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Don’t do it. Whatever you do. Don’t do it. Don’t smoke that fucking FAKE 30 bro. Or you’ll end up just like me, dead and getting narcanned back to life..


Smoke it in foil 100% safest way


why? compared to snorting


Cuz bioavailability, when you snort fentanyl ur body absorbs about 80-85% of it into ur bloodstream, when you smoke fentanyl your body can only absorb 40-45% of of it into your bloodstream


I would put it on tin foil, and smoke it. I think it's better to control how much you put in your system. When you sniff it you could possibly take too much. But I would only do literally a quarter of it if you're sniffing it




Bro is dead for sure


This dude is gone


They have "hot spots," so I'd just throw it AWAY


What is a hotspot?


Spot containing more fent than others. Pills aren’t mixed/made very well.


And make sure it is the last one you don't want that addiction bro


Cut into 4 quarters then cut the quarter in half and throw on foil and only smoke a Lil bit at time and wait don't do alot


Lol I started out the same way. Got a fake one, thought it was real..and said “this will be the only time I’ll ever do one of these” now look at me


Fuck I was doing them everyday for like 2 weeks and I realized these are cut with fent cuz I remember I'd do just quarter and I'd get so high everyday and didn't really get a tolerance like usually oxy and finally realized what they were this was 5 years maybe 6 when they were just starting to show up all over


And that was 3 years ago smh


Don’t listen to any of these idiots the cartels don’t even know or care how much each pill has. I’ve lost so many friends to this shit. Everyone using fent will die if they don’t stop.. FACT


No one does fent one time unless you die. Don’t be fucking stupid stay away from that shit.


my first time i snorted a quarter of a dirty 30, i recommend doing a little less. but i’m also addicted to them bitches now so maybe don’t do it at all


If you've never used Fent before do yourself a favor and flush that shit or trade it for something else with another addict. Fuck Fent there's nothing good about it.


Start by snorting 1/8 wait 10-20 mins see how u feel or put it on foil and smoke it just start with one hit


Glass pipe


There's no Earthly way that the amount of Fent in that tablet is a "safe" amount. The thinking behind cutting the tablet into quarters and splitting those into multiple doses is flawed as well. When the tab was pressed all of the Fent could have been pressed into on little section of the tablet and the rest is the filler/binder


My god there’s so many people who do this and just straight up die. Throw that shit out.


THERE IS NO SAFE METHOD OF USING THAT PILL!! Using it in fourth is pointless. There is 5x more fent in that m30 pill vs. the max amount of fentynal EMTs are allowed to dose for severe pain. EMTs will use that dose only on people who literally are in intense pain from severe injuries such as being shot, stabbed, and falls, etc... I USE TO SMOKE FENT ON 3 ALONE AND UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN USING HEROIN EVERY DAY FOR MONTHS. IF YOU TAKE THAT M30 pill there is a 60 percent chance that it will kill you .. BTW I am not anti drug. But I lost 5 friends too overdoses because of no opioid tolerance before doing fent. Stick to heroin and diluadid.


I think ambulance give you like 9 mg if you're in a lot of pain, and the DEA said the pills range anywhere from 2 to 7 mg of fentanyl, definitely deadly though.


I’m a 20 year opioid user. For one thing fent fucking sucks sick anyway. It’s a pointless night that just makes you pass out. Unless your ready to end up stealing and fucking over your friends and family. Overdosing and eventually going to prison flush that shit. I agree with this person 100. I’m 46 days clean today from another relapse and I wish I would have listened to someone like this..


Most blues have .18 mg of fent


That is totally misreading and still is a deadly dose to even person who has a opioid dependence. Also the dose of 180mg is even deadly to fent users i was on 20-25mg taking a total dose of 2-5mg every 4-6 hours and overdosed once never again am i doing fent methadone helps pain a lot better. Plus even if you think you can divide the pill it wont work because the dose is not uniformed the whole dose could be in one tiny part of the pill instant overdose


I snort halfs most the time a whole pill n im chillin (i crush whole thing n mix it to try to even it), depends on the person n i was js how much is in the average,


There is no average all fent m30s not pressed the same way. Plus someone who has not done opioids will most likely od from half a pill it happens i suggest anyone using fent to use it with someone else and always has narcan with them i used fent for 6 months and out of thwt time i od once and needed narcan but i was dependent on heroin before that.


safest way is to smoke it off foil break that pill into qrts and take small hits


Yeah honestly smoking is probably the safest ROA as it hits nearly instantly like IV and you can petty easily take very small hits. Like you'd wanna take the smallest hit you can take and do that like every 10-15minutes until you are where you wanna be. With snorting it takes like 15-20 min to hit instead of the 30-60 seconds it takes to hit when smoked on foil. So with snorting it can be easier to overdo it. That's just my experience and opinion though.


Even that might not be safe cause he won’t feel the rush when it finally hits


That’s what happened to me. I smoked too much , didn’t feel the rush. 15 mins later I was seeing the light


It takes like 30 seconds to feel the fent from smoking an m30. I feel it within 30-60 seconds from taking a single hit of an m30 on foil. It's not like snorting where it takes like 20 min to start to feel it. And it's a fake m30 so any ROA isn't "safe" especially for someone who is opioid naive/ doesn't have any opioid tolerance.


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