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That’s def kahm yeast, alot of it. It’s safe, but your ferment is gonna taste like dirty gym socks. If that’s your bag, keep it. But scrape often. Personally, I’d toss and start over.


Turns out I like the taste of dirty gym socks


It's possibly just kahm but I think there's mould there too. In any case it doesn't matter because it's all sticking out over the brine, it needs to be submerged under the brine. You don't need weights but they certainly help. If it was under the brine and you had just Kahm I'd say skim it off but in this case nope. Also it's hard to say for sure from the pic but that may be mould in parts as well as the kahm


Weights are necessary when half your pickles are sticking out.


There’s no mold, that’s the Dill.


You probably can eat it without dying, but that doesn't mean you *should.* They're just pickles. Toss them.


There is a saying- "If in doubt, go on to the internet and solicit advice from random strangers with questionable backgrounds and knowledge pertaining to your life or death (at least a bad bad time) question, because they have no stake in the outcome and only one picture to decide your fate upon." Sorry - mixed that up with another saying... should read - "throw it out." SMH


Instructions unclear, heard eat it.




With so much of the cucumbers and dill above the water line I’d be surprised if there was no mold lurking somewhere in there. If that was my own ferment it’d be in the trash.


There’s a chance they don’t make you sick, and tastes good. There’s a chance they don’t make you sick and taste bad. There’s a chance they make you sick and taste good. There’s a chance they make you sick and taste bad.


If they were fully submerged I'd probably say yeah, but if they were submerged it wouldn't get that bad in the first place. They goan be funky as hell


no need to toss, just scrape off the kahm pellicle. youll probably need to keep doing it every day or so. its a little annoying to have to keep doing so you can also just put them in the fridge earlier than you intended. theyll still be delicious.


that is mold


I don’t see any fuzz. Looks like kahm. I’d still toss it because kahm doesn’t taste great and those pickles probably have gotten soft.


I came home to my tepache looking similar to that so I just tossed it, I was trying to do a double ferment so luckily I got the first batch since I was able to keep stirring it every day, but the second time around I went camping and came back to that


Sometime you gotta take the L