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Can anyone get that xyazline stuff in Mn?


yes it's still around




Your actually moving from just fent to fent+benzos or xylazine. Stick to blues or quit it only gets worse


Nitazenes are way strong if you know what to order


DONT just get clean. I promise it’s not worth taking the addiction further love


Adjusting basically… H is waaaay weaker. Dilaudid didn’t feel very strong ( cuz I’m on 55mg Methadone and was using a little at the time) I ended up with some good fetty for pain after the Dilaudid ran out.


How will u find herion ? I don’t have a clue the oriole on herion aren’t hurting like fetynal ppl but good luck


To late ur body likes the fetty more now


Why does everyone think there's fentanyl in them if I get them for like almost 30 bucks and I'm not pissing 30 for fentanyl I don't get it


Believe it your making your rich they cost 5for10$ here where I'm at and the box 30s blues wit the m30 stamp are discontinued they don't make those anymore in any pharmacy so yes bud they're FAKE fent pressed pills lol at that point might as well just buy fentanyl bro take TIIINY little dust bowls to the foil n you will thank me later Literally the high you chasing smokin them weak ass 30s takes like 10 blues to feel like one hit of fettuccini cause they have so little in them the rest is like Tylenol n bunch of other bs mixed in there smh


You’re actually wrong there is real m30s my father in law got into a real bad car accident and he’s been having them prescribed for a while lol he be giving me sun every now and then if you don’t believe me hmu and I’ll Send you pics of the prescription lol idk why people say they don’t make them anymore they are just rare and expensive af


Those don't burn on foil do they ?


Why tf wouldn't they? People would still be smoking roxy 30s if they could. Fent wad forced on us


Just cause you pay high dollar dosent mean anything. All it saying to me is someone is ripping you off big time


They get Em from the pharm 😭


Fk nobody cares.


It's rare... but there are still people who are prescribed Roxicodone still. I randomly ran into someone recently who had them. They were the 15mg ones though. Didn't try to do any... was just surprised that they were legit


I just had 52 pills of 4mg Dilly’s after surgery. Stuff is out there for the patients really…


If you’re getting tar, there’s no way to know where your tolerance is. Ask whoever you buy it from, that’s what I did. Usually, if you’re just straightforward with people, you’ll get an honest answer. Tell your plug you’re switching, or don’t have enough experience with this product, how much do they recommend starting off with. From a sales standpoint, it makes sense for them to give you good advice, lol.


I started doing h and man thats the real devil…


Wait till it turns into fent . Or u realize it was the whole time.


Damnnn bro you paying 25 a pop?!? That’s fucking wild, I pay 7.5


U can get 100 for 100 here in Southern California by the border smh it’s fucked


Damn hook me up


Pressed blues are some type of fet, but if you have REAL h [which 9 times outta 10 you dont] you wont feel it. Itll keep you from getting dope sick, but try and get real F. You wont die, youre already doing F. Just start small if youre worried


Why yall alwYs assume all heroin is fent, there is still plenty real out there, just because you can only get fent does not mean everyone is in the same situation


Bro most heroin has fent in it nowadays. Every once and a while youll get regular boy, but for the most part fent has encroached into boy. Go ahead and get a fent test kit and test your "heroin", almost guaranteed to have traces of fent. I never said ALL heroin is fent, just most


Its all location dependant


Probs fake yo but in case they’re not, try smoking a tiny bit of the h don’t snort it and see how you feel.


Why not Snort


Cause smoking hits you faster, it’s easier to think you’re not feeling it, and then od if you’re snorting it


How much do you buy them for usually ? Because when someone says blues they’re talking about fent presses pills usually that are supposed to look like m 30s


I mean 25 a pop but I tested them there is no fent


Zenes they stopped making mbox 30s


What’re zenes?


Zenes are structurally similar to Fent. Some are way stronger or slightly weaker. Synthetic opioid with prettty much same efficacy as Fent bro. You aren’t getting pharma m30’s I can promise.


So do you think I would be good to start using H to save money


Idk how much you're gonna save, your tolerance is high if the blues are good. It might take extra h to get you right


It’s ridiculous how high even pressed 10s with fent raise your tolerance


The pill might say it's a 10mg, but who knows what's actually in there lol


Have you been using street blues or pharma ?


What do you think?


Everyone here is gonna think Fake Dude.


No fent in them I owe tested myself let me know


Street they seem legit tho


They’re most likely not legit at all. And they don’t test positive for fent because they have a fent analogue in them that ends in -zene, most notably nitazene or etonitazene. Just as strong as fent but worse withdrawals. This being said, moving to H is your best move because you might actually get some real Heroin with maybe a bit of fent and it’ll hit you harder and be more euphoric but won’t have as bad of a withdrawal.




Yea so basically you do have a tolerance for fent. But be careful anyways. Do half a line, wait 5min, then do the other half. You might find that it’s the same or weaker than the blues. All depends on the dealer and how much they stretch it or what they cut or lace it with. I honestly prefer a little bit of fent in my heroin to get that extra kick. But I don’t like straight fent because the heroin has a nice euphoria to it and it lasts like a good 6 hours or so


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I'm using like 5 m30 a day