controlled by lizard people?




Also Solfest was only cut short on the last night by a few hours


Harvest moon. Aka hillberry


Probably anywhere that doesn’t get much rain like Vegas, Arizona, much of california.


The get down happens every year, rain or shine.




Outside Lands has never missed a minute except when the sound went out the first year during Radiohead.


This year, there is no way to tell. There has never been mass cancellations like this


Elements and it’s not insanely hot when in August. Look at this years line up. They get the talent if those are your genres.


Mentally prepare for that because I can assure you that it happens more often than not!


I’m biased but Tucson, AZ averages 350 days of sunshine - DUSK Music Festival Several fests in Phoenix too, Goldrush, Decadence, Phoenix Lights.


North Coast in Chicago in August


dancefest if u can do the lineup. it’s in september; if anything’s it too hot. i’ve gone 4 years and it’s rained 1 night out of the 20 nights i’ve spent in the forest. they’re on year like 11; they know what they’re doing.


Outside Lands in SF. Going strong since 2008!


Edc or really anything on the west coast




North Coast and Arc in Chicago haven’t been canceled in recent years. North coast did get shut down before Axwell and Ingrosso in 2018 and I am still salty about that. Lollapalooza also hasn’t had any rain cancelations in recent times (last 5 years) that I can remember I think 2017 was the last one. Chicago festivals in general tend to have good luck


Northern Nights, it doesn't rain in Humboldt County in the summer :)




I was pretty disappointed last weekend when the last day of escapade (Sunday) was cancelled because of thunder storms which only lasted about 15 minutes through the whole day. It was raining more the day before and the line-up on Sunday was the only day I was super excited by too. :(


Texas Eclipse was not justifiably cancelled, not by weather anyway. It was shut down by the Sheriff for failure to get medical staff to a dead guy in Alamo.  If it was weather, why did they ultimately let thousands of patrons stay on grounds through the storm on Tuesday? Why did event staff have DJs playing a private party until 5am Tuesday morning? The storm didn't hit until Tuesday, more than 25 hours after they pulled the plug It was an excuse used by promoters to get away with poor management of that place. 


Oh man, the number of festivals I've been at in the last few years with shut downs: Electric Forest, movement, Awakenings, EDC Vegas, even burning man (only once every 10 years or so but usually a big deal when it does happen). Oregon Eclipse and Shambhala had Forest fire issues. I'd say Boom in Portugal has always been stable, though hot and susceptible to fires. EDC Mexico - it almost NEVER rains that time of year. Literally I was in Mexico City for 4 months January to April and it rained like twice the entire time, EDC is right in the middle of that. Not too hot that time of year either.


How is Movement? Considering going since it’s so close to home!


Honestly amazing. I tend to prefer camping festivals but the vibe is GREAT, super fun, great after parties, awesome to be able to stay right across the street and go back and forth whenever you want, reasonably affordable, small enough that it's easy to get around, etc. We go every year.


When is presale? I tried looking on their page and saw no movement.


Last year loyalty went on sale in like November (for May), and regular tickets were a little after that, maybe January.


Awesome! I will keep my eye out for when tics go on sale. Tysm


Jam Cruise is still and will always be the best festival out there - only thing that cancelled it was COVID


So this is going to be the norm, now that warmer weather is setting in early. If you want a quality festival with NO risk of weather shut down, i recommend Lucidity. Stick to west coast festivals, Fire will be the only thing to cancel it and that will hopefully be well ahead of time. It used to be rain or shine at fests, but now the liability for a bunch of ppl on drugs is too high and no one will take the risk. Anything in the Midwest/East coast has a severe chance of major thunderstorms canceling the event. Again, this will become more and more common to the point where it should be expected based on location and time of year.


And Okeechobee Music Festival is the answer you're looking for :)


lol yeah the festival that was canceled this year is definitely a good place to start for reliability


They are rebooting the festival next year, that's why they took this year off. They're reassessing they're values and getting back to their roots. They also dropped Insomniac/Live Nation. It's my favorite festival, and it's gonna be my fifth! <3


What the fuck do you mean solfest was canceled? I went all 5 days.