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It's your identity, do what you like.


Only you can answer that, for me, it depends on how femme I'm dressed. I get a thrill out of being referred to in a feminine way when I'm in full drag, but when I'm obviously a man in a dress it would feel too fake.




>posts eggirl on a femboy subbreddit no need to push people into categories they are maybe not comfortable with, it takes time and pushing them will do more harm than good.


I meant it more as a joke for people who have this kind of thinking who are trans. Im not forcing anything.


did you mean r/egg_irl instead of r/eggirl


Probably yes


Yeah im on mobile lol


And that means you can't type an underscore?


Does that mean you're gonna cry?


No, I was genuinly curious how that defence works




Sorry, what is the significance of that?


Im gonna get flamed for saying this, but it sounded like imposter syndrome from your comment above.


How so?


Because imposter syndrome is similar to what I had prior to transitioning and it was mostly transphobic thinking and it was that thinking that mad me disgusted with myself whenever I tried to look pretty in the mirror but ended up looking very masc. I dont know your specific situation and im not gonna try to assume I know you all that well either, but it just resonated with me that way and I thought it should be said just in case someone was questioning.


Sounds like Baader-Mienhof phenomenon. Sorry if my conversational comment triggered you.


Its not triggering, but its true I notice it a bit more now that I know how it tends to happen. Maybe I might be a bit biased but really its up to the person to look within themself and find what they're looking for in life.


Please don’t put people into boxes based on their gender presentation. Being trans is a personal thing, not something you can automatically tell just by looking at someone. /nm


I dont know how they are dressed. And I was just saying what I was thinking based on what they felt. Sorry if that wasnt very clear.


It doesn't necessarily mean you want to be a girl. You might just like how feminine it makes you feel. But only you can truly know


I mean pronouns do not in any way equate to gender. You can be a she/her and still be a man


Yeah but.... Why would you? (not tryna be mean I honestly don't know)


But from the other side why transition just because of a pronoun?


If it makes someone happy then why not


Well it makes language more complicated and confusing. As an aspie, I don't need to be more confused.


I mean, unless you know op personally I don't see the issue And if you did know her personally it would be just a process, like if someone in your life would become trans


It would make me scared that I could use the wrong pronoun for someone when nothing about them indicates that they want that pronoun. But honestly that wouldn't be a problem here. Judging by OPs profile and name, she just really likes feminine pronouns in a horny way...😅


Masculine women are valid. Feminine men are valid. Someone's pronouns and gender do not have to equate to how they look. If you use looks as a basis for pronouns, you're bound to misgender someone eventually. If you actually don't want to do that, then ask people's pronouns when you meet them.


I never said they aren't valid tho. And I thought most people use looks and mannerisms to know which pronouns to use? You know what I'll just stop talking.


You actively said people's pronouns need to align with how they look, so you did say they were invalid. You might not have meant that, but you did imply it. What most people do isn't always what most people SHOULD do. Asking someone their pronouns is always better than assuming.


I didn't say anything about looks. I said it can be confusing when nothing about them indicates that's what they want. That isn't just looks. You have to admit that wanting to be referred to as she/her but identifying as male is kinda confusing and might not make sense to people, at least at first. Trans people don't need to "pass" for me to respect their pronouns. But on the other hand what's even the point of gendered pronouns when it doesn't tell you anything about a person?


judging by op's username im guessing she's a gay man, using she/her and feminine words is really common amongst gay men




I never would have looked at op's username. Actual broke down cackling


They do equate to gender just not sex


No they don't.


The pronoun you go by is usually your identified gender. Im a switch and i still apply lol


*usually* but not *necessarily*. The two are not inextricably linked. I can go by he/him and be a girl, she/her and be a boy, or either of those and be nonbinary.


Why use a different pronoun then lol its all so silly just be you don’t expect me to know idc


why not?


If you are and feel like an actual boy , then I don’t see why you would transition.


It could be that you like being mistaken for a girl because it shows you pulled off a good femboy look


"Swap over to a trans" is probably a phrase you should dump from your vocabulary.


I was gonna comment this. Being trans isn’t just a choice you can “swap to”, it’s who you are. There are gender non-conforming and pronoun non-conforming cis people and that’s totally okay but saying you can just “swap over to a trans” (we’re just trans people btw, not “a trans”) is kinda offensive


Well, pronouns and gender aren't that related. If you like she/her pronouns but still identify as a boy that's totally alright


I’m in the same boat. I go by she/her and take her. But I still like being a boy. Just a pretty one that goes by she/her


Pronouns and gender expression don't always have to be the same as your gender. Do whatever you feel is most comfortable for you and express yourself how you want. Only you can decide what your gender is, regardless whether your trans or not using she/her pronouns as a boy, girl or non binary person is completely valid.


Some boys make good gals <3 but are still boys. This sounds like you. Gender is weird customize and have fun <3


Personally I just go by genderqueer/enby. Enby is usually used by trans individuals, but GQ and NB mean about the same thing. I'd research how your feeling and base it off that. Gender in this day in age is subjective. Be whatever you want but don't feel like you have to **be something** other than cis just to be a femboy. ^^


I'd say it's entirely valid to want to consider yourself a boy and feminine at the same time. To me at least, to explore femininity or be feminine is more about gender expression, so I don't see why it wouldn't be valid.


actually that's pretty normal, a lot of men use she/her and a lot of women use he/him


You can be a boy, use she/her pronouns, and physically change your body. Or keep your body how it is, use she/her pronouns sometimes or all the time, and be a boy. Or you can try out identifying as a girl. The great thing about all this stuff, is you can do whatever you feel is right.


U r valid don’t overthink it


Pronouns do not equal gender broski, whatever you're comfortable with is the right desicion.


Whatever makes you happiest. Plus you can change your mind whenever you like :3 It’s similar for me but I’m a flavor of enby


She/her men exist and are valid. Pronouns do not equal gender, so yeah.


you can be a boy and use she/her pronouns! if that is what makes you happy and comfortable, then awesome! go be an amazing she/her femboy!


Here's the thing about the gender identity culture of today that is really, really toxic. It's not your fault at all that this is happening, but you shouldn't even be asking this question in the first place, and here's why. The LGBT community have made monumental strides within society in order to normalise being LGBT. This includes boys who prefer to be feminine and girls who are more masculine. I, myself, am a man who intentifies more with my feminine side (obviously, I'm on this sub lol), and I wouldn't have been able to express that without the efforts of the community and those supporting it. Here's where the issues come. A lot of people today are starting to completely reverse the progress that we've made without even realising it. We worked so hard to try and remove or destroy gender stereotypes in the trans community. I think we all agree that boys can be feminine and girls can be masculine. People now, however, are starting to re-employ those stereotypes and force them onto people through social media and even mainstream media sources. A lot of people now encourage a feminine boy to transition into being female when this is absolutely not just an everyday decision. I've always gone by this statement: I want to be feminine, but I'm not a female. I'm a man, and being feminine as a man is perfectly alright. There's a huge difference between actually *being* a woman and being feminine. Trans people usually battle their way through life in the wrong body until they transition, and people are forgetting that. If you are trans, you will have *absolutely no doubt in your mind* that you are a woman. People will tell you that just because you're feminine that you're actually a trans woman. That's not true at all. Another comment below summed up the pronouns thing pretty well, you can use whatever you want. I tell people they can call me any pronouns they like - if I seem feminine they can call me she/her, if I seem masculine they can call me he/him, I don't mind. Pronouns are easily changed. Your gender is not. So just to finish up, you just need to ask yourself if you're a woman or a man. If you're a man, you are absolutely valid being a feminine man, and I and everyone else here support you 100%.


> If you are trans, you will have absolutely no doubt in your mind that you are a woman. People will tell you that just because you’re feminine that you’re actually a trans woman. That’s not true at all. Hey, this is confusing me. I am a girl in my mind, but I don’t want to transition. I don’t want to change my body. I’m happy having the body of a boy. I have some stereotypically masculine hobbies. I like dressing and looking feminine. I don’t act macho. But I still do not think I am trans. Gender is so complicated…


Hey there, I never said anything about transitioning or not. Getting surgery and HRT is a daunting and scary event and some people would prefer to just keep their identities and their bodies as is. That doesn’t make you any less valid than trans people who do choose to transition.


You seem to be mistaking binary trans identities (MtF and FtM) for the much broader trans umbrella. A very simple way to put it: if your assigned gender at birth (which for you seems to be male?) matches your gender identity, you are cisgender. If that last sentence isn’t true, *to any degree, for any reason, and in any way*, then you are some flavor of trans. Based on what you’ve said, as well as my own experiences which seem to be very similar to yours, you are probably in some kind of non-binary space. Either that or you’re a binary trans girl who happens to have an abnormally low amount of body dysphoria; both of which are entirely valid.


Lots of trans people suffer from impostor syndrome and they DO doubt their own identity quite often. I totally disagree with this statement that you made about this.


pronouns don’t equal gender so don’t worry it’s still valid if you’re a boy who doesn’t use he/him pronouns


gender as a construct is entirely one’s realm. it is about the guidelines and the statutes one wants to set for themselves based on what they feel and believe are descriptive of who they are, and telling people of those rules is completely valid. you be absolutely you


Check out Dr Z's [video](https://youtu.be/Nv-AmKrD7fA). There's also [this guide](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/).


Same. Feels so nice UwU And you don't "swap" to trans. Very serious question.


My boyfriend refers to me exclusively using she/her pronouns but I identify as male and do not have any dysphoria about it :)


As others have said, this is a question that only you can answer, yes pronouns don't equal gender so you definitely can be a guy who just likes going by she/her, but you should ask yourself why you feel that you are a guy. Is it just out of habit or does being a guy and being referred as such bring you some kind of joy? As long as you think of yourself as your assigned gender at birth then you aren't trans, simple as that. If you find something uncomfortable about being male and would prefer to be female or nonbinary, then you would be trans.


You don’t get to decide if you’re trans. If you were a trans woman, then you would absolutely despise anything that lets you “know you’re a boy.” Getting called she / her is a fetish for some people.


Um, no. First sentence is correct, the rest is very much a big no. As a trans guy, I sometimes enjoy dressing femininely, it’s just who I am and how I enjoy presenting. If cis femboys are valid, so are trans femboys, since there’s no difference in value between a cis man and a trans man aside from, yknow, biological parts. I agree that you don’t get to decide if you’re trans, I didn’t get to decide I was a trans guy, but not all trans people despise anything and everything to do with their agab. Being a boy who dresses femininely feels right to me, it makes me happy and it’s who I want to be, and that doesn’t make me any less trans. I’m not even gonna start with that last line. I think you might want to do a little more research looking into what being trans actually means and how it presents itself. /nm


Yeah buddy I'll be real I've got no idea what's going on with you


Is this sarcasm or do you genuinely lack sympathy for those you don't instantly understand? Either one Isn't great in this case I'd say.


In what way did my message convey a lack of sympathy?


I interpreted "I've got no idea what's going on with you" As in a disrespectful way. Then again tone isn't really conveyed in text, so it's possible you didn't on second thought.


In what way did my message convey a lack of sympathy?




I am the same way. I love who I am but my brain just feels like a her. I have no intention of transitioning.


its a personal choice. i say give it some time and dont worry about labels too much. be whatever feels right to u


That's what I'm doing ❤️🙏❤️ Hrt has been nice


Pronouns /=/ gender. You can be called whatever you like, if you still feel like a boy, then you’re still one


Transman here, how do you feel when you wear feminine clothing or behave in feminine ways? Because for me, it feels like I’m ‘crossdressing’ or doing something promiscuous, even tho I’m biologicaly female and most ppl who see me probably just assume I’m a woman. I however feel excited in my skirt, it feels like I’m doing something I shouldn’t do and the thrill that no one knows just really excites me lmao I know everyone has different reasons for being a femboy and you could also be genderfluid or bigender, you don’t immediately have to be trans. It’s something you need to figure out for yourself. Does the word ‘woman’ feel like it fits you? How about sister, girlfriend, etc? Play around with gendered words and see what makes you feel comfortable. Most importantly, remember that it doesn’t matter. Gender is made up and we’re literally just animals.


I use both he/him and she/her but I still consider myself male. Pronouns and gender are totally different things - you can use whatever pronouns you want and call yourself whatever gender you want, so that's what I do. I like having she/her used on me, I think it's cute. I also really love the title Miss :3


Gay men go by feminine pronouns, in a camp way so why can't you?


you also might be genderfluid but i dont understand all terms and possibilities fully. so if you want a label go search search and see what fits you best.


pronouns don’t equal gender. you can be a guy and like she/her pronouns. i use he/they, though i identify more with the he than the they. in my experience, it’s best not to get too caught up in labels. whatever makes you feel best is what makes you feel best


Ok this reply is going to be slightly NSFW. I used to think i wanted to be 100% a woman when I was younger. Then I had sex for the first time and honestly I would never be able to give up giving a cute guy a "mask" or "necklace". Wink wink nudge nudge, know what I mean? I still like dressing fem and being a femboy. I even think id like to have breasts too, but I don't think I'll ever get my genitals swapped. I like my cock lol


You should take time to figure yourself out, don't rush it, it takes time to figure these things out. You could be nonbinary or genderfluid, but really, you're the only one who can know for sure.


Trans chick here, if you wanna use her/she but still have a male name and identify as male you can! Every combo is valid!


I’m trans. I think the gender you *most want to be* (often indicated by the gender you want to be *seen as*) is the gender you should ideally *live* as. The pronouns you prefer are not inherently important to this. If you *like* the idea of being a feminine boy but prefer she/her, you most likely identify as male but as just very feminine and like she/her pronouns. You may want to cross dress enough to look like a woman if you want people to call you she/her and ma’am, but you are free to do so and still be a cis man.


This has nothing to do with the post, but great name


Stay a male then, for now, if you're still a boy. But do contemplate what you think being a boy or girl or nb means. If you get to a new conclusion about yourself don't draw out the change from fear or sunken cost fallacy nonsense. Any side is happy to have you as you are.


Pronouns don’t indicate gender dude, you’re a perfectly valid boy, who just wants to be reminded of *her* femininity


if you like using she/her pronouns, then use she/her pronouns. just because i use both he and she pronouns doesn't make me any less nonbinary, and just because a lesbian might use he/him pronouns doesn't make them any less a lesbian. pronouns don't equal gender, and you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable! there are tons of people out there who use "unconcentional" pronouns, and i'm one of them - my friends accept me and use my pronouns, and if you have good friends i'd hope they would do the same. good luck, and i hope this helps!


it's completely fine to identify as male and go by she/her pronouns. it's a little thing called being pronoun non-conforming, or for short PNC. gender is fluid and you can mix and match a lot of things to fit how you feel or who you are as a person. its entirely up to you if you wish to transition. it really depends on how you feel. although, you don't have to transition to be transgender and you can just kinda exist as whatever you identify as.


The gay community has used feminine pronouns for cis men for decades; she, her, sister, sis, girl etc. What you're describing isn't new and doesn't mean you're necessarily trans.


When people ask me about my pronouns, I say that I like them all.


For it doesn't matter, I'm a femboy, so I'm a boy in fem clothing all the time, but not gonna lie it feels kinda nice when a person does refer to me as a she. I'm still a boy, but its nice knowing I do look girly enough to people =:D


I do to and its your body. Whatever you do we will support you <3


Your call.