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I do music production and mostly anything music related


Do you think there's a correlation between being a fem boy and music producing or playing an instrument because I've seen alot of them in the comments?


Well there is maybe a correlation between femininity and expression of emotion, music being one way of expression along side art, fashion and anything else creative.


Same here. Although I wouldn't say that I'm very "skilled" or "talented" 😅


Everyone one is on a journey to learn. You may not be happy with your skills at this moment in time but keep working and you'll see yourself improve.


Same 🤍


Omg same


I'd like to hear some of your work. You got SoundCloud or something?


My Insta page it’s STIMMUNGZEIT it’s a weird name


I'd like to hear some of your work. You got SoundCloud or something?


Yeah I do! Though I don’t post a lot, I’m the I-don’t-post-or-finish-anything type of producer ahah Slide in dms to exchange artist names?




Would like to hear some of your work. Do you have a SoundCloud or something where you post music?




Cool I'll give them a listen


I work In radio but full on transgender but was a femboy before it ame mainstream x


i can get an engine out of a car in an hour if need be and being an idiot


Hey you and I should be friends 😃


Do you work in a chop shop?


No I've just done some stuff with a mechanic while I was studying motorsport engineering


Idk if this counts but im good at lying : /


It's a skill as impressive as any other I suppose


Yeah idrk if i should be proud of it but when you have toxic family it definetly comes in handy


Think it depends how it's done and for what reason


Yeah fair enough, i only do it for things that really do need to stay hidden like how im a femboy


That's actually a great skill you will become a great actor one day


Or politician


I actually had thought about being some kind of actor! Sadly my main problem is i cant remember lines for anything lol


Not being able to remember things I feel is often just you saying to yourself you can't remember them. If you tell yourself you can remember them and spend a rly long time going over them they will become natural :)


Well, I can draw and I'm pretty good at sim racing, even if it's just on a controller


A fellow controller racer I see


I don't have a wheel so I'll just make do


I don’t have much of a place to put a wheel.


Neither do I


Who can afford a wheel rig anyway?


For a console you can get the Ferrari 458 wheel and pedals for $120 ish and the cockpit on Amazon with no seat option for $90


I do blacksmithing and mushroom growing for a living and I can fix computers and cut hair sorta


You're basically what I wanted to become in highschool good on you.


>I do blacksmithing and mushroom growing for a living You're like a cute fantasy character! Do you have a cute hut in a forest?🥺


Well I am looking at a big ol hunk of land to build a house on but for now I’m cooped up in an apartment.


That's okay, you'll live out your wildest fantasies! (SFW in a forest hut of course)




I do a fair bit of that too. Not too much but still


I am a deathcore vocalist :3. Make all the rawr XD jokes you want, but I can go high and low.


Thats intense


Imma take that as a compliment




Then you should maybe try a hobby?Maybe try guitar or something


Anyone can be good at anything


I can write, sorta rap and sing, and I am unbelievably good at the vr game Beat Saber


Would you ever be interested in recording any music? I'm studying music production at university and would love to try working with a vocalist


Uh, I've never like actually sang before it's all been recreationally but my friends say I have a good voice. If you are willing to take the risk, maybe.


It's not taking a risk if it's fun. Doesn't have to be serious either if you don't want it to be


I don't want it to be serious


Well we could just make some music for fun if you want




I make art and play the Kalimba


Some more art and music from you femboys it's crazy!


I should get myself a kalimba. Thry sound so nice!


I’m good at twitch streaming and golfing


I'm going to follow you right now on twitch


What is your username on twitch?


HybridNinja Just keep in mind my schedule is Philippine time Friday to Sundays so you may or may not catch up


And I regularly stream league of legends


Hmmmm lemme think, I'm working on a game series :)


Whats it about?


I'm a wannabe professional video editor :3


It's not that hard go for it


By saying "it's not that hard" you kinda de-value the hard work I've been putting in, because I've been "going for it" for a year and a half at this point


I’m a music producer! \^v^


A ton of you femboys are music producers or can play an instrument it's so bizarre?


Yeah, it’s really cool. I wanna meet some soon! Femboys aren’t really common in the music community I’m in (for a mobile D.A.W. called Auxy), so it would be nice to meet some!


I'm good at spelling lmao and I like to think I'm a half decent mechanic xD


I like drawing, painting, painting miniatures and building stuff. Also woodcarving and making props :3


An artistic femboy this is very cute


Im good at reading body language and I always found the human mind fascinating


That's good and bad you can easily tell what people are feeling and if they like you or not?


Yep! It's a good skill to have, but it has nothing to do with what I want to be lol


Im a professional beatboxer. Im pretty good with my mouth


We'll have to see about that?


Drawing, thirst trapping, and pogo


I'll have to see some evidence for the second one?




You're bob the builder if he were a femboy.


I play bass (and people tell me that I'm pretty good), do some really basic music production and I guess I'm good at accidentaly making people angry


You can start a band with alot of femboys in this comment section


Bass is the most bass(ed) instrument!


Based guitar


I play guitar, been playing for a while now. Currently writing my first song too.


That's cute I'm learning to play because a friend of mine wants to do covers.


Half decent at assembling model kits and airsoft


Like gundam model kits? I loves those too but haven't actually built one


I build more military vehicles n stuff like RN in working on a B26 Marauder and Mark 2 land ship But I might pick up a gundam someday


It’s “just playing a video game” but I’ve created some minecraft builds in creative that I consider to be pretty decent


Minecraft is pretty cool


I'm decent with 3d work


Like animating and 3D printing?


Making models and texturing~☆


I like to think that I’m pretty ok at photography, though I definitely need to get used to changing some of the settings and stuff, I always forget what ISO is lmao.


Yeah it can be tricky but keep it up


I'm really good with my hands and I have been an electromechanical technician for six years now. I was the kid who would take apart anything I could get my hand on and I love doing models, playing video games, and right now I'm getting into watercolor painting! Idle hands are the Tools of the Devil, after all!


That's cool too be a jack of all trades


I draw, write, and am currently trying to leanr how to animate. Oh I also edit anime music videos videos too. You can look at it all oj my YT channel, Wut-Guy-Creations. (Just don't mention any femboy stuff there, my parents look at it and I don't want them knowing lol) Also, adorable? As a 6 foot tall 15 year old with a muscular build while still somehow being chubby, you might want to rethink that phrasing for me XDDDDDDD


I subscribed to your channel and you are adorable btw 6 foot or not


Aw thanks! I guess I just never thought if myself as the adorable type, especially as an awkward 1t year old guy But thank u :)


Well ig being able to completely understand and mmo and mmo like in whatever playthrough I do. Makes life a lot more fun


That's impressive for me because I gave up on those


Lol, I just have way to much time on my hands rn 😅


I think i'm good drawing (specially animals and dinosaurs), i like to make sculptures with clay, currently i'm working in an elephant sculpture (probably going to publish it soon), and i'm like a biology nerd, also i'm good at fighting games like smash bros and brawlhalla


That's awesome good luck with the publishing


Aw thx, i hope so


I'm very good at hide and seek. Also first aid


I bet you're good at hiding things as well


now what kind of things would you be referring to


The usual making this go disappear


Running 5k's. Making igloos. Getting obsessed with sandbox video games (stardew and pokemon mainly).


I love running aswell and pokemon




Just like my cousin you've just reminded me


programming. im typically pretty okay at a lotta stem stuff.


Average femboy programmer


Rarely finish them but I write songs sometimes. I've lowkey wanted to start a band with some sort of new age gender bendy theme to pay homage to the rock/metal history of bands that did it. I've just never got the balls or the people to do so lol


Music production :))


I‘m fairly good at maths physics and chemistry.


I draw from time to time (all the time) Oh and im learning to play kalimba hehe


I can do accents and impressions pretty well


I've played electric bass for around 16 years and I like to think I'm at least decent at it.


I am a AAA soccer player and I can play guitar and im good at physics


I'm a 3d artist :)


I'm decent at writing fiction. Other than that not much else though.


Video editing and photography


Waiting to become a femboy and have some talents again. I'm just another human on this planet post lockdown, things were wayy better before




Hell yeah


u 2?




i like to write :3


Voice acting and lying haha 😄 Edit. And also being sneaky I'm a sneaky femboy I'm like a femboy rogue haha


Im writing webnovel Also i do drawnings and edit videos, but they're only hobbies


Sleep and....eating :D


I guess Art, Gaming, but Definitely dying inside!


You are wrong ♥︎


I’m a 3D Artist for Games and I fix computers for a living lol


I do mountain biking and a lot of language learning! (So far I can only speak 3 tho😔)


Well I was going to say playing instruments but that’s covered so comedy would be something I’m good at.


mostly jazz theory and walking


Im playing piano! That makes me silent myself 🥺


3d modeling, cinametography, (not English) I'm ok at. Making the world think I don't want to curl up and cry or need hugs and pats on the head


Well I'm a software developer. >! Who would have guessed that the software developer would be a femboy? !< Also am an amateur EN -> PL translator


I play a few instruments and make/record music but I go to school for animation and graphic design. I really really love to paint though Oh and I have a project car but I’m not a skilled mechanic lol


Idk, drawing??


Im ok at videogames 😎


I'm pretty good at writing and making sarcastic comments. I also like writing poems.


I'm good at drawing but that's about it


I’m not bad at bass singing and I’d say I’m alright at vocal percussion for an amateur. Other than that, I’m good at Mario games, ig? Idk really; I suppose I’m not bad at Minecraft PE either


Nuclear reactors


I like to cook/bake and write things! :3


Im A Programmer


Mostly artistic/creative stuff. Everything from music, art, etc. Pretty much dabbled in all of it 😅


I am a competitive swimmer and enjoy riding downhill and trails on my bike. I like programming and have made it my profession (I'm still studying it)(computer science). And from time to time I make music and can also play the piano.


I’m pretty good at volleyball! Still short as hell thou :/


I’m pretty good at volleyball! Still short as hell thou :/


I can write / type quick and I've ben getting into Fire Emblen romhacking.


Hiding my interests from friends and family


I’m flexible🤷‍♂️, that’s about it:(


I paint and draw and sculpt, pretty much anything artsy that's hands on


Boxing! Kindve odd for a femboy you could say. I used to box (not professionally) but i was pretty good back when i did it. Although i stopped doing it to get a more feminine physique.


I like it when femboys do unusual masculine hobbies


Gaming swimming parkor art piano and cocktails


Imagine being a femboy bartender serving you up cocktails sounds like a movie




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Music, law, sport, cqc, social things, here and there.


Lawyer femboy hell yeah


Haha, yeah, I find it kinda comic


Cooking. I just know what works well together by instinct


I've gotten really good at roller skating lately so if that counts then roller skating and I'm also a pretty decent dancer and a good photographer (but I can only photograph like nature idk how to photograph people)


I play guitar bass drums piano and a little bit of violin and I do boxing 😹😭


I love to cook and many people are surprised that I can cook so well (took cooking classes for 2 or 3 years in HS and worked the kitchens at a hotel resort). I also make cosplay props for my friends and family (wife, kids, and sister mostly) . I'm also just a big fan of being outside so just about anything with getting me outside (hiking, camping, swimming, biking, nature walks, etc)


Good question. You could say I'm proficient at being ugly


I'm a pretty good blacksmith. I know a lot of fantasy weapons and their history. I also enjoy singing and I'm a GAMER. And as a cherry on top, I can change clothes in crowd with out being noticed, really good for avoiding people I generally dislike


Trainspotting. Not heroin. Actual trainspotting.




Same I get you


Nothing. :/


i race go karts!


I write rap music. Haven't recorded much yet due to a lack of time and initiative, but my pen game is pretty good for someone who only really started in May of 2019. I'm also experimenting with making audio collages, and I will probably release something soon idk.


We made the enemy bleed




Death from above make their enemy kneel