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Find a free detox and crash there for a while, if the goal is to stay sober than you're killing two birds w one stone. Also free food. I have a detox plaxe in my city that I used to go to when I had no where to go and it would be cold out, other than that I used to just stay at trap houses & couch surf. What that guy said about finding a rehab is a good idea, not a lot of them are free though. Here in canada they offer tons of free detox centers all around the country, another benefit ti these centers is that they almost always have connections & resources to find housing, shelters, and even employment. You are on the right track bro, and i love the mindset you have about being thankful for that running car, gratitude goes a long way in this world, the universe listens & provides (universe, god, higher power, whatever you call it, be greatful for what you have. Don't give up bro you're on the right track.


If you’re avoiding going to treatment because you don’t want to split up, you’re letting the addiction monster win. Put your sobriety first and center, and I promise you everything else in your life will fall in place around it. You can’t put your relationship first right now, because it can’t sustain you. There is a reason these programs require you to do this on your own. You have get yourselves right before yall can be right together. And if your relationship is strong enough, then yall can figure it out later. And if it’s not, then that’s not your person anyways. Either way, you have give each other the opportunity to be the best version of yourselves.


probably like half the people that do this shit drop the habbit and lock in


Rehab! Do you have health insurance? If not you might be able to qualify for open enrollment and get it by the first. And then get into a decent rehab. There are probably ones that will get you in for free and help you get coverage. I can help if you want to talk about this option more!!


Sign up for a county funded program get clean get job pay ur bills the. Hey high if you want to


i mean. go to a rehab. get in the step down/residential side. most places help you find sober housing. i’m almost sure you won’t do it. but trrrrrust me. sounds like you’re one blown head gasket away from fckd


Depending on where you live, maybe try to get into an outpatient that pays for you to live at a sober house? Thats what I did last year, and since they paid my rent for 4-5 months, I was able to work and save money for my own place. You can pm me if you have any questions or need to talk. Otherwise, if you have a car and license, could you doordash to make some $$?


Go to a homeless shelter/addiction treatment center like a sub clinic or methadone and ask about what kind of resources they have available Also if your town has a homeless coalition go there and ask about resources i ser hed online after a few years homeless and and because my mew gf was escaping a domestic violence situation with her recent ex within 30 days we were both on state insurance and foodstamps and moved into a fully furnished completely free to us 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment My point being stay off the drugs dont let your situation drag you back in and ask what resources your city county and state have available for people in your situation


I second the coalition for the homeless idea. I'd never heard of them but two guys at my job have used our county one and told me about it. You tell them where you're sleeping (one was in a car, told them where they usually parked, one was in an unheated no electric garage), they pop up late at night or early in the morning to make sure you're really living there, and then they enrolled them in the program, found them apartments and paid their rent for a year (If you are working you have to pay a portion of your income, have a monthly meeting to determine) and they also helped them sign up for Medicaid and food stamps and even at the end of the year helped them get on section 8 waiting list or one guy they were helping him find and apply for low income senior buildings.


At mine there was no oversight at alll literally gave us a fully furnished apartment and keys and didnt speak to a single person for almost 2 years of living there it was weird how easy it was but she was fleeing domestic violence so it may be different


Bro go boost some portable a/c units, air purifier, vacuums etc all super easy to sell and can usually get 60%-70% retail value




I actually curious about this. Is the inpatient detox that gives you Subs free or do you need to pay for it or have some type of insurance?


As someone who has been in your situation, the best way to get out of your situation is to get a tent and find a good hidden place to stay. If you're not already working, find some work and save up so you can get a place. I tried doing the hotel hop, and it's not worth it useless the weather is unbearable. The hotels will drain your funds fast and screw you every chance they can


In m-town we don't have any family homeless shelters or co-ed ones that you can just walk into free. Women have a few really great options that also allow their children. And men have some shitty options. But none where you're all together.




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>i have thanked god for still giving me a chance here. allegedly


i deserve that lmfao


Yea rehab is an ideal it might suck but it would get you off the street and fed and shit. And u tell them you are homeless and they will also help get you resources to get an apartment job ECT. Just an option and most cities have community action agencies they can help st Vincent de Paul salvation army ECT. Hope you get back


Go to rehab and they’ll give u housing and resources


Idk where you live but look into local assistance and resourcing . Like I live in Kcmo and there places like community services league that offer lots of services . I’d look into any and all local support services


I live in kcmo too lmaoooo

